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水化学特征不仅应用于分析地下水水质的时空变化规律,而且还提供地下水水动力环境信息。水化学分析方法已成为对探索地热田成因、地下水补给来源等常用的研究方法。基于近些年的研究资料,综合分析热储层结构特征和水化学特征,认为宜良地热田为层状热储型中低温地热田,其热储层为震旦系灯影组。研究热储层流体的化学分布特征以及热流体的化学成分与温度的关系等,用化学温标核算了热储层温度,认为K-Mg温标更适用于中低温地热田热储温度的估算。地热水水化学特征等基本地质特征可作为地热田规划和开发的理论基础。  相似文献   

塔吉克斯坦水体同位素和水化学特征及成因   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
2011年9~10月采集了中亚干旱半干旱地区塔吉克斯坦不同区域的河水、泉水和湖水,通过不同水体样品水化学指标、氢氧同位素分析,初步研究了该区域水化学类型和同位素空间分布特征,并探讨了其形成原因和环境意义。研究结果表明:塔吉克斯坦河水和泉水的主要水化学类型为Ca-HCO3-型,水体离子主要来源于方解石和白云石风化,局部地区受蒸发岩风化和硅酸盐风化的影响,偶见Ca-SO42-和Na-HCO3-型水体分布。湖泊多分布在东部山区,受多年干旱蒸发影响,水化学类型为Mg-SO42-和Na-Cl-型,以微咸水和咸水湖为主。研究区内河水和泉水氢氧同位素变化范围分别为-129.38×10-3~-65.19×10-3和-17.06×10-3~-9.33×10-3,空间上从东向西逐渐富集。受水体来源的区域差异影响,东部和西部河水水体氢氧同位素关系式存在明显不同。反映了东部地区河水以冰川补给为主,西部地区以降水补给为主,而湖水氢氧同位素的变化主要反映了水体蒸发程度。  相似文献   

降雨和地形地貌对水文模型模拟结果的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
概念性水文模型数量众多,判断模型是否适合研究流域可以通过模拟结果来体现,但是熟悉流域的产汇流特性可以筛选模型,从根源上大量减少工作量,也可以解决相似流域无资料的问题。选取6种概念性水文模型,以马渡王、板桥和志丹这3个半湿润与半干旱流域为研究区域,探讨流域特性与模型结构之间的关系,并通过降雨和地形地貌分析其对模型模拟结果的影响。研究结果表明,流域地形及植被对产汇流过程有重要影响,由于局部产流现象严重,河道坡度影响大于流域平均坡度,当区域气候条件相差不大时,地形地貌比降雨对流域产汇流特性影响更大。因此对于水文模型的选择,可以在熟悉流域产汇流特性的基础上因地制宜,必要时可以增加适合研究流域的模块来获得更好的预报,在半干旱与半湿润流域,同时具有蓄满和超渗机制的模型能得到更好的应用。  相似文献   

正地热作为一种重要的地质资源、清洁能源,因其的可再生性而备受关注,研究查孜温泉的水化学特征,有助于进一步了解查孜温泉的形成过程,为今后合理的开发、利用这一区域提供依据。1研究区概况1.1自然地理概况查孜温泉位于西藏自治区日喀则市昂仁县查孜乡查孜村南偏东8.5 km,那东曲西(左)岸一山间盆地西缘,海拔约4820 m。雅鲁藏布江左岸支流多雄藏布干流流经昂仁县,因岗底斯山脉东西横贯,所以,县域地势中部较高,南、北部稍低。  相似文献   

Groundwater in Farashband plain, Southern Iran, is the main source of water for domestic and agricultural uses. This study was carried out to assess the overall water quality and identify major variables affecting the groundwater quality in Farashband plain. The hydrochemical study was undertaken by randomly collecting 84 groundwater samples from observation wells located in 13 different stations covering the entire plain in order to assess the quality of the groundwater through analysis of major ions. The water samples were analyzed for various physicochemical attributes. Groundwater is slightly alkaline and largely varies in chemical composition; e.g., electrical conductivity (EC) ranges from 2314 to 12,678 μS/cm. All the samples have total dissolved solid values above the desirable limit and belong to a very hard type. The abundance of the major ions is as follows: Na+ > Ca2+ > Ma2+ > K+ and Cl? > SO4 2– > HCO3 ?. Interpretation of analytical data shows three major hydrochemical facies (Ca–Cl, Na–Cl, and mixed Ca–Mg–Cl) in the study area. Salinity, total dissolved solids, total hardness, and sodium percentage (Na%) indicate that most of the groundwater samples are not suitable for irrigation as well as for domestic purposes and far from drinking water standard. A comparison of groundwater quality in relation to drinking water standards showed that most of the water samples are not suitable for drinking purposes. Based on the US salinity diagram, most of samples belong to high salinity and low to very high sodium type.  相似文献   

