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The Tertiary volcanism of Eastern Macedonia and Western Thrace (Greece) developed in association with the sedimentary basin which formed, from Eocene to Oligocene, along the southern margin of the Rhodope Massif.The volcanic products, ranging in composition from basaltic andesites to rhyolites, show an overall calc-alkaline orogenic affinity, while chemical characteristics identify different groups of rocks, probably reflecting minor differences among parent magmas. The observed evolution within any group of rocks is compatible with fractional crystallization processes acting on relatively shallow magma bodies.The Sr isotopic composition of rhyolitic member shows an initial87Sr/86Sr ratio comparable with that of basaltic andesites, reinforcing the hypothesis of a crystal/liquid line of descent.Geochemical and petrographic evidence, on the whole, suggests that the investigated orogenic association developed on an active continental margin characterized by a relatively thick crust, acting as a density filter for the basic magmas and facilitating their storage and fractionation within the crust itself. Minor contamination by interaction with host materials may also have occurred.Stratigraphic and K/Ar geochronological data indicate that the volcanic activity started in Upper Eocene and reached its maximum development in Upper Oligocene. From Lower Miocene, the volcanism shifted southward in the Central Aegean area and in part of Western Anatolia, coming to an end by Middle Miocene.The southward migration of the volcanic front has been interpreted as a consequence of the increase in the dipping of the Benioff zone, due to the decrease of penetrative strength after the main phase of continental collision.  相似文献   

Volcanic eruptions in central Mongolia during the latest Pleistocene and Holocene time preceded an initial Holocene volcanic event of 8740 ± 400 years ago in Northeast China and terminated simultaneously with that event as inferred from 14C datings. Alkali basaltoid magmatic material from a partially melted (1.5–3%) mantle source was erupted in the Taryat Basin of central Mongolia, at first along a nearly east-west line of volcanoes, and afterwards material of higher melting (up to 5%) was discharged along the north-northeast line of Khorgo edifices. A material of similar composition was erupted in the Jingpohu area, Northeast China during the period from 5430–4400 BP. Initial liquids of ~2% beneath the Frog Pool volcanic center and ~5% beneath Crater Forest were expressed varying liquids beneath the latter area, yielding final melts of ~5%. The action of the decompressional and the fluid mechanism was followed by in eruptions of, respectively, isotope-homogeneous magmas in central Mongolia and isotope-heterogeneous magmas depleted in high field strength elements (Nb, Ta, Ti) in Northeast China.  相似文献   

The Bakjisan Syncline is located in the northwestern part of the Taebaeksan Basin, Korea. New paleomagnetic data for the Upper Carboniferous–Lower Triassic Pyeongan Supergroup from the Pyeongchang area on the west limb of the Bakjisan Syncline have been obtained, and synthesized and compared with previous data from the Jeongseon area on the east limb of the syncline. A total of 350 specimens were collected from 21 sites to clarify the relationship between the spatial distribution of remagnetized areas and the thrust system in the Taebaeksan Basin. The characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) isolated from all samples was a remagnetized component acquired after tilting of the strata and carried by various magnetic minerals (magnetite, hematite and pyrrhotite). From rock magnetic studies, electron microscope observations and XRD analyses, the pervasive remagnetization is interpreted to be associated mainly with a fluid-mediated chemical remanent magnetization (CRM). This is consistent with the results of previous work in adjacent areas. The paleomagnetic pole position (88.3°E, 83.9°N, A95 = 4.9°) from the Pyeongan Supergroup in the Bakjisan Syncline indicates that the timing of the remagnetization event is Early Tertiary times (i.e. Paleocene to Eocene) by comparison with reliable paleopoles from the Korean Peninsula. Early Tertiary CRMs are also reported from previous studies of an adjacent region within the northwestern part of the Taebaeksan Basin. In contrast, a primary remanent magnetization was reported in the southeastern part of the Taebaeksan Basin. This implies that the major thrust system (the Gakdong thrust) which separates the two regions has caused them to experience substantially different geologic histories since deposition of the strata. Since many thrusts with NS trend are observed in the northwestern part of the Taebaeksan Basin compared with the southeastern region, it appears that the remagnetizing fluids pervasively penetrated the northwestern part of the basin by utilizing the already well-developed thrust system.  相似文献   

