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Doleritic sill complexes, which are an important component of volcanic continental margins, can be imaged using 3D seismic reflection data. This allows unprecedented access to the complete 3D geometry of the bodies and an opportunity to test classic sill emplacement models. The doleritic sills associated with basaltic volcanism in the North Rockall Trough occur in two forms. Radially symmetrical sill complexes consist of a saucer-like inner sill at the base with an arcuate inclined sheet connecting it to a gently inclined, commonly ragged, outer rim. Bilaterally symmetrical sill complexes are sourced by magma diverted from a magma conduit feeding an overlying volcano. With an elongate, concave upwards, trough-like geometry bilaterally symmetrical sills climb away from the magma source from which they originate. Both sill complex types can appear as isolated bodies but commonly occur in close proximity and consequently merge, producing hybrid sill complexes. Radial sill complexes consist of a series of radiating primary flow units. With dimensions up to 3 km, each primary flow unit rises from the inner saucer and is fed by primary magma tube. Primary flow units contain secondary flow units with dimensions up to 2 km, each being fed by a secondary magma tube branching from the primary magma tube. Secondary flow units in turn are composed of 100-m scale tertiary flow units. A similar branching hierarchy of flow units can also be seen in bilaterally symmetrical sill complexes, with their internal architecture resembling an enlarged version of a primary flow unit from a radial sill complex. This branching flow pattern, as well as the interaction between flow units of varying orders, provides new insights into the origin of the structures commonly seen within sill complexes and the hybrid sill bodies produced by their merger. The data demonstrate that each radially symmetrical sill complex is independently fed from a source located beneath the centre of the inner saucer, grows by climbing from the centre outwards and that peripheral dyking from the upper surface is a common feature. These features suggest a laccolith emplacement style involving peripheral fracturing and dyking during inner saucer growth and thickening. The branching hierarchy of flow units within bilaterally symmetrical sill complexes is broadly similar to that of primary flow units within a radially symmetrical sill complex, suggesting that the general features of the laccolith emplacement model also apply.Editorial responsibility: J. Stix  相似文献   

Saucer-shaped dolerite and sandstone intrusions are common in sedimentary basins world-wide. We have conducted a series of scaled experiments simulating the process of magma emplacement in sedimentary basins, with particular attention on the formation of saucer-shaped sills. The model materials were (1) cohesive fine-grained silica flour, representing brittle crust; and (2) molten low-viscosity oil, representing magma. The experiments were performed in both homogeneous and layered models. In all the experiments, oil injection resulted in doming of the surface. In the homogeneous models, the injected oil formed cone sheets and sub-vertical dykes. Cone sheets formed for shallow injection (1–3 cm), and vertical dykes formed for deeper injection (4–5 cm). In layered models, the injected oil always formed saucer-shaped intrusions. Our experimental results show that (1) sill intrusion results in the formation of a dome, with melt erupting at the rim; (2) layering controls the formation of sills and saucer-shaped sills; (3) saucer-shaped sills are fed from the bottom and the fluid flows upward and outward; and (4) the diameter of saucer-shaped sills increase with increasing emplacement depth. The systematic relation between domes and sills and the depth-dependence of sill diameters show that saucer-shaped intrusions result from the interaction between a growing flat-lying shallow sill and doming of the free surface. We conclude that saucer-shaped intrusions represent fundamental geometries formed by shallow magma intrusion in stratified basins.  相似文献   

The well-exposed Golden Valley Sill Complex, Karoo basin, South Africa, consists of four large sills (ca. 100 m thick; long axes: 13–24 km), one small sill (55–80 m thick; long axis: 4 km; forming an appendix to one of the large sills), and two large dykes (15–20 m thick; 25 and 70 km long), plus some minor intrusions. Field mapping shows physical connections between the small sill and one of the large sills, but no other connection between the large sills, or connections between the sills and the large dykes.  相似文献   

