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高灵敏度VLBI和FAST计划   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
概述了VLBI天体物理的近期发展,主要成就及其受到的灵敏度制约,简要地回顾的目前还处在不太成熟阶段的低频VLBI的探索及近十余牛对提高VLBI灵敏度的硬件和软件两方面的尝试,并在此基础上,着重讲座了我国坟划中的FAST射电望远镜对提高VLBI灵敏度的可能贡献,展望了因为FAST的参与而获得的中低频高灵敏度VLBI的天体物理课及其意义。  相似文献   

The solar transition region(TR) is the temperature regime from roughly 0.02 MK to 0.8 MK in the solar atmosphere. It is the transition layer from the collisional and partially ionized chromosphere to the collisionless and fully ionized corona. The TR plays an important role in the mass and energy transport in both the quiet solar atmosphere and solar eruptions. Most of the TR emission lines fall into the spectral range of far ultraviolet and extreme ultraviolet(~400-1600). Imaging and spectroscopic observations in this spectral range are the most important ways to obtain information about the physics of the TR. Static solar atmosphere models predict a very thin TR. However, recent highresolution observations indicate that the TR is highly dynamic and inhomogeneous. I will summarize some major findings about the TR made through imaging and spectroscopic observations in the past20 years. These existing observations have demonstrated that the TR may be the key to understanding coronal heating and origin of the solar wind. Future exploration of the solar TR may need to focus on the upper TR, since the plasma in this temperature regime(0.1 MK-0.8 MK) has not been routinely imaged before. High-resolution imaging and spectroscopic observations of the upper TR will not only allow us to track the mass and energy from the lower atmosphere to the corona, but also help us to understand the initiation and heating mechanisms of coronal mass ejections and solar flares.  相似文献   

李唐 《天文学报》2023,64(1):5-43
在大科学时代,大科学工程的建设日益复杂,设计者需综合考虑设备性能、技术储备、经费、风险、环境等因素才能进行合理决策.在国内外天文学发展的背景中,梳理了500 m口径球面射电望远镜(Five-hundredmeter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope, FAST)概念形成的过程以及FAST团队在其中所做的决策,包括大望远镜中国方案的设想、先导单元的提出、主动反射面技术的采用等,并对决策过程进行了分析探讨. FAST诞生于我国与国际天文学发展的互动与融合进程,实现了从跟进到占据先机的转变,可为在相关基础薄弱的领域建设大科学工程提供参考.  相似文献   

In the era of big science, the construction of large science projects is becoming more complex. Designers have to comprehensively consider factors such as instrument performance, technical reserves, funding, risks, and the environment to make a reasonable decision. On the basis of domestic and international astronomy, this paper sorts out the process of the formation of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) concept and the decisions made by the FAST team, including the Chinese concept of the large telescope, the proposal of the prototype, and the adoption of the active reflector, etc. We also discuss the process of decision-making. FAST was born in the process of interaction and integration between Chinese and international astronomy development, and realized the transformation from following up to taking the lead. It can provide a reference for constructing future large science projects with limited foundations in terms of technology and funding.  相似文献   

Neptune and Pluto were discovered because of predictions derived from the differences between the observations and ephemerides of Uranus, but Pluto wasn't the predicted planet and the discrepancies still exist. This continuing existence of systematic differences between the observations and ephemerides of Uranus and Neptune has led to predictions of a Planet X. The demise of the dinosaurs and the existence of comets have been cited as additional evidence for another celestial object.Therefore, possible bodies have been hypothesized in the outer part of the solar system, or out beyond the solar system, including a binary companion, Nemesis. The theory of relativity and the incompleteness of the law of gravity have also been suggested as explanations for the outer planet discrepancies. Predictions of the possible locations of planet X have been made, with rather large uncertainties, and selected searches of some regions have yielded nothing. IRAS and Pioneer observations exist as additional sources of useful observational data.  相似文献   

An overview and status report of the VLBI Space Observatory Programme is presented.  相似文献   

Measurement of variations in the radial velocities of stars due to the reflex orbital motion of the star around the planetary-system barycenter constitutes a powerful method of searching for substellar or planetary mass companions. After several years of patient data acquisition, radial-velocity searches for planetary systems around other stars are now beginning to bear fruit. In late 1995 and early 1996, three candidate systems were announced with Jovian-mass planets around solar-type stars. The current paradigm for low-mass star formation suggests that planetary systems should be able to form in the circumstellar disks surrounding young stellar objects. These newly discovered systems, and other discoveries which will soon follow them, will test critically our understanding of the processes of star- and planet-formation. We review the techniques used in these radial-velocity searches and their results to date. We then discuss planned improvements in the surveys, and the prospects for the next 20 years.  相似文献   

At the heart of future space-based astronomical UV instruments will be a sensitive UV detector. Though there has been a death of new UV mission opportunities, detector development has continued. Improvements have been made in spatial resolution, dynamic range, detector size, quantum efficiency and background. At the same time the power and mass required to achieve these goals have decreased. We review the current capabilities of microchannel plate based detectors at Berkeley, both in the laboratory and aboard current on-orbit spacecraft. We also discuss what can be expected from the next generation of UV detectors over the next decade.  相似文献   

《New Astronomy Reviews》1999,43(8-10):563-567
The masers in three stars, S Per, OH53.6-0.2 and VXSgr, were observed in the main lines of OH at λ18 cm in March 1997 with a VLBI array consisting of 6 EVN antennas and 3 in the USA. Both S Per and VX Sgr were detected on transatlantic baselines, showing that at least some of the maser spots are very compact with sizes less than around 2 mas. The observations confirm that in S Per there is main line OH emission close to star at a similar distance (≈ 100 AU) as the H2O shell. The most blue-shifted emission comes from the centre of the object suggesting radial amplification of the maser radiation, whilst most of the remainder comes from a thick shell, some 100 AU from the star. This contrasts with the 1612 MHz OH emission that comes from an outer shell some 1000 AU from the star. Estimates of the magnetic fields in the shell from Zeeman pairs in S Per show fields of a few hundred nT.  相似文献   

