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An Urban Surface Exchange Parameterisation for Mesoscale Models   总被引:9,自引:11,他引:9  
A scheme to represent the impact of urban buildings on airflow in mesoscale atmospheric models is presented. In the scheme, the buildings are not explicitly resolved, but their effects on the grid-averaged variables are parameterised. An urban quarter is characterised by a horizontal building size, a street canyon width and a building density as a function of height. The module computes the impact of the horizontal (roof and canyon floor) and vertical (walls) surfaces on the wind speed, temperature and turbulent kinetic energy. The computation of the shortwave and longwave radiation, needed to compute the temperature of the urban surfaces, takes into account the shadowing and radiation trapping effects induced by the urban canyons. The computation of the turbulent length scales in the TKE equation is also modified to take into account the presence of the buildings.The parameterisation is introduced into a mesoscale model and tested in a bidimensional case of a city over flat terrain. The new parameterisation is shown to be able to reproduce the most important features observed in urban areas better than the traditional approach which is based only on the modification of the roughness length, thereby retaining the Monin–Obukhov similarity theory. The new surface exchange parameterisation is furthermore shown to have a strong impact on the dispersion characteristics of air pollutants in urban areas.  相似文献   

气象卫星与城市气象环境模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用徐敏等人建立的具有广泛用途的区域边界层模式 (NJU RBLM) ,对北京城市区域的气象环境特征做了比较细致的模拟研究 ;然后 ,再利用NOAA AVHRR气象卫星遥感资料 ,采用修正的Ulivieri分裂窗方法反演得到北京城市区域地表温度场 ,将其结果与同样区域范围的数值模拟结果进行对比分析 ,以此进一步检验数值模式的模拟效果和卫星观测资料处理方案的可行性。分析表明 :采用NJU RBLM模拟得到的地面热力场分布及其变化总体趋势与晴空条件下的卫星反演结果基本一致 ,卫星反演的地表热力场分布和强度要较模式模拟的结果更为细致 ;两者都能较好地反映夜间的城市热岛效应和春夏秋季白天的弱冷岛现象 ,夜间的城市高温区以及由山区向城市平原地区风速渐小的辐合过渡带高温区都比较明显 ,午后城市地区温度略低于周边东南地区。  相似文献   

The influence of mesoscale circulations induced by urban-rural differential surface sensible heat flux and roughness on convective boundary-layer (CBL) flow statistics over an isolated urban area has been examined using large-eddy simulation (LES). Results are analyzed when the circulations influence the entire urban area under a zero background wind. For comparison, the CBL flow over an infinite urban area with identical urban surface characteristics under the same background meteorological conditions is generated as a control case (without circulations). The turbulent flow over the isolated urban area exhibits a mix of streaky structure and cellular pattern, while the cellular pattern dominates in the control case. The mixed-layer height varies significantly over the isolated urban area, and can be lower near the edge of the urban area than over the rural area. The vertical profiles of turbulence statistics over the isolated urban area vary horizontally and are dramatically different from the control case. The turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) sources include wind shear, convergence, and buoyancy productions, compared to only buoyancy production in the control case. The normalized vertical velocity variance is reduced compared to the control case except in the central urban area where it is little affected. The low-level flow convergence is mainly responsible for the enhanced horizontal velocity variance in the central urban area, while wind shear is responsible for the additional local maximum of the horizontal velocity variance near the middle of the CBL outside the central area. Parameterizations in the prognostic equation for TKE used in mesoscale models are evaluated against the LES results over the isolated urban area. We also discuss conditions under which the urban-induced circulations occur and when they may affect the entire urban area. Given that urban-induced circulations can influence the entire urban area within hours for an urban area of a realistic size, it is inappropriate to directly apply empirical relations of turbulence statistics derived under horizontally-homogenous flow conditions to an urban area.  相似文献   

The difficulties associated with the parameterization of turbulence in the stable nocturnal planetary boundary layer (PBL) have been a great challenge for the nighttime predictions from mesoscale meteorological models such as MM5. As such, there is a general consensus on the need for better stable boundary-layer parameterizations. To this end, two new turbulence parameterizations based on the measurements of the Vertical Transport and Mixing (VTMX) field campaign were implemented and evaluated in MM5. A unique aspect of this parameterization is the use of a stability-dependent turbulent Prandtl number that allows momentum to be transported by the internal waves, while heat diffusion is impeded by the stratification. This improvement alleviates the problem of over-prediction of heat diffusion under stable conditions, which is a characteristic of conventional atmospheric boundary-layer schemes, such as the Medium Range Forecast (MRF) and Blackadar schemes employed in MM5. The predictions made with the new PBL scheme for the complex terrain airshed of Salt Lake City were compared with those made with a default scheme of MM5, and with observations made during the VTMX campaign. The new schemes showed an improvement in predictions, particularly for the nocturnal near-surface temperature. Surface wind predictions also improved slightly, but not to the extent of temperature predictions. The default MRF scheme showed a significantly higher surface temperature than observed, which could be attributed to the enhanced vertical heat exchange brought about by its turbulence parameterization. The modified parameterizations reduced the surface sensible heat flux, thus enhancing the strength of the near-surface inversion and lowering the temperature towards the observed values.  相似文献   