In order to assess the impact of fluoride-rich groundwater of Shasilair Vagu watershed on groundwater regime, more than hundred groundwater samples for pre- and post-monsoon seasons were collected from bore wells/dug wells and analyzed for major ions. Water quality analysis of major ion chemistry shows elevated concentration of fluoride in groundwater samples. The fluoride concentration ranges from 1.4 to 5.9 mg/l and 1.5 to 5.8 mg/l in pre- and post-monsoons, respectively. The result clearly shows that the seasonal variation of fluoride in groundwater is due to recharge of rain water during monsoon. The water quality data was analyzed by hydrochemical facies (Piper diagram), Gibbs plot, and various plots. Plots of Na versus Cl, Ca versus SO4, and (Na+Cl)-(SO4+HCO3) versus (Na+K-Cl) shows positive and negative values, indicating that their source of high concentration are aquifer, evapotranpiration, and other anthropogenic sources. Saturation index of halite and gypsum shows that all groundwater samples were undersaturated and suggests that carbonate minerals influence the concentration. Using multivariate statistical techniques, viz., principal component (factor analysis and cluster analysis), the analysis brought out impact of intensity of excess use of fertilizers and excess withdrawal of groundwater regime. Multivariate statistical techniques are potential tools and provide greater precision for identifying contaminant parameter linkages.  相似文献   

The Diyung river descends in Nagaon district of Assam. After its confluence with main channel Kopili it causes enormous losses to life and property due to floods. Appropriate watershed treatment measures are, therefore, required for moderating the flood damage. In the present study landscape information viz., the hypsometric integral has been analysed. The Diyung watershed has been subdivided into 23 sub-watersheds for hypsometric analysis. The hypsometric integral for the entire Diyung watershed ranged from 0.14 to 0.56. According to the present study there are two stages of geologic/geomorphologic development, namely equilibrium stage and monadnock stage. The hypsometric integral indicates that surface runoff is the dominant process. Although static, the topographic characteristics indicate response of watershed to various natural phenomenon and dominant processes such as runoff and erosion. Based on the intensity of the processes sub-watershed can be prioritized for taking up appropriate conservation measures. The study also highlights the use of hypsometric integral for prioritizing watershed for planning engineering measures to mitigate the impact.  相似文献   

袁利  蒋少杰  汪定圣  李婷 《地质论评》2022,68(4):1555-1566
为深入研究宿州市城区地下水化学特征及其控制因素,在调查采样的基础上,综合运用数理统计、相关性分析、Piper三线图、Gibbs图和离子比例系数等方法对水样测试结果进行分析研究。结果表明:① 浅层地下水优势阳离子为Ca2+,中深层地下水中Na+为优势阳离子,二者优势阴离子均为HCO3-。浅层地下水溶解性固体总量的质量浓度(TDS)均值为790. 65 mg/L,有3组为微咸水,其余均为淡水;中深层地下水TDS均值为585. 67 mg/L,均为淡水。② 浅层地下水化学类型复杂,以HCO3-—Ca2+·Mg2+、HCO3-—Na+·Ca2+·Mg2+型为主,其次为HCO3-—Na+·Mg2+型;中深层地下水化学类型相对简单,以HCO3-—Na+·Ca2+·Mg2+型为主。③地下水水化学特征受岩石溶滤作用、阳离子交替吸附作用和人类活动的共同影响,水化学成分多数来自于硅酸盐岩和碳酸盐岩矿物的溶解。浅层地下水受人类活动影响较大,而中深层地下水受其影响不明显。  相似文献   

