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Kuiper带天体的轨道动力学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要评述太阳系动力学研究的一个新方向——Kuiper带的轨道动力学。早期的研究是为了探讨短周期彗星的起源。在发现第一颗Kuiper带小天体之后,人们开始将注意力转到Kuiper带共振区的相空间结构上,Morbidelli和Malhotra分别采用不同的模型研究了这些共振区的大小。其中主要研究对象是3:2共振区。冥王星也处在这一共振区中。从冥王星的轨道特性来看,冥王星应是一颗较大的Kuiper带天体,它还拥有另外两种共振——Kozai共振和1:1超级共振。正是由于这些共振的存在,冥王星的运动才得以长期保持稳定。观测表明许多Kuiper带天体也处的海王星的平运动共振中。早期的理论认为这些平运动共振起源于灾难性事件,如碰撞。然而这都是一些小概率事件,无法对共振的形成进行合理的解释。Malhotra通过行星迁移成功地解释了冥王星被共振俘获的机制。这一机制的概率非常大,同样可以用来解释Kuiper带天体共振的形成。  相似文献   

Kuiper带天体的原始分布模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用包括太阳、8颗大行星、冥王星和UB313以及无质量实验粒子在内的N体问题的天体动力学模型,取当前观测的天体轨道根数为初始条件,对具有确定轨道根数的551个Kuiper主带内的小天体进行了10亿年的轨道反演数值模拟.结果显示:当前观测的这些Kuiper 天体中的1/3以上在10亿年前就位于该区域,少部分位于海王星轨道之内,其他在5OAU之外;在4.5亿年前,整个Kuiper主带内的天体呈较好的正态分布,海王星3:2共振带内没有像今天这样的天体聚集现象.  相似文献   

Kuiper带天体的轨道分布特性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
聂清香 《天文学报》2002,43(4):375-378
1992年9月,夏威夷大学的D.Jewitt和加利福尼亚大学的J.Lun发现了海王星外绕太阳运行的第一个小天体1992QB1[1],开创了人类对于海王星外天体的实际观测的研究.近10年的接连不断发现,已经证实了海王星轨道外面存在着一个由大量的环绕太阳运动的小天体组成的环带[2].由于G.P.Kuiper曾在1951年的文章中提出过在冥王星的外边可能存在小天体的问题,因此人们一般把这个环带称为Kuiper带,你这些天体为“KuiperBelt Objects”(KBOs),或从逻辑上称它们为“Trans-NeptunianObjects”(TNOs)[3]  相似文献   

Kuiper带是指太阳系内位于离太阳30-50AU一个区域。1992年该区域陆续发现了一群半径在几十到几百公里的小天体。这些小天体在Kuiper带的分布是极其不均匀的。Kuiper带小天体的发现对人们认识太阳系的形成与演化有重要的意义。本文回顾了近年来国际上在Kuiper带小天体动力演化方面的研究,着重分析了目前国际上几种用以解释其非均匀分布的动力学机制,并提出目前该领域的一些尚未解决的问题。  相似文献   

Kuiper带是指太阳系内位于离太阳 30~ 50AU一个区域。 1 992年该区域陆续发现了一群半径在几十到几百公里的小天体。这些小天体在Kuiper带的分布是极其不均匀的。Kuiper带小天体的发现对人们认识太阳系的形成与演化有重要的意义。本文回顾了近年来国际上在Kuiper带小天体动力演化方面的研究 ,着重分析了目前国际上几种用以解释其非均匀分布的动力学机制 ,并提出目前该领域的一些尚未解决的问题。  相似文献   

海王星外天体中的冥族小天体与海王星成2:3的平运动轨道共振,且具有较大的轨道偏心率,因此它们能与海王星特洛伊的轨道发生重叠,导致近密交会和碰撞,从而深刻地影响两者的动力学演化。利用数值模拟的方法,有效地获得了这两群小天体间近密交会的信息,讨论了可能影响两者近密交会频率的因素,包括小天体质量、轨道倾角和轨道偏心率等。在合理近似条件下,建立了估算两群小天体近密交会和碰撞次数的理论公式。结合已有的数值模拟结果,以及对冥族小天体观测数据的分析,对实际情况下冥族小天体群与典型特洛伊小天体之间的近密交会和碰撞次数进行了估算,证明近密交会较为频繁地发生,而碰撞则极其罕见,并且各尺寸范围的小天体对近密交会和碰撞次数的贡献各有不同。这一套分析和估算的方法可以直接应用在其他类似小天体间交会过程的估算上。  相似文献   

如果最近发现的一个柯伊伯带天体(KBO)是一个典型的“KBO”,而不是什么古怪的天体,那么冥王星作为太阳系第九大行星的身份将被保住。天文学家有新的证据证明KBO比以前认为的要小。一般认为KBO这些剩余的外行星材料,是小行星的堂兄弟姐妹和一些彗星的源泉。自从1992年发现第  相似文献   

