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Most porphyry Cu deposits in the world occur in magmatic arc settings and are formed in association with calc-alkaline arc magmas related to subduction of oceanic lithosphere. This contribution reviews a number of significant porphyry Cu deposits in the eastern Tethyan metallogenic domain. They widely occur in a variety of non-arc settings, varying from post (late)-collisional transpressional and extensional environments to intracontinental extensional environments related to orogenic and anorogenic processes. Their spatial–temporal localization is controlled by strike–slip faults, orogen-transverse normal faults, lineaments and their intersections in these non-arc settings. These deposits are dominated by porphyry Cu–Mo deposits with minor porphyry Cu–Au and epithermal Au deposits, and exhibit a broad similarity with those in magmatic arcs. The associated magmas are generally hydrous, relatively high fO2, high-K calc-alkaline and shoshonitic, and show geochemical affinity with adakites. They are distinguished from arc magmas and/or oceanic-slab derived adakites, by their occurrence as isolated complexes, high K2O contents (1.2–8.5%), and much wider range of εNd(t) values(? 10 to + 3) and positive εHf(t) values (+ 4.6 to + 6.9). These potassic magmas are most likely formed by partial melting of thickened juvenile mafic lower-crust or delaminated lower crust, but also involving various amounts of asthenospheric mantle components. Key factors that generate hydrous fertile magmas are most likely crust/mantle interaction processes at the base of thickened lower-crust in non-arc settings, rather than oceanic-slab dehydration (as in arc settings). Breakdown of amphibole in thickened lower crust (e.g., amphibole eclogite and garnet amphibolite) during melting is considered to release fluids into the fertile magmas, leading to an elevated oxidation state and higher H2O content necessary for development of porphyry Cu–Mo–Au systems. Copper and Au in hydrous magmas are likely derived from mantle-derived components and/or melts, which either previously underplated and infiltrated at the base of the thickened lower crust, or were input into the primitive magmas by melt/mantle interaction. In contrast, Mo and (part of the) S in the fertile magmas are probably supplied by old crust during melting and subsequent ascent.  相似文献   

Porphyry and skarn Cu–Fe–Au–Mo deposits are widespread in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt (MLYMB), eastern China. The Matou deposit has long been regarded as a typical Cu–Mo porphyry deposit within Lower Yangtze part of the belt. Recently, we identified scheelite and wolframite in quartz veins in the Matou deposit, which is uncommon in other porphyry and skarn deposits in the MLYMB. We carried out detailed zircon U–Pb dating and geochemical and Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic studies of the granodiorite porphyry at Matou to define any differences from other ore-related granitoids. The porphyry shows a SiO2 content ranging from 61.85 wt.% to 65.74 wt.%, K2O from 1.99 wt.% to 3.74 wt.%, and MgO from 1.74 wt.% to 2.19 wt.% (Mg# value ranging from 45 to 55). It is enriched in light rare earth elements and large ion lithophile elements, but relatively depleted in Nb, Ta, Y, Yb and compatible trace elements (such as Cr, Ni, and V), with slight negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.88–0.98) and almost no negative Sr anomalies. Results of electron microprobe analysis of rock-forming silicate minerals indicate that the Matou porphyry has been altered by an oxidized fluid that is rich in Mg, Cl, and K. The samples show relatively low εNd(t) values from −7.4 to −7.1, slightly high initial 87Sr/86Sr values from 0.708223 to 0.709088, and low εHf(t) values of zircon from −9.0 to −6.5, when compared with the other Cu–Mo porphyry deposits in the MLYMB. Zircon U–Pb dating suggests the Matou granodiorite porphyry was emplaced at 139.5 ± 1.5 Ma (MSWD = 1.8, n = 15), which is within the age range of the other porphyries in the MLYMB. Although geochemical characteristics of the Matou and other porphyries in the MLYMB are similar and all adakitic, the detrital zircons in the samples from Matou suggest that Archean lower crust (2543 ± 29 Ma, MSWD = 0.25, n = 5) was involved with the generation of Matou magma, which is different from the other porphyries in the belt. Our study suggests that the Matou granodiorite porphyry originated from partial melting of thickened lower crust that was delaminated into the mantle, similar to the other porphyries in the MLYMB, but it has a higher proportion of lower crustal material, including Archean rocks, which contributed to the formation of the porphyry and related W-rich magmatic-hydrothermal system.  相似文献   

