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铅锌矿床的精确定年是研究矿床成因和建立切合实际成矿模式的关键。本文对当前广泛应用于铅锌矿床的定年方法进行评述,结合川一滇一黔铅锌成矿域成矿年代学研究进展,给出今后适用于本区铅锌矿床定年的矿物及合适的定年方法。  相似文献   

彭红  蔡冰堰  陶平  李明琴 《贵州地质》2014,31(4):256-260272
通过对天桥铅锌矿床常量元素、稀土元素、同位素及微量元素等地球化学特征的分析,研究了天桥铅锌矿床的成矿物质流体来源及成矿过程。研究结果表明:(1)矿石、围岩等的稀土元素组成特点相似。∑REE相对较低,LREE/HREE比值较大,稀土配分曲线呈富轻稀土的右倾型曲线。Eu负异常明显,Ce具弱负异常特征。(2)矿床成矿物质流体多来源。受陆源影响较大,主要来自上地壳,且可能主要来自赋矿地层及围岩;无大洋地壳和原始地幔来源。(3)成矿作用为热液改造成矿。  相似文献   

阿尔金成矿带主要金属矿床地质地球化学特征及成因初探   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文简要介绍了阿尔金成矿带近年来发现的主要金属矿床的地质地球化学特征,研究了矿床S、Pb、H、O等同位素地球化学,测定了部分矿床的流体包裹体成分和温度,并在此基础上讨论了矿床的成因.该带主要矿床类型有火山喷流块状硫化物铅锌铜多金属矿床(喀腊大湾)、叠加改造型铅锌铜多金属矿床(更新沟和拉配泉)、斑岩型铜矿床(索拉克)、卡林型金矿床(祥云和盘龙沟)、与火山作用有关的浅成低温热液金矿床(采石沟)、韧性剪切带型金矿床(红柳沟)、与钾长花岗岩侵入作用有关的热液金矿床(大平沟)等.  相似文献   

川滇黔相邻区铅锌矿床分布特征及成矿规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从分析川滇黔相邻区铅锌矿床分布特征着手,以成矿元素继承演化为主线,阐述了该区从最初铅锌地球化学块体形成,到古生代受岩相古地理控制的元素演化、成矿期元素活化、流体成矿,最后造山期叠加改造成矿的规律.  相似文献   

藏东波里拉组地层中类MVT型铅锌矿床成矿机制分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋世伟 《地质与勘探》2014,50(1):96-104
[摘 要]藏东地区广泛分布着NW-SE、近S-N的上三叠统波里拉组碳酸盐岩地层。波里拉组以其所处的独特地层层序和其活泼的化学性质,能使成矿流体在该地层中运移时与碳酸盐岩发生水-岩反应,最终导致流体的化学平衡被破坏而卸载成矿;此外,主要呈NW-SE、近S-N分布的波里拉组因其力学性质较弱,在藏东地区新生代以来广泛发育的NW-SE、近S-N向张扭性、张性断裂的作用下极易发生顺层剪切破碎和张性破碎,破碎带为流体减压沸腾和流体混合成矿作用提供了良好的条件和贮矿空间。据现有的地质工作,已经在该地层中发现了一系列类MVT型铅锌矿,该地层中类MVT型铅锌矿仍然具有很大的找矿潜力。  相似文献   

广西佛子冲铅锌r银1成矿带多元素富集特征及矿床成因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章运用元素地球化学研究方法,分析了研究区内岩浆岩、含矿岩系、硫化物矿物中元素的分布特征,研究认为:佛子冲铅锌矿床中Ag,Se(富集于方铅矿中)和Cd(富集于闪锌矿中)具有较大的综合利用价值;矿床的形成与燕山期火山活动有关,不同类型矿床的成矿物质均为岩浆来源;在矿带东南部火山岩覆盖区有进一步找矿的潜力,花岗斑岩与炭质灰岩或英安质凝灰熔岩的交切处是找矿靶区。  相似文献   

