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The taxonomic richness and geographic distribution of sponges stranded along Sardinian shores were investigated in the long term by means of a revisited ancient sampling method in order to support a comprehensive species inventory. Almost all stranded species were Keratosa (n = 20), plus 6 species of other Demospongiae taxa. Dictyoceratida were dominant, with 6 genera and 19 species of the families Irciniidae, Spongiidae and Thorectidae: 9 Mediterranean endemics, 7 Atlanto‐Mediterranean and 3 widespread species. Regarding Dendroceratida, only the genus Spongionella was found. Some species (n = 8) were recorded for the first time in circum‐Sardinian seas. A high percentage (54.3%; 19 out of the 35 species) of the total Mediterranean Dictyoceratida fauna was recorded, including the most endangered Mediterranean species, that is of the genera Spongia and Hippospongia. Hippospongia communis, Ircinia variabilis, Spongia zimocca and Spongia officinalis were the most common species. Morphotraits of rare and/or poorly known species were investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Comparison among Sardinian sectors, and between Sardinian and adjacent seas, revealed a high similarity of stranded Dictyoceratida, despite the fact that the data from Tyrrhenian and Balearic–Catalan seas were collected mainly from SCUBA records. The cost‐effective sampling method used in the present study seems appropriate to the gross qualitative monitoring of coastal areas (e.g. large unexplored Northern African coasts), in order to assess the conservation status of Mediterranean Keratosa species. The wide distribution of all Mediterranean bath sponge species indicates their good conservation status in circum‐Sardinian seas, a datum that could usefully support the future management of this bioresource, particularly in protected areas.  相似文献   

This paper is the fifth in a series revising the taxonomy of New Zealand dictyoceratid sponges (phylum Porifera, subclass Ceractinomorpha, order Dictyoceratida). Six new species of the genus Spongia are added to New Zealand's known fauna. The use of subgenera within the genus Spongia is discussed, and two new subgenera are proposed. The genus Hippospongia is revised, and an emended generic diagnosis is proposed.  相似文献   

Thirteen new species of benthic calanoid copepods are described from depths of 1,184–1,697 m off New Zealand. Seven species belong to previously described aetideid genera (Bradyidius—four spp., Comantenna—one sp., Pseudeuchaeta—two spp.) and the remainder represent new genera in three families: Aetideidae—three genera, four spp.; Arietellidae—one genus and sp.; Bathypontiidae—one genus and sp.  相似文献   

唇口目、无囊亚目、枝室超科(Order Cheilostomata;Suborder Anasca; Superfamily Cellularinoidea) 的双胞苔虫科(Bicellariellidae Levinsen,1909)的种类十分丰富,它的成员从潮间带至4000 多米的深海海底,从热带海洋到寒冷的极地海域,都有广泛的分布。 双胞苔虫科群体通常直立,有时多少平卧(recumbent),甚至松散被覆(encrusting)在基质上。分枝多数为双列,有时单列或多列。个虫(zooids)通常钙化弱,但几丁化强。在一列个虫中,每一个虫从其前位个虫的背面末端生出,故个虫末端多少重叠在其后续个虫的始端部分上。前膜(frontal membranes)通常大,常占个虫整个前表面,但有时较小,始端裸壁发达。个虫两侧通常内卷,整个个虫常呈陀螺形。刺通常存在,有端刺(distalspines)和侧刺(lateral spines)。有柄鸟头体(pedunculated avicularia)为双胞苔虫科所特有。有时无刺也无鸟头体。卵胞通常存在。群体分歧方式和粗胞苔虫科(Family Scrupocellariellidae)不同(图1):两支子分枝的内列个虫来自不同的虫室。为了叙述方便,可用字母统一标注与分歧有关的个虫。A是准备分岐的两个交替排列的始位个虫。B是与A连续交替、位于分枝另一侧的末位个虫。E是与分歧中轴密切相关的后续个虫,称为轴个虫;C与D是Y状分枝的一枝(子分枝)的外列个虫,分别是A和B的直接后续个虫,在形状上它们与A和B一致,与A和B的区别在于它们彼此分歧,以便让其他两个后续个虫E和F嵌在它们中间。E来自A,位于A的内侧,F来自B,位于B的内侧,即群体分枝分歧后的两支子分枝的内列(个虫)来自不同的个虫: F来自B,G来自E。这是双胞苔虫科的分歧模式。  相似文献   

