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Linear belts of distinctive oceanic and geosynclinal deposits found on the continents have recently been interpreted as marking sutures or join lines between collided continents. Examples include the Indus Suture, the boundary between collided Mesozoic Indian and Laurasian continents, and the ophiolite belts of the Alps between early Tertiary and Mesozoic European and African continents. Both these sutures and other described examples are of Phanerozoic age although it has been suggested that older sutures exist.

A similar hypothesis to explain the nature of the boundary between the Churchill and Superior structural provinces is proposed which assumes that the mechanisms of plate tectonics were active in Aphebian times (2390−1640 my).

It is suggested that the Slave and Superior Archean protocontinents were once separated by Aphebian seas. The embryo Churchill Province at that time comprised a number of Archean continental fragments with associated island arcs, trenches and sedimentary basins. These coalesced during closure of the seas between the converging Slave and Superior protocontinents. Convergence was accomplished by consumption of oceanic lithosphere along several Aphebian subduction zones which caused the Hudsonian orogeny, formation of the Churchill Province, and tectonic deformation at the edges of the collided protocontinental blocks.

The suture peripheral to the Superior craton is the most easily recognized and is characterized by Aphebian geosynclinal and oceanic sedimentary, basic volcanic and ultramafic rocks, or their metamorphosed equivalents. The proposed suture extends from the Manitoba Nickel belt, via the Split Lake-Fox River region and eastern Hudson Bay, to the Cape Smith-Wakeham Bay belt and the Labrador Trough, Quebec.  相似文献   

A COCORP deep crustal reflection profile across the Wind River uplift crosses exposed Archean rocks and resolves an unusual complex deep crustal structure at a depth of 24–31 km in an area where depth relations in Precambrian rocks can be inferred. The different levels of exposure across the beveled plunge of the Wind River uplift reveal supracrustal rocks at shallower levels with migmatites and pyroxene granulites at deeper levels. For the first time, deep crustal structure from reflection profiling may be interpreted in terms of exposed basement geology. A folded, multilayered deep structure shown by relfection data resembles multiply folded pyroxene granulite interlayered with granitic gneiss exposed in the central Wind River uplift; isoclinal folding is suggested in the folded layered seismic structure. Earlier seismic reflection studies suggested a simpler lower crust. These data indicate that lower crustal structure may have a complexity similar to deeply eroded Precambrian granulite-facies rocks. If this seismic feature represents folded metamorphic rocks, it seems unlikely that this Archean crust could have been thickened by underplating after 2.7 b.y. B.P. and the crust would have to be at least 30 km thich when this structure was formed.  相似文献   

Leveling surveys in 1923, 1976, and each year from 1983 to 1993 have shown that the east-central part of the Yellowstone caldera, near the base of the Sour Creek resurgent dome, rose at an average rate of 14±1 mm/year from 1923 to 1976 and 22±1 mm/year from 1976 to 1984. In contrast, no detectable movement occurred in the same area from 1984 to 1985 (-2±5 mm/year), and from 1985 to 1993 the area subsided at an average rate of 19±1 mm/year. We conclude that uplift from 1923 to 1984 was caused by: (1) pressurization of the deep hydrothermal system by fluids released from a crystallizing body of rhyolite magma beneath the caldera, then trapped beneath a self-sealed zone near the base of the hydrothermal system; and (2) aseismic intrusions of magma into the lower part of the sub-caldera magma body. Subsidence since 1985 is attributed to: (1) depressurization and fluid loss from the deep hydrothermal system, and (2) sagging of the caldera floor in response to regional crustal extension. Future intrusions might trigger renewed eruptive activity at Yellowstone, but most intrusions at large silicic calderas seem to be accommodated without eruptions. Overpressurization of the deep hydrothermal system could conceivably result in a phreatic or phreatomagmatic eruption, but this hazard is mitigated by episodic rupturing of the self-sealed zone during shallow earthquake swarms. Historical ground movements, although rapid by most geologic standards, seem to be typical of inter-eruption periods at large, mature, silicic magma systems like Yellowstone. The greatest short-term hazards posed by continuing unrest in the Yellowstone region are: (1) moderate to large earthquakes (magnitude 5.5–7.5), with a recurrence interval of a few decdes; and (2) small hydrothermal explosions, most of which affect only a small area (<0.01 km2), with a recurrence interval of a few years.  相似文献   

