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Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios, major and trace element compositions have been determined for the Paleogene granitic rocks in the Tsukuba district, Japan. Isotopic ages strongly suggest that the granitic rocks (seven units) were continuously emplaced and solidified during a short time interval. Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios for seven granitic units vary from 0.7082 to 0.7132, while sedimentary and metasedimentary country rocks have ratios at the time of granitic magma emplacement ranging from 0.7149 to 0.7298. Continuous linear arrays for the granitic rocks in the diagrams of initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios versus some chemical parameters can be explained by either of following two processes. One is the assimilation — fractional crystallization (AFC) process between the parental magma (SiO2 of 68% and initial ratio of 0.7078) and sedimentary country rocks, and the other is magma mixing process between above parental magma and sediment derived acidic magma (melt) (SiO2 of 75%). The high initial ratios (0.7078–0.7098) for basic rocks such as gabbro or diorite in the Tsukuba district and the similar characteristics observed in the rocks of Ryoke belt (SW Japan) suggest that the parental magma had the same source region as the basic rocks, probably the lower crustal source.  相似文献   

18O/16O ratios have been obtained for 134 whole-rocks and minerals from metamorphic and granitic rocks of the Yanai district in the Ryoke belt, Southwest Japan. The 18O/16O ratios of pelitic rocks of the marginal metamorphic zone decrease progressively with increasing metamorphic grade. In the gneiss-granite complex (zone of migmatite [1]), the most characteristic feature of the rocks is that oxygen isotopic homogenization proceeds on both local and regional scales in parallel with “granitization” or chemical homogenization. Granitic rocks of various origin are fairly uniform in isotopic composition with δ 18O of quartz of 12 to 14‰ (SMOW) and δ 18O of biotite of 7 to 9‰ and are about 3 to 4‰ enriched in 18O compared to other Cretaceous granites of non-metamorphic terranes in Japan. The high 18O/16O ratios of granitic rocks of this district were discussed in relation to the 18O-depletion in metasediments. Oxygen isotopic fractionations among coexisting minerals from various rock-types of the gneiss-granite complex indicate that these minerals were formed under near isotopic equilibrium at a temperature of about 600 to 700° C. Some abnormal fractionations of quartz-biotite pairs also were obtained for rocks which had undergone a progressive 18O-depletion or 18O-enrichment. This is due to high resistivity of quartz and contrastive susceptibility of biotite to isotopic exchange during metamorphism and “granitization”.  相似文献   

During the late Mesozoic, an unusually broad range of alkalic magma compositions was erupted along the southern border of the São Francisco craton of Brazil. This magmatic activity includes carbonatite, kimberlite, lamprophyre, lamproite, syenite and the largest known example of extrusive kamafugite, the Mata da Corda formation. To determine the nature of the sources of this magmatism, and their geochemical history, an Os isotope study along with major and trace element and Sr, Nd and Pb isotope analyses of kimberlitic, lamproitic and kamafugitic rocks from the Alto Paranaíba province of Brazil was undertaken. This complements recent geochemical and isotopic studies of these magmas. The Os isotope data for Alto Paranaíba samples point to a peridotitic lithospheric mantle source for the kimberlites and lamproites that was variably depleted in Re, presumably by melt removal at some time between the late Archean and mid-Proterozoic. These lithospheric peridotites experienced LIL-element enrichment by fluid/melt metasomatism at roughly 1 Ga, most likely during mobile belt formation along the western border of the São Francisco craton. Kamafugitic samples have very radiogenic Os, suggestive of mafic (e.g. pyroxenite, websterite, eclogite) source materials that again appear to have been stabilized in the lithospheric mantle of Brazil in the mid to late Proterozoic. The Os isotope evidence for lithospheric sources for the Alto Paranaíba activity, coupled with Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic characteristics that overlap those of the Walvis Ridge hot-spot trace indicate that the EM1 component in South Atlantic ocean island basalts most likely represents the influence of delaminated Brazilian lithospheric mantle mixed into mantle circulation beneath the South Atlantic and is not related to the plume(s) commonly associated with this ocean island magmatism.  相似文献   

