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Investigation of chlorins in the oxic surface sediment of a small eutrophic alpine lake (Motte lake) revealed the presence of a new series of steryl chlorin esters containing the pheophorbide a nucleus, together with their pyropheophorbide a steryl ester counterparts previously observed in the anoxic surface sediment of the same lake. Identification of the pheophorbide a steryl esters was based on comparison of spectroscopic, chromatographic and mass spectrometric characteristics of the compounds with those of a synthetic standard and of pyropheophorbide a steryl esters. Combined liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis confirmed the absence of pheophorbide a steryl esters in the anoxic sediment but allowed their detection in traces in the water column, indicating that pheophorbide a steryl esters are, like their pyropheophorbide a analogs, formed in the water column. The distribution of sterols released by hydrolysis of the pheophorbide a steryl esters shows close similarities to that of the free sterols in the water column and of the sterols of the pyropheophorbide a steryl esters. It appears that, like their pyropheophorbide a counterparts, pheophorbide a steryl esters incorporate mainly sterols of phytoplanktonic origin. Their formation probably involves the same mechanism as for pyropheophorbide a steryl ester formation, i.e. metabolism by zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton. The presence of pheophorbide a steryl esters in the oxic sediment and their absence from the anoxic sediment is probably due to a lower stability of compounds containing a carbomethoxy substituent in the anoxic environment.  相似文献   

Mercury distribution was examined in the sediments of Lake Baikal that were sampled within the scope of the Baikal Drilling International Project in 1996–1999. The Hg concentrations in the ancient sediments are close to those in the modern sediments with the exception of a few peak values, whose ages coincide with those of active volcanism in adjacent areas. Mercury was demonstrated to be contained in the sediments in the adsorbed Hg0 mode, predominantly in relation with organic matter. When the organic matter of the bottom sediments is decomposed in the course of lithification, Hg is retained in the sediments adsorbed on the residual organic matter, and the concentration of this element corresponds to its initial content in the bottom sediments during their accumulation. Mercury concentrations in lithologically distinct bottom sediments of Lake Baikal and its sediments as a whole depend on the climate. Sediments that were formed during warm periods of time contain more Hg than those produced during cold periods or glaciation. Periodical variations in the Hg concentrations in the bottom sediments of Lake Baikal reflect the variations in the contents of this element in the Earth’s atmosphere in the Late Cenozoic, which were, in turn, controlled by the climatic variations on the planet and, thus, can be used for detailed reconstructions of variations in the average global temperature near the planet’s surface.  相似文献   

Steryl alkyl ethers (SAEs) have been reported from marine sediments ranging from Holocene to Lower Cretaceous and their production has been linked to upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water. However, the lack of continuous stratigraphic records for them has complicated validation of the precise connection of their production, sedimentary distribution and survival to climatic conditions. Here, we report an SAE record that spans the last ca. 135 ka from a core taken offshore southeastern Australia in the Murray Canyons Group region. The SAEs are composed predominantly of C27–C30 steroid moieties with one or two double bonds, ether-bound to C10–C11 alkyl moieties. Some of the SAEs are identical to those reported in marine sediments, whereas others have not been identified previously. They do not exhibit any systematic change in distribution over the past 110 ka but sediments older than 110 ka possess a different assemblage, with a higher amount of constituents containing a C11 alkyl moiety. The SAE accumulation rate increases rapidly during glacial episodes and for intervals characterized by a sharp decline in sea-surface temperature. The results suggest that SAEs may be related to marine eukaryotes that thrive when there is an influx of cold, deep waters in the Murray Canyons Group region, likely triggered by stronger westerlies over southeastern Australia forcing deeper water to reach the surface during glacials.  相似文献   

