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北京市泥石流灾害临界雨量研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
降雨是泥石流灾害的主要诱发因素。文章根据北京市历史上泥石流灾害发生时的前期雨量与当日激发雨量,建立了临界雨量判别模型。通过对北京地区泥石流灾害与降雨频率的分析,计算了不同时段的临界雨量;经验证明,计算结果是可信的。基于灾害与降雨频率分析来确定北京地区泥石流发生的临界雨量是一种新的尝试。该方法可用于计算不同泥石流沟道发生泥石流的临界雨量。  相似文献   

缺资料地区泥石流预警雨量阈值研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
潘华利  欧国强  黄江成  曹波 《岩土力学》2012,33(7):2122-2126
合理的雨量阈值指标是保障泥石流预警报准确性的关键,对于研究泥石流形成机制、分析预测未来活动特点以及指导防治工程设计等方面均具有重要意义。由于国内山区大多数泥石流沟均无降雨和灾害资料,目前国内外通行的实证法和频率计算法不能满足其泥石流预警报的需要。通过分析泥石流预警区的降雨条件、水文特征及下垫面条件,提出了基于水力类泥石流起动机制来计算泥石流预警雨量阈值的方法。主要根据流域地形及松散固体物质等特征,计算该流域泥石流起动的临界水深,并结合流域产汇流机制、特征降雨量随海拔变化规律、暴雨雨型特征,进而计算该流域泥石流预警雨量阈值。研究成果在四川省凉山州宁南县城后山史家沟流域进行了应用和验证,结果表明该方法具有合理性和可行性。该方法解决了缺资料地区泥石流预警报的难题,为山区泥石流预警报提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

泥石流的发生受各种因素共同影响,确定泥石流临界雨量是突发地质灾害预警预报工作的一项重要内容,探索新方法用于泥石流临界雨量计算也是目前突发地质灾害预警预报工作的需求。本文分析了门头沟区泥石流灾害分布特征和影响因素,在前期研究基础上,以灾害频率与降雨频率分析方法计算了不同时间段泥石流临界雨量阈值,结果显示:门头沟区特殊的地质条件构成了泥石流形成的物源与地形基础,降雨是泥石流的激发因素,根据泥石流发生时的历史雨量监测数据,计算得出的临界雨量值均小于历史雨量监测数据。本研究推荐的门头沟区泥石流不同时间段临界雨量阈值可用于北京市泥石流灾害预警预报工作,研究结果可为北京市泥石流灾害预警预报工作提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

杨世伟 《城市地质》2019,14(1):79-83
暴雨型泥石流灾害是九华山风景区较为频发,同时也是危害最大的地质灾害,每年均会因此造成较大的经济损失。针对当地对地质灾害研究较浅的实际情况,通过对九华山风景区泥石流沟谷,尤其是三道桥泥石流灾害的现场调查,对风景区内地形地貌、物质来源、水动力条件等特征进行了论述,分析了形成泥石流的条件。采用雨洪法等定量方式确定了风景区泥石流形成的临界雨量,计算了泥石流的主要动力学参数,分析了其危害。强降雨和沟谷松散物质是诱发当地泥石流的主要原因,建议从控制物源、削弱水动力条件,改变或控制泥石流的活动规律等方面,采取综合治理的方法减轻泥石流的危害。  相似文献   