新发现的太阳系外缘小天体胡中为自1930年发现冥王星以来,人们十分关注太阳系是否还有冥外天体的问题。1950年,荷兰天文学家奥尔特做了管星轨道统计研究,发现轨道半长径为3~10万天文单位的繁星数目多,他推算那里有个大致球层状的脊星储库,早在1932年...  相似文献   

目前观测到的海王星特洛伊天体已有17颗并已积累了较为精确的轨道数据,系统分析了这些天体轨道的动力学稳定性.数值结果表明:除去两个寿命短到只有数万年和百万年的临时海王星特洛伊,大部分天体在其轨道根数不确定范围内都可以存活至45亿年.大约有一半的海王星特洛伊在45亿年的时间内离开共振区,而逃离的途径是复杂动力学机制下轨道根数空间内缓慢的扩散.在半人马小行星群中识别并证认了一个新的海王星特洛伊天体2012 UW177,数值模拟表明该天体目前正在围绕海王星L4点的蝌蚪形轨道上运动.该天体大约在23万年前进入当前轨道,且未来将在该轨道停留至少130万年.约54°的倾角使得它的轨道成为最倾斜的轨道,并且使得该天体展现经由拟卫星轨道的复杂有趣的共轨轨道转换.  相似文献   

黎健  周礼勇  孙义燧 《天文学报》2008,49(2):179-191
太阳星云气体的耗散可以引起长期共振迁移(secular resonance sweeping,SRS),当长期共振的位置扫过经典Kuiper带小天体(Kuiper Belt objects,KBOs),就会激发其轨道倾角.详细研究了在太阳系紧致构形中(指四个大行星轨道彼此相距较小的状态)SRS对经典KBOs轨道倾角的激发过程,发现KBOs轨道倾角受激发的程度敏感地依赖于星云气体中面与太阳系不变平面1的夹角δ:当星云气体中面与不变平面重合,即δ=0时,经典KBOs倾角受到的激发很小;而当星云气体中面与黄道面重合,即δ≈1.6°时,在合理的初始条件下,经典KBOs的倾角最高可以被激发到30°以上.另外,通过模拟木星具有较大轨道倾角的情形以及SRS和大行星轨道迁移同时发生的情形,发现对于经典KBOs倾角的受激发程度而言,它们两者的影响都远弱于δ.  相似文献   

Using the N-body dynamical model that includes the sun, the 8 planets, Pluto, UB313 and massless particles, we simulate the orbital evolution of 551 Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) with known parameters. The initial conditions of the simulations are the currently observed orbital parameters. The integration backtracks from now to -10×108 yr. The results show that about 10×108 years ago, more than 1/3 of the presently observed KBOs resided in the region of the present Kuiper main belt, a few were located inside the Neptune orbit, and the rest were beyond 50AU; and that about 4.5×108 years ago, all the objects in the Kuiper main belt exhibited a rather good normal distribution, without so many objects concentrated in the Neptune's 3:2 resonance region, as at present time.  相似文献   

The magnitude distribution of the trans-Neptunian bodies composed of the Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) and Scattered Disk Objects (SDOs) is determined for absolute magnitudes H?7, using maximum likelihood estimation methods. This is translated into a corresponding size distribution. This gave a differential size index of q=3.966±0.15 for KBOs and q=3.016±0.32 for SDOs. It was found that these two distributions were statistically different. The KBOs were further split into classical KBOs and Plutinos which had indices of q=4.074±0.18 and q=3.301±0.37, respectively. There was no statistical evidence that these are different populations. The classical KBOs were further split and examined for four different semi-major axis ranges and it was found that there was moderate evidence that the entire sample was not well represented by one index. The distribution indices of the SDOs were compared with the distributions of short period comets and found to be similar. It is likely that the scattered disk population is the source of the short period comets.  相似文献   

Due to the distance, faintness, and very recent discovery ofKuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) and Centaurs, very little is knownabout the physical characteristics of these basic buildingblocks of the solar system. New intermediate-band photometryobservations of KBOs and Centaurs suggest that absorption bandsexist in the visible portion of their spectra, which could offerinsights into the surface composition of these objects.  相似文献   