Cretaceous granitic rocks were emplaced over a distance of 700 km along arc in Southwest Japan. Rb–Sr and K–Ar ages of a major group of these granitic rocks, with ilmenite series ore mineralogy, were examined. Rb–Sr whole rock ages of 92.8±4.0 Ma and Rb–Sr and K–Ar biotite ages of 80–88 Ma were obtained on one group of these granitic rocks from Kamo-Sera area of central Hiroshima Prefecture. The K–Ar ages of various minerals, combined with the Rb–Sr whole-rock age, give a smooth cooling curve, which suggests a 5 to 10 Ma time-lag between intrusion and cooling at 300° C for the Cretaceous granitic rocks. The Rb–Sr whole-rock and Rb–Sr/K–Ar biotite ages of these granitic rocks become younger eastward along the Southwest Japan arc, and the time-lag between the two systems remains constant at 5 to 10 Ma over the entire area. The along-arc age variation does not support the genetical relationship of the Cretaceous granitoids with steady-state subduction. The Cretaceous granitic province at the eastern margin of Eurasian continent was, at least partly, formed by an episodic event such as ridge subduction.  相似文献   

Ammonium contents of biotites from metamorphic and granitic rocks of Japan have been determined, and correlated with the 18O16O ratios of the rocks.NH4 contents of biotites averaged 22 ppm in granitic rocks of non-metamorphic terranes, 67 ppm in granitic rocks in the Ryoke metamorphic belt, and 279 ppm in metamorphosed sedimentary rocks of the Ryoke belt. In granitic rocks, enrichment of NH4 in biotites is a result of the interaction between the granitic magma and surrounding sedimentary rocks. In metasedimentary rocks, the high NH4 content in biotites is due to inheritance from original organic material in sedimentary rocks.Biotites from migmatites of the Ryoke belt contain more NH4 (average, 475 ppm) than those from metasedimentary rocks. This suggests the existence of a metamorphic fluid or anatectic magma enriched in NH4.  相似文献   

Thirty-one selected volcanic rocks from the Myoko volcano group which comprises a volcanic chain of four independent volcanoes of Quaternary to Recent age are analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The rocks of the lizuna volcano, the oldest among the Myoko volcano group, have higher 87Sr/86Sr ratios and show a larger scatter ranging from 0.70437 to 0.70556 than those of other volcanoes. The Kurohime volcanic rocks have a restricted range of 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.70403∼0.70435). 87Sr/86Sr ratios of the Myoko volcanic rocks are almost the same in average to those of the Kurohime volcanic rocks, although somewhat varied ranging from 0.70378 to 0.70461. A single analysis of the Yakeyama volcanic rock yielded a 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.70427. A characteristic pattern in 87Sr/86Sr ratios is observed through the volcanic activity of the Myoko volcano group; 87Sr/86Sr ratios are high in the early stage of the volcanic activity and then decrease to low values, the late eruptives being characterized by constant 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The negative correlation between 87Sr/86Sr and Rb/Sr, and positive correlation between 87Sr/86Sr and Sr found in the rocks of the Iizuna volcano are interpreted to show the occurrence of contamination by materials with high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (>0.7056), low Rb/Sr ratios (<0.01) and high Sr contents (>300 ppm). Sialic crustal contamination may have played only a minor role.  相似文献   