Nearly all eruptions in stratovolcanoes (composite volcanoes, central volcanoes) are supplied with magma through fractures. Consequently, a primary physical condition for an eruption to occur in a stratovolcano is that a magma-driven fracture is able to propagate to the surface. Magma-filled fractures, frozen or fluid, are referred to as sheet intrusions. More specifically, they are named dykes when subvertical, and inclined (or cone) sheets when inclined. Field observations indicate that most sheet intrusions do not reach the surface to feed eruptions but rather become arrested at various crustal depths. For this reason periods of volcanic unrest with sheet injections are much more common than volcanic eruptions. Whether a sheet intrusion becomes arrested or, alternatively, propagates to the surface depends primarily on the stress field in the stratovolcano. A stratovolcano normally consists of layers of contrasting mechanical properties, such as soft (low Youngs modulus) pyroclastic units and stiff (high Youngs modulus) lava flows. We present numerical models indicating that volcanoes composed of such layers commonly develop stress fields encouraging sheet and dyke arrest. The models indicate that a necessary condition for a sheet intrusion to reach the surface and feed a volcanic eruption is that the stress field along the sheet pathway becomes homogenised. We propose that much of the activity in a stratovolcano during a volcanic cycle encourages stress-field homogenisation. Field studies show that the sheet intrusions in individual stratovolcanoes have various dips: some are vertical dykes, others inclined sheets, and still others horizontal sills. Analytical models indicate that the dip of a sheet reaching the surface can have great effects on the magma transport during an eruption. This effect is normally greater for a flat volcano such as a collapse caldera than for a stratovolcano that forms a topographic high. We conclude that the shallower the dip of a sheet intrusion, the less will be its volumetric magma transport to the surface of a stratovolcano.Editorial responsibility: D Dingwell  相似文献   

An ~22-m-thick saucer-shaped sill occurs near Mahad and is exposed as a curvilinear, miniature ridge within the Deccan Traps. The sill has variable dips (42–55°). It has a 7.1-km long axis and 5.3 km short axis (aspect ratio of 1.4) and is larger than the MV sill of the Golden Valley sill complex, South Africa and the Panton sill, Australia. The sill has distinct glassy upper and lower chilled margins with a coarse-grained highly jointed core. The samples from the margin are invariably fractured and iron stained because of deuteric alteration. The rock from the sill is plagioclase-phyric basalt. At least three thick sill-like apophyses emanate from the base of the main sill. The apophyses change direction because of bending and thinning from a horizontal concordant sheet at the top to a discordant inclined form that bends again to pass into a lower horizontal concordant sheet. We interpret such features as ‘nascent saucer-shaped sills’ that did not inflate to form nested sills. Geochemically, the sill consists of poorly differentiated tholeiitic basalt that has a restricted geochemical range. Critical trace element ratios and primitive mantle normalised trace and REE patterns indicate that the sills have geochemical affinities to the Poladpur chemical type and that the pahoehoe flow they intrude belongs to the Bushe Formation. Calculated magmatic overpressures during sill emplacement range from 8.4 to 11.3 MPa (for Young’s modulus E?=?5 GPa) and 16.7 to 22.5 MPa (for E=10 GPa) and depth to magma chamber ranges from 8.5 to 11.5 km (E?=?5 GPa) and 17.1 to 22.9 km (E?=?10 GPa), consistent with petrological and gravity modelling. The volume of the Mahad sill is approximately 276 km3 and is constant irrespective of the variations in the values of host-rock Young’s modulus. In 1980, Cox (J Petrol 21:629–650, 1980) proposed a conceptual model of the crust–mantle section beneath the Karoo CFB which is considered as the fundamental model for flood basalt volcanism. Our paper confirms the presence of a sill plus the inferred substructure beneath Mahad that are compatible with predictions of that model. In LIPS, saucer-shaped sills are formed in areas experiencing extensional tectonics where processes such as the Cook–Gordon delamination and Dundurs elastic extensional mismatch between layered sedimentary rocks or lava flows are responsible for the deflection of dykes into sills. A similar process is envisaged for the formation of the Mahad sill.  相似文献   

