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利用中国科学院红壤生态试验站微气象站实测的梯度资料和大叶阻力相似沉积模型,计算了农田和森林下垫面大气污染物的干沉积速率,并将此模型嵌套到区域酸性沉降模式系统(RegADMS)中,模拟获得中国地区11种大气污染物干沉积速率的空间分布.结果表明:大气污染物干沉降速率(Vd)有明显的时间变化,物种的干沉积速率一般白天大于晚上,冬春季大于夏秋季节.大气污染物Vd也有明显的空间变化,中国地区SO2、HNO3、NO、NO2、NH3、O3、H2O2、TSP、PM10、SO2-4和NO-3年平均Vd分别为0.35士0.004、1.77±0.01、6.5 ×10-5±2.0×10-7、0.07±0.0007、0.28土0.003、0.20±0.001、0.54±0.002、7.2±0.0005、0.44±0.0005、0.25±0.0005、0.27±0.0008cm s-1.各种下垫面上粒子Vd差别不大,气体污染物在各下垫面上的Vd有所不同,表现为HNO3、NO2、O3的Vd在森林和草原上较大,而SO2、NH3、H2O2的Vd在水面上较大,NO的Vd都很小,且在各种下垫面上差别不大.  相似文献   

一种大气污染物干沉积速率的计算方法及其应用   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
介绍了一种计算大气污染物干沉积速率的方法。这种方法详细地考虑了植物生理特征和冠层内湍流结构对干沉积的影响,考虑了3层覆盖物对表面阻抗的影响,通过计算7个不同的阻抗因子获得干沉积速率。利用该方法计算了农田下垫面上7种不同大气污染物沉积的表面阻抗和江西(鹰洋)红壤典型地区农田下垫面上的二氧化硫(SO2)和硫酸盐(SO4^2—)的干沉积速率,估算了大气硫输入农田生态系统的干沉积通量,并与其他方法作了定量比较。结果表明:农田下垫面上SO2与SO4^2—的干沉积速率平均值分别为0.31cm/s,0.20cm/s;干沉积速率具有明显的日变化特征,一般白天大于夜间,中午时分出现最大值;月际变化也较明显,在冬季有大值;大气硫输入农田生态系统的全年干沉积通量为7.35g/m^2。  相似文献   

青岛大气气溶胶的浓度分布和干沉降的观测研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据青岛沙尘天气历史资料和近年来的青岛地面气溶胶观测资料,分析了青岛沙尘日数的长期变化趋势、季节变化特征以及气溶胶质量浓度、谱分布和干沉降的季节变化.分析结果表明,1961~1988年青岛沙尘日数呈波动变化,且幅度较大.1999年以来沙尘日数明显增加,且以浮尘天气为主.青岛在1961~2001年扬沙日数年平均值为1.83天,是北京同期的13%;年浮尘日数为2.93天,是北京同期的75%.青岛沙尘发生日数主要集中在冬春季,春季最高,冬季次高;夏季没有沙尘天气,秋季很低.青岛气溶胶质量浓度有明显的季节变化,春季最高,冬季次之,秋季又次之,夏季最低.大流量观测的总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)年平均浓度为177μgm-3,安德森分级采样器观测的气溶胶质量浓度为123μg m-3,两者的差别与不同的观测时间和观测仪器有关.在3月和4月,粗细粒子的浓度相差很大,粗粒子分别占总浓度的80%和62%.青岛气溶胶沉降通量在0.06~0.2 g m-2d-1之间,平均值为0.13 g m-2d-1,是北京沉降通量的30%.  相似文献   

刘斌  谢正辉  刘双  李锐超 《大气科学》2018,42(6):1235-1244
准确估计水热通量对于认识和理解地气交换与水循环变化过程具有重要意义。利用Penman-Monteith(P-M)模型计算季节尺度水热通量变化的不确定性很大程度上依赖于与冠层变化相关的最小冠层阻力参数,但模型中通常将其设为定值。为此,本文基于多年通量观测采用分段与整体相结合的迭代算法拟合出最小冠层阻力的季节分布。以湖南省宁乡通量观测站为例,针对2012~2015年观测拟合计算最小冠层阻力的季节分布曲线,并利用2016年通量数据进行独立数据验证。结果表明:最小冠层阻力曲线具有鲜明夏低冬高的季节变化特征;利用拟合的具有季节分布的最小冠层阻力改进潜热通量计算,独立数据验证表明其该方法的合理性;相比于原阻力方案得出的潜热模拟结果,其在相关系数、均方根误差和一致性指数都有改进;此外,将该估计方法应用于水热通量的数据插补,较常规统计插补方法,其插补稳定性不随连续缺失数据的增加而降低,而且还能通过模型的微分误差分析量化由于数据输入带来的插补不确定性,在保持通量数据完整性的同时也为数据应用场景提供科学依据。  相似文献   