闽中裂谷块状硫化物型铅锌矿床的地质特征及找矿意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中-新元古代闽中地区铅锌多金属矿床形成的古构造环境、主要矿床地质特征及矿床成因研究是了解华夏古陆前寒武纪构造成矿演化及进一步找矿的关键。地层层序及岩相学研究表明闽中地区马面山群东岩组并不是一次火山旋回的产物,而是经历了至少3期双峰式火山作用。地球化学研究表明赋矿地层东岩组的原岩属海相细碧-石英角斑质火山岩系,形成于中-新元古代的大陆裂谷环境。典型矿床地质研究表明闽中地区在新元古代形成海底火山喷流沉积块状硫化物铅锌矿床(或矿胚层),燕山晚期受到了强烈的构造及岩浆热液的叠加改造,并形成一定规模的矿床。在此基础上初步探讨了中-新元古代古裂谷环境与块状硫化物矿床形成的成因联系。根据闽中地区铅锌矿床的主要特征、找矿方法的分析,总结了该类矿床的找矿标志,并对该区的找矿前景进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

赵利  陈根  董彦龙  尹行 《地质学报》2017,91(6):1259-1268
多彩地玛铅锌矿位于青藏高原东北缘的青海玉树地区,夹持于西金乌兰-金沙江缝合带与班公湖-怒江缝合带之间,属于"三江"北段铜铅锌银多金属成矿带。结合区域地质调查及研究现状,对矿区围岩碳酸盐岩和两期热液方解石脉开展了C-O同位素组成分析,对硫化物矿石矿物和重晶石进行了S同位素组成分析。结果表明:赋矿围岩中方解石的δ~(13)C和δ~(18)O值范围分别为-1.6‰~+3.0‰和+21.2‰~+27.6‰,属于正常海相碳酸盐岩沉积,C和O来自海水;方解石脉体的δ~(13)C和δ~(18)O的值范围分别为-1.5‰~+2.1‰和+15.2‰~+20.3‰,C来自海相碳酸盐岩的溶解作用,~(18)O因热液蚀变碳酸盐岩在水/岩反应中同位素交换作用的影响而明显亏损;硫酸盐重晶石的δ~(34)S值范围为+12.3‰~+15.7‰,硫化物方铅矿、闪锌矿和黄铁矿的δ~(34)S值范围为-8.2‰~+5.7‰,峰值为-2.0‰~-3.0‰,反映了总体富轻硫的特征,硫源主要为盆地热卤水萃取地层蒸发岩中硫酸盐,并通过有机质热分解反应还原为低价硫分馏而得到;硫化物较宽的δ~(34)S变化范围反映了成矿物质在盆地内流体活动期间与不同地层单元发生相互作用,盆地内富有机质地层中沉积或生物成因S也有可能为成矿提供了部分硫源。  相似文献   

Lead and zinc resources are abundant in China, with the reserves of 100 million tons ranking only second in the world. There are more than 3000 lead-zinc mine areas nationwide. The classification of lead-zinc (Pb-Zn) deposits has been a highly controversial issue. From the standpoint of evaluating the potential of mineral resources, we construct a Pb-Zn deposit predictive type of classification scheme, and propose a Pb-Zn deposit comprehensive classification scheme (including 5 classes and 13 sub-types) that regards mineralization as the primary factor and the ore rock as secondary. According to the temporal and spatial distribution of Pb-Zn deposits, we conclude that a multi-period, multi-cycle orogenic environment is the most favorable for lead-zinc deposit growth, that the Proterozoic is the major eon for the growth of igneous-type deposits, the Paleozoic is an important development era for sedimentary Pb-Zn deposits, and the Mesozoic and Cenozoic are the heyday eras of magmatic type lead-zinc deposits. On this basis, we analyse the relationship between tectonic evolution and Pb-Zn metallogenic, and propose that the key factors determining geological mineralization are the metallogenic epoch of mineralization and tectonic environment, which determine the temporal and spatial distribution.  相似文献   

