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Regression results based on data from 46 northern temperate lakes show that total phosphorus (TP) is the best predictor for phytoplankton (as chl-a) at lower trophic levels, TP < 200 mg · m–3. A regression including both TP and TN as regressors is the best predictor for lakes with TP > 200 mg · m–3. However, the good correlation is probably due to a high correlation between lake average chl-a (all years observed) and lake average TP and TN. Within single hypereutrophic lakes, TN alone is the best predictor. It was not possible to identify a medium trophic domain where TN and TP in combination was the best predictor for chl-a. The ratio TN:TP in the water decreases from about 40 to about 5 with increasing trophic level. Optimum TN:TP ratio for algal species with high abundance during late summer and autumn reflects this decreasing ratio, but within a lesser range, i.e., 20 to 5. In contrast, TN:TP ratios for species abundant during the early vernal period showed no, or an inverse, relation to the TN:TP ratio of the water.  相似文献   

Trophic cascade hypotheses predict that fish will affect the structure and biomass of pelagic plankton communities. In order to investigate trophic cascade effects from fish down to phytoplankton, whole-lake studies were performed in five hypertrophic (mean total phosphorus (TP) concentrations higher than 1000 mg m−3) shallow lakes located in the Pampa Plain. The main climatic characteristic of this region is the alternation between periods of drought and flood, with corresponding changes of lake depth and conductivity of lake water. All lakes were studied from April to December 2000. Samples were taken of their physical and chemical characteristics and biotic communities, focusing on the zooplankton community. Fish were manipulated in four lakes (Capurro, Longinotti, Vedia 1, Vedia 2), while the fifth (Lake Vedia 3) was left undisturbed as a reference system. High abundance of planktivorous minnows (Jenynsia multidentata and Cheirodon interruptus) dominated the fish community in the reference lake. In the manipulated lakes, fish stocks were largely reduced in late autumn (May). During winter, Capurro, Longinotti and Vedia 1 were stocked with a visual planktivore, the pampean silverside (Odontesthes bonariensis, Atherinidae). Fish stocking was 24, 33 and 19 kg ha−1, respectively. In contrast, no fish were stocked in Lake Vedia 2. Following fish removal, large Daphnia appeared in these lakes and grazed intensively on the phytoplankton. In contrast, no Daphnia were found in the reference lake (Vedia 3). The stocking of O. bonariensis in lakes Capurro, Longinotti and Vedia 1 led to a decrease in the percentage of large cladocerans and a rise in the phytoplankton biomass:TP ratio. Moreover, the lakes mentioned were stocked with different quantities of silversides over different periods of time. These differences were reflected temporarily in the plankton dynamics, affecting mainly larger sized zooplankton. Nevertheless, the presence of Daphnia was short lived in the lake where fish had been removed and no O. bonariensis were stocked. Competition for resources and recruitment of remaining fish probably caused a collapse in the zooplankton biomass. Our results support the idea that fish predation on zooplankton and its effect on phytoplankton is very intense in small pampean lakes. Fish removal was short lived, however. This could be because in small pampean lakes fish recolonization is favored, and minnows are highly prolific. Moreover, if manipulation of the trophic structure of lakes is undertaken in the pampean region, high nutrient loading from the watershed, climate and hydrology should also be taken into account.  相似文献   

