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The mummichog,Fundulus heteroclitus, is one of the most important macrofaunal components of salt marsh surfaces and an important link to subtidal areas of the adjacent estuary along the east coast of the U.S. We estimated growth, population size, and production of the mummichog in a restored marsh in order to improve our understanding of the role of this resident fish and to evaluate the success of the restoration. The restored marsh, covering 234 ha, was a former salt hay farm located in the mesohaline portion of Delaware Bay that was restored to tidal influence in August 1996. We separated the mummichog population into two components based on life history stage and summer habitat use patterns. One component, consisting of adults and large young-of-the-year (YOY), exhibited tidal movements to and from the marsh surface and the subtidal creeks. These were examined with an intensive mark and recapture program using coded wire tags. Another component, consisting of small YOY, remained on the marsh surface throughout the tidal cycle. Throw traps were used to sample these small YOY. The mean annual population density of adults and large YOY for the entire marsh was approximately 1.2 fish m−2 and mean monthly density peaked at 2.9 fish m−2. The mean annual density of small YOY on the marsh surface was 15.1 fish m−2 and mean monthly density peaked at 41.4 fish m−2. Size and season influenced the growth rate of individual fish and instantaneous growth rates ranged from 0.03 to 2.26 mo−1. Total annual mummichog production was estimated to be 8.37 g dw m−2 yr−1, with adults and large YOY contributing 28.4% (2.38 g dw m−2 yr−1) and small YOY on the marsh surface contributing 71.6% (5.99 g dw m−2 yr−1). The seasonal use and population densities were comparable to previous studies in natural marshes while growth and production of mummichog in this restored marsh appeared to be higher. Coupled with the results of other studies on the feeding, movement, and habitat use of this species in this restored marsh, the species has responded well to the restoration.  相似文献   

To offer an insight into the toxicity of nanomaterials (NM) on the growth of bacteria, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) and Agrobacterium tumefaciens (A. tumefaciens) were exposed to nano-Au, nano-Ag, nano-Fe and fullerene (C60) in this study. As an effective bactericide, nano-Ag induced high toxicity on these three bacteria; C60 could inhibit their growth; however, B. subtilis and E. coli could recover as exposure time extended. Nano-Au and nano-Fe had hardly any effect on three bacteria. A. tumefaciens showed the lowest resistance and slowest growth rate during exposure. Images obtained by scanning electron microscope (SEM) revealed that nano-Ag could cause damage to the cell structure of three bacteria at 1 μg/mL. Slight damage on E. coli was found when exposed to C60, whereas no obvious physical damage was found after exposure to nano-Au or nano-Fe. It is assumed that surface activities of NM might be responsible for the different toxic effects on these bacteria.  相似文献   

Vegetable tannins are complex polyphenols, which occur widely in nature. Traditionally, natural tannins have been used for tanning leather. In Brazil, the main tannin-based products are obtained from Acacia mearnsii, which is a leguminous tree native to Southeastern of Australia, and the first seeds were brought to Brazil in 1928. The main cultivation of acacia was established in Rio Grande do Sul state due to the possibility of raw material for charcoal, adhesives to fuel and for tanning leather. The leather tanning processes based on plant tannins are thought to be less harmful than chromium-based tanning, and it has been used as a sustainable alternative. However, there is scarce information about the environmental impact of the leather tanning processes, with most studies reporting inhibitory effects against microorganisms at high doses and stimulatory and positive health effects at low concentrations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of tannin preparations extracted from A. mearnsii in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Vegetable tannin toxicity in yeast was tested using two tannin treatments in different concentrations. In general, the results showed toxicity of vegetable in yeast, BY4741 and gsh1Δ strains.  相似文献   

Frequent blooms of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella in southern Chile encouraged undertaking the present study which uses the oyster Ostrea chilensis as a model for evaluating the feeding, growth, lipid storage and mortality responses to diets containing paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) produced by A. catenella. Medium-term (30 days) physiological responses of two groups of juvenile oysters were measured every 10 days. Five replicates were exposed to diets containing A. catenella and other five replicates were fed with a diet containing the non-toxic algae Isochrysis galbana. Diets were continuously supplied at a concentration of 2 mg L?1, in which the feeding and metabolic activity was measured, and the scope for growth calculated. Lipids storage, actual growth and mortality were also measured every 10 days. The results showed that the toxic diet has dramatic negative effects on feeding and metabolism of the juvenile individuals of O. chilensis, with high reduction of the lipid storage and growth. Mortality was also increased in individuals fed with the contaminated diet. This study supports the conclusion that the toxic dinoflagellate A. catenella restricts the energy acquisition in the juvenile O. chilensis, an important fishery and aquaculture resource in southern Chile.  相似文献   

