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夏季西北太平洋副热带高压指数   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Lu Riyu 《大气科学进展》2002,19(6):1004-1028
利用在特定区域上平均的夏季(6、7、8月)平均850hPa位势高度异常,我们定义了两种指数,分别用来描述夏季北太平洋副热带高压在东西方向和南北方向上的偏移。对于东西向指数,平均的区域为副高的西侧(110°-150°E,10°-30°N);对于南北向指数,平均的区域为副高的西北侧(120°-150°E,30°-40°N)。发现这两种指数是相互独立的。基于南北向指数的合成分析结果与以往的研究结果吻合得相当好。在年际时间尺度上,将这两种指数与国家气候中心公布的副高指数进行了比较,发现尽管有一些微弱的差别,本文定义的指数与国家气候中心的副高指数大致具有相似的年际变化,因而本文的指数与国家气候中心的指数也对应着相似的环流和降水型。进而,对本文的指数与国家气候中心的指数对应的环流(降水)型之间的不同进行了分析,表明本文的指数比国家气候中心的指数能够更好地描述对应的环流和降水型。一个重要的结果是,不论根据本文指数,还是根据国家气候中心指数,东西向指数(或西伸指数)都比南北向指数(或北界指数)对应着更显著的降水异常,特别是在东亚地区和菲律宾海。 这两种指数还可以用来描述副高在夏季里的季节推进,即,北移和东退。副高在7月中旬迅速北移和东退。发现在副高平均处于偏北或偏东的夏季里,北移  相似文献   

In this study, the anomalous characteristics of observed large-scale synoptic fields in the extreme East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) years are analyzed, and the impact of the local sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly over the western North Pacific (WNP) on the extreme EASM is investigated through sensitivity experiments of 28?years EASM simulations to the local SST over the WNP. The observation analysis reveals that the extreme EASM is influenced more by anomalous large-scale atmospheric features such as monsoon circulations and the western North Pacific subtropical high than the local SST anomaly over the WNP. However, the results of the sensitivity experiments show that the local SST anomaly has an implicit impact on the extreme EASM. The patterns of differences in precipitation between the experiment forced by observed SST in each year and the experiment forced by climatological SST over the WNP are opposite to anomaly patterns of observed precipitation in the extreme EASM years. This is because the SST anomaly over the WNP plays a role in reducing precipitation anomaly by changing surface latent heat flux and monsoon circulations. In particular, the local SST anomaly over the WNP decreases anomalies of large-scale circulations, i.e., the local Hadley and the Walker circulations. Thus, the local SST anomaly over the WNP plays a role in decreasing the interannual variability of the EASM.  相似文献   

东亚夏季降水受到对流层低层的东北亚陆地低压和西北太平洋副热带高压(西太副高)的影响。本文采用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,考察了东北亚低压和西太副高同位相变化及反位相变化对东亚夏季降水的影响。研究发现与环流系统同位相和反位相对应,东亚夏季降水呈现不同的变化特征。当东北亚低压和西太副高同位相变化时,东亚地区降水异常为偶极子型,表现为长江南北降水变化相反;而当两环流系统处于反位相变化时,降水异常主要集中在长江流域。  相似文献   

利用多成员集合试验结果,比较分析了热带印度洋和太平洋增暖各自对东亚夏季风趋势变化的影响。试验所用模式是GFDLAM2大气环流模式,增暖是通过在气候平均海洋表面温度(SST)基础上,叠加随时间线性增加的、相当于实际50a左右达到的SST异常来实现的。结果表明:热带印度洋和太平洋共同增暖有使东亚夏季风减弱的趋势。相比较而言,单独印度洋增暖有使东亚夏季风增强、华北降水增多的趋势,而单独太平洋增暖有使东亚夏季风减弱的趋势,即印度洋增暖与太平洋增暖对东亚夏季风存在相反的、竞争性影响。进一步分析指出,热带太平洋特别是热带中东太平洋的增温可能对20世纪70年代末期开始的夏季风年代际减弱有更重要的贡献;在未来热带印度洋和太平洋持续增暖、但增暖强度纬向差异减小的新情况下,东亚夏季风减弱的趋势可能还将持续。  相似文献   