IntroductionTethys-Himalya tectonic belt extends from west to east across Europe, Asia and Africa, and stops at the longitude of 104(E in China. The famous North-south active tectonic belt located in China is a part of China-Mongolia central-axis strong earthquake belt and the huge crustal thickness undulation belt. The tectonic belt is a strong extrusion, tension and shear region. It is synthesized by topography gradient belt, faults, Cenozoic basin and strong earthquake belt on north-so…  相似文献   

新生代青藏高原的隆升改变了整个亚洲的构造格局,对气候、环境均产生了重要的影响,但高原的隆升扩展机制众说纷纭.青藏高原东南缘作为扩展前缘,其构造演化对了解整个高原的扩展机制具有重要的意义.本文总结了近年来对青藏高原东南缘地壳结构研究的最新进展,特别是2011年中国地震科学探测台阵计划开展以来,利用密集地震台阵取得的新成果,探讨了青藏高原东南缘地壳的结构与变形机制.这些研究发现青藏高原的地壳由高原向外围减薄,但在高原边界断裂附近存在地壳厚度突变带;下地壳中存在两个独立的低速异常,一个位于松潘—甘孜块体下方,被高原的边界断裂所围限,另一个位于小江断裂带下方,呈NE-SW向展布.我们认为青藏高原东南缘下地壳物质被边界(丽江—小金河)断裂所围限,并没有继续向边缘流出,但是地壳挤出产生的应力作用继续向东南方向传递,造成了小江断裂带附近的地壳变形.  相似文献   

We have used a coupled thermo-mechanical finite-element (FE) model of crustal deformation driven by mantle/oceanic subduction to demonstrate that the tectonic evolution of the Lachlan Fold Belt (LFB) during the Mid-Palaeozoic (Late Ordovician to Early Carboniferous) can be linked to continuous subduction along a single subduction zone. This contrasts with most models proposed to date which assume that separate subduction zones were active beneath the western, central and eastern sections of the Lachlan Orogen. We demonstrate how the existing data on the structural, volcanic and erosional evolution of the Lachlan Fold Belt can be accounted for by our model. We focus particularly on the timing of fault movement in the various sectors of the orogen. We demonstrate that the presence of the weak basal decollement on which most of the Lachlan Fold Belt is constructed effectively decouples crustal structures from those in the underlying mantle. The patterns of faulting in the upper crust appears therefore to be controlled by lateral strength contrasts inherited from previous orogenic events rather than the location of one or several subduction zones. The model also predicts that the uplift and deep exhumation of the Wagga-Omeo Metamorphic Belt (WOMB) is associated with the advection of this terrane above the subduction point and is the only tectonic event that gives us direct constraints on the location of the subduction zone. We also discuss the implications of our model for the nature of the basement underlying the present-day orogen.  相似文献   

 The Woods Mountain volcanic center is a well-exposed, mildly alkaline volcanic center that formed during the Miocene in southeastern California. Detailed geologic mapping and geochemical studies have distinguished three major volcanic phases: precaldera, caldera forming, and postcaldera. Geologic mapping indicates that caldera formation occurred incrementally during eruptions of three large ignimbrites and continued into a period of voluminous intracaldera lava-flow eruptions. Rhyolitic ignimbrites and lava flows within the caldera are associated with large amplitude, circular gravity, and magnetic minima that are among the most prominent gravity and magnetic anomalies in southeastern California. Analysis of a Bouguer gravity anomaly map, reduced-to-the-pole magnetic intensity map, and three-dimensional gravity and magnetic models indicates that there is a single, funnel- to bowl-shaped caldera approximately 4 km thick and approximately 10 km wide at the surface. This model is consistent with other siliceous, pyroclastic-filled calderas on continental crust, except that most siliceous volcanic centers associated with more than one eruption are characterized by more than one caldera. Received: 20 December 1997 / Accepted: 15 October 1998  相似文献   

