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The paper is concerned with the detailed sectional petromagnetic study of boundary clay in four 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B Gams sections (in Austria). The composition of basic magnetic minerals in the boundary clay of all sections is similar. They are composed of iron hydroxides, hemoilmenite, titanomagnetite, magnetite, hematite, and iron. The difference is the presence in the Gams-1 section of metallic nickel, which is absent in the Gams-2 section, and the presence in the latter of iron sulfides of the pyrite type. Grains of titanomagnetite and ilmenite, connected with volcanic activity, are nonuniformly distributed in the boundary layer, which indicates their irregular precipitation in time. The ensemble of magnetic grains is characterized by high coercitivity. The boundary layer is characterized by an increased content of iron hydroxides. This effect is a global phenomenon and is irrelevant to the local physicogeographical conditions. Such a characteristic of impact events as the particles of metallic iron is almost absent in the boundary layer.  相似文献   

Synoptic sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) were determined as a result of separation of time scales smaller than 183 days. The SSTAs were investigated using daily data of ocean weather station “C” (52.75°N; 35.5°W) from 1 January 1976 to 31 December 1980 (1827 days). There were 47 positive and 50 negative significant SSTAs (lifetime longer than 3 days, absolute value greater than 0.10 °C) with four main intervals of the lifetime repetitions: 1. 4–7 days (45% of all cases), 2. 9–13 days (20-25%), 3. 14–18 days (10-15%), and 4. 21–30 days (10-15%) and with a magnitude 1.5-2.0 °C. An upper layer balance model based on equations for temperature, salinity, mechanical energy (with advanced parametrization), state (density), and drift currents was used to simulate SSTA. The original method of modelling taking into account the mean observed temperature profiles proved to be very stable. The model SSTAs are in a good agreement with the observed amplitudes and phases of synoptic SSTAs during all 5 years. Surface heat flux anomalies are the main source of SSTAs. The influence of anomalous drift heat advection is about 30-50% of the SSTA, and the influence of salinity anomalies is about 10-25% and less. The influence of a large-scale ocean front was isolated only once in February-April 1978 during all 5 years. Synoptic SSTAs develop just in the upper half of the homogeneous layer at each winter. We suggest that there are two main causes of such active sublayer formation: 1. surface heat flux in the warm sectors of cyclones and 2. predominant heat transport by ocean currents from the south. All frequency functions of the ocean temperature synoptic response to heat and momentum surface fluxes are of integral character (red noise), though there is strong resonance with 20-days period of wind-driven horizontal heat advection with mixed layer temperature; there are some other peculiarities on the time scales from 5.5 to 13 days. Observed and modelled frequency functions seem to be in good agreement.  相似文献   

Surface ozone (O3) and vertical O3 distribution in the planetary boundary layer (PBL) at the Ming Tombs (40°17′15″N, 116°12′51″E), Beijing during September 7―12, 2001 were measured by ground based measurements and an in-situ tethersonde system. The results indicated that O3 concentration measured at surface level agreed well with that measured by tethersonde system in daytime when active thermal mixing was dominated. Ozone showed the lowest concentration before the sunrise and then gradually increased in the morning and reached the maximum in the afternoon 14:00―17:00 (lst). After sunset, O3 gradually decreased and resulted in low value below 200―300 m due to surface loss processes and chemical destruction in stable boundary layer characterized by temperature inversions. High O3 was observed whenever there was pollutants transport from the metropolitan areas of Beijing. Our analysis suggested the complex terrain of the Ming Tombs region caused pollutants transported from Beijing to accumulate in the PBL, and resulted in severe O3 pollution, with a maximum over 160×10-9, when the synoptic conditions was favorable for photochemical O3 production.  相似文献   

The hydrodynamics of coastal areas is characterized by the interaction among phenomena occurring at different spatial and temporal scales, such as the interaction of a large-scale ocean current with the local bathymetry and coastline, and local forcing conditions. In order to take into account all relevant phenomena, the study of the hydrodynamics of coastal zones requires a high-spatial and temporal resolution for both observations and simulation of local currents. This resolution can be obtained by using X-band radar, which allows simultaneous measurement of waves and currents in a range of 1–3 miles from the coastline, as well as high-resolution numerical models implemented in the area and configured through multiple nesting techniques in order to reach resolutions comparable to such coastal observations. Such an integrated monitoring system was implemented at the Isola del Giglio in 2012, after the accident of the Costa Concordia ship. Results can be used as a cross-validation of data produced independently by radar observations and numerical models. In addition, results give some important insights on the dynamics of the coastal boundary layer, both for what concerns the attenuation in the profile of the depth-averaged velocities which typically occur in turbulent boundary layers, as well as for the production, detachment and evolution of vorticity produced by the interaction of large-scale ocean currents with the coastline and the subsequent time evolution of such boundary layer. This transition between large-scale regional currents and the coastal boundary layer is often neglected in regional forecasting systems, but it has an important role in the ocean turbulence processes.  相似文献   