一种单层城市冠层模式的建立及数值试验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文在引进先进的城市地表能量平衡方案 (Town Energy Balance, 简称TEB) 的基础上建立了一个单层城市冠层模式, 并对南京市典型居民区1 km2范围内的局地尺度地表能量平衡各分量进行离线模拟, 将模拟结果与同期观测值作了比对, 发现: TEB方案对城市地表能量平衡各分量的模拟效果良好, 而该方案的模拟性能受建筑物表面材料反照率取值的影响较大。在离线研究的基础上, 本文又将TEB方案成功耦合到南京大学区域边界层模式 (NJU-RBLM) 中, 作为该模式的地表能量平衡参数化方案之一, 分别选取该边界层模式中原有的地表能量平衡参数化方案SVAT (Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere-Transfer model) 和新引入的TEB方案对冬夏两季不同个例进行模拟, 以常规近地面气温观测资料和Landsat卫星观测的地表反照率资料对模拟结果进行比较, 结果表明: TEB方案对原大气边界层模式的模拟效果有明显改善, 对近地面热力场的改善效果尤为明显, 可以很好地模拟出城市冠层中的“陷阱效应”。  相似文献   

We perform large-eddy simulations of neutral atmospheric boundary-layer flow over a cluster of buildings surrounded by relatively flat terrain. The first investigated question is the effect of the level of building detail that can be included in the numerical model, a topic not yet addressed by any previous study. The simplest representation is found to give similar results to more refined representations for the mean flow, but not for turbulence. The wind direction on the other hand is found to be important for both mean and turbulent parameters. As many suburban areas are characterised by the clustering of buildings and homes into small areas separated by surfaces of lower roughness, we look at the adjustment of the atmospheric surface layer as it flows from the smoother terrain to the built-up area. This transition has unexpected impacts on the flow; mainly, a zone of global backscatter (energy transfer from the turbulent eddies to the mean flow) is found at the upstream edge of the built-up area.  相似文献   

A numerical two-dimensional-mesoscale model with a level 1.5 closure scheme for turbulence is described. The model is used to simulate the boundary layer over coastal complex terrain. Meteorological data available from the Øresund land-sea-land terrain experiment are used to study the performance of the model. The model could simulate generally observed complexities in the mean wind and temperature fields. Internal boundary layers over the water and land surfaces were identified by the height of lowest value in the turbulence kinetic energy profile and this showed good agreement with radiosonde (RS) observations.Some disagreements with the data were also noticed, especially near the surface. The wind speed was over-predicted. Attempts were made to improve the model performance by adopting different schemes for model initialisation. Results showed that initialisation with an early model start time and observed wind profile near the inflow boundary improved the performance. The wind speed over-prediction could be further minimised by using a more realistic objective initialisation scheme. The problem centred around the proper estimation of the turbulent diffusion coefficient K through the closure scheme. Despite using the most popular empirical relationships in the level 1.5 closure scheme, these differences persisted. While this needs further investigation, the present model can be used to supply wind fields for practical purposes such as air pollution calculations.  相似文献   

Flow characteristics in the lower part of theatmospheric boundary layer developing immediatelyabove building roofs have been studied by physicalmodelling under neutral stratification conditions. Thevertical profiles of velocity, turbulence intensityand Reynolds stress were measured in detail above amodel urban fetch consisting of parallel streetcanyons. Two different street densities and roofshapes were tested. It is found that the influence ofthe buildings on the oncoming wind remains confined towithin three overall building heights above ground.Furthermore, the effect on the wind at roof levelfrom the areal building density is relatively weak, butstrong from the roof shape. Thus, altering roof shapecan have a much more beneficial impact on urban airquality than increasing the spacing betweenbuildings. Moreover, these findings yield a novelmethodology for reliable prediction of urban airquality, by combining numerical mesoscale wind flowmodels with physical street canyon pollutiondispersion models.  相似文献   

