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Flooding mine tailings to limit the oxidation of sulfides provides a habitat for aquatic organisms, such as plants, plankton, insects, and fish, which can uptake metals and, thus, threats for local ecosystems and influence the cycling of elements in biogeocenosis. An aquatic ecosystem developed naturally in sulphide tailing ponds containing cyanidation wastes of the Salair ore-refining plant (SORP), Russia, was studied. The objectives of this research were to: (i) reveal the level of contamination of living organisms in the tailing ponds compared to a natural control site and (ii) calculate the weight of metals in aquatic biomass to estimate the amount of metals transferring from the tailing ponds into the biogechemical cycle. The concentration of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the sediments of the tailing ponds is significantly higher than from the control site. Concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in plant shoots were significantly higher than in the control and accumulated mainly in cell envelopes and membranes. The concentration of Pb in fish liver and eggs were 41 and 7.5 times higher, respectively, than maximum allowable concentrations. The biomass distribution between producers and consumers of the tailing pond ecosystem is similar to those of natural pond ecosystems. However, the weights of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in all trophic levels per hectare of the tailing pond are orders of magnitude higher than those for Lake Baikal. The largest portion of metal circulates within the ecosystem of the Dyukov Ravine Pond with a maximum of 5 to 13% of this amount transferred into the surrounding environment through the food chains.  相似文献   

The risk of Pb, Zn and Cd mobility is evaluated in soils from a depleted mine at Rubiais (Lugo, Spain). This area is under special protection because of its outstanding natural value. Soils from nine different areas were selected: at the mining zone (R1, R2, R3), at minespoils (R4, R5, R6) and soils developed on the settling pond (R7, R8, R9). A control soil (RC) was sampled outside the mine. The objectives are (i) to study the characteristics of soils with high influence on metal retention, (ii) to determine the content of Pb, Zn and Cd comparing it with the generic reference levels, and (iii) to evaluate the distribution and the interactions between the metals and the soil geochemical phases by means of sequential chemical extraction, X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (FE-SEM/EDS) and time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF–SIMS). The concentration of Pb, Zn and Cd ranges 850–6,761, 1,754–32,287 and 1.8–43.7 mg kg?1, respectively, and the highest proportion is in the residual fraction. The Mn oxides highly influence the retention of Cd while Pb retention is mainly influenced by Fe oxides. Zn is uniformly distributed amongst the residual fraction and the Fe and Mn oxides. TOF–SIMS and SEM/EDS techniques confirm the fractionation results, showing how Pb and Zn are as sulphide and associated with Fe and Mn oxides. Nevertheless, care should be taken since oxides and sulphides could suffer sulphide oxidation processes or alteration of the oxides causing leaching and the contamination of the protected ecosystem.  相似文献   

Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn were measured in vegetables in Xiguadi village around Lechang Pb/Zn mine in Guangdong province, South China. The daily intake (DI) of these metals from vegetables by local people was also determined. The respective Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn concentration was 0.05–0.90 (mean 0.25), 1.04–5.82 (2.64), 0.53–7.07 (2.00) and 3.87–25.20 (11.68) mg kg−1, of which Cd concentration in all vegetables exceeded the safe limit given by FAO/WHO. The DI was found to be 49.76, 475.56, 360.36 and 2,102.63 μg, respectively. The present results indicated local mining activity caused vegetable heavy metal contamination and Cd concentration exceeding the stipulated standards for all vegetables indicating potentially serious dietary risks for local people.  相似文献   

Waste dumps generated from mining that exposes sulfur-bearing overburden can be active sources of acid generation with the potential to severely contaminate soils, surface and groundwater, and endanger both local and downstream ecosystems. A waste rock management strategy ensure that disposal of such material is inert or at least stable and contained, and minimizes the surface footprint of the wastes, and explores options for alternate uses. Reclamation of waste dumps is another or parallel alternative to decrease the potential for adverse effects. At the coal mining area of Karmozd in Iran, large volumes of wastes have been produced and disposed of without any specific care for the environment. In this paper, the impacts of waste dumps on the environment were identified and this was followed by a research program to determine the characteristics of the wastes, their acid generation potential, the availability of hazardous contaminants, and a prediction of their environmental impacts on the site. Data was collected from the target site and by comparing several reclamation alternatives using a Multi-Attribute Decision-Making technique, forestry was selected as the post-mining land use for the waste dumps. Preliminary evaluations indicated that Zelkava could be a useful tree species for this region.  相似文献   