There is currently limited research available on the secondary metabolites of moulds in workplaces. The aim of this study was to determine the mould contamination in museums (N = 4), composting plants (N = 4) and tanneries (N = 4) and the secondary metabolite profiles of Alternaria, Aspergillus and Penicillium isolates from these workplaces. Alternaria, Aspergillus and Penicillium species were identified using the ITS1/2 sequence of the rDNA region. Mould metabolites were quantitatively analysed on standard laboratory medium and mineral medium containing materials specific to each workplace using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. We also examined the cytotoxicity of the moulds using MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazolyl-2)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assays. Air microbiological contamination analyses showed a number of microorganisms, ranging from 2.4 × 103 CFU m?3 (composting plants) to 6.8 × 104 CFU m?3 (tanneries). We identified high percentages of Alternaria, Aspergillus and Penicillium moulds (air 57–59%, surfaces 10–65%) in all workplaces. The following moulds were the most cytotoxic (>90%): Alternaria alternata, A. limoniasperae, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium biourgeianum, P. commune and P. spinulosum. The same mould species isolated from different working environments exhibited varying toxigenic and cytotoxic properties. Modifying the culture medium to simulate environmental conditions most often resulted in the inhibition of secondary metabolite production. Moulds isolated from the working environments produced the following mycotoxins (ng g?1): chanoclavines (0.28–204), cyclopiazonic acid (27.1–1045), fumigaclavines (0.33–10,640,000), meleagrin (0.57–13,393), roquefortins (0.01–16,660), rugulovasines (112–220), viridicatin (0.12–957), viridicatol (4.23–2753) and quinocitrinines (0.07–1104), which may have a negative impact on human health.  相似文献   

Japanese knotweed s.l. (Fallopia spp.) is a highly invasive clonal plant, best known from roadside and riparian habitats. Its expansion into beaches on Long Island, NY, USA, represents a major habitat shift. I surveyed populations from beaches and wetlands and conducted a common garden experiment to test for variation in drought tolerance and phenotype among populations and habitats. All populations were composed mostly of first- and later-generation hybrids. I found significant variation among populations in growth, lamina size, specific leaf area (SLA), and biomass allocation, in both the field and the common garden. Lamina size, growth, and root-to-shoot responded plastically to drought treatment. Wetland populations tolerated drought as well as beach populations. Differentiation in SLA between habitats suggests that some selection for beach genotypes may have occurred. It appears that both hybridization and phenotypic plasticity are contributing to the expansion of Fallopia spp. into novel habitat.  相似文献   

Much effort has been directed recently at restoring marshes, by the removal of the invasive common reed,Phragmites australis, yet it is not clear how fish and invertebrates have responded either to the invasion ofPhragmites or to marsh restoration. The blue crab,Callinectes sapidus, uses marsh habitats during much of its benthic life. We investigated the response of blue crabs toPhragmites invasion and restoration efforts by comparing crab abundance (catch per unit effort), mean size and size frequency distribution, sex ratio, and molting of crabs in three physically similar areas differing in marsh vegetation;Spartina-dominated,Phragmites-dominated, and a treated area (Phragmites removed and now dominated bySpartina) in one marsh in the upper portion of Delaware Bay. Field sampling occurred monthly (April to November) from 1999 to 2001 using replicate daytime otter trawls in large marsh creeks. Crabs were categorized by carapace width into recruits (<30 mm), juveniles (30–115 mm), and adults (>115 mm). Juveniles dominated the system, representing 69.4% of all crabs. Similar monthly increases in mean size and molting patterns during the growing season (May–August) occurred inSpartina (natural and treated sites) andPhragmites sites suggesting that, subtidal habitats, used for molting, in these areas do not differ. More juveniles in the feeding molt stage (i.e., intermolt) than in other molt stages and more recruits predominantly in the feeding molt stage than adults were inSpartina, suggesting differences in the marsh surfaces used as feeding habitats withSpartina being preferred. Sex ratios of each life history stage were skewed towards males, but this was related to the low salinity of Alloway Creek, rather than marsh surface vegetation. Our results suggest that marsh surface vegetation influences the way blue crabs use marsh surface habitats, thus restoration efforts focusing on changing vegetation type may have a positive influence on blue crabs.  相似文献   

