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The Galicia Interior Basin (GIB; NW Iberian Peninsula) is located near a critical transition between the subtropical (temperate) and subpolar (cold) gyres of the North Atlantic. It therefore witnesses oceanographic changes driven by global climatic events. This study reports on the recent (latest Pleistocene) sedimentary, palaeoceanographic and palaeoclimatic history of the basin. We integrated analysis of deep‐sea sediment cores retrieved from an E–W transect across the GIB. The analysis indicated three types of sedimentary processes recording glacial (Marine Isotope Stage 2–4) and deglacial events: along‐slope bottom currents (forming contourite deposits), pelagic and hemipelagic sedimentation, and gravitational dislocation. Variation in depositional patterns and sedimentation rates indicate distinctive transport (along‐slope and down‐slope) and depositional processes. These in turn reflect climatic and oceanographic drivers. We interpret changes in sea level from core evidence showing changes in sediment supply. The cores exhibited conspicuous sedimentary evidence of Heinrich events (HEs). The stratigraphic intervals associated with HEs showed significant lateral variation. We suggest that the lateral variation may result from the development of an oceanographic boundary between surface water masses with different temperature and salinity parameters or changes in surface currents which may have introduced relatively warmer water into the GIB during the last glacial period.  相似文献   

沉积岩中烷烃的氢同位素有潜在的古降水同位素意义,但是成岩作用有可能改变原始同位素信息,从而难以用于恢复古降水同位素。然而,判断烷烃氢同位素值(δD)是否受到了成岩改造作用在学术界尚无统一标准。本文以青藏高原中部伦坡拉盆地渐新世末期到中新世早期的沉积岩为研究对象,对样品中正构烷烃和植烷(Ph)δD值以及藿烷、甾烷类的成熟度指标进行了测定。Ph与nC18正构烷烃的δD值分别为–105‰-–139‰和–267‰-–324‰,两者间平均相差–170‰,暗示正构烷烃原始δD值基本处于未改变的状态。藿烷、甾烷类的成熟度指标显示样品在未成熟到低成熟范围内有较大变化,但各成熟度指标与 Ph、nC18正构烷烃的δD值之间的相关关系较弱,表明这些成熟度指标并不能很好地反映烷烃δD值是否遭受了改变。  相似文献   

沉积型软弱夹层成因分类及强度特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究区为一沉积岩覆盖区。由于区内软弱夹层分布广泛,构成了影响坝肩、坝基抗滑稳定性的王要工程地质问题之一。文章从软弱夹层的成因入手,认为区内特定的沉积环境和构造运动是夹层形成的基础,确定了夹层的成因类型;根据夹层分布、夹泥粒度组成,依据工程分类方法,将坝区夹层分为3种不同类型:粘泥型(Ⅰ1类),泥含粉粒碎屑型(Ⅰ2类)及碎屑夹泥型(Ⅱ类);分析了区内夹层夹泥的物理性质及表征区内夹层物理性质指标;通过分析软弱夹层强度特征与其物理性质的关系,确定了能够表征夹层强度特征的物理性状指标W/Wp;在软弱夹层工程分类基础上,研究各类夹层的强度特征,表明综合物理性状指标W/Wp与强度指标之间具有较好的相关性,确定了不同类型夹层的W/Wp和强度指标的相关关系式。在上述相关关系式基础上,结合坝区内控制性夹层的物理指标,给定了其强度建议值。文章这种“成因-物理性质-强度特征”的研究方法及以此确定的不同类型软弱夹层物理性状指标和强度指标间的相关关系,为沉积型软弱夹层的强度取值提供了一条捷径,对其它类型软弱夹层的强度取值也具一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