The echiuran fauna of southern Africa currently comprises two families, four genera and 16 species of which one has recently been described as new to science and four are new records for the region. The taxonomic characters distinguishing the genera are given. The zoogeographic distribution of the southern African species is outlined and discussed. Knowledge of the echiuran fauna is too scanty to throw any light on the division of the coastline into faunistic provinces.  相似文献   

This study reviews all genera and species belonging to the family Bougainvilliidae from the South China Sea.The Nubiella atentaculata Xu and Huang,2004 formerly included in the genus Nubiella,now is transferred to a new genus Paranubiella and included in the Bougainvilliidae as Paranubiella atentaculata(Xu and Huang,2004)n.comb..Two new species,Paranubiella nanhaiensis Xu,Huang and Guo,sp.nov.and Nubiella apapillaris Xu,Huang and Guo,sp.nov.from the South China Sea are described and illustrated in the present paper.In addition,the key to known genera of family Bougainvilliidae and species of genus Nubiella are described.Other data are briefly summarized to the list of species presented on the family Bougainvilliidae in the South China Sea.The type species were deposited at the Third Institute of Oceanography,State Oceanic Administration.  相似文献   

原鳃类(Protobranchia)在双壳类软体动物中是比较原始的类群,几乎全部生活在潮下带至深海,只有个别种的垂直分布的上限可达潮间带。吻状蛤科(Nuculanidae)在深水区不但种类多,而且数量也较大,是底栖生物组成中的重要类群之一。 本文所用材料取自1957-1980 年海洋综合调查在全国沿海和中国科学院海洋研究所调查船“金星”号历年来在黄海、东海调查所得的底栖生物取样,共有15种,分隶于7属,其中有一个新亚属和一个新种,另有10种在我国是首次报道。 这一科的种类在日本海域已报道有40余种,我国除本文报道的15种以外,过去曾报道4种:Leda mauritiana, L. irradiata, Nuculana gordonis takeoensis, Yoldia obtusa,总计也不过19种。这主要是因为我们的调查范围不够大,且仅限于浅水区。随着海洋调查事业的发展,深水区调查范围的扩大,一定还会发现更多的种类。  相似文献   

锉蛤科(Limidae)的种类既可食用又可做装饰品。它们的贝売大小不一,多呈椭圆形或三角形。两売相等,两侧等或不等。有的种壳质重厚,有的极薄脆。壳背缘直,腹缘呈圆形。壳顶小,略凸,位于背缘中部,其前、后方略具耳状突起;一般前耳小或退化,后耳较明显。贝壳为白、黄、褐等色。壳表具有各种放射肋,肋上有小棘、鳞片和颗粒等。有些种前缘和后缘开孔,足丝孔位于前腹缘。两壳顶分离,其间具有三角形的韧带面,中央有三角形的韧带槽。铰合部一殷无齿,有的只在韧带面两侧有齿状小突起。外套薄、外套触手极发达,少数种具外套眼,无水管,软体部具鲜艳色彩(图1)。 锉蛤科的种类虽不很多,但分布面较广,世界各大洋从潮间带的下区至数百米深的海底都有分布。它们是多能的双壳类类群,既能用足在海底做缓慢地爬行和移动,又能分泌足丝牢固地附着在岩石和其他物体上,而且还能在海水中自由游泳;当它们不活动时,又能以足丝和砂粒等筑造保护自己的巢穴。多数种软体部具色彩,在它们生活时,鲜红的足,朱红的鳃,浅桔红的外套及桔红的短外缘触手和细长的白色内缘触手衬托着白色或浅黄色的贝売,极为美丽。 中国近海的锉蛤科过去只有零星记载,未曾有人进行过系统研究。作者对中国科学院海洋研究所历年来在中国近海搜集的材料,进行了系统整理,共鉴定有13种,分隶于5属及5亚属,其中有5种为我国首次记录,1种为新种。模式标本保存在中国科学院海洋研究所。  相似文献   

Some genera have been removed from the family Phaennidae which, with the Scolecithricidae, are redefined. All other genera have been placed close to the Diaixidae and Tharybidae.

The scolecithricid genera Scolecithrix, Scolecithricella, Amallothrix, Scaphocalanus and Lophothrix are redefined. It is suggested that the species Scolecithrix ctenopus, S. auropecten, S. fowled and Amallophora altera represent four groups of species which probably should be given generic status.

