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张立凤  张铭 《大气科学》1997,21(5):627-632
研究了非均匀层结下的对称不稳定,给出了不稳定发生的判据,并将该微分方程的特征值问题化为一个实对称矩阵的特征值问题,还取不同的层结廓线进行了数值计算。  相似文献   

热岛环流的动力学分析   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
文中根据线性化的大气方程组求得了城市热岛环流的理论模式。利用此模式分析了温度场和流场的三维结构,并和观测结果做了对比。在解析解中,研究了大气条件诸如风速、湍流扩散系数、Ragleigh摩擦以及层结的影响,同时讨论了重力波对温度分布垂直结构的效应。  相似文献   

缪锦海  宋燕 《气象学报》1993,51(1):12-20
基本气流含有经圈环流的斜压不稳定充要条件为:K~2<2F和(U_sk+V_s1)~2>U_0k~2.因而,对纯经向基流也可以出现斜压不稳定。在西风基流和给定经向波数1>0情况下,正经圈环流使不稳定区域增大,反经圈环流使不稳定区域减小,而在东风基流情况下,特征相反。 含有经圈环流的基流的不稳定增长率随波数变化特征与纯纬向基流的情况有着显著的不同。  相似文献   

对流对称不稳定的发展演变和环流特征   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用1999年6月一次典型梅雨锋暴雨过程和敏感性试验的数值模拟结果分析了对流对称不稳定的发展演变和环流特征.结果表明:条件对称不稳定是大气稳定状态和条件不稳定状态之间的中间纽带,大气由稳定向不稳定或者由不稳定向稳定的演变均通过条件对称不稳定来实现;对流对称不稳定环流的形成与不稳定层的配置有关,当低层为条件不稳定而高层叠加深厚的条件对称不稳定时,对流对称不稳定环流低层出现垂直上升气流,高层出现范围较广的倾斜上升气流,对称不稳定能量释放产生中尺度云带.当低层和高层出现条件不稳定,中间呈条件对称不稳定或弱稳定度层结时,从低层到高层出现较深厚的垂直上升气流,湿重力不稳定能量的释放导致了云带的形成.  相似文献   

北京城区热岛环流对山地-平原风的调节作用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用2002年北京市自动气象站网的逐时资料,采用统计方法对北京城市水平风场的散度、“城市热岛”强度和风向频率的日变化特征进行了分析,并总结归纳出在弱天气系统形势下(地面风速〈3级)北京地区风场的基本形态。结果表明:1)北京“城市热岛”环流是存在的,但只是对区域性的山地-平原风起调节作用。2)在作用相当的因素(如山地-平原风、热岛强度和大气稳定度)控制下,夏季的“城市热岛”环流造成城区风场的辐合特征。3)其他季节的“城市热岛”环流,主要由山地-平原风控制,即刮山地风时,北京城郊的风场表现为向城区的辐合;刮平原风时,北京城区风场表现为辐散特征。  相似文献   

贺建林  王介民 《高原气象》1997,16(3):258-264
利用相似性理论,假设在稳定层结下近地层的垂直风速方差σW是高度Z的弱函数,推导得到了近地层的σW/U*与Z/L的函数关系式。该式可以解释稳定层结下的σW/U*非常数等事实。  相似文献   

濮培民 《气象学报》1964,34(2):211-224
本文运用相似理论,在物理分析的基础上试图从统一的观点来讨论不同温度层结下的湍流运动。由强迫对流到自由对流的过渡趋势假定是连续的,对极端稳定层结时湍流运动的特点提出了看法。选取了符合物理分析所要求的通用函数的形式,设法确定了其中的参数的值,并进而建立了根据梯度观测资料计算湍流系数及各种湍流输送通量的公式及图表,并用不同资料进行了检验。  相似文献   

用三层模式研究了对称不稳定。结果表明,当气层的厚度(扰动的垂直尺度)与扰动的水平尺度达到最佳配合时,有最大的对称不稳定增长率。而Ri数越小,出现最不稳定时所要求的气层厚度与扰动的水平尺度的比就越大。  相似文献   