Hydrothermally-altered mesozonal synmetamorphic granitic rocks from Maine have whole-rock 18O (SMOW) values 10.7 to 13.8. Constituent quartz, feldspar, and muscovite have 18O in the range 12.4 to 15.2, 10.0 to 13.2, and 11.1 to 12.0, respectively. Mean values of Q–F ( 18Oquartz 18Ofeldspar)=2.4 and Q–M ( 18Oquartz 18Omuscovite)=3.3 are remarkably uniform (standard deviations of both are 0.2). Measured Q–F and Q–M values demonstrate that the isotopic compositions of the minerals are altered from primary magmatic 18O values but that the minerals closely approached oxygen isotope exchange equilibrium at subsolidus temperatures. Analyzed muscovites have D (SMOW) values in the range –65 to –82.Feldspars in the granitic rocks are mineralogically altered to either (a) muscovite+calcite, (b) muscovite+calcite+epidote, (c) muscovite+epidote, or (d) muscovite only. A consistent relation exists between the assemblage of secondary minerals and the oxygen isotope composition of whole rocks, quartz, and feldspar. Rocks with assemblage (a) have whole-rock 18O>12.1 and contain quartz and feldspar with 18O>13.8 and >11.4, respectively. Rocks with assemblages (b), (c), and (d) have whole-rock 18O<11.4 and contain quartz and feldspar with 18O< 13.1 and <11.0, respectively. The correlation suggests that the mineralogical alteration of the rocks was closely coupled to their isotopic alteration.Three mineral thermometers in altered granite suggest that the hydrothermal event occurred in the temperature range 400°–150° C, 100°–150° C below the peak metamorphic temperature inferred for country rocks immediately adjacent to the plutons. Calculations of mineral-fluid equilibria indicate that samples with assemblage (a) coexisted during the event with CO2-H2O fluids of and 18O=10.8 to 12.2 while samples with assemblages (b), (c), or (d) coexisted with fluids of and 18O=9.4 to 10.1. Compositional variations of the hydrothermal fluids were highly correlated: fluids enriched in CO2 were also enriched in 18O. Because CO2 was added to the granites during hydrothermal alteration and because fluids enriched in CO2 were enriched in 18O, some or all of the variation in 18O of altered granites may have been caused by addition of 18O to the rocks during the hydrothermal event. The source of both the CO2 and 18O could have been high-18O metasedimentary country rocks. The inferred change in isotopic composition of the granites is consistent with depletion of the metacarbonate rocks in 18O close to the plutons and with large volumes of fluid that were inferred from petrologic data to have infiltrated the metacarbonate rocks during metamorphism.A close approach of minerals to oxygen isotope exchange equilibrium in altered mesozonal rocks from Maine is in marked contrast to hydrothermally-altered epizonal granites whose mineral commonly show large departures from oxygen isotope exchange equilibrium. The difference in oxygen isotope systematics between altered epizonal granites and altered mesozonal granites closely parallels a differences between their mineralogical systematics. Both differences demonstrate the important control that depth exerts on the products of hydrothermal alteration. Deeper hydrothermal events occur at higher temperature and are longer-lived. Minerals and fluid have sufficient time to closely approach both isotope exchange and heterogeneous chemical equilibrium. Shallower hydrothermal events occur at lower temperatures and are shorter-lived. Generally there is insufficient time for fluid to closely approach equilibrium with all minerals.  相似文献   

One hundred and three samples of granitic rock taken systematically from the Andean part of Colombia reveal that the observed variation in phosphorus content reflects the variation observed for the wholerock chemical composition. This relationship was established using a form of trend analysis termed COMTRENA and information-theory statistics.  相似文献   

The 18O/16O ratios were analyzed for 35 volcanic rocks from the Izu-Hakone region, Oki-Dogo Island, Asama Volcano and Kiso-Ontake Volcano in the Japanese Islands. The 18O-enrichment in magma during crystallization differentiation is recognized in every rock series. The magnitude of solid-liquid isotope fractionation in the magma of tholeiite series is similar to that of alkali rock series, while the apparent isotope fractionation of calc-alkali rock series is larger than that of the above two series. The 18O value of the tholeiite magma in the Izu- Hakone region is +5.7 relative to SMOW, which suggests its origin from the fresh upper mantle material. The primary magma of the calc-alkali rock series in Asama Volcano is assumed to have the 18O value similar to or slightly higher than that of the Izu-Hakone primary magma. The alkali rock series of Oki-Dogo Island in the continental side of the island arc is by 1 heavier than the Izu-Hakone rock suite. This may imply that Oki-Dogo rock series might have exchanged their oxygen with 18O-rich crustal materials, or they might have originated from somewhat 18O-rich upper mantle material.  相似文献   


Zircon U–Pb ages, major element and trace element compositions, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic compositions for late Mesozoic granites from the southern Jiaodong Peninsula (eastern China) were determined. Ages for the Wulianshan, Xiaozhushan, and Dazhushan plutons are 119.1–122.3, 114.2, and 108.9 Ma, respectively. Major and trace element characteristics show that these granitic rocks belong to alkaline, A-type granites formed in an extensional setting. Trace element compositions show strong, variable negative anomalies in Ba, K, P and Ti, and positive anomalies in Rb, Th, U, Pb, Ce, Zr, and Hf, which are typical characteristics of A-type granites. Variable Sr and Nd isotopic compositions, 87Sr/86Sr(i) = 0.70540–0.7071 and εNd(t) = ?14.5 to ?20.9. Whole-rock Pb isotopic compositions have the following ranges, (206Pb/204Pb)t = 15.707–16.561, (207Pb/204Pb)t = 15.376–16.462, and (208Pb/204Pb)t = 36.324 to 37.064. Isotopic modelling indicates an origin that lies between mantle tapped by Cenozoic basalts around the Tan-Lu megafault and lower continental crust (LCC), and which can be explained by mixing of 11–18% mantle and 82–89% LCC. Based on new and compiled data, we suggest that the southern Jiaodong Peninsula, as well as the Laoshan area, was in a regional extensional setting of an orogenic belt during 106–126 Ma. The granitic rocks may be the result of late Mesozoic lithospheric thinning and decratonization (i.e. late Mesozoic craton destruction event occurring throughout eastern China).  相似文献   