Current conceptual runoff models hypothesize that stormflow generation on the Canadian Shield is a combination of subsurface stormflow and saturation overland flow. This concept was tested during spring runoff in a small (3.3 ha) headwater basin using: (1) isotopic and chemical hydrograph separation and (2) field mapping and direct tracing of saturated areas. Isotopic and chemical hydrograph separation indicated three runoff components: (1) pre-melt subsurface flow; (2) subsurface flow of new (event) water; and (3) direct precipitation on to saturated areas (DPS). During early thaw-freeze cycles, their relative contributions to total flow remained constant (65 per cent, 30 per cent, and 5 per cent respectively). It is hypothesized that lateral flow along the bedrock/mineral soil interface, possibly through macropores, supplied large volumes of subsurface flow (of both old and new water) rapidly to the stream channel. Much higher contributions of DPS were observed during an intensive rain-on-snow event (15 per cent of total flow). Mapping and direct tracing of saturated areas using lithium bromide, suggested that saturated area size was positively correlated to stream discharge but its response lagged behind that of discharge. These observations suggest that the runoff mechanisms, and hence the sources of stream flow, will vary depending on storm characteristics.  相似文献   

Geological studies indicate that the southeastern Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone, located in the southeastern Zagros Orogenic Belt, is subdivided transversally into the Esfahan–Sirjan Block with typical Central Iranian stratigraphic features and the Shahrekord–Dehsard Terrane consisting of Paleozoic and Lower Mesozoic metamorphic rocks. The Main Deep Fault (Abadeh Fault) is a major lithospheric fault separating the two parts. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the role of the southeastern Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone in the tectonic evolution of the southeastern Zagros Orogenic Belt on the basis of geological evidence. The new model implies that Neo‐Tethys 1 came into being when the Central Iran Microcontinent split from the northeastern margin of Gondwana during the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian. During the Late Triassic a new spreading ridge, Neo‐Tethys 2, was created to separate the Shahrekord–Dehsard Terrane from Afro–Arabian Plate. The Zagros sedimentary basin was formed on a continental passive margin, southwest of Neo‐Tethys 2. The two ophiolitic belts of Naien–Shahrebabak–Baft and Neyriz were developed to the northeast of Neo‐Tethys 1 and southwest of Neo‐Tethys 2 respectively, related to the sinking of the lithosphere of the Neo‐Tethys 1 in the Late Cretaceous. It can be concluded that deposition of the Paleocene conglomerate on the Central Iran Microcontinent and Pliocene conglomerate in the Zagros Sedimentary Basin is directly linked to the uplift generated by collision.  相似文献   

Quantifying the spatial variability of species-specific tree transpiration across hillslopes is important for estimating watershed-scale evapotranspiration (ET) and predicting spatial drought effects on vegetation. The objectives of this study are to (1) assess sap flux density (Js) and tree-level transpiration (Ts) across three contrasting zones a (riparian buffer, mid-hillslope and upland-hillslope, (2) determine how species-specific Js responds to vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and (3) estimate watershed-level transpiration (Tw) using Ts derived from each zone. During 2015 and 2016, we measured Js in eight tree species in the three topographic zones in a small 12-ha forested watershed in the Piedmont region of central North Carolina. In the dry year of 2015, loblolly pine (Pinus taeda), Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana) and sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua) Js rates were significantly higher in the riparian buffer when compared to the other two zones. In contrast, Js rates in tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) and red maple (Acer rubrum) were significantly lower in the buffer than in the mid-hillslope. Daily Ts varied by zone and ranged from 10 to 93 L/day in the dry year and from 9 to 122 L/day in the wet year (2016). Js responded nonlinearly to VPD in all species and zones. Annual Tw was 447, 377 and 340 mm based on scaled-Js data for the buffer, mid-hillslope and upland-hillslope, respectively. We conclude that large spatial variability in Js and scaled Tw was driven by differences in soil moisture at each zone and forest composition. Consequently, spatial heterogeneity of vegetation and soil moisture must be considered when accurately quantifying watershed level ET.  相似文献   

