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Toshikazu  Yoshioka 《Island Arc》1996,5(4):407-419
Abstract Although the origins of pull-apart basins and push-up bulges have been discussed by numerous geologists, no discussion has been held on the development process of the basins based on recent active traces and Quaternary chronology. The author has investigated recent fault-active traces and fault topography in the Havza-Ladik, Erbaa-Niksar, Susehri-Golova and Erzincan sedimentary basins along the North Anatolian fault in northern Turkey and the Suwa basin along the Itoigawa-Shizuoka tectonic line (fault system) in central Japan. As a result of this investigation, the locations and sense of deformation of recent active traces seldom coincide with topographic scarps along basin margins in the studied basins. The fault traces have migrated from the basin margins to the center of the basins and become straight. Because of this migration, jogs are extinguished and basins stop subsiding as time passes. Fault topography formed by a strike-slip fault has a certain life span, and the life span is in proportion to the size of the topography. Fault topography formed by various sizes of jogs of a strike-slip fault is formed and extinguished in the corresponding time range, and this extinction is repeated in the course of migration of fault traces.  相似文献   

由于活动的青藏高原不断的隆升和推挤作用,在西南向东北的推挤作用和周缘块体的阻挡以及东北缘内部块体挤压形变的作用下,形成了多个走向不同的青藏高原东北缘构造体系.新生代构造变形和地震活动强烈,区内分布多条大型深断裂带.海原断裂是青藏高原东北缘发育的弧形活动断裂带中规模最大、活动最为强烈的一条左旋走滑型断裂带,是重要的大地构造区边界,也是控制现今强震活动的活断层.本文利用2009年完成的高分辨率深地震反射剖面的北段资料,对其进行初步构造解释,揭示出海原断裂带的深部几何形态和其两侧地壳上地幔细结构.结果显示海原断裂并不是简单的陡立或者较缓,其几何形态随着深度变化.在海原断裂之下的Moho并未错断的反射特征显示海原断裂并不是直接错断莫霍面的超壳断裂.海原断裂带及两侧岩石圈结构和构造样式的研究为探讨青藏高原东北缘岩石圈变形机制提供地震学依据.  相似文献   

In this study, total metal (Al, Fe, Mn and Cu) and PAHs analyses have been done in the surface sediments. Sediment samples have been collected from seven parts of the Marmara Sea and the coast of Istanbul during 2009. Total Al, Fe, Mn and Cu contents vary between 1.8% and 5.4%; 1.1% and 2.8%; 122 and 259 μg g−1; 27 and 416 μg g−1, respectively. EF and CF values of Fe and Mn are lower than 1.5 and 1, respectively, in all the stations. Total PAH contents range between 135 and 6009 ng g−1 in the surface sediments. The origin of PAHs has been found pyrolitic according to the Phe/Ant ratio in the all stations. Contrastingly, at K0, MKC and MY1 Stations, PAH origins have been observed petrogenic according to the Flu/Pyr ratio.  相似文献   

Spatial (10 different locations) and temporal (2 years) changes in characteristics of the Marmara Sea Sediments were monitored to determine interactions between the chemical and microbial diversity. The sediments were rich in terms of hydrocarbon, nitrate, Ni and microbial cell content. Denitrifying, sulfate reducing, fermentative and methanogenic organisms were co-abundant in 15 cm below the sea floor. The local variations in the sediments’ characteristics were more distinctive than the temporal ones. The sulfate and nitrate contents were the main drivers of the changes in the microbial community compositions. N and P were limited for microbial growth in the sediments, and their levels determined the total cell abundance and activity. Seasonal shifts in temperatures of the shallow sediments were also reflected in the active cell abundances. It was concluded that the Marmara Sea is a promising ecosystem for the further investigation of the ecologically important microbial processes.  相似文献   

日本海-鄂霍次克海深震带地震活动与中国大陆地震有一定的相关性,尤其是其地震迁移规律与中国大陆展布方向相同的地震带的迁移规律一致,因此,所得结果不仅对预测中国大陆地震大形势有意义,而且也找到了两者力学上的联系。  相似文献   