The younger granites in Finland contain more REE than the older ones. In the youngest, postorogenic rapakivi granites, the total REE concentration is highest, the light REE are more enriched, and the negative Eu anomaly is more pronounced than in the older granites. The enrichment of the light REE, the anomalous behavior of the extreme elements (La, Ce, and Lu) in normalized graphs, and the depletion of Eu indicate the degree of differentiation the rock has undergone. These features are usually more pronounced in large, homogeneous granites than in metamorphic or volcanogenic rocks. Silicic vein rocks usually contain less REE than the granites proper; the distribution pattern in many is as in granites, but in some the heavy elements are more enriched. The positive Eu anomaly in Precambrian metamorphic rocks is tentatively attributed to metamorphic differentiation and to the secretion of silicic material from the host rock.  相似文献   

Yoji Arakawa 《Lithos》1989,24(4):261-273
The Sr isotopic compositions of Late Triassic to Early Jurassic Funatsu granitic rocks in the Hida belt, Japan, were determined and variations of the compositions within single intrusions and on a regional scale were compared with previously reported data.

Relatively low and constant (or narrow range of) initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of granitic rocks within an intrusion (0.7044-0.7055) are found mostly in the outer part of the belt, while intrusions with high and wide ranges of initial ratios (0.7056-0.7105) are situated in the inner part. This difference in initial ratios within an intrusion is due to the different degrees of mixing between the parental mafic magma from the lower crust or upper mantle and the middle to upper crustal (or crust-derived) materials. On a regional scale, a smooth and regular increase of the ratios from 0.7044 to 0.7057, from outer to inner part, is outlined by the lowest ratio in each intrusion and this almost coincides with a trend given by the ratios of mafic rocks (or mafic enclaves) in the intrusion. This suggests a gradual change of source materials in the lower crust or upper mantle. The degree of crustal contributions to the parental magma, lesser in the outer part and larger in the inner part of the Hida belt, shows close relationships to some geophysical factors, such as the emplacement depth and uplift rate of mafic magma from deeper levels and stress state (extensional or compressional) in the middle to upper crustal levels. These factors are probably due to the plate tectonic configuration in the continental margin area where the Hida belt was included.  相似文献   

Recognition of the importance of chlorine complexing in enhancing the solubility of metal sulfides in aqueous solutions has led to the view that the chlorine content of intrusive rock could govern the ability of a magma to separate a metal-rich hydrothermal phase. This article presents the chlorine and fluorine contents of apatites in the granitic rocks of the Barren, Tungsten, and Molybdenum provinces of Southwest Japan.The abundance of Cl in apatites correlates negatively with rock D.I. (differentiation indices), and the abundance of F in apatites correlates positively with rock D.I. The abundance of Cl in apatites of the Molybdenum province is generally higher than that of the Tungsten and Barren provinces, and the abundance of F in apatites in the Molybdenum province is generally lower than that of F in apatites of the Tungsten and Barren provinces.Apatites in the granitic rocks associated with tungsten and fluorite mineralization and granite pegmatite formation, and from the Barren province are mostly F-OH apatites  相似文献   

Carbon isotope fractionation between coexisting calcite and grpahite ( 13Ccc-gr) has been determined in metamorphosed limestones and calc-silicate rocks from the Ryoke metamorphic belt in the northern Kiso district. In this district, the Ryoke metamorphic rocks, ranging from the lower greenschist facies to the upper amphibolite facies, are widely distributed. The fractionation of 13C/12C between calcite and graphite decreases regularly with increasing metamorphic grade and is independent of absolute 13C values of calcite. This evidence suggests that carbon isotopic exchange equilibrium has been attained during metamorphism even in the greenschist facies and isotopic modification, possibly caused by retrogressive metamorphism, is not distinguished. For T=270–650° C, the fractionation is expressed by the following equation: 13Ccc-gr=8.9×106T–2–7.1 (T in °K).This equation has a slope steeper than the current results on the 13Ccc-gr versus 106T–2 diagram. It can be used as a potential geothermometer for almost the entire temperature range of metamorphism. 13C values of carbonaceous matter in unmetamorphosed limestones in this district are approximately –22, due to its biogenic origin. Graphite from metamorphosed limestones is also considered to be of biogenic origin but shows enrichment of 13C due to isotopic exchange with calcite. 13C values of graphite as well as 13Ccc-gr confirm that zone II represents the lowest grade zone of Ryoke metamorphism. The maximum equilibrium fractionation of 13C between calcite and graphite is considered to be approximately 23%, which corresponds to 270° C. Below this temperature, it seems that carbon isotopic exchange between the minerals does not occur.Calcite in marble from the higher grade zones has relatively lower 13C and 18O values. The depletion of heavy isotopes is considered to be caused by the loss of 13C and 18O enriched carbon dioxide during decarbonation reactions. For oxygen, it is considered that isotopic exchange with metamorphic fluids plays an important role in lowering the 18O value of calcite in some higher grade marbles.  相似文献   

