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The abundances of the highly siderophile elements (HSE) Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, Rh, Pd and Au, and 187Os/188Os isotope ratios have been determined for a set of carbonaceous, ordinary, enstatite and Rumuruti chondrites, using an analytical technique that permits the precise and accurate measurement of all HSE from the same digestion aliquot. Concentrations of Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd were determined by isotope dilution ICP-MS and N-TIMS analysis. The monoisotopic elements Rh and Au were quantified relative to the abundance of Ir.Differences in HSE abundances and ratios such as Re/Os, 187Os/188Os, Pd/Ir and Au/Ir between different chondrite classes are further substantiated with new data, and additional Rh and Au data, including new data for CI chondrites. Systematically different relative abundances of Rh between different chondrite classes are reminiscent of the behaviour of Re. Carbonaceous chondrites are characterized by low average Rh/Ir of 0.27 ± 0.03 (1s) which is about 20% lower than the ratio for ordinary (0.34 ± 0.02) and enstatite chondrites (EH: 0.33 ± 0.01; EL: 0.32 ± 0.01). R chondrites show higher and somewhat variable Rh/Ir of 0.37 ± 0.07.Well-defined linear correlations of HSE, in particular for bulk samples of ordinary and EL chondrites, are explained by binary mixing and/or dilution by silicates. The HSE carriers responsible for these correlations have a uniform chemical composition, indicating efficient homogenization of local nebular heterogeneities during or prior to the formation of the host minerals in chondrite components. Excepting Rumuruti chondrites and Au in carbonaceous chondrites, these correlations also suggest that metamorphism, alteration and igneous processes had negligible influence on the HSE distribution on the bulk sample scale.Depletion patterns for Rh, Pd and Au in carbonaceous chondrites other than CI are smoothly related to condensation temperatures and therefore consistent with the general depletion of moderately volatile elements in carbonaceous chondrites. Fractionated HSE abundance patterns of ordinary, enstatite and Rumuruti chondrites, however, are more difficult to explain. Fractional condensation combined with the removal of metal phases at various times, and later mixing of early and late formed metal phases may provide a viable explanation. Planetary fractionation processes that may have affected precursor material of chondrite components cannot explain the HSE abundance patterns of chondrite groups. HSE abundances of some, but not all Rumuruti chondrites may be consistent with solid sulphide-liquid sulphide fractionation processes during impact induced melting.  相似文献   

The abundances of the highly siderophile elements (HSE) Ru, Pd, Re, Os, Ir, and Pt were determined by isotope dilution mass spectrometry for 22 ureilite bulk rock samples, including monomict, augite-bearing, and polymict lithologies. This report adds significantly to the quantity of available Pt and Pd abundances in ureilites, as these elements were rarely determined in previous neutron activation studies. The CI-normalized HSE abundance patterns of all ureilites analyzed here except ALHA 81101 show marked depletions in the more volatile Pd, with CI chondrite-normalized Pd/Os ratios (excluding ALHA 81101) averaging 0.19 ± 0.23 (2σ). This value is too low to be directly derived from any known chondrite group. Instead, the HSE bulk rock abundances and HSE interelement ratios in ureilites can be understood as physical mixtures of two end member compositions. One component, best represented by sample ALHA 78019, is characterized by superchondritic abundances of refractory HSE (RHSE—Ru, Re, Os, Ir, and Pt), but subchondritic Pd/RHSE, and is consistent with residual metal after extraction of a S-bearing metallic partial melt from carbonaceous chondrite-like precursor materials. The other component, best represented by sample ALHA 81101, is RHSE-poor and has HSE abundances in chondritic proportions. The genesis of the second component is unclear. It could represent regions within the ureilite parent body (UPB), in which metallic phases were completely molten and partially drained, or it might represent chondritic contamination that was added during disruption and brecciation of the UPB. Removal of carbon-rich melts does not seem to play an important role in ureilite petrogenesis. Removal of such melts would quickly deplete the ureilite precursors in Re/Os and As/Au, which is inconsistent with measured osmium isotope abundances, and also with literature As/Au data for the ureilites. Removal of 26Al during silicate melting may have acted as a switch that turned off further metal extraction from ureilite source regions.  相似文献   