Introduction Anisotropy of the crust is a common phenomenon(Crampin,1984).Shear-wave splitting can be used to study the earthquake anisotropic characteristic in crust,to analyze crustal stress field condition,and to describe the static and the dynamic state of the related anisotropic parameters(GAO et al,1999).Shear-wave splitting is quite sensitive to anisotropy.The domestic scholars applied shear-wave splitting to studying the crustal anisotropy(YAO et al,1992;GAO and FENG,1990).The st…  相似文献   

北京南部地壳精细结构深地震反射探测研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究北京平原区的地壳结构特征、断裂的空间展布、断裂活动性以及深浅构造关系,在北京平原区的南部完成了1条长90 km的深地震反射剖面.探测结果表明,该区地壳以双程反射时间(TWT)6~7 s的强反射带Tc为界分为上地壳和下地壳,上地壳厚约18~19 km,下地壳厚约16~17 km,Moho界面深度约为34~35 km.该区结晶基底起伏变化较大,上、下地壳分界面和Moho界面都是一个具有一定厚度的过渡带.上地壳反射层位丰富,断裂构造发育,构造形态清晰.在夏垫断裂西北,剖面揭示了4~5组能量较强的反射震相,表现为典型的隆起区特征;在夏垫断裂东南,上部为一套向东南倾伏的密集强反射层,下部为一套形态各异、结构复杂的强反射层,这些反射具有典型的沉积盆地特征,盆地最深处约为11 km.剖面揭示的地壳深断裂倾角较陡,向上切穿了上、下地壳分界面,延伸到上地壳沉积盆地的底部,向下切穿了壳幔过渡带,与上部断裂和沉积盆地构成了独特的组合关系.  相似文献   

The North Anatolian Fault (NAF) extends for about 1500 km from Karliova to the east, to the Egean Sea in the west. The Marmara region, located near the western end of the NAF, is a tectonically active zone characterized by the transition between a strike slip stress regime and an extensional one in the Aegean Sea. Microseismic studies performed around the Marmara Sea in 1995 [Tectonophysics 316, 2000, 1], and just before the 1999 Izmit Earthquake Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 92, 2002a, 361;J. Seismol. 6, 2002b, 287) permitted the analysis of the evolution of seismicity connected to this destructive earthquake and its sequels. Several observations indicate that the aftershock distribution fits well the EW orientation of the NAF, but the ruptures are not simple and linear as a first glance would suggest. Instead they are segmented in at least five pieces as shown by the slip variation and aftershock clusters, showing complexity at different scales (Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 92, 2002a, 361). There is still a gap, across the northern border of the Marmara Sea that has not ruptured, and this is the only sector that did not break on the NAF since the 1939 great Erzincan earthquake. Will it rupture as a whole with a large magnitude earthquake, or by segments with smaller magnitude events? The Hurst analysis of the overall behaviour of the seismicity in the Marmara region since historical times shows that if a large earthquake occurs in the near future, it might break the complete gap. The Hurst character of the time variation of seismicity is persistent with H= 0.82. The aftershocks of the 1999 Izmit earthquake can be analyzed by using the Hurst method, showing an exceptionally high persistent memory.  相似文献   

台湾海峡深地震探测:HX9测线试验及初步成果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用海上大容量气枪震源、陆上地震台站(包括流动台站和固定台站)和海底地震仪首次在台湾海峡地区开展了深地震探测试验。试验结果表明,"延平2号"科考船气枪枪阵信号最远传播距离达280km,成功获得了数万道高质量的地震数据,并且识别了不同类型的P波震相。HX9剖面一维地壳结构模型表明,由2个速度间断面产生的Pc及Pm P两组反射波和基底折射波(Pg)所反映的地壳结构构成了该区基本的地壳结构特征,康拉德界面和莫霍界面的深度分别为16.0~17.5、28.0~29.5km。  相似文献   