The Krkonoše-Jizera Massif in the northern part of the Variscan Bohemian Massif provides insight into the exhumation mechanisms for subducted continental crust. The studied region exposes a relatively large portion of a flat-lying subduction-related complex that extends approximately 50 km away from the paleosuture. wide extent of HP-LT metamorphism has been confirmed by new P-T estimates indicating temperatures of 400–450 °C at 14–16 kbar and 450–520 °C at 14–18 kbar for the easternmost and westernmost parts of the studied area, respectively. A detailed study of metamorphic assemblages associated with individual deformation fabrics together with analysis of quartz deformation microstructures and textures allowed characterisation of the observed deformation structures in terms of their subduction-exhumation memory. An integration of the lithostratigraphic, metamorphic and structural data documents a subduction of distal and proximal parts of the Saxothuringian passive margin to high-pressure conditions and their subsequent exhumation during two distinct stages. The initial stage of exhumation has an adiabatic character interpreted as the buoyancy driven return of continental material from the subduction channel resulting in underplating and progressive nappe stacking at the base of the Teplá-Barrandian upper plate. With the transition from continental subduction to continental collision during later stages of the convergence, the underplated high-pressure rocks were further exhumed due to shortening in the accretionary wedge. This shortening is associated with the formation of large-scale recumbent forced folds extending across the entire studied area.  相似文献   

The northern Yangtze foreland basin system was formed during the Mesozoic continental collision between the North and South China plates along the Mianlue suture. In response to the later phase of intra-continental thrust deformation, an extensive E–W-trending molasse basin with river, deltaic, and lake deposits was produced in front of the southern Qinling–Dabieshan foreland fold-and-thrust belt during the Early–Middle Jurassic (201–163 Ma). The basin originated during the Early Jurassic (201–174 Ma) and substantially subsided during the Middle Jurassic (174–163 Ma). A gravelly alluvial fan depositional system developed in the lower part of the Baitianba Formation (Lower Jurassic) and progressively evolved into a meandering river fluvial plain and lake systems to the south. The alluvial fan conglomerates responded to the initial uplift of the southern Qinling–Dabieshan foreland fold-and-thrust belt after the oblique collision between the Yangtze and North China plates during the Late Triassic. The Qianfoya Formation (lower Middle Jurassic) mainly developed from shore-shallow lacustrine depositional systems. The Shaximiao Formation (upper Middle Jurassic) predominantly consists of thick-bedded braided river delta successions that serve as the main body of the basin-filling sequences. The upward-coarsening succession of the Shaximiao Formation was controlled by intense thrusting in the southern Qinling–Dabieshan fold-and-thrust belt. Palaeogeographic reconstructions indicated an extensive E–W foredeep depozone along the fold-and-thrust belt during the Middle Jurassic (174–163 Ma) that was nearly 150 km wide. The depozone extended westward to the Longmenshan and further east to the northern middle Yangtze plate. The northern Yangtze foreland basin was almost completely buried or modified by the subsequent differential thrusting of Dabashan and its eastern regions (Late Jurassic to Cenozoic).  相似文献   

The Yaochong porphyry Mo deposit in Xinxian County, Henan Province, China, is located in the Hong’an terrane, that is, the western part of the Dabie orogen. The Dabie orogen is part of a >1,500 km long, Triassic continental collision belt between the North China Block and the South China Block. Four types of vein are present. Paragenetically, from early to late, they are as follows: stage 1 quartz + K-feldspar ± pyrite ± magnetite vein; stage 2 quartz + K-feldspar + molybdenite ± pyrite vein; stage 3 quartz + polymetallic sulfides ± K-feldspar vein; and stage 4 quartz ± carbonate ± fluorite vein. Four compositional types of fluid inclusion, pure CO2, CO2 bearing, aqueous, and solid bearing, are present in quartz from the first three stages; only low-salinity aqueous fluid inclusions occur in quartz from the last stage. All the estimated salinities are ≤13.1 wt% NaCl eq., and no halite crystals were identified. Homogenization temperatures for the fluid inclusions from stages 1 to 4 are in the ranges of 262–501, 202–380, 168–345, and 128–286 °C, respectively, and estimated depths decrease from 6.9 to 8.9 km, through 6.2–7.2, to ~4.7 km. Quartz separates from the veins yielded a δ18O value of 7.7–11.2 ‰, corresponding to δ18OH2O values of ?1.3 to 6.9 ‰ using temperature estimates from fluid inclusion data; δDH2O values of fluid inclusion vary from ?80 to ?55 ‰, and δ13CCO2 from ?2.3 to 2.7 ‰, suggesting that the ore-fluids evolved from magmatic to meteoric sources. We conclude that the ore-forming fluid system at Yaochong was initially high temperature, high salinity, and CO2-rich and then progressively evolved to CO2-poor, lower salinity, and lower temperature, by mixing with meteoric water, which results in ore precipitation.  相似文献   