宿州市城区地下水化学特征及成因机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁利 《地质论评》2022,68(2):2022030027-2022030027
为深入研究宿州市城区地下水化学特征及其控制因素,在调查采样的基础上,综合运用数理统计、相关性分析、Piper三线图、Gibbs图和离子比例系数等方法对水样测试结果进行分析研究。结果表明:① 浅层地下水优势阳离子为Ca2+,中深层地下水中Na+为优势阳离子,二者优势阴离子均为HCO3-。浅层地下水溶解性固体总量的质量浓度(TDS)均值为790. 65 mg/L,有3组为微咸水,其余均为淡水;中深层地下水TDS均值为585. 67 mg/L,均为淡水。② 浅层地下水化学类型复杂,以HCO3-—Ca2+·Mg2+、HCO3-—Na+·Ca2+·Mg2+型为主,其次为HCO3-—Na+·Mg2+型;中深层地下水化学类型相对简单,以HCO3-—Na+·Ca2+·Mg2+型为主。③地下水水化学特征受岩石溶滤作用、阳离子交替吸附作用和人类活动的共同影响,水化学成分多数来自于硅酸盐岩和碳酸盐岩矿物的溶解。浅层地下水受人类活动影响较大,而中深层地下水受其影响不明显。  相似文献   

肥城市岩溶水水化学特征及形成机制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张超  张保祥  张吉圣  邸燕 《中国岩溶》2018,37(5):698-707
系统分析地下水长期实测数据,并综合运用数理统计方法、水文地质学、水文地球化学的基本理论,探讨了肥城市水化学特征及其时空分布规律、水化学特征形成机制及水文地球化学过程。结果表明:肥城市地下水水化学类型主要为HCO3·SO4—Ca·Mg型,部分为HCO3·SO4·Cl—Ca·Mg型和HCO3·Cl—Ca·Mg型,主要阴离子由HCO3-向SO42-和Cl-偏移,总溶解固体(TDS)及总硬度呈明显增大趋势;地下水多数离子浓度从补给区经径流区到排泄区越来越高;方解石和石膏的溶滤作用是研究区内地下水水化学成分变化的主要影响因素,同时存在部分的盐岩溶解及阳离子交替吸附作用,而人类活动也是不可忽视的重要影响因素。   相似文献   

笔者等在对比分析一亩泉漏斗区地下水开采前—开采中—压采全过程地下水水化学特征基础上,综合利用数理统计分析、离子比例分析、水文地球化学模拟技术,揭示了漏斗区地下水水化学特征演化规律,解析了水化学特征演变驱动机制。结果表明,研究区地下水水化学特征演化表现出阶段性,在开采初期至压采初期,水化学类型、TDS、总硬度保持稳定,水化学类型以HCO-3—Ca2+·Mg2+型为主;在漏斗恢复期地下水水化学类型种类增多,TDS和总硬度显著增大,表现出向盐化和硬化方向演化趋势;1960~2010年研究区地下水水化学成分主要受脱白云石化作用、阳离子交换作用控制,呈自然演化规律;2010年以后,在漏斗恢复背景下,包气带中水岩相互作用过程加剧,地下水水化学演变受溶滤作用和离子交换作用控制,人类活动对地下水水化学特征的影响逐渐显现。研究结果可为漏斗区地下水保护与修复提供科学依据。  相似文献   

及时准确地找到突水水源,是解决矿井突水问题的关键。通过对桑树坪煤矿主要含水层水样进行常规水质分析,并通过Piper三线图揭示了矿区不同地下水含水层的水化学特征,并通过出水点与背景值的水文地球化学特征对比,正确地判断出了该矿区突水水源为奥灰岩溶水。研究认为,水化学特征分析是一种快速判别突水水源的有效方法。  相似文献   

张华  王宇  柴金龙 《中国岩溶》2011,30(2):181-186
位于云南省会昆明盆地内的滇池流域是滇中岩溶和石漠化较为发育的地区,石漠化总面积225.56 km2,占流域总面积的7.71%,占岩溶总面积32.69%。石漠化主要分布在望海山、大板桥—呈贡、黑林铺、海口、梁王山、上蒜片区,其中又以北东部的大板桥片区石漠化最为严重。石漠化已造成流域内水土流失加剧、可耕地面积减少、土壤涵养水源能力降低及生态环境恶化等危害。通过地面调查和ETM遥感解译,查清了流域内石漠化的发育分布与碳酸盐岩的岩性及其组合、岩溶作用、地形地貌、气象等自然因素、人为因素和工业污染关系密切。针对石漠化的形成原因,提出了生态修复、农田基本建设、水资源开发利用、农村能源建设、小集镇建设、土地合理利用等治理措施。  相似文献   