基于重磁震资料的南海新生代盆地分布综合研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
作为西太平洋最大的边缘海,南海分布有30多个新生代沉积盆地,其蕴含着丰富的油气资源.但由于资料的限制,南海存在不同区域盆地研究程度不同,不同区域盆地面积差别较大,部分盆地只是坳陷而没有达到盆地的级别以及盆地外围可能存在凹陷等问题.南海新生代盆地分布问题制约了其油气分布规律、储量等基础地质问题的研究.本文以地震剖面数据为约束,以重力资料为主、辅以磁力资料,研究了南海新生代盆地分布及构造区划.通过提取新生代盆地及其构造单元引起的重力异常,结合地震剖面等资料反演了新生界底界面深度及新生界厚度.在充分调研已有盆地和构造单元划分方案的基础上,根据南海的地质及地球物理特征,确定了盆地及构造单元划分标准.以新生界厚度为基础并结合重、磁、震、地质等资料,进行地质-重磁震联合解释,将南海原有的36个盆地重新划分为24个盆地,盆地总面积扩大了约15万km2.研究表明,南海新生代盆地沉积层厚度在1.5~16 km之间,有6个北东东/北东向沉积坳陷带、2个近南北向沉积坳陷带以及1个三角沉积坳陷区;盆地展布方向主要为北东和北东东向,其次为北西和近南北向,呈现"南三北三"的分布特征.  相似文献   

基于2009年和2011年采集的海底地震仪数据,辅以多道地震数据,对南海西南次海盆北缘的地壳结构进行了探索.利用二维射线追踪的反演方法建立测线上的模型.利用声学基底面的反射波,下地壳顶界面的反射波和莫霍面的反射波走时的反演勾绘了地层中的不连续界面,利用自声学基底面下的折射波和来自上地幔的首波来反演整条测线的P波速度结构...  相似文献   

青藏高原东北缘深地震测深震相研究与地壳细结构   总被引:15,自引:17,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
通过对青藏高原东北缘不同构造单元深地震测深资料震相的综合分析,利用反射率理论地震图方法对实际记录模拟计算,进一步研究东北缘区域内部不同构造单元地壳细结构.结果显示:西秦岭褶皱造山带分隔了南北不同性质的地壳结构,北侧为相对稳定的临夏—兰州新生代盆地、南侧为强烈改造的松潘—甘孜地块;松潘—甘孜地块在青藏高原东北缘的构造演化过程中改造为萎缩的若尔盖高原盆地和盆地边缘褶皱造山两类不同的地壳结构;青藏高原东北缘中下地壳普遍存在以多层高低速相间、低速度结构为主的破碎松弛结构,这种特征在缝合带和造山带尤为明显,显示为地壳形变增厚、流变滑动的重要场所;结合二维速度结构及GPS研究结果,对青藏高原东北缘地壳形变及动力学过程进行了讨论.  相似文献   