关于东亚副热带季风若干问题的讨论   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:21  
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析格点资料、TRMM卫星降水资料、中国东部站点降水资料和CMAP降水资料,重点讨论了东亚副热带季风雨季的起始时间、建立特征及其和南海夏季风的关系,同时也讨论了东亚副热带季风的可能机制。结果表明:(1)东亚副热带季风雨季于3月底—4月初(第16—18候)在江南南部和华南北部首先开始,伴随着降水的开始是偏南风的增强和对流性降水的显著增加,华南前汛期开始。(2)东亚副热带季风雨季的建立早于热带季风雨季,在热带季风建立后两者的雨带、强西南风带、强垂直运动带、强低空水汽辐合带均是分离的,南海热带季风在其建立后,与东亚副热带季风发生相互作用,促使副热带季风雨带季节性北进,两者共同影响中国的旱涝。(3)3月中下旬,东亚大陆(包括青藏高原)上空大气由冷源转为热源,东亚大陆与西太平洋之间的纬向热力差异及其相应的温度和气压对比均发生反转。东亚大陆(包括青藏高原)的动力和热力作用究竟是否是东亚副热带季风雨带提前建立的机制值得进一步研究。文章最后讨论了有关东亚副热带季风的共识与分歧。  相似文献   

基于西太平洋副热带高压的异常活动与亚洲夏季风系统其他成员之间存在着密切联系的天气事实,运用交叉小波的非线性时滞相关分析方法,对东亚夏季风系统成员与西太平洋副热带高压形态和变异的相互影响的基本事实和物理特征进行研究,得到了西太平洋副热带高压与主要的亚洲夏季风系统成员之间基本的关联结构和演变示意图。研究结果揭示了不同的季风子系统对西太平洋副热带高压的影响不同:影响西太平洋副热带高压强度和脊线位置异常变化的是亚洲夏季风系统中的印度夏季风子系统的5个主要成员;而影响西太平洋副热带高压西脊点异常变化的则是亚洲夏季风系统中的另一个子系统——东亚夏季风子系统的5个主要成员。研究揭示了副热带高压与亚洲夏季风系统主要成员之间的时延特征与统计关联特性,为相应的机理研究提供了事实依据。  相似文献   

南亚高压和西太副高位置与中国盛夏降水异常   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
张玲  智协飞 《气象科学》2010,30(4):438-444
用全国160站降水资料及ECMWF逐月再分析资料,采用合成分析方法,讨论了年际变化尺度上南亚高压与西太副高纬向位置异常与盛夏降水的关系。结果表明,当南亚高压与西太副高纬向异常重叠(分离)时,长江中下游流域存在异常上升(下沉)运动,江南的广大地区存在异常下沉(上升)运动。且当两个高压纬向异常重叠时,来自北印度洋及西太平洋的水汽,在长江中下游流域异常辐合,降水偏多。此时,江南地区水汽通量异常辐散,降水偏少。当两个高压纬向异常分离时,水汽主要来自北印度洋的西南风输送,长江流域降水偏少,江南地区降水偏多。  相似文献   

In this work, the authors investigate changes in the interannual relationship between the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) and the tropical Indian Ocean (IO) in the late 1970s. By contrasting the correlations of the EASM index (EASMI) with the summer IO sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) between 1953–1975 and 1978–2000, a pronounced different correlation pattern is found in the tropical IO. The SSTA pattern similar to the positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) shows a strongly positive correlation with the EASMI in 1953–1975. But in 1978–2000, significant negative correlation appears in the northern IO and the IOD-like correlation pattern disappears. It is indicated that the summer strong IOD events in 1953–1975 can cause a weaker-than-normal western North Pacific (WNP) subtropical high, which tends to favor a strong EASM. In 1978–2000, the connection between the summer IOD and the WNP circulation is disrupted by the climate shift. Instead, the northern IO shows a close connection with the WNP circulation in 1978–2000. The warming over the northern IO is associated with the significant enhanced 500 hPa geopotential height and an anomalous anticyclone over the WNP. The change in the IO–EASM relationship is attributed to the interdecadal change of the background state of the ocean–atmosphere system and the interaction between the ENSO and IO. In recent decades, the tropical IO and tropical Pacific have a warmer mean SST, which has likely strengthened (weakened) the influence of the northern IO (IOD) on the EASM. In addition, due to the increase in the ENSO variability along with the higher mean equatorial eastern Pacific SST in 1978–2000, the influence of ENSO on the East Asian summer circulation experiences a significant strengthening after the late 1970s. Because the warming over the northern IO is associated with the significant warming in the equatorial eastern Pacific, the strengthened ENSO–EASM relationship has likely also contributed to the strengthened relationship between the northern IO and the EASM in 1978–2000.  相似文献   