马雪盈  刘庆  闫方超  何苗  张宏远 《岩石学报》2021,37(8):2562-2578



Separated magnetic and nonmagnetic components from the ordinary chondrites Dhajala (H3.8) and Ochansk (H4) were analyzed for their Re-Os isotopic compositions, as well as for the abundances of the highly siderophile elements (HSE) Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt and Pd. The Re-Os isotopic systematics of these components are used to constrain the timing of HSE fractionations, and assess the level of open-system behavior of these elements in each of the different components. The high precision, isotope dilution mass spectrometric analyses of the HSE are used to constrain the origins of, and possible relations between some of the diverse components present in these chondrites. The relative and absolute abundances of the HSE differ considerably among the components. Metal fractions have Re/Os that are factors of ∼2 (Dhajala) to ∼3 (Ochansk) higher than those of their nonmagnetic fractions. The isotopic data for both meteorites are consistent with the largest Re-Os fractionations occurring between metal and nonmagnetic components early in solar system history, although minor to moderate late stage, open-system behavior, and limited variations in Re/Os preclude a precise determination of the age for that fractionation. Open-system behavior is generally absent to minor in the metal fractions, and highly variable in nonmagnetic fractions. Re/Os ratios of nonmagnetic fractions deviate as much as 40% from a primordial isochron. Although some deviations are large for isochron applications, nearly all are negligible with respect to consideration of fractionation processes controlling the HSE.Metal from both meteorites contains about 90% of the total budget of HSE. Metal in Ochansk has ∼2 to 10 times the abundances of the bulk meteorite, while metal from the matrix of Dhajala has ∼2 to 4 times the abundances of the bulk. Fine metal in both meteorites has higher abundances than coarse metal, as has been previously observed. Nonmagnetic components, consisting of chondrules and matrix from which metal was removed in the laboratory, have highly fractionated HSE, characterized by much lower Re/Os than the bulk meteorites, as well as large relative depletions in Pd. The abundances of Re, Os, Ir, Ru and Pt in the nonmagnetic fractions are 14-120 ng/g, much higher than would be expected if they had equilibrated with the metal phases present (150-16,000 ng/g). Collectively, the data are consistent with the HSE budget in ordinary chondrites being dominated by two HSE-bearing carrier phases with distinct compositions. These phases formed separately, and never subsequently equilibrated. Metal components incorporated a HSE carrier that formed at high through moderate temperatures and relatively high pressures, such that the relatively volatile Pd behaved coherently with the more refractory HSE. Nonmagnetic fractions from both chondrules and matrix have HSE compositions that likely require at least two processes that fractionated the HSE. Depletions in Pd are consistent with the presence of HSE carriers that formed as either highly refractory condensates, or residues of high degrees of metal melting. Depletions in Re may implicate a period of relatively high fO2 during which a volatile form of Re was separated from the other HSE.  相似文献   

New analyses of highly siderophile elements (HSE; Re, Os, Ir, Ru, Pt, and Pd) obtained by Carius tube digestion isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ID-ICPMS) technique are reported for 187Os-enriched 2.8 Ga komatiites from the Kostomuksha greenstone belt. As a result of a significant improvement in the yield over our previous digestions by the NiS fire-assay technique, these komatiites have now been shown to contain 22 to 25% more Os, Ir, and Pt and 34% more Ru. The emplaced komatiite lavas at Kostomuksha thus had siderophile element abundances comparable to those of the Abitibi belt. The discrepancies observed between the two techniques are interpreted to be the result of incomplete digestion of HSE carriers (particularly chromite) during the NiS fire-assay procedure. Our results for UB-N peridotite reference material agree well with those obtained by the high-pressure ashing digestion ID-ICPMS technique reported in the literature. Two types of komatiite lavas have been distinguished in this study based on the IPGE (Os, Ir, and Ru) behavior during lava differentiation. The Kostomuksha type is unique and is characterized by an incompatible behavior of IPGEs, with bulk solid-liquid partition coefficients for IPGEs being close to those for olivine. Cumulate zones in this type of komatiite lava occupy <20% of the total thickness of the flows. The Munro type exhibits a compatible behavior of IPGEs during lava differentiation. The cumulate zone in this type of komatiite occupies >20% of the total thickness of the flows. The calculated bulk partition coefficients indicate that, as with the other Munro-type komatiite lavas, the bulk cumulate contained an IPGE-rich minor phase(s) in addition to olivine. The non-CI chondritic HSE pattern for the source of the Kostomuksha komatiites calculated here is similar to that of Abitibi komatiites and to average depleted spinel lherzolite (ADSL) and supports the hypothesis of a non-CI chondritic HSE composition of the Earth’s mantle. The absolute HSE abundances in the source of the Kostomuksha komatiite have been demonstrated to be comparable to those of the source of Abitibi komatiites, even though the two komatiites contrast in their Os isotopic compositions. This supports the earlier hypothesis that if core-mantle interaction produced the 187Os/188Os radiogenic signature in the Kostomuksha source, it must have occurred in the form of isotope exchange at the core-mantle boundary. Other explanations of the radiogenic Os signature are similarly constrained to conserve the elemental abundance pattern in the mantle source of Kostomuksha komatiites.  相似文献   