We present a structural and kinematic study of an Early Paleozoic subduction mélange and a magmatic arc that form the main elements of the Southern Orogen Belt of Inner Mongolia, which lies in the eastearn part of the Altaids or Central Asia Orogenic Belt. The structural analysis of the mélange conducted in the Hongqi and Ondor Sum areas (western Inner Mongolia) shows two phrases of ductile deformation. The D1 event is responsible for the pervasive S1 foliation, NW–SE striking L1 stretching lineation and F1 intrafolial folds. These microstructures are coeval with a greenschist facies metamorphism. During D2, NW-verging F2 folds associated with a S2 axial planar cleavage deformed S1 and L1. The D1 kinematic criteria indicate a top-to-the-NW sense of shear. D1 and D2 developed before the unconformable deposition of the Early Devonian shallow water sandstone. A lithosphere scale geodynamic model involving an Early Paleozoic southeast-directed subduction beneath the North China Craton and late Silurian collision of the North China Craton with an hypothetical microcontinent is proposed to account for the microstructural evolution.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar dating yielded the reliable ages of andesite from the Unerikan complex (102.1 ± 1.4 Ma) and basaltic andesite from the Burunda complex (107.3 ± 2.4 Ma). The established age of volcanism is close to one of the stages of formation of the Khingan–Okhotsk volcanoplutonic belt. The petrography and geochemistry of basic, normal-basic, and normal rocks point to their dual character: They combine features specific for tholeiitic and calc-alkalic rocks. Most likely, these rocks formed in the setting of transform continental margin.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2016,29(4):1543-1565
Early Cambrian small skeletal fossils (SSFs) are studied and revised from the Zhenba–Fangxian Block of the transitional zone between the Yangtze Block and the South Qinling Terrane. The study reveals a diverse fauna with 47 species of various biological affinities, including the new species Gapparodus gapparites sp. nov. The SSFs are assigned to the newly defined Cambroclavus fangxianensisRhombocorniculum cancellatum Assemblage Zone. Based on the investigated SSF fauna from Zhenba County, Southeast Shaanxi of China and published data, a palaeobiogeographic study is carried out for the Cambrian Stage 3 (equivalent to the Atdabanian–Botoman of Siberia). A hierarchical Pearson similarity cluster analysis of 295 species from 32 regions of the world indicates a distinct palaeobiogeographic pattern with seven faunal provinces. The result is mostly consistent with existing palaeogeographic reconstructions for the early Cambrian. However, it is also shown that the SSF assemblages of the Zhenba–Fangxian Block have low similarity with those of the Yangtze Block. Instead, they share high similarity with those from Armorica, Tarim and the Karatau–Naryn terranes (South Kazakhstan/North Kyrgyzstan). The Yangtze Block has a unique SSF assemblage dissimilar to most of other regions. The Terreneuvian–Cambrian Stage 3 sedimentary sequence of the Zhenba–Fangxian Block is more consistent with that of the South Qinling Terrane. Besides, sedimentary Ediacaran manganese ore deposits and Cambrian barite/witherite deposits have unique distribution pattern on the Zhenba–Fangxian Block. Derived from the profound dissimilarities in faunal composition, sedimentary sequence and distribution of sedimentary ore deposits, we hypothesize that during the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian transition, the Zhenba–Fangxian Block might have been an independent terrane and more distant from the Yangtze Block. The palaeobiogeographic analysis of SSFs also indicates a closer alliance between Avalonia and Siberia. It corroborates the palaeogeographic reconstruction of North China at the margin of Gondwana, in the vicinity of Australia, Antarctica, and Armorica.  相似文献   