Neogene alkaline basaltic rocks in the western Pannonian Basin are eroded remnants of maars, tuff rings, tuff cones, scoria cones and lava fields. The erosion level of these volcanoes is deep enough to expose diatreme zones associated with the phreatomagmatic volcanoes. The erosion level is deeper yet in the west, exposing shallow dyke and sill swarms related to former intra-plate volcanoes. The basanitic sills are irregular in shape and their lateral extent is highly variable. Individual sills reach a thickness of a few tens of metres and they commonly form dome-like structures with rosette-like radial columnar joint patterns. The largest sill system identified in this region is traceable over kilometres, and forms a characteristic ridge running north-east to south-west. Elevation differences in the position of the basanitic sills within an otherwise undisturbed “layer cake-like” siliciclastic succession indicate emplacement of the basanite magma at multiple levels over kilometre-scale distances. The margins of sills in the system are irregular at a dm-to-mm-scale. Undulating contacts of the sills together with gentle thermal alteration in the host sediment over cm-to-dm distances indicate the soft, but not necessarily wet state of the host deposits at the time sills were intruded. Parts of the sill complex show a complicated relationship with the host sediment in form of peperitic zones and irregularly shaped, disrupted, peperite textures. This is interpreted to reflect inhomogenities in water content and rheology of the siliciclastic deposits during intrusion. The current summit of the longest continuous ridge preserves a small diatreme that seems to cut through an otherwise disk-like sill indicating of relationship between sill emplacement and phreatomagmatic explosive eruptions.  相似文献   

Dykes are the principal channels through which magma reaches the surface in volcanic eruptions. For this reason dykes observed in the field are commonly assumed to be feeders to lava flows. The actual proportion of dykes reaching the surface is, however, poorly known. In order to develop models for the purpose of estimating volcanic hazard, this proportion must be known. This follows because such models should not only consider the probability of dykes being injected from magma chambers during periods of unrest in the associated volcanoes, but also the probability of the injected dykes being arrested. This paper presents field data on several thousand dykes from Iceland and Tenerife (Canary Islands) indicating that many, and probably most, dykes become arrested at various crustal levels and never reach the surface to feed eruptions. Using the results of analytical and numerical models, it is shown that, for common loading conditions, the stress field in the vicinity of a magma chamber may favour the injection and propagation of dykes while the stress field at a certain distance from the chamber favours dyke arrest. This means that many dykes that are injected from the chamber propagate only for a very limited distance from the chamber to the point where they become arrested. The implication is that during periods of unrest in volcanoes, the probability of volcanic eruption is only a small fraction of the probability of dyke injection from the source magma chamber.  相似文献   

Two Miocene basaltic andesite pillowed sills in the Shimane Peninsula, SW Japan, were intruded into wet marine sediments, plastically deforming them. The pillows are elongated, constricted, interconnected and relatively closely packed. Individual pillows have a poorly to moderately vesiculated, somewhat crystalline rind thinner than a few centimeters and a moderately to well vesiculated, more crystalline core; contraction cracks and spreading cracks are poorly developed. The pillows in the sills morphologically resemble pillow lava flows, and during sill intrusion, the magma bifurcated into pillow lobes in a manner similar to pillow lavas. Formation of pillows in sill probably occurs when the magma is intruded into wet sediments and protrudes fingers by the instability of the magma-sediment interface with little turbulence of magma flow.  相似文献   

The Turkish plate is covered by hundreds of accelerometer and broadband seismic stations with less than 50 km inter-station distance providing high-quality earthquake recordings within the last decade. We utilize part of these stations to extract the fundamental mode Rayleigh and Love surface wave phase and group velocity data in the period range 5–20 s to determine the crust structure beneath the Aegean region in southwest Turkey. The observed surface wave signals are interpreted using both single-station and two-station techniques. A tomographic inversion technique is employed to obtain the two-dimensional group velocity maps from the single-station group velocities. One-dimensional velocity–depth profiles under each two-dimensional mesh point, which are jointly interpreted to acquire the three-dimensional image of the shear-wave velocities underneath the study area, are attained by utilizing the least-squares inversion technique, which is repeated for both Rayleigh and Love surface waves. The isotropic crust structure cannot jointly invert the observed Rayleigh and Love surface waves where the radial anisotropic crust better describes the observed surface wave data. The intrusive magmatic activity related to the northward subducting African plate under the Turkish plate results the crust structure deformations, which we think, causing the observed radial anisotropy throughout complex pattern of dykes and sills. The magma flow resulting in the mineral alignment within dykes and sills contributes to the observed anisotropy. Due to the existence of dykes, the radial anisotropy in the upper crust is generally negative, i.e., vertically polarized S-waves (Vsv) are faster than horizontally polarized S-waves (Vsh). Due to the existence of sills, the radial anisotropy in the middle-to-lower crust is generally positive, i.e., horizontally polarized S-waves (Vsh) are faster than vertically polarized S-waves (Vsv). Similar radial anisotropic results to those of the single-station analyses are obtained by the two-station analyses utilizing the cross-correlograms. The widespread volcanic and plutonic rocks in the region are consistent with the current seismic interpretations of the crustal deformations.  相似文献   