A wide range of Triassic rift-related volcanic rocks is preserved on the extensional continental margin of the central part of the Pelagonian micro-continental block of Greece, in the region of northern Evia Island and Othris. This part of the continental margin is unusual for the abundance of lavas, the wide range of lava types, and the presence of komatiitic lavas. The predominant rock types are subalkaline basalt and basaltic andesite, mildly alkaline basalt and picrite, and minor komatiite. Four groups of mafic rocks are distinguished from the 32 samples analyzed on the basis of variation in incompatible trace elements, with all but one group including both picritic and basaltic rocks. The geochemical character of the volcanic rocks suggests derivation from inhomogenous, spinel-bearing, lithospheric mantle. This mantle source was variably depleted and moderately refertilized by subduction-related fluids during earlier Hercynian subduction. The picrites were generated by variable degrees of partial melting, which are inferred to inversely correlate with pressure, thus suggesting decompression melting of their source. Evidence is lacking for a major mantle plume, but the enhanced magmatism in this sector of the rifted margin suggests that melting was induced by a large amount of hydration, which is appropriate to generate melts at lower temperatures. Consequent fractionation coupled with crustal assimilation generated the wide range of subalkaline to mildly alkaline mafic rocks.  相似文献   

Abundance data for Cs, Rb, Tl, Ba, Pb, Sr, the rare earths, Th, U, Zr, Hf, Sn, Nb, Mo, Mn, Cu, Co, Ni, Sc, V, Cr, Ag, Sb and the major elements are reported for two andesites and a dacite from Saipan, nine andesites and a dacite from Bougainville and two andesites from Fiji. The Saipan rocks are low-K varieties and contain notably low abundances of Rb, Ba, Th and U and have rare earth patterns subparallel to chondritic patterns. The Bougainville andesites include low-Si and high-K varieties which have higher concentrations of the large cations. The Fijian samples are close to the average circum-Pacific andesite and have rareearth patterns sub-parallel to those of sedimentary rocks.All the andesites contain characteristically low (< 20 ppm) values for Ni and have Ni/Co ratios < 1, and V/Ni ratios > 10.These data preclude derivation of calc-alkaline rocks by mixing of upper crustal material or by fractional crystallisation from basaltic parents. A two stage model is proposed involving sea-floor spreading and transportation of the oceanic crust down the dipping seismic plane into the mantle where it is remelted to form andesites.  相似文献   

Highly siderophile element concentrations (HSE: Re and platinum-group elements (PGE)) are presented for gabbros, gabbroic eclogites and basaltic eclogites from the high-pressure Zermatt-Saas ophiolite terrain, Switzerland. Rhenium and PGE (Os, Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt, Pd) abundances in gabbro- and eclogite-hosted sulphides, and Re-Os isotopes and elemental concentrations in silicate phases are also reported. This work, therefore, provides whole rock and mineral-scale insights into the PGE budget of gabbroic oceanic crust and the effects of subduction metamorphism on gabbroic and basaltic crust.Chondrite-normalised PGE patterns for the gabbros are similar to published mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), but show less inter-element fractionation. Mean Pt and Pd contents of 360 and 530 pg/g, respectively, are broadly comparable to MORB, but gabbros have somewhat higher abundances of Os, Ir and Ru (mean: 64, 57 and 108 pg/g). Transformation to eclogite has not significantly changed the concentrations of the PGE, except Pd which is severely depleted in gabbroic eclogites relative to gabbros (∼75% loss). In contrast, basaltic eclogites display significant depletion of Pt (?60%), Pd (>85%) and Re (50-60%) compared with published MORB, while Os, Ir and Ru abundances are broadly comparable. Thus, these data suggest that only Pt, Pd and Re, and not Os, Ir and Ru, may be significantly fluxed into the mantle wedge from mafic oceanic crust. Re-Os model ages for gabbroic and gabbroic eclogite minerals are close to age estimates for igneous crystallisation and high-pressure metamorphism, respectively, hence the HSE budgets can be related to both igneous and metamorphic behaviour. The gabbroic budget of Os, Ir, Ru and Pd (but not Pt) is dominated by sulphide, which typically hosts >90% of the Os, whereas silicates account for most of the Re (with up to 75% in plagioclase alone). Sulphides in gabbroic eclogites tend to host a smaller proportion of the total Os (10-90%) while silicates are important hosts, probably reflecting Os inheritance from precursor phases. Garnet contains very high Re concentrations and may account for >50% of Re in some samples. The depletion of Pd in gabbroic eclogites appears linked, at least in part, to the loss of Ni-rich sulphide.Both basaltic and gabbroic oceanic crust have elevated Pt/Os ratios, but Pt/Re ratios are not sufficiently high to generate the coupled 186Os-187Os enrichments observed in some mantle melts, even without Pt loss from basaltic crust. However, the apparent mobility of Pt and Re in slab fluids provides an alternative mechanism for the generation of Pt- and Re-rich mantle material, recently proposed as a potential source of 187Os-186Os enrichment.  相似文献   

