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We studied and compared the radial profiles of globular clusters and of the stellar bulge component in three galaxies of the Fornax cluster observed with the WFPC2 of the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ). The stars are more concentrated toward the galactic centres than globular clusters, in agreement with what has already been observed in many other galaxies: if the observed difference is the result of evolution of the globular cluster systems starting from initial profiles similar to those of the halo–bulge stellar components, a relevant fraction of their initial mass (74, 47 and 52 per cent for NGC 1379, 1399 and 1404, respectively) should have disappeared in the inner regions. This mass has probably contributed to the nuclear field population, local dynamics and high-energy phenomena in the primeval life of the galaxy. An indication in favour of the evolutionary interpretation of the difference between the globular cluster system and stellar bulge radial profiles is given by the positive correlation we found between the value of the mass lost from the globular cluster system and the central galactic black hole mass in the set of seven galaxies for which these data are available.  相似文献   

We investigate the old globular cluster (GC) population of 68 faint  ( M V > −16 mag)  dwarf galaxies located in the halo regions of nearby (≲12 Mpc) loose galaxy groups and in the field environment based on archival Hubble Space Telescope ( HST )/Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) images in F606W and F814W filters. The combined colour distribution of 175 GC candidates peaks at  ( V − I ) = 0.96 ± 0.07 mag  and the GC luminosity function turnover for the entire sample is found at   M V ,TO=−7.6 ± 0.11 mag  , similar to the old metal-poor Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) GC population. Our data reveal a tentative trend of   M V ,TO  becoming fainter from late- to early-type galaxies. The luminosity and colour distributions of GCs in dIrrs show a lack of faint blue GCs (bGCs). Our analysis reveals that this might reflect a relatively younger GC system than typically found in luminous early-type galaxies. If verified by spectroscopy, this would suggest a later formation epoch of the first metal-poor star clusters in dwarf galaxies. We find several bright (massive) GCs which reside in the nuclear regions of their host galaxies. These nuclear clusters have similar luminosities and structural parameters as the peculiar Galactic clusters suspected of being the remnant nuclei of accreted dwarf galaxies, such as M54 and ωCen. Except for these nuclear clusters, the distribution of GCs in dIrrs in the half-light radius versus cluster mass plane is very similar to that of Galactic young halo clusters, which suggests comparable formation and dynamical evolution histories. A comparison with theoretical models of cluster disruption indicates that GCs in low-mass galaxies evolve dynamically as self-gravitating systems in a benign tidal environment.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the Milky Way galaxy is probably the largest member of the Local Group. The evidence comes from estimates of the total mass of the Andromeda galaxy (M31) derived from the three-dimensional positions and radial velocities of its satellite galaxies, as well as the projected positions and radial velocities of its distant globular clusters and planetary nebulae. The available data set comprises 10 satellite galaxies, 17 distant globular clusters and nine halo planetary nebulae with radial velocities. We find that the halo of Andromeda has a mass of together with a scalelength of 90 kpc and a predominantly isotropic velocity distribution. For comparison, our earlier estimate for the Milky Way halo is Although the error bars are admittedly large, this suggests that the total mass of M31 is probably less than that of the Milky Way . We verify the robustness of our results to changes in the modelling assumptions and to errors caused by the small size and incompleteness of the data set.
Our surprising claim can be checked in several ways in the near future. The numbers of satellite galaxies, planetary nebulae and globular clusters with radial velocities can be increased by ground-based spectroscopy, while the proper motions of the companion galaxies and the unresolved cores of the globular clusters can be measured using the astrometric satellites Space Interferometry Mission ( SIM ) and Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics ( GAIA ). Using 100 globular clusters at projected radii 20 R 50 kpc with both radial velocities and proper motions, it will be possible to estimate the mass within 50 kpc to an accuracy of 20 per cent. Measuring the proper motions of the companion galaxies with SIM and GAIA will reduce the uncertainty in the total mass caused by the small size of the data set to 22 per cent.  相似文献   