汶川震区北川9.24暴雨泥石流特征研究   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
2008年9月24日汶川震区的北川县暴雨导致区域性泥石流发生,这次9.24暴雨泥石流灾害导致了42人死亡,对公路和其他基础设施造成严重损毁。本研究采用地面调查和遥感解译方法分析地震与暴雨共同作用下的泥石流特征,获取的气象数据用于分析泥石流起动的临界雨量条件。本文探讨了研究区泥石流起动和输移过程,并根据野外调查,分析了泥石流形成的降雨、岩石和断层作用,特别是强降雨过程与物源区对泥石流发生的作用。根据应急调查发现北川县境内暴雨诱发的泥石流72处,其分布受岩石类型、发震断层和河流等因素控制。根据对研究区震前和震后泥石流发生的临界雨量和雨强的初步分析,汶川地震后,该区域泥石流起动的前期累积雨量降低了14.8%~22.1%,小时雨强降低25.4 %~31.6%。震区泥石流起动方式主要有二种,一是由于暴雨过程形成的斜坡表层径流导致悬挂于斜坡上的滑坡体表面和前缘松散物质向下输移,进入沟道后转为泥石流过程;二是消防水管效应使沟道水流快速集中,并强烈冲刷沟床中松散固体物质,导致沟床物质起动并形成泥石流过程。调查和分析发现沟内堆积的滑坡坝对泥石流的阻塞明显,溃决后可导致瞬时洪峰流量特别大。研究结果表明了汶川震区已进入一个新的活跃期。因此,应该开展对汶川地震区的泥石流风险评估和监测、早期预警,采取有效的工程措施控制泥石流的发生和危害。  相似文献   

浙东南山丘区泥石流爆发的临界雨量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先对浙东南山区泥石流的形成条件(物源、地形和降水条件)进行了研究。随后研究了本区泥石流的基本特征:在形成方式上,以谷坡或沟源地带的土动力启动方式为主;在侵蚀特征方面,主要有面蚀作用和沟谷侵蚀作用;堆积特征方面,在宏观上当规模较大时可形成堆积扇,规模较小时往往以停积于中下游沟道为主;微观上,主要表现为堆积物质结构杂乱,个别具有期次性。对本区泥石流临界雨量组合进行分析,认为采用基于区域临界雨量组合的泥石流预警预报方法较为合理。利用研究区内4次群发泥石流时的降雨特征值确定了本区泥石流爆发的临界雨量组合,并将其应用于研究区泥石流的临灾预警,分为以下步骤:①收集实时降雨资料;②绘制实时雨量组合曲线;③泥石流灾害预警;④泥石流临界雨量基准的修正。  相似文献   

四川石棉熊家沟曾于2013年7月4日爆发泥石流,该次泥石流物源类型多样、形成机理复杂,并发生堵塞主河的次生灾害链,具有代表性。通过研究,本次泥石流是在强降雨条件下,以中上游沟道松散物为启动点、沿程下切拉槽、崩滑不断参与运动的一场由自然因素形成的地质灾害。泥石流形成因素分为强降雨、沟道物源启动、崩滑规模扩大3个方面。参与熊家沟泥石流启动汇集的物质来源为沟道物源和崩滑物源,其中,沟道物源量占总量的81.55%。物源补给以沟道松散物为主,崩滑直接提供物源量小分散。经过"7·04"灾害后,流域沟道淤积抬升,形成新的沟道松散物,为下次泥石流埋下了隐患。熊家沟泥石流的成灾模式类型多样,表现为淤积抬高、撞击冲毁、堵塞主河、淹没上游。通过堵河经验公式判别,"7·04"熊家沟泥石流的形成特征极易发生堵河,当地政府与防灾减灾部门应有的放矢做好地质灾害防治工作。  相似文献   

泥石流成因机理的非饱和土力学理论研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
泥石流是一种具有较强破坏力的自然山地灾害。对于它的预报研究历来为人们所重视,并建立了很多雨量预报模型。然而,这些雨量预报模型的预报时间很短,往往只能在灾害发生前几十分钟作出预报。论文应用非饱和土强度理论对降雨型泥石漉的成园机理进行了研究,提出降雨型泥石流的形成过程可以划分为2个阶段:第一个阶段与前期实效降雨量有关;第二个阶段与短历时强降雨有关。并对各个阶段降雨作用机理以及固体松散物质的力学性质变化特征进行探讨。为预先判断在降雨条件下,会不会发生泥石流以及所需要的降雨量和雨型提供依据。  相似文献   