Major element compositions and rare-earth element (REE) and transition element(Ni,Cr and V) abundances have been determined on 44 basalt samples from eastern China.These basalts have SiO2 contents ranging from 38.63 to 55.24(wt.%),and Na2O K2O from 3.1 to 9.4(wt.%).Ni and Cr abundances are largely variable,respectively falling in ranges 60-605 and 78-1150 ppm.REE abundances,especially light rare-earth elements(LREE), are highly variable.La/Sm and La/Yb ratios vary 2.8 to 7.6 and 1.8 to 8.1. Although the segregation mainly of olivine and clinopyroxene is requested to account for the vari-able and low MgO,CaO/Al2O3,Cr and Ni characteristic of these basalts studied here,the differ-ences in REE composition of the basalts are still related mainly to the partial melting process.Obvious varations in REE abundances could be principally attributed to the partial melting process.Obvious variations in REE abundances could be principally attributed to the partial melting processes that took place at different depths,in spite of some variations caused by the fractional crystallization processes.REE abundances and La/Sm and La/Yb ratios systematically decrease with increasing SiO2,which probably indicated that the basaltic magma derived from a deeper level has higher LREE and LREE/HREE ratios than that from a shallower level.As viewed from the fact that the D^Yb/D^La ratios of clinopyroxenes in the basaltic system increase with increasing pressure,the increase of LREE/HUEE ratios with increasing melting depth can be interpreted as the pressure dependence of bulk D^HREE/D^LREE ratios of silicate minerals,in addition to the pressure control over the melting degree.  相似文献   

Abundances of O, Si, Al and Mn have been determined in Luna 20 fines sample 22001,9 by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The abundances of O, Si and Al are among the highest we have observed in lunar samples and reflect a highlands origin for much of this regolith sample. The Luna 20 abundances reported here most closely resemble those we have determined in four samples of two Apollo 16 fines, rock 14310, and a clast from breccia 15459. The Luna 20 OSi ratio of 1.96 ± 0.05 is similar to that in most other lunar samples, but the AlSi ratio of 0.532 ± 0.024 is exceeded only by our data on the Apollo 16 fines. This AlSi ratio is in agreement with the value of 0.55 ± 0.06 determined by the remote X-ray fluorescence experiment for the highlands between Mare Crisium and Mare Smythii which lie near the Luna 20 site (Adleret al., 1972).  相似文献   

