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徐钧  韩金林  王陈 《天文学报》2011,52(3):180-189
脉冲宽度的测量方法有几种.最常用的脉冲宽度有Wpp(两峰值点的间距)、W50(最高峰值强度50%处的宽度)和W10(最高峰值强度10%处的宽度).另外,还有测量两个最外成分各自强度50%处的宽度Wc50和各自强度10%处的宽度Wc10.利用16颗双锥峰脉冲星和7颗核锥三峰脉冲星样本在1.4 GHz的脉冲轮廓数据,测量了5种脉冲宽度.利用有磁倾角α和撞击角β数据的脉冲星,导出了对应的辐射束半径ρ,并验证其与脉冲星周期P之间的关系ρ∝P-0.5.通过比较5种脉冲宽度导出的ρ与P关系的好坏,发现最外成分之间的宽度比前面3种宽度更好,其中Wc50宽度得出的相关关系最好.由此认为Wc50是最能反映辐射束宽度的测量值.还讨论了脉冲轮廓的对称性,发现后随的锥辐射成分与先导的锥辐射成分相比,更靠近核心辐射成分,两个锥辐射成分的宽度在统计上基本相同.  相似文献   

年轻脉冲星多处于超新星遗迹(Supernova Remnant, SNR)中, 其分为转动供能脉冲星(Rotation-powered SNR-PSR)、磁星(Magnetar)和中心致密天体(Central Compact Object, CCO), 这3类年轻脉冲星有着不同的自旋周期及磁场强度分布. % 其中, 遗迹磁星(SNR-Magnetar)的平均自旋周期比转动供能遗迹脉冲星大近一个量级, 平均磁场强度高近两个量级. % 同时, 中心致密天体比转动供能遗迹脉冲星的平均磁场强度低近两个量级. % 这3类年轻脉冲星不同的物理性质, 可能源于其不同的前身星或不同的超新星爆发过程, 也可能源于其中子星诞生后的不同演化过程. % 此外, 转动供能遗迹脉冲星比年轻的转动供能非遗迹脉冲星具有更快的平均自旋周期、更大的平均磁场强度和更短的平均特征年龄. % 这暗示新诞生的中子星经时间约为$10^5$--$10^6$yr的演化过程, 其自旋速度将减小近一半, 同时其磁场强度也将衰减近一半.  相似文献   

统计分析了目前发现的几种脉冲星的自转周期和表面磁场以及空间的分布情况,揭示出毫秒脉冲星比普通射电脉冲星、LMXB(低质量X射线双星)比HMXB(高质量X射线双星)的空间分布要更加弥散;孤立毫秒脉冲星自转周期分布的峰值为4.7 ms,而普通脉冲星的相应值为0.6 s,双星中毫秒脉冲星这一值为3.5 ms; FERMI脉冲...  相似文献   

利用南山基地25 m射电望远镜在1.54 GHz频段对脉冲星PSRJ0034-0721强单个脉冲进行了观测.使用单脉冲探测方法,从1 h观测数据中探测到116个信噪比R_(SN)N≥5的单个脉冲信号.在1.54 GHz频段探测到的单个脉冲R_(SN)从5到10.5,峰值流量约是平均脉冲峰值流量的14~29倍,远小于典型巨脉冲强度与其平均脉冲强度的比.这些脉冲的强度累积分布基本符合幂律谱,拟合得到谱指数α=-4.3±0.4.本次观测对R_(SN)≥5的单个脉冲探测率为3%,对R_(SN)≥10的单个脉冲探测率约为0.08%.这些脉冲的半峰线宽(W_(50))从1.6到8 ms,平均为3.9 ms.探测到的绝大多数强单脉冲发射相位集中分布在平均脉冲轮廓的峰值相位处,但也探测到两个R_(SN)8.5的强脉冲相位提前平均脉冲轮廓峰值相位33 ms左右,表明强脉冲发射区可能有两个,符合前人在40 MHz和111 MHz频段的观测结果,但1.54 GHz频段的平均脉冲轮廓只显示一个成份.  相似文献   