We quantified the seasonal changes in the zooplankton abundances collected from the Huetzalin Lake (Mexico City, Mexico) for two years (February 2003–January 2004 and then March 2005–February 2006). Selected physicochemical variables (Secchi depth, temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon and chlorophyll a concentration) were also measured at the time of zooplankton collection. The data on zooplankton abundances and the physicochemical variables were subjected to multiple correlation analysis and we also derived Shannon–Wiener species diversity index. Secchi depth ranged from 9 to 65 cm. Generally the lake was alkaline (pH 7–12). The conductivity ranged from 500–1000 mS cm−1, while the mean water temperature was 20.5 °C. Dissolved oxygen levels were generally >3 mg L−1 and were higher in the winter than warmer months. Nitrates (90–95 μg L−1) and phosphates (.2–.5 mg L−1) indicated that the water was eutrophic. Chlorophyll a levels ranged from 143 to 696 μg L−1 during the study period. The zooplankton community was dominated by rotifers (46 species), followed by cladocerans (9 species) and there were only two copepod species. The dominant rotifer species were Brachionus angularis, Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus havanaensis, Brachionus quadridentatus, Lecane bulla and Polyarthra vulgaris. Rare rotifer species in Lake Huetzalin were Lecane ohioensis, Dicranophorus forcipatus, Lecane pyriformis, Lindia torulosa, Pleurotrocha petromyzon and Brachionus durgae. Highest densities (occasional peaks of 400 ind L−1) of B. quadridentatus occurred between April and December, while B. havanaensis reached peak densities, during June to October. B. calyciflorus reached densities higher than 1240 ind L−1 during May–September. Cladoceran and copepod densities in Lake Huetzalin were much lower than that of the rotifers. This study confirmed the earlier findings that Xochimilco system of canals is dominated by rotifers and the crustacean zooplankton have much lower abundances possibly due to predation from fish.  相似文献   

Monthly collections of phytoplankton were supported by physical–chemical data and measures of chlorophyll a concentrations in the search for particular environmental factors that could explain the constant presence of desmids in a Mexican tropical lake, a characteristic not common among the phytoplanktic communities of Mexican lakes. Samplings were taken from the water column in the deepest part of the lake (40 m) and intensified in the metalimnetic zone, whose establishment was monitored by observations of temperature and oxygen profiles. The general behavior of Lake Zirahuén was typical of warm monomictic tropical lakes at high elevation: a short mixing phase during the hemispheric winter. The depth of ZMIX and Zeu revealed a well-illuminated epilimnion, suggesting that phytoplankton communities are not likely to be light-limited. The oligotrophic nature of the lake is indicated by discrete concentrations of inorganic nutrients, PTOT in the interval of 0.01–0.03 mg l−1 and chlorophyll a between 0.23 and 3.98 μg l−1. These characteristics together with a low concentration of calcium, define a lacustrine environment different from other Mexican lakes, and one that could be suitable for desmids communities.  相似文献   

Bacteria and phytoplankton are integral in the mobilization and transfer of organic matter to higher trophic levels. Hence, we examined their role in zooplankton diets and assessed trends in their nitrogen isotopic variability. We performed feeding experiments with natural particulate organic matter (POM) and four zooplankton groups (Daphnia, Holopedium, large calanoids and small calanoids) to (1) examine whether there are differences in consumption (presented as clearance and ingestion rates) of phytoplankton and bacteria, and (2) determine whether differences in zooplankton clearance and ingestion rates are correlated with their δ15N isotopic signatures. In general, phytoplankton and bacteria clearance rates and biomass ingested per animal varied significantly among different zooplankton groups within lakes and between lakes for a given zooplankton group. Within a given lake, Daphnia and Holopedium had the highest phytoplankton and bacteria clearance and ingestion rates, followed by large calanoids, and then small calanoids. For a given zooplankton group, bacteria and phytoplankton clearance rates varied among lakes. In contrast, phytoplankton ingestion rates were consistently highest in Dickie Lake for all taxa, whereas bacteria ingestion rates were more variable among lakes for the different zooplankton taxa. The percentage contribution of different phytoplankton taxa to the biomass of phytoplankton ingested also varied significantly among lakes for a given taxa, but there were few differences within a given lake among zooplankton. Zooplankton δ15NDOMC values were correlated with their size adjusted phytoplankton and bacteria clearance and ingestion rates. The correlations were stronger with (1) phytoplankton compared to bacteria, and (2) clearance rates compared to ingestion rates of biomass. Together our results suggest that zooplankton taxa with low phytoplankton and bacteria clearance and ingestion rates and higher δ15NDOMC are likely exploiting food sources from higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