The Asian shore crab, Hemigrapsus sanguineus, is a recent and particularly successful introduction to the east coast of the USA. Little research has been done on the utilization of Asian shore crabs for food by native species, a potential form of biocontrol. Over a 4-year period, we examined the gut contents of cogeners, Fundulus heteroclitus and Fundulus majalis, collected from two embayments in western Long Island Sound for the presence of juvenile H. sanguineus. Frequency (percent) of occurrence of food items in the guts of both species varied over year and study site. Asian shore crabs were consumed more often by F. heteroclitus than by F. majalis, but predation pressure by both species was low. Only 13% of F. heteroclitus and 7.7% of F. majalis found with food in their guts had ingested Asian shore crab remains. Of those, 1/3 had consumed whole crabs; the rest had only autotomized appendages in their guts. The mean carapace width of juvenile Asian shore crabs ingested by F. heteroclitus was 3.59 ± 2.22 mm (N = 33). Results of our study on killifish predation support the hypothesis that H. sanguienus abundance is partly explained by reduced impact of native predators (i.e., the “enemy release hypothesis”). Predation pressure of other potential enemies on both planktonic and benthic stages of the Asian shore crab must be investigated, however, to understand the full impact of predation on H. sanguineus population dynamics.  相似文献   

The mummichog,Fundulus heteroclitus, is one of the most abundant macrofaunal components of salt marsh ecosystems along the east coast of the United States. During April–November 1998, we determined the habitat use and movement patterns of young-of-the-year (YOY) and adult mummichogs in a restored marsh, formerly a salt hay farm, and an adjacent creek in order to expand our understanding of the ecology of the species and evaluate the success of the restoration. Four major fish habitat types (large first-order natural creek, second-order created creek, linear drainage ditch, and marsh surface) were identified within the study site. Patterns of relative abundance and mark and recapture using coded wire tags were used to determine the habitat use, tidal movements, home range, and site fidelity of the species within these habitat types. A total of 14,784 fish, ranging from 20–100 mm SL, were captured with wire mesh traps and tagged, and 1,521 (10.3%) fish were recaptured. A variety of gears were used to attempt to recapture fish across all habitat types, including wire mesh traps, push nets, and otter trawls. Based on abundance and recaptures of tagged fish, the YOY and adults primarily used the shallow subtidal and intertidal areas of the created creek, the intertidal drainage ditches, and the marsh surface of the restored marsh but not the larger, first-order natural creek. At low tide, large numbers were found in the subtidal areas of the created creek; these then moved onto the marsh surface on the flooding tide. Elevation, and thus hydroperiod, appeared to influence the microscale use of the marsh surface. We estimated the home range of adults and large YOY (20–100 mm SL) to be 15 ha at high tide, which was much larger than previously quantified. There was strong site fidelity to the created creek at low tide. The habitat use and movement patterns of the mummichog appeared similar to that reported for natural marshes. Coupled with the results of other studies on the feeding, growth, and production of this species in this restoreh, the species appeared to have responded well to the restoration.  相似文献   

Phragmites australis has been invading Spartina-alterniflora-dominated salt marshes throughout the mid-Atlantic. Although, Phragmites has high rates of primary production, it is not known whether this species supports lower trophic levels of a marsh food web in the same manner as Spartina. Using several related photochemical and biological assays, we compared patterns of organic matter flow of plant primary production through a key salt marsh metazoan, the ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa), using a bacterial intermediate. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) was derived from plants collected from a Delaware Bay salt marsh and grown in the laboratory with 14C-CO2. Bacterial utilization of plant-derived DOM measured as carbon mineralization revealed that both species provided bioavailable DOM to native salt marsh bacteria. Total carbon mineralization after 19 days was higher for Spartina treatments (36% 14CO2 ± 3 SE) compared with Phragmites treatments (29% ±2 SE; Wilcoxon–Kruskal–Wallis rank sums test, P < 0.01). Pre-exposing DOM to natural sunlight only enhanced or decreased bioavailability of the DOM to the bacterioplankton during initial measurements (e.g., 7 days or less) but these differences were not significant over the course of the incubations. Mixtures of 14C-labeled bacterioplankton (and possibly organic flocs) from 14C-DOM treatments were cleared by G. demissa at similar rates between Spartina and Phragmites treatments. Moreover, 14C assimilation efficiencies for material ingested by mussels were high for both plant sources ranging from 74% to 90% and not significantly different between plant sources. Sunlight exposure did not affect the nutritional value of the bacterioplankton DOM assemblage for mussels. There are many possible trophic and habitat differences between Spartina- and Phragmites-dominated marshes that could affect G. demissa but the fate of vascular plant dissolved organic carbon in the DOM to bacterioplankton to mussel trophic pathway appears comparable between these marsh types.  相似文献   