张冰  乔国俊 《天文学进展》1998,16(4):274-286
综述了脉冲星-黑洞系统的诞生率理论并指出近期发现该系统的可能性。通过综述和分析脉冲星-中子星系统的观测特性,特别是脉冲星精确守时性对精确确定双星轨道参量和验证引力理论的重要意义。  相似文献   

半相接双星室女座UW轨道周期变化的物理机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对大陵五型半相接双星室女座UW的轨道周期变化进行了分析.结果表明该星的轨道周期在长期快速增加(dP/dt=+1.37×10-6天/年)的同时也含有周期为62.3年的周期性变化.利用Brancewicz和Dworak在1980年给出的基本物理参量,对引起轨道周期变化的物理机制进行了分析研究.分析表明一个质量为Ms>0.94M⊙的第三天体的光时轨道效应能对轨道周期的周期性变化成份作出解释.由于在观测上没有发现这个第三天体存在的信息,它有可能是一个致密天体(如白矮星等).轨道周期的长期增加成份可解释为由次星到主星的物质交流引起(dM2/dt=1.43×10-7M⊙/年),这与该系统次星充满的半接几何结构是相一致的.但是,根据双星演化理沦,大陵五型半相接双星应该处于以次星的核反应时标进行物质交换的慢速物质交流演化阶段,而分析发现该星的轨道周期变化时标远小于次星的核反应时标,但接近于次星的热力学时标,揭示了(1)这颗双星处于以次星热力学时标进行物质交换的快速物质交流演化阶段;或(2)系统的星周物质要通过角动量交换对轨道周期的快速增加做贡献.  相似文献   

TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite)空间卫星提供的短曝光、高精度光度测量为寻找并区分变星与搜寻行星提供了良好的数据.利用变星源的光变曲线,使用周期频谱分析与光变折叠等一系列方法分析了TESS空间卫星21扇区19995颗拥有高质量光变数据的目标源,并对这些源进行了分类,共获得4624颗变星,其中食双星322颗、脉动变星470颗、行星凌星37颗.所得变星结果与VSX (The International Variable Star Index)变星表进行了交叉比较,共交叉匹配了625颗变星源,这些交叉源中共有131颗为食双星系统、31颗为脉动变星,并通过周期频谱分析获取了双星绕转以及脉动周期.另外在59颗变星中发现明显耀发现象,交叉源中有8颗变星为行星凌星并同样通过周期频谱分析获取了行星绕转周期,从而验证了TESS空间卫星数据对变星分析的可行性.通过利用TESS空间卫星21扇区获得的变星周期结果与VSX变星表中提供的变星周期对比,发现与VSX变星表中绝大部分变星的周期一致,有一部分结果与VSX变星表中的结果差别较大,对这些变星周期结果做了进一步修正,并给出了变星表未列出的变星周期结果.  相似文献   

综述了脉冲星-黑洞(PSR-BH)系统的诞生率理论并指出近期发现该系统的可能性。通过综述和分析脉冲星-中子星(PSR-NS)系统的观测特性,特别是脉冲星精确守时性对精确确定双星轨道参量和验证引力理论的重要意义,推测了PSR-BH系统的可能性质,指出发现PSR-BH系统对黑洞的搜寻和最终证认的重要意义。最后简介目前搜寻PSR-BH系统的现状和我们搜寻短轨道周期脉冲双星的计划。  相似文献   

云南-香港宽视场巡天新发现了一个磁活动双星系统,其轨道周期为0.60286 d.利用云南天文台1 m光学望远镜附加CCD (Charge-Coupled Device)相机,观测得到了这个双星系统的V、Rc双色光变曲线,结果表明该系统食外存在明显的测光畸变.借助云南天文台丽江2.4 m望远镜附加云南暗弱天体光谱成像仪(Yunnan Faint Object Spectrograph and Camera, YFOSC)对该双星系统的分光观测,测定了该双星系统主星的视向速度曲线并发现该系统的主星表面存在着强烈的色球活动,从而证明系统的光变曲线畸变源自主星的黑子活动.使用W-D (Wilson-Devinney)程序分析上述观测得到的光变曲线和视向速度曲线,得到了该双星系统的轨道参数以及黑子参数.最后,对该系统的特性进行了讨论并对未来的工作进行了展望.  相似文献   