Vertical distributions of chlorophyll in deep, warm monomictic lakes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The factors affecting vertical distributions of chlorophyll fluorescence were examined in four temperate, warm monomictic lakes. Each of the lakes (maximum depth >80 m) was sampled over 2 years at intervals from monthly to seasonal. Profiles were taken of chlorophyll fluorescence (as a proxy for algal biomass), temperature and irradiance, as well as integrated samples from the surface mixed layer for chlorophyll a (chl a) and nutrient concentrations in each lake. Depth profiles of chlorophyll fluorescence were also made along transects of the longest axis of each lake. Chlorophyll fluorescence maxima occurred at depths closely correlated with euphotic depth (r 2 = 0.67, P < 0.01), which varied with nutrient status of the lakes. While seasonal thermal density stratification is a prerequisite for the existence of a deep chlorophyll maximum (DCM), our study provides evidence that the depth of light penetration largely dictates the DCM depth during stratification. Reduction in water clarity through eutrophication can cause a shift in phytoplankton distributions from a DCM in spring or summer to a surface chlorophyll maximum within the surface mixed layer when the depth of the euphotic zone (z eu) is consistently shallower than the depth of the surface mixed layer (z SML). Trophic status has a key role in determining vertical distributions of chlorophyll in the four lakes, but does not appear to disrupt the annual cycle of maximum chlorophyll in winter.  相似文献   

Planktonic algae and epiphyton of the littoral in lake Peipsi, Estonia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The littoral plankton of Lake Peipsi (3555 km2, mean depth 7.1 m) was studied in summer 1980 and 2000–2002, and the epiphyton was studied on two dominating macrophytes, Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. and Potamogeton perfoliatus L., in 2000. The purpose of the study was to estimate to what extent the littoral phytoplankton and epiphytic algae (their biomass, chlorophyll a content and dominant species) can be used as a criterion for the trophic state of the lake. In wind-open areas, phytoplankton biomass in the littoral is commonly more than ten times higher than in open water due to the presence of the macroscopic cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata (J.S. Smith) P. Richter. This alga is abundant in the moderately eutrophic northern lake's part and rare in the strongly eutrophic southern part; hence also biomass in the southern part is considerably lower. In open water, phytoplankton biomass increases southward with increasing trophy. Algal biomass in the littoral depends on wind direction and can change completely in a few days. Epiphyton biomass and Chla content increased southward with increasing trophic state. They both revealed significant Spearman correlations (P < 0.05) with wind index and transparency (negative), and with abundance of the host plant, both reed and pondweed (positive). The phytoplankton biomass of the littoral of the large and shallow Lake Peipsi can not be used as a criterion of trophic state, however, the species composition of the dominants, particularly cyanobacteria, is well applicable for this purpose. The biomass and Chla content of the epiphyton can be used as a criterion for trophic state.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of freshwater flow and light availability on phytoplankton biomass and production along the Louisiana continental shelf in the region characterized by persistent spring–summer stratification and widespread summer hypoxia. Data were collected on 7 cruises from 2005 to 2007, and spatially-averaged estimates of phytoplankton and light variables were calculated for the study area using Voronoi polygon normalization. Shelf-wide phytoplankton production ranged from 0.47 to 1.75 mg C m−2 d−1 across the 7 cruises. Shelf-wide average light attenuation (kd) ranged from 0.19–1.01 m−1 and strongly covaried with freshwater discharge from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers (R2=0.67). Interestingly, we observed that the euphotic zone (as defined by the 1% light depth) extended well below the pycnocline and to the bottom across much of the shelf. Shelf-wide average chlorophyll a (chl a) concentrations ranged from 1.4 to 5.9 mg m−3 and, similar to kd, covaried with river discharge (R2=0.83). Also, chl a concentrations were significantly higher in plume versus non-plume regions of the shelf. When integrated through the water-column, shelf-wide average chl a ranged from 26.3 to 47.6 mg m−2, but did not covary with river discharge, nor were plume versus non-plume averages statistically different. The high integrated chl a in the non-plume waters resulted from frequent sub-pycnocline chl a maxima. Phytoplankton production rates were highest in the vicinity of the Mississippi River bird's foot delta, but as with integrated chl a were not statistically different in plume versus non-plume waters across the rest of the shelf. Based on the vertical distribution of light and chl a, a substantial fraction of phytoplankton production occurred below the pycnocline, averaging from 25% to 50% among cruises. These results suggest that freshwater and nutrient inputs regulate shelf-wide kd and, consequently, the vertical distribution of primary production. The substantial below-pycnocline primary production we observed has not been previously quantified for this region, but has important implications about the formation and persistence of hypoxia on the Louisiana continental shelf.  相似文献   

