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Enstatite chondrites and aubrites are meteorites that show the closest similarities to the Earth in many isotope systems that undergo mass‐independent and mass‐dependent isotopic fractionations. Due to the analytical challenges to obtain high‐precision K isotopic compositions in the past, potential differences in K isotopic compositions between enstatite meteorites and the Earth remained uncertain. We report the first high‐precision K isotopic compositions of eight enstatite chondrites and four aubrites and find that there is a significant variation of K isotopic compositions among enstatite meteorites (from ?2.34‰ to ?0.18‰). However, K isotopic compositions of nearly all enstatite meteorites scatter around the bulk silicate earth (BSE) value. The average K isotopic composition of the eight enstatite chondrites (?0.47 ± 0.57‰) is indistinguishable from the BSE value (?0.48 ± 0.03‰), thus further corroborating the isotopic similarity between Earth's building blocks and enstatite meteorite precursors. We found no correlation of K isotopic compositions with the chemical groups, petrological types, shock degrees, and terrestrial weathering conditions; however, the variation of K isotopes among enstatite meteorite can be attributed to the parent‐body processing. Our sample of the main‐group aubrite MIL 13004 is exceptional and has an extremely light K isotopic composition (δ41K = ?2.34 ± 0.12‰). We attribute this unique K isotopic feature to the presence of abundant djerfisherite inclusions in our sample because this K‐bearing sulfide mineral is predicted to be enriched in 39K during equilibrium exchange with silicates.  相似文献   

Abstract— The N-isotopic composition of acid-resistant residues of three low petrologic type ordinary chondrites (Adrar 003, LL3.2; Inman, L3.4; Tieschitz, H3.6) and an enstatite chondrite (Indarch, EH4) have been measured by static mass spectrometry. All of these samples have been shown by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to contain silicon nitride (Si3N4), and no other nitrides were detected in any of the residues (Lee et al., 1995). Stepped combustion has demonstrated the presence of at least two components with low C/N ratios, which have been interpreted as Si3N4. The most abundant component, common to all the meteorites studied, released during combustion at temperatures >1150 °C, may have formed during metamorphism of the meteorite's parent body. In addition, the ordinary chondrites Tieschitz and Inman show evidence for a second component of Si3N4 that is less stable to combustion than the first and is enriched in 15N. The unusual N-isotope signature suggests that this second type of Si3N4 may constitute a new type of interstellar grain. A comparison of the isotope and microscope data suggests that the >1150 °C component can be related to nierite (α-Si3N4) and the less stable component to β-Si3N4.  相似文献   

High‐precision Zn isotopic compositions measured by MC‐ICP‐MS are documented for 32 iron meteorites from various fractionally crystallized and silicate‐bearing groups. The δ66Zn values range from ?0.59‰ up to +5.61‰ with most samples being slightly enriched in the heavier isotopes compared with carbonaceous chondrites (0 < δ66Zn < 0.5). The δ66Zn versus δ68Zn plot of all samples defines a common linear fractionation line, which supports the hypothesis that Zn was derived from a single reservoir or from multiple reservoirs linked by mass‐dependent fractionation processes. Our data for Redfields fall on a mass fractionation line and therefore refute a previous claim of it having an anomalous isotopic composition due to nonmixing of nucleosynthetic products. The negative correlation between δ66Zn and the Zn concentration of IAB and IIE is consistent with mass‐dependent isotopic fractionation due to evaporation with preferential loss of lighter isotopes in the vapor phase. Data for the Zn concentrations and isotopic compositions of two IVA samples demonstrate that volatile depletion in the IVA parent body is not likely the result of evaporation. This is important evidence that favors the incomplete condensation origin for the volatile depletion of the IVA parent body.  相似文献   

Abstract— Metal nodules are one of the major textural components of Kaidun sample #01.3.06 EH3-4. In terms of structure, the nodules are of three types: (1) globular, (2) zoned with a massive core and globular mantle, and (3) nodules with no internal structure. The size and composition of the globules in the nodules and grains of metal of the matrix are almost identical: no greater than 20 μm and Ni, 5.95; Si, 3.33 wt%. The nodules contain small (usually <5 μm) inclusions of SiO2; albitic glass; enstatite; roedderite; and a mixture of SiO2 and Na2S2. This is the first reported occurrence of a simple sulfide of an alkaline metal in nature. The formation of the inclusions appears to be related to condensation of material onto the surfaces of metal grains. The nodules appear to have formed by aggregation of separate grains (globules) of metal, with conservation of condensates on the grain surfaces as inclusions. The inclusions probably condensed over a significant temperature range from 1400 to 600 K. The aggregation of metal grains and formation of the nodules probably occurred simultaneously with condensation.  相似文献   