 The Middle Jurassic Kirkpatrick flood basalts and comagmatic Ferrar intrusions in the Transantarctic Mountains represent a major pulse of tholeiitic magmatism related to early stages in the breakup of Gondwana. A record of the volcano-tectonic events leading to formation of this continental flood-basalt province is provided by strata underlying and only slightly predating the Kirkpatrick lavas. In the central Transantarctic Mountains, the lavas rest on widespread (≥7500 km2) tholeiitic pyroclastic deposits of the Prebble Formation. The Prebble Formation is dominated by lahar deposits and is an unusual example of a regionally developed basaltic lahar field. Related, partly fault-controlled pyroclastic intrusions cut underlying strata, and vents are represented by the preserved flanks of two small tephra cones associated with a volcanic neck. Lahar and air-fall deposits typically contain 50–60% accidental lithic fragments and sand grains derived from underlying Triassic – Lower Jurassic strata in the upper part of the Beacon Supergroup. Juvenile basaltic ash and fine lapilli consist of nonvesicular to scoriaceous tachylite, sideromelane, and palagonite, and have characteristics indicating derivation from hydrovolcanic eruptions. The abundance of accidental debris from underlying Beacon strata points to explosive phreatomagmatic interaction of basaltic magma with wet sediment and groundwater, which appears to have occurred in particular where rising magma intersected upper Beacon sand aquifers. Composite clasts in the lahar deposits exhibit complex peperitic textures formed during fine-scale intermixing of basaltic magma with wet sand and record steps in subsurface fuel-coolant interactions leading to explosive eruption. The widespread, sustained phreatomagmatic activity is inferred to have occurred in a groundwater-rich topographic basin linked to an evolving Jurassic rift zone in the Transantarctic Mountains. Coeval basaltic phreatomagmatic deposits of the Mawson and Exposure Hill Formations, which underlie exposures of the Kirkpatrick Basalt up to 1500 km to the north along strike in Victoria Land, appear to represent other parts of a regional, extension-related Middle Jurassic phreatomagmatic province which developed immediately prior to rapid outpouring of the flood basalts. This is consistent with models which assign an important role to lithospheric stretching in the generation of flood-basalt provinces. Received: 28 August 1995 / Accepted: 18 April 1996  相似文献   

This study is concerned with numerical simulation of the strain due to glaciation and glacial melting, when a magma zone (a layer containing inclusions of magma and magma cumulates) is present at the crust–mantle boundary. According to analytical solutions of this problem that involves viscous relaxation of an uncompensated depression at the place of the molten glacier, the depth to the zone of increased shear stresses beneath the depression is proportional to its width, while the relaxation duration is proportional to viscosity of the lithosphere and is a few thousand years. These fundamental estimates are corroborated by our numerical simulation. According to it, the magma zone at the Moho boundary shields the zone of increased shear stresses, limiting it from below. The maximum values (12–25 MPa) with glacial thickness 500–1000 m are reached at the top of this layer of low viscosity. The directions of maximum compression (s1) as calculated for the time after the melting indicate that the magma that rises along dikes is displaced from the center of the magma lens toward its periphery. It is found that glacial unloading makes the dipping faults in the crust above the low-viscosity layer attractors for the rising magma. Glacial unloading accelerates, by factors of a few times, the magma generation in the mantle that occurs following the mechanism of adiabatic decompression, as well as facilitating the accumulation of mantle fluids in the zone of increased shear stresses at the boundary of the low viscosity layer. The magma traverses this deep fluid collector and increases the intensity and explosivity of eruptions at the beginning of an interglacial period. Our numerical simulation results are in general agreement with published data on Early Holocene volcanic eruptions that occurred after the second phase of the Late Pleistocene glaciation in Kamchatka.  相似文献   