以清远探空站资料为基础,对2003-2004年清远及其附近地区强对流(雷雨大风、冰雹、龙卷风,下同)日最不稳定层位置及状态进行了统计,并把最不稳定层同几个规定层进行比较,总结出三种主要的产生强对流天气的T-LnP图型,为强对流天气的预报提供了极为有利的参考。  相似文献   

以清远探空站资料为基础,对2003~2004年清远及其附近地区强对流(雷雨大风、冰雹、龙卷风,下同)日最不稳定层位置及状态进行了统计,并把最不稳定层同几个规定层进行比较,总结出三种主要的产生强对流天气的T—LnP图型,为强对流天气的预报提供了极为有利的参考。  相似文献   

人为热对城市边界层结构影响研究   总被引:17,自引:8,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
蒋维楣  陈燕 《大气科学》2007,31(1):37-47
为研究不同人为热源引入方案对城市边界层结构模拟性能的影响,以杭州地区为例,在区域边界层模式(RBLM)中引入一种新人为热源处理方案,即对城市中的人为热排放分层考虑,将低层的人为热源加入地表能量平衡方程,将高层人为热源分布与建筑物高度和密度联系起来,加入热量方程中,同时考虑了人为热源强度的日变化。数值试验结果表明,这是一种比较合理的处理方案。人为热源引入方案对城市边界层结构的影响表现在:气温、湍流动能增加,并通过湍流交换输送到较高层大气;大气不稳定度增加,混合层高度最高抬升了400 m;城市地区上升速度增加,热岛环流加强;白天人为热源一般为太阳辐射的10%~20%,对地气交换的影响较小。夜间没有了太阳辐射能量,对地气交换的影响比日间更明显;冬季低层湍流活动加强,湍能约增加40%,大气层结稳定度降低。  相似文献   

Summary The paper presents a study of the Urban Heat Island Circulation (UHIC) in Göteborg, Sweden. Observations and recordings have been carried out from 1981 to 1986 during winter nights with anticyclonic weather conditions. The UHIC develops in general at a large negative net radiation balance, when the heat island intensity is at least 2.5°C, the wind speed less than 3 m/s and the sky is clear. If the weather conditions are favourable the UHIC starts 4–6 hours after midnight and stops a few hours after sunrise. An increase in cloud cover during the late night will not prevent the development of the UHIC. The UHIC layer extends to 40–70 metres in the vertical direction and to 10–13 km in the horizontal direction. The UHIC layer is capped by an inversion and the flow is almost independent of the direction of the regional flow. The UHIC is of great importance for the concentrations of air pollutions in Göteborg, as it transports both polluted and clean air. The study is a part of a clean air programme in the Göteborg area.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

北京城市边界层热岛的日变化周期模拟   总被引:46,自引:4,他引:42  
用非静力平衡的中尺度模式MM5来模拟北京冬季的热岛。模式采用三重嵌套网格,最高水平分辨率为3 km。在模式中加入分辨率为200 m×200 m的实测北京建筑物高度和地表利用资料,并将下垫面的城市人为热源分为常数部分和日周期变化部分。数值模拟结果显示:MM5模式对这次北京的热岛及热岛环流具有较好的模拟能力。考虑了日周期变化的人为热源作用的数值试验模拟出的热岛的日变化比将热源单纯考虑为常数与实况更接近,这表明加入与实际情况相符的人为热对模拟有改善。  相似文献   

低层不稳定大气边界层中的地形阻力   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
采用两层大气模式,通过求解线性化大气动力学—热力学方程组,得到在上层稳定层结覆盖的不稳定大气边界层中,简单三维地形引起的地形波及其波动阻力的解析表达式。讨论了地形及大气条件对地形波及波动阻力的影响。结果表明:即使在大气低层为不稳定边界层时,三维地形引起的波动在大气动量平衡中仍可起明显作用。  相似文献   