随着泥页岩油气勘探的深入,详细解剖细粒沉积岩的岩石类型和组成,对后续储集层研究中优势岩石组合的确立有重要意义。通过岩心观察、全岩X射线衍射等分析手段,以矿物含量和沉积构造作为主要依据,将渤海湾盆地东营凹陷古近系沙三下沙四上亚段细粒沉积岩划分为9种岩石类型,其以纹层状混合细粒沉积岩、块状混合细粒沉积岩、纹层状灰岩、纹层状粉砂质灰岩、纹层状黏土质粉砂岩为主。由特征元素比值Ca/Mg、Na/Al、Fe/Mn、Sr/Ba、V/(V+Ni)值及Ti、Al含量的垂向变化,可知东营凹陷细粒沉积岩在古气候、古水深、古盐度及水体氧化还原性、陆源输入程度等方面的演化具有明显阶段性,其气候在沙四上亚段沉积时期表现为由干冷变暖湿,在沙三下亚段沉积时期呈现暖湿相对湿冷暖湿相对湿热的演化;且在不同的演化阶段,岩石组合及特征均有差异。因此,温暖湿润的气候和陆源输入量的增加有助于纹层状混合细粒沉积岩大量沉积,而较为寒冷干燥的气候和相对低的陆源输入易于沉积纹层状粉砂质灰岩。这一结论有利于深化断陷湖盆细粒沉积岩岩石学的基础研究,可为后续油气勘探开发奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

广西平果上二叠统合山组沉积型铝土矿储量大,并以伴生稀散元素Ga为特色。从主量成分和微量元素角度研究平果铝土矿的地球化学特征、形成环境及其与Ga的相互关联性,对综合回收利用和提升矿床经济价值有重要帮助。通过对整个研究区内均匀采集的18件不同类型的矿石及铝土岩样品进行金属Ga和常量、微量元素测试,经统计学方法计算和相关性图解分析,发现样品中Ga平均含量已达到工业品位(0.002×10-2)。但在不同类型矿石中的富集程度不同:豆鲕粒状铝土矿>致密块状铝土矿>铝土岩。而且Ga含量与Al2O3含量呈显著正低相关性;与SiO2含量呈显著负相关关系;与V含量呈显著正低相关关系;与稀土元素相关性不强,无明显规律性。通过对那豆沉积型铝土矿床古地理环境和不同类型样品Sr/Ba比值、Ga的富集、LREE/HREE比值分析发现:区内沉积型铝土矿主成矿期为较稳定、酸性、潮湿的滨海至浅海相环境;而且从二叠纪合山组早期的滨海相氧化环境逐步过渡到二叠纪合山组后期的浅海相还原环境。矿石类型则由早期的紫红色致密块状矿化变化为青灰色至灰黑色鲕粒状矿化。   相似文献   

系统地分析了鄂尔多斯盆地白垩系粘土矿物的特征及其沉积、成岩环境意义。研究结果表明:白垩系砂岩、泥质岩的粘土矿物组合以I+C+I/S型、I+C型为主,具有高伊利石含量,较高绿泥石、伊/蒙混层矿物含量的粘土矿物组成特点;其中泥质岩粘土矿物主要为陆源碎屑成因,次为沉积成岩过程中形成的自生粘土矿物,而砂岩粘土矿物兼有陆源碎屑成因和沉积成岩过程自生成因的特征;白垩系沉积时气候总体特征为干旱—半干旱,但局部时段发生干—湿气候波动而处于短暂的湿热气候环境;白垩系沉积物源富含长石等硅酸盐矿物,沉积物质主要自北、南、西向盆地内部搬运沉积;白垩系沉积和埋藏成岩过程中水介质整体上具有盐度较高,偏碱性,富K+、Fe2+、Mg2+的特点,且总体上盆地南部水介质中的这些指标都高于北部。  相似文献   