We examine the optical emission-line properties of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) selected from two large, homogeneous data sets. The first is the X-ray selected National Optical Astronomy Observatory Fundamental Plane Survey (NFPS), and the second is the C4 catalogue of optically selected clusters built from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 3 (SDSS DR3). Our goal is to better understand the optical line emission in BCGs with respect to properties of the galaxy and the host cluster. Throughout the analysis we compare the line emission of the BCGs to that of a control sample made of the other bright galaxies near the cluster centre. Overall, both the NFPS and SDSS show a modest fraction of BCGs with emission lines (∼15 per cent). No trend in the fraction of emitting BCGs as a function of galaxy mass or cluster velocity dispersion is found. However, we find that, for those BCGs found in cooling flow clusters,  71+9−14  have optical emission. Furthermore, if we consider only BCGs within 50 kpc of the X-ray centre of a cooling flow cluster, the emission-line fraction rises further to  100+0−15  per cent. Excluding the cooling flow clusters, only ∼10 per cent of BCGs are line emitting, comparable to the control sample of galaxies. We show that the physical origin of the emission-line activity varies: in some cases it has LINER-like line ratios, whereas in others it is a composite of star-formation and LINER-like activity. We conclude that the presence of emission lines in BCGs is directly related to the cooling of X-ray gas at the cluster centre.  相似文献   

The dynamical friction problem is a long-standing dilemma about globular clusters (hereafter GCs) belonging to dwarf galaxies. GCs are strongly affected by dynamical friction in dwarf galaxies, and are presumed to fall into the galactic centre. But, GCs do exist in dwarf galaxies generally. A solution of the problem has been proposed. If dwarf galaxies have a core dark matter halo which has constant density distribution in its centre, the effect of dynamical friction will be weakened considerably, and GCs should be able to survive beyond the age of the Universe. Then, the solution argued that, in a cored dark halo, interaction between the halo and the GC constructs a new equilibrium state, in which a part of the halo rotates along with the GC (corotating state). The equilibrium state can suppress the dynamical friction in the core region. In this study, I tested whether the solution is reasonable and reconsidered why a constant density, core halo suppresses dynamical friction, by means of N -body simulations. As a result, I conclude that the true mechanism of suppressed dynamical friction is not the corotating state, although a core halo can actually suppress dynamical friction on GCs significantly.  相似文献   

Using high-resolution cosmological N -body simulations, we investigate the survival of dark matter satellites falling into larger haloes. Satellites preserve their identity for some time after merging. We compute their loss of mass, energy and angular momentum as they are dissolved by dynamical friction, tidal forces and collisions with other satellites. We also analyse the evolution of their internal structure. Satellites with less than a few per cent of the mass of the main halo may survive for several billion years, whereas larger satellites rapidly sink into the centre of the main halo potential well and lose their identity. Penetrating encounters between satellites are frequent and may lead to significant mass loss and disruption. Only a minor fraction of cluster mass (10–15 per cent on average) is bound to substructure at most redshifts of interest. We discuss the application of these results to the survival and extent of dark matter haloes associated with galaxies in clusters, and to their interactions. We find that a minor fraction of galaxy-size dark matter haloes are disrupted by redshift z  = 0. The fraction of satellites undergoing close encounters is similar to the observed fraction of interacting or merging galaxies in clusters at moderate redshift.  相似文献   