Molasses-based distilleries are one of the most polluting industries generating large volume of wastewater. Distillery effluent (DE) on its discharge alters the physical and chemical properties of the soil. This study has been conducted to assess the distribution of heavy metals and its effect on physiochemical and structural changes of soil which has been treated with diluted and undiluted effluents. The soil has been assayed both before and after crop plantation. Out of the crop plants studied, Cicer arietinum was least effected and more effective than Pisum sativum in diminishing the heavy metals from soil. However, only at higher concentration DE has some adverse impact on the nutrient contents of the soil. Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR) study of the soil indicated the presence of –OH, –NH, –COOH groups. It was also noted that the soil amended with different concentration of DE and on which Cicer and Pisum were grown has varied IR spectrum. These variations show the presence of different functional groups of soil before and after plants were grown. The presence of inorganic carbonate was found in soil planted with Cicer from 10 to 50% of DE, whereas aliphatic primary amides were observed up to 25 and 100% concentrations of DE in soil planted with Pisum. The appearance of inorganic nitrates, carbonates, aliphatic hydrocarbons and aliphatic primary amides at various concentrations of DE showed a change in functional groups probably because of the differential breakdown of parent component present in the effluent. Besides our main finding that Cicer is a very useful crop species in remediating the soil which has inflicted with even undiluted DE, it is also validated through FTIR spectra that IR technique is an efficient tool in studying the structural changes of soil and with some degree of caution may be summed up that FTIR may be used to correlate the relative efficacy of plants to transform organic contaminants.  相似文献   



The coexistence of Cd2+ and Zn2+ ions in nature has a significant influence on their environmental behaviors in soils and bioavailability for plants. While many studies have been done on the mutual toxicity of Cd2+ and Zn2+, few studies can be found in the literature focused on the interaction of Cd2+ and Zn2+ on soil clay fractions especially in terms of energy relationship.


The binding energies of Cd2+ on boggy soil (Histosols) particles and Zn2+ on yellow brown soil (Haplic Luvisols) particles were the highest, while those of Cd2+ and Zn2+ on paddy soil (Inceptisols) particles were the lowest. These results indicated that Cd2+ and Zn2+ have a strong capacity to adsorb in the solid phase at the soil–water interface of boggy soil and yellow brown soil, respectively. However, both Cd2+ and Zn2+ adsorbed on paddy soil particles easily release into the solution of the soil suspension. Unlike the binding energy, the higher adsorption energies of ions in boggy and yellow brown soils showed a weak binding force of ions in boggy soil and yellow brown soil. A 1:1 ratio of Cd2+ to Zn2+ promotes the mutual inhibition of their retentions. Cd2+ and Zn2+ have high mobility and bioavailability in paddy soil and yellow drab soil (Ustalfs), whereas they have high potential mobility and bioavailability in boggy soil and yellow brown soil.


In the combined system, Zn2+ had preferential adsorption than Cd2+ on soil clay fractions. Boggy soil and yellow brown soil have a low environmental risk with lower mobility and bioavailability of Cd2+ and Zn2+ while paddy soil and yellow drab soil present a substantial environmental risk. In the combined system, Cd2+ and Zn2+ restrain each other, resulting in the weaker binding force between ions and soil particles at a 1:1 ratio of Cd2+–Zn2+.