A new species of Parundinella is named and a juvenile Neoscolecithrix described.  相似文献   

塔藤壶科 Family Pyrgomatidae 埋栖于石珊瑚内,主要分布于热帯和亚热带海域,通常称为珊瑚藤壶(coral barnacles)。珊瑚藤壶的分类对研究珊瑚礁生态及蔓足类的进化都具有一定的意义,但这类动物由于深理于珊瑚体内或珊瑚石中而常被忽略,过去研究不多,国内迄今尚无报道。 中国科学院海洋研究所历年来采集收藏了许多珊瑚标本。其中共栖有不少珊瑚藤壶标本,主要采自广东省西沙群岛及海南岛等地的潮间带造礁石珊瑚,部分采自南海和东海的深水非造礁珊瑚。 本文共报告塔藤壶科17种,分隶于2亚科,6属,其中有4新种,9种为我国的首次记录,新种的模式标本保存在中国科学院海洋研究所。  相似文献   

锥头虫科环虫,虫体多细长,口前叶圆锥形、球形或平截形。围口节1-2节,皆无附肢和刚毛。吻可外翻但无附属器官。疣足双叶型,鳃有或无。刚毛简单型:毛状、钩状、叉状或矛状等。躯干部分为两部:扁平、疣足侧生的胸部和圆柱状,疣足背生的腹部,这是锥头虫类区别于其他多毛环虫的重要形态特征。 除口前叶圆钝或平截的居虫属Naineris 栖于岩岸海藻丛中外,锥头虫多建造临时性的栖管,穴居于泥沙滩。 目前,锥头虫计有两亚科14属130余种(Hartman, 1959; Fauchald, 1977)。在黄海、东海我们只记录到锥头虫亚科的种类。 本文是根据中国科学院海洋研究所历年来采集、保存的标本进行整理的,共报道5属14种,其中9种为我国首次记录。  相似文献   

Morphology and distribution of nineteen New Zealand Recent species of Foraminifera of the families Islandiellidae and Cassidulinidae are discussed. One new genus, Evolvocassidulina, and four new species, Favocassidulina australis, Globocassidulina canalisuturata, Globocassidulina spherica, and Ehrenbergina carinata, are described and figured. The use of radial and granular wall structure as a fundamental character in classification is supported by its uniformity in individual genera and species.  相似文献   

-In a study of meiofauna polychaete from the Huanghai Sea, two new species belonging to Exogane and Sphaerosyllis were found and described in this paper. The two new species differ from the other species in the two genera mainly by the dorsal cirri, chaetation and distribution of papillae.  相似文献   

This paper presents new data on free-living heterotrophic euglenids (Euglenozoa, Protista) that occurred in the marine sediments at Cape Tribulation, Queensland, Australia. Twenty-nine species from 9 genera are described with uninterpreted records based on light microscopy, including one new taxon:Notosolenus capetribulationi n. sp. There was little evidence for endemism because the majority of heterotrophic euglenid species encountered here have been reported or were found from other habitats.  相似文献   

本文复查了中国南海丝螅水母目高手水母科的所有属,解决了该科和一些属、种存在的分类问题,并给予更新的鉴别。以前,无手单肢水母Nubiella atentaculata Xu and Huang,2004包含在单肢水母属内,现变换为拟单肢水母新属Paranubiella n.gen.,隶属于高手水母科内,原无手单肢水母新组合为无手拟单肢水母Paranubiella atentaculata(Xu and Huang,2004) n.comb.。本文记述了二个新种:南海拟单肢水母,新种Paranubiella nanhaiensis sp.nov.和无突单肢水母,新种N.apapillaris sp.nov.。此外编制了高手水母科已知属和单肢水母属已知种的检索表,总结了中国南海高手水母科已知种名录。模式标本保存于国家海洋局第三海洋研究所。  相似文献   

本文对分布在我国淡水鱼塘及水稻田中的16种介甲动物(隶属于5科8属)进行了记述及近年来新发现种的形态分类描述。文中附有亚目、科、属和中国种的检索表及形态特征图109幅。  相似文献   

