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通过闽江口外海域进行的高分辨率浅地震剖面(拖筏)调查,揭示了MIS 6末期以来最大厚度约90 m的沉积地层。研究了MIS 5和MIS 3地震层序的反射波结构特征,基于地震相分析识别沉积地貌类型;结合深海氧同位素海平面变化曲线,阐述了两时期研究区的沉积环境、特殊地貌的分布和体系域阶段;最后简要探讨了海侵视强度(视高度)及其影响因素。在MIS 5,研究区主要为滨浅海环境,在MIS 5.3和MIS 5.1局部发育了赛江水下三角洲、潮流沙脊和滨海沙坝等沉积地貌;在初期和低海面亚期为陆相环境,发育了闽江和赛江河道,分别经南部和东北部向东入海(台湾海峡)。在MIS 3,研究区普遍为海水覆盖,以滨浅海环境为主,局部发育闽江水下三角洲叶瓣和潮流沙脊。MIS 5的海平面远高于MIS 3,但是典型地震剖面的研究表明,前者的海侵视强度(视高度)低于后者,推断这一现象主要与构造沉降有关,沉积物压缩也有一定的影响,这也可以解释南部海区MIS 5.2的古闽江河道要远低于当时海平面的现象。  相似文献   

Oskina  N. S.  Khusid  T. A.  Libina  N. V.  Domanov  M. M.  Matul  A. G. 《Oceanology》2019,59(3):440-450
Oceanology - The article is devoted to research of warm-water planktonic foraminifera species in the Arctic. The fauna of planktonic and benthic foraminifera in the surface and subsurface layer of...  相似文献   

黑碳是指生物质或化石燃料不完全燃烧以及岩石风化所产生的一系列含碳物质连续体的统称。其特殊的物理化学性质可对全球气候环境造成显著影响,如加剧温室效应、影响水文循环和碳封存;由于其具有较为稳定的化学性质以及燃烧前后碳同位素分馏小的特征,又使黑碳作为一种载体被应用到地质时间尺度火历史与植被演化重建工作中。通过对黑碳的特征、来源、循环、在沉积物中的提取方法及其在不同时间尺度古环境重建中的应用进行评述,提出了目前黑碳记录在古环境重建中存在的一些问题,如黑碳的降解转化过程对黑碳沉积的影响,以及黑碳年龄具有滞后性,沉积物中黑碳来源及沉积过程的复杂性,地质时间尺度黑碳参与碳循环的角色仍不明确等。另外对未来研究进行了展望:相对于陆地土壤、湖泊、河流、冰川等载体,海洋沉积物中黑碳的研究工作还非常缺乏。自1966年以来,深海钻探计划、国际大洋钻探计划、综合大洋钻探/发现计划航次及我国自主航次在全球海洋获取了大量高质量沉积岩芯,为未来利用黑碳研究新生代以来构造、气候、植被、火乃至人类活动之间的相互作用提供了可能性。  相似文献   

The distribution of ostracods and benthonic foraminifers in the China sea area is briefly reviewed from the paleobio-geographic viewpoint in this paper. Three regions can be distinguished in the area on the basis of modern distribution data: Region I (the Huanghai Sea and the Bohai Sea) with cool and temperate forms, Region I (the East China Sea and the northern part of the South China Sea) with subtropical warm-water forms and Region Ⅲ (central and southern parts of the South China Sea) with larger foraminifers and other tropical warm-water forms. The occurrence of Nummulites-Discocyclira fauna in the Eocene deposits of the East China Sea indicates a northward extension of tropical zoogeographical region at the time, whereas the distribution pattern of the Miocene Nephrolepidina-Miogypsiua-Austrotrillina fauna in the South China Sea resembles that of the present larger-foraminiferal fauna. In the South China Sea and Taiwan, a warm-water fauna with Asterorotalia and Pseudorotalia first appeared in late  相似文献   

湖相介形类壳体微量元素(本文主要指Mg和Sr)是重建古环境的重要指标之一,可以定性或定量地反映湖水信息。自20世纪80年开始应用以来,经过30余年的发展取得了很大进展。在古环境重建过程中主要存在两类影响因素:(1)其宿生水体中M/Ca比值(M主要指Mg和Sr)的影响因素:季节变化、微环境差异和湖泊演化过程,这类因素通过对宿生水体中M/Ca比值来影响介形虫壳体中的M/Ca比值,进而造成古环境重建结果的误差增大或可靠性降低;(2)介形类壳体微量元素分配系数的影响因素:宿生水体中M/Ca比值、温度、碱度等,这类因素能够直接影响介形类壳体分泌、钙化的生命-化学过程的因素,是定量重建的重要影响因素。加强现代介形类生活习性和微量元素组成变化过程的研究可以消除或减小以上影响因素对古环境重建的影响,提高介形类壳体化石中微量元素组成在古环境重建研究中的精度和可靠性。  相似文献   