We present BVI photometry of 190 galaxies in the central 4 ×3 deg2 region of the Fornax cluster observed with the Michigan Curtis Schmidt Telescope. Results from the Fornax Cluster Spectroscopic Survey (FCSS) and the Flair-II Fornax Surveys have been used to confirm the membership status of galaxies in the Fornax Cluster Catalogue (FCC). In our catalogue of 213 member galaxies, 92 (43 per cent) have confirmed radial velocities.
In this paper, we investigate the surface brightness–magnitude relation for Fornax cluster galaxies. Particular attention is given to the sample of cluster dwarfs and the newly discovered ultracompact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) from the FCSS. We examine the reliability of the surface brightness–magnitude relation as a method for determining cluster membership and find that at surface brightnesses fainter than 22 mag arcsec−2, it fails in its ability to distinguish between cluster members and barely resolved background galaxies. Cluster members exhibit a strong surface brightness–magnitude relation. Both elliptical (E) galaxies and dwarf elliptical (dE) galaxies increase in surface brightness as luminosity decreases. The UCDs lie off the locus of the relation.
  B − V   and   V − I   colours are determined for a sample of 113 cluster galaxies and the colour–magnitude relation is explored for each morphological type. The UCDs lie off the locus of the colour–magnitude relation. Their mean   V − I   colours (∼1.09) are similar to those of globular clusters associated with NGC 1399. The location of the UCDs on both surface brightness and colour–magnitude plots supports the 'galaxy threshing' model for infalling nucleated dwarf elliptical (dE, N) galaxies.  相似文献   

The present work extends and deepens previous examinations of the evolution of globular cluster orbits in elliptical galaxies, by means of numerical integrations of a wide set of orbits in five self-consistent triaxial galactic models characterized by a central core and different axial ratios. These models are valid and complete in the representation of regular orbits in elliptical galaxies. Dynamical friction is definitely shown to be an efficient cause of evolution for the globular cluster systems in elliptical galaxies of any mass or axial ratio. Moreover, our statistically significant sample of computed orbits confirms that the globular cluster orbital decay times are, at least for clusters moving on box orbits, much shorter than the age of the galaxies. Consequently, the mass carried into the innermost galactic region in the form of decayed globular clusters may have contributed significantly to feeding and accreting a compact object therein.  相似文献   

Gravitational wave emission by coalescing black holes (BHs) kicks the remnant BH with a typical velocity of hundreds of  km s−1  . This velocity is sufficiently large to remove the remnant BH from a low-mass galaxy but is below the escape velocity from the Milky Way (MW) galaxy. If central BHs were common in the galactic building blocks that merged to make the MW, then numerous BHs that were kicked out of low-mass galaxies should be freely floating in the MW halo today. We use a large statistical sample of possible merger tree histories for the MW to estimate the expected number of recoiled BH remnants present in the MW halo today. We find that hundreds of BHs should remain bound to the MW halo after leaving their parent low-mass galaxies. Each BH carries a compact cluster of old stars that populated the core of its original host galaxy. Using the time-dependent Fokker–Planck equation, we find that the present-day clusters are  ≲1 pc  in size, and their central bright regions should be unresolved in most existing sky surveys. These compact systems are distinguishable from globular clusters by their internal (Keplerian) velocity dispersion greater than 100 km s−1 and their high mass-to-light ratio owing to the central BH. An observational discovery of this relic population of star clusters in the MW halo would constrain the formation history of the MW and the dynamics of BH mergers in the early Universe. A similar population should exist around other galaxies and may potentially be detectable in M31 and M33.  相似文献   

We examine the accretion and merger histories of central and satellite galaxies in a smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) cosmological simulation that resolves galaxies down to  7 × 109 M  . Most friends-of-friends haloes in the simulation have a distinct central galaxy, typically 2–5 times more massive than the most massive satellite. As expected, satellites have systematically higher assembly redshifts than central galaxies of the same baryonic mass, and satellites in more massive haloes form earlier. However, contrary to the simplest expectations, satellite galaxies continue to accrete gas and convert it to stars; the gas accretion declines steadily over a period of 0.5–1 Gyr after the satellite halo merges with a larger parent halo. Satellites in a cluster mass halo eventually begin to lose baryonic mass. Typically, satellites in our simulation are 0.1–0.2 mag bluer than in models that assume no gas accretion on to satellites after a halo merger. Since   z = 1  , 27 per cent of central galaxies (above  3 × 1010 M  ) and 22 per cent of present-day satellite galaxies have merged with a smaller system above a 1:4 mass ratio; about half of the satellite mergers occurred after the galaxy became a satellite and half before. In effect, satellite galaxies can remain 'central' objects of halo substructures, with continuing accretion and mergers, making the transition in assembly histories and physical properties a gradual one. Implementing such a gradual transformation in semi-analytic models would improve their agreement with observed colour distributions of satellite galaxies in groups and with the observed colour dependence of galaxy clustering.  相似文献   