We identified 66 chromite grains from 42 of ~5000 micrometeorites collected from Indian Ocean deep‐sea sediments and the South Pole water well. To determine the chromite grains precursors and their contribution to the micrometeorite flux, we combined quantitative electron microprobe analyses and oxygen isotopic analyses by high‐resolution secondary ion mass spectrometry. Micrometeorite chromite grains show variable O isotopic compositions with δ18O values ranging from ?0.8 to 6.0‰, δ17O values from 0.3 to 3.6‰, and Δ17O values from ?0.9 to 1.6‰, most of them being similar to those of chromites from ordinary chondrites. The oxygen isotopic compositions of olivine, considered as a proxy of chromite in chromite‐bearing micrometeorites where chromite is too small to be measured in ion microprobe have Δ17O values suggesting a principal relationship to ordinary chondrites with some having carbonaceous chondrite precursors. Furthermore, the chemical compositions of chromites in micrometeorites are close to those reported for ordinary chondrite chromites, but some contribution from carbonaceous chondrites cannot be ruled out. Consequently, carbonaceous chondrites cannot be a major contributor of chromite‐bearing micrometeorites. Based on their oxygen isotopic and elemental compositions, we thus conclude with no ambiguity that chromite‐bearing micrometeorites are largely related to fragments of ordinary chondrites with a small fraction from carbonaceous chondrites, unlike other micrometeorites deriving largely from carbonaceous chondrites.  相似文献   

If we assume that the cometary nuclei originated by the gravitational instability of a dust layer, which formed in the equatorial plane of the outer parts of the presolar nebula (PSN) during a period of approximate equilibrium between gravity, centrifugal force, and the pressure gradient, a simple relation is derived between the PSN's temperature and the upper limit to the mass of the planetesimals. It contains, besides the density of the cometary nuclei p , only the fraction (by mass) of the condensable elements in the PSN, which became part of the dust particle disc, which, on the basis of available observational evidence on the solid particles in interplanetary and interstellar space and of theoretical considerations on the relationship between them and on the sedimentation process, is found to be of the order of ~10%; this estimate will require still further justification. Assuming a temperature in the range 15–20 K, an equatorial diameter of the PSN of 0.1 pc and p few 0.1 g/cm3, upper limits for the planetesimal's mass of 1018g and for their radius of 10 km are obtained (on the basis of conservation of circulation, of mass and of angular momentum in the differentially rotating disc), in fair agreement with observation. With the dispersion of those parts of the PSN — of an assumed original mass of 2–3M —, which did not become part of the Sun or the planets, by the young Sun's activity, the planetesimals must have lost a large part of their gravitational binding energy and their orbits must have become so large (semimajor axis several 104 A.U. or more, if not negative), that stellar perturbations produced the distribution in configurational and in velocity space now observed.Paper dedicated to Professor Hannes Alfvén on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 30 May, 1978.The earlier work done since about 1950 in the U.S.S.R. is described in Safronov (1972).  相似文献   

B.J. Levin  A.N. Simonenko 《Icarus》1981,47(3):487-491
As the rate of replenishment of short-lived Apollo-Amor asteroids from the main belt seems to be insufficient to compensate for their losses, the idea was put forward that most of them are inactive cometary nuclei. However, the observational and theoretical evidence is inconclusive about whether it is possible to transform cometary nuclei into asteroid-like objects. There is good evidence that Apollo-Amor asteroids represent the last parent bodies of most, or even all, classes of meteorites. But meteorites cannot be formed within cometary nuclei having a constitution like Whipple's classical model, and alternative models seem to be unsatisfactory. Therefore, it is concluded that the cometary origin of most Apollo-Amor asteroids is implausible and they are genuine asteroids coming from the main belt. The process of their losses and replenishment must be studied further.  相似文献   

