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The largest and most detailed map of the distribution of dark matter in the Universe has been recently created by the Dark Energy Survey(DES) team. The distribution was found to be slightly(by a few percent) smoother and less clumpy than predicted by general relativity. This result was considered as a hint of some new physical laws. In the present paper we offer a relatively simple model that could explain the above result without resorting to any new physical laws. The model deals with the dynamics of a system consisting of a large number of gravitating neutral particles, whose mass is equal to the mass of hydrogen atoms. The central point of the model is a partial inhibition of the gravitation for a relatively small subsystem of the entire system. It would be sufficient for this subsystem to constitute just about a few percent of the total ensemble of particles for explaining the few percent more smooth distribution of dark matter(observed by the DES team) compared to the prediction of general relativity. The most viable candidate for the dark matter particles in this model is the second flavor of hydrogen atoms(SFHA) that has only S-states and therefore does not couple to the electric dipole radiation or even to higher multipole radiation, so that the SFHA is practically dark. The SFHA has experimental confirmation from atomic experiments, it does not go beyond the Standard Model, it is based on standard quantum mechanics and it explains puzzling astrophysical observations of the redshifted line 21 cm from the early Universe. Thus,our model explaining the DES result of a little too smooth distribution of dark matter without resorting to any new physical laws seems to be self-consistent.  相似文献   

The influence of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) and decaying dark matter particles on the emission and absorption characteristics of neutral hydrogen in 21 cm at redshifts   z = 10–50  is considered. In the presence of UHECRs, 21 cm can be seen in absorption with the brightness temperature   T b=−(5–10) mK  in the range   z = 10–30  . Decaying particles can stimulate a 21-cm signal in emission with   T b∼ 50–60 mK  at   z = 50  and   T b≃ 10 mK  at   z ∼ 20  . Characteristics of the fluctuations of the brightness temperature, in particular its power spectrum, are also calculated. The maps of the power spectrum of the brightness temperature on the plane wavenumber redshift are shown to be sensitive to the parameters of UHECRs and decaying dark matter. Observational possibilities to detect manifestations of UHECRs and/or decaying particles in 21 cm with the future radio telescopes (LOFAR, 21CMA and SKA), and to distinguish contributions from them, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A sample of 11 thousand galaxies with radial velocities V LG < 3500 km/s is used to study the features of the local distribution of luminous (stellar) and dark matter within a sphere of radius of around 50 Mpc around us. The average density of matter in this volume, ?? m,loc = 0.08 ± 0.02, turns out to be much lower than the global cosmic density ?? m,glob = 0.28 ± 0.03. We discuss three possible explanations of this paradox: 1) galaxy groups and clusters are surrounded by extended dark halos, the major part of the mass of which is located outside their virial radii; 2) the considered local volume of the Universe is not representative, being situated inside a giant void; and 3) the bulk of matter in the Universe is not related to clusters and groups, but is rather distributed between them in the form of massive dark clumps. Some arguments in favor of the latter assumption are presented. Besides the two well-known inconsistencies of modern cosmological models with the observational data: the problem of missing satellites of normal galaxies and the problem of missing baryons, there arises another one??the issue of missing dark matter.  相似文献   

We discuss the possibility of observing the products of the dark matter annihilation that was going on in the early Universe. Of all the particles that could be generated by this process, we consider only photons, as they are both uncharged and easily detectable. The younger the Universe was, the higher the dark matter concentration n and the annihilation rate (proportional to n 2) were. However, the emission from the very early Universe cannot reach us because of the opacity. The main part of the signal was generated at the moment the Universe had just become transparent for the photons produced by the annihilation. Thus, the dark matter annihilation in the early Universe should have created a sort of relic emission. We obtain its flux and the spectrum.
If weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) constitute dark matter, it is shown that we may expect an extragalactic gamma-ray signal in the energy range 0.5–20 MeV with a maximum near 8 MeV. We show that an experimentally observed excess in the gamma-ray background at 0.5–20 MeV could be created by the relic signal from the annihilation of WIMPs only if the dark matter structures in the Universe had appeared before the Universe became transparent for the annihilation products  ( z ≃ 300)  . We discuss in more detail physical conditions whereby this interpretation could be possible.  相似文献   

One explanation for the disparity between cold dark matter (CDM) predictions of galaxy numbers and observations could be that there are numerous dark galaxies in the Universe. These galaxies may still contain baryons, but no stars, and may be detectable in the 21-cm line of atomic hydrogen. The results of surveys for such objects, and simulations that do/do not predict their existence, are controversial. In this paper, we use an analytical model of galaxy formation, consistent with CDM, to first show that dark galaxies are certainly a prediction of the model. Secondly, we show that objects like VIRGOHI21, a dark galaxy candidate recently discovered by us, while rare are predicted by the model. Thirdly, we show that previous 'blind' H  i surveys have placed few constraints on the existence of dark galaxies. This is because they have either lacked the sensitivity and/or velocity resolution or have not had the required detailed optical follow up. We look forward to new 21-cm blind surveys [Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) survey and Arecibo Galactic Environments Survey (AGES)] using the Arecibo multibeam instrument which should find large numbers of dark galaxies if they exist.  相似文献   