The presence of two globular cluster subpopulations in early-type galaxies is now the norm rather than the exception. Here we present two more examples for which the host galaxy appears to have undergone a recent merger. Using multi-colour Keck imaging of NGC 1052 and 7332 we find evidence for a bimodal globular cluster colour distribution in both galaxies, with roughly equal numbers of blue and red globular clusters. The blue ones have similar colours to those in the Milky Way halo and are thus probably very old and metal-poor. If the red globular cluster subpopulations are at least of solar metallicity, then stellar population models indicate young ages. We discuss the origin of globular clusters within the framework of formation models. We conclude that recent merger events in these two galaxies have had little effect on their overall globular cluster systems. We also derive globular cluster density profiles, global specific frequencies and, in the case of NGC 1052, radial colour gradients and azimuthal distribution. In general these globular cluster properties are normal for early-type galaxies.  相似文献   

We study the mass distribution in six nearby  ( z < 0.06)  relaxed Abell clusters of galaxies A0262, A0496, A1060, A2199, A3158 and A3558. Given the dominance of dark matter in galaxy clusters, we approximate their total density distribution by the Navarro, Frenk & White (NFW) formula characterized by virial mass and concentration. We also assume that the anisotropy of galactic orbits is reasonably well described by a constant and that galaxy distribution traces that of the total density. Using the velocity and position data for 120–420 galaxies per cluster we calculate, after removal of interlopers, the profiles of the lowest order even velocity moments, dispersion and kurtosis. We then reproduce the velocity moments by jointly fitting the moments to the solutions of the Jeans equations. Including the kurtosis in the analysis allows us to break the degeneracy between the mass distribution and anisotropy and constrain the anisotropy as well as the virial mass and concentration. The method is tested in detail on mock data extracted from the N -body simulations of dark matter haloes. We find that the best-fitting Galactic orbits are remarkably close to isotropic in most clusters. Using the fitted pairs of mass and concentration parameters for the six clusters, we conclude that the trend of decreasing concentration for higher masses found in the cosmological N -body simulations is consistent with the data. By scaling the individual cluster data by mass, we combine them to create a composite cluster with 1465 galaxies and perform a similar analysis on such sample. The estimated concentration parameter then lies in the range  1.5 < c < 14  and the anisotropy parameter in the range  −1.1 < β < 0.5  at the 95 per cent confidence level.  相似文献   

We use a large suite of carefully controlled full hydrodynamic simulations to study the ram pressure stripping of the hot gaseous haloes of galaxies as they fall into massive groups and clusters. The sensitivity of the results to the orbit, total galaxy mass, and galaxy structural properties is explored. For typical structural and orbital parameters, we find that ∼30 per cent of the initial hot galactic halo gas can remain in place after 10 Gyr. We propose a physically simple analytic model that describes the stripping seen in the simulations remarkably well. The model is analogous to the original formulation of Gunn & Gott, except that it is appropriate for the case of a spherical (hot) gas distribution (as opposed to a face-on cold disc) and takes into account that stripping is not instantaneous but occurs on a characteristic time-scale. The model reproduces the results of the simulations to within ≈10 per cent at almost all times for all the orbits, mass ratios, and galaxy structural properties we have explored. The one exception involves unlikely systems where the orbit of the galaxy is highly non-radial and its mass exceeds about 10 per cent of the group or cluster into which it is falling (in which case the model underpredicts the stripping following pericentric passage). The proposed model has several interesting applications, including modelling the ram pressure stripping of both observed and cosmologically simulated galaxies and as a way to improve present semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. One immediate consequence is that the colours and morphologies of satellite galaxies in groups and clusters will differ significantly from those predicted with the standard assumption of complete stripping of the hot coronae.  相似文献   