本文利用高分辨率中尺度WRF模式,通过改变边界层参数化方案进行多组试验,评估该模式对美国北部森林地区边界层结构的模拟能力,同时比较了五种不同边界层参数化方案模拟得出的边界层热力和动力结构.结果表明:除个别方案外,配合不同边界层方案的WRF模式都能成功模拟出白天对流边界层强湍流混合特征和夜间稳定边界层内强逆温、逆湿和低空急流等热力和动力结构.非局地YSU、ACM2方案在白天表现出强的湍流混合和卷夹,相比于局地MYJ、UW方案,模拟的对流边界层温度更高、湿度更低、混合层高度更高、感热通量更大,更接近实际观测,这表明在不稳定层结下考虑非局地大涡输送更为合理,但局地方案在风速和风向的预报上存在一定优势.TEMF方案得到的白天局地湍流混合强度为所有方案中最弱,混合层难以发展,无法体现对流边界层内气象要素垂直分布均匀的特点.对于夜间稳定边界层的模拟,不同参数化方案之间的差异较小,但是YSU方案在一定程度上高估了机械湍流,导致局地湍流混合偏强,从而影响了其对稳定边界层的模拟能力.  相似文献   

The ages and accumulation rates of ice are important boundary conditions for paleoclimatic ice models. Radardetected isochronic layers can be used to date the ice column beneath the ice surface and infer past accumulation rates. A Deep Ice-Core Drilling Project has been carried out at Kunlun station in the Dome A region, East Antarctica. Radio echo sounding data are collected during the 2004/2005 Chinese National Research Expedition and the 2007/2008 Dome Connection East Antarctica project of the Alfred Wegener Institute(Germany). Radar isochronic layers from the dataset were linked to compare a new deep ice core site from Kunlun station and the Vostok ice core site. Ten visible layers, accounting for ~50% ice thickness at the Kunlun station ice core site, were dated based on the Vostok ice core chronology. At 1,640 m depth below surface, an age of ~160,400 yr was determined, corresponding to a bright layer at Kunlun station. These layers provided geometric information on the past surface of the ice sheet around the ice core site through the Wisconsin glacial stage, Eemian interglacial and Marine Isotope Stage6. Based on a simple ice flow model and the age-depth relationship, we concluded that the region around the Kunlun ice core site had lower past accumulation rates, consistent with the present pattern. The age-depth relationship would thus be expected to correlate and constrain the chronology of the deep ice core at Kunlun station in the future.  相似文献   

Jenoptik’s CHM 15k ceilometer was used to monitor the vertical structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) over Warsaw, from 2008 until 2011, on Mondays and Thursdays, in 24h periods. Hereby, we present an assessment of the signal-to-noise ratio along with a sensitivity study of signal smoothing methods developed in-house. With the proposed averaging, ceilometer attenuated-backscatter signals reached the high troposphere, which makes this sensor competitive to a single-wavelength elastic lidar. The smoothed signals were employed as an input for algorithms developed to automatically detect the ABL height, clouds, fog, and precipitation in the lower troposphere. The classification of weather conditions was validated by the METAR reports from the Warsaw Airport. The obtained ABL heights were compared to those assessed from radio-soundings from a nearby meteorological station WMO12374 in Legionowo. An inter-comparison of the ABL heights, derived by using the Jenoptik’s automated routine against the in-house developed algorithms, is in favor of the latter. The presented four annual cycles of the ABL height, obtained with various derivative-based methods, are the first such long-term results reported using the CHM 15k sensor in Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

Gradient-based similarity in the atmospheric boundary layer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The “flux-based” and “gradient-based” similarity in the stable boundary layer and also in the interfacial part of the convective boundary layer is discussed. The stable case is examined on the basis of data collected during the CASES-99 experiment. Its interfacial counterpart is considered in both the quasi-steady (mid-day) and non-steady states, utilizing the results of large-eddy simulations. In the stable regime, the “gradient-based” approach is not unique and can be based on various master length scales. Three local master length scales are considered: the local Monin-Obukhov scale, the buoyancy scale, and the Ellison scale. In the convective “quasi-steady” (mid-day) case, the “mixed layer” scaling is shown to be valid in the mixed layer and invalid in the interfacial layer. The temperature variance profile in non-steady conditions can be expressed in terms of the convective temperature scale in the mixed layer. The analogous prediction for velocity variances is not valid under non-steady conditions.  相似文献   