为了解释间歇脉冲星PSR B1931+24在射电噪比射电宁静状态下更大的自转减慢率和模拟蟹状星云脉冲星的自转演化,建立同时考虑了具有不同加速电势的核区和环区的环加速间隙下的星风制动模型.其中对于PSR B1931+24通过计算得到它的磁场强度和磁倾角,并且预言了其理论制动指数.对于蟹状星云脉冲星,通过计算得到它的磁场强度和磁倾角,还计算得到其制动指数随周期的演化和它在周期-周期导数图上的自转演化.相比于真空加速间隙、外加速间隙等,环加速间隙也同样能够适用于星风制动模型.  相似文献   

The effect of a neutron-proton vortex system on the rotation dynamics of neutron stars is examined. The dynamics of the motion of a two component superfluid system in the core of a neutron star yields an equation for the evolution of the pulsar's rotation period. The spin down of the star owing to energy release at the core boundary, which is associated with a contraction of the length of the neutron vortex as it moves radially and magnetic energy of the vortical cluster is released, is taken into account. Evolutionary curves are constructed for pulsars with different magnetic fields and stellar radii. For certain values of the coefficient of friction between the superfluid and normal components in the core of the neutron star, at the end of its evolution a radio pulsar may become an anomalous x-ray pulsar or a source of soft gamma radiation with a period on the order of 10 seconds.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The classical problem of spherical accretion onto a compact object, e.g., a black hole or a neutron star (NS), has been studied by many authors. A hydrodynamical solution was presented by Bondi 1952, who showed that inside a certain capture…  相似文献   

A possible mechanism for screening of the surface magnetic field of an accreting neutron star, by the accreted material, is investigated. We model the material flow in the surface layers of the star by an assumed two-dimensional velocity field satisfying all the physical requirements. Using this model velocity we find that, in the absence of magnetic buoyancy, the surface field is screened (i.e. there is submergence of the field by advection) within the time-scale of material flow of the top layers. On the other hand, if magnetic buoyancy is present, the screening happens over a time-scale that is characteristic of the slower flow of the deeper (and hence, denser) layers. For accreting neutron stars, this longer time-scale turns out to be about 105 yr, which is of a similar order of magnitude to the accretion time-scale of most massive X-ray binaries.  相似文献   

The role of binary progenitors of neutron stars (NSs) in the apparent distribution of space velocities and spin–velocity alignment observed in young pulsars is studied. We performed a Monte Carlo synthesis of pulsar populations originated from single and binary stars with different assumptions about the NS natal kick (kick–spin alignment, kick amplitude and kick reduction in electron-capture supernovae in binary progenitors with initial main-sequence masses from the range  8–11 M  which experienced mass exchange due to Roche lobe overflow). The calculated spin–velocity alignment in pulsars is compared with data inferred from radio polarization measurements. The observed space velocity of pulsars is found to be mostly affected by the natal kick velocity form and its amplitude; the fraction of binaries is not important here for reasonably large kicks. The natal kick–spin alignment is found to strongly affect the spin–velocity correlation of pulsars. Comparison with the observed pulsar spin–velocity angles favours a sizeable fraction of binary progenitors and kick–spin angles  ∼5°–20°  .  相似文献   

We investigate the conditions by which neutron star retention in globular clusters is favoured. We find that neutron stars formed in massive binaries are far more likely to be retained. Such binaries are likely to then evolve into contact before encountering other stars, possibly producing a single neutron star after a common envelope phase. A large fraction of the single neutron stars in globular clusters are then likely to exchange into binaries containing moderate-mass main-sequence stars, replacing the lower-mass components of the original systems. These binaries will become intermediate-mass X-ray binaries (IMXBs), once the moderate-mass star evolves off the main sequence, as mass is transferred on to the neutron star, possibly spinning it up in the process. Such systems may be responsible for the population of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) that has been observed in globular clusters. Additionally, the period of mass-transfer (and thus X-ray visibility) in the vast majority of such systems will have occurred 5–10 Gyr ago, thus explaining the observed relative paucity of X-ray binaries today, given the MSP population.  相似文献   

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