在云南保山-腾冲高速公路建设中,遇到了与膨胀性硅藻土相关的边坡稳定问题。通过对云南腾冲五合乡、芒棒乡、团田乡多个地质剖面现场调查和室内物质成分、微观结构分析、力学性质测试表明,云南腾冲新近纪芒棒组硅藻土是一种富含膨胀性黏土矿物的黏土质硅藻土,在性状上属于膨胀性极软岩。天然硅藻土具有很强的结构性,导致其物理性质与力学性质的关系与传统岩土力学规律极不相符,如孔隙比高达2.20~2.78、液性指数为0.66~2.73的天然硅藻土单轴抗压强度竟高达1.09~2.11 MPa。综合研究表明,云南保山-腾冲高速公路建设中黏土质硅藻土边坡的滑坡灾害、风化剥落灾害与其工程特性密切相关。  相似文献   

Monitoring of heavy metal transfers, aerial deposition and fluvial transport to soil, stream sediment and vegetation compartments surrounding two former PbZn mines are reported. Results show that 80–100 a after the closure of the mines relatively large amounts of Cd, Pb, Zn and, in once case, Cu are entering the soil and fluvial systems.Aerial deposition of heavy metals within a 300 m radius of the centre of the tailings heaps is shown to be contributing up to 3.3 kg Cd, 71 kg Cu, 373 kg Pb and 1041 kg Zn annually to the surrounding soil and vegetation compartments. It is shown that more than 4.2 kg Cd/a and 1387 kg Zn/a are being transferred from the tailings heaps via the streams in the form of dissolved load. However, the greatest quantities of Cu (38 kg/a) and Pb (74 kg/a) are transported from the heaps as wash load. Transfers calculated as percentages of the total metal quantities in the tailings heaps highlight the greater relative mobility within the fluvial system of Cd and Zn compared to Cu and Pb. Outside of the tailings heaps, the greatest accumulation of metals is in the surrounding soil, while the smallest was observed to occur in the surrounding mixed grassland vegetation.The most important implications of these findings are in the long-term release and partitioning of pollutant metal species from historic metalliferous mine tailings within the terrestrial and fluvial environments. This information is of major ecotoxicological and agronomic importance and is necessary for the effective reclamation and remediation of such contaminated sites.  相似文献   

An exploratory study on soil contamination of heavy metals was carried out surrounding Huludao zinc smelter in Liaoning province, China. The distribution of total heavy metals and their chemical speciations were investigated. The correlations between heavy metal speciations and soil pH values in corresponding sites were also analyzed. In general, Cd, Zn, Pb, Cu and As presented a significant contamination in the area near the smelter, comparied with Environmental Quality Standards for Soils in China. The geoaccumulation index showed the degree of contamination: Cd > Zn > Pb > Cu > As. There was no obvious pollution of Cr and Ni in the studied area. The speciation analysis showed that the dominant fraction of Cd and Zn was the acid soluble fraction, and the second was the residual fraction. Pb was mostly associated with the residual fraction, which constituted more than 50% of total concentration in all samples. Cu in residual fraction accounted for a high percentage (40–80%) of total concentration, and the proportion of Cu in the oxidizable fraction is higher than that of other metals. The distribution pattern of Pb and Zn was obviously affected by soil pH. It seemed that Pb and Zn content in acid solution fraction increased with increasing soil pH values, while Cd content in acid soluble fraction accounted for more proportion in neutral and alkaline groups than acidic one. The fraction distribution patterns of Cu in three pH groups were very similar and independent of soil pH values. And the residual fraction of Cu took a predominant part (50%) of the total content.  相似文献   

Soil samples from chromite mining site and its adjacent overburden dumps and fallow land of Sukinda, Odisha, were analysed for their physico-chemical, microbial and metal contents. Chromite mine soils were heterogenous mixture of clay, mud, minerals and rocks. The pH of the soils ranges between 5.87 and 7.36. The nutrient contents of the mine soils (N, P, K and organic C) were found to be extremely low. Analysis of chromite mine soils revealed accumulation of a number of metals in high concentrations (Fe > Cr > Mn > Ni > Zn > Pb > Sr) which exceeded ecotoxicological limits in soil. Correlation and cluster analysis of metals revealed a strong relation between Cr, Ni, Fe, Mn among the different attributes studied. Assessment of different microbial groups such as fungi, actinomycetes and bacteria (heterotrophic, spore forming, free-living nitrogen fixing, phosphate solubilising and cellulose degrading) from mine soils were found to be either extremely low or absent in some soil samples. Further chromium tolerant bacteria (CTB) were isolated using 100 mg/L Cr(VI) enriched nutrient agar medium and were screened for their tolerance towards increasing concentrations of hexavalent chromium and other toxic metals. Out of 23 CTB isolates, three bacteria tolerated up to 900 mg/L, 6 up to 500 mg/L, 20 up to 200 mg/L of Cr(VI). These bacteria were also found to be sensitive towards Cu > Co > Cd and very few CTB strains could show multiple metal tolerance. These strains have great scope for their application in bioremediation of toxic chromium ions in presence of other metals ions, which needs to be explored for their biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