基于近40 a NCEP/NCAR再分析月平均高度场、风场、涡度场、垂直速度场以及NOAA重构的海面温度(sea surface temperature,SST)资料和美国联合台风预警中心(Joint Typhoon Warning Center, JTWC)热带气旋最佳路径资料,利用合成分析方法,研究了前期春季及同期夏季印度洋海面温度同夏季西北太平洋台风活动的关系。结果表明:1)前期春季印度洋海温异常(sea surface temperature anoma1y,SSTA)尤其是关键区位于赤道偏北印度洋和西南印度洋地区对西北太平洋台风活动具有显著的影响,春季印度洋海温异常偏暖年,后期夏季,110°~180°E的经向垂直环流表现为异常下沉气流,对应风场的低层低频风辐散、高层辐合的形势,这种环流形势使得低层水汽无法向上输送,对流层中层水汽异常偏少,纬向风垂直切变偏大,从而夏季西北太平洋台风频数偏少、强度偏弱,而异常偏冷年份则正好相反。2)春季印度洋异常暖年,西北太平洋副热带高压加强、西伸;而春季印度洋异常冷年,后期夏季西北太平洋副热带高压减弱、东退,这可能是引起夏季西北太平洋台风变化的另一原因。  相似文献   

东亚和南亚季风协同作用对西南地区夏季降水的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究东亚夏季风(EASM,East?Asian?summer?monsoon)和南亚夏季风(SASM,South?Asian?summer?monsoon)相互作用及其强弱变化对西南地区夏季降水的影响,利用1979—2019年西南地区161站逐日降水观测资料和ERA-5提供的1979—2019年全球再分析资料,通过对...  相似文献   

The interannual variation of East Asia summer monsoon (EASM) rainfall exhibits considerable differences between early summer [May–June (MJ)] and peak summer [July–August (JA)]. The present study focuses on peak summer. During JA, the mean ridge line of the western Pacific subtropical High (WPSH) divides EASM domain into two sub-domains: the tropical EA (5°N–26.5°N) and subtropical-extratropical EA (26.5°N–50°N). Since the major variability patterns in the two sub-domains and their origins are substantially different, the Part I of this study concentrates on the tropical EA or Southeast Asia (SEA). We apply the predictable mode analysis approach to explore the predictability and prediction of the SEA peak summer rainfall. Four principal modes of interannual rainfall variability during 1979–2013 are identified by EOF analysis: (1) the WPSH-dipole sea surface temperature (SST) feedback mode in the Northern Indo-western Pacific warm pool associated with the decay of eastern Pacific El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO), (2) the central Pacific-ENSO mode, (3) the Maritime continent SST-Australian High coupled mode, which is sustained by a positive feedback between anomalous Australian high and sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) over Indian Ocean, and (4) the ENSO developing mode. Based on understanding of the sources of the predictability for each mode, a set of physics-based empirical (P-E) models is established for prediction of the first four leading principal components (PCs). All predictors are selected from either persistent atmospheric lower boundary anomalies from March to June or the tendency from spring to early summer. We show that these four modes can be predicted reasonably well by the P-E models, thus they are identified as the predictable modes. Using the predicted PCs and the corresponding observed spatial patterns, we have made a 35-year cross-validated hindcast, setting up a bench mark for dynamic models’ predictions. The P-E hindcast prediction skill represented by domain-averaged temporal correlation coefficient is 0.44, which is twice higher than the skill of the current dynamical hindcast, suggesting that the dynamical models have large rooms to improve. The maximum potential attainable prediction skills for the peak summer SEA rainfall is also estimated and discussed by using the PMA. High predictability regions are found over several climatological rainfall centers like Indo-China peninsula, southern coast of China, southeastern SCS, and Philippine Sea.  相似文献   

本文利用NCEP/NCAR提供的大气环流资料和海表温度异常资料,在分析热带太平洋和印度洋海温异常与冬季大气环流之间关系的基础上提出了一个综合反映热带太平洋和印度洋海温异常的综合指数。分析表明,冬季太平洋和印度洋海温异常指数的值越大(小),东亚冬季风指数的值越大(小),东亚地区将出现异常的南(北)风的响应,东亚冬季风将越弱(强)。应用加热强迫影响热带环流的简单模式研究r热带太平洋印度洋异常海温对东亚冬季风影响的物理机制。结果表明,当冬季热带太平洋和印度洋海温异常指数处于正(负)位相时,西太平洋区域强迫出异常南(北)风。这是使得东亚冬季风偏弱(强)的重要原因之一。冬季热带太平洋和印度洋海温异常对东亚冬季风影响最为显著的关键区是赤道西太平洋。  相似文献   