It is shown that a suitable interaction between dark energy and dark matter in locally rotationally symmetric (LRS) Bianchi-I space-time can solve the coincidence problem and not contradict the accelerated expansion of present Universe. The interaction parameters are estimated from observational data.  相似文献   

Neutral hydrogen line observations of the extended rotation curves of spiral galaxies imply that there exist significant discrepancies between the luminous and dynamical mass beyond the bright optical discs. This means either that galaxies contain significant quantities of non-luminous matter (matter with a mass-to-light ratio very much higher than that of ordinary stars), or that the law of gravity on the scale of galaxies is not the usual Newtonian inverse square law. Attempts to account for the observed discrepancy in the context of these two explanations are reviewed here with emphasis given to the second and less conventional alternative. It is argued that the standard picture of spiral galaxy halo and disc formation in the context of cold dark matter cannot account for the observed systematics of the discrepancy — notably rotation curves which are seen to be flat and featureless from the bright inner regions where the visible matter dominates the dynamics (in some cases overwhelmingly) to the outer regions where the dark halo dominates. It is demonstrated that in those galaxies with well-observed rotation curves, the discrepancy apparently appears below a critical acceleration. Any dark matter explanation of the discrepancy must account for this fact. Moreover, this would also eliminate empirically motivated modifications of Newton's law in which the deviation from 1/r occurs beyond a fundamental length scale. The suggestion by Milgrom in which the force law becomes essentially 1/r below a critical acceleration (MOND) can account for most of the observed systematics of galaxy rotation curves and, significantly, leads to the observed luminosity-velocity relationship in spiral galaxies (the Tully-Fisher law). Generally covariant theories of gravity which predict this phenomenology in the weak-field limit are described. Although there is not yet a theory which obviously meets all of the requirements for a physically viable alternative to dark matter, a generalized scalar-tensor theory of the form suggested by Bekenstein (phase coupling gravitation) is the currently leading candidate and has the advantage of being testable locally.  相似文献   

The present-day Universe is seemingly dominated by dark energy and dark matter, but mapping the normal (baryonic) content remains vital for both astrophysics – understanding how galaxies form – and astro-particle physics – inferring properties of the dark components.The Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will provide the only means of studying the cosmic evolution of neutral hydrogen (HI) which, alongside information on star formation from the radio continuum, is needed to understand how stars formed from gas within dark-matter over-densities and the rôles of gas accretion and galaxy merging.‘All hemisphere’ HI redshift surveys to z 1.5 are feasible with wide-field-of-view realizations of the SKA and, by measuring the galaxy power spectrum in exquisite detail, will allow the first precise studies of the equation-of-state of dark energy. The SKA will be capable of other uniquely powerful cosmological studies including the measurement of the dark-matter power spectrum using weak gravitational lensing, and the precise measurement of H0 using extragalactic water masers.The SKA is likely to become the premier dark-energy-measuring machine, bringing breakthroughs in cosmology beyond those likely to be made possible by combining CMB (e.g. Planck), optical (e.g. LSST, SNAP) and other early-21st-century datasets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that if a single sterile neutrino exists such that     , it can serendipitously solve all outstanding issues of the Modified Newtonian Dynamics. We focus on fitting the angular power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) in detail which is possible using a flat Universe with     and the usual baryonic and dark energy components. One cannot match the CMB if there is more than one massive sterile neutrino, nor with three active neutrinos of 2 eV. This model has the same expansion history as the Λ cold dark matter  (ΛCDM)  model and only differs at the galactic scale, where the modified dynamics outperform  ΛCDM  comprehensively. We discuss how an 11 eV sterile neutrino can explain the dark matter of galaxy clusters without influencing individual galaxies and potentially match the matter power spectrum.  相似文献   

21-cm emission from neutral hydrogen during and before the epoch of cosmic reionization is gravitationally lensed by material at all lower redshifts. Low-frequency radio observations of this emission can be used to reconstruct the projected mass distribution of foreground material, both light and dark. We compare the potential imaging capabilities of such 21-cm lensing with those of future galaxy lensing surveys. We use the Millennium Simulation to simulate large-area maps of the lensing convergence with the noise, resolution and redshift-weighting achievable with a variety of idealized observation programmes. We find that the signal-to-noise ratio of 21-cm lens maps can far exceed that of any map made using galaxy lensing. If the irreducible noise limit can be reached with a sufficiently large radio telescope, the projected convergence map provides a high-fidelity image of the true matter distribution, allowing the dark matter haloes of individual galaxies to be viewed directly, and giving a wealth of statistical and morphological information about the relative distributions of mass and light. For instrumental designs like that planned for the Square Kilometre Array, high-fidelity mass imaging may be possible near the resolution limit of the core array of the telescope.  相似文献   