At Mt. Etna volcano, the emission of plagioclase megacryst-bearing lavas, known locally as “cicirara”, has occurred rarely and generally in association with unusual volcanological phenomena. In this work, we interpret the magma chamber processes and the structural features of the plumbing system that led to the production of these peculiar volcanic rocks, based on a detailed study of plagioclase megacrysts, including their oscillatory zoning, sieve textures, and fluid inclusions. Patchy zoning suggests limited ascent in the deep levels of the plumbing system, based on the plagioclase nucleation threshold and the volatile saturation depth. At intermediate, water-undersaturated levels of the plumbing system ascent is faster, as indicated by crystals with coarse sieve textures. Storage at shallow, water-saturated levels (less than 6 km deep) is associated with oscillatory zoning with very small changes in An. Slightly larger An variations coupled with different wavelengths provide evidence of convection of crystals across distinct zones of the chamber. Stripes of melt inclusions formed at steps of magma ascent and volatile loss, whereas layers of fluid inclusions may be related to episodes of volatile flushing into the magma chamber. In contrast, strongly sieve-textured envelopes with An increase and constant FeO may be related to mixing with more volatile-rich magmas of similar composition. We interpret the repeated occurrence of “cicirara” lavas as evidence that the shallow portion of the plumbing system underwent a progressive coalescence of a complex network of dykes and sills in response to increasing rates of magma supply from depth. Major magma withdrawals from this larger reservoir may be linked to episodes of summit instability associated with major caldera collapses.  相似文献   

The paper discussed the formation of dykes, and applies the results to Iceland. It is postulated that dykes follow the pathway of least work and of least tensile strength and thereby intrude the subvertical joints in lava flows. It is suggested that dykes form in magma pulses, where each dyke is split in two by the next magma pulse and so on. In Iceland the estimated time between successive magma pulses is of the order of several hundred days. Statistical considerations indicate that in Iceland the probability of seeing dykes end upwards is only 1–2%, which agrees with observations. It is concluded that many and probably the majority of dykes are non-feeders. This, together with the low probability of finding the connection between feeder and lava flow, explains the scarcity of observed feeder-dykes. It is concluded that overpressure in shallow magma chambers needed to drive magma through crustal fractures in Iceland is usually smaller than the tensile strength of the host rock (several MPa), which thereby is the critical factor in dyke intrusion.  相似文献   

The orientations of dykes from many of the islands of the Lesser Antilles island arc have been mapped. Most of these dykes can be interpreted in terms of local or regional swarms derived from specific volcanoes of known age, with distinct preferred orientations. Dykes are known from all Cenozoic epochs except the Palaeocene, but are most common in Pliocene, Miocene and Oligocene rocks. A majority of the sampled dykes are basaltic, intrude volcaniclastic host rocks and show a preference for widths of 1–1.25 m. Locally, dyke swarms dilate their hosts by up to 9% over hundreds of metres and up to 2% over distances of kilometres. The azimuths of dykes of all ages show a general NE-SW preferred orientation with a second NW-SE mode particularly in the Miocene rocks of Martinique. The regional setting for these minor intrusions is a volcanic front above a subduction zone composed of three segments: Saba-Montserrat, Guadeloupe-Martinique, St. Lucia-Grenada. The spacing of volcanic centres along this front is interpreted in terms of rising plumes of basaltic magma spaced about 30 km apart. This magma is normally intercepted at crustal depths by dioritic plutons and andesitic/dacitic magma generated there. Plumes which intersect transverse fracture systems or which migrate along the front can avoid these crustal traps. Throughout its history the volcanic front as a whole has migrated, episodically, towards the backarc at an average velocity of about 1 km/Ma. The local direction of plate convergence is negatively correlated with the local preferred orientation of dykes. The dominant NE-SW azimuth mode corresponds closely to the direction of faulting in the sedimentary cover of the backarc and the inferred tectonic fabric of the oceanic crust on which the arc is founded. A generalised model of the regional stress field that controls dyke intrusion outside of the immediate vicinity of central volcanic vents is proposed, in which the maximum horizontal stress parallels the volcanic front except in the northern segment where subduction of the Barracuda Rise perturbs the stress field. There is also evidence of specific temporal changes in the stress field that are probably due to large scale plate kinematics.  相似文献   