The Cretaceous orogen of the Western Carpathians comprises fragments of the destructed northern Centrocarpathian domain, which is defined as Infratatric unit and formed a continental margin facing the Penninic Ocean in Jurassic and Cretaceous times. The breakup event and opening of the Penninic Ocean occurred in the Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian), which is recorded by an abrupt deepening event from shallow-water sediments to deep-water nodular limestone in the Infratatric sediment succession. The transformation of the passive into an active continental margin by the onset of subduction of the Penninic oceanic crust occurred in Santonian times and is reflected by the beginning of flysch deposition in the Infratatric Belice domain, which took the position of a forearc basin in the convergent margin setting. The forearc basin was supplied by clastic material from the more internal part of the Infratatric unit, which experienced nappe stacking, metamorphism, and subsequent exhumation in Late Cretaceous times. In the frontal part of the forearc basin an accretionary wedge was built up, which formed an outer-arc ridge and delivered detrital material into the forearc basin in Maastrichtian time. Final collision between the European and the Adriatic plate occurred in the Eocene period and is responsible for weak metamorphism in the Infratatric unit.  相似文献   

A new high-resolution Holocene climate record of the Western Baikal region from the evaporite sediments of one of the small saline lakes with the carbonate type of sedimentation are obtained on the basis of detailed mineralogical and crystallochemical studies of chemogenic carbonates. All carbonate phases occurring in the sediment are identified by decomposition of complex XRD-profiles of carbonates into individual peaks using the Pearson VII function, and the quantitative relationships between them are determined. Mg-calcites provide the major paleoclimatic information. The carbonate record contains data on the stratigraphic distribution of Mg-calcites, in which the number and ratio between the phases of different magnesium contents are determined by the past values of the Mg/Ca ratio, salinity, and total alkalinity of lake water that vary according to climatic cycles and fluctuations of the lake level. The high potential of the approach proposed for paleoclimatic reconstructions is demonstrated.  相似文献   

In this paper, attention is paid to the importance of short-term prognosis of earthquakes. The variability of determination methods is noted. One of the geochemical methods, based on study of the helium content in deep water of Lake Baikal, is considered; such a method has not been used for open deep-water basins within the zones of high seismic danger. It is established that in the period of earthquake preparation, variations in the helium content deep underwater in Lake Baikal are recorded. A sharp decrease in the helium content two days before the earthquake was recorded first time for a long period of observation, as well as the consequent increase. Further study of the helium content deep underwater in Lake Baikal is recommended, and, should these data be proved, it is recommended as a short-term precursor of earthquakes.  相似文献   

The relative paleointensity of sedimentation is studied for sediments stripped by deep-water drilling in Lake Baikal (BDP-99 borehole). Two intervals are considered: 0–420 ka (Brunhes chron) and 1.05–1.09 Ma (before, during, and after the Matuyama–Jaramillo reversal). For these intervals, curves of the ideal magnetization of samples are plotted.The paleointensity data obtained along the borehole section reveal four excursions for the Baikal sediments whose identification on the inclination–depth curve is complicated.The lower part of the section (Matuyama–Jaramillo subzones) shows a paleointensity decrease by a factor of five or more relative to periods of invariable polarity.  相似文献   