The Salvan-Dorénaz intramontane basin formed between ca. 308–293 Ma as an asymmetric graben along crustal-scale transtensional fracture zones within the Aiguilles-Rouges crystalline massif (Western Alps) and represents a feature of the post-collisional evolution of the Variscan orogens. It contains 1.5–1.7 km of continental clastic deposits which were eroded from granitic, volcanic, and metamorphic rocks. Textural and compositional immaturity of the sandstones, and the numerous lithic fragments with low chemical and physical stability suggest only short-range transport. 40Ar/39Ar analyses of detrital muscovite are interpreted to represent cooling of the crystalline basement below the respective closure temperatures. Ages from detrital muscovite range between ca. 280–330 Ma. 40Ar/39Ar white mica plateau ages from granitic boulders range between 301–312 Ma and suggest rapid cooling. The very short time interval recorded between the 40Ar/39Ar cooling ages and the stratigraphic age of the host sediment suggests that considerable portions of the upper crust were removed prior to the formation of the basin. Late Variscan granitic boulders document surface exposure and erosion of Late Carboniferous granites during early stages of the infilling of the basin. Therefore, unroofing of basement units, magmatic activity, and formation of the fault bounded Salvan-Dorénaz basin were acting concomitantly, and are highly suggestive of extensional tectonics. When compared with other orogens, this situation seems specific to the Variscan, especially the exclusively young ages of detrital material, however, modern analogous may exist.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article if you access the article at . A link in the frame on the left on that page takes you directly to the supplementary material.  相似文献   

In order to understand the vertical structure of the Dabie–Sulu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) belt, common Pb isotopic compositions of omphacites in eclogites and feldspars in gneisses from the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) project (100–5000 m) have been investigated in this study. Samples from 0 to 800 m (unit 1) in the drilling core have moderately high radiogenic Pb isotopes with small variations of 206Pb/204Pb (16.82–17.38), 207Pb/204Pb (15.37–15.49), and 208Pb/204Pb (37.21–37.72), indicating either high µ (238U/204Pb) or high initial Pb isotope ratios of their protoliths. In contrast, the samples from 1600 to 2040 m (unit 3) and most of samples from 3200 to 5000 m (unit 5) have moderately or very unradiogenic Pb (unit 3: 206Pb/204Pb from 16.05 to 16.46, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.22 to 15.29, and 208Pb/204Pb from 36.68 to 37.48; unit 5: 206Pb/204Pb from 15.52 to 15.69, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.15 to 15.27, and 208Pb/204Pb from 36.48 to 37.20), indicating either low µ or low initial Pb isotope ratios of their protoliths. Pb isotopes of samples from 800 to 1600 m (unit 2) and from 2040 to 3200 m (unit 4) in the drilling core with abundant ductile shear zones are intermediate between those of units 1 and 3 or 5 and display larger variations. Pb isotopes combined with the published oxygen isotope data of the CCSD samples reveal the original positions of the five units before the Triassic continental subduction. Units 1, 3, and 5 as three UHPM rock slabs could be derived from the subducted upper continental crust, upper–middle continental crust and lower–middle continental crust, respectively. The ductile shearing zones in units 2 and 4 could be the interfaces where the detachment and decoupling took place between the upper, upper–middle and lower–middle continental crusts. The detachment between the upper slab and subducting continental lithosphere probably occurred during continental subduction, and the upper slab (unit 1) was uplifted to a shallow depth along the detachment surface by thrusting. Units 3 and 5 may be detached later from the subducted middle and lower crust and uplifted to a shallow level underneath unit 1. The low δ18O values (? 4.0 to ? 7.4‰) [Xiao, Y.-L., Zhang, Z.-M., Hoefs, J., Kerkhof, A., 2006. Ultrahigh-pressure Metamorphic Rocks from the Chinese Continental Drilling Project-II Oxygen Isotope and Fluid Inclusion Distributions through Vertical Sections. Contribution Mineral Petrology 152, 443–458.; Zhang, Z.-M., Xiao, Y.-L., Zhao, X.-D., Shi, C., 2006. Fluid-rock interaction during the continental deep subduction: oxygen isotopic profile of the main hole of the CCSD project. Acta Petrologica Sinica 22 (7), 1941–1951.] in units 2 and 4 suggest that the detachment interfaces could be developed along an ancient fault zones which were the channels of meteoric water activity during the Neoproterozoic.  相似文献   