We studied a thin section of Lewis Cliff (LEW) 87223, an unusual EL3-related, enstatite chondrite (EC) that has primary and secondary features not observed in other ECs. We studied its metal-rich nodules, possible shock features, and chondrules, eight of which are Al-rich chondrules (ARCs). LEW 87223 has petrologic and compositional features similar to EL3s. Enstatite is the dominant mineral; chondrule boundaries are well defined; Si content of metal (0.5–0.6 wt%) is consistent with typical EL3; it has Cr-bearing troilite, oldhamite, and alabandite; and its O-isotopic composition is similar to other ECs. However, metal abundance in LEW 87223 (~13 vol%) is slightly higher than in other EL3s and its metal nodules are texturally and mineralogically different from other ECs. Both high and low Ni metals are present, and its alabandite has higher Fe (27.8 wt% Fe) than in other EL3s. Silicates appear darkened in plane polarized light, largely due to reduction of Fe from silicate. A remarkable feature of LEW 87223 is the high abundance of ARCs, which contain Ca-rich plagioclase and varying amounts of Na-rich plagioclase along chondrule edges and as veins. This suggests Na metasomatism and the possibility of hydrothermal fluids, potentially related to an impact event. LEW 87223 expands the range of known EC material. It shows that ECs are more diverse and record a wider range of parent body processes than previously known. LEW 87223 is an anomalous EL3, potentially the first member of a new EC group should similar samples be discovered.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the mineralogy and oxygen isotopic compositions of FeO‐rich silicates in the Sahara 97159 EH3 chondrite. This component is referred to as FeO‐rich because it contains substantially more FeO than the characteristic FeO‐poor silicates in the highly reduced enstatite meteorites. These FeO‐rich silicates are mostly low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs5–35) and their compositions suggest an origin under more oxidizing conditions, like those for the ordinary chondrites. However, the mafic silicates in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites are dominantly olivine, and the FeO‐rich silicates in the E chondrites are less commonly olivine. The oxygen isotopic compositions of the FeO‐rich silicates are indistinguishable from those of FeO‐poor silicates in Sahara 97159. These observations suggest that both the FeO‐rich silicates and the FeO‐poor silicates in EH chondrites formed from the same oxygen reservoir where redox conditions varied widely.  相似文献   

Abstract– High‐precision isotope imaging analyses of reversely zoned melilite crystals in the gehlenitic mantle of Type A CAI ON01 of the Allende carbonaceous chondrite reveal that there are four types of oxygen isotopic distributions within melilite single crystals: (1) uniform depletion of 16O (δ18O ≈ ?10‰), (2) uniform enrichment of 16O (δ18O ≈ ?40‰), (3) variations in isotopic composition from 16O‐poor core to 16O‐rich rim (δ18O ≈ ?10‰ to ?30‰, ?20‰ to ?45‰, and ?10‰ to ?35‰) with decreasing åkermanite content, and (4) 16O‐poor composition (δ18O ≥ ?10‰) along the crystal rim. Hibonite, spinel, and perovskite grains are 16O‐rich (δ18O ≈ ?45‰), and adjoin 16O‐poor melilites. Gas‐solid or gas‐melt isotope exchange in the nebula is inconsistent with both the distinct oxygen isotopic compositions among the minerals and the reverse zoning of melilite. Fluid‐rock interaction on the parent body resulted in 16O‐poor compositions of limited areas near holes, cracks, or secondary phases, such as anorthite or grossular. We conclude that reversely zoned melilites mostly preserve the primary oxygen isotopic composition of either 16O‐enriched or 16O‐depleted gas from which they were condensed. The correlation between oxygen isotopic composition and åkermanite content may indicate that oxygen isotopes of the solar nebula gas changed from 16O‐poor to 16O‐rich during melilite crystal growth. We suggest that the radial excursions of the inner edge of the protoplanetary disk gas simultaneously resulted in both the reverse zoning and oxygen isotopic variation of melilite, due to mixing of 16O‐poor disk gas and 16O‐rich coronal gas. Gas condensates aggregated to form the gehlenite mantle of the Type A CAI ON01.  相似文献   