Rift sequence stratigraphy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Conventional sequence stratigraphy has been developed primarily for passive-margin basins. Despite the conceptual advances within the last 30 years, a suitable model for rift basins has not yet been devised. Many authors have attempted to adapt the passive-margin model to all other tectonic settings, including rifts, despite the fundamental differences in terms of the mechanisms controlling the formation and evolution of these sedimentary basins. Passive margins have their stratigraphic framework controlled largely by cyclic sea-level fluctuations superimposed on long-term thermal subsidence. By contrast, rift basins have their accommodation history strongly related to their mechanical subsidence regime, with episodic pulses of extension that create space for sediment accumulation at very fast rates. Stages of rapid mechanical subsidence are typically followed by longer periods of tectonic quiescence, when sediment supply gradually consumes and fills the available accommodation. This cyclicity results in depositional sequences that display overall progradational trends and coarsening-upward vertical stacking patterns. Sequence boundaries are often marked by sharp flooding surfaces related to the transgression of lacustrine or marine systems in response to rapid tectonic subsidence and the consequent ‘instantaneous’ generation of accommodation. As such, a typical rift depositional sequence starts with a flooding surface overlain by a relatively thin transgressive systems tract and a much better developed highstand systems tract. A renewed subsidence pulse leads to the drowning of the previous deposits and the start of a new depositional sequence. The strong asymmetry of the base-level curve resembles the shape of glacio-eustatic cycles, with fast transgressions followed by longer term regressions, although at potentially different temporal scales.  相似文献   

Morphology and distribution of nineteen New Zealand Recent species of Foraminifera of the families Islandiellidae and Cassidulinidae are discussed. One new genus, Evolvocassidulina, and four new species, Favocassidulina australis, Globocassidulina canalisuturata, Globocassidulina spherica, and Ehrenbergina carinata, are described and figured. The use of radial and granular wall structure as a fundamental character in classification is supported by its uniformity in individual genera and species.  相似文献   

A series of maps was constructed, depicting the plate tectonic configuration, paleogeography, paleoenvironment and lithofacies for Phanerozoic time intervals from Cambrian through the Neogene. These are world maps comprising 300 continental plates and terranes, but are reprojected here to illustrate the circum-Atlantic margins. The relative position of the continents through time was largely derived from PLATES and PALEOMAP software.These maps illustrate the Phanerozoic geodynamic evolution of the Earth. They show the relationship of the continental configuration, lithofacies, tectonics, and climate, from the time of the disassembly of Rodinia to the assembly and break-up of Pangea. From a regional perspective, the facies in basins along the circum-Atlantic margin reflect various stages of rifting and passive margin development. Inversion caused by ridge push played an important role in the basin evolution and has influenced the distribution of lithofacies at various times. The power of the maps is realized in their application as an aid to the visualization of the relationship of regional basin development, sedimentation and erosion to the deposition of potential source-rock, reservoir and seals.The individual maps illustrate the conditions present during the maximum marine transgressions of sea-level within the Sauk, Tippecanoe, Kaskaskia, Absaroka, Zuni, and Tejas megasequences of Sloss. Relative sea level cyclicity, chronostratigraphy, and regional unconformities provide the basis for partitioning these higher frequency depositional cycles into 32 subdivisions (supersequences) ranging in duration from 11 to 39 my. In this report 14 of these time slices are used to illustrate the environments and lithologies resulting from changes in the geographic position of the terranes which constitute the present Atlantic margins. The text attempts to fill in details of the progressive change between mapped intervals. Data for the maps were derived from geologic reports, maps and stratigraphic columns and other paleogeographic interpretations regarding tectonics, basin formation, and deposition. The lithofacies are depicted by 21 patterns.  相似文献   

Based on a quantitative analysis of foraminifera in 39 surface samples of the Bering andChukchi Seas, the nearly absence of planktonic foraminifera in the surface sediments can be related to the low surface primary productivity and strong carbonate dissolution in the study area. It has been revealed that the surface primary productivity, and carbonate dissolution and properties of water masses related to the water depth mainly control the distribution of benthic foraminifera. The shelf of the Chukchi Sea is dominated by the Elphidium spp. assemblage and Nonionella robusta assemblage with low foraminiferal abundance and diversity, which is controlled by the coastal water mass of the Arctic Ocean. The slope of the Bering Sea is dominated by the Uvigerina peregrina - Globobulimina affinis assemblage with abundant N. robusta, and relatively high foraminiferal abundance and diversity, which is controlled by the intermediate and deep water masses of the Pacific Ocean. However, the Bering Sea has relatively sha  相似文献   