<正>The world-class Huize Pb-Zn deposits of Yunnan province,in southwestern China,located in the center of the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou Pb-Zn polymetallic metallogenic province,has Pb+Zn reserves of more than 5 million tons at Pb+Zn grade of higher than 25%and contains abundant associated metals,such as Ag,Ge,Cd,and Ga.The deposits are hosted in the Lower Carboniferous carbonate strata and the Permian Emeishan basalts which distributed in the northern and southwestern parts of the orefield.Calcite is the only gangue mineral in the primary ores of the deposits and can be classified into three types,namely lumpy,patch and vein calcites in accordance with their occurrence.There is not intercalated contact between calcite and ore minerals and among the three types of calcite,indicating that they are the same ore-forming age with different stages and its forming sequence is from lumpy to patch to vein calcites. This paper presents the rare earth element(REE) and C-O isotopic compositions of calcites in the Huize Pb-Zn deposits.From lumpy to patch to vein calcites,REE contents decrease as LREE/ HREE ratios increase.The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of the three types of calcites are characterized by LREE-rich shaped,in which the lumpy calcite shows(La)_N(Ce)_N(Pr)_N≈(Nd)_N with Eu/Eu~*1,the patch calcite has(La)_N(Ce)_N(Pr)_N≈(Nd)_N with Eu/Eu~*1,and the vein calcite displays(La)_N(Ce)_N(Pr)_N(Nd)_N with Eu/Eu~*1.The REE geochemistry of the three types of calcite is different from those of the strata of various age and Permian Emeishan basalt exposed in the orefield.Theδ~(13) C_(PDb) andδ~(18)O_(Smow) values of the three types of calcites vary from-3.5‰to-2.1‰and 16.7‰to 18.6‰,respectively,falling within a small field between primary mantle and marine carbonate in theδ~(13)C_(PDb) vsδ~(18)O_(Smow) diagram. Various lines of evidence demonstrate that the three types of calcites in the deposits are produced from the same source with different stages.The ore-forming fluids of the deposits resulted from crustal -mantle mixing processes,in which the mantle-derived fluid components might be formed from degassing of mantle or/and magmatism of the Permian Emeishan basalts,and the crustal fluid was mainly provided by carbonate strata in the orefield.The ore-forming fluids in the deposits were homogenized before mineralization,and the ore-forming environment varied from relatively reducing to oxidizing.  相似文献   

The Yinchanggou Pb-Zn deposit, located in southwestern Sichuan Province, western Yangtze Block, is stratigraphically controlled by late Ediacaran Dengying Formation and contains >0.3 Mt of metal reserves with 11 wt% Pb + Zn. A principal feature is that this deposit is structurally controlled by normal faults, whereas other typical deposits nearby (e.g. Maozu) are controlled by reverse faults. The origin of the Yinchanggou deposit is still controversial. Ore genetic models, based on conventional whole-rock isotope tracers, favor either sedimentary basin brine, magmatic water or metamorphic fluid sources. Here we use in situ Pb and bulk Sr isotope features of sulfide minerals to constrain the origin and evolution of hydrothermal fluids. The Pb isotope compositions of galena determined by femtosecond LA-MC-ICPMS are as follows: 206Pb/204Pb = 18.17–18.24, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.69–15.71, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.51–38.63. These in situ Pb isotope data overlap with bulk-chemistry Pb isotope compositions of sulfide minerals (206Pb/204Pb = 18.11–18.40, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.66–15.76, 208Pb/204Pb = 38.25–38.88), and both sets of data plotting above the Pb evolution curve of average upper continental crust. Such Pb isotope signatures suggest an upper crustal source of Pb. In addition, the coarse-grained galena in massive ore collected from the deep part has higher 206Pb/204Pb ratios (18.18–18.24) than the fine-grained galena in stockwork ore sampled from the shallow part (206Pb/204Pb = 18.17–18.19), whereas the latter has higher 208Pb/204Pb ratios (38.59–38.63) than the former (208Pb/204Pb = 38.51–38.59). However, both types of galena have the same 207Pb/204Pb ratios (15.69–15.71). This implies two independent Pb sources, and the metal Pb derived from the basement metamorphic rocks was dominant during the early phase of ore formation in the deep part, whereas the ore-hosting sedimentary rocks supplied the majority of metal Pb at the late phase in the shallow part. In addition, sphalerite separated from different levels has initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios ranging from 0.7101 to 0.7130, which are higher than the ore formation age-corrected 87Sr/86Sr ratios of country sedimentary rocks (87Sr/86Sr200 Ma = 0.7083–0.7096), but are significantly lower than those of the ore formation age-corrected basement rocks (87Sr/86Sr200 Ma = 0.7243–0.7288). Again, such Sr isotope signatures suggest that the above two Pb sources were involved in ore formation. Hence, the gradually mixing process of mineralizing elements and associated fluids plays a key role in the precipitation of sulfide minerals at the Yinchanggou ore district. Integrating all the evidence, we interpret the Yinchanggou deposit as a strata-bound, normal fault-controlled epigenetic deposit that formed during the late Indosinian. We also propose that the massive ore is formed earlier than the stockwork ore, and the temporal-spatial variations of Pb and Sr isotopes suggest a certain potential of ore prospecting in the deep mining area.  相似文献   