山区河流两岸泥石流形成的机理和力学条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泥石流是山区沟谷的主要地质灾害类型之一,对其开展研究是很有价值的,但目前对其进行的针对性研究很少。本文重点研究山区沟谷泥石流形成的机理和力学条件。根据地形地貌、气候环境条件与土质学原理,研究了山区河流泥石流的形成机理及影响因素。河流两岸山坡岩土结构、人为活动与持续降雨或暴雨是山区河流泥石流形成的主要影响因素,不同土质结构与组成的土层的滑移破坏机理也不相同。山区河流泥石流的物源可概化为粘性土块体与松散砂砾两种典型固相物质。基于剪切破坏理论,建立了粘性土块的失稳滑动平衡条件;基于动量理论与重力分解原理,提出了松散砂砾启动的力学计算公式和失稳条件。  相似文献   

北京地区泥石流灾害临界雨量阈值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白利平  孙佳丽  南赟 《地质通报》2008,27(5):674-680
对历史上北京市泥石流灾害发生时前3日的雨量、当日激发雨量和最大1小时雨量进行了分析,确定了临界雨量阚值。参照山洪灾害与降雨频率分析法,分3种方案对北京市的泥石流灾害与降雨频率进行分析,计算了各地区不同时段(最大10分钟、最大30分钟、最大60分钟、最大360分钟、最大24小时、最大3天及最大7天)的临界雨量;并利用历史上泥石流灾害发生时的雨量值对3种方案下的计算结果进行了验证和对比,最后确定了准确度较高的一种计算方案。  相似文献   

前期有效降水量是泥石流预报的一个关键因子,但是确定此关键因子的常用方法存在参数取值过于人为主观化的问题。为解决这一问题,提出利用模拟降雨截留、入渗和蒸散发等水文过程的方法确定泥石流预报中的前期有效降雨量,并利用基于流域水土耦合机制的泥石流预报系统预报四川省在2013年7月9日的泥石流灾害来检验该方法。结果表明:利用水文过程模拟方法确定的前期有效降水更适用于泥石流预报,泥石流预报的漏报率比常用的降雨衰减经验公式低21.1%,能更好地为泥石流防灾减灾服务。  相似文献   

A dramatic increase in debris flows occurred in the years after the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake in SW China due to the deposition of loose co-seismic landslide material. This paper proposes a preliminary integrated model, which describes the relationship between rain input and debris flow run-out in order to establish critical rain thresholds for mobilizing enough debris volume to reach the basin outlet. The model integrates in a simple way rainfall, surface runoff, and concentrated erosion of the loose material deposited in channels, propagation, and deposition of flow material. The model could be calibrated on total volumes of debris flow materials deposited at the outlet of the Shuida catchment during two successive rain events which occurred in August 2011. The calibrated model was used to construct critical rainfall intensity-duration graphs defining thresholds for a run-out distance until the outlet of the catchment. Model simulations show that threshold values increase after successive rain events due to a decrease in erodible material. The constructed rainfall intensity-duration threshold graphs for the Shuida catchment based on the current situation appeared to have basically the same exponential value as a threshold graph for debris flow occurrences, constructed for the Wenjia catchment on the basis of 5 observed triggering rain events. This may indicate that the triggering mechanism by intensive run-off erosion in channels in this catchment is the same. The model did not account for a supply of extra loose material by landslips transforming into debris flow or reaching the channels for transportation by run-off. In August 2012, two severe rain events were measured in the Shuida catchment, which did not produce debris flows. This could be confirmed by the threshold diagram constructed by the model.  相似文献   