利用北京325 m气象塔上安装的7层CO2涡动相关系统在2014年12月到2015年11月的观测资料,分析了北京城区不同高度上CO2浓度、通量时空分布及湍流谱的特征。结果表明:城市CO2浓度日变化除了冬季都呈现双峰型,冬季由于人为碳源排放的大幅增加,双峰型不明显。每层的CO2浓度、通量都有明显的季节变化:冬季最高,春末、夏季最低。CO2浓度整体随高度的增加而降低。北京城区是CO2源,CO2通量的日变化不如CO2浓度日变化规律明显。CO2通量在47 m以下为负,47 m以上为正。通量在140 m以下随高度的增加而增加;140m以上随高度的增加而减少。根据对CO2时空分布的分析可知:边界层CO2浓度、通量强烈受到碳源、下垫面植被、大气稳定度、环境温度和天气过程等因素的影响。各变量谱与Kaimal等的研究结果接近:归一化速度谱和CO2谱在惯性子区有-2/3的斜率,在低频区与稳定度参数(Z/L)有一定的关系。这说明复杂地形的城市下垫面的湍流谱结构与平坦地形相比没有太大的实质性差异。  相似文献   

The urban impact on the sea breeze is studied by means of a mesoscale model with a detailed urban parameterisation. Four simulations are carried out on an idealised two-dimensional flat domain. In the base case, half of the domain is characterised by seaand the other half by rural land. In the urban case, an urban area 10 km wide is added near the shoreline. Simulations are performed for a moist rural soil (weak sea breeze) and for a dry rural soil (strong sea breeze). Results are analysed in order to evaluate the impact of the city on the wind, temperature and turbulent kinetic energy fields. The dispersion of a passive tracer emitted near the coastline is, also, used in the comparison. Results show that the city accelerates the sea-breeze formation in the morning (combinations of urban circulation and sea breeze), but it slows thesea-breeze front penetration. Moreover, the presence of the city enhances the recirculation processes and strongly modifies the pollutant dispersion. These effects are enhanced for a moist rural soil.  相似文献   

精细的城市边界层模拟中热力粗糙度引入的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
周荣卫  蒋维楣  刘罡 《大气科学》2007,31(4):611-620
运用南京大学城市尺度边界层模式(UBLM)以100 m水平网格距的精细高分辨率,诊断分析小规模城市(水平范围在一二十公里)的气象环境与边界层结构。就高分辨率精细模拟分析研究了两个问题:(1)在模式中引入热力粗糙度,就引入热力粗糙度前后的模拟结果与实测结果进行对比,结果表明引入后的模拟结果与自动气象站的观测结果吻合较好,能够很好地反映出地面气温的日变化规律。冬季,白天不引入热力粗糙度比引入热力粗糙度会高估小规模城市地区感热通量约60 W/m2,而对乡间农作物地区约10 W/m2。(2)以四种不同水平网格距对同一下垫面及气象条件进行诊断分析,结果表明以100 m网格距精细模拟效果明显优于以较大网格距进行的模拟效果。以这样的精细高分辨率模式所获模拟结果分析了小规模城市的边界层特征,表明:冬季白天和夜间小规模城市与乡村气温差分别为0.8℃和0.6℃;风速明显低于乡村地区;湍能高于乡村地区,白天和夜间湍能一般为乡村的3倍左右;白天混合层发展较乡村迅速,且高度高于乡村地区。这样的特征在当今城市规划布局工作中,为特大型城市的卫星城市的建设规划提供了有益的科学实验依据。模拟效果表明以如此高的水平分辨率实施的模式和模拟是可行和有意义的。  相似文献   