Abstract— Nitrogen abundances and isotopic compositions of four CK chondrites (ALH85002, EET92002, Yamato6903 and Karoonda) were measured by a stepped-combustion method. Neon and Ar were also measured for the same samples. Two types of isotopically light N were observed. One of them is labile N released at low temperatures (~300 °C). This N is observed only in ALH85002. The other N is extracted at high temperatures (900?1200 °C) from all CK chondrites; although, the isotopic compositions are somewhat variable. There is a fair correlation between the excess 15N values and the abundance of trapped 36Ar for the high-temperature component, suggesting presolar origin of these species. The light N (δ15N = ?106.8‰) observed in Karoonda is one of the lightest N components ever reported for bulk chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have analyzed the potassium isotopic composition of four tektites from the Australasian strewn field, spanning a wide diversity of thermal histories, inferred from textures and volatile element contents. Our results indicate no isotopic differences between tektites and terrestrial crustal rocks, placing stringent limits of ≤2% loss of potassium during the brief duration of high temperature heating experienced by these samples. This confirms that the chemical composition of tektites is entirely a reflection of source rock composition and has not been modified by the tektiteforming process for elements less volatile than potassium. Losses of more volatile components, e.g., the halogens and water, are not precluded by the present data. Coupling a radiative cooling temperature‐time path with potassium vapor pressure data indicates that tektite melt drops are not likely to develop bulk elemental fractionation during the brief heating episodes of tektites for peak temperatures <2273 K. The extent of K isotopic fractionation is independent of droplet size but dependent on peak heating temperature. The exact peak temperature depends on the choice of vapor pressure data used for K, which need to be better constrained.  相似文献   

The structures of the meteor streams of cometary origin—Draconids, Ursids, Perseids, and Lyrids—and the streams presumably connected with asteroids—Taurids and α-Capricornids—are compared. The comparative analysis was performed by the mass distribution of meteoroids in the stream and the activity profile for the meteors with the maximum recorded stellar magnitude +3 m and brighter. Visual observations of 1987–2008 from the database of the International Meteor Organization (IMO) and earlier sources were considered. It has been shown that the structures of the meteor streams of cometary and, presumably, asteroidal origin differ somewhat by the activity profile and the mass distribution of meteoroids in the cross-section of a stream along the Earth’s orbit.  相似文献   

Nucleation is a non-equilibrium process: the products of this process are seldom the most thermodynamically stable condensates but are instead those which form fastest. It should therefore not be surprising that grains formed in a circumstellar outflow will undergo some degree of metamorphism if they are annealed or are exposed to a chemically active reagent. Metamorphism of refractory particles continues in the interstellar medium (ISM) where the driving forces are sputtering by cosmic ray particles, annealing by high energy photons and grain destruction in supernova generated shocks. Studies of the depletion of the elements from the gas phase of the interstellar medium tell us that if grain destruction occurs with high efficiency in the ISM, then there must be some mechanism by which grains can be formed in the ISM. Various workers have shown that refractory mantles could form on refractory cores by radiation processing of organic ices. A similar process may operate to produce refractory inorganic mantles on grain cores which survived the supernova shocks. Most grains in a cloud which collapses to form a star will be destroyed; many of the surviving grains will be severely processed. Grains in the outermost regions of the nebula may survive relatively unchanged by thermal processing or hydration. It is these grains which we hope to find in comets. However, only those grains encased in ice at low temperature can be considered pristine since a considerable degree of hydrous alteration might occur in a cometary regolith if the comet enters the inner solar system. Some discussion of the physical, chemical and isotopic properties of a refractory grain at each stage of its life cycle will be attempted based on the limited laboratory data available to date. Suggestions will be made concerning types of experimental data which are needed in order to better understand the processing history of cosmic dust.  相似文献   

Abstract– High‐precision Cu isotopic compositions have been measured for the metal phase of 29 iron meteorites from various groups and for four terrestrial standards. The data are reported as the δ65Cu permil deviation of the 65Cu/63Cu ratio relative to the NIST SRM 976 standard. Terrestrial mantle rocks have a very narrow range of variations and scatter around zero. In contrast, iron meteorites show δ65Cu approximately 2.3‰ variations. Different groups of iron meteorites have distinct δ65Cu values. Nonmagmatic IAB‐IIICD iron meteorites have similar δ65Cu (0.03 ± 0.08 and 0.12 ± 0.10, respectively), close to terrestrial values (approximately 0). The other group of nonmagmatic irons, IIE, is isotopically distinct (?0.69 ± 0.15). IVB is the iron meteorite group with the strongest elemental depletion in Cu and samples in this group are enriched in the lighter isotope (δ65Cu down to ?2.26‰). Evaporation should have produced an enrichment in 65Cu over 63Cu (δ65Cu >0) and can therefore be ruled out as a mechanism for volatile loss in IVB meteorites. In silicate‐bearing iron meteorites, Δ17O correlates with δ65Cu. This correlation between nonmass‐dependent and mass‐dependent parameters suggests that the Cu isotopic composition of iron meteorites has not been modified by planetary differentiation to a large extent. Therefore, Cu isotopic ratios can be used to confirm genetic links. Cu isotopes thus confirm genetic relationships between groups of iron meteorites (e.g., IAB and IIICD; IIIE and IIIAB); and between iron meteorites and chondrites (e.g., IIE and H chondrites). Several genetic connections between iron meteorites groups are confirmed by Cu isotopes, (e.g., IAB and IIICD; IIIE and IIIAB); and between iron meteorites and chondrites (e.g., IIE and H chondrites).  相似文献   