A rainfall-induced debris flow warning is implemented employing real-time rain gauge data. The pre-warning for the time of landslide triggering derives the threshold or critical rainfall from historical events involving regional rainfall patterns and geological conditions. In cases of debris flow, the time taken cumulative runoff, to yield abundant water for debris triggering, is an important index that needs monitoring. In gathered historical cases, rainfall time history data from the nearest rain gauge stations to debris-flow sites connected to debris flow are used to define relationships between the rainfall intensity and duration. The effects by which the regional rainfall patterns (antecedent rainfall, duration, intensity, cumulative rainfall) and geological settings combine together to trigger a debris-flow are analyzed for real-time monitoring. The analyses focused on 61 historical hazard events with the timing of debris flow initiation and rainfall duration to burst debris-flow characteristics recorded. A combination of averaged rainfall intensity and duration is a more practical index for debris-flow monitoring than critical or threshold rainfall intensity. Because, the outburst timing of debris flows correlates closely to the peak hourly rainfall and the forecasting of peak hourly rainfall reached in a meteorological event could be a valuable index for real-time debris-flow warning.  相似文献   

汶川震区暴雨泥石流激发雨量特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
周伟  唐川  周春花 《水科学进展》2012,23(5):650-655
利用搜集的汶川震区典型泥石流暴发前后的降雨过程资料,分析了泥石流的激发雨量过程,获得了汶川震区的泥石流激发雨量特征,以期为泥石流的预测预报提供依据。结果表明,汶川地震区的泥石流激发雨型可分为快速激发型、中速激发型和慢速激发型3类,其差异主要体现在降雨的持续时间和强度方面。不同激发雨型下的泥石流形成过程的差别主要体现在松散土体饱和过程。雨型的差异(降雨的持续时间和强度)使得土体饱和产生超渗产流的时间出现差异,进而使得泥石流暴发的时间存在差异。激发雨强跟激发雨型存在一定的关系,激发雨强最大者为中速激发雨型,其次是慢速激发雨型,最小者为快速激发雨型。与地震之前相比,地震后的泥石流暴发时的累积雨量和临界雨量都有所降低。  相似文献   

Several giant debris flows occurred in southwestern China after the Wenchuan earthquake, causing serious casualties and economic losses. Debris flows were frequently triggered after the earthquake. A relatively accurate prediction of these post-seismic debris flows can help to reduce the consequent damages. Existing debris flow prediction is almost based on the study of the relationship between post-earthquake debris flows and rainfall. The relationship between the occurrence of post-seismic debris flows and characteristic rainfall patterns was studied in this paper. Fourteen rainfall events related to debris flows that occurred in four watersheds in the Wenchuan earthquake area were collected. By analyzing the rainfall data, characteristics of rainfall events that triggered debris flows after the earthquake were obtained. Both the critical maximum rainfall intensity and average rainfall intensity increased with the time. To describe the critical conditions for debris flow initiation, intensity–duration curves were constructed, which shows how the threshold for triggering debris flows increased each year. The time that the critical rainfall intensities of debris flow occurrences return to the value prior to the earthquake could not be estimated due to the absent rainfall data before the earthquake. Rainfall-triggering response patterns could be distinguished for rainfall-induced debris flows. The critical rainfall patterns related to debris flows could be divided on the basis of antecedent rainfall duration and intensity into three categories: (1) a rapid triggering response pattern, (2) an intermediate triggering response pattern, and (3) a slow triggering response pattern. The triggering response patterns are closely related to the initiation mechanisms of post-earthquake debris flows. The main difference in initiation mechanisms and difference in triggering patterns by rainfall is regulated by the infiltration process and determined by a number of parameters, such as hydro-mechanical soil characteristics, the thickness of the soil, and the slope gradient. In case of a rapid triggering response rainfall pattern, the hydraulic conductivity and initial moisture content are the main impact factors. Runoff erosion and rapid loading of solid material is the dominant process. In case of a rainfall pattern with a slow triggering response, the thickness and strength of the soil, high hydraulic conductivity, and rainfall intensity are the impact factors. Probably slope failure is the most dominant process initiating debris flows. In case of an intermediate triggering response pattern, both debris flow initiation mechanisms (runoff erosion and slope failure) can play a role.  相似文献   

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