We estimate the response of chl-a (mg · m–3) to changes in concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) by calculating the slopeS = chl-a/TP in chl-a =f(TP) graphs. Results show that in years where algae are P-limited oligotrophic lakes respond less (median slope 0.21) to changes in nutrient concentrations than eutrophic lakes, (median slope 0.31) and these again less than hypereutrophic lakes, (median slope 1.02). We find no saturation value for the slope within the TP range considered (6–480 mg · m–3). Chl-a in eutrophic lakes responds more frequently to non-nutrient factors than oligotrophic and hypereutrophic lakes. Results obtained by replacing TP with a new nutrient parameter, TP = 0.056 · TP · IN0.226, in which inorganic nitrogen, IN, is factored in, suggest that nitrogen has an influence on chl-a in oligotrophic lakes. Blue-green algae respond less to changes in TP than other algal species, e.g., diatoms.  相似文献   

Lake Hayq, a highland lake in Ethiopia, was stocked with Tilapia fish (Oreochromis niloticus) in late 1970s, offering an opportunity to study the effect of fish predation in a natural lake. Since 1930s, some limnological surveys have been done sporadically documenting a change in zooplankton composition including the disappearance of cladocerans, hypothesizing the stocked planktivorous fish could be a cause. Nevertheless, no detailed research was conducted to identify potential effects of fish stocking predominantly due to its remote location. The article presents data about zooplankton composition, abundance and biomass done between October 2007 and January 2009 on short-time intervals including the underlying limnological variables. The zooplankton community was depauperate comprising two copepods, three cladocerans, and six rotifers taxa, as typical for tropical lakes. Total mean standing biomass of all crustacean zooplankton was 237 mg dry mass m−3, which gave Lake Hayq an intermediate position when compared with other tropical lakes. Of copepods, Thermocyclops ethiopiensis was almost an exclusive species, and its temporal variation was influenced by food supply and water temperature. We refute the hypothesis that Tilapia was the cause for the seasonal disappearance of cladocerans, and attribute it to the adverse effect of episodic mixing. Nevertheless, the planktivorous fish probably plays a key role in structuring the cladocerans in particular the large-sized Daphnia magna. In January 2008, we observed a massive planktivorous fish mortality that triggered high algal biomass, which was later grazed by large-sized D. magna demonstrating the trophic cascade hypothesis in a natural ecosystem.  相似文献   

Distribution, abundance and life history characteristics of Mysis relicta were studied in the Feldberg Lake District (Lake Breiter Luzin, Lake Schmaler Luzin, Lake Zansen) located in northeastern Germany. Between July 2001 and November 2002 mysids were collected by vertical net hauls. In order to determine the impact of the current trophic conditions on the distribution of mysids in these lakes, oxygen concentration, total phosphorus, chlorophyll a and water transparency were also measured. All investigated lakes are mesotrophic at present. Lake Breiter Luzin exhibited great seasonal and spatial variations in mysid abundance. Density of adults and juveniles had a mean of 44.9 ± 57.1 and 68.7 ± 99.6 m−2, respectively. Highest abundance of adults was 110.4 ± 76.5 m−2 in summer, lowest abundances of 2.0 ± 4.0 m−2 occurred in spring. For juveniles, highest density of 218.4 ± 174.6 m−2 was detected in summer and lowest of 0.8 ± 1.8 m−2 in winter. No mysids were caught in any of the daytime hauls, but they were widely distributed throughout the water column at night. Size frequency distribution of mysids suggested that reproduction occurred year-round, the most consistent influx of juveniles occurred in early summer and a smaller second cohort in autumn. Highest mysid abundance was 189.2 ± 318.6 adults and 127.0 ± 66.3 juveniles m−2 in Lake Schmaler Luzin, and 59.6 ± 5.6 adults and 79.4 ± 11.2 juveniles m−2 in Lake Zansen. There were great spatial differences in abundance in both lakes.  相似文献   