泾惠区具2200多年的灌溉历史,灌区人口密度大,地下水不仅是工业和农业的主要水源,也是当地主要饮用水源.为了查明灌区地下水硫酸盐的水文地球化学特征、成因及其演化过程,在分析灌区1982年、1990年和2009年地下水水化学特征、SO4 2-时空分布特征的基础上,通过灌溉试验和Hydrus-1D模拟灌溉对地下水SO4 2-的影响.结果表明,灌区地下水水化学类型由HCO3(1982年)向SO4 2-(2009年)型演化.2009年SO4 2-是地下水中主要阴离子组分,具有西部低,北部、东部和南部高的区域分布特征.虽然地下水中最初的SO42-主要来源于地层中Na2SO4和CaSO4等硫酸盐的溶解,但灌溉试验和模拟计算表明,近年来地下潜水中高硫酸盐主要是由于灌溉水源引起的.  相似文献   

The most relevant controls on the water quality within the Cretaceous-Eocene limestone aquifer of the Keta Basin, Ghana, and the coastal sedimentary basin of Togo were assessed using Q-mode hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and mass-balance modelling. The pattern recognition technique of HCA was employed for partitioning hydrochemical data from a total of 65 surface and borehole samples from the study area into water groups. A spatial plot of the water groups consisting of samples from the limestone aquifer shows that the vast majority of samples belonging to the same group are located in close proximity to one another, suggesting the same processes and/or flow paths in the limestone aquifer system. Geochemical reaction models of selected water groups were constructed using PHREEQC-2. The hydrochemical compositions of the water groups and the mass-balance calculations indicate that the dominant processes and reactions responsible for the hydrochemical evolution in the system are: (1) carbonate equilibria, (2) silicate weathering reactions, (3) limited mixing with saline water, and (4) ion exchange. The combined use of HCA and mass-balance modelling has shown to be a useful approach in interpreting groundwater hydrochemistry in an area where large uncertainties exist in the understanding of the groundwater flow system.  相似文献   

济南趵突泉泉域岩溶水化学特征时空差异性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高帅  李常锁  贾超  孙斌  张海林  逄伟 《地质学报》2019,93(S1):61-70
水文地球化学一直是水文地质领域的研究重点,而地下水化学组分的时空变化特征受多种因素的影响。为了掌握济南趵突泉泉域岩溶地下水水化学特征时空差异性,本文分别于枯、丰水期在泉域内采集并分析了岩溶地下水样品,并采用数理统计、Piper三线图、Gibbs图解法及离子比例系数法等分析手段,对研究区岩溶地下水水化学特征及时空差异性进行了研究。结果显示,研究区地下水优势阳离子为Ca,优势阴离子为HCO3,丰水期除HCO3外,其他离子的变异系数较枯水期普遍升高,且大于05,表现出丰水期空间差异性增大的特点。地下水水化学类型具有以HCO3·SO4- Ca为主,多种类型并存的特点。Ca、Mg、HCO3含量在枯、丰水期比值要小于1,且比其他离子要相对稳定,呈现出全局性特点。而Na、K含量在枯、丰水期比值波动较大,大部分比值大于1,Cl、SO4、NO3含量在枯、丰水期比值具有波动剧烈的特点,呈现出区域性特征,同时表明人类活动大大改变了研究区地下水水化学场的分布特征。  相似文献   

The Hutuo River alluvial-proluvial fan is located in North China Plain, and groundwater is the main source of water supply for agriculture and domestic water. Shijiazhuang depression funnels due to the long-term excessive exploitation are the bottleneck of the regional economic development. Analyzing the chemical characteristics of groundwater under the condition of strong human activities, can provide a scientific basis for further study of strong groundwater mining area environmental change. 143 groups of shallow groundwater samples are collected during the period of 2007-2008. In this paper, the hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in the Hutuo River Plain area are analyzed systematically, using hydrogeochemical theory, combined with statistical methods and hydrochemical methods. Results are shown as follows: HCO_3~- and Ca~(2+) are major anion and cation. The variation coefficients of K~+, Ca~(2+), Mg~(2+) and HCO_3~- between 0.25 and 0.52, which means small and stable relatively. The variation coefficient of are Na~+, NO_3~-, Cl-, SO2-4 were large(0.89-1.01). They are sensitive and vulnerable to environmental change affect. Due to the impact of human activities, from the top to the edge of the alluvial-proluvial fan, the hydrochemical types of groundwater change from single to multiple, followed by HCO_3~-Ca·Mg, HCO_3·SO_4-Ca·Mg, HCO_3·SO_4·Cl-Ca·Mg, HCO_3·Cl-Ca·Mg and other types.  相似文献   

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