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To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the publication of Acta Geologica Sinica, all the papers carried in the. Acta from 1982 Vol. 56, No. 3 to 1992 Vol. 66 No. 2 were appraised by an appraisal and selection committee organized by the Geological Society of China. The outstanding papers chosen through appraisal, their titles and authors' names are hereby listed as follows:  相似文献   

Acta Geologica Sinica (formerly the Bulletin of the Geological Society of China) beganpublication in 1922, and was published mainly in English through 1952. Since then, thejournal has been published in Chinese with English abstracts. In March 1988, Acta  相似文献   

Acta Geologica Sinica (formerly the Bulletin of the Geological Society of China) beganpublication in 1922, and was published mainly in English through 1952. Since then, thejournal has been published in Chinese with English abstracts. In March 1988, ActaGeologica Sinica appeared in English language translation. The journal is a full translationof the Chinese edition, and follows the Chinese edition by two issues.  相似文献   

Acta Geologica Sinica(formerly the Bulletin of the Geological Society of China) began publication in 1922, and was published mainly in English through 1952. Since then, the journal has been published in Chinese with English abstracts. In March 1988, Acta Geologica Sinica appeared in English language translation. The journal is a full translation  相似文献   

No. 1 Interaction between Crust and Weakening Lithospheric Mantle: Taking the Yanshan Orogenic Belt as an Example LU Feng-xiang , ZHENG Jian-ping , ZHANG Ruisheng , et al (001) Highly Chemical Heterogeneity of Subcontinental Lithosphere Mantle beneath North China and Its Major Transformation ZHOU Xinhua , ZHANG Hong- fu (008) Formation of the Taihangshan Gravity Lineament by the Diachronous Lithospheric Thinning of the North China Craton XUYi-g…  相似文献   

No .1StableIsotopeEquilibriumTestbetweenBenthicForaminiferCibicidoidesandUvigerinaatODPSite 114 3,SouthernSouthChinaSeaTIANJun ,WANGPin xian ,CHENGXin rong (0 0 1)…………Mid PleistoceneRevolutionRecordedbyPulleniatinaobliquiloculataintheSouthernSouthChinaSeaXUJian ,WANGPin xian ,HUANGBao qi ,etal (0 0 7)…………………………………………………PreliminaryStudyonAncientHumanDNAfromYangshaoCultureLAIXu long ,YANGShu juan ,TANGXian hua ,etal (0 15 )……………………………  相似文献   

Comparative planetology is an interdisciplinary science between Earth sciences and astronomy. It studies physical, chemical and dynamical properties of planets and satellites and their surface characteristics, interior structures and chemistry, magnetic field, climate and possible existence of life. Although the study of comparative planetary science is at its infancy stage in China, it is very encouraging to see that 25 papers were received by the session, which is much more than what we expected. It indicates that more and more scientists are interested in this research field. These papers can be classified into three categories: solar planets, extra-solar planets, and moon explorations. Scientists from both China and oversea reported their recent results.  相似文献   

The geothermal field is mainly controlled by the regional tectonic framework characterized by alternationsof uplifted and depressed basement. and exhibits a similar zoned distribution of temperatures. In the upliftedarea the geothermal gradient (G) and terrestrial heat flow value(q) of the Cenozoic sedimentary cover are rela-tively high, with G=3.5-5.0℃/100m and q=63-84mW/m~2; whereas in the depressions they are rela-tively low, with G=2.7-3.5℃/100m and q=46-59mW/m~2. In the whole region, G=3.58℃/100m and q=61.5±13.4nW/m~2, indicating a comparatively high geothermal background and the presence of localgeothermal anomalies. A comparison of the results of mathematical simulation of the geothermal field with themeasured values shows a good agrecment between them. The geothermal difference between various tectonicunits is caused chiefly by the lateral and vertical variation of thermal properties of shallow crustal rocks. Thisphenomenon can be regarded as the result of redistribution of relatively uniform heat flows from the deep crustin the surficial part of the crust in the process of their upward conduction.  相似文献   