About one year ago, it was speculated that decaying or annihilating light dark matter (LDM) particles could explain the flux and extension of the 511-keV line emission in the Galactic Centre. Here, we present a thorough comparison between theoretical expectations of the Galactic positron distribution within the LDM scenario and observational data from INTEGRAL /SPI. Unlike previous analyses, there is now enough statistical evidence to put tight constraints on the shape of the dark matter (DM) halo of our Galaxy, if the Galactic positrons originate from DM. For annihilating candidates, the best fit to the observed 511-keV emission is provided by a radial density profile with inner logarithmic slope  γ= 1.03 ± 0.04  . In contrast, decaying DM requires a much steeper density profile,  γ > 1.5  , rather disfavoured by both observations and numerical simulations. Within the annihilating LDM scenario, a velocity-independent cross-section would be consistent with the observational data while a cross-section purely proportional to v 2 can be rejected at a high confidence level. Assuming the most simplistic model where the Galactic positrons are produced as primaries, we show that the LDM candidate should be a scalar rather than a spin-1/2 particle and obtain a very stringent constraint on the value of the positron production cross-section to explain the 511-keV emission. One consequence is that the value of the fine structure constant α should differ from that recommended in the CODATA (Committee on Data for Science and Technology). This is a very strong test for the LDM scenario and an additional motivation in favour of experiments measuring α directly. Our results finally indicate that an accurate measurement of the shape of the dark halo profile could have a tremendous impact on the determination of the origin of the 511-keV line and vice versa.  相似文献   

Here Rydberg matter is proposed as a candidate for the missing dark matter or dark baryonic matter in the Universe. Spectroscopic and other experimental studies give valuable information on the properties of Rydberg matter, especially its very weak interaction with light caused by the very small overlap with low states, and because of the necessary two-electron transitions even for disturbed matter. Recently, the unidentified infrared (UIR) bands have been shown to agree well with calculations and experiments on Rydberg matter. This is the reason for the present, somewhat speculative, proposal that dark matter has, at least partially, the form of Rydberg matter. The UIR bands have also been observed directly in emission from Rydberg matter in the laboratory. The unique space-filling properties of Rydberg matter are described: a hydrogen atom in this matter occupies a volume  5×1012  times larger than in its ground state or in a hydrogen molecule.  相似文献   

We give a summary of the morphology of the two-ribbon flare of 1981 May 13. One striking feature is that the Ha flare began at about 0338' UT and the double-ribbon structure was formed about 0346, before the impulsive phase of the radio 3 cm burst at 04 11 UT. The 3 cm radio burst flux beginning at 03 33 UT showed only slow, stepwise increases lasting half an hour until the impulsive phase and this type of increase is usually regarded to be a typical thermal process. Each step in the radio flux corresponded to a variation in the Ha flare, showing that the radio and Hα emissions during this period came from the same thermal source. In this paper, we explain this behaviour in terms of Hyder's model: we think that the magnetic trough supporting the solar prominence rose for some reason, causing the prominence matter (the dark filaments) to fall along the magnetic lines and to hit the chromosphere and trigger off the flare. We give rough estimates of the energy density, the height of prominence and the infall matter at the different radio increments. We also give a qualitative explanation for the appearances of the single-peak structure in the radio burst at 0411 and the covering of the sunspot shortly after at 04 13 and propose several possible mechanisms.  相似文献   

夏子晴 《天文学报》2021,62(2):21-112
目前已经有很多观测证据表明宇宙中存在着大量暗物质,其能量密度占据了目前宇宙总能量密度的1/4.根据高精度的数值模拟和引力透镜观测,我们已经对从矮星系到星系团中的暗物质空间分布有了较好的理解,但是对于暗物质究竟是什么我们还一无所知.由此,物理学家提出了很多假想的粒子模型.  相似文献   