High resolution spectra of six photospheric Eu ii lines have been studied using the method of spectrum synthesizing. The isotope ratio is found to be Eu153/Eu151 = (48 ± 6)/(52 6) and the solar abundance of europium equals log Eu = 0.7 ± 0.2 in the log H = 12.00 scale.  相似文献   

Abstract— We review the results of our recent experimental studies of astrophysical dust analogs. We discuss the condensation of amorphous silicates from mixed metal vapors, including evidence that such condensates form with metastable eutectic compositions. We consider the spectral evolution of amorphous magnesium silicate condensates as a function of time and temperature. Magnesium silicate smokes anneal readily at temperatures of about 1000–1100 K. In contrast we find that iron silicates require much higher temperatures (?1300 K) to bring about similar changes on the same timescale (days to months). We first apply these results to infrared space observatory observations of crystalline magnesium silicate grains around high‐mass‐outflow asymptotic giant branch stars in order to demonstrate their general utility in a rather simple environment. Finally, we apply these experimental results to infrared observations of comets and protostars in order to derive some interesting conclusions regarding large‐scale nebular dynamics, the natural production of organic molecules in protostellar nebulae, and the use of crystalline magnesium silicates as a relative indicator of a comet's formation age.  相似文献   

Numerical integrations are used to show that the main contribution to the outburst observed in the June Bootid meteor shower in 1998 was a subset of meteoroids released from the parent comet, 7P/Pons–Winnecke, at its 1825 return. A substantial part of the June Bootid stream is in 2:1 resonance with Jupiter. This inhibits chaotic motion, allowing structures in the stream to remain compact enough over centuries that meteor outbursts can still be produced. Circumstances of ejection in 1825 are calculated that exactly result in orbits capable of producing meteors at the observed time in 1998. Required ejection velocities are  10–20 m s-1  .  相似文献   

Abstract— It appears that the mineralogy and chemical properties of type 3 enstatite chondrites could have been established by fractionation processes (removal of a refractory component, and depletion of water) in the solar nebula, and by equilibration with nebular gas at low‐to‐intermediate temperatures (approximately 700–950 K). We describe a model for the origin of type 3 enstatite chondrites that for the first time can simultaneously account for the mineral abundances, bulk‐chemistry, and phase compositions of these chondrites by the operation of plausible processes in the solar nebula. This model, which assumes a representative nebular gas pressure of 10?5 bar, entails three steps: (1) initial removal of 56% of the equilibrium condensed phases in a system of solar composition at 1270 K; (2) an average loss of 80–85% water vapor in the remaining gas; and (3) two different closure temperatures for the condensed phases. The first step involves a “refractory element fractionation” and is needed to account for the overall major element composition of enstatite chondrites, assuming an initial system with a solar composition. The second step, water‐vapor depletion, is needed to stabilize Si‐bearing metal, oldhamite, and niningerite, which are characteristic minerals of the enstatite chondrites. Variations in closure temperatures are suggested by the way in which the bulk chemistry and mineral assemblages of predicted condensates change with temperature, and how these parameters correlate with the observations of enstatite chondrites. In general, most phases in type 3 enstatite chondrites appear to have ceased equilibrating with nebular gas at approximately 900–950 K, except for Fe‐metal, which continued to partially react with nebular gas to temperatures as low as ~700 K.  相似文献   

In situ probing of a very few cometary comae has shown that dust particles present a low albedo and a low density, and that they consist of both rocky material and refractory organics. Remote observations of solar light scattered by cometary dust provide information on the properties of dust particles in the coma of a larger set of comets. The observations of the linear polarization in the coma indicate that the dust particles are irregular, with a size greater (on the average) than about 1 μm. Besides, they suggest, through numerical and experimental simulations, that both compact grains and fluffy aggregates (with a power law of the size distribution in the −2.6 to −3 range), and both rather transparent silicates and absorbing organics are present in the coma. Recent analysis of the cometary dust samples collected by the Stardust mission provide a unique ground truth and confirm, for comet 81P/Wild 2, the results from remote sensing observations. Future space missions to comets should, in the next decade, lead to a more precise characterization of the structure and composition of cometary dust particles.  相似文献   

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