通过分析青藏高原东南缘活动断裂带的活动特征和GPS资料显示的现今地壳形变场,辅以历史地震及地表破裂、震源机制解类型等资料,将青藏高原东南缘地区分成了11个次级块体.其中包括了西秦岭次级块体、阿坝次级块体、龙门山次级块体、藏东次级块体、雅江次级块体,香格里拉次级块体、滇中次级块体、保山次级块体、景谷次级块体、勐腊次级块体和西盟次级块体;并利用这些次级块体内的GPS站点速率计算出了这些块体现今运动情况及各块体之间断裂的滑动速率,分析认为各次级块体均受到了一种来自其相邻块体的主要应力作用而发生了旋转,其中保山次级块体、藏东次级块体、雅江次级块体、香格里拉次级块体、滇中次级块体的旋转尤为显著;同样,相邻块体之间的边界断裂带也呈现了相应的挤压或拉张活动特征,而藏东次级块体与雅江次级块体、雅江次级块体与滇中次级块体之间的挤压最为明显.利用上述结果,本文讨论了该地区的现今地壳形变特征,认为刚性块体的挤出作用与重力滑塌作用并存于该区域内,下地壳"管道流"的拖曳作用是该地区刚性块体挤出作用和重力滑塌的主要原因, 另外缅甸板块相对于自身的逆时针旋转作用在其北部引起的拉张作用也是重要因素之一.  相似文献   

The oldest rocks in the mainland southeastern Australian segment of the (Palaeozoic) Lachlan Fold Belt are Cambrian greenstones which outcrop in three narrow linear belts separated by Lower Palaeozoic marine troughs in which many thousands of meters of predominantly greywacke-shale sediments accumulated. The greenstone belt nearest the Australian craton, the Mt. Stavely Greenstone Belt, is composed of calc-alkalic meta-andesites, metadacites and intermediate and acid pyroclastics. The Heathcote Greenstone Belt, of central Victoria, consists of three segments; the northern and southern segments are very similar and their internal stratigraphy, petrology, and geochemistry suggest they represent an incomplete, disrupted ophiolite. However, the central segment of the Heathcote Greenstone Belt, which is more intensely deformed and metamorphosed than the northern and southern segments, is composed of a calc-alkalic volcanic suite dominated by meta-andesites. The Mt. Wellington Greenstone Belt of eastern Victoria shows remarkable overall similarities to the northern segment of the Heathcote Greenstone Belt and evidence, including the presence of fault slices of gabbro and peridotites, suggests that this belt too is a much disrupted ophiolite. We interpret the ophiolites to have been the crust of a marginal sea which developed by rifting of thin continental-type crust at the leading edge of a palaeo-Australian plate in the early Cambrian. Meta-andesites and associated rocks of the Mt. Stavely Greenstone Belt were probably erupted onto this thin continental crust above a Benioff zone, and a rifted-off fragment of this thin continental crust bearing a cover of calc-alkalic volcanic rocks has been preserved as the central segment of the Heathcote Greenstone Belt during later deformation events.  相似文献   

The elastic and density properties of rocks of the Shamakha-Ismailly seismogenic blocks are studied by the ultrasonic pulse method in quasi-hydrostatic high pressure apparatuses. An attempt is made to more accurately determine the upper crustal lithology of these blocks. The observed values of the elastic and density characteristics of the rocks at high pressures suggest that the upper layers in the Ismailly and Shamakha blocks can consist of sedimentary carbonate rocks such as marls, sandstones, mudstones, and limestones. The middle layers apparently consist of volcaniclastic rocks: lithoclastic tuffs, andesites, etc. The lower layer (basement) in both blocks is likely composed of basic rocks such as basalts, trachybasalts, etc. According to the values of elastic wave velocities and densities, gabbroid rocks may compose the fourth layer of the Buinuz intrusion, identified from seismic data.  相似文献   

青藏高原东南缘Moho面速度密度跃变研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

青藏高原东南缘地下深部结构的研究对了解青藏高原的变形机制和动力学过程具有重要意义.本文利用四川、云南固定台站记录到的远震波形资料,首先采用接收函数H-k叠加方法获得青藏高原东南缘台站下方的地壳厚度和波速比.进而利用接收函数一次转换波和多次波幅度信息确定了青藏高原东南缘Moho面上的S波速度和密度跃变.研究结果表明:研究区由南到北地壳厚度逐渐增加,从永德、沧源、孟连地区的33 km左右增至巴塘地区的69.7 km左右,厚度变化了近乎37 km.四川盆地和松潘甘孜块体南部的姑咱地区具有高泊松比、速度密度跃变较小特征,表明这两个地区含有较多铁镁物质.腾冲地区、龙门山西侧的汶川地区、四川盆地西南缘的沐川地区以及则木河断裂的石门坎至东川地区同属于高泊松比、速度密度跃变较大,显示这些地区壳内存在部分熔融.