南岭地区产于碳酸盐岩中铅锌矿床的成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
路远发 《湖南地质》1993,12(1):23-28
根据南岭地区产于碳酸盐岩中铅锌矿床的实际资料,按成矿物质来源将本区铅锌矿床划分为岩浆源铅锌矿床(I)和和地层源铅锌矿床(Ⅱ)两类。重点讨论了铅、硫同位素地球化学特征在判别矿床成因方面的应用。首次提出了(~(207)pb/~(204)pb)_u。参数及其与成矿物质来源的关系。讨论了不同成因类型铅锌矿床的成矿条件,指出上古生界(D—P)的含水性是成矿过程中具有特殊地位的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

The Neoproterozoic Vazante Group at the western border of the São Francisco Craton, Brazil, hosts the largest Zn–Pb district in South America. Several authors have classified this mineral district as Mississippi Valley-type (MVT), based on the intimate association with carbonates and the epigenetic character of most ore bodies. In this paper, we present 47 new lead isotope data from four deposits located along the 300 km N–S Vazante–Paracatu–Unai linear trend. Pb isotope ratios indicate sources with relatively high U/Pb and Th/Pb ratios. Considering the 206Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb ratios as indicative parameters for the source, we suggest an upper crustal source for the metals. The small variation on the Pb isotope ratios compared to those observed in the classical MVT deposits, and other geological, fluid inclusion and sulphur isotopic data indicates a metallogenic event of long duration. It was characterized by focused circulation of hydrothermal fluids carrying metals from the basement rocks and from the sedimentary pile. The data obtained are more compatible with an evolution model similar to that of IRISH-type deposits. The existence of three Pb isotopic populations could be the result of regional differences in composition of the source rocks and in the fluid–rock interaction since the mineralization is a long-term process.  相似文献   

四川扬子式铅锌矿床地质特征及资源潜力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述了四川扬子式铅锌矿的分布特征及赋矿层位,分析了铅锌元素地球化学特征,初步总结了铅锌矿主要地质特征,圈定了找矿远景区,预测了铅锌矿资源潜力。  相似文献   

根据金矿床中碲、硒赋存特点与富集程度,可将Au-(Ag)-Te-Se成矿系统的矿床成因类型划分为:(1) 浅成低温热液型金-银矿床;(2) 造山型金矿床;(3) 卡林-类卡林型金矿床;(4) 碱性-偏碱性侵入岩型金矿床;(5)斑岩型(铜)金矿床;(6) 夕卡岩型(铜)金矿床;(7) VMS型金多金属矿床。碲、硒都是亲地幔的元素,侵入岩与火山岩是Au-(Ag)-Te-Se成矿系统中碲、硒的重要来源,黑色岩系也是硒的重要来源。温度、pH、氧逸度等是控制Te、Se的迁移与富集的重要因素。Au-(Ag)-Te-Se成矿系统的成矿机制与岩浆脱气、流体-熔体分离、水-岩反应、流体沸腾与混合、有机作用密切相关。其中岩浆脱气、流体-熔体分离、流体沸腾与流体混合是碲化物型金矿床的重要成矿机制,而水-岩反应、流体混合、有机作用是硒化物型金矿床的重要成矿机制。在成矿过程中,先期形成一些亚稳定或不稳定的过渡态矿物易发生固溶体分离作用,或是不饱和流体与已形成的矿物发生溶解-再沉淀作用,导致矿石具有丰富的物质组成和结构特点。  相似文献   

银虎曼铅-锌矿床地处万沟多金属成矿带东段。二郎坪群火神庙组中PPb、Zn、Ag、Au等元素丰度较高,是主要的矿源层。通过地质找矿工作的实践,笔者认为,该矿区是由火山喷流沉积-后期热液叠加富集的块状硫化物多金属矿床。  相似文献   

