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In this paper, we have investigated that tilted Bianchi Type I cosmological models for stiff perfect fluid under a supplementary condition A = B n between metric potentials, is not possible. The tilted solution is also not possible when we assume A = t , B = t m , C = t n ; ℓ, m and n are constants for ε = p. Thus to preserve tilted nature of model, we assume p = γε, 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1 (barotropic equation of state) for the case A = t B = t m and C = t n . The physical and geometrical aspects of the models are also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Bianchi Type I Bulk viscous fluid tilted cosmological model without shearviscosity is investigated. The behaviour of the model in presence andabsence of bulk viscosity is discussed. The physical and geometricalconsequences of the models are also discussed.  相似文献   

We have investigated magnetized stiff fluid Bianchi Type I anisotropic tilted cosmological model for perfect fluid distribution in General Relativity. It has been assumed that the expansion in the model is only in two directions i.e. one of the Hubble parameter (H1 = A4/A); is zero. It has been shown that tilted nature of the model is preserved due to magnetic field. The various physical and geometrical aspects of the model is also discussed.  相似文献   

Assuming a perfect fluid distribution of matter Bianchi type Vspace-time is considered and using a new generation techniqueit is shown that the field equations are solvable for anyarbitrary cosmic scale function. Solutions for particularforms of cosmic scale functions are obtained, and thegeometrical and physical properties of these solutions discussed.  相似文献   

本文给出了态方程为P=(γ-1)ρ的理想流体的五维Bianchi-V型宇宙模型的普遍解,并讨论了γ=2/3和γ=1/2的两个具体的解。这两个解随着时间的增长将趋于五维膨胀各向同性宇宙模型。此外,还考察了解的奇点的性质。  相似文献   

An LRS Bianchi type I string dust cosmological model with and without bulk viscosity following a method used by Letelier and Stachel, is investigated. To get a determine solution, it is assumed that σ∝θ whereσ is shear and θ is scalar of expansion and which leads to A =αBn were n is a constant. The physical and geometrical aspects of the model are also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have investigated plane symmetric inhomogeneous cosmological models in the presence of massless scalar field in modified theory of general relativity when source of the gravitational field is a perfect fluid. The physical and geometrical aspects of the models together with singularity involved in the models are also discussed. PACS Nos.: 04.50. + h•4.20.Cv• 4.20.Dw  相似文献   

Bianchi Type I magnetized Cosmological model for perfect fluid distribution is investigated. The magnetic field is due to an electric current produced along x-axis. The distribution consists of an electrically neutral perfect fluid with an infinite electrical conductivity. To get a determinate solution, a supplementary conditionA = BC between metric potentials is used. The behaviour of the model in presence and absence of magnetic field is also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Bianchi Type I magnetized string cosmological model following the techniques used by Letelier and Stachel, is investigated. To get a determinate model, we assume a condition ∊ = λ (geometric string) where ∊ is the rest energy density, λ the string tension density and expansion (θ) is proportional to eigen value σ1 1 of shear tensor (σ j i ), which leads to A = ℓ (BC) n where A, B, C are metric potentials and ℓ and n are constants. The behaviour of the model in presence and absence of magnetic field is discussed. The physical and geometrical aspects of the model are also discussed.  相似文献   

Exact solutions of the gravitational field equations for a Bianchi type I anisotropic space-time, filled with a viscous cosmological fluid obeying an equation of state of the form p = , 0 1, are obtained. We investigate both the viscous Zeldovich ( = 1) and < 1 fluid cases, with constant and time varying (proportional to the mean Hubble factor) shear and bulk viscosity coefficients. It is shown that independently of the matter content, the equation of state and the time dependence of the shear and bulk viscosity coefficients, a viscous Bianchi type I universe experiences a transition to an inflationary era. Due to dissipative processes, the mean anisotropy and the shear of the Bianchi type I universe tend very rapidly to zero.  相似文献   

A Bianchi type-III string cosmological model with bulk viscous fluid for massive string is investigated. To get a determinate solution, a supplementary condition B=C n, between metric potentials, is used whereB and C are function of time alone. The behaviour of the model in presence and absence of bulk viscosity, is discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Some Bianchi type I viscous fluid cosmological models with a variable cosmological constant are investigated in which the expansion is considered only in two direction i.e. one of the Hubble parameter is zero. The viscosity coefficient of bulk viscous fluid is assumed to be a power function of mass density whereas the coefficient of shear viscosity is considered as constant in first case whereas in other case it is taken as proportional to scale of expansion in the model. The cosmological constant Λ is found to be positive and is a decreasing function of time which is supported by results from recent supernovae Ia observations. Some physical and geometric properties of the models are also discussed.  相似文献   

The behaviour of magnetic field in anisotropic Bianchi type I cosmological model for perfect fluid distribution in General Relativity, is investigated. The distribution consists of an electrically neutral perfect fluid with an infinite electrical conductivity. It is assumed that the component 1 1 of shear tensor j i is proportional to the expansion () which leads to A = (BC)n. The other physical and geometrical aspects of the model are also discussed, Bali (1986) obtained the cosmological model for n = 1 in presence of magnetic field. We have investigated the model for general values of n and discussed the particular case and general behaviour of the model.  相似文献   

The motivation of this paper is to investigate two viscous fluid cosmological models in General Relativity in which the expansion is only in two directions i.e. one of the Hubble parameters is zero. In the first model, coefficient of shear viscosity is assumed to be constant while in the second model, the coefficient of shear viscosity is proportional to the rate of expansion in the model. Here no additional condition is assumed except for coefficient of shear viscosity. These models are new and different from those models obtained by Bali and Jain (1987, 1988) in which free gravitational field was assumed to be Petrov Type D and non-degenerate for Marder (1958) metric and coefficient of shear viscosity is proportional to the rate of expansion in the model. The various physical and geometrical aspects of the models are also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tilted Bianchi Type I cosmological model for perfect fluid distribution in presence of magnetic field, is investigated. To get a determinate solution, it has been assumed that the universe is filled with stiff perfect fluid distribution together with A=(BC) n where A,B,C are metric potentials and n is a constant. The behaviour of the model in presence and absence of magnetic field is discussed. The various physical and geometrical aspects of the model, is also discussed. It has been shown that tilted nature of the Bianchi Type I model is preserved due to magnetic field. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Some locally rotationally symmetric (LRS) Bianchi type I cosmological models for a cloud string with bulk viscosity and magnetic field are presented. Where an equation of state ρ = kλ and a relation between metric potential R = AS n are considered. The solution describes a shearing and nonrotating model with a big bang start. In the absence of magnetic field it reduces to a string model with bulk viscosity, where the relation between the coefficient of bulk viscosity and energy density is ζ ∝ ρ1/2. After choosing k = , it further reduces to a string model without viscosity and magnetic field. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Tilted Bianchi type I cosmological models filled with disordered radiation in presence of a bulk viscous fluid and heat flow are investigated. The coefficient of bulk viscosity is assumed to be a power function of mass density. Some physical and geometric properties of the models are also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An anisotropic, homogeneous Bianchi type-I cosmological micro model is obtained in Barber's modified theory of general relativity. Some properties of the model are discussed. Further, it is found that this theory leads to Einstein theory as the coupling parameterλ → 0 in micro level (i.e., quantum level) in general. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The study of Einstein field equations describing the Robertson-Walker universe with the Brans-Dicke field and perfect fluid has been made. It is found that the exact solutions to the B-D field interacting with perfect fluid reduce to a false vaccum with cosmological constant and without cosmological constant the solution reduce to the exact solution of the matter dust distribution in the Brans-Dicke cosmology. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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