We present results of a complex study of evaporite sediments from one of the small saline lakes with carbonate sedimentation in the Ol’khon area and substantiate their high significance for paleoclimatic reconstructions. The mineral composition of the bottom sediments was studied by XRD analysis, IR spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, elemental analysis (SR-XFA), etc. By decomposition of the complex XRD profiles of carbonate minerals into individual peaks by Pearson VII function, we identified carbonate phases in each sample and determined their proportions. A high-resolution carbonate record has been obtained for the first time for the lacustrine sediments. It bears the information about the stratigraphic distribution of Mg-calcites (a continuous series of structurally disordered low- to high-Mg calcites, up to Ca-dolomites), in which the amount and proportions of phases with different Mg contents are controlled by Mg/Ca, salinity, and total alkalinity of the lake water changing depending on the climatic cycles and lake level fluctuations. Comparison of the carbonate record for the Holocene section dated by the radiocarbon (14C) method with results of lithological, diatom, and palynological analyses, data on stable isotopes (δ18O and δ13C), and the distribution of some geochemical indicators of climatic changes permitted the reconstruction of the intricate evolution of the Lake Tsagan-Tyrm basin, which was controlled by the regional climate from the Atlantic period to the present time. The directed change in various characteristics of essentially carbonate sediments evidences that the Ol’khon regional climate has become more arid in recent 6.5 kyr. Moreover, drastic frequent changes of climate and, correspondingly, the Lake Tsagan-Tyrm water level in different periods of its existence have been revealed. The widespread saline and brackish lakes in southern East Siberia, Mongolia, and North China and the highly informative (in terms of paleoclimate and paleolimnology) carbonate sediments might help to recognize the general tendencies of paleoclimate changes and local fluctuations in Central Asia.  相似文献   

A sediment core from Lake Barkol located in the eastern Xinjiang autonomous region, northwest China, provided a high-resolution record of environmental change covering the last ~8.6 cal ka BP. Three major climate stages, 8.6–7.1, 7.1–2.0 and from 2.0 cal ka BP to the present, were divided by grain size and the authigenic carbonate stable isotope of the lake sediment. Climatic drought during the period 7.1–4.5 cal ka BP, deduced from Lake Barkol, prevailed in the mid-Holocene climate in northern Xinjiang and northwest Mongolia. In contrast, it was wet in central Xinjiang, northwest India and the Middle East during the same period. The climatic difference between northern and southern arid central Asia demonstrates the southward shifting of the Westerlies, which indicates the potential contribution of the Siberian high in the mid-Holocene.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - Small lakes, being less stable systems as compared to large lakes, are sensitive to climate variations and are characterized by high sedimentation rates, and thus, they...  相似文献   


总有机碳(TOC)、稳定碳同位素(δ13C)、岩石热解分析(Rock-Eval)和甾醇生物标志物等有机地球化学指标用于研究滇池过去70年沉积物有机质的来源及水体生产力的变化。C/N、δ13C、氢指数(HI)表明滇池沉积物有机质主要为水生来源, 且主要为藻类有机质。初级生产力指标(热解烃峰参数(S2)、HI、δ13C)和浮游植物甾醇(菜籽甾醇、甲藻甾醇)含量从2000年以后快速增加, 而从近几年开始增速放缓或开始下降, 说明滇池水体生产力在过去几十年不断上升, 不过在最近得到一定控制, 这与滇池沉积物营养盐的变化趋势相似。对生产力指标和浮游植物甾醇与环境因子如5年移动平均气温(T5)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)进行相关分析, 结果表明滇池生产力变化与环境因子呈现显著的正相关关系, 说明气候变暖和营养盐增加均促进该水域藻类的繁殖; 此外, 多元线性回归分析结果表明, TN是影响滇池生产力变化的主要环境因子。研究结果对探寻水体富营养化过程及影响因子, 并对湖泊管理和水华防治工作提供科学依据。


Eutrophication processes have been recorded in many world’s freshwater reservoirs, which are sources of drinking water. More and more investigations show that global warming is the main natural factor that causes eutrophication. In recent years, signs of eutrophication have also been recorded in Lake Baikal containing 20% of the world’s freshwater reserves. Therefore, we performed the first comprehensive analysis of long-term changes in climatic parameters capable to provoke negative changes in the shallow zone. The largest number of anomalies of climatic indices has been recorded in the 21st century. Moreover, the current decade has been the most favorable for the emergence of negative processes in the lake (outbreak of the mass growth of algae and aquatic vegetation, rotting of their remains at the bottom and on the shores of the lake, changes in the structure and zoning of biocoenoses, etc.). The main natural conditions favoring the emergence of negative signs are elevated temperatures of the air and lake shore water, reduced amount of precipitation, reduced inflow of river waters into Baikal and lowering of its water level, low-water season, and weakening of wind currents, water exchange processes, and, as a result, water self-purification. In the period of continuing global warming, it is necessary to study the climate effect on the processes in the shallow zone and to carry out long-term monitoring for elucidation of recent and expected changes in the ecological state of Lake Baikal and for their valid interpretation.  相似文献   

