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《New Astronomy Reviews》2002,46(2-7):171-174
We summarise the results of our recently completed HST R-band study of low-redshift (0.1<z<0.25) FRII radio galaxies along with the host galaxies of quasars of similar redshifts. We find that, like radio galaxies, the hosts of radio-loud quasars and all but the least luminous radio-quiet quasars are massive elliptical galaxies with relatively large scalelengths (≃10 kpc) and luminosities (>2L*). Indeed the quasar hosts are essentially indistinguishable from the radio galaxies in our sample. Apart from the nuclear activity there is little to distinguish the AGN hosts from inactive massive elliptical galaxies.  相似文献   

In January 2005 spectral observations of the radio source Z0254+43 were made on the BTA at the Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN) and its red shift was found to be z=4.057. The BVRI magnitudes were found to be 22.68, 21.19, 19.94, and 19.23, respectively. Photometric observations in December 2005 on the Zeiss-1000 at the SAO revealed no significant variation in the optical emission from this object over that year. We can discuss its variability on an hourly time scale with some caution. The variability of the flux from Z0254+43 was observed from 1990–2005 on the RATAN-600 over a wide range of frequencies. It turns out that the amplitude of the variability is minimal at a frequency of ∼8 GHz. A model for the variability has been constructed which yields an estimate of ∼28° for the orientation of the jet of Z0254+43 to the line of sight. The luminosity of Z0254+43 in the optical range is ∼2·1026 W/Hz and in the radio frequency range, ∼2·1027 W/Hz. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 209–220 (May 2006).  相似文献   

We present spatially resolved intermediate-resolution spectroscopy of a sample of 12 E+A galaxies in the   z = 0.32  rich galaxy cluster AC 114, obtained with the FLAMES multi-integral field unit system on the Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory. Previous integrated spectroscopy of all these galaxies by Couch & Sharples had shown them to have strong Balmer line absorption and an absence of [O  ii ]λ3727 emission – the defining characteristics of the 'E+A' spectral signature, indicative of an abrupt halt to a recent episode of quite vigorous star formation. We have used our spectral data to determine the radial variation in the strength of Hδ absorption in these galaxies and hence map out the distribution of this recently formed stellar population. Such information provides important clues as to what physical event might have been responsible for this quite dramatic change in star formation activity in the recent past of these galaxies. We find a diversity of behaviour amongst these galaxies in terms of the radial variation in Hδ absorption: four galaxies show little Hδ absorption across their entire extent; it would appear they were misidentified as E+A galaxies in the earlier integrated spectroscopic studies. The remainder show strong Hδ absorption, with a gradient that is either negative (Hδ equivalent width decreasing with radius), flat or positive . By comparison with numerical simulations we suggest that the first of these different types of radial behaviour provides evidence for a merger/interaction origin, whereas the latter two types of behaviour are more consistent with the truncation of star formation in normal disc galaxies with the Hδ gradient becoming increasingly positive with time after truncation. It would seem therefore that more than one physical mechanism is responsible for E+A formation in the same environment.  相似文献   

We analyze the peculiar velocity field for 2400 flat spiral galaxies selected from an infrared sky survey (2MFGC). The distances to the galaxies have been determined from the Tully-Fisher relation in the photometric J band with a dispersion of 0m.45. The bulk motion of this sample relative to the cosmic microwave background (3K) frame has an amplitude of 199 ± 37 km s?1 in the direction l = 290° ± 11°, b = +1° ± 9°. The amplitude of the dipole motion tends to decrease with distance in accordance with the expected convergence of bulk flows in the 3K frame. We believe that external massive attractors similar to the Shapley cluster concentration are responsible for ~60% of the local flow velocity in the z = 0.03 volume.  相似文献   

We show that the luminosity functions of the distant rich clusters Abell 665 ( z =0.182) and Abell 963 ( z =0.206) are flat or gradually rising down to MR =−14, with α≈−1.2±0.4 [here α is the logarithmic slope of the luminosity function: φ( L )∝ L α at the faint end]. We do not confirm the steep luminosity functions (α≤−1.8) that have been recently proposed for these two clusters.
Several technical points are discussed in detail. In particular, we compute the corrections to the background contamination caused by gravitational lensing from the cluster dark matter, and show that the corrections are small unless we wish to determine variations in the luminosity function on small scales.
Recent observations have also shown that the field galaxy luminosity function at z ≈0.2 is also shallow between MB =−19 and MB =−13. Abell 665 and 963 are two of the richest clusters known at that redshift. We therefore propose that the galaxy luminosity function might be universal in this magnitude range at z =0.2.
The dwarf galaxies that we see in Abell 665 have a colour distribution that is strongly peaked at B − R =1.9. We compute K -corrections based on the spectral energy distributions of local galaxies, and show that these are probably dwarf spheroidal galaxies. This might suggest that the dwarf spheroidal population observed in Virgo already existed at z =0.2.  相似文献   