The Xiaojiang faults,striking north-to-south(NS),and the Honghe faults,striking north-to-west(NW),are first-order block boundaries that intersect to form a concentrated stress zone at an acute angle in the southern part of the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block(SYB).It is also a crucial zone for material escaping from the Tibetan Plateau(TP)due to the collision between the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate.In December 2017,the Institute of Earthquake Forecasting of the China Earthquake Administration(CEA)deployed a linear temporary seismic broadband array,the Honghe-Xiaojiang temporary Seismic Array(HX Array),across first-order block boundaries in the southern SYB.By using the waveform data of small earthquakes recorded by stations in the HX Array across Xiaojiang faults from 2017 to 2019,and by permanent seismic stations of the China National Earthquake Networks from 2012 to 2019,this paper adopts the systematic analysis method of shear-wave splitting(SWS),SAM method,to obtain preliminary results for seismic anisotropy in the upper crust.The study area can be divided into two subzones according to the spatial distribution of the directions of polarization of the fast shear-wave(PFS)at the stations:the northern zone(zone A,where the HX Array is located)and the southern zone(zone B,to the south of the HX Array).The results show that the directions of the PFS at stations in zone A were highly consistent,dominant in the NE direction,correlated with the in-situ principal compressive stress,and were seemingly unaffected by the Xiaojiang faults.The directions of the PFS as recorded at stations in zone B were more complicated,and were dominant in the NS direction parallel to that of the regional principal compressive stress.This suggests the joint influence of complex tectonics and regional stress in this narrow wedge area.By referring to the azimuthal anisotropy derived from seismic ambient noise in the southeast margin of the TP,the NS direction of the PFS in the middle and lower crust,and its EW direction in the upper mantle,this paper concludes that azimuthal anisotropy in the upper crust differed from that in the lower crust in the south segment of Xiaojiang faults,at least beneath the observation area,and azimuthal anisotropy in the crust was different from that in the upper mantle.The results support the pattern of deformation of ductile flow in the lower crust,and the decoupling between the upper and lower crusts as well as that between the crust and the mantle in the study area.The crustal directions of the PFS appeared to be independent of the Xiaojiang faults,suggesting that the influence of the South China block on the SYB passed through the Xiaojiang faults to the Yimen region.The results of this study indicate that anisotropic studies based on data on the dense temporary seismic array can yield clearer tectonic information,and reveal the complex spatial distribution of stress and deformation in the upper crust of the south segment of Xiaojiang faults.  相似文献   

基于高分辨率多波束地形与多道地震资料精细解释,发现了南海西南部陆坡区5条大型深水水道.这5条水道可分成两类:1、5号水道延伸短,横剖面呈V形,弯曲度低,属顺直水道,侵蚀作用主导;2-4号水道延伸长,横剖面呈U形,弯曲度高,属弯曲水道,侵蚀-沉积作用主导.水道走向NEE-NE,长度大于350 km的有2条,宽度最大达2 km,切割深度最大达150 m.推测这些水道是陆源物质重力流作用形成的,是该区陆源物质通过陆架输送到南海西南次海盆的重要通道.陆坡区这些水道基本发育天然堤.在下游区域第二长的2号水道谷底明显高于周缘海底,水道-天然堤沉积已逐渐演变为朵叶沉积.这些水道的深部对应基底隆起区,说明深部构造的晚期活动控制了水道的平面位置,重力流与深部构造晚期活动共同控制了水道的形成演化.  相似文献   


利用南海地区28个陆地地震台站和2个布设于太平岛和东沙岛的新增海岛地震台站2011—2016年间的连续地震背景噪声波形数据,使用互相关方法计算得到了台站间的互相关函数,并提取出Rayleigh面波群速度和相速度频散曲线.采用快速行进和子空间方法反演获得了南海及周边地区12~40 s周期的Rayleigh面波群速度和相速度图像,并联合反演得到了研究区深至60 km的三维S波速度结构.考虑到南海数千米厚海水层对于面波频散反演的严重影响,本文在反演模型中加入了水层,显著提高了反演结果的可靠性.成像结果表明:南海及周边地区地壳上地幔顶部S波速度结构存在显著的横向不均匀性,并与这一区域的主要构造单元具有较好的空间对应关系.在5~10 km深度,莺歌海—宋红盆地区的低速异常特征可能与盆地较厚的沉积层有关.在5~15 km深度,海域高速异常区与海盆空间位置具有高度一致性,推测与海盆区地壳厚度相对陆缘区明显偏薄有关.当深度从20 km增加至30 km,海盆区的高速特征扩展至了陆缘地区,反映了地壳厚度从海盆至陆缘逐渐增厚的趋势,与OBS(海底地震仪)深地震剖面给出的地壳精细结构结果一致.至35~60 km深度,海盆的高速异常特征依然明显,且速度值随深度增加整体呈现上升的趋势,推测南海海盆区的岩石圈厚度应该大于60 km.