系统地分析了鄂尔多斯盆地白垩系粘土矿物的特征及其沉积、成岩环境意义。研究结果表明:白垩系砂岩、泥质岩的粘土矿物组合以I+C+I/S型、I+C型为主,具有高伊利石含量,较高绿泥石、伊/蒙混层矿物含量的粘土矿物组成特点;其中泥质岩粘土矿物主要为陆源碎屑成因,次为沉积成岩过程中形成的自生粘土矿物,而砂岩粘土矿物兼有陆源碎屑成因和沉积成岩过程自生成因的特征;白垩系沉积时气候总体特征为干旱—半干旱,但局部时段发生干—湿气候波动而处于短暂的湿热气候环境;白垩系沉积物源富含长石等硅酸盐矿物,沉积物质主要自北、南、西向盆地内部搬运沉积;白垩系沉积和埋藏成岩过程中水介质整体上具有盐度较高,偏碱性,富K+、Fe2+、Mg2+的特点,且总体上盆地南部水介质中的这些指标都高于北部。  相似文献   

豫西鲁山地区汝阳群发育了形态特征多样的大量微生物成因构造,主要为多边形网格状脱水裂痕和纺锤形脱水裂痕。通过对微生物成因构造宏观特征的描述和统计分析,探讨了微生物成因构造与沉积环境之间的关系,认为微生物成因构造的总体特征演化规律与汝阳群趋于稳定的沉积环境演化一致,其形态特征与微生物席厚、暴露时间频繁有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

长江安庆段NE向河谷中发育河流相与山麓相两套沉积体系。文章基于实测第四系钻孔资料,通过构建NW向、NNE向钻孔对比剖面,揭示了该区长江冲积平原、岗地等地质地貌单元地层组合特征;结合区域新构造运动特征、气候变化等资料分析,探讨了长江河谷古河道演化历程。研究结果表明:长江安庆段河谷区发育了至少2个由含砾粗砂到含粉砂黏土的河流沉积旋回,两侧岗地同期沉积了下蜀组及戚家叽组山麓相地层;第四系沉积物由河流冲积、风成堆积等多种成因类型组成,经历了早中更新世冲洪积,中晚更新世风成堆积、河流下切侵蚀与充填等地质过程;新构造运动、冰期-间冰期气候旋回波动、海平面升降等因素共同影响了长江安庆段古河道演化历程。  相似文献   

Carbonate slopes and associated resedimented deposits have recently gained renewed interest because they represent volumetrically significant parts of carbonate platforms. Carbonate slopes are highly variable compositionally, architecturally and spatially due to a spectrum of sediment sources, resedimentation processes and controlling factors. Here, new high resolution acoustic data (including EM 302 multi‐beam echo‐sounder and very high resolution seismic) and piston cores document highly diverse and complex morphological features along the north‐western slope of Great Bahama Bank. The recent morphology of the slope is the result of the interplay between depositional and erosive processes that vary through time and along strike. The different sedimentary processes are recorded as a Pleistocene lowstand surface, characterized by many erosional features and a Holocene sedimentary wedge along the upper to middle slope that partially covers the underlying Pleistocene surface. Sedimentary processes during the Holocene are dominated by density cascading flows, which export muddy aragonitic sediment from the platform top towards the slope. Sedimentation rates, however, vary along strike due to platform top morphology combined with the variable strength of the basinal current. Reefs and islands in the Bimini area block off‐bank sediment export, and shoals and tidal deltas from Cat Cay to the south reduce the density cascading processes. Numerous small and large slope failure scars show the instability of the steep slopes of Great Bahama Bank. Bottom currents dominate the lower slope and the basin. Striations and moats are the morphological expressions of current directions, while areas of non‐deposition document strong current and concomitant removal of off‐bank transported sediment along parts of the slope, while the Santaren Drift and the drift on the north‐western edge of Great Bahama Bank act as the depositional locus for the fine‐grained sediments transported in the current.  相似文献   