Space VLBI is a new observing technique which will be available in the second half of this decade by radio telescopes as interferometer elements in orbit. Besides the main astronomical interests, this new development has some very interesting potential applications in satellite dynamics, geodesy and geodynamical research which qualify space VLBI a potential new technique in space geodesy. A geodesy demostration experiment (GEDEX) is being proposed for the Japanese space VLBI satellite-VSOP, with the main objectives of reference frame interconnections and orbit accuracy improvement of the space radio telescope. The paper gives a review of the special characteristics of space VLBI and a general background of the GEDEX proposal.  相似文献   

空间VLBI研究的现状和未来   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
万同山 《天文学进展》1999,17(2):136-147
空间VLBI卫星VSOP/HALCA是日本宇航科学研究所(ISAS)的飞行任务,已经在1997年2月升空。它拥有8m直径的射电望远镜,远地点达22000km。和地面的射电望远镜联合观测(干涉观测),其最高分辨率比地面VLBI提高了3倍。该项空间VLBI观测由NSAS的地面跟踪站支持。第一批VLBI图像已经在因特网上发表。RadioAstron项目由俄罗斯科学院列别捷夫物理研究所天文空间中心(ASC  相似文献   

Using an updated version of the QUASAR software package developed at the Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, we have processed the VLBI observations within the international CONT14 program (May 6–20, 2014), in which a global network of 17 stations was involved (a total of ~250 000 observations). The package update concerned the optimization of data structure and the refinement of stochastic models for the random variations in wet tropospheric delay and atomic clock difference. The main goal of this paper is to compare the VLBI determinations of the tropospheric delay with its independent determinations using global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). We show that both these determinations agree well between themselves only in the case of a global analysis of the VLBI observations, where the VLBI station coordinates are also refined, along with the tropospheric delay and the clock synchronization and Earth orientation parameters. If, alternatively, the station coordinates are insufficiently accurate and are not refined from VLBI observations, then it is appropriate not to determine the tropospheric delay from these observations, but to take it from the publicly accessible independent GNSS data. However, this requires that the VLBI and GNSS techniques operate simultaneously at a common observing site. We have established the shortcomings of the universally accepted method of stabilizing the global solution associated with the absence of a criterion for choosing reference stations and radio sources. Two ways of their elimination are proposed: (i) introducing a coordinated list of weight factors for the errors in the coordinates of such stations and sources into the stabilization algorithm and (ii) adopting a coordinated list of stations and sources the refinement of whose coordinates is not required at all for a certain time.  相似文献   

空间VLBI与天文地球动力学   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胡小工 《天文学进展》1998,16(3):177-186
介绍了空间VLBI的精密定轨及其在天文地球动力学应用研究中的最新进展.指出因为空间VLBI的时延和时延率观测量同时涉及到射电参考系、动力学参考系和地固参考系,所以特别适合于参考系的直接连接工作.对为评价参考系连接的精度而发展的协方差分析理论也作了介绍,还分析了将时延和时延率资料用于精密定轨时遇到的困难及其解决办法.  相似文献   

This review provides a historical overview of how research in kinematic solar dynamo modeling evolved during the last few decades and assesses the present state of research. The early pioneering papers assumed the dynamo to operate in the convection zone. It was suggested in the 1980s that the dynamo operates in a thin layer at the bottom of the convection zone. Some researchers in recent years are arguing that the poloidal field is produced near the surface—an idea that goes back to Babcock (1961) and Leighton (1969).  相似文献   

As described by Colin Lonsdale in this Workshop, VLBI observations reveal thepresence of both AGN and Starburst activity in Luminous Infrared Galaxies.We highlight new results on two classical LIGs which span the range of LIGradio activity: Arp 220, which reveals luminous radio supernovae (RSN)produced in an intense starburst, and Mrk231, which has a powerful compact,AGN radio core. Second epoch observations of the compact radio sources inArp 220 confirm their nature as luminous Radio Supernovae, but indicate alower luminous RSN frequency (LRSN 0.3 yr-1) andconsequent slower decay rate than previously suggested. We interpret thisas due to the dense starburst medium into which the supernovaedetonate. The compact radio morphology of Mrk231 places it among theCompact Symmetric Objects (CSOs) which are suggested to be young radio sources in which asymmetric lobes or hotspots reveal theworking surface of a relativistic jet upon the ambient medium. Assumingthat the lobes in Mrk 231 are confined by ram pressure, we estimate an agefor the jet/compact source, 106yr. We interpret Mrk 231as a newly formed QSO emerging from a starburst.  相似文献   

甚长干涉测量技术(Very Long Baseline Interferometry,VLBI)起源于20世纪60年代,它的发展已经对大地测量、地球动力学和天体测量产生了深远的影响。同样,VLBI终端系统作为VLBI系统的重要组成部分,在近40年里也在不断地更新和快速发展,从一开始的Mark 1系统发展到现在的Mark 5系统,从一开始的磁带记录到现在的硬盘记录甚至通过因特网就能实现数据的实时传输,可以说发生了翻天覆地的变化。如今Mark 6系统也已经开发出来,相信不久的将来,该系统会广泛应用于天文领域。主要描述了VLBI终端系统的发展历程和未来展望。  相似文献   

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