The distributions and alignments of over 200 prehistoric dykes exposed in the walls of the Valle del Bove caldera on Mount Etna have been plotted, and samples collected from some 10% of those occurring in the southern wall. Important tectonic trends are reflected by the dykes, along which magma movement was facilitated prior to the formation of the caldera. Close directional relations between the dyke trends and the orientations of historic fissures on the volcano, point to the existence of a plexus of interconnecting subsurface fissures immediately to the south-east of the summit. A model is envisaged within which magma enters this «clearing house» from depth, and is distributed via fissures to other parts of the volcano including the summit region. Here, the interaction of fissures with the conduits of the summit craters is put forward as a mechanism to explain the behaviour of recent activity.  相似文献   

Spinifex-textured sills (i.e., veins) characterized by komatiitic magmas that have intruded their own volcanic-piles have long been recognized. For instance, in the early 1970s, Pyke and coworkers, in their classic work at Pyke Hill in Munro Township, noted that not all spinifex-bearing ultramafic rocks formed as lava flows, rather some were clearly emplaced as small dikes and sills. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain spinifex-textured sills: intrusion into a cold host, filter pressing, or drainage of residual liquid. However, these do not satisfactorily explain the phenomenon. Field and petrographic observations at Pyke Hill and Serpentine Mountain demonstrate that spinifex-bearing komatiite sills and dikes were emplaced during channel inflation processes when new magma was intruded into a cooler, semi-consolidated but permeable cumulate material. Komatiitic liquids were intruded into the olivine cumulate rocks near the boundary between the spinifex and the cumulate zones of well-organized to organized komatiite flows. Spinifex-textured sills are generally tabular in morphology, stacked one above another, with curviplanar contacts sub-parallel to stratigraphy. Some sills exhibit complex digitated apophyses. Thinner sills typically have a random olivine spinifex texture similar, though generally composed of coarser crystals, to that of komatiite lava flows. Thicker sills exhibit more complex organization of their constituent crystals characterized by zones of random olivine spinifex, overlying zones of organized coarse spinifex crystals similar to those found in lava flows. They have striking coarse dendritic spinifex zones composed of very large olivine crystals, up to several centimetres long and up to 1 cm wide that are not observed in lava flows. Typically, at the sill margins, the cumulate material of the host flow is composed of euhedral to subhedral olivine crystals that are larger than those distal to the contact. Many of these margin-crystals have either concentric overgrowth shells or dendritic olivine overgrowths that grew from the cumulate-sill contact toward the sill interior. The dendrites grew on pre-existing olivine cumulate at the contact in response to a sharp temperature gradient imposed by the intrusion of hot material, whereas the concentric overgrowths formed as new melt percolated into the unconsolidated groundmass of the host-flow cumulate material. Spinifex-textured sills and dikes occur in well-organized to organized flows that are interpreted to have formed by “breakouts” above and peripheral to lava pathways (channels/conduits) as a result of inflation that accompanied voluminous komatiitic eruptions responsible for the construction and channelization of komatiitic flow fields. The spinifex-textured dikes and sills represent komatiitic lava that was originally emplaced into the channel roof during periods of episodic inflation that resulted in lava breakouts and was subsequently trapped in the “roof rocks” during periods of channel deflation. Accordingly, the occurrence of spinifex-textured sills and dikes may indicate proximity to, and aid in the identification and delineation of lava channel-ways that could potentially host Ni–Cu–(PGE) mineralization within komatiitic lava flow-fields.  相似文献   