铂族元素在地壳、岩石和沉积物中的分布   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
迟清华  鄢明才 《地球化学》2006,35(5):461-471
随着20世纪90年代铂族元素分析测试技术的突破性进展以及大量可靠的岩石和沉积物铂族元素含量分析数据的积累,引用20世纪80年代前发表的有关铂族元素的地壳丰度和岩石、沉积物中的平均含量作为衡量标准已不适宜。根据近15年来获得的大量的有关铂族元素含量的可靠数据,综合给出了铂族元素在地壳、岩石、土壤和沉积物中的丰度。这种对地壳、岩石和沉积物中铂族元素丰度值的新认识,对理论地球化学、勘查地球化学甚至铂族元素矿产勘查工作都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The concentrations of the trace elements Na, K, Rb and Sr and the isotopic composition of Sr have been measured in a suite of ultramafic rocks, including alpine-type intrusions, inclusions in basalts and kimberlite pipes, zones from stratiform sheets, and a mica peridotite. From these data and those available in the literature the following conclusions can be drawn. Alpine-type ultramafic material appears to be residual in nature and can be neither the source material for the derivation of basalts nor the refractory residue of modern basalts. Alpine-type ultramafic intrusions appear to have no relationship with ultramafic zones in stratiform sheets and were probably derived from the upper mantle. A genetic relationship exists between basalts and their ultramafic inclusions, but it is extremely doubtful that this inclusion material could give rise to basalts by partial fusion. There is a possible genetic relationship between basalts and ultramafic inclusions in kimberlite pipes, and this ultramafic material is a potential source for the derivation of basalts. Ultramafic inclusions in basalts are probably not fragments of an alpine-type ultramafic zone in the mantle. An attempt has been made to synthesize the data and interpretations of this study by way of speculations on the role of ultramafic rocks in the differentiation history of the earth.  相似文献   

Osmium, Ru, Ir, Pt, Pd and Re abundances and 187Os/188Os data on peridotites were determined using improved analytical techniques in order to precisely constrain the highly siderophile element (HSE) composition of fertile lherzolites and to provide an updated estimate of HSE composition of the primitive upper mantle (PUM). The new data are used to better constrain the origin of the HSE excess in Earth’s mantle. Samples include lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths from Archean and post-Archean continental lithosphere, peridotites from ultramafic massifs, ophiolites and other samples of oceanic mantle such as abyssal peridotites. Osmium, Ru and Ir abundances in the peridotite data set do not correlate with moderately incompatible melt extraction indicators such as Al2O3. Os/Ir is chondritic in most samples, while Ru/Ir, with few exceptions, is ca. 30% higher than in chondrites. Both ratios are constant over a wide range of Al2O3 contents, but show stronger scatter in depleted harzburgites. Platinum, Pd and Re abundances, their ratios with Ir, Os and Ru, and the 187Os/188Os ratio (a proxy for Re/Os) show positive correlations with Al2O3, indicating incompatible behavior of Pt, Pd and Re during mantle melting. The empirical sequence of peridotite-melt partition coefficients of Re, Pd and Pt as derived from peridotites () is consistent with previous data on natural samples. Some harzburgites and depleted lherzolites have been affected by secondary igneous processes such as silicate melt percolation, as indicated by U-shaped patterns of incompatible HSE, high 187Os/188Os, and scatter off the correlations defined by incompatible HSE and Al2O3. The bulk rock HSE content, chondritic Os/Ir, and chondritic to subchondritic Pt/Ir, Re/Os, Pt/Re and Re/Pd of many lherzolites of the present study are consistent with depletion by melting, and possibly solid state mixing processes in the convecting mantle, involving recycled oceanic lithosphere. Based on fertile lherzolite compositions, we infer that PUM is characterized by a mean Ir abundance of 3.5 ± 0.4 ng/g (or 0.0080 ± 0.0009*CI chondrites), chondritic ratios involving Os, Ir, Pt and Re (Os/IrPUM of 1.12 ± 0.09, Pt/IrPUM = 2.21 ± 0.21, Re/OsPUM = 0.090 ± 0.002) and suprachondritic ratios involving Ru and Pd (Ru/IrPUM = 2.03 ± 0.12, Pd/IrPUM = 2.06 ± 0.31, uncertainties 1σ). The combination of chondritic and modestly suprachondritic HSE ratios of PUM cannot be explained by any single planetary fractionation process. Comparison with HSE patterns of chondrites shows that no known chondrite group perfectly matches the PUM composition. Similar HSE patterns, however, were found in Apollo 17 impact melt rocks from the Serenitatis impact basin [Norman M.D., Bennett V.C., Ryder G., 2002. Targeting the impactors: siderophile element signatures of lunar impact melts from Serenitatis. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, 217-228.], which represent mixtures of chondritic material, and a component that may be either of meteoritic or indigenous origin. The similarities between the HSE composition of PUM and the bulk composition of lunar breccias establish a connection between the late accretion history of the lunar surface and the HSE composition of the Earth’s mantle. Although late accretion following core formation is still the most viable explanation for the HSE abundances in the Earth’s mantle, the “late veneer” hypothesis may require some modification in light of the unique PUM composition.  相似文献   