Kerogen has been artificially matured under “hydrous pyrolysis” conditions in the presence of various minerals in order to investigate the influence of the latter on the organic products. In addition to three clay minerals (montmorillonite, illite, kaolinite), calcium carbonate and limonite were also employed as inorganic substrates. Kerogen (Type II) isolated from the Kimmeridge Blackstone band was heated in the presence of water and a 20-fold excess of mineral phase at two different temperatures (280 and 330°C) for 72 hr. Control experiments were also carried out using kerogen and water only and kerogen under anhydrous conditions. This preliminary study describes the bulk composition of the pyrolysates with detailed analyses of the aliphatic hydrocarbon distributions being provided by gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.In the 280°C experiments, considerably more organic-soluble pyrolysate (15% by weight of original kerogen) was produced when calcium carbonate was the inorganic phase. At 330°C, all samples generated much greater amounts of organic-soluble products with calcium carbonate again producing a large yield (40% wt/wt). Biomarker epimerisation reactions have also proceeded further in the 330°C pyrolysate formed in the presence of calcium carbonate than with other inorganic phases. Implications of these and other observations are discussed.  相似文献   

应用河北省平原区多目标区域地球化学调查获得表层和深层土壤元素含量数据,对河北平原的第四纪沉积环境进行了分区。以SiO2、Na/Rb比值、Ca/Ba比值、Rb,U,Ga和Fe,Mg,Ni,V均一化累加和等地球化学指标作为第四纪沉积环境的分区指标,共划分出山前残坡积洪冲积相、冲积扇堆积相、中部平原河道带相、古黄河泛洪相、风积相、海陆过渡相等6个沉积相及河床亚相、漫滩亚相及洼地亚相等3个沉积亚相。此项研究是多目标地球化学应用于基础地学研究的重大实践,取得了十分理想的研究效果。  相似文献   

沉积相是研究古环境、古气候及岩相古地理的基础与重要依据。本文报道西藏昂仁县扯假错剖面渐新统日贡拉组的岩性特征、基本层序、沉积相及垂向上沉积演化特征。该组为一套紫红色碎屑岩系,为砾岩、砂岩夹粉砂岩和泥质岩,具典型的河流环境沉积特征,为进一步研究该地区该时期的沉积环境提供了线索。  相似文献   

在建立台北凹陷西部层序地层格架的基础上,通过区域沉积背景分析,明确了台北凹陷西部沉积主控因素,分析了准层序组及体系域的叠置样式,划分了沉积体系类型。首次在研究区开展了以四级层序为单元的沉积体系展布特征及空间演化分析,为储盖层评价、生储盖组合分析、勘探层系优选和各类型油气藏区带评价奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The large acoustic data set acquired during the Carambar cruises is composed of high resolution bathymetry, backscatter data and very‐high resolution seismic lines which allow for an overview of the morphology and sediment transfer processes from the shallow upper slope to the abyssal plain of a modern carbonate system: the north‐eastern slope of the Little Bahama Bank. Surficial distribution of the acoustic facies and echofacies reflects a wide variety of sedimentary processes along and across the slope. The western sector of the Little Bahama Bank is dominated by depositional processes whereas its eastern sector, which is incised in the lower slope by giant canyons, is affected by erosion and bypass processes. Datasets suggest that currents play an important role both in along‐slope sedimentary processes and in the abyssal plain. The Antilles Current appears to affect a large part of the middle and lower slopes. The absence of sizeable present‐day channel/levée complexes or lobes at the mouth of the canyon – revealed by the bathymetric map – indicates that the southward flowing Deep Western Boundary Current influences modern abyssal sediment deposition. Based on depositional processes and indicators of canyon maturity observed in facies distribution, the current study proposes that differential subsidence affects the eastern versus western part of the bank. The morphology of the Great Abaco Canyon and Little Abaco Canyon, which extend parallel to the platform, and the Little Bahama Bank slope appears to be related to the Great Abaco Fracture Zone.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯地区在奥陶纪处于华北克拉通板块的西南边缘地区。由于受秦岭—祁连—贺兰三叉裂谷系开裂—聚合作用的影响,奥陶纪鄂尔多斯地区与华北克拉通已开始出现明显构造与沉积作用的分异,突出表现为奥陶纪沉积期鄂尔多斯东部大规模膏盐岩沉积层的发育。古构造分析表明鄂尔多斯地区奥陶纪总体呈现为“三隆—两坳—一古陆”的古构造分布格局;奥陶纪经历了冶里—亮甲山期的早期边部海侵、马家沟期振荡性的整体沉降海侵以及平凉—背锅山期的西南边缘快速沉陷的古地理演化过程,表现出较强的阶段性演化特征。鄂尔多斯地区奥陶纪整体的沉积充填作用具有以下重要特征:一是受中央古隆起控制、东西向沉积分异明显;二是随时代演进,早中期以内源沉积为主,晚期则以混源或陆源碎屑沉积为主;三是西南边缘沉积巨厚,是奥陶纪最为活跃的构造沉降区。  相似文献   