Modeling the bulk sediment XRD patterns allows insight into the environmental and depositional histories of two neighboring rift lake basins within the Baikal watershed. Parallel 14C-dated LGM-Holocene records in Lakes Baikal and Hovsgol are used to discuss the mineralogical signatures of regional climate change. In both basins, it is possible to distinguish ‘glacial’ and ‘interglacial’ mineral associations. Clay minerals comprise in excess of 50% of layered silicates in bulk sediment.The abundance of smectite (expandable) layers in mixed-layer illite–smectites and the total illite abundance are the main paleoclimatic indices in the clay mineral assemblage. Both indices exhibit coherent responses to the Bølling–Allerød and the Younger Dryas. The smectite layer index is not equivalent to the abundance of illite–smectite, because illite–smectite tends to transform into illite. Repeated wetting–drying cycles in soils and high abundance of expandable layers in illite–smectites (>42%) favor the process of illitization. This relationship is clearly shown in both Baikal and Hovsgol records for the first time. The opposite late Holocene trends in illite abundance in Lake Baikal and Lake Hovsgol records suggest that a sensitive optimal regime may exist for illite formation in the Baikal watershed with regard to warmth and effective moisture.The Lake Hovsgol sediments of the last glacial contain carbonates, suggesting a positive trend in the lake's water budget. A progressive change towards lower Mg content in carbonates indicates lowering mineralization of lake waters. This trend is consistent with the lithologic evidence for lake-level rise in the Hovsgol basin.The pattern of mineralogical changes during the past 20 ka is used to interpret bulk sediment and carbonate mineralogy of the long 81-m Lake Hovsgol drill core (HDP-04) with a basal age of 1 Ma. The interglacial-type silicate mineral associations are confined to several thin intervals; most of the sediment record is calcareous. Carbonates are represented by six main mineral phases: calcite, low-Mg calcite, intermediate/high-Mg calcite, dolomite, excess-Ca dolomite and metastable monohydrocalcite. These mineral phases tend to form stratigraphic successions indicative of progressive changes in lake water chemistry. Five sediment layers with abundant Mg-calcites in the HDP-04 section suggest deposition in a low standing lake with high mineralization (salinity) and high Mg/Ca ratios of lake waters. Lake Hovsgol sediments contain the oldest known monohydrocalcite, found tens of meters below lake bottom in sediments as old as 800 ka. This unusual find is likely due to the conditions favorable to preservation of this metastable carbonate.  相似文献   

The rate of aerobic oxidation of methane was calculated based on average profiles of the tritiumhelium age of the Baikal waters and concentrations of the dissolved methane in the water column. In the deep lake zone (>200 m), the intensity of oxidation vertically decreases and is (2–0.3) × 10?2 nl CH4l?1 days?1 in southern and central Baikal and (2.8–1.0) × 10?2 nl CH4 l?1 days?1 in northern Baikal. The effective coefficient of the oxidation rate in the lake depressions is 3.6 × 10?4, 3.3 × 10?4, and 3.7 × 10?4 days?1, respectively. At current methane concentrations in the water column, about 80 t of methane is oxidized per year. Oxidation of the dissolved methane in the water column was estimated at a possible increase of its concentration.  相似文献   

Using data obtained in recent years, we considered the external mass balance and characteristics of internal iron and manganese cycles in Lake Baikal (biological uptake, remineralization, sedimentary and diffusive fluxes, accumulation in sediments, time of renewal, etc.). Some previous results and common concepts were critically reevaluated.  相似文献   

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