We present a photometric study of the globular cluster systems (GCSs) of the Fornax cluster galaxies NGC 1374, NGC 1379 and NGC 1387. The data consist of images from the wide-field MOSAIC imager of the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory (CTIO) 4-m telescope, obtained with Washington C and Kron–Cousins R filters. The images cover a field of  36 × 36 arcmin2  , corresponding to  200 × 200 kpc2  at the Fornax distance. Two of the galaxies, NGC 1374 and NGC 1379, are low-luminosity ellipticals while NGC 1387 is a low-luminosity lenticular. Their cluster systems are still embedded in the cluster system of NGC 1399. Therefore, the use of a large field is crucial and some differences to previous work can be explained by this. The colour distributions of all GCSs are bimodal. NGC 1387 presents a particularly distinct separation between red and blue clusters and an overproportionally large population of red clusters. The radial distribution is different for blue and red clusters, red clusters being more concentrated towards the respective galaxies. The different colour and radial distributions point to the existence of two globular cluster subpopulations in these galaxies. Specific frequencies are in the range   SN = 1.4–2.4  , smaller than the typical values for elliptical galaxies. These galaxies might have suffered tidal stripping of blue globular clusters by NGC 1399.  相似文献   

We have derived ages and metallicities from co-added spectra of 131 globular clusters associated with the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4472. Based upon a calibration with Galactic globular clusters, we find that our sample of globular clusters in NGC 4472 span a metallicity range of approximately −1.6≤[Fe/H]≤0 dex. There is evidence of a radial metallicity gradient in the globular cluster system which is steeper than that seen in the underlying starlight. Determination of the absolute ages of the globular clusters is uncertain, but formally, the metal-poor population of globular clusters has an age of 14.5±4 Gyr and the metal-rich population is 13.8±6 Gyr old. Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the globular cluster populations present in these data are older than 6 Gyr at the 95 per cent confidence level. We find that within the uncertainties, the globular clusters are old and coeval, implying that the bimodality seen in the broadband colours primarily reflects metallicity and not age differences.  相似文献   

We use semi-analytic techniques to study the formation and evolution of brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs). We show the extreme hierarchical nature of these objects and discuss the limitations of simple ways to capture their evolution. In a model where cooling flows are suppressed at late times by active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity, the stars of BCGs are formed very early (50 per cent at z ∼ 5, 80 per cent at z ∼ 3) and in many small galaxies. The high star formation rates in these high- z progenitors are fuelled by rapid cooling, not by merger-triggered starbursts. We find that model BCGs assemble surprisingly late: half their final mass is typically locked up in a single galaxy after   z ∼ 0.5  . Because most of the galaxies accreted on to BCGs have little gas content and red colours, late mergers do not change the apparent age of BCGs. It is this accumulation of a large number of old stellar populations – driven mainly by the merging history of the dark matter halo itself – that yields the observed homogeneity of BCG properties. In the second part of the paper, we discuss the evolution of BCGs to high redshifts, from both observational and theoretical viewpoints. We show that our model BCGs are in qualitative agreement with high- z observations. We discuss the hierarchical link between high- z BCGs and their local counterparts. We show that high- z BCGs belong to the same population as the massive end of local BCG progenitors, although they are not in general the same galaxies. Similarly, high- z BCGs end up as massive galaxies in the local Universe, although only a fraction of them are actually BCGs of massive clusters.  相似文献   