In volcanic areas occurring in zones of extension, basaltic magma rises up to the surface, through fissures, to form dykes which in depth are connected with one or several magmatic chambers located in the crust or the upper mantle. Starting form this geological situation, we propose models of increasing complexity to study cooling by heat conduction of a system composed of parallel dykes and underlying magmatic chamber. This work has been carried out 1) by numerical methods which take into account the variation with temperature of the thermic parameters and 2) by using an analytical solution of the Fourier equation (an initial fictive temperature is then calculated). The thermic individuality of the dykes disappears quickly and the dyke system may be replaced by a single « intrusion » which cools slowly from a temperature = =2/β θ0 much lower than θ00=initial temperature; 1/β=injection density). The temperature gradient due to the dyke system has been estimated for different time intervals after the intrusion. For the calculation of the thermal effect of a magmatic chamber, we have taken into account its size, depth and age. Numerical application for appropriate geological cases have been carried out and allow one to estimate the respective effects of dykes and magma chamber.  相似文献   

A 150-m-long, wedge-shaped unit of folded and faulted marly siltstone crops out between undeformed sedimentary rocks on the north flank of the Coso Range, California. The several-meter-thick blunt end of this wedge abuts the north margin of a basaltic sill of comparable thickness. Chaotically deformed siltstone crops out locally at the margin of this sill, and at one locality breccia pipes about one meter in diameter crosscut the sill. The sill extends about 1 km south up the paleoslope, where it merges through continuous outcrop with a lava flow that in turn extends 1.4 km to a vent area marked by more than 100 m of agglutinate and scoria. Apparently, lava extruded at this vent flowed onto unconsolidated sediments, burrowed into them, and fed a sill at about 40 m depth within the sedimentary sequence. The sill initially propagated by wedging between sedimentary beds, but eventually began to push some beds ahead of itself, forming a remarkable train of folds in the process. The sediments apparently were wet at the time of sill emplacement, because hydrothermal alteration is common near the contact between the two rock types and because the breccia pipes that crosscut the sill apparently resulted from phreatic explosions of pore water heated at the base of the cooling sill. Comparison of deformation of the host material at the Coso locality with that reportedly caused by emplacement of sills elsewhere indicates that the character of deformation differs greatly among the various localities. The specific response of host material depends upon such parameters as initial properties of magma and host material, rate of sill growth and attendant rate of strain of host material, and depth of sill emplacement. Some properties may change considerably during an intrusive-deformational episode, thus complicating accurate reconstruction of such an event.  相似文献   

The Ol Doinyo Nyokie complex is of late Pleistocene age and occurs in the floor of the south Kenya rift valley. It consists of a shallow depression 5 km long and 3 km wide occupied by ash-flows, surrounded by a zone of trachyte dykes, and with a dome-shaped ignimbrite vent at its eastern end. The complex began to form approximately 0.7 m.y. ago with eruption of ash-flows from fissures accompanied by subsidence, followed by emplacement of dykes in the fissures and the growth of a steep-sided ignimbrite tuff-ring. The rocks are all of quartz trachyte compositions similar to those of the flood lavas upon which the complex is built. Detailed geochemical evidence indicates that the ignimbrite magma was derived from the flood lava magma by alkali feldspar fractionation.  相似文献   