Acidic mining lakes (pH <3) are specific habitats exhibiting particular chemical and biological characteristics. The species richness is low and mixotrophy and omnivory are common features of the plankton food web in such lakes. The plankton community structure of mining lakes of different morphometry and mixing type but similar chemical characteristics (Lake 130, Germany and Lake Langau, Austria) was investigated. The focus was laid on the species composition, the trophic relationship between the phago-mixotrophic flagellate Ochromonas sp. and bacteria and the formation of a deep chlorophyll maximum along a vertical pH-gradient. The shallow wind-exposed Lake 130 exhibited a higher species richness than Lake Langau. This increase in species richness was made up mainly by mero-planktic species, suggesting a strong benthic/littoral - pelagic coupling. Based on the field data from both lakes, a nonlinear, negative relation between bacteria and Ochromonas biomass was found, suggesting that at an Ochromonas biomass below 50 μg C L−1, the grazing pressure on bacteria is low and with increasing Ochromonas biomass bacteria decline. Furthermore, in Lake Langau, a prominent deep chlorophyll maximum was found with chlorophyll concentrations ca. 50 times higher than in the epilimnion which was build up by the euglenophyte Lepocinclis sp. We conclude that lake morphometry, and specific abiotic characteristics such as mixing behaviour influence the community structure in these mining lakes.  相似文献   

浮游植物是水生生态系统中重要的初级生产者,对维持水生态系统的平衡起着十分重要的作用.根据2008年云贵高原湖泊丰水期浮游植物调查数据,系统地分析了云贵高原13个湖泊中浮游植物的种群密度、生物量、组成及其多样性.云贵高原13个湖泊中共鉴定出浮游植物7门109种(绿藻52种、蓝藻23种、硅藻20种、其他14种).13个湖泊浮游植物Shannon-Wiener指数在0.5-2.2之间,其值大小与单个环境因子无显著相关.相关分析发现浮游植物总量与总氮、总磷、CODMn、硝态氮含量显著正相关,物种丰富度与总氮、总磷(0.1mg/L范围内)、CODMn含量亦显著正相关.另外,研究也发现各湖泊间浮游植物组成的相似性与各湖泊间营养状态差异显著负相关.由此可见,湖泊的营养状态不仅影响浮游植物的总量、组成以及物种丰富度,而且也影响各湖泊物种组成的相似性.  相似文献   

A month-long investigation of phytoplankton biomass and primary production (PP) was carried out during a harmful algal bloom (HAB) in Daya Bay, China, in 2003. During the bloom, the phytoplankton community was dominated by Scrippsiella trochoidea and Chattonella marina. The phytoplankton biomass (Chl a) and PP reached peak levels of 519.21 mg m−3 and 734.0 mgC m−3 h−1, respectively. Micro-phytoplankton was the key contributor to Chl a and PP in a cage-culture area and in the adjacent HAB-affected waters, with percentages of up to 82.91% and 84.94%, respectively. The HAB had complicated relationships with hydrological and meteorological factors in Daya Bay. However, the water around the cage-culture area always showed statistically greater phytoplankton biomass and nutrient loadings than in adjacent waters, suggesting that this was the “trigger area” of the bloom. The spatial and temporal distribution of diverse HABs in Daya Bay, their ecological characteristics, and their environmental impacts are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