有关鄂尔多斯盆地地下水系统,前人已做过大量的研究,总结出不少的成果和规律。但从沉积建造方面研究地下水系统的不多。本文详细研究了白垩系沉积建造的特征和规律,探讨其对于研究区白垩系地下水系统的形成、富集和赋存的影响和控制,对于研究区白垩系地下水的开发和利用提供了重要的依据。  相似文献   

岩性及沉积环境的差异是鄂尔多斯盆地下奥陶统马家沟组马五5亚段储层非均质性的重要因素,根据岩石类型、沉积构造及颜色等特征及其与沉积微相的关系,研究区马五5亚段可分为盆缘坪和台内盆地两个亚相及缘内(膏)云质洼地、缘内云坪、缘内灰坪、缘内云灰-灰云坪、盆地(膏)云质洼地、灰云-云灰质盆地及灰质盆地等微相。沉积微相平面上表现为,马五52时期,鄂尔多斯盆地基底抬升,中央古隆起带露出水面;北部地区发育缘内云坪-云质洼地、缘内灰云-云灰坪和灰质盆地;西部地区为缘内云坪-云质洼地、缘内灰云-云灰坪;中部地区为灰质盆地,间夹云灰盆地及盆内云质洼地;马五51时期,北部地区主要发育缘内云坪-云质洼地;西部地区为缘内云坪-云质洼地;中部地区为灰质盆地及盆内云质洼地。盆缘坪和台内盆地的低洼处有利于发生同生期后回流渗透白云化作用,对生成较大规模的泥粉晶白云岩具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

A Froude‐scaled physical model of a proximal gravel‐bed braided river was used to connect the river morphological characteristics, and sedimentary processes and forms, to deposit geometry. High resolution continuous three‐dimensional topographic data were acquired from sequential photogrammetric digital elevation models paired with grain‐size surface maps derived from image analysis of textural properties of the surface. From these data, the full three‐dimensional development of the braided river deposit and grain‐size sorting patterns was compiled over an experimental time period of 41 h during which the model river reworked a large portion of the braided channel. The minimum surface of the deposit is developed progressively over time by erosion, migration and avulsion of channels, and by local scour at channel confluences. The maximum surface of the deposit is formed by amalgamation of braid bar surfaces and has less overall relief than the minimum surface. Confluence scour constitutes about 5% of the area of the minimum surface. Migration of individual confluences is limited to distances of the order of the width and length of the confluence, so that confluences do not form laterally extensive deposits and basal surfaces. Maximum and minimum surfaces have very similar grain‐size distributions, and there is no extensive basal coarse layer. Deposit maximum thickness is strongly associated with large channel confluences which occur as deeper areas along the main channel belt and make up a large proportion of the thickest portions of the deposit.  相似文献   

<正> 山东滩海地区位于胜利油气区东部沿海一带,自北向南依次为埕北凹陷、埕子口凸起及沾化凹陷东部的桩西、五号桩和孤东等地(图1)。多年来的石油地质勘探表明本区下第三系构造单元复杂,沉积类型多样,地层的超覆、剥失现象普遍,为地层油气藏  相似文献   

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