佟华  陈仲良  桑建国 《大气科学》2004,28(6):957-978
由于城市表面复杂的下垫面的影响,使得城市边界层风温场结构较其他下垫面有很大不同.作者通过将城市中500 m网格内的各种地表类型,按照各自在网格中所占的百分比及各自的地表参数加权平均,得到此网格的平均的地表参数,以此准确反映下垫面的情况,建立分辨率为500 m的城市边界层能量平衡模式,将此城市边界层能量平衡模式嵌入动力学框架,并用中尺度模式MM5作为初始条件和边界条件,建立一个既考虑中尺度背景场又详细考虑城市下垫面复杂性与多样性的城市边界层模式系统.将模式系统运用于香港复杂地形下的边界层特点的模拟研究.通过与观测值的比较,模式能够较准确的模拟出海陆风、城市热岛等热力过程,及气流过山引起的绕流等动力过程,并且通过对边界层高度的模拟预测污染扩散的条件等.说明模式系统具有模拟在中尺度的背景场的控制下海陆风环流、过山堆积和绕流及城市热力影响的能力.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of non-stationarity of the wind on similarity of the eddy diffusivities for heat and vapour within a stable layer at the bottom of an internal boundary layer formed downwind of a dry-to-wet transition. First, we present some experimental data taken above a rice crop downwind of very extensive dry range lands at Warrawidgee, NSW, Australia. These data establish that periods of higher wind speed were associated with periods of higher saturation deficit in the canopy of the rice crop, and lower Bowen ratio. It is shown that Bowen ratios calculated for 30-second sub-intervals varied three-fold within a single 20-minute averaging period. Thus periods of higher wind speed corresponded to periods of higher moisture flux and smaller sensible heat flux.An idealized situation is then analysed theoretically. It is assumed that the time scale of the slow variations of the wind is long compared with the surface-layer time scale and that fetch is sufficient that the air near the ground is in continuous equilibrium with the surface. Using a two-scale Reynolds decomposition of the fluctuating wind and scalar variables into active and inactive components, it is shown that unsteadiness can lead to an eddy diffusivity for saturation deficit, calculated as the ratio of average flux to average gradient, that is larger than that for total energy calculated in a similar way. Using this ratio to calculate the ratio of diffusivities for temperature and humidity, KT/Kq, it is found that the latter can be much larger than one if the Bowen ratio is small and negative. Despite this, assuming KT = Kq and using the Bowen ratio method to calculate surface energy fluxes will usually incur only minor errors.  相似文献   

A multilayer one-dimensional canopy model was developed to analyze the relationship between urban warming and the increase in energy consumption in a big city. The canopy model, which consists of one-dimensional diffusion equations with a drag force, has three major parameters: building width, distance between buildings, and vertical floor density distribution, which is the distribution of a ratio of the number of the buildings that are taller than some level to all the buildings in the area under consideration. In addition, a simplified radiative process in the canopy is introduced. Both the drag force of the buildings and the radiative process depend on the floor density distribution. The thermal characteristics of an urban canopy including the effects of anthropogenic heat are very complicated. Therefore, the focus of this research is mainly on the basic performance of an urban canopy without anthropogenic heat. First, the basic thermal characteristics of the urban canopy alone were investigated. The canopy model was then connected with a three-dimensional mesoscale meteorological model, and on-line calculations were performed for 10 and 11 August, 2002 in Tokyo, Japan. The temperature near the ground surface at the bottom of the canopy was considerably improved by the calculation with the canopy model. However, a small difference remained between the calculation and the observation for minimum temperature. Deceleration of the wind was well reproduced for the velocity at the top of the building by the calculation with the canopy model, in which the floor density distribution was considered.  相似文献   

A large-eddy simulation (LES) study is presented that investigates the spatial variability of temporal eddy covariance fluxes and the systematic underestimation of representative fluxes linked to them. It extends a prior numerical study by performing high resolution simulations that allow for virtual measurements down to 20 m in a convective boundary layer, so that conditions for small tower measurement sites can be analysed. It accounts for different convective regimes as the wind speed and the near-surface heat flux are varied. Moreover, it is the first LES imbalance study that extends to the stable boundary layer. It reveals shortcomings of single site measurements and the necessity of using horizontally-distributed observation networks. The imbalances in the convective case are attributed to a locally non-vanishing mean vertical advection due to turbulent organised structures (TOS). The strength of the TOS and thus the imbalance magnitude depends on height, the horizontal mean wind and the convection type. Contrary to the results of a prior study, TOS cannot generally be responsible for large energy imbalances: at low observation heights (corresponding to small towers and near-surface energy balance stations) the TOS related imbalances are generally about one order of magnitude smaller than those in field experiments. However, TOS may cause large imbalances at large towers not only in the case of cellular convection and low wind speeds, as found in the previous study, but also in the case of roll convection at large wind speeds. In the stably stratified boundary layer for all observation heights neither TOS nor significant imbalances are observed. Attempting to reduce imbalances in convective situations by applying the conventional linear detrending method increases the systematic flux underestimation. Thus, a new filter method is proposed.  相似文献   

A Lagrangian stochastic model for the time evolution of the velocity of a fluid particle is presented. This model is based on a one-dimensional generalized Langevin equation, and assumes the velocity probability distribution of the turbulent fluid is skewed and spatially homogeneous. This has been shown to be an effective approach to simulating vertical dispersion in the convective boundary layer. We use a form of the Langevin equation that has a linear (in velocity) deterministic acceleration and a random acceleration that is a non-Gaussian, skewed process. For the case of homogeneous fluid velocity statistics, this 'linear-skewed' Langevin equation can be integrated explicitly, resulting in an efficient numerical simulation method. Model simulations were tested using cases for which exact, analytic statistical properties of particle velocity are known. Results of these tests show that, for homogeneous turbulence, a linear-skewed Langevin equation model can overcome the difficulties encountered in applying a Langevin equation with a skewed random acceleration. The linear-skewed Langevin equation model results are compared to results of a 'nonlinear-Gaussian' Langevin equation model, and show that the linear-skewed model is significantly more efficient.  相似文献   