R. Foot  S. Mitra   《Astroparticle Physics》2003,19(6):739-753
Mirror matter is an entirely new form of matter predicted to exist if mirror symmetry is a fundamental symmetry of nature. Mirror matter has the right broad properties to explain the inferred dark matter of the Universe and might also be responsible for a variety of other puzzles in particle physics, astrophysics, meteoritics and planetary science. It is known that mirror matter can interact with ordinary matter non-gravitationally via photon-mirror photon kinetic mixing. The strength of this possibly fundamental interaction depends on the (theoretically) free parameter ε. We consider various proposed manifestations of mirror matter in our solar system examining in particular how the physics changes for different possible values of ε. We find new evidence for mirror matter in the solar system coming from the observed sharp reduction in crater rates (for craters less than about 100 m in diameter) on the asteroid 433 Eros. We also re-examine various existing ideas including the mirror matter explanation for the anomalous meteorite events, anomalous slow-down of Pioneer spacecraft etc.  相似文献   

Nine of the cataloguedHii regions in the southern hemisphere have been selected for correlation with neutral hydrogen observed at the 21 cm line.The radiotelescope used for theHi line observations was the 30 m Carnegie telescope of the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía and the 56 channel, 10 KHz bandwidth receiver.The observational results are analyzed for eachHii region. They are compared with previous optical and radio results.For three of the nine observed regions it has been possible to find neutral hydrogen in absorption with similar velocities. In three cases absorption has been found but no component at theHii region velocity is seen. Finally in three cases, it has not been possible to find any absorption at all.Member of the Carrera del Investigador Científico del Cosejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.  相似文献   

In a two-component Universe which consists of fluid (visible matter) plus collisinless massive neutrino gas (dark matter), the remarkable difference between the developed inhomogeneities in two components could be formed after the decoupling time. Whether the initial perturbation was in which of the two components, the inhomogeneities developed in visible matter are larger than that in neutrinos, especially on smaller scales. The necessary condition for such a situation to arise is only that the density of neutrinos in the Universe is dominant. That means the non-dominant visible component in the Universe is strongly clustered especially on smaller scales, while the distribution of the dominant dark matter (neutrinos) is fairly uniform.  相似文献   

There continues to be good reason to believe that dark matter particles, which only "feel" the gravitational force, influence the local and distant Universe, despite drawing a complete blank in the search for such a particle. The expansion rate of the Universe is defined by the Hubble constant h. Measurements of the Hubble constant at different wavelengths produce different results, differing well beyond their errors.Here it is shown that the two precise but different values for the Hubble constant can be used to derive the mass of a weakly interacting massive particle(WIMP). An approximate mass of 1022 eV is determined with indications of why, so far, it has not been found and what is required to get positive confirmation of its presence. This result also indicates that the Hubble constant is the sum of more than one contribution with suggestions for experimental tests to determine, more precisely, the level of these contributions.  相似文献   

There is something unknown in the cosmos. Something big. Which causes the acceleration of the Universe expansion, that is perhaps the most surprising and unexpected discovery of the last decades, and thus represents one of the most pressing mysteries of the Universe. The current standard ΛCDM model uses two unknown entities to make everything fit: dark energy and dark matter, which together would constitute more than 95 % of the energy density of the Universe. A bit like saying that we have understood almost nothing, but without openly admitting it. Here we start from the recent theoretical results that come from the extension of general relativity to antimatter, through CPT symmetry. This theory predicts a mutual gravitational repulsion between matter and antimatter. Our basic assumption is that the Universe contains equal amounts of matter and antimatter, with antimatter possibly located in cosmic voids, as discussed in previous works. From this scenario we develop a simple cosmological model, from whose equations we derive the first results. While the existence of the elusive dark energy is completely replaced by gravitational repulsion, the presence of dark matter is not excluded, but not strictly required, as most of the related phenomena can also be ascribed to repulsive-gravity effects. With a matter energy density ranging from ~5 % (baryonic matter alone, and as much antimatter) to ~25 % of the so-called critical density, the present age of the Universe varies between about 13 and 15 Gyr. The SN Ia test is successfully passed, with residuals comparable with those of the ΛCDM model in the observed redshift range, but with a clear prediction for fainter SNe at higher z. Moreover, this model has neither horizon nor coincidence problems, and no initial singularity is requested. In conclusion, we have replaced all the tough problems of the current standard cosmology (including the matter-antimatter asymmetry) with only one question: is the gravitational interaction between matter and antimatter really repulsive as predicted by the theory and as the observation of the Universe seems to suggest? We are awaiting experimental responses.  相似文献   

Formation of black holes may be constrained by intrinsic parameters characterizing them such as electric charge. Here we discuss the effects of a relatively minute excess of charge on extremal black hole formation and the horizon. We extend the implications of this argument to the formation of primordial black holes (PBH) in the early universe which gives a possible reason for the lack of detection of Hawking radiation. These charge limits also apply to dark matter (DM) particles that may form PHBs in the early universe. The constraint thus obtained on the electric charge of DM particles could also account for the required magnitude of the repulsive dark energy (DE) currently causing an accelerated universe which provides a possible unified picture of DM and DE.  相似文献   

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