The Xiaotian–Mozitan Shear Zone(XMSZ) is the boundary of the Dabie High-grade Metamorphic Complex(DHMC) and the North Huaiyang Tectonic Belt. It was deformed in ductile conditions with a top-to-NW/WNW movement.Geothermometers applied to mineral parageneses in mylonites of the shear zone give a temperature range of 623–691°C for the predeformation and 515–568°C for the syndeformation, respectively, which indicates a retrograde process of evolution.A few groups of zircon U-Pb ages were obtained from undeformed granitic veins and different types of deformed rocks in the zone. Zircons from the felsic ultramylonites are all magmatic, producing a weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U age of 754 ± 8.1 Ma, which indicates the time of magmatic activities caused by rifting in the Neoproterozoic. Zircons from the granitic veins, cutting into the mylonites, are also of magmatic origin, producing a weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U age of 130 ± 2.5 Ma,which represents the time of regional magmatic activity in the Cretaceous. Zircons from the mylonitic gneisses are of anatectic-metamorphic origins and are characterized by a core-mantle interior texture, which yielded several populations of ages including the Neoproterozoic ages with a weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U age of 762 ± 18 Ma, similar to that of the felsic ultramylonites and the Early Cretaceous ages with a weighted mean 206 Pb/238 U age of 143 ± 1.8 Ma, indicating the anatectic metamorphism in the Dabie Orogenic Belt(DOB). Based on integrated analysis of the structure, thermal conditions of ductile deformation and the contact relations of the dated rocks, the activation time of the Xiaotian–Mozitan Shear Zone is constrained between ~143 Ma and 130 Ma, during which the DOB was undergoing a transition in tectonic regime from compression to extension. Therefore, the deformation and evolution of this shear zone plays an instrumental role in fully understanding this process. This research also inclines us to the interpretation of it as an extensional detachment, with regard to the tectonic properties of the shear zone. It may also be part of a continental scale extension in the background of the North China Block's cratonic destruction, dominated by the subduction and roll-back of the Paleo-Pacific plate, but more detailed work is needed in order to unravel its complicated development.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2014,26(4):1644-1659
The formation of a series of intermountain basins is likely to indicate a geodynamic transition, especially in the case of such basins within the central South China Block (CSCB). Determining whether or not these numerous intermountain basins represent a division of the Cretaceous Pan-Yangtze Basin by exhumation of Xuefeng Mountains, is key to understanding the late Mesozoic to early Cenozoic tectonics of the South China Block (SCB). Here we present apatite fission track (AFT) data and time–temperature modeling in order to reconstruct the evolution history of the Pan-Yangtze Basin. Fourteen rock samples were taken from a NE–SW-trending mountain–basin system within the CSCB, including, from west to east, the Wuling Mountains (Wuling Shan), the south and north Mayang basins, the Xuefeng Mountains (Xuefeng Shan) and the Hengyang Basin. Cretaceous lacustrine sequences are well preserved in the south and north Mayang and Hengyang basins, and sporadically crop out in the Xuefeng Mountains, whereas Paleogene piedmont proluvial–lacustrine sequences are only found in the south Mayang and Hengyang basins. AFT results indicate that the Wuling and Xuefeng mountains underwent rapid denudation post-84 Ma, whereas the south and north Mayang basins were more slowly uplifted from 67 and 84 Ma, respectively. Following a quiescent period from 32 to 19 Ma, both the mountains and basins have been rapidly denuded since 19 Ma. Both the AFT data and sedimentary facies changes suggest that the Cretaceous deposits that cover the south–north Mayang and Hengyang basins through to the Xuefeng Mountains define the Cretaceous Pan-Yangtze Basin. Integrating our results with tectonic background for the SCB, we propose that rollback subduction of the paleo-Pacific Plate produced the Pan-Yangtze Basin, which was divided into the south–north Mayang and Hengyang basins by the abrupt uplift and exhumation of the Xuefeng Mountains from 84 Ma to present, apart from a period of tectonic inactivity from 32 to 19 Ma. This late Late Cretaceous to Paleogene denudation resulted from movement on the Ziluo strike–slip fault, which formed due to intra-continental compression most likely associated with the Eurasia–Indian plate subduction and collision. Sinistral transpression along the Ailao Shan–Red River Fault at 34–17 Ma probably transformed this compression to the extrusion of the Indochina Block, and produced the quiescent window period from 32 to 19 Ma for the mountain–basin system in the CSCB. Therefore, the initiation of exhumation of the Xuefeng Mountains at 84 Ma indicates a switch in tectonic regime from Cretaceous extension to late Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic compression.  相似文献   