对福建漳浦前湖湾潮间带两个钻孔岩心和表层沉积物中的有孔虫进行分析研究,有孔虫出现在钻孔最上部厚约2.46-2.96m的砂层中.根据群落优势种生态和非种特征判断,该段各样品有孔虫沉积环境均为近岸浅水环境,尽管其间海面有过3次上下波动变化.根据地层关系判断,其当为现代的产物.  相似文献   

对南海北部C4站柱状剖面进行了高分辨率孢粉、藻类研究,部分样品作了AMS14C年代测定.根据孢粉成分的变化将南海C4站从下至上划分了3个孢粉组合带,依次为:1带(258-194cm)为以Pinus-Quercus(常绿)-Polypodiaceae-Pteridium-Pteris-Dicranopteris-Adiantum为主的孢粉带; 2 带(194-94cm)为以Pinus-Quercus(常绿)-Pteridium-Polypodiaceae-Microlepia-Dicranopteris为主的孢粉带; 3带(94-4cm)为以Pinus-Pteridium-Polypodiaceae-Quercus(常绿)-Microlepia-Dicranopteris为主的孢粉带.并相应恢复了南海北部9 800a BP以来3个植被、气候、古环境演替阶段,结合AMS14C测年资料,对C4站柱状地层时代划分作了讨论,为南海古气候、古环境演变研究提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

白令海和楚科奇海表层沉积中的有孔虫及其沉积环境   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
通过对白令海和北冰洋楚科奇海39个表层沉积样品中有孔虫的定量分析,发现表层沉积中浮游有孔虫稀少可能与该区表层生产力低、碳酸盐溶解作用较强有关,而底栖有孔虫的分布则主要受表层初级生产力以及与水深相关的碳酸盐溶解作用和水团性质所控制,其中北冰洋楚科奇海陆架区有孔虫以Elphidium spp.组合和Nonionella robusta组合为主,丰度和分异度低,受北冰洋沿岸水团控制;白令海陆坡区有孔虫以Uvigerina peregrina-Globobulimina affinis组合为主,含N.robusta较多,丰度和分异度相对高,受太平洋中层和深层水团控制,但该区碳酸盐溶跃层和补偿深度(CCD)相对浅,约分别位于2000和3800m处.此外,白令海陆坡上部表层沉积中含有北冰洋陆坡区典型深水底栖有孔虫种Stetsonia arctica,说明白令海峡两侧的海区曾有深部水交流.  相似文献   

江苏中南部潮滩有孔虫特征及其与环境的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
江苏中南部沿岸潮滩现代表层沉积物样品的定量分析结果表明其有孔虫为混合埋葬群,由原地生活分子和外海的异地分子混合而成,其特点是分异度偏高、丰度变化大、壳径偏小、壳体机械破坏较明显,富含壳径细小的浮游有孔虫。这些特点反映出埋葬群在形成过程中辐射沙洲区强大潮流的搬运作用。在搬运、沉积和埋葬过程中有孔虫壳体经受机械分选和破坏作用。埋葬群与生态环境因素和埋葬环境因素均有密切关系。  相似文献   

北极沉积物中正构烷烃的组合特征及古沉积环境的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
报道了北极楚科奇海和白令海沉积物中正构烷烃的含量和分布类型,并通过因子分析方法对正构烷烃的来源和古沉积环境加以初步探讨.研究结果表明,正构烷烃碳数分布范围多数在nC15~nC33之间,分布类型有两种,第1种高分子碳范围,MH为nC25~nC27,CPI大于1,奇偶优势显著.第2种低分子碳范围,MH为nC17~nC20,奇偶优势不明显.以上特征指示了正构烷烃来源于陆源高等植物和海洋内生两个部分,并且以陆源贡献最大.楚科奇海和白令海大部分测站的Pr/Ph小于1,指示了缺氧还原沉积环境.因子分析结果与样品中正构烷烃不同分子组成特征相互对应.  相似文献   

Ratios of dimorphic (microspheric/megalosperic) forms of Foraminifera are affected by temperature and hence are useful in paleoclimatic studies. In some cases, however, it is not possible to distinguish between the dimorphic forms and, therefore, mean proloculus size is useful: a higher ratio means more microspheric forms and thus a lower mean size of the proloculus. To test this possibility, the mean proloculus size of Cavarotalia annectens (Parker & Jones) was measured in 14 surface sediment samples from the near-shore region along the west coast of India (Bombay to Kannyakumari), covering a stretch of 10° latitude. In this region, temperature varies from 27·5 to 29·25°C and salinity from 33·7 to 36·0‰. The results show that mean proloculus size varies from 0·045 to 0·103 mm, and is inversely proportional to temperature (r = −0·78) and salinity (r = −0·71) variations. It is proposed, therefore, that this parameter (mean proloculus size of Foraminifera) can be used as an additional tool in paleoclimatic studies.  相似文献   