In granite aquifers, fractures can provide both storage volume and conduits for groundwater. Characterization of fracture hydraulic conductivity (K) in such aquifers is important for predicting flow rate and calibrating models. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) well logging is a method to quickly obtain near-borehole hydraulic conductivity (i.e., KNMR) at high-vertical resolution. On the other hand, FLUTe flexible liner technology can produce a K profile at comparable resolution but requires a fluid driving force between borehole and formation. For three boreholes completed in a fractured granite, we jointly interpreted logging NMR data and FLUTe K estimates to calibrate an empirical equation for translating borehole NMR data to K estimates. For over 90% of the depth intervals investigated from these boreholes, the estimated KNMR are within one order of magnitude of KFLUTe. The empirical parameters obtained from calibrating the NMR data suggest that “intermediate diffusion” and/or “slow diffusion” during the NMR relaxation time may occur in the flowing fractures when hydraulic aperture are sufficiently large. For each borehole, “intermediate diffusion” dominates the relaxation time, therefore assuming “fast diffusion” in the interpretation of NMR data from fractured rock may lead to inaccurate KNMR estimates. We also compare calibrations using inexpensive slug tests that suggest reliable KNMR estimates for fractured rock may be achieved using limited calibration against borehole hydraulic measurements.  相似文献   

Cores from two of 13 U.S. Geological Survey research holes at Yellowstone National Park (Y-5 and Y-8) were evaluated to characterize lithology, texture, alteration, and the degree and nature of fracturing and veining. Porosity and matrix permeability measurements and petrographic examination of the cores were used to evaluate the effects of lithology and hydrothermal alteration on porosity and permeability. The intervals studied in these two core holes span the conductive zone and the upper portion of the convective geothermal reservoir. Variations in porosity and matrix permeability observed in the Y-5 and Y-8 cores are primarily controlled by lithology. Y-8 intersects three distinct lithologies: volcaniclastic sandstone, perlitic rhyolitic lava, and non-welded pumiceous ash-flow tuff. The sandstone typically has high permeability and porosity, and the tuff has very high porosity and moderate permeability, while the perlitic lava has very low porosity and is essentially impermeable. Hydrothermal self-sealing appears to have generated localized permeability barriers within the reservoir. Changes in pressure and temperature in Y-8 correspond to a zone of silicification in the volcaniclastic sandstone just above the contact with the perlitic rhyolite; this silicification has significantly reduced porosity and permeability. In rocks with inherently low matrix permeability (such as densely welded ash-flow tuff), fluid flow is controlled by the fracture network. The Y-5 core hole penetrates a thick intracaldera section of the 0.6-Ma Lava Creek ash-flow tuff. In this core, the degree of welding appears to be responsible for most of the variations in porosity, matrix permeability, and the frequency of fractures and veins. Fractures are most abundant within the more densely welded sections of the tuff. However, the most prominent zones of fracturing and mineralization are associated with hydrothermal breccias within densely welded portions of the tuff. These breccia zones represent transient conduits of high fluid flow that formed by the explosive release of overpressure in the underlying geothermal reservoir and that were subsequently sealed by supersaturated geothermal fluids. In addition to this fracture sealing, hydrothermal alteration at Yellowstone appears generally to reduce matrix permeability and focus flow along fractures, where multiple pulses of fluid flow and self-sealing have occurred.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONVariation of9旧vlty held with time Is allnk between astronomymy,geodesyand$odynanucs.Withits deep-going study on geodynanucs,especially on modem crustal motion,plate movemenl andprediction of ealthquake,more and more attentions have been paid to the study of gravity time-vanatlon,as It bring many Information about Inner physics and mechanics of the earth.The north-south China seismic belt。d the eastern Qinghal-Xlzang。one dthe area with themost strong crustal。tlon,wi…  相似文献   

南北地震带和青藏块体东部重力场演化与地震特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过研究南北地震带及青藏块体东部地区多年来的重力场动态演化特征及其与强震活动的关系,发现区域重力场变化即具有时空分布的不均匀性和重力变化分区现象,同时又具有与活动断裂构造密切相关并与地震孕育发展有着内在联系的特征,重力场变化可能与区域应力-应变场微动态活动有关,地壳运行过程中存在着区域应变能积累和解释调整阶段,并存在应力传递过程。  相似文献   

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