Recent conversations concerning organic food systems have focused on the conventionalization hypothesis, which posits that the organic food sector has become increasingly bifurcated between “historical” players in the organic movement on one side, and on the other by distributors and industrial operators recently arrived in the sector, who practice a more conventionalized form of organic agriculture which is now on the ascendancy. The most prominent explanations for the growth and dominance of a conventionalized organic food system have been economic, based in the logics of input costs, especially land rent. We use the cases of the Belgian Blue commodity system and the Belgian organic beef commodity system to argue that conventionalization is also cognitive. To understand the role of cognition in the ascendance of the conventional organic food sector, we utilize concept of “référentiel”—or system of cognitive references—as developed by Muller and Jobert. We believe that comparing organic and conventional practices as two systems of cognitive references makes a deeper understanding of conventionalization possible in two ways: first because it makes it clear that the two systems coexist on a cognitive level, understood in a broad sense as tightly knit sets of knowledges, beliefs, standards, and images. Secondly, the concept of référentiel enables one to understand how the conventional system can become irreversible (lock-in effect) and thus incompatible with the development of the organic system.
Pierre M. StassartEmail:

In recent decades, marshes naturally dominated bySpartina spp. have been replaced byPhragmites australis throughout the northeastern United States. We suggest that early in this invasion there was little effect on the fish fauna. As the invasion proceeds, the marsh surface habitat became more altered (i.e., elevated, flattened, reduced water-filled depressions, and reduced standing water), which resulted in a reduction of feeding, reproduction, and nursery function for fishes, especiallyFundulus spp. These potential changes in marsh habitat and function have resulted in numerous attempts to removePhragmites and restoreSpartina spp. To evaluate the response of marsh surface fishes toPhragmites treatment, we examined fish use in the brackish water reaches of Alloway Creek in the Delaware Bay estuary. ReferencePhragmites habitats were compared with referenceSpartina alterniflora-dominated habitats and sites treated (1996–1998) to removePhragmites to restore former vegetation (i.e., restored, now comprised of 100%Spartina). Fish were sampled with an array (n=9 at each site) of shallow pit traps (rectangular glass dishes, 27.5×17.5×3.7 cm). Small individuals (mean=17.5, 5–45 mm TL) dominated all pit trap collections. Fish abundance was highest at the restored (catch per unit effort [CPUE]=2.16) andSpartina (CPUE=0.81) sites with significantly lower values atPhragmites (CPUE=0.05) habitats. Samples were dominated by young-of-the-year mummichog,Fundulus heteroclitus (98% of total fish, n=631). The only other fish species collected was spotfin killifish,Fundulus luciae (2% of total catch, n=14), which was only present in restored andSpartina habitats. These observations suggest that the restored marsh is providing habitat (water-filled depressions on the marsh surface) for young-of-the-yearFundulus spp. These marshes are responding favorably to the restoration based on the much greater abundance of fish in restored versusPhragmites habitats and the overall similarity between restored andSpartina habitats.  相似文献   

This paper examines how perennial Aster tripolium and annual Salicornia procumbens salt marshes alter the biomass, density, taxon diversity, and community structure of benthic macrofauna, and also examines the role of elevation, sediment grain size, plant cover, and marsh age. Core samples were collected on a fixed grid on an intertidal flat in the Westerschelde estuary (51.4° N, 4.1° E) over 5 years (2004–2008) of salt marsh development. In unvegetated areas, macrobenthic biomass, density, and taxon diversity were highest when elevation was highest, benthic diatoms were most abundant, and sediment median grain size was smallest. In contrast, in salt marsh areas, macrobenthic biomass and taxon diversity increased with median grain size, while the effects of elevation and diatom abundance on macrobenthic biomass, density, and diversity were not significant. In fine sediments, macrofaunal community structure in the salt marsh was particularly affected; common polychaetes such as Nereis diversicolor, Heteromastus filiformis, and Pygospio elegans had low abundance and oligochaetes had high abundance. Marsh age had a negative influence on the density of macrofauna, and A. tripolium stands had lower macrofaunal densities than the younger S. procumbens stands. There were no significant effects of marsh age, plant cover, and vegetation type on macrobenthic biomass, taxon diversity, and community structure. The results highlight that ecosystem engineering effects of salt marsh plants on macrofauna are conditional. Organic enrichment of the sediment and mechanical hindering of macrofaunal activity by plant roots are proposed as plausible mechanisms for the influence of the salt marsh plants on macrofauna.  相似文献   