Physical problems of the benthic boundary layer   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Since the boundary layer at the sea bed has a number of features in common with boundary layers found in laboratory scale flows and in meteology, a brief review is given first of the properties which may be inferred from experience in these fields or from theoretical studies. Measurements of velocity profiles, turbulence, and shearing stress which have been made near the bottom, in deep water, and on the continental shelf, are described in relation to this background. In particular, the logarithmic form of the velocity profile near the bed and deductions from it appear to be valid in certain conditions, but the occurrence of ripples and other bed forms is a complicating feature. The relation of the dynamical aspects of the flow to the transport of sediment as bed load and in suspension is discussed. The diflusive properties of the layer are then considered, in relation to fluxes near the sea-sediment interface and to the formation of nepheloid layers or layers well mixed in temperature and salinity.At Dept. of Oceanography, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA, 98195, U.S.A., Jan. to Aug. 1978.  相似文献   

Ni, Cd, Cu, Zn, and Fe were determined in water and suspended matter samples and Mn in suspended matter samples from the Southern Bight region of the North Sea. Four distinct areas, comprising the Rhine estuary, the Dutch coastal waters, the centre of the Bight, and the English coastal water can be distinguished on the basis of the distribution of the trace metals. The total concentrations of all metals were high in the Rhine estuary, decreased in a seaward direction to reach very low values, comparable to continental shelf water, in the centre of the Bight, and increased again towards the English coast. Elevated concentrations of dissolved Cu, Ni, Cd and Zn near the English coast are not only due to river inputs. Over the entire region, the fraction of Cd, Ni and Zn in solution was consistently more important than the fraction in the suspended particulate phase. In contast, the fraction of Fe and Mn in the solid phase was consistently greater than the fraction in solution. Total concentrations of Fe, Mn and Cu are more dictated by the suspended particulate matter concentration than Cd, Ni and Zn.  相似文献   

Particulate and soluble,210Pb activities have been measured by filtration of large-volume water samples at two stations in the South Atlantic. Particulate phase210Pb (caught by a 0.4-μm filter) varies from 0.3% of total210Pb in equatorial surface water to 15% in the bottom water. The “absolute activity” of210Pb per unit mass of particulate matter is about 107 times the activity of soluble210Pb per unit mass of water, but because the mass ratio of particulate matter to water is about 10?8, the particulate phase carries only about 10% of the total activity. In Antarctic surface water the particulate phase carries 40% of the total210Pb activity; the absolute activity of this material is about the same as in other water masses and the higher fraction is due to the much larger concentration of suspended matter in surface water in this region.In the equatorial Atlantic the particulate phase210Pb activity increases with depth, by a factor of 40 from surface to bottom, and by a factor of 4 from the Antarctic Intermediate Water core to the Antarctic Bottom Water. This increase with depth is predicted by our previously proposed particulate scavenging model which indicated a scavenging residence time of 50 years for210Pb in the deep sea. A scavenging experiment showed that red clay sediment removes all the210Pb from seawater in less than a week. The Antarctic particulate profile shows little or no evidence of scavenging in this region, which may be due to the siliceous nature of the particulate phase in circumpolar waters. Our previous observation that the210Pb/226Ra activity ratio is of the order of 0.5 in the deep water is further confirmed by the two South Atlantic profiles analyzed in the present work.  相似文献   

The eastern boundary of the North Atlantic subtropical gyre (NASG) is an upwelling favorable region characterized by a mean southward flow. The Canary Upwelling Current (CUC) feeds from the interior ocean and flows south along the continental slope off NW Africa, effectively providing the eastern boundary condition for the NASG. We follow a joint approach using slope and deep-ocean data together with process-oriented modeling to investigate the characteristics and seasonal variability of the interior–coastal ocean connection, focusing on how much NASG interior water drains along the continental slope. First, the compiled sets of data show that interior central waters flow permanently between Madeira and the Iberian Peninsula at a rate of 2.5?±?0.6 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s-1 109 km s-1), with most of it reaching the slope and shelf regions north of the Canary Islands (1.5?±?0.7?Sv). Most of the water entering the African slope and shelf regions escapes south between the easternmost Canary Islands and the African coast: In 18 out of 22 monthly realizations, the flow was southward (?0.9?±?0.4?Sv) although an intense flow reversal occurred usually around November (1.7?±?0.9?Sv), probably as the result of a late fall intensification of the CUC north of the Canary Islands followed by instability and offshore flow diversion. Secondly, we explore how the eastern boundary drainage may be specified in a process-oriented one-layer quasigeostrophic numerical model. Non-zero normal flow and constant potential vorticity are alternative eastern boundary conditions, consistent with the idea of anticyclonic vorticity induced at the boundary by coastal jets. These boundary conditions cause interior water to exit the domain at the boundary, as if recirculating through the coastal ocean, and induce substantial modifications to the shape of the eastern NASG. The best model estimate for the annual mean eastward flow north of Madeira is 3.9?Sv and at the boundary is 3.3?Sv. The water exiting at the boundary splits with 1?Sv flowing into the Strait of Gibraltar and the remaining 2.3?Sv continuing south along the coastal ocean until the latitude of Cape Ghir. The model also displays significant wind-induced seasonal variability, with a maximum connection between the interior and coastal oceans taking place in autumn and winter, in qualitative agreement with the observations.  相似文献   