We perform a spectrophotometric analysis of galaxies at redshifts z = 4–6 in cosmological smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of a Λ cold dark matter universe. Our models include radiative cooling and heating by a uniform ultraviolet (UV) background, star formation, supernova feedback, and a phenomenological model for galactic winds. Analysing a series of simulations of varying box size and particle number allows us to isolate the impact of numerical resolution on our results. Specifically, we determine the luminosity functions in B , V , R , i ' and z ' filters, and compare the results with observational surveys of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) performed with the Subaru telescope and the Hubble Space Telescope . We find that the simulated galaxies have UV colours consistent with observations and fall in the expected region of the colour–colour diagrams used by the Subaru group. The stellar masses of the most massive galaxies in our largest simulation increase their stellar mass from   M ∼ 1011 M  at z = 6 to   M ∼ 1011.7 M  at z = 3. Assuming a uniform extinction of E ( B − V ) = 0.15, we also find reasonable agreement between simulations and observations in the space density of UV bright galaxies at z = 3–6, down to the magnitude limit of each survey. For the same moderate extinction level of E ( B − V ) ∼ 0.15, the simulated luminosity functions match observational data, but have a steep faint-end slope with α∼−2.0. We discuss the implications of the steep faint-end slope found in the simulations. Our results confirm the generic conclusion from earlier numerical studies that UV bright LBGs at z ≥ 3 are the most massive galaxies with E ( B − V ) ∼ 0.15 at each epoch.  相似文献   

We present quantitative morphology measurements of a sample of optically selected group galaxies at  0.3 < z < 0.55  using the Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) and the gim2d surface brightness fitting software package. The group sample is derived from the Canadian Network for Observational Cosmology Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (CNOC2) and follow-up Magellan spectroscopy. We compare these measurements to a similarly selected group sample from the Millennium Galaxy Catalogue (MGC) at  0.05 < z < 0.12  . We find that, at both epochs, the group and field fractional bulge luminosity (B/T) distributions differ significantly, with the dominant difference being a deficit of disc-dominated (B/T < 0.2) galaxies in the group samples. At fixed luminosity,   z = 0.4  groups have  ∼5.5 ± 2  per cent fewer disc-dominated galaxies than the field, while by   z = 0.1  this difference has increased to  ∼19 ± 6  per cent. Despite the morphological evolution we see no evidence that the group environment is actively perturbing or otherwise affecting the entire existing disc population. At both redshifts, the discs of group galaxies have similar scaling relations and show similar median asymmetries as the discs of field galaxies. We do find evidence that the fraction of highly asymmetric, bulge-dominated galaxies is  6 ± 3  per cent higher in groups than in the field, suggesting there may be enhanced merging in group environments. We replicate our group samples at   z = 0.4  and 0 using the semi-analytic galaxy catalogues of Bower et al. This model accurately reproduces the B/T distributions of the group and field at   z = 0.1  . However, the model does not reproduce our finding that the deficit of discs in groups has increased significantly since   z = 0.4  .  相似文献   

In this paper, the third and final of a series, we present complete K -band imaging and some complementary I -band imaging of the filtered 6C* sample. We find no systematic differences between the K – z relation of 6C* radio galaxies and those from complete samples, so the near-infrared properties of luminous radio galaxies are not obviously biased by the additional 6C* radio selection criteria (steep spectral index and small angular size). The 6C* K – z data significantly improve delineation of the K – z relation for radio galaxies at high redshift ( z >2) . Accounting for non-stellar contamination, and for correlations between radio luminosity and stellar mass, we find little support for previous claims that the underlying scatter in the stellar luminosity of radio galaxies increases significantly at z >2 . In a particular spatially flat universe with a cosmological constant (ΩM=0.3 and ΩΛ=0.7) , the most luminous radio sources appear to be associated with galaxies with a luminosity distribution with a high mean (≈5  L *), and a low dispersion ( σ ∼0.5 mag) which formed their stars at epochs corresponding to z ≳2.5 . This result is in line with recent submillimetre studies of high-redshift radio galaxies and the inferred ages of extremely red objects from faint radio samples.  相似文献   

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