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ASO-S卫星HXI量能器探测单元的标定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
先进天基太阳天文台卫星(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)是中国科学院第2批空间科学先导专项之一,其主要目标是同时观测太阳磁场、耀斑和日冕物质抛射,并对3者之间的相互关系和内在联系进行研究.硬X射线成像仪(HXI)是ASOS卫星的3大载荷之一,它通过对太阳活动发射的硬X射线进行傅里叶调制成像,实现高空间分辨率和高时间分辨率的太阳能谱成像观测.量能器单机是HXI的关键单机之一,其主要任务是精准测量通过每对光栅后太阳硬X射线的能量和通量.主要介绍了量能器单机的工作原理及其关键指标要求、标定设备及标定方案,最后给出了标定结果,从而验证了量能器单机方案设计的合理性.  相似文献   

ASO-S中文专辑: 序言   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
先进天基太阳天文台(ASO-S)是我国第一个获得批准立项的太阳空间探测卫星任务.本专辑共包含了14篇文章,着重介绍了卫星平台和有效载荷在研制过程中的一些重要的方面和具体的细节.本中文专辑的14篇文章和ASO-S卫星英文专辑的13篇文章,构成了ASO-S卫星从科学到仪器乃至分析方法较为完整的系统性介绍.  相似文献   

先进天基太阳天文台(ASO-S)是计划于2021年底或2022年上半年发射的中国首颗综合性太阳探测卫星,莱曼阿尔法太阳望远镜(LST)作为ASO-S的有效载荷之一,具体包括莱曼阿尔法全日面成像仪(SDI)、日冕仪(SCI)以及白光望远镜(WST) 3台科学仪器和2台导行镜(GT),其主要目标是在多个波段对太阳上的两类剧烈爆发现象(太阳耀斑和日冕物质抛射)进行连续不间断的高分辨率观测.为了实现这一观测目标, LST所有仪器的观测模式中均包含了一种针对爆发事件而设置的爆发模式.该模式下, SCI将以更高的频率进行图像采集, SDI和WST则以更高的频率对爆发所在区域进行图像采集.测试结果表明,观测图像经过中值滤波、像元合并处理后,可以通过监测图像各像元亮度的相对变化提取爆发事件的时间和位置信息.这些信息将为LST观测模式间的相互切换提供重要电子学输入.  相似文献   

喻福  苏杨  张哲  黄宇 《天文学报》2020,61(4):40
硬X射线成像是研究太阳耀斑等爆发现象的重要手段.由于采用调制成像而非直接成像的原因, X射线图像在日面上的位置需要借助太阳指向镜提供的仪器指向的日面坐标来确定.因此,指向信息对于耀斑定位实现多波段研究,理解太阳耀斑的物理过程具有重要的科学意义.在此对两种太阳指向镜指向信息的获取算法进行了测试.结合太阳指向镜的设计方案,首先利用SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory)/AIA (Atmospheric Imaging Assembly) 4500?的数据产生测试图像,其次对其进行二值化处理,分别提取日面轮廓和4个边角指定区域面积;最后分别利用最小二乘法和四象限法对太阳中心坐标进行反演.初步结果显示最小二乘法受随机噪声影响小,定位精度相对稳定约为0.25′′,并可提供四象限法解算的初值;后者的精度可以优于0.14′′,但受随机噪声影响较大.两种算法的精度都显著优于硬X射线成像仪(Hard X-ray Imager, HXI)太阳指向镜的设计要求,可为指向数据在将来科学分析中的实际应用提供参考.  相似文献   

伽马暴偏振探测仪(POLAR)是天宫2号实验室上搭载的一个γ射线偏振仪,于2016年9月15日搭载在天宫2号进入低轨运行,主要用于探测在50-500 keV能区的硬X射线辐射的线偏振.POLAR由25个模块组成,每个模块有64个塑料闪烁体棒,总计有1600个塑料闪烁体棒,具有较大的有效探测面积和视场.在轨运行期间探测到多个小耀斑,它们的硬X射线光子能量通常小于50 keV,无法直接使用在轨和地面的高能定标结果来进行能谱分析.结合拉马第太阳高能光谱成像探测器(RHESSI)对耀斑SOL2016112907能谱的观测和蒙特卡洛模拟,对耀斑期间被激活的闪烁体棒进行能量低于50 keV的低能相对定标.虽然定标得到的能量阈值(~10 keV)和转换因子相对稳定,但是和高能定标给出的结果相比有显著差异,并且不同闪烁体棒显示出的差异没有明显的规律性.  相似文献   