北黄海盆地是中国东部勘探及研究程度较低的含油气盆地之一,从原始地震资料分析入手,利用研究区波阻抗、道积分、瞬时振幅、瞬时频率等多种地震资料特殊处理方法及AVO油气检测技术,并结合沉积相和区域地质资料,对北黄海中部坳陷A构造的储盖层分布、含油气性等油气地质条件进行分析预测,认为研究区A构造中新生带地层纵向上主要有两套有利的储盖组合,且构造中部和翼部含油气性较好。  相似文献   


云南省西南部,发育一组由不同断裂组成的北东向断裂构造带,沿这些断裂数十年来相继发生过多次强震.本文以其中的南汀河西支断裂为研究对象,采用深地震反射剖面方法,获得了断裂及两侧地壳精细结构和构造图像.探测结果表明:研究区纵向上,分为上、下两层地壳结构,总厚度约为31.25~35.6 km;横向上,以南汀河西支断裂为界,两侧反射特征差异较大,分别以弧状或倾斜反射波组为主.测线经过地区,莫霍面反射特征较为清晰,为2~3个反射同相轴组成的反射条带.南汀河西支断裂为一个由5条分支断层组成的断裂带,呈花状结构,反映了一种走滑挤压的应力状态.断裂带下方,存在一条切穿下地壳及莫霍面并延伸至上地幔的深大断裂.这种深、浅断裂共存的构造格局是控制南汀河地区地震孕育和发生的重要因素之一.


Introduction Offshore platform is the main facility for exploitation of ocean resources, e.g. oil and gas. Nearly 6 000 platforms have been built in the world, 100 among them in China, another 100 will be erected in China in the coming 5 years. The current aseismic design code commonly used in the world is RP2A-WSD based on the seismic hazard zone in the coastal waters of the United States, which is compiled by American Petroleum Institute (American Petroleum Institute, 2002). No specif…  相似文献   

Masakazu  Ohtake 《Island Arc》1995,4(3):156-165
Abstract Based on the spatial distribution of the focal areas from previous large earthquakes, a significant seismic gap was found off the coast of the Akita Prefecture at the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan. We forecast that the 75 km segment of plate boundary may be ruptured by a large thrust earthquake with a magnitude of 7.5 in the near future. The time of occurrence is uncertain, but the recurrence interval of large earthquakes in this region suggests that it will be no later than the end of next century. The time sequence of large earthquakes in the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan shows a systematic shortening of the earthquake interval for the past 250 years. This feature is simulated successfully by a simple mechanical model that represents a plate boundary by segmented blocks, each of which is composed of a spring friction slider system. We further propose to revise the conventionally accepted plate boundary between the Eurasian and Okhotsk plates in the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan; the observed data of seismic activity and recent crustal deformation indicate that the southern part of the plate boundary traverses the land region from Niigata to Otari along the Shinanogawa seismic belt. The fault geometries of previous large earthquakes show that the mode of plate convergence in the eastern margin of the Sea of Japan is a collision type rather than a simple eastward subduction as was postulated in early studies.  相似文献   

南海北部陆缘深水-超深水盆地成因机制分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
任建业  庞雄  于鹏  雷超  罗盼 《地球物理学报》2018,61(12):4901-4920
本文以海洋地质调查和油气勘探开发中积累的地质和地球物理资料的解释和分析为基础,描述和划分了南海北部被动陆缘地壳岩石圈结构构造单元,由陆向海划分出近端带、细颈化带、远端带和洋陆转换带(OCT,含边缘高地)四个构造单元.从细颈化带到OCT基本处于现今陆架坡折带之外的深水-超深水区的范围,以强烈的地壳薄化和发育大型拆离断层控制的拆离盆地为特征.这些深水-超深水盆地的同裂陷阶段均经历了早期均一断陷、中晚期拆离式断陷的演化过程,受控于南海北部大型拆离断层作用及其所导致的岩石圈临界破裂过程.新的深水-超深水盆地形成机理的认识为南海北部陆缘岩石圈的非瞬时伸展破裂过程的分析提供了新的视角,同时,陆缘深水-超深水盆地具有独特的构造-沉积体系配置和构造-热演化过程,将为科学评价南海北部陆缘深水-超深水盆地油气勘探潜力提供新的思路.  相似文献   

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