Deformation of granitic rocks across the brittle-ductile transition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A microstructural analysis has been carried out on mylonites and mylonitic gneisses of the Eastern Peninsular Ranges Mylonite Zone, which were formed over a range of metamorphic conditions from lower greenschist to amphibolite facies. Composite planar fabrics in the form of C and S planes are found at all metamorphic grades. Fractured feldspars, kinked biotites and ductile deformation of quartz characterize the lower greenschist facies mylonites. At mid-upper greenschist grade orthoclase grains show dynamic recrystallization textures whereas plagioclase exhibits low temperature plasticity with only minor recovery. Biotite ribbons form by progressive rotation and coalescence of kink band segments to produce chevron fold patterns. At epidote-amphibolite grade and above, recovery processes and annealing recrystallization predominate in all minerals. Residual orthoclase porphyroclasts show strain-related myrmekite formation along those sides of the grains that face the instantaneous shortening direction. Myrmekite formation due to replacement reactions cannot explain this geometry. It is proposed that the myrmekites formed due to a combination of exsolution, replacement and strain-enhanced diffusion.  相似文献   

Fourty-four isotopic ages have been determined by K-Ar and U-Th-Pb methods for Late Palaeozoic granitic rocks in the Nanling Region, South China. All dating values vary within the range of 231–348 m.y. From the obtained dates, further evidence has been found that there do exist Late Palaeozoic granitic rocks, which can be subdivided into Late Devonian and Permian granitic rocks. Within a Late Devonian terrain, there is a granitic pluton, namely granodiorite with a zircon U-Th-Pb age of 348 m.y., while ten granitic plutons have been recognized within a Permian terrain where granites are predominant, yielding biotite K-Ar ages of 236–289 m.y. (λ β =4.72×10?10yr.?1,λ K=5.57×10?11yr.?1) and zircon U-Th-Pb ages ranging from 231 to 280 m.y., respectively. It is obvious from the dates that intrusive activity of granitic magma extensively took place in the Nanling Region during Late Palaeozoic, although no records of orogenie movements have been found, indicating that the faults are the main factor controlling the activity of granitic magma, whereas the orogenic movements are not the only prerequisite for the formation of granitic magma and the intrusive activity.  相似文献   

Nd-evolutionary paths for diversified igneous suites from southern Brazil are here re-evaluated using published results. We interpret the εNd paths considering the secondary fractionation of 147Sm/144Nd due to major petrogenetic processes. The inclusion of Nd isotopes and geochemical data for Precambrian and Mesozoic basic rocks allow improving the discussion on the subcontinental lithosphere beneath southern Brazil. Late Neoproterozoic rocks, mostly granitoids, are exposed in two regions of the southern Brazilian shield, an eastern collisional belt and a western foreland. The latter included two geotectonic domains amalgamated at this time, the São Gabriel Arc (900–700 Ma), and the Taquarembó cratonic block. Magma genesis mainly involved mixture of crustal and incompatible-element-enriched mantle components, both with a long residence time. Continental segments are the Neoarchaean–Paleoproterozoic lower crust (ca. 2.55 Ga) in the western foreland, and Paleoproterozoic–Neoproterozoic recycled crust (2.1–0.8 Ga) in the collisional belt. Granitoids with a single crustal derivation are limited in the southern Brazilian Shield. Mixing processes are well-registered in the western foreland, where the re-enriched old mantle was probably mixed with a 900–700 Ma-old subducted lithosphere and a 2.55 Ga-old lower crust. The contribution of the latter increased from the early 605–580 Ma to the later 575–550 Ma Neoproterozoic events, which may be due either to crustal thickening or to delamination of the lithosphere. Magma sources were diversified in the 660–630 Ma collisional belt. Initially, they involved the mixing between two components with similar Nd isotopic ratios, a 2.1–0.8 Ga-old recycled crust and a subduction-processed old mantle. Regional heating and abundant production of granitic melts, with diversified contribution of enriched mantle components, mark the end of the collisional period, at 630–580 Ma. We can also attribute this to the delamination of the lithosphere, so that the same geodynamic process may explain the magmatism in the whole shield at the end of the Dom Feliciano Orogeny. Mesozoic rocks include flood basalts from the Cretaceous Paraná Province and sub-coeval alkalic suites. Multiple processes of metasomatism affected the lithospheric mantle, resulting in some complexity but they mainly register two enriched-mantle components, both generated during Neoarchaean–Paleoproterozoic events. One end-member has a more pronounced subduction signature. The other one probably resulted from the re-enrichment of the first component at the end of the Camboriú collisional orogeny (2.0 Ga).  相似文献   