对于足点被日面边缘遮挡住的耀斑的观测研究是诊断日冕硬X射线辐射的一个重要方法.通过统计分析RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High-Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager)卫星观测到的71个此类耀斑硬X射线源发现,前人提出的两类源,即日冕X射线辐射中热辐射与非热辐射源区空间分离较小的源和分离较大的源,在能谱、成像、光变曲线以及GOES持续时间等方面都没有显著的区别,其中辐射区的面积、耀斑总热能以及GOES持续时间与分离距离之间有很好的相关性.这些结果支持近年来提出的一些耀斑统一模型.同时也表明Masuda耀斑只是一类非常特殊的事件,不具有日冕硬X射线辐射的一般特征.  相似文献   

太阳硬X射线成像望远镜模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
滕藤  伍健  常进 《天文学报》2011,52(4):339-351
调制准直器型太阳硬X射线成像望远镜是目前较为通用的太阳观测设备.空间调制望远镜是基于中心轴不旋转的望远镜,适用于3轴稳定的卫星.针对我国可能的太阳观测计划,给出并比较了两组空间调制望远镜的配置方案,然后利用GEANT4高能物理通用软件模拟实际光子的计数情况,使用MATLAB实现图像重建.比较模拟光子计数得到的重建图与几...  相似文献   

张南  唐和森  常进 《天文学报》2001,42(4):351-356
1 科学使命和仪器概况2 0 0 1年 1月 1 0日 ,由中国科学院紫金山天文台研制的超软X射线探测器和γ射线探测器随神舟二号飞船发射升空并于 1月 1 4日成功投入空间观测 .半年以来 ,两台仪器工作性能稳定 ,遥测参数正常 ,下传的科学数据质量良好 ,完全达到了设计要求 ,并已观测到若干宇宙X和γ射线爆发事例 ,取得了很有价值的科学数据 .空间天文分系统是载人航天工程空间科学与应用系统的重要组成部分 .它由宽能段、高时间分辨的 3台船载仪器组成 ,并能够相互联合、同步触发观测 .其中 ,超软X射线探测器的探测能段为 0 .2~ 2keV ,X射…  相似文献   

Neupert效应的定性描述是耀斑中脉冲分量(硬X射线、微波暴)与渐变分量(软X射线发射)之间存在的因果关系,即耀斑最初的能量是以加速粒子的形式释放,加速的电子在大气传输过程中产生非热硬X射线轫致辐射,并加热大气,耀斑软X射线发射是高能粒子注入大气的响应.根据经典Neupert效应的定量描述,硬X射线发射(表征非热电子注入)结束时软X射线应该立刻达到极大,但以往的观测发现一些耀斑软X射线峰值时间(t2)明显晚于硬X射线结束时间(t1)(τ=t2–t1,τ 0),热与非热辐射之间存在明显的偏离经典Neupert效应的情况.为了研究偏离经典Neupert效应的事件,在2002—2015年间的RHESSI (Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager)和GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites)耀斑列表中,按照在25–50 keV范围内光变较简单、软X射线有对应发射峰等判据,共选择276个耀斑样本,统计了这些耀斑的τ分布、环长d (用双足点源之间的距离来表征)与τ的关系.结果显示:(1)有227个耀斑τ 0,即有约82%的耀斑偏离经典Neupert效应;(2)τ与d之间存在一定的线性相关,即环越长,软X射线极大的时间越延后;(3)似乎存在一个临界距离,当环长小于临界距离时,经典Neupert效应成立.这些结果印证了修正Neupert效应的必要性,并对其物理意义进行了讨论.  相似文献   

全日面矢量磁像仪(Full-disk vector MagnetoGraph, FMG)是先进天基太阳天文台(Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory, ASO-S)的主载荷之一,摆镜作为FMG稳像系统的重要组成部分,其力学性能是决定载荷观测指标的重要一环,需要对其进行仿真.设计了一种侧面固定的柔性支撑镜体结构,通过调整垫片厚度,可以得到由弹性压片提供的不同大小支持力.为了确定合理的支持力范围,建立3种不同参数模型,使用有限元软件对摆镜模型进行了在轨无重力环境的静力学仿真以及摆镜摆动频率为100 Hz、摆幅为±0.1 mrad时的动力学仿真,并进一步分析了地面有重力试验环境对面形的影响.仿真结果表明所设计的摆镜机构模型均满足通光口径内静态和动态的面形波峰波谷差(PeakValley, PV)小于1/10波长,面形均方根误差(Root Mean Square, RMS)小于1/40波长的光学系统要求,地面有重力环境不会对面形产生显著影响.在仿真结果的基础上,对其中一种模型进行加工装配和实际测试,测试结果表明摆镜结构设计合理,仿真计算结果有效.  相似文献   