We compare results of a new model for predicting the short term inter annual changes in chlorophyll-a (chl-a) in lakes after reductions in total phosphorus (TP) to predictions made by least squares regression models. In the new method, slopes of chl-a/TP graphs (both axes in mg · m–3) are depicted in frequency diagrams and used to extract information on the expected, short term chl-a/TP response. The short term response for nine shallow (< 10 m deep) and nutrient rich lakes to changes in TP was found to be: Chl-a = 0.49 · TP + 17.3, and for nine deep, P-limited lakes: Chl-a = 0.08 · TP + 3.5. If the TP-reduction is known to be greater than 10 mg · m–3, the expected slope increases to 0.58 for shallow lakes and to 0.26 for deep lakes. The slope, 0.58, is 8% lower than the slope for the long term response calculated by regression for the shallow lakes. For deep lakes the slope, 0.26, is 2 to 3 times higher than that calculated by regression, indicating that reductions in TP for deep lakes give greater effects than least squares regression equations suggest. We have also calculated the reduction in TP which will give about 80% probability that a reduction in chl-a will be observed next year. For shallow, P-limited lakes this reduction is about 30 mg · m–3 (5% of average initial in-lake TP concentration), and for deep lakes about 14 mg · m–3 (35% of average initial in-lake TP concentration).  相似文献   

We investigated trophic transfer efficiency in the pelagic food chain of deep, oligotrophic Lake Stechlin (Germany) by analyses of the primary, secondary, and fish production. Primary production between April and November 2000 was estimated at 78 g C m−2, pelagic secondary production at 14 g C m−2, and production of the main planktivorous fish species [European cisco, Coregonus albula (L.)] at 0.77 g C m−2. Thus, trophic transfer efficiency between primary and pelagic secondary production was around 18%, whereas between pelagic and fish production around 6%. The high efficiency at the first step of the chain is discussed to be due to the high food quality in oligotrophic lakes due to the dominance of Bacillariophyceae and Chlorophyceae rich in essential fatty acids. In turn, the relatively low trophic transfer efficiency between the secondary and the fish production is mainly explained by the avoidance of calanoid copepods as food source by the ciscoes. Concerning the trophic transfer efficiency, results from this study support the general assumption of a 10% transfer between neighbouring trophic levels within ecosystems.  相似文献   

The distributions of dimethylsulfide (DMS) and its precursor, dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), were examined in the surface microlayer and corresponding subsurface water of the Yellow Sea, China, in April 2006. The average concentrations of DMS and DMSP of dissolved (DMSPd) and particulate (DMSPp) forms were 5.42 (1.78–12.75), 9.22 (2.85–19.73) and 17.50 (4.33–36.09) nmol L−1 in the subsurface water, and those in the surface microlayer were 4.92 (1.69–10.66), 17.08 (3.13–38.82) and 22.54 (4.85–47.24) nmol L−1, respectively. The enrichment factor (EF) of DMS in the microlayer ranged from 0.47 to 2.24 with a mean of 0.98. In contrast, DMSPd and DMSPp appeared to be enriched in the microlayer with average EFs of 1.98 and 1.39, respectively. A close correlation of integrated DMS, DMSPp and chlorophyll a concentrations for compiled data from all stations in the microlayer and the subsurface water indicated that phytoplankton biomass might play an important role in controlling the distributions of biogenic sulfurs in the study area. Moreover, a statistically significant relationship was found between the microlayer concentrations of DMS, DMSP and chlorophyll a and their subsurface water concentrations, suggesting a close linkage between these two water compartments. Interestingly, we observed higher biological production rates and consumption rates of DMS in the microlayer relative to the subsurface water. Furthermore, the DMS production rates were closely correlated both with DMSPd and chlorophyll a concentrations. Our study showed that the major sink of DMS in microlayer was escape into the atmosphere, which greatly exceeded its bacterial consumption. A preliminary estimate for average flux of DMS from the Yellow Sea to the atmosphere was 6.41 μmol m−2 d−1 during spring.  相似文献   