The paper reports wavelength-dispersive x-ray fluorescence spectrometric data on the abundances of Sc, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Pb, and Th in the first-ever reported sample of spinifex-textured komatiite from India at Ghatti Hosahalli in Karnataka. With some exceptions, these abundances are similar to those reported for the spinifex-textured komatiite from the Barberton greenstone belt in South Africa. The values for some alteration-resistant element ratios — Ti/Zr, Ti/Y, Ti/Sc, Ti/V, Zr/Y, Zr/Sc, Sc/Y, V/Zr, and V/Sc — for chondrite and for spinifex-textured komatiites from Ghatti Hosahalli (India), Barberton (South Africa), Munro (Canada), and Yilgarn (Australia) reveal that, except for the Ti/Zr ratio for the Ghatti Hosahalli komatiite, the other ratios from the four terrains define a unique trend that is almost superimposed on the trend defined by these ratios for chondrite. This suggests that the processes of formation of komatiitic lavas from the four far-separated terrains were similar, and that, the source regions from which these lavas formed had a chondritic composition.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the retrograde rheological and chemical evolution of quartz and the behaviour of quartzites during retrograde metamorphism following dry high grade metamorphism at 750°C, 7 kbar. SEM-CL and LA-HR-ICP-MS are applied to document quartz texture and chemistry, respectively. Four generations of quartz were distinguished by SEM-CL; Qz1, Qz2, Qz3 and Qz4. Qz1, brecciated and partly dissolved old grains, is enriched in B, Al and Ti when compared with the other types. Qz2, formed during brecciation and partial dissolution of Qz1, has low Al contents (<50 ppm) but, due to rutile inclusions, variable Ti contents when occurring in amphibolite (210–10 ppm) but more consistent values when occurring in quartzites (peak value 32 ppm). Qz3, dark grey luminescent quartz forming fluid migration channels (fluid pathways), has Ti < 5 ppm and Al contents below 10 ppm and B < 1 ppm. Qz4, comprises are group of quartz later than Qz3 filling micron thick cracks and pods with very low luminescent quartz, i.e. darker than Qz3. The textural and chemical evolution of quartz in our study is explained by two major influxes of aqueous fluids during regional uplift and retrogression. They facilitated rehydration and recrystallisation in the otherwise dry high grade quartzites. The first introduction of aqueous fluids was associated with brecciation of the high grade quartz (Qz1) and dissolution/precipitation of quartz (Qz2). Ti in quartz geothermometry (Wark and Watson, Contrib Mineral Petrol 152(6):637–652) gives 626°C in agreement with the retrograde PT-path deduced from phase diagrams. Later fluid influx associated with scapolitisation of amphibolite caused localised recrystallisation (Qz3) and alteration of biotite to muscovite along mm-wide fluid migration channels. During subsequent deformation, Qz3 deformed plastically and recovered by subgrain rotation recrystallisation (SGR), resulting in a reduction of grain size, whereas Qz1 quartz formed micro faults. Qz2 was plastic but did not experience SGR to the same degree as Qz3 quartz. Increased plasticity and recovery rates most likely relate to an increased H2O fugacity and the depletion in trace elements of the quartz lattice by promoting strain softening processes dislocation climb and recovery. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Osmium isotopic compositions, abundances of highly siderophile elements (HSE: platinum group elements, Re and Au), the chalcogen elements S, Se and Te and major and minor elements were analysed in physically separated size fractions and components of the ordinary chondrites WSG 95300 (H3.3, meteorite find) and Parnallee (LL3.6, meteorite fall). Fine grained magnetic fractions are 268-65 times enriched in HSE compared to the non-magnetic fractions. A significant deviation of some fractions of WSG 95300 from the 4.568 Ga 187Re-187Os isochron was caused by redistribution of Re due to weathering of metal. HSE abundance patterns show that at least four different types of HSE carriers are present in WSG 95300 and Parnallee. The HSE carriers display (i) CI chondritic HSE ratios, (ii) variable Re/Os ratios, (iii) lower than CI chondritic Pd/Ir and Au/Ir and (iv) higher Pt/Ir and Pt/Ru than in CI chondrites. These differences between components clearly indicate the loss of refractory HSE carrier phases before accretion of the components. Tellurium abundances correlate with Pd and are decoupled from S, suggesting that most Te partitioned into metal during the last high-temperature event. Tellurium is depleted in all fractions compared to CI chondrite normalized Se abundances. The depletion of Te is likely associated with the high temperature history of the metal precursors of H and LL chondrites and occurred independent of the metal loss event that depleted LL chondrites in siderophile elements. Most non-magnetic and slightly magnetic fractions have S/Se close to CI chondrites. In contrast, the decoupling of Te and Se from S in magnetic fractions suggests the influence of volatility and metal-silicate partitioning on the abundances of the chalcogen elements. The influence of terrestrial weathering on chalcogen element systematics of these meteorites appears to be negligible.  相似文献   