Two new records of glacial stratigraphy obtained from borecores collected in southcentral Saskatchewan are compared to previously published records from Wellsch Valley and Swift Current Creek in southern Saskatchewan. The comparisons are based on magnetostratigraphy and tephrochronology, and describe preglacial, glacial, and interglacial deposits. The new stratigraphy is compared to the composite global marine oxygen isotope record. Although the ages and extents of late Pleistocene continental glaciations are relatively well constrained, they are less well defined for the middle and early Pleistocene. Data presented here highlight recent studies carried out from borecores and outcrops of extensive pre-Illinoian (pre-Saalian) glacial deposits. Based on this new data, at least seven Laurentide (continental) glaciations are recognized in Saskatchewan, and these records are the most extensive to date in the Northern Interior Plains of Canada. The magnetostratigraphic records from the Sutherland Overpass and Wascana Creek sites provide the first evidence of reversely magnetized glacial deposits in the Canadian Prairies. These deposits can be assigned to the latest Matuyama (MIS 20) and indicate that Laurentide (continental) glaciations did not impact southern Saskatchewan until the late Early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The manner in which small channels are generated, from plane beds beneath sheet flows, has been experimentally elucidated. On plane, erodible, sand beds, the transition from thin, supercritical sheet flows to the channelled condition was studied over ranges of discharge, slope, and temperature. Secondary flow of the second kind, its action facilitated by steep vertical velocity gradients in the primary flows, caused sheet-flow instability. Along junctions between neighbouring secondary cells, both either raised or lowered elements of the primary flow. In the latter case, fast surface water was lowered to the bed, causing relatively intense, local, longitudinal scour. Dislodged grains were moved divergently to either side, leaving straight, central trenches. Development of positive feedback between cells and trenches led to rapid enlargement of the latter and concomitant growth of paired levees. The resulting structures, ‘protochannels’, were themselves ephemeral, developing two types of instability associated with secondary flow of the first kind. Firstly, small deviations from bilateral symmetry were enhanced, causing evolution into meandering channels. Secondly, headcutting led to multiple tributary development and, at resulting confluences, the action of strong pairs of secondary cells led to the development of braiding channels. Because they are shortlived, protochannels are but rarely seen in nature. Their seeding is markedly temperature-sensitive, reflecting their frictional origin. The erosive power of shallow overland flow largely depends on flow-energy concentration by secondary flow, firstly into channels, then within the channels themselves. Suppression of secondary flow, as by intense raindrop bombardment, can stabilize sheet flows. In deeper water, the effects of secondary flow appear relatively less dramatic. However, even if such motion is weak, bedload divergence from attachment lines can favour entrainment locally and thus affect bed geometry. Analogy between our results and river behaviour appears close and. on continental shelves where water must often flow as sheets, structures resembling giant protochannels evidently persist.  相似文献   

Stratigraphic and geochronological data show that the late Cenozoic Ueno Basalts and related Nomugi-Toge and Hida volcanic suites of the Norikura Volcanic Chain, Japan, were active for ~ 1 million years. Temporal and spatial variations of the volcanic activity and chemistry of the volcanic products suggest that it was induced by a common mantle diapir. The Ueno Basalts are small monogenetic volcanoes scattered over an area 50 km in diameter, and comprise a small volcanic province. The Ueno Basalts are almost all subalkalic basalt to basaltic andesite, erupted through the late Pliocene to the earliest Pleistocene (2.7–1.5 Ma). Andesite to dacite of the Nomugi-Toge volcanic rocks were concurrently active in the back arc side, and two eruption stages (2.6–2.2 and 2.1–1.7 Ma) are recognizable. Two voluminous dacite and rhyolite ignimbrites, the Hida Volcanic Rocks, were erupted deeper in the back-arc region, at ca 1.75 and 1.7 Ma. Both the Nomugi-Toge and Hida suites are also subalkalic, except for the last ignimbrite. In the Ueno Basalts, alkali olivine basalt was erupted in the earliest stage, and was followed by subalkalic basalt, showing that the magma segregation depth ascended with time. This coincided with uplift of the volcanic province and with quasi-concentric expansion of the eruption centers, suggesting that an upwelling mantle diapir was the cause of the volcanism. The Nomugi-Toge andesite–dacite lavas and the Hida dacite and rhyolite ignimbrites are considered to have originated from the same mantle diapir, because of their close proximity to the Ueno Basalts and their near-contemporaneous activity. Mantle diapirs have a significant role in the origin of subalkalic volcanic rocks in the island arcs.  相似文献   