Overbank and medium-order stream sediment samples were collected in Belgium and Luxembourg from 66 sampling locations (area of about 33,000 km2) and analysed for major and trace elements among which Zn, Pb, Cu and As. At each sampling location large bulk samples were taken, namely in the lower (normally at ≥1.5 m depth, over an interval of about 20–40 cm) and upper (normally upper 5–25 cm) parts of the overbank profiles and from the stream sediments. Furthermore, at a number of these sites, a detailed geochemical analysis of vertical overbank sediment profiles (sampling intervals of 10–20 cm) was subsequently carried out to unravel element variations through time and to help in the overall evaluation. For most sampled sections evidences such as 14C-dating and the absence of anthropogenic particles point towards a pre-industrial and often pristine origin of the lower overbank sediment samples. From the latter bulk samples, mean background concentrations were deduced. They reveal the existence of significant differences between the northern and southern part of Belgium (incl. Luxembourg) which relate to the difference in geological substrate. In the north dominantly non-lithified Quaternary and Tertiary sands, marls and clays occur while in the south Palaeozoic sandstones, shales and carbonate rocks outcrop. Consequently separate mean background values were calculated for the two areas. In the southern study area, some anomalous metal concentrations have been recorded in pre-industrial sediments. They are derived from mineralised Palaeozoic rocks, a feature which could be of interest for base metal exploration. In the upper overbank and stream sediments, in general, higher heavy metal and As contents were recorded with highest values in areas with metal mining, metal melting and cokes treatment industries. By comparing the trace element concentrations of the upper overbank or stream sediment samples with the concentrations detected in the lower overbank samples at each of the sampling locations, and by evaluating the vertical distribution patterns where available, the degree of pollution of the alluvial plain and the present-day stream sediments can be assessed. From this exercise, it is clear that highest pollution occurs in the northern part of Belgium, which relates to its high population density and industrial development.  相似文献   

The spatial distributions of contaminant metals (Hg, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu) and a metalloid (As) in vegetable plots and paddy fields located near a large scale Pb/Zn smelter in Hunan province, China, were investigated. Soil located 4 km from the smelter was severely contaminated, with maximum concentrations of Hg, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu and As as high as 2.89, 1200, 3350, 41.1, 157 and 93 mg kg−1, respectively. Concentrations of soil metal and As decreased with distance in the dominant wind direction. Single-factor assessment indicated pollution levels of Hg, Pb, Zn and Cd were most severe, while pollution levels for Cu and As were less severe. Results from a potential ecological risk assessment indicated high risk associated with the soil within a 4 km radius, with the contribution for each contaminant calculated as follows: Cd (70.0%), Hg (19.4%), Pb (4.8%), As (3.0%), Cu (1.7%) and Zn (1.1%). The forest soil in the nearby city park was also affected by the atmospheric depositions from smelting activities. Soil profiles demonstrated the pollutants were mostly accumulated in the upper 20 cm layer. Contamination of the topsoil with Hg, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu and As indicated remediation should be considered.  相似文献   