利用1980-2010年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和美国NOAA向外长波辐射(outgoing longwave radiation,OLR)资料,根据关键区500 hPa位势高度的变化定义了西太平洋副高东西位置指标,利用该指标围绕东亚夏季风系统开展分析,详细对比了夏季6月、7月副高东西向活动异常时,季风区相应的环流及对流活动差异.结果表明:副高东西位置的年际变化反映了亚洲夏季风的强弱变化,副高偏西(东)年,南海夏季风偏弱(强),副热带夏季风偏强(弱);副高的东西进退与东亚夏季风系统成员之间相互影响、相互制约;副高偏西年,南亚高压偏东、偏强,季风槽不发展、强度偏弱,西风带长波槽发展加深,南半球马斯克林高压和澳大利亚高压减弱,越赤道气流减弱,而副高偏东年情况则反之.  相似文献   

根据经验正交函数(EOF)分解向外长波辐射资料,发现在热带西太平洋存在两个异常对流系统。除经典的菲律宾对流系统外(PC),在密克罗尼西亚群岛附近还存在另一个对流系统(MC)。MC是EOF分解的第一分量,解释的方差要大于PC。两个对流系统均受到热带海表温度异常的调制,其中PC与El Ni駉有关,而MC则与夏季中东太平洋海表温度异常有关。两个对流系统都能对东亚夏季风产生影响。一般而言,对流增强(减弱)时,西太平洋副高东退(西伸),强度减弱(增强)。PC减弱(增强)时,长江流域到日本的夏季风降水增加(减少)。与PC相比,MC对东亚大陆降水的影响较弱。此外,对流减弱的影响要大于对流增强的影响。  相似文献   

The reproducibility of the interannual variability of the summertime East Asian circulation is examined using an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM). An ensemble experiment is conducted using observed sea surface temperature (SST) of recent 20 years as a lower boundary condition. The spatial pattern associated with the first principal mode of observation of geopotential height at 500 hPa is characterized by a meridional wavy pattern extending over eastern Siberia, the vicinity of Japan and the subtropical western Pacific. The principal component (PC) time series of the leading mode is represented well by a high-resolution version of the AGCM with horizontal resolution T106 and with 56 vertical levels (T106L56), while with a lower resolution version, T42 and 20 vertical levels, the reproducibility is considerably degraded. The reproducibility by the AGCM suggests the importance of SST as a boundary condition. However, the simulated interannual variations show the alternating appearance of two distinct circulation regimes, a cold summer regime and a hot summer regime, exhibiting interesting bimodality in probability density distribution in PC phase space. This implies that the system’s response to the continuously varying boundary condition includes nonlinearity. The nature of this nonlinearity is suggested to be wave breaking in the westerly region of the high latitudes that requires high resolution for the reproduction. Using the T106L56 model, another ensemble experiment was carried out with doubled CO2. The climate change appears as an increase in residence frequency of the cold summer regime of the principal patterns of the present-day climate. This paper is a contribution to the AMIP-CMIP Diagnostic Sub-project on General Circulation Model Simulation of the East Asian Climate, coordinated by W.-C. Wang.  相似文献   

A strong (weak) East Asian summer monsoon (EASM) is usually concurrent with the tripole pattern of North Atlantic SST anomalies on the interannual timescale during summer, which has positive (negative) SST anomalies in the northwestern North Atlantic and negative (positive) SST anomalies in the subpolar and tropical ocean. The mechanisms responsible for this linkage are diagnosed in the present study. It is shown that a barotropic wave-train pattern occurring over the Atlantic-Eurasia region likely acts as a link between the EASM and the SST tripole during summer. This wave-train pattern is concurrent with geopotential height anomalies over the Ural Mountains, which has a substantial effect on the EASM. Diagnosis based on observations and linear dynamical model results reveals that the mechanism for maintaining the wave-train pattern involves both the anomalous diabatic heating and synoptic eddy-vorticity forcing. Since the North Atlantic SST tripole is closely coupled with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the relationships between these two factors and the EASM are also examined. It is found that the connection of the EASM with the summer SST tripole is sensitive to the meridional location of the tripole, which is characterized by large seasonal variations due to the north-south movement of the activity centers of the NAO. The SST tripole that has a strong relationship with the EASM appears to be closely coupled with the NAO in the previous spring rather than in the simultaneous summer.  相似文献   

该工作研究了1998-2013年春夏转换期间的两种主要模态的局地季节内海气相互作用。大气要素场和海表热通量在高频尺度上(10-20天)显示出更大的变率。在北印度洋,南海和菲律宾海,30-60天的海温和海表热通量的显著相关区域更大,并且相关系数更高。结果表明在两个时间尺度上在北印度洋,南海和西北太平洋存在强烈的局地海气相互作用,然而海气相互作用的强度取决于区域和要素的选取方式。  相似文献   

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