The 2008-05-12 Wenchuan mud-volcano-earthquake was accompanied with eruption of a huge volume of gas and stone, revealing that earthquakes generally result from instant reverse phase explosion of supercritical water (SCW) at the supercritical point. In the deep parts of the crust and mantle there still exists a large amount of supercritical water equivalent in order of magnitude to that of the Earth’s hydrosphere. Soft fluids which exist in the MOHO at the top of the upper mantle are the so-called deep supercritical fluids (SCWD). Supercritical water (SCW) has n×103 times strong capability to dissolve gas. Its viscosity is extremely low and its diffusivity is extremely strong. Therefore, it can naturally migrate toward a region with relatively negative pressure. In the steep break zone of the MOHO at the 57–65 km depth beneath the earthquake belt, due to mutation of overburden pressure, SCWD can automatically separate out CaSiO3 and other inorganic salts, evolving into the SCW (H2O-CO2-CH4O system. In going upwards to the 10–20-km depth of the crust SCW will be accumulated as an earthquake-pregnant reservoir in the broken terrain. The phase-transition heat of SCW is estimated at 606.62 kJ/kg and the reverse phasing kinetic energy is 2350.8 kJ/kg. When automatic exhaust at the time of decompression reaches the critical pressure (Pc), the instant explosion reverse phase will be normal-state air water. It will release a huge volume of energy and high-kinetic-energy gas which has been expanded by a factor of 1000, leading to the breaking of the country rocks overlying the earthquake-pregnant reservoir, thus giving rise to a Ms 8.0 earthquake. As a result, there were formed eruptive and air-driven (pneumatic) debris flows whose volumatric flow rate reaches n×1014 m3/s, and their force greatly exceeds the power of INT explosive of the same equivalent value.  相似文献   

The Rehai geothermal field in Tengchong County, Yunnan Province is a significant high-temperaturehydrothermal convective system. The geothermal reservoir is composed of granite. Various geothermometersare used to evaluate the reservoir temperature. The most likely temperature of the reservoir as representedby T_(Na-K-Ca) is about 230℃. The chemical and isotopic compositions of fluids before boiling within the reser-voir are estimated. The mixing and dilution of cold and warm waters are discussed. The Rehai geothermal fieldis a high-temperature (hot) water system with the subsurface boiling zone close to the surface. The reservoirpressure at different depths is calculated. And finally the water-rock equilibration is inferred.  相似文献   

Based on their REE contents and REE patterns,eclogites from the ultra-high pressure metamorphic belt in central China may be roughly divided into xis types including LREE-rich.LREE-rich positive Eu anomaly,LREE-rich negative Eu anomaly,REE pattern-smooth,MREE-rich and HREE-rich.The LREE_rich,LREE-rich positive Eu anomaly and LREE-rich negative Eu anomaly types of eclogites are dominant .REE types of eclogites in different areas can be compared and the REE feactures of the same REE type of eclogites in different areas are similar.The results of reconstruction of the primary rocks show that the primary rocks of eclogites possibly are dominated by continental tholeiites which are the product of partial melting of relatively fertile mantle and the rocks of tholeiite crystallization-differentiation.There is perfect evolution relationship among the primary rocks of the LREE-rich, LREE-rich positive Eu anomaly and LREE-rich negative Eu anomaly types of eclogites and among those of the REE pattern smooth and MREE-rich types of eclogites,the former three types were deried from continental settings and the latter two from nearly oceanic settings.Meanwhile,it is concluded that the mantle sources of primary rocks of the eclogites are inhomogeneous and the primary rocks of eclogites in this area appear to have undergone varying degree of crustal contamination.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the biomarker characteristics of crude oils and source rocks from different environments(fresh,fresh-brackish and salt waters)of nonmarine depositional basins of different ages in China.Their characters are summarized as follows:1)Souce rocks and crude oils derived from fresh-water lacustrine facies have an odd/even predominance of n-alkanes and high pristine/phytane ratios.Oils from the fresh-water lacustrine facies differ from typical marine oils in the relative contents of total steranes and terpanes,the concentrations of hopanes and organic sul-phur compounds and the values of methylphenanthrene indices and C,H,S stable isotopes.2)The source rocks and crude oils derived from saline lacustrine facies possess an even/odd predominance of n-alkanes and high phytane/pristine ratios.There are also some differences between saline lacustrine oils and freshwater lacustrine oils in the concentrations of steranes,tricyclic terpanes and organic sulphur compounds,as well as in the values of methylphenanthrene indices and C,H,S stable isotopes.3)Oils derived from fresh-brackish water lake facies differ from oils from fresh-water lacustrine or samline lacustrine environments in respect of some biomarkers.According to the various distributions of these biomarkers,a number of geochemical parameters can be applied synthetically to differentiating and identifying the nature of original depositional environments of crude oils and source rocks and that of organisms-primary source materials present in those environments.  相似文献   