Antiquated stratigraphic and tectonic concepts on non‐metamorphic upper Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sequences in eastern Burma are revised.

Post‐Silurian of Northern Shan States: The misleading traditional term Plateau Limestone ('Devonian‐Permian') is abandoned. The Devonian part is to be known as Shan Dolomite—with the Eifelian Padaukpin Limestone and the Givetian Wetwin Shale as subordinate member formations—and the disconformable Permian as Tonbo Limestone. Carboniferous formations are absent.

Upper Palaeozoic of Karen State: The sequence begins with the fossiliferous Middle to Upper Carboniferous Taungnyo Group resting unconformably on the epimetamorphic Mergui ‘Series’ (probably Silurian) and on older metamorphics. There is no evidence of Devonian rocks. The Permian is represented by widespread, but discontinuous, reef complexes, known as Moulmein Limestone, which rest unconformably on the moderately folded Carboniferous. The earliest beds of the Permian are of the Artinskian Epoch. No Mesozoic sequence is known west of the Dawna Range.

Mesozoic of Northern Shan States: Triassic and Jurassic are present, but the Cretaceous is absent. The Bawgyo Group (Upper Triassic and Rhaetic) rests unconformably on the Palaeozoic and consists of the Pangno Evaporites (below) and the Napeng Formation. The Jurassic Namyau Group, consisting of the Tati Limestone (Bathonian‐Callovian) and the Hsipaw Redbeds (Middle to Upper Jurassic) follows unconformably.

Origin of folding of Mesozoic: The intense primary folding of the Triassic and Jurassic sequences in the Hsipaw region is due to gravity‐sliding (Gleittektonik) on the Upper Triassic evaporites. Secondary complications were introduced by diapiric displacements which are probably continuing. Neither of these tectonic phases shows a significant causal relationship with the Alpine Orogeny sensu stricto. The latter is at best responsible for minor overprinting, chiefly through broad warping and horst‐and‐graben fracturing of the Shan Dolomite with locally considerable vertical displacements. There are no Alpine fold structures in the region. Geotectonically, it was a well‐consolidated frontal block of the Alpidic hinterland.  相似文献   

This study presents new results on zircons from the enderbite-charnockite rocks of Enderby Land, East Antarctica. U-Pb age of 3981 ± 8 Ma (SIMS SHRIMP II), which was first obtained for a protolith of massive enderbites from Aker Peaks, eastern Napier Mts, suggests that the existence of sialic crust in the study area at 4 Ga. Although there was only one magmatic zircon (of 150 grains analyzed) in the study area known with the oldest age, its significance cannot be overestimated, since it may indirectly evidence the existence of an Early Archean crustal block with a minimum age of 4 Ga, which extends for over 300 km across Enderby Land from its western to eastern part. Based on the U-Pb systematics, REE and trace element distributions in zircons from charnockite and enderbite gneisses, high-aluminous gneisses, and basic granulites, we first revealed that an early high-temperature metamorphic event accompanied by the emplacement of granodiorite intrusions occurred in the vicinity of Aker Peaks at 3620–3630 Ma. Although the 2850–3050 metamorphic overprints are clearly observed in some other areas of Enderby Land and are widely considered to be of critical importance on a regional scale, their metamorphic signatures are apparently absent from the U-Pb systematics of the studied zircon, thus suggesting the presence of similar old zircons in the study area. At the same time, all samples in this study record a 2480–2550 Ma granulite-amphibolite facies overprint represented as new zircon growths or recrystallization of earlier phases.  相似文献   