Fossil assemblages of foraminifera and thecamoebians from three salt-marsh cores recovered at Korphos, Greece, provided evidence for five transgression events since the mid Holocene. Marsh accretion rates based on radiocarbon-dated peat and geomorphic evidence from a series of discrete, v-shaped, submerged tidal notches indicated that these transgression events were rapid and episodic. Correlation of the tidal notches with the transgression horizons in the salt-marsh stratigraphy revealed a stepwise pattern of relative sea-level change at Korphos, which is best explained by coseismic subsidence related to fault displacement (earthquakes) associated with the Hellenic subduction zone. A comparison between the Korphos data and a model of Holocene sea-level change for the Peloponnesus reinforces this interpretation as sea-level rose in a series of jumps by amounts greater than accounted for by eustatic and glacio-hydro-isostatic factors (up to ~ 2.0 m). This study illustrates that by combining microfossil, sedimentary and geomorphic records of past sea-level change, problems frequently encountered with each record individually (e.g. dating submerged notches and autocompaction of marsh sediments) may be overcome.  相似文献   

Samples were collected for foraminiferal studies by the Johnson Sea-Link I and II manned submersibles on the Louisiana continental slope. This paper documents that the mud, extruded onto the sea floor from depth by four mud volcanoes, ranges in age from Miocene to Pleistocene based on studies of the planktonic foraminiferal fauna. The vents are in water depths ranging from 300 to 690 m located in Garden Banks Block 382, Green Canyon Blocks 143 and 272, and Mississippi Canyon Block 929. Two mud volcanoes in GB 382 and MC 929 also have rich fossil foraminiferal microfaunas. We suggest that the extrusion of fossil sediments onto the sea floor during the Quaternary is a reasonable explanation for frequent occurrences of displaced fossil microfaunas encountered at depth in wells drilling on the flanks of salt diapirs in the slope environment. Results of this study have important implications for age dating subsurface sediments in bathyal locations.  相似文献   

冲绳海槽南部表层沉积中的浮游有孔虫及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对冲绳海槽南部53个表层沉积样品中大于0.154mm的浮游有孔虫进行系统鉴定和定量统计,并采用Q型因子分析,求得浮游有孔虫各属种和组合的分布特征:N.Dutertei-p.Obliquiloculata组合主要分布在离大陆和台湾岛较近的地方,而G.Glutinata-G.Ruber组合则主要分布在冲绳海槽的中央及靠琉球岛的一侧,且发现浮游有孔虫丰度、属种组合和碎壳率等的分布和变化主要受控于水深、碳酸盐溶跃层、温跃层以及水团等各类环境因子.  相似文献   

通过对南黄海中部B10岩心的碳酸钙、常量元素和微量元素分析发现,岩心的地球化学特征基本反映了该海区晚第四纪气候变化、海面波动以及沉积物供应的变化.在玉木亚间冰期(末次冰期亚间冰期)高海面时期,黄河可能直接注入南黄海,在南黄海中部发育水下三角洲沉积.晚玉木冰期(末次冰期盛冰期),南黄海出露成陆,局部发育陆相泥炭层.冰后期(全新世)海侵到达现今80 m等深线附近的时间大约在距今13 ka。在距今11.0~10.3 ka出现新仙女木事件.全新世中晚期海面进一步上升,沉积物粒度较细,化学风化作用加强.岩心50~0 cm段沉积物中的碳酸钙、氧化钙、锶、氧化镁含量及Sr/Ba比值低,而铜等微量元素含量增加,这可能与公元1855年黄河北迁后进入南黄海中部的黄河物质减少有关.  相似文献   

渤海沉积记录的末次冰期千年尺度古环境与古气候变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
末次冰期千年尺度古气候变化事件在全球大部分载体中均有不同程度的记录,但在海岸带-陆架区的沉积记录中该事件还未见有报道。对取自渤海的BH08孔上部26m的岩芯进行了高分辨率粒度测试与分析,结合AMS 14C测年结果和微体古生物特征,探讨了研究区末次冰期以来古环境和古气候变化。运用粒级-标准偏差法对粒度数据进行研究,发现BH08孔敏感组分(88.4~148.7μm)的变化记录了末次冰期D-O(Dansgarrd-Oeschger)旋回冷暖事件:在暖期时敏感粒级粗组分(88.4~148.7μm)的含量低,而在冷期时含量高,且可以与反映东亚夏季风的指标对应。在暖期时,强盛的夏季风带来丰富的降水,增加的径流可以将粗粒沉积物搬运至更远的下游区,且暖湿气候有利于植被的发育,使得流域内粗粒沉积物减少;而在冷期呈现相反的变化趋势。我们推测,在末次冰期低海面的背景下,格陵兰和北大西洋等高纬地区气候变化导致大气环流和/或洋流系统发生改变,从而对东亚夏季风降水的调控造成河流输入物质的变化可能是造成BH08岩芯敏感组分变化的主要原因。  相似文献   

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