The Kabanga deposit constitutes one of the most significant Ni sulfide discoveries of the last two decades (indicated mineral resource 23 Mt of ore at 2.64% Ni, inferred resource 28.5 Mt at 2.7% Ni, November 2008). The sulfides are hosted by predominantly harzburgitic and orthopyroxenitic intrusions that crystallized from magnesian basaltic and picritic magmas. However, compared with other sulfide ores that segregated from such magmas (e.g., Jinchuan, Pechenga, Raglan), most Kabanga sulfides have low Ni (<1–3%), Cu (∼0.1–0.4%), and PGE contents (≪1 ppm), high Ni/Cu (5–15), and low Ni/Co (10–15) and Pd/Ir (2–20). Sulfides with higher metal contents (up to ∼5% Ni, 0.8% Cu, 10 ppm PGE) are found in only one unit from Kabanga North. The observed metal contents are consistent with segregation of magmatic sulfides from fertile to strongly metal-depleted magmas, at intermediate to very low mass ratios of silicate to sulfide liquid (R factors) of approximately 10–400. Sulfide saturation was triggered prior to final emplacement, by assimilation of up to 50% of the total sulfur in the intrusions from sulfide-bearing metasedimentary country rocks. Immiscible sulfide liquid was entrained by the magma and ultimately precipitated in dynamic magma conduits that formed tubular and sill-like mafic–ultramafic bodies characterized by abundant magmatic breccias, highly irregular layering, and frequent compositional reversals. The unusually large degree of crustal contamination and the low R factors render Kabanga an end-member in the spectrum of magmatic Ni sulfide ores.  相似文献   

The highly siderophile elements (HSE) pose a challenge for planetary geochemistry. They are normally strongly partitioned into metal relative to silicate. Consequently, planetary core segregation might be expected to essentially quantitatively remove these elements from planetary mantles. Yet the abundances of these elements estimated for Earth's primitive upper mantle (PUM) and the martian mantle are broadly similar, and only about 200 times lower than those of chondritic meteorites. In contrast, although problematic to estimate, abundances in the lunar mantle may be more than twenty times lower than in the terrestrial PUM. The generally chondritic Os isotopic compositions estimated for the terrestrial, lunar and martian mantles require that their long-term Re/Os ratios were within the range of chondritic meteorites. Further, most HSE in the terrestrial PUM also appear to be present in chondritic relative abundances, although Ru/Ir and Pd/Ir ratios are slightly suprachondritic. Similarly suprachondritic Ru/Ir and Pd/Ir ratios have also been reported for some lunar impact melt breccias that were created via large basin forming events.Numerous hypotheses have been proposed to account for the HSE present in Earth's mantle. These hypotheses include inefficient core formation, lowered metal-silicate D values resulting from metal segregation at elevated temperatures and pressures (as may occur at the base of a deep magma ocean), and late accretion of materials with chondritic bulk compositions after the cessation of core segregation. Synthesis of the large database now available for HSE in the terrestrial mantle, lunar samples, and martian meteorites reveals that each of the main hypotheses has flaws. Most difficult to explain is the similarity between HSE in the Earth's PUM and estimates for the martian mantle, coupled with the striking differences between the PUM and estimates for the lunar mantle. More complex, hybrid models that may include aspects of inefficient core formation, HSE partitioning at elevated temperatures and pressures, and late accretion may ultimately be necessary to account for all of the observed HSE characteristics. Participation of aspects of each process may not be surprising as it is difficult to envision the growth of a planet, like Earth, without the involvement of each.  相似文献   

Oceanic tholeiites that have been experimentally reacted with seawater at 500–600° C, 800–1000 bars, have rare earth element (REE) abundances and distribution patterns that are essentially identical to those of the unaltered basalts. Although the data indicate the possibility of some REE leaching and redistribution, the net effects are small and the REE patterns of basalts affected by submarine hydrothermal processes may still be valid petrogenetic indicators.  相似文献   

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