The inherited localization model for shear zone development suggests that ductile deformation in the middle and lower continental crust is localized on mechanical anisotropies, like fractures, referred to as shear zone brittle precursors. In the Neves area (Western Tauern Window, Eastern Alps), although the structural control of these brittle precursors on ductile strain localization is well established, the relative timing of the brittle deformation and associated localized fluid flow with respect to ductile deformation remains in most cases a matter of debate. The present petrological study, carried out on a brittle precursor of a shear zone affecting the Neves metagranodiorite, aims to determine whether brittle and ductile deformations are concomitant and therefore relate to the same tectonic event. The brittle precursor consists of a 100–500 µm wide recrystallized zone with a host mineral‐controlled stable mineral assemblage composed of plagioclase–garnet–quartz–biotite–zoisite±white mica±pyrite. Plagioclase and garnet preserve an internal compositional zoning interpreted as the fingerprint of Alpine metamorphism and fluid–rock interactions concomitant with the brittle deformation. Phase equilibrium modelling of this garnet‐bearing brittle precursor shows that metamorphic garnet and plagioclase both nucleated at 0.6 ± 0.05 GPa, 500 ± 20°C and then grew along a prograde path to 0.75 ± 0.05 GPa, 530 ± 20°C. These amphibolite facies conditions are similar to those inferred from ductile shear zones from the same area, suggesting that both brittle and ductile deformation were active in the ductile realm above 500°C for a depth range between 17 and 21 km. We speculate that the Neves area fulfils most of the required conditions to have hosted slow earthquakes during Alpine continental collision, that is, coupled frictional and viscous deformation under high‐fluid pressure conditions ~450°C. Further investigation of this potential geological record is required to demonstrate that slow earthquakes may not be restricted to subduction zones but are also very likely to occur in modern continental collision settings.  相似文献   

 The kinematic pattern and associated metamorphism of the predominant ductile deformation and the subsequent deformational stages of the Serbomacedonian metamorphic rocks and granitoids are presented in terms of peri-Tethyan tectonics. A systematic record of structural and metamorphic data gives evidence of a main top-to-ENE to ESE ductile flow of Cretaceous age (120–90 Ma) associated with a crustal stretching and unroofing. A subordinate WSW to WNW antithetic sense of movement of the tectonic top is observed in places. The associated metamorphic conditions are estimated at 4.5–7.5 kbar and 510–580  °C. During Eocene to Miocene times these fabrics were successively deformed by low-angle extensional De ductile shear zones with top-to-NE and SW sense of movement and brittle shear zones of similar kinematic pattern, suggesting a transition from ductile to brittle deformation. De deformation was accompanied during its later stages by NW/SE-directed shortening. We also discuss the relation of this Cretaceous–Tertiary deformation of the Serbomacedonian metamorphic rocks with the Eocene to Miocene ductile, top-to-southwestward crustal shear of the adjacent Rhodope crystalline rocks. We regard the Serbomacedonian and the Rhodope metamorphic rocks to represent related metamorphic provinces, the most recent exhumation and cooling history of which is bracketed between the Eocene and Neogene. Received: 8 December 1998 / Accepted: 19 April 1999  相似文献   

A series of balanced cross-sections across the Sub-Atlas thrust belt and the northern Ouarzazate basin are used to illustrate the structural geometry and the timing of deformation at the southern front of the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco. The selected area is among the best sedimentary records of mountain building of the entire orogenic system. The study of the relationships between thrusts and synorogenic continental formations enables the unraveling of kinematic sequences and the proposal of a relative chronology of deformation. Active thrusting in the area occurred in a rather continuous fashion from the Oligocene to the Pliocene, punctuated by a major erosional phase imprecisely placed in late Oligocene to early Miocene times. Detrital sedimentary facies indicate that uplift in the hinterland of the High Atlas, to the north of the Sub-Atlas belt, was taking place already by mid Eocene times, although it might have commenced locally even earlier. Within the Sub-Atlas zone, the exposed faults did not propagate in a simple piggy-back fashion but show evidence of a complex, synchronous sequence with events of fault reactivation and out-of-sequence thrusting.  相似文献   

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