川-滇-黔多金属成矿域是会泽型(HZT)富锗银铅锌矿床的主要分布区。近十年来,该类矿床成矿时代及其成矿构造动力学一直是该区研究的主要热点之一。针对铅锌矿床准确定年的难题,首次综合应用地质推断-构造变形筛分-构造古应力系统测量-同位素定年技术,提出冲断褶皱构造形成时代与矿床成矿时代一致,其主体时代为印支晚期(2.0~2.3亿年)。研究认为,该期发生的铅锌多金属成矿作用是川-滇-黔接壤区重要的地质事件,其成矿构造动力学为印支晚期特提斯洋闭合与造山作用在扬子地块西南缘前陆盆地诱发强烈的斜冲走滑,形成一系列冲断褶皱构造带,并发生流体大规模运移,在有利的构造部位形成一批大型-超大型矿床。该认识对深化川-滇-黔多金属成矿域铅锌矿床成矿模型、优选找矿标志、圈定重点找矿靶区和实现找矿突破具有现实意义。  相似文献   

巴斯湖铅锌矿床位于三江多金属成矿带北段的青海省沱沱河地区,M9铅锌矿体赋存于下二叠统九十道班组碎裂蚀变灰岩和泥晶灰岩中,主控矿构造为切割地层的NWW向断裂构造。成矿过程分为石英-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅰ)、石英-重晶石-多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅱ)和碳酸盐-石英阶段(Ⅲ)3个阶段。成矿流体包裹体以气液两相为主,成矿Ⅰ阶段均一温度为315.1~365.9℃,盐度(w(NaCl))为8.81%~11.46%;成矿Ⅱ阶段均一温度为231.1~294.3℃,盐度为4.80%~10.49%;成矿Ⅲ阶段均一温度为155.1~233.7℃,盐度为2.41%~6.88%。成矿流体为典型的中温、低盐度流体,均一温度和盐度从成矿早期到晚期逐渐降低。H-O同位素数据显示成矿流体为岩浆水和大气水的混合水,早期主要为岩浆水,晚期有大气降水的混入;S同位素数据显示成矿物质来源与新生代深部钾质岩浆活动有关。巴斯湖铅锌矿床M9矿体成因类型为中温热液脉型,形成于印度-欧亚板块晚碰撞造山作用引起的伸展环境。  相似文献   

黔西罐子窑地区位于扬子板块西南缘,自中生代进入板内发展阶段之后,发生了多期次复杂构造叠加变形。第一期变形(早燕山期:J3-K1)以自东向西挤压收缩为主,形成了近南北向的褶皱与断层构造体系,发育褶皱轴面以东倾、断层以向西逆冲滑脱占主导地位的变形特征。中上泥盆统火烘组、榴江组泥灰岩和硅质、钙质粘土岩为重要滑脱面,滑脱层本身变形复杂,其上部褶皱相对平滑开阔而下部褶皱相对紧闭。第二期变形(晚燕山期:K2-E)以自北向南挤压收缩为特点,横跨叠加在早期变形之上,表现为早期近南北向褶皱发生枢纽倾伏、断层发生张剪性活动,伴随多层次向南滑脱,在南部形成了轴面北倾的近东西向褶皱(局部倒转)和向南逆冲的断层,并切割南北向构造,喜山早期使得断裂再次活动与调整。区内铅锌矿体分为两类产出状态,一是顺层平缓产出,明显受顺层滑脱与低角度断层控制;另一类是陡倾产出,受陡倾张剪性断层控制。平缓者多形成于早、晚燕山期,而陡倾者多形成于构造转换期或喜山早期。  相似文献   

湘西黔东地区铅锌矿床与古油藏关系初探   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文以湖南花垣铅锌矿床和贵州牛角塘铅锌矿床为例,探讨了湘西黔东地区铅锌矿与古油藏的关系。二者在空间分布上关系密切,存在"共生"和"上油下矿"两种关系,下寒武统清虚洞组既是铅锌矿重要的赋矿层位也是古油藏储集层之一;铅锌矿源层可能为新元古代基底岩系或下寒武统石牌组碎屑岩,古油藏烃源岩主要为下寒武统牛蹄塘组。古油藏中的油田卤水萃取了石牌组碎屑岩中的铅锌等成矿物质,形成成矿流体并运移,在古油藏形成后,由于加里东末期的构造运动的影响,古油藏和成矿流体的平衡被打破导致铅锌矿质沉淀,在这个过程中古油藏中的油田卤水可能为铅锌矿的沉淀提供了部分硫源。铅锌矿成矿时代与加里东期形成或破坏的古油藏时间上较为一致。  相似文献   

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