Applications of the entrainment process to layers at the boundary, which meet the self similarity requirements of the logarithmic profile, have been studied. By accepting that turbulence has dominating scales related in scale length to the height above the surface, a layer structure is postulated wherein exchange is rapid enough to keep the layers internally uniform. The diffusion rate is then controlled by entrainment between layers. It has been shown that theoretical relationships derived on the basis of using a single layer of this type give quantitatively correct factors relating the turbulence, wind and shear stress for very rough surface conditions. For less rough surfaces, the surface boundary layer can be divided into several layers interacting by entrainment across each interface. This analysis leads to the following quantitatively correct formula compared to published measurements. 1 $$\begin{gathered} \frac{{\sigma _w }}{{u^* }} = \left( {\frac{2}{{9Aa}}} \right)^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 4}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 4}} \left( {1 - 3^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}} \frac{a}{k}\frac{{d_n }}{z}\frac{{\sigma _w }}{{u^* }}\frac{z}{L}} \right)^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 4}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 4}} \hfill \\ = 1.28(1 - 0.945({{\sigma _w } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\sigma _w } {u^* }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {u^* }})({z \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {z L}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} L})^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 4}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 4}} \hfill \\ \end{gathered} $$ where \(u^* = \left( {{\tau \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {\tau \rho }} \right. \kern-0em} \rho }} \right)^{{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-0em} 2}} \) , σ w is the standard deviation of the vertical velocity,z is the height andL is the Obukhov scale lenght. The constantsa, A, k andd n are the entrainment constant, the turbulence decay constant, Von Karman's constant, and the layer depth derived from the theory. Of these,a andA, are universal constants and not empirically determined for the boundary layer. Thus the turbulence needed for the plume model of convection, which resides above these layers and reaches to the inversion, is determined by the shear stress and the heat flux in the surface layers. This model applies to convection in cool air over a warm sea. The whole field is now determined except for the temperature of the air relative to the water, and the wind, which need a further parameter describing sea surface roughness. As a first stop to describing a surface where roughness elements of widely varying sizes are combined this paper shows how the surface roughness parameter,z 0, can be calculated for an ideal case of a random distribution of vertical cylinders of the same height. To treat a water surface, with various sized waves, such an approach modified to treat the surface by the superposition of various sized roughness elements, is likely to be helpful. Such a theory is particularly desirable when such a surface is changing, as the ocean does when the wind varies. The formula, 2 $$\frac{{0.118}}{{a_s C_D }}< z_0< \frac{{0.463}}{{a_s C_D (u^* )}}$$ is the result derived here. It applies to cylinders of radius,r, and number,m, per unit boundary area, wherea s =2rm, is the area of the roughness elements, per unit area perpendicular to the wind, per unit distance downwind. The drag coefficient of the cylinders isC D . The smaller value ofz o is for large Reynolds numbers where the larger scale turbulence at the surface dominates, and the drag coefficient is about constant. Here the flow between the cylinders is intermittent. When the Reynolds number is small enough then the intermittent nature of the turbulence is reduced and this results in the average velocity at each level determining the drag. In this second case the larger limit forz 0 is more appropriate.  相似文献   

山东齐河—禹城地区近年来陆续发现矽卡岩型富铁矿床,铁矿勘查及研究工作取得了较大进展.区内中生代燕山晚期闪长岩体作为成矿地质体,奥陶纪碳酸盐岩作为控矿地层,铁矿床主要赋存于二者的接触部位.由于地处厚覆盖区,新生界平均厚度超过800m,铁矿找矿难度较大.本文以成矿地质体边界识别及深部特征研究为主要目标,利用最新陆地重力与航...  相似文献   

A new nonlinear boundary layer in rotating hydromagnetic flows is presented. The purpose of this layer is to provide a smooth transition between the magnetic field at a rigid, electrically insulating boundary and that far from the boundary. The boundary layer problem is solved in a cylindrical geometry, assuming that the variables obey the hydromagnetic analog of the von Karman similarity. The primary momentum balance within this boundary layer is between pressure, Coriolis and hydromagnetic forces; the viscous and nonlinear inertia forces are unimportant. Diffusion of the magnetic field is balanced by advection where the advecting fluid flow is induced by the action of the hydromagnetic body forces within the boundary layer. The structure of the layer depends upon a single parameter which measures the strength of the normal magnetic field. Steady solutions are presented and their uniqueness and temporal stability are analyzed. The relevance of this layer to the core of the Earth is discussed. It is estimated that this boundary layer would be at least as thick as one tenth of the core radius if it exists within the core.  相似文献   

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