New 40Ar-39Ar geochronology, bulk rock geochemical data, and physical characteristics for representative stratigraphic sections of rhyolite ignimbrites and lavas from the west-central Snake River Plain (SRP) are combined to develop a coherent stratigraphic framework for Miocene silicic magmatism in this part of the Yellowstone ‘hotspot track’. The magmatic record differs from that in areas to the west and east with regard to its unusually large extrusive volume, broad lateral scale, and extended duration. We infer that the magmatic systems developed in response to large-scale and repeated injections of basaltic magma into the crust, resulting in significant reconstitution of large volumes of the crust, wide distribution of crustal melt zones, and complex feeder systems for individual eruptive events. Some eruptive episodes or ‘events’ appear to be contemporaneous with major normal faulting, and perhaps catastrophic crustal foundering, that may have triggered concurrent evacuations of separate silicic magma reservoirs. This behavior and cumulative time-composition relations are difficult to relate to simple caldera-style single-source feeder systems and imply complex temporal-spatial development of the silicic magma systems. Inferred volumes and timing of mafic magma inputs, as the driving energy source, require a significant component of lithospheric extension on NNW-trending Basin and Range style faults (i.e., roughly parallel to the SW–NE orientation of the eastern SRP). This is needed to accommodate basaltic inputs at crustal levels, and is likely to play a role in generation of those magmas. Anomalously high magma production in the SRP compared to that in adjacent areas (e.g., northern Basin and Range Province) may require additional sub-lithospheric processes. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi: ) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This paper constitutes part of a special issue dedicated to Bill Bonnichsen on the petrogenesis and volcanology of anorogenic rhyolites.  相似文献   

Petrological characteristics of basaltic rocks from the Tyrrhenian deep-sea are discussed and related to the geotectonic situation. For the first time, distinctly alkaline basalts (hawaiites) have been found in the Tyrrhenian deep-sea. These are typical within-plate basalts related to the tensional fracturing of the Tyrrhenian area. A suggested age of 100,000 years is among the youngest indications for the Tyrrhenian Sea volcanism. Since the Miocene, magmatic activity in the inner Tyrrhenian sea basin evolved from ocean-floor basalts to ocean island tholeiites and transitional basalts, with alkaline basalts as the most recent products. Seamounts in the southern part of the Tyrrhenian deep-sea (Palinuro, Marsili) add shoshonitic and calcalkaline lavas (some with high Mgvalue) to the complexity of the Tyrrhenian magmatic evolution.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and fate of petrogenic and pyrogenic hydrocarbons in coastal sediments following the Aegean Sea oil spill (Galicia, NW Spain) was investigated through a detailed study of chemical markers. Alkanes and acyclic isoprenoid hydrocarbons were degraded within six months of the accident, but triterpane and sterane distributions were still detectable and were useful in monitoring, respectively, the oil source and weathering. Aromatic steranes were also useful source indicators, and oil degradation was clear from the decrease of certain alkyl dibenzothiophene and phenanthrene isomers. The pyrogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons produced in the tanker wreck were found more persistent than the petrogenic ones. However, the presence of the oil in the sediments was recognized even one year after the accident and was found particularly preserved in the subsurface layers.  相似文献   

Strontium isotope ratios and rare-earth element abundances have been measured in acid, intermediate and basic rocks from three late to postglacial volcanic complexes, and several other postglacial basalts in Iceland. Late and postglacial basalts in Iceland have been generated from a source region which is essentially homogeneous with respect to87Sr/86Sr. The mean87Sr/86Sr ratio for the basalts analysed is 0.70328 and the range is from 0.70317 ± 6to0.70334 ± 5 (2σ).Acid rocks from the Kerlinganfjöll and Namafjall volcanic complexes have87Sr/86Sr ratios which are indistinguishable from analysed basalts from the same complexes. However, intermediate and acid rocks from the Torfajökull complex have significantly higher87Sr/86Sr ratios and could not have been derived by fractional crystallization from basaltic magmas similar to those found in the same complex. These latter rocks have most probably been produced by remelting of Tertiary gabbroic rocks in Layer 3. Most of the basalts analysed have higher total rare-earth element abundances than typical dredged ocean-ridge tholeiites, and show less light rare-earth depletion. Intermediate and acid compositions show overall higher abundances and light rare-earth enrichments. The measured rare-earth abundances are compared with abundances generated by differential partial melting of various model source regions.It is shown that both the tholeiitic and alkali basalt compositions could be generated from the same source material by different degrees of partial melting. Variable partial melting of gabbroic material may account for the rare-earth element abundances of both the rhyolitic rocks (small degrees of melting) and the intermediate rocks (more extensive melting).  相似文献   

New K-Ar datings of Cenozoic volcanic rocks sampled in the Udokan Range lava plateau are presented and compared with the known geochronologic dates for similar rocks. On the basis of these data, periodization of volcanic eruptions and regionalization of the plateau by the distribution of volcanism of different ages are suggested.  相似文献   