As we know, desert pavement is a superficial feature from wind erosion widespread throughout arid lands and plays a dynamic role in geomorphic, hydrologic, and ecologic processes. In these regions, the plant cover is low or inexistent. Desert pavement is usually covered with large, small, and angular stones. Spatial distribution of stones at the surface is reflecting rainfall distribution at the land surface. Our objective in this study was to determine the relationship between the surface physical characteristics of desert pavement (meter scale), water movement, subsoil, and plant cover. The density and type of cover in land surface are also investigated. For this purpose, two different areas (Hajaligholi playa, Damghan) with different geology were selected. In each region, profiles were dogged. In site one, six different profiles were dogged, and each profile samples in different horizons (0–10, 10–20, 20–30, 30–40, and 40–50 cm) were being taken. In site two, three profiles were dogged, and the same horizon samples were being taken. The type and density of vegetation were determined. Finally, two sites were being compared. The results showed that strong relationship is between the stone cover, soil genesis, and plant distribution. Physicochemical properties (particle sorting, stones rates, electrical conductivity, pH, and gypsum) highly depend on the upland geological characteristics of the region. Also, soil structure and salt concentration have strong relationship with stone component. The distribution and density of vegetation show strong linkage with these properties. Also, in sites with desert pavements and dense plant cover, soils are protected and, thus, reduce desertification (loss fertile soils).  相似文献   

根据大量地质资料揭示了山东良庄井田地质构造的发育特征,其断裂构造具有分区性、方向性、垂向分层性、成带性等特点,并推断井田内发育有滑动构造。探讨了该井田地质构造发育规律对矿井突水的影响,着重分析了滑动构造对矿井突水的作用。研究表明,断裂构造的分区性、方向性、垂向分层性、成带性及滑动构造对矿井突水有不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

The chemical partitioning of Pb and Zn was investigated in contaminated stream sediments from the River Ystwyth in mid-Wales, with changes in metal/substrate fixation being related to variations in channel morphology. Confinement of the channel by bedrock (chute zones) is sufficient to create very turbulent flow conditions facilitating the precipitation of Mn(IV) on surfaces of sand sized particles (2000-63 μm). Phase specific extraction of Pb (easily reducible fraction) from this particle size range indicates significant adsorption on precipitated forms of Mn. Conversely, under meandering conditions, association with the moderately reducible fraction (Fe-oxides) was more influential in the physico-chemical partitioning of Pb. Thus oxyhydroxide “precipitation zones” are created which affect heavy metal partitioning. These phenomena are, however, not observed on silt and clay sized particle coatings (<63 μm). The partitioning of Zn is not influenced by channel morphology due to a combined influence of the greater solubility of ionic species and subsequent transfer in solution and to the prevalence of total sediment Zn as sphalerite (ZnS).  相似文献   

The re-establishment of natural species-rich heath lands on abandoned farmland is one of the main measures in soil erosion control in the Loess Plateau of China. So, it is important to understand how the vegetation and soil properties develop after land abandonment. The objective of this study was to determine how physico-chemical properties, microbial biomass, and enzyme activities changed for abandoned farmland with an age sequence of 0, 1, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 years in Zhifanggou watershed (8.27 km2), Shaanxi Province, NW China. The results of this study indicate that species succession after land abandonment in the Zhifanggou watershed on the Loess Plateau resulted in a significant improvement in soil chemical and microbiological properties. Soil organic C, total N, available N and K, soil microbial biomass C, N and P, as well as alkaline phosphatase, catalase, saccharase, and cellulase activity increased with time since plantation establishment increased. In contrast, soil bulk density, pH, and polyphenol oxidase activity decreased after farmland abandonment. Urease and α-amylase decreased until 15 years at the early phase of species succession, and then increased. However, there was no significant change in total P and available P during the restoration. Results only implied the tendency that the herbage was developing toward shrub. Although secondary succession plays an important role which improved soil properties after farmland abandonment, the values of these parameters were still much lower than native forest in 50 years. Thus, vegetation recovery after farmland abandonment in a semi-arid environment would be slow and the improvement of soil properties in the Loess Plateau is likely to require a considerably long period of time.  相似文献   