北京稳定天气条件下城市边界层环流特征数值研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用科罗拉多大学和MRC/ASTER共同开发的区域大气模拟系统(RAMS)对北京地区稳定天气条件下的个例进行数值模拟,通过对数值模拟结果与观测事实的比较以及敏感性试验,分析了北京城市边界层环流特征和环流影响因子在环流发展过程中的作用。结果表明:①在山谷风环流和热岛环流相互作用下形成了北京城市边界层流场特有的局地环流。②热岛中心在决定边界层环流的辐合区位置上起相对较大的作用,边界层环流的强度和发展高度由山谷风强度和热岛强度共同决定。  相似文献   

Turbulent flow data of wind velocity and temperature in the unstably stratifiedatmospheric boundary layer, derived from steel tower observations in the field and wind-tunnel experiments were used to study the relationship between the plumes and the small-scale eddies in the inertial subrange. Flow visualisation experiments in the wind tunnel were also conducted to observe the structure of the flow in the plumes, and time series data were analysed by using wavelet transforms. The results show that variances of velocity and temperature due to the small-scale eddies are large in the plumes and small outside of the plumes, and that the momentum and heat fluxes due to the small-scale eddies follow the same tendency as found in the variances. The ratios of the variances caused by the small-scale eddies in the plumes to the whole of the variances caused by the small-scale eddies in and out the plumes increase with non-dimensional height -z/L in which L is the local Obukhov length. Similar ratios of the fluxes caused by the small-scale eddies also show the same tendency. These ratios can be expressed as functions of -z/L for results based on field observationand the wind tunnel experiments. This relation hardly changes even if the wavelet function is changed. The flow visualisation experiments show that the plumes have a complicated structure in which mushroom type flows are stacked on top of each other. This characteristic structure seems to increase the energy of the small-scale eddies in the plumes.  相似文献   

城市大气边界层的数值研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
李乐泉  李兴生 《大气科学》1992,16(2):237-247
本文利用能量闭合的二维非线性、非定常模式,结合地面热量平衡方程,研究了城市热岛和城市热岛环流以及其它相关的城市边界层参量的发展演变规律;同时探讨了在城市污染面源的情况下,污染物的扩散、输送问题.模拟结果得到了天津市城市热岛观测资料的证实.  相似文献   

Local Similarity Relationships In The Urban Boundary Layer   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
To investigate turbulent structures in an urban boundary layer (UBL) with many tallbuildings, a number of non-dimensional variable groups based on turbulent observationsfrom a 325-m meteorological tower in the urban area of Beijing, China, are analyzedin the framework of local similarity. The extension of surface-layer similarity to localsimilarity in the stable and unstable boundary layer is also discussed. According to localsimilarity, dimensionless quantities of variables: e.g., velocity and temperature standarddeviations i/u*l (i=u,v,w) andT/T*l,correlation coefficients of uw and wT covariance, gradients of wind and temperaturem and h, and dissipation rates of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) andtemperature variance and N can be represented as a functiononly of a local stability parameter z/, where is the local Obukhovlength and z is the height above ground. The average dissipation rates of TKE andtemperature variance are computed by using the u spectrum, and the uw and wTcospectra in the inertial subrange. The functions above were found to be in a goodagreement with observational behaviour of turbulence under unstable conditions, butthere were obvious differences in the stable air.  相似文献   

A strong urban heat island (UHI) appeared in a hot weather episode in Suzhou City during the period from 25 July to 1 August 2007. This paper analyzes the urban heat island characteristics of Suzhou City under this hot weather episode. Both meteorological station observations and MODIS satellite observations show a strong urban heat island in this area. The maximum UHI intensity in this hot weather episode is 2.2℃, which is much greater than the summer average of 1.0℃ in this year and the 37-year (from 1970 to 2006) average of 0.35℃. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model simulation results demonstrate that the rapid urbanization processes in this area will enhance the UHI in intensity, horizontal distribution, and vertical extension. The UHI spatial distribution expands as the urban size increases. The vertical extension of UHI in the afternoon increases about 50 m higher under the year 2006 urban land cover than that under the 1986 urban land cover. The conversion from rural land use to urban land type also strengthens the local lake-land breeze circulations in this area and modifies the vertical wind speed field.  相似文献   

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