Large sand intrusions often exhibit conical morphologies analogous to magmatic intrusions such as saucer-shaped or cup-shaped sills. Whereas some physical processes may be similar, we show with scaled experiments that the formation of conical sand intrusions may be favoured by the pore-pressure gradients prevailing in the host rock before sand injection. Our experiments involve injecting air into a permeable and cohesive analogue material to produce hydraulic fractures while controlling the pore pressure field. We control the state of overpressure in the overburden by applying homogeneous basal pore pressure, and then adding a second local pore pressure field by injecting air via a central injector to initiate hydraulic fractures near the injection point. In experiments involving small vertical effective stresses (small overburden, or high pore fluid overpressure), the fracturing pressure (λfract) is supralithostatic and two dipping fractures are initiated at the injection point forming a conical structure. From theoretical considerations, we predict that high values of λfract are due to strong cohesion or high pore fluid overpressure distributed in the overburden. Such conditions are favoured by the pore pressure/stress coupling induced by both pore pressure fields. The dips of cones can be accounted for elastic-stress rotation occurring around the source. Contrary to magmatic chamber models, the aqueous fluid overpressure developed in a parent sandbody (and prevailing before the formation of injectites) may diffuse into the surrounding overburden, thus favouring stress rotation and the formation of inclined sheets far from the parent source. For experiments involving higher vertical effective stresses (thick overburden or low pore fluid overpressure), the fracturing pressure is lower than the lithostatic stress, and a single fracture is opened in mode I which then grows vertically. At a critical depth, the fracture separates into two dilatant branches forming a flat cone. We make use of a P.I.V. (Particle Imaging Velocimetry) technique to analyse plastic deformation, showing that these inclined fractures are opened in mixed modes. Close to the surface, they change into steep shear bands where fluids can infiltrate. The final morphology of the fracture network is very similar to the common tripartite architecture of various injection complexes, indicating that different mechanisms may be involved in the formation of dykes. Feeder dykes under the sill zones may open as tensile fractures, while overlying dykes may be guided by the deformation induced by the growth of sills. These deformation conditions may also favour the formation of fluid escape structures and pockmarks.  相似文献   

地震、形变、火山气体地球化学等观测结果表明2002~2005年长白山天池火山经历了1次扰动事件。长白山站地震台(CBS台)记录到了扰动事件前后连续稳定的宽频带地震观测资料。前人的观测研究结果认为长白山天池火山扰动期间的火山地震类型主要为构造型火山地震,伴随少量的谐频型地震。本文通过匹配滤波技术,对1999~2007年扰动事件前后CBS台单台三分量地震观测数据进行模板扫描,获得3763个清晰的火山地震事件,其中谐频(HS)事件125个,构造(VT)事件3618个,并发现长周期(LP)事件20个。进而将火山扰动期间火山地震事件分为3种类型:构造型事件、长周期事件和谐频型事件,并提出2002~2005年长白山天池火山扰动机制模型:深源地震-火山能量传递模型,即汪清深源地震能量释放和传递,引发长白山火山区岩石圈应力状态波动。地幔岩浆房受应力干扰后,岩浆通道打开,少量岩浆侵入地壳岩浆房。岩浆混合脱气导致地壳岩浆房升压,引起顶部岩石微破裂,产生构造型火山地震,气体和流体填充这些裂隙,从而产生LP和HS型火山地震事件。  相似文献   

Peperites formed by mixing of magma and wet sediment are well exposed along Punta China, Baja California, Mexico, where two sills intrude a section of lava flows, limestones, and volcaniclastic rocks. Irregular lobes and dikes extend from the sills several meters into host sediments, including highly comminuted flow top breccias (lithic lapilli tuff breccias) and shelly micrites, whereas intrusive contacts with lava flows are sharp and planar. Where one sill intruded both coarse-grained volcaniclastic rock and fine-grained limestone, textural differences between the hosts produced strikingly different styles of peperite. Blocky masses of the basaltic intrusions up to 1 m in size were dispersed for distances up to 3 m into host lithic lapilli tuff breccias; the blocks consequently underwent in situ fragmentation as they were rapidly quenched. The high degree of dispersion resulted from steam explosions as the magma enveloped pockets of water in the coarse-grained permeable host. Elutriation of fine-grained material from vertical pipes in tuff breccia above the lower sill provides evidence for meter-scale fluidization of the host. The contact zone between the basaltic magma and the shelly micrite host resembles a mixture of two viscous, immiscible fluids (fluidal peperite). Intrusion occurred behind a stable vapor film which entrained lime mud particles and carried them off grain by grain as magma advanced into the host. Thin-section-scale elutriation pipes formed. Microglobular peperite represents a frozen example of a fuel-coolant interaction (FCI) between basaltic magma and fluidized micrite host. The intimate intermixing of magma and host at the submillimeter level is attributed to fluid instabilities developed along the magma-vapor-host interface. Such intimate intermixing of magma and water-bearing fragmental debris is commonly a precursory step toward explosive hydrovolcanism.  相似文献   

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