We performed a field experiment in a tropical humic coastal lagoon to evaluate periphyton biomass accrual and metabolism on three different substrates (1) plastic ribbons, (2) green and (3) senescent leaves of the emergent macrophyte Typha domingensis) over 30 days. The contribution of autotrophic biomass decreased as total biomass increased over the time. Mean periphytic ash free dry weight ranged from 0.8 to 5.6 mg cm−2, but periphyton chlorophyll a concentrations presented shorter amplitudes, which oscillated from 0.12 to 0.44 μg cm−2 throughout the experiment. Periphyton metabolism was overall heterotrophic on all substrates, especially on senescent leaves. Our data show that substrate type influenced both biomass accrual and periphyton net productivity and respiration rates throughout periphyton development and highlighted the dominance of heterotrophic metabolism. The periphyton respiration may be subsidized by both water- and substrate-derived allochthonous energy pathways, shedding light on the role of periphytic assemblages to the carbon cycling, as a source of CO2 to the system.  相似文献   

Animal body size is a driving force behind trophic interactions within biological communities, yet few studies have explored relationships between body size and trophic position (based on δ15N) at a broad-scale in freshwater lakes. Therefore, our goals were to (1) determine whether body size is a good predictor of trophic position for multiple pelagic zooplankton taxa and fish communities, and (2) examine how body size-trophic position relationships at the community level compare to species level for fish. Zooplankton and fish were collected from 12 and 7 lakes, respectively, located in the Kawarthas, southern Ontario, Canada. The results indicated that for zooplankton, significant positive but different relationships were found between body size and trophic position for cladocerans, in general, and Daphnia, but not Holopedium. For fish, at the lake community level six out of seven relationships were positive and significant, but again, different among lakes. In contrast, at the species level only three of eight species-specific relationships were significant. Furthermore, for two widespread species, Perca flavescens and Micropterus dolomieu, significant differences were found between community- and lake-specific species relationships. Our community-level models and most species-level models provide evidence that trophic interactions in freshwater lakes are size-based. These results demonstrate that general species models should be applied with caution when using body size to predict trophic position. Additionally, the predictive power of some relationships found here is questionable since, albeit significant, their strengths are generally low. Together, our results suggest that body size may have limited use in predicting trophic position of some biota in temperate freshwater lakes.  相似文献   

During a summer period we studied the vertical variation of in vivo and chlorophyll a specific phytoplankton absorption spectra in relation to the underwater light climate of ten deep North Patagonian Andean lakes of Argentina. The lakes were thermally stratified, and the underwater light climate was characterized by extended euphotic zones which included highly illuminated epilimnetic layers (both UVR and PAR) and metalimnia exposed to dim blue-green light. Most of the lakes presented the development of Deep Chlorophyll Maxima (DCM) at the metalimnetic layers, near 1% of surface PAR irradiance. Analyzing the fourth-derivative plots of in vivo phytoplankton absorption spectra [dIVaph(λ)], we were able to identify several maxima absorption values attributed to different pigments. Considering lakes with DCM, a significant positive linear relationship was found between dIVaph (495–500 nm) normalized by chlorophyll a and downward irradiance. Indeed, a negative significant relationship was found between dIVaph (495–500 nm) normalized by chlorophyll a and diffuse PAR attenuation coefficients. These results point out an increase in the relative concentration of different carotenoids at surface layers indicating the role of photoprotection of these pigments. On the other hand, significant negative linear relationships were found between fourth-derivative spectra normalized by chlorophyll a at 650, 590–595, 560–565 and 520–525 nm and downward irradiance. These results indicated an increase in the relative concentration of photosynthetic accessory pigments at deep layers of the euphotic zone. Furthermore, we found a decrease in depth of specific absorption spectra at 440, 670 nm and in the ratio aph* (440 nm) to aph* (670 nm). This pattern was associated with the package effect concept. The increase in relative photosynthetic accessory pigment concentrations and the decrease in values of specific absorption spectra at the bottom of the euphotic zone were attributed to changes in phytoplankton communities between surface and deep layers. These outcomes pointed out that the underwater light climate and temperature water structure are, like in marine systems, very important factors governing the distribution of phytoplanktonic organisms. In addition, the possession of specific photosynthetic accessory pigments suggests that dominant species in the DCM are well adapted to these dim blue-green light scenarios.  相似文献   

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