From the petrological study of ore-hosting focks which contain large anorthits crystals and the occurrence and chemical composition of anorthites and related minerals,the authors consider that the large anorthite crystals are of authigenic origin. The distribution characteristics of anorthites,i.e.,they are distributed along the bedding and structurally weak zones but not restricted to synsedimentary slump structures,and the relationship for some elements between anorthites and other minerals indicate that anorthites have resulted from reaction of circulating alkaline solutions rich in Al and Si with carbonated during the Indosinian orogeny.The results of this work suggest that the association of authigenic anorthites with bedded orebodies in the Dachang ore field may be the evidence that the mineralization is related to circulating underground hot waters.  相似文献   

Separation technology of rare earth elements (REEs), as the critical step in the separation process, had long been fraught with technical difficulty. A research project conducted by Baotou Shibo Rare Earth Extraction & Equipment Co. Ltd., Baotou REE Research Institute, and Baotou Steel & REE Group Hi-Tech Co. Ltd (Inner Mongolia), has successfully solved the problem using a centrifugal extractor and advanced techniques to achieve a key breakthrough.  相似文献   

The resource of the gas from coal and coal measures deep in Songliao Basin hasbeen drawing more and more attention to.It is necessary to find out the evolution regulari-ty of the geothermal field of the basin in addition to a series of geological studies in orderto predict its resources because the ancient geothermal field of the basin is one of themain factors controlling the generation,evolution and disappearance of oil and gas.Inthe recent twenty years,it is generally believed that vitrinite reflectance is the best quanti-tative marker for the ancient geothermal field.In the present paper,a systematic studyof the vitrinite reflectance value of Songliao Basin and its influence factors is made by mul-tiple statistical analysis so as to reconstruct the evolutional process of the Moho and thecorresponding geothermal field.Then,an overall prediction is made of the vitrinitereflectance and the distribution of J_3-K_1 fault basin group at the bottom of SongliaoBasin,which provides the evidence for the furth  相似文献   

The Damoshan deposit is a small B-F-Sn Bi exoskarn deposit and contains a distinctive mineral assemblage comprising andradite,vesuvianite,calcite,diopside,magnetite,hematite,nordenskioldine,cassiterite,varlamoffite,schenfliesite,native bismuth,eulytite,bismite and bismuthite,in which the occurrence of eulytite is the first reported in China.Textures of the mineral paragenses show that andradite,vesuvianite and diopside were the earliest phases formed during metasomatism,i.e.,the skarn forming stage.Then nordenskioldine,magnetite and native bismuth,perhaps together with eulytite,were precipitated at the stage of retrograde alteration.The minerals varlamoffite,schoenfliesite,hematite ,bismite and bismuthite were probably the product of supergene alteration.The minerals were analyzed by means of electron microprobe.The data on the ,coexisting phases and their compositons show that during the metasomatism reduced F-and Sn-rich primary mineralizing solutions reacted with highly oxidized carbonated of the Gejie Formation,producing a high Fe^2 /Fe^3 skarn(vesuvianite-fluorite skarn)near the contact of granite,and a low Fe^2 /Fe^3 skarn(vesuvianite-fluorite skarn)near the contact of granite,and a low Fe^2 /Fe^3 skarn(andradite skarn)in the outer zone of the skarn body in which andradite is extremely tin-bearing up to 5.14 wt% SnO2),In the retrograde alteration stage ,B-rich,but F-and Si-deficient mineralizing solutions replaced the tin-bearing andradite,forming an association of nordenskioldine and magnetite,No sulphides were deposited at this stage because of the oxidization ambient conditions in the andradite skarn.In the spergene oxidation zone,the nordenskioldine was dissolved into varlmoffite and calcite,the native bismuth was transformed into bismite or bismuthite ,and the magnetite was altered into hematite under the action of the CO2-rich supergene solutions.  相似文献   

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