小藤壶类除少数种为深海产外,大部栖息于潮间带,附着于岩石、码头、树木、管道、浮标或船底,是沿岸附着生物的主要种类,在潮间带岩岸生物群落中常占一定的优势。种类的准确鉴定对分析潮间带生态和附着生物的生态研究及防除工作都具有一定的意义。 早在1854年,Darwin就在藤壶科Balanidae下建立了小藤壶亚科Chthamalinae. Pilsbry (1916)将其提升为小藤壶科Chthamalidae,与Balanidae并列;1976年Newman& Ross对藤壶亚目Suborder Balanomorpha进行了全面的修订,分为3个总科(Chthamaloidea,Coronuloidea和Balanoide),他们将小藤壶科中壳壁带轮生副板的4属分出,建立鳞藤壶科Catophragmidae,与Chthamalidae一起置于小藤壶总科Chthamaloidea之下。 关于小藤壶类,国内仅有零星记载,缺少系统研究,特别是一些深水种尚无报道。本文根据中国科学院海洋研究所过去在全国沿海潮间带采集的标本写成,共报告小藤壶科9种,分隶于2亚科4属,其中有1新种,1种为我国首次录。新种的模式标本保存在中国科学院海洋研究所。 本文报告的小藤壶,分布于我国长江口以北海域的只有东方小藤壶Chthamalus challengeri Hoek,它大量出现在高潮带岩石上,对温、湿度变化的适应力很强,能忍受较长时间的周期性干燥和较大的温度变化幅度。其余种类则出现在长江口以南亚热带和热带海区,其中白条地藤壶Euraphia withersi和楯形矮藤壶Chamaesipho scutelliformis分布广,数量大;中国四板小藤壶Tetrachthamalus sinensis Ren在海南岛和北部湾沿岸占优势。  相似文献   

中国海区常见浮游植物种名更改初步意见   总被引:72,自引:7,他引:72  
孙军  刘东艳 《海洋与湖沼》2002,33(3):271-286
系统地研究了中国海区海洋浮游植物的名称。参照有关文献 ,对硅藻门 37属 1 35种 (包含变种和变型 )、甲藻门 1 6属 60种 (包含变种和变型 )、金藻门 1属 1种和隐藻门 1属 1种的名称进行了适当的调整和更正。对于个别的种类进行了属的迁移和种的联合。  相似文献   

生物多样性的研究和保护首先从认识物种开始,并需要内容全面的的基础资料,这很大程度上依赖于通过现场调查和文献研习所获得的物种编目和分布图集研究成果。由于分类学人才储备不足,重要标本的收集和鉴定变得越来越困难。西太平洋是全球海洋生物种源中心,许多海洋生物类群的最高物种多样性都出现于该区域。本文在西太平洋及其边缘海(105-152°E,0–45°N)701个测站获取的6203份浮游动物样品分类鉴定基础之上,对1965-2008年该区浮游动物主要类群的系统分类、物种多样性和新物种新纪录进行了汇编和总结。本文共记录和编入西太平洋及其边缘海10个浮游动物类群206科686属2657种(含亚种)。包括水螅水母类99科251属697种,栉水母类12科22属59种,浮游软体动物14科36属85种,介形类8科91属416种,桡足类51科156属908种,糠虾类4科60属202种,磷虾类2科8属56种,十足类8科23属105种,毛颚类5科13属48种,被囊类5科26属81种。文中详细列举了10大类群的主要优势种,并记述了筒螅水母科2新种以及棒状水母科1新属2新种。许多赤道热带海、高纬度寒带海、深海深层的浮游动物物种在我国首次记录,较以往我国所记录的1852种增加了806种,增录43.5%,包括赤道热带种增录1.4%,高纬度冷水种增录3.5%,深海深水种增录3.2%。作者还对中国海洋浮游动物研究的5个主要领域进行了展望。本文的定性系统分类信息对海洋浮游动物多样性和生物地理学研究具有重要意义,特别是对2008年以后中国海洋生物种类全面系统总结的专著而言。  相似文献   

Seven species of echinoids are added to the New Zealand fauna, two being described as new species of the genera Caenopedina and Spatangus Described species, new to the fauna, are Gracilechinus multidentatus (H. L. Clark), Pourtalesia laguncula A. Agassiz, Hemiaster expergitus gibbosus A. Agassiz, and Gymnopatagus magnus A. Agassiz and H. L. Clark. Fragments of Spatangus, possibly hybrid S. thor Fell, and fragments of Echinocardium, almost certainly not E. cordatum (Pennant), are also described.  相似文献   

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