Large-scale intrusive contacts with associated marginal series have been encountered within Norwegian ophiolite complexes at Karmøy, Solund and Leka. The contacts limit individual magma chambers and are found at different structural levels of the plutonic suites. Examples of magma chamber margins adjacent to interlayered ultramafic and gabbroic rocks, modally-layered gabbros, high-level gabbros and sheeted dykes, are described. The nature of the intrusive boundaries and the presence of partially resorbed xenoliths in the vicinity of the intrusive margins suggest that stoping and assimilation have been important mechanisms during the development of the magma chambers.Characteristic marginal series are developed along the intrusive boundaries. The thicknesses and appearance of these series vary with depth in the complexes. Whereas the marginal series are well developed within the uppermost levels of the plutonic complexes (exhibiting rock types such as microgabbro, massive gabbro and magnetite gabbro), the marginal series observed at lower levels are thinner and also devoid of chilled facies rocks and magnetite gabbros.The marginal series may be subdivided into border and roof series. The latter are characterized by an intimate relationship with sheeted dykes, which comprise dyke swarms formed both prior to, during, and subsequent to crystallization of the roof series. Based on these relationships the dykes can be subdivided into rooted and rootless dykes.A multiple magma chamber model, with magma chambers migrating from a low to a high level within the oceanic crust, is proposed on the basis of the observed features.  相似文献   

A NNW-trending belt of alkaline mafic volcanic fields parallels the Gulf of Mexico from the U.S. border southward to Veracruz state, in eastern Mexico. Previous studies grouped this volcanism into the so-called “Eastern Alkaline Province” (EAP) and suggested that it resulted from Gulf-parallel extensional faulting migrating from north to south from Oligocene to Present. On the basis of new geologic studies, forty-nine unspiked K–Ar and two 40Ar–39Ar ages, we propose a new geodynamic model for the volcanism along the southwestern Gulf of Mexico.We studied in detail four of the six recognized fields of mafic alkaline volcanism in Veracruz state: 1) The lavas flows of Tlanchinol area (7.3–5.7 Ma), 2) the Alamo monogenetic field and Sierra de Tantima (7.6–6.6 Ma), 3) the Poza Rica and Metlatoyuca lava flows (1.6–1.3 Ma) and 4) the Chiconquiaco–Palma Sola area (6.9–3.2 Ma). Other two mafic volcanic fields may represent the continuation of alkaline volcanism to the southeast: the Middle Miocene lavas at Anegada High, offshore port of Veracruz, and the Middle to Late Miocene volcanism at the Los Tuxtlas.The existence of major Neogene extensional faults parallel to the Gulf of Mexico (i.e., ∼N–S to NNW–SSE) proposed in previous works was not confirmed by our geological studies. Elongation of volcanic necks, vent alignment, and faults mapped by subsurface data trend dominantly NE to ENE and NW to NNW. These directions are parallel to transform and normal faults that formed during the Late Jurassic opening of the Gulf of Mexico. Ascent of mafic magmas was likely facilitated and controlled by the existence of these pre-existing basement structures.Coupled with previous studies, our data demonstrate the occurrence of three magmatic episodes in Veracruz: 1) A Middle Miocene (∼15–11 Ma) episode in southern Veracruz (Palma Sola, Anegada, and Los Tuxtlas); 2) A Late Miocene to Early Pliocene (∼7.5–3 Ma) pulse of mafic alkaline volcanism throughout the study region; and 3) A Late Pliocene to Quaternary transitional to calc–alkaline volcanism in southern Veracruz (Palma Sola, Los Tuxtlas). Whereas the first and third episodes may be considered part of the subduction-related Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, the second pulse of mafic alkaline volcanism has a more complex origin. The absence of significant extensional faulting precludes a rift origin. We favor a model in which a transient thermal anomaly and melting of the mantle was triggered by the tearing and detachment of part of the subducted slab.  相似文献   

Neogene Yamadağı volcanic rocks consist of basaltic trachyandesite, trachyandesite, andesite, and dacite. The major- and trace-element chemistry indicates that the lavas are dominantly calc-alkaline and mildly alkaline in character, sodic in nature, and intermediate to acidic in composition. REE and trace-element patterns of volcanic rocks are similar to those typical of within plate magmatics. Volcanic rocks have low 87Sr/86Sr (0.70389–0.70633) and high 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.51267–0.51276) and mostly plot within the mantle array of the isotope ratio diagram. The linear correlations among 87Sr/86Sr143Nd/144Nd, SiO287Sr/86Sr and SiO2143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios in the volcanics suggest that fractional crystallization combined with minor assimilation was an important process within the collision zone.  相似文献   

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