The first phase of the Caltech Wide Area Sky Survey occurred from lateNovember 2001 through mid-April 2003. We present preliminary resultsfrom this survey which has detected 28 bright Kuiper Belt Objects(KBOs) and 4 Centaurs, 19 of which were discovered in our surveyincluding Quaoar, the largest KBO, as well as 6 of the 10intrinsically brightest KBOs. We have surveyed 5108 square degrees ofthe sky nearest the invariable plane to a limiting red magnitude of20.7. Correcting for the overabundance of objects near the invariableplane, this represents 27% completeness in terms of KBO numbers.Thus, approximately 100 KBOs and Centaurs brighter than mR = 20.7exist, about 3/4 of which remain undiscovered. The bright KBOs areconsistent with the canonical q=4 size distribution, suggesting thatabout ten 1000 km diameter KBOs and about one 2000 km diameter KBOexist. Additionally, we observe only 3 KBOs with low inclination(i < 7 degrees) with 67% of the sky available to these objectssurveyed. This is in sharp contrast with the known KBOs, of whichabout 60% of the ~ 800 observed objects (as of May 2003) have i< 7 degrees. Although we observe at systematically higher invariableplane latitudes than many deeper KBO surveys, such systematic biasescannot fully explain the lack of low inclination objects, ameasurement which is significant at the > 3 σ level. Thissuggests that the bright KBOs have a fundamentally different maximumsize than the fainter KBOs. A better characterization of the surveylimiting magnitude and a more thorough modeling of observational biaseffects of different classes of KBOs will be made in a future work.  相似文献   

Abstract— We present results of thermal evolution calculations for objects originating in the Kuiper belt and transferring inwards, to the region of the outer planets. Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) are considered to be part of a reservoir that supplies the flux of small icy bodies, mainly Centaurs and Jupiter‐family comets, to regions interior to the orbit of Neptune. We study the internal thermal evolution, for ?108 yr, of three typical KBOs and use the end state of the simulation as initial conditions for evolutionary calculations of two typical Centaurs. Some evolutionary trends can be identified for the KBOs, depending on key physical parameters, such as size and composition. The subsequent evolution in the Centaur region results in both specific features for each modeled object (mainly surface and sub‐surface composition) and common characteristics of thermally evolved Centaurs.  相似文献   

Fast photometric observations of target stars in the ecliptic are a powerful tool to detect small objects in the Kuiper Belt. The various parameters involved in such observations are described. Meter-sized telescopes are able to detect sub-kilometer KBO (Kuiper Belt Objects). A campaign of research of KBO by stellar occultations, organized at the Pic du Midi Observatory is presented. These observations bring the first constraint on the small end of the size distribution of the KBOs.  相似文献   

We review ongoing efforts to identify occupants of mean-motion resonances(MMRs) and collisional families in the Edgeworth–Kuiper belt. Directintegrations of trajectories of Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) reveal the 1:1(Trojan), 5:4, 4:3, 3:2 (Plutino), 5:3, 7:4, 9:5, 2:1 (Twotino), and 5:2 MMRsto be inhabited. Apart from the Trojan, resonant KBOs typically have largeorbital eccentricities and inclinations. The observed pattern of resonanceoccupation is consistent with resonant capture and adiabatic excitation bya migratory Neptune; however, the dynamically cold initial conditions priorto resonance sweeping that are typically assumed by migration simulationsare probably inadequate. Given the dynamically hot residents of the 5:2 MMRand the substantial inclinations observed in all exterior MMRs, a fraction ofthe primordial belt was likely dynamically pre-heated prior to resonancesweeping. A pre-heated population may have arisen as Neptune gravitationallyscattered objects into trans-Neptunian space. The spatial distribution of Twotinosoffers a unique diagnostic of Neptune's migration history. The Neptunian Trojanpopulation may rival the Jovian Trojan population, and the former's existence isargued to rule out violent orbital histories for Neptune. Finally, lowest-order seculartheory is applied to several hundred non-resonant KBOs with well-measured orbitsto update proposals of collisional families. No convincing family is detected.  相似文献   

S. Alan Stern 《Icarus》2009,199(2):571-573
In this Note, I present first-order scaling calculations to examine the efficacy of impacts by Kuiper Belt debris in causing regolith exchange between objects in the Pluto system. It is found that ejecta can escape Nix and Hydra with sufficient velocity to reach one another, as well as Charon, and even Pluto. The degree of ejecta exchanged between Nix and Hydra is sufficient to cover these bodies with much more material than is required for photometrically change. In specific, Nix and Hydra may have exchanged as up to 10s of meters of regolith, and may have covered Charon to depths up to 14 cm with their ejecta. Pluto is likely unaffected by most Nix and Hydra ejecta by virtue of a combination of dynamical shielding from Charon and Pluto's own annual atmospheric frost deposition cycle. As a result of ejecta exchange between Nix, Hydra, and Charon, these bodies are expected to evolve their colors, albedos, and other photometric properties to be self similar. These are testable predictions of this model, as is the prediction that Nix and Hydra will have diameters near 50 km, owing to having a Charon-like albedo induced by ejecta exchange. As I discuss, this ejecta exchange process can also be effective in many KBOs and asteroids with satellites, and may be the reason that very many KBO and asteroid satellite systems have like colors.  相似文献   

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