A classification of igneous intrusions from orogenic zones is presented. Depending on the tectonic appearance of the intrusions (size, structure, contacts, ect.) these are divided into epi-, meso- and catatectonic diapirs.The Svecofennian of Central Sweden has been divided into tectonic units such as batholiths and subprovinces. The division is supported by the Bouguer anomalies. The geological situation of several of the batholiths in Central Sweden suggests a mechanism of formation which is described as polydiapirism or diapirism within diapirs. This means that younger granite diapirs have forced their way up through diapirically formed granitoid rocks and supracrustal septa. The driving force is the density contrast between the diapir and the surrounding rocks. A positive correlation exists for the different granitoid massives and the Bouguer anomalies. An interpretation of the gravity anomaly for one of the granite domes in a twin dome structure suggests that the late-kinematic granites extend to depths of about 18 km. Finally the theory of polydiapirism is applied to the evolution of the Svecofennian orogeny in Central Sweden.  相似文献   

The relationships between the δ18O of quartz veins and veinlets pertaining to the main stage of gold mineralization at the Sukhoi Log deposit and metasomatically altered host slates are estimated. The oxygen isotopic composition of veined quartz and host slates is not uniform. The δ18O of quartz veins from the Western, Central, and Sukhoi Log areas of the deposit vary from +16 to + 18 ‰. The δ18O range of metasomatically altered slates in the Western and Sukhoi Log areas attains 6 ‰. The δ18O of quartz veins are always higher than those of host slates by 3–7‰. The regular difference in the δ18O between quartz veins and host slates indicates that the oxygen isotopic composition of the ore-bearing fluid forming the system of quartz veins and veinlets at the Sukhoi Log deposit could have formed as a result of interaction with silicate rocks, for instance, terrigenous slates enriched in δ18O. Such interaction, however, took place at deeper levels of the Sukhoi Log deposit. It is suggested that the fluid phase participating in the formation of the vein and veinlet system had initially high δ18O(>+10‰) due to interaction with the rocks enriched in δ18O at a low fluid/rock ratio. The oxygen isotope data indicate that the fluid participating in the formation of gold mineralization at the Sukhoi Log deposit was not in equilibrium with igneous rocks at high temperatures.  相似文献   

Initial Nd and Sr isotopic ratios have been measured for Cretaceous acidic and related intermediate rocks (24 volcanic and two plutonic rocks) from the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan (IZSWJ) to investigate the genesis of acidic magmas. The initial Nd and Sr isotopic ratios for these rocks show three interesting features: (1) Nd values for acidic rocks (+2 to –9) are negatively correlated with Sr values (+10 to +90) together with those for intermediate rocks ( Nd=+3 to -8; Sr=0 to +65). (2) The Nd values for silica rich rocks (>60% SiO2) correlate with the longitude of the sample locality, decreasing from west to east in a stepwise fashion: Four areas characterized by uniform Nd values are discriminated. (3) Low silica rocks (<60% SiO2) in a certain area have distinctly different Nd values from those of the high silica rocks in the same area.These results as well as those deduced from the additional samples collected, for comparison, from other provinces in Japan suggest that the acidic rocks can be formed neither by fractional crystallization processes from more basic magmas nor by crustal assimilation processes. The isotopic variations of the acidic rocks may reflect regional isotopic heterogeneity in the lower crust, and this heterogeneity may ultimately be attributed to the regional heterogeneity of the uppermost-mantle beneath the Japanese Islands.  相似文献   

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