A large number of early-type galaxies are now known to possess blue and red subpopulations of globular clusters. We have compiled a data base of 28 such galaxies exhibiting bimodal globular cluster colour distributions. After converting to a common V – I colour system, we investigate correlations between the mean colour of the blue and red subpopulations with galaxy velocity dispersion. We support previous claims that the mean colours of the blue globular clusters are unrelated to their host galaxy. They must have formed rather independently of the galaxy potential they now inhabit. The mean blue colour is similar to that for halo globular clusters in our Galaxy and M31. The red globular clusters, on the other hand, reveal a strong correlation with galaxy velocity dispersion. Furthermore, in well-studied galaxies the red subpopulation has similar, and possibly identical, colours to the galaxy halo stars. Our results indicate an intimate link between the red globular clusters and the host galaxy; they share a common formation history. A natural explanation for these trends would be the formation of the red globular clusters during galaxy collapse.  相似文献   

We explore the rich globular cluster (GC) system of the nearby Sa galaxy M104, the 'Sombrero' (NGC 4594), using archive Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 data. The GC colour distribution is found to be bimodal at the >99 per cent confidence level, with peaks at     and     . The inferred metallicities are very similar to those of GCs in our Galaxy and M31. However, the Sombrero reveals a much enhanced number of red (metal-rich) GCs compared to other well-studied spirals. Because the Sombrero is dominated by a huge bulge and only has a modest disc, we associate the two subpopulations with the halo and bulge components, respectively. Thus our analysis supports the view that the metal-rich GCs in spirals are associated with the bulge rather than with the disc. The Sombrero GCs have typical effective (half-light) radii of ∼2 pc with the red ones being ∼30 per cent smaller than the blue ones. We identify many similarities between the GC system of the Sombrero and those of both late-type spirals and early-type galaxies. Thus both the GC system and the Hubble type of the Sombrero galaxy appear to be intermediate in their nature.  相似文献   

Using a large (14 857), homogenously selected sample of cluster galaxies identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4, we investigate the impact of cluster membership and local density on the stellar mass–gas phase metallicity relation (MZR). We show that stellar metallicities are not suitable for this work, being relatively insensitive to subtle changes in the MZR. Accurate nebular abundances can be obtained for 1318 cluster galaxies in our sample and we show that these galaxies are drawn from clusters that are fully representative of the parent sample in terms of mass, size, velocity dispersion and richness. By comparing the MZR of the cluster galaxies with a sample of control galaxies matched in mass, redshift, fibre covering fraction and rest-frame   g − r   colour cluster galaxies are found to have, on average, higher metallicities by up to 0.04 dex. The magnitude of this offset does not depend strongly on galactic half-light radius or cluster properties such as velocity dispersion or cluster mass. The effect of local density on the MZR is investigated, using the presence of a near neighbour and both two- and three-dimensional density estimators. For all three metrics, it is found that the cluster galaxies in locally rich environments have higher median metallicities by up to ∼0.05 dex than those in locally poor environments (or without a near neighbour). Control (non-cluster) galaxies at locally high densities exhibit similar metal enhancements. Taken together, these results show that galaxies in clusters are, on average, slightly more metal rich than the field, but that this effect is driven by local overdensity and not simply cluster membership.  相似文献   

We present a quantitative estimate of the relative active galactic nucleus (AGN)/starburst content in a sample of 59 nearby  ( z < 0.15)  infrared bright ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) taken from the 1-Jy sample, based on infrared L -band (3–4 μm) spectra. By using diagnostic diagrams and a simple deconvolution model, we show that at least 60 per cent of local ULIRGs contain an active nucleus, but the AGN contribution to the bolometric luminosity is relevant only in  ∼15–20  per cent of the sources. Overall, ULIRGs appear to be powered by the starburst process, responsible for >85 per cent of the observed infrared luminosity. The subsample of sources optically classified as low-ionization nuclear emission-line regions (LINERs; 31 objects) shows a similar AGN/starburst distribution as the whole sample, indicating a composite nature for this class of objects. We also show that a few ULIRGs, optically classified as starbursts, have L -band spectral features suggesting the presence of a buried AGN.  相似文献   

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