Nutrient availability is known to mediate plant community structure in many systems, but relatively few studies of nutrient effects have been done in systems where strong gradients in physical stress might constrain the effects of nutrients. Recent studies in New England, United States, salt marshes indicate that nutrients may strongly mediate plant community composition by increasing the competitive ability of stress-tolerant species that are normally displaced by competition to recently-disturbed or low-intertidal habitats. It is unknown whether these results can be generalized to salt marshes in other geographic regions that experience different climates, tidal regimes, and edaphic conditions. To address the generality of these results from New England, we fertilized seven different mixtures of salt marsh plants at study sites on the southeast and Gulf coasts of the U.S. Two of these mixtures were studied in both geographic regions. Consistent with results from New England, fertilization always increased the biomass of the low-marsh dominantSpartina alterniflora and usually led to it increasing in dominance at the expense of high-marsh species. Fertilization also led to increased community dominance byDistichlis, but only in a mixture where it was already common. Fertilization led to changes in plant dominance patterns in four of the seven types of mixtures that we studied. Results were not a function of edaphic conditions, at least within the range included in our study, and were consistent between the southeastern and Gulf coasts, which experience markedly different tidal regimes. The broad similarity of these results suggests that changes in nutrient input may lead to predictable changes in the composition of similar salt marsh plant communities across large geographic areas despite site to site variation in the abiotic environment.  相似文献   

花垣地区铅锌矿床有望成为中国最大的铅锌矿床,也是铅锌矿资源储量超过千万吨的世界级超大型矿床之一。文章通过碳、氧、氢、硫、铅和锶同位素地球化学特征研究,探讨了成矿流体和成矿金属来源。测试结果显示,花垣地区铅锌矿床主成矿期方解石样品的δ~(13) CPDB值范围为-2.71‰~1.21‰,δ~(18) OSMOW值范围为16.09‰~22.48‰,该地区铅锌矿床成矿流体中的碳主要来源于海相碳酸盐岩的溶解作用。花垣矿区的围岩的δ~(13) CPDB值范围为0.29‰~1.05‰,δ~(18) OSMOW值范围为21.33‰~23.89‰,为沉积成因海相碳酸盐岩。矿石中硫化物的δ~(34) S变化于24.93‰~34.66‰之间,重晶石δ~(34) S为32.78‰~34.22‰,表明还原硫主要来自地层中海相硫酸盐的还原。矿石硫化物的铅同位素组成均一,~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb、~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb和~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb分别为17.999~18.919、15.554~15.798和38.088~38.576,铅模式年龄为437~534Ma,成矿金属可能主要来源于奥陶系—寒武系。方解石和闪锌矿样品中流体的δD_(SMOW)变化于-91.1‰~-15‰之间,δ~(18) Ofluid变化范围为-4.1‰~8.75‰,矿床成矿流体的主要来源是建造水和大气降水。成矿流体与围岩的水-岩反应是导致该区铅锌矿床中方解石和闪锌矿矿物沉淀结晶的主要机制。成矿流体~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr为0.70906~0.71022,高于赋矿围岩寒武系清虚洞组灰岩锶同位素比值0.70886~0.70921,表明成矿流体流经了清虚洞组下伏地层,并与其中具有高锶同位素比值的碎屑岩、页岩和泥岩等进行了水岩反应及同位素交换。  相似文献   

The limitation of plant growth in the polluted mediums can be used as a factor to determine of plant tolerance and the toxic effect of these mediums. In this work, the effect of Pb2+, Cd2+, Ni2+and Znsu2+ (individually) on Azolla filiculoides growth in the aqueous solution and using this method to water post treatment were studied. During 15 days the biomass the fresh Azolla with initial mass of 20 g was grown on the nutrient solution containing these metal ions, each in a concentration 4 mg/l. The presence of these ions, caused about 25%, 42%, 31% and 17% inhibition of biomass growth, respectively, in comparison to Azolla control weight which had not heavy metals. The water salinity of 1, 2 and 4 g. NaCl/l decreased the removal of these heavy metals about 4–7%, 20–24% and 40–55%, respectively. The addition of total dissolved solids (TDS) from 50 to 300 ppm. (as CaCO3) into the samples of containing heavy metals increased Azolla growth, but decreased the control Azolla growth.  相似文献   

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