The development of a theoretical model fora decaying convective boundary layeris considered. The model relies on thedynamical energy spectrumequation in which the buoyancy andinertial transfer terms are retained,and a closure assumptionmade for both. The parameterization for thebuoyancy term is given providing a factorizationbetween the energy source termand its temporal decay. Regarding the inertialtransfer term a hypothesis ofsuperposition is used to describe theconvective energy source and time variationof velocity correlation separately.The solution of the budget equation for theturbulent kinetic energy spectrum is possible,given the three-dimensional initial energyspectrum. This is doneutilizing a version of the Kristensen et al.(see Boundary-Layer Meteorol. 47, 149–193)model valid for non-isotropic turbulence. During thedecay the locus of the spectralpeak remains at about the sameposition as the heat flux decreases.Comparison of the theoretical modelis performed against large-eddy simulationdata for a decaying convectiveboundary layer.  相似文献   

为解析大气污染物与气象的双向反馈机制及其对气象和环境的影响,建立基于Mie散射理论的气溶胶—光学性质模块,研制气象-化学双向耦合器,以嵌套网格空气质量预报模式NAQPMS(Nested Air Quality Prediction Modeling System)为基础,建立了NAQPMS和中尺度气象模式WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting Model)的双向耦合模式(WRF-NAQPMS)。利用此模式数值模拟了2013年9月27日至10月1日的北京-天津-河北地区一次秋季严重灰霾过程。结果表明,考虑气溶胶辐射反馈的双向耦合模式模拟的气象要素和细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度与观测结果更为一致。灰霾期间,气溶胶直接辐射效应显著改变了边界层气象要素,北京-天津-河北地区地面接收的太阳短波辐射减少25%,2 m高度的温度平均下降1°C,湍流动能下降20%,10 m高度的风速降低超过0.2 m/s,边界层高度下降25%,使得边界层大气更加静稳,进而造成了重污染地区污染进一步加剧,如石家庄近地面细颗粒物浓度增加可达30%。分析表明灰霾与边界层气象要素之间存在一种正反馈机制,采用该机制的双向耦合模式有利于准确模拟和预报灰霾污染过程。  相似文献   

Source/sink distributions of heat, water vapour andCO2 within a rice canopy were inferred using aninverse Lagrangian dispersion analysis and measuredmean profiles of temperature, specific humidity andCO2 mixing ratio. Monin–Obukhov similarity theorywas used to account for the effects of atmosphericstability on w(z), the standard deviation ofvertical velocity and L(z), the Lagrangian timescale of the turbulence. Classical surface layer scaling was applied in the inertial sublayer (z > zruf)using the similarity parameter = (z - d)/L, where z is height above ground, d is the zero plane displacementheight for momentum, L is the Obukhov length,and zruf 2.3hc, where hc iscanopy height. A single length scale hc, was usedfor the stability parameter 3 = hc/L in the height range 0.25 < z/hc < 2.5. This choice is justified by mixing layer theory, which shows that within the roughness sublayer there is one dominant turbulence length scaledetermined by the degree of inflection in the windprofile at the canopy top. In the absence of theoretical or experimental evidence for guidance,standard Monin–Obukhov similarity functions, with = hc/L, were used to calculate the stabilitydependence of w(z) and L(z) in the roughness sublayer. For z/hc < 0.25 the turbulence length and time scales are influenced by the presence of the lowersurface, and stability effects are minimal. With theseassumptions there was excellent agreement between eddycovariance flux measurements and deductions from theinverse Lagrangian analysis. Stability correctionswere particularly necessary for night time fluxes whenthe atmosphere was stably stratified.The inverse Lagrangian analysis provides a useful toolfor testing and refining multilayer canopy models usedto predict radiation absorption, energy partitioningand CO2 exchanges within the canopy and at thesoil surface. Comparison of model predictions withsource strengths deduced from the inverse analysisgave good results. Observed discrepancies may be dueto incorrect specification of the turbulent timescales and vertical velocity fluctuations close to theground. Further investigation of turbulencecharacteristics within plant canopies is required toresolve these issues.  相似文献   

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