We describe the calibration, measurements and data reduction, ofthe dark current of the ISOCAM/LW detector. We point-out theexistence of two significant drifts of the LW dark-current, onethroughout the ISO mission, on a timescale of days, another within each single revolution, on a timescale of hours. We alsoshow the existence of a dependence of the dark current on thetemperature of the ISOCAM detector.By characterizing all these effects through polynomial fittings,we build a model for the LW calibration dark, that depends onthe epoch of observation (parametrized with the revolutionnumber and the time elapsed in that given revolution since theactivation) and on the temperature of the ISOCAM detector. Themodel parameters are tuned for each of ISOCAM/LW pixel.We show that the modelling is very effective in taking intoaccount the dark-current variations and allows a much cleanerdark subtraction than using a brute average of severalcalibration dark images.The residuals of the LW model-dark subtraction are, on average,similar to the pre-launch expectation.  相似文献   

We present simple analytic models which predict the peak X-ray emission measure and temperature attained in flares in which the chromospheric evaporation process takes place either in a single ‘monolithic’ loop or in a loop consisting of several filaments that are created successively as the energy release process proceeds in time. As possible mechanisms driving chromospheric evaporation we consider both classical heat conduction from the loop top and non-thermal electron beams. The model predictions are tested for a set of 18 well studied RHESSI microflares. The results suggest beam driven evaporation in filamented loops as being capable of accounting for the observed emission measures and temperatures though there are issues with the very high beam densities needed. On the other hand, estimates of the emission measures achieved by conductive evaporation which are derived by using the Rosner – Tucker – Vaiana (RTV) scaling law are much larger than the observed ones. Possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new Heterodyne Array Receiver Program (HARP) and Auto-Correlation Spectral Imaging System (ACSIS) that have recently been installed and commissioned on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The 16-element focal-plane array receiver, operating in the submillimetre from 325 to 375 GHz, offers high (three-dimensional) mapping speeds, along with significant improvements over single-detector counterparts in calibration and image quality. Receiver temperatures are ∼120 K across the whole band, and system temperatures of ∼300 K are reached routinely under good weather conditions. The system includes a single-sideband (SSB) filter so these are SSB values. Used in conjunction with ACSIS, the system can produce large-scale maps rapidly, in one or more frequency settings, at high spatial and spectral resolution. Fully sampled maps of     size can be observed in under 1 h.
The scientific need for array receivers arises from the requirement for programmes to study samples of objects of statistically significant size, in large-scale unbiased surveys of galactic and extra-galactic regions. Along with morphological information, the new spectral imaging system can be used to study the physical and chemical properties of regions of interest. Its three-dimensional imaging capabilities are critical for research into turbulence and dynamics. In addition, HARP/ACSIS will provide highly complementary science programmes to wide-field continuum studies and produce the essential preparatory work for submillimetre interferometers such as the Submillimeter Array (SMA) and Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA).  相似文献   

We report results from a multi-wavelength study of the 3B/X1.2 two-ribbon disk flare (S15E44), which was well observed by both ground-based and space-borne instruments. Two pairs of conjugate kernels - K1 and K4, and K2 and K3 - in the Ha images are identified. These kernels are linked by two different systems of EUV loops. Kl and K4 correspond to the two 17 GHz and 34 GHz microwave sources observed by the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH), while K2 and K3 have no corresponding microwave sources. Optical spectroscopic observations suggest that all the four kernels are possible precipitating sites of non-thermal electrons. Thus the energy of electron deposited in K2 and K3 should be less than 100 keV. Two-dimensional distributions of the full widths at half maximum (FWHM) of the Ha profiles and the line-of-sight (LOS) velocities derived from the Ca Ⅱ 8542 (?) profiles indicate that the largest FWHM and LOS velocity tends to be located near the outer edges of Ha kernels, which is consistent with the scenario of current two-ribbon flare models and previous results. When non-thermal electron bombardment is present, the observed Ha and Ca Ⅱ 8542 (?) profiles are similar to previous observational and theoretical results, while the He I 10830 A profiles are different from the theoretical ones. This puts some constraints on future theoretical calculation of the He I 10830 (?) line.  相似文献   

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