We investigated the mineral composition and trace element contents of dustfall with different deposited phases at the Minqin Oasis, in China’s Hexi Corridor. The contents of elements such as Pb, Cd, Cu, As, Sb, Se, Rb, Cs, and Ba (believed to be of anthropogenic origin) indicated that the significance of human impacts on dust emissions increased from 1970s to the early 2000s. However, variations in the content of elements including Sc, Mn, Na, Cr, V, Eu, Ce, Nb, Zr, La, and Ce (believed to originate from natural processes such as physical and chemical weathering) show no obvious changes in the major potential dust source areas (PSAs) in this region. In addition, analysis of the assemblage of trace elements in dustfall indicated that the elements assumed to originate from anthropogenic and natural processes appear to be intertwined, leading to difficulties and uncertainties in identifying the PSAs and evaluating the significance of human impacts on dust emissions. Comparisons of the element contents of dustfall collected in Beijing and Minqin with similar data for Beijing show that under different conditions some differences in ranges are permitted; the contents of most trace elements were similar even though the dustfall in the two areas came from different sources. These results suggest that before attempting to identify major PSAs, researchers should perform an integrated analysis that includes the mineral, elemental, geomorphological, vegetation cover, climatic conditions, and other characteristics of the regions being studied.  相似文献   

Since 1965 large areas of lower Connecticut River tidelands have been converted from high diversity brackish meadow andTypha angustifolia marsh to near monocultures ofPhragmites australis. This study addresses the impact ofPhragmites invasion on fish and crustacean use of oligohaline high marsh. During spring tides from early June through early September 2000, fishes and crustaceans leaving flooded marsh along 3 km of the Lieutenant River, a lower Connecticut River tributary, were captured with Breder traps at 90 sites, equally distributed amongPhragmites, Typha, and treated (herbicide and mowing)Phragmites areas. Pit traps, 18 per vegetation type in 2000 and 30 each inPhragmites andTypha in 2001, caught larvae and juveniles at distances of up to 30 m into the marsh interior. There were no significant differences in fish species compositions or abundances among the vegetation types. Size distributions, size specific biomasses, and diets ofFundulus heteroclitus, the numerically dominant fish, were also similar. The shrimpPalaemonetes pugio was more abundant inPhragmites than in other types of vegetation, whereas the fiddler crabUca minax was least numerous inPhragmites. Mean numbers ofF. heteroclitus andP. pugio caught per site event were positively correlated with increasing site hydroperiod. Significantly moreF. heteroclitus were captured along the upper reach of the river where marsh elevations were lower than farther downstream. MoreF. heteroclitus and fewerP. pugio andU. minax were captured during the day than at night. A relatively small number of larval and juvenileFundulus sp. were captured in pit traps, but consistently fewer inPhragmites than inTypha, suggesting thatTypha and brackish meadow marshes may provide better nursery habitat. Vegetation was sampled along a 30 m transect at each trap site in 2000. Plant species diversity was greatest in treatedPhragmites areas and lowest inPhragmites sites.  相似文献   

Marshes are important habitats for various life history stages of many fish and invertebrates. Much effort has been directed at restoring marshes, yet it is not clear how fish and invertebrates have responded to marsh restoration. The blue crab,Callinectes sapidus, uses marsh habitats during much of its benthic life. We investigated the response of blue crabs to marsh restoration by comparing crab abundance (catch per unit effort), mean size and size frequency distribution, sex ratio, and molt stages of crabs in recently restored marshes that were former salt hay farms to that of adjacent reference marshes with similar physical characteristics in the mesohaline portion of Delaware Bay. Field sampling occurred monthly (April–November) in 1997 and 1998 using replicate daytime otter trawls in large marsh creeks and weirs in smaller intertidal marsh creeks. Blue crabs were either equal or more abundant, the incidence of molting was in most months similar, and population sex ratios were indistinguishable in restored and reference marshes, suggesting that the restored areas attract crabs and support their growth. Site location had a greater effect on the sex ratio of crabs such that marshes closer to the mouth of the bay contained a higher percentage of adult female crabs. In each annual growing season (April–July), the monthly increase in crab size and, in some months (June–July), the incidence of molting at the restored sites was greater than the reference sites, suggesting that the restored sites may provide areas for enhanced growth of crabs. These results suggest that blue crabs have responded positively to restoration of former salt hay farms in the mesohaline portion of Delaware Bay.  相似文献   

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