沙尘传输路径上气溶胶浓度与干沉降通量的粒径分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2002年春季中国北京、青岛和日本福冈3个地区的分级气溶胶浓度资料,结合改进的Wil-liams模型,分析了沙尘传输路径上空气动力学直径≤11μm气溶胶(PM11)浓度和干沉降通量的粒径分布特征,并估算了黄海海域春季PM11的干沉降通量及不同粒径气溶胶的贡献。结果表明:3个地区PM11浓度粒径分布在非沙尘时期呈双峰分布,两个峰值分别出现在细颗粒(<2.1μm)部分和粗颗粒(2.1~11μm)部分;沙尘时期,3个地区PM11浓度粒径分布均趋于单峰分布,峰值位于粗颗粒部分,并且越靠近沙尘源地,这种趋势越明显。较强沙尘天气时期,粗颗粒部分的浓度峰值粒径从沙尘源地附近到黄海西岸、东岸呈降低趋势,但在一般沙尘天气时期,这种现象并不明显。沙尘时期和非沙尘时期,3个地区粗颗粒的干沉降通量均随粒径增加而增大,细颗粒的干沉降通量随粒径的变化不明显。虽然沙尘时期粗颗粒沉降通量较非沙尘时期有明显增加,但粗颗粒对PM11干沉降通量的贡献与非沙尘时期相比,并没有明显的变化。较强沙尘天气时期,3个地区粗颗粒的干沉降通量明显高于一般沙尘天气时期;细颗粒的干沉降通量较一般沙尘天气时期略有增加。黄海海域春季沙尘时期PM11的干沉降通量约为31.70~58.59mg.m-2.d-1,非沙尘时期约为8.33~15.94mg.m-2.d-1。粗颗粒是黄海海域春季PM11干沉降通量的主要贡献者,约占PM11干沉降通量的94.2%以上。  相似文献   

新疆一次秋季暴雪天气的诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄海波  徐海容 《高原气象》2007,26(3):624-629
利用常规气象资料和诊断分析的方法,对2003年9月28日发生在新疆乌鲁木齐等地一次暴雪天气过程进行了研究。结果表明:伊朗副热带高压的东西摆动、南北振荡引起的中亚地区大气环流的剧烈变化是暴雪天气产生的大尺度背景;高空西南急流诱发的强上升运动和对流层低层天气尺度系统之间强烈的相互作用是暴雪天气形成的动力因子;干冷空气的侵入有利于干层的形成和维持,干层的存在使水汽和不稳定能量得以累积,增加了降水过程的对流不稳定性,有利于强降水天气的发生、发展和加强。  相似文献   

文中分析了 1996年 8月 1日发生在西宁 (36 .4 3°N ,10 1.4 5°E ,海拔 :2 2 96m)地区对流层异常臭氧次峰现象。观测资料揭示了高空低压槽东移是臭氧次峰的主要天气特征。三维后向轨迹计算表明 ,尽管代表臭氧次峰的气团可以追溯到中亚地区 ,但是明显的气团向下输送则发生在新疆、青海间的高空低压槽内。中尺度模拟进一步确认了对流层顶折叠和平流层向下输送是臭氧次峰出现的动力机制。臭氧次峰在对流层高度位置与准无辐散层有关  相似文献   

北京秋季一次降雪前污染天气的激光雷达观测研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2009年11月5~8日北京地区发生的一次特殊天气形势下的重污染天气过程为例,研究分析本次污染特点和大气边界层结构特征以及此天气过程的大气温度和相对湿度结构特点。激光雷达是探测大气边界层及气溶胶的一个高效工具,利用ALS300激光雷达系统测量信号,应用Fernald方法反演大气消光系数,根据反演的气溶胶消光系数的最大突变,即最大递减率的高度来确定大气边界层的高度。利用其观测的退偏比分析大气污染物特性。利用微波辐射计数据,确定大气温度和湿度时空特征。研究结果表明:在本次污染天气下,大气具有很强的逆温结构,逆温最大可达近1 K(100 m)-1,500 m以上的大气相对湿度很低,在这种天气特征下的大气边界层高度在400 m左右,非常稳定。污染结束降雪开始前,大气逆温结构消失,大气湿度大幅度增加,接近饱和。根据lidar(light detection and ranging)退偏比的分析,本次污染天气是一次典型的烟尘类颗粒物的污染,污染具有区域性特点。PM2.5(空气动力学当量直径小于等于2.5μm的颗粒物)与AOT(Aerosol Optical Thickness)之间有明显的线性关系,相关系数达到0.72。该lidar系统能够反演出秋季降雪前本次污染天气背景下北京城区上空的大气污染特性和大气边界层高度。  相似文献   

Measurements of ozone concentrations, and meteorological and surface parameters were carried out over a flat green grassland in northwest Spain, in July 1995. Turbulent parameters and sensible and latent heat fluxes were calculated using the gradient technique. Fluxes and deposition velocity and resistances were evaluated assuming that the diffusivity for heat fluxes was equal to pollutant diffusivity. The daily average value of dry deposition velocity was 6 mm s-1 but it was influenced by wind velocity and atmospheric stability. Resistances have been calculated according to a simple resistance model and a comparison between theoretical and measured values has been made.  相似文献   

使用湍流和SO2通量梯度测试资料,对植被冠层内物质交换特征进行了详细研究,揭示了一些有意义的结果: 植物的生物过程对物质的吸收作用非常明显; 在冠层内物质通量是随冠层深度加大而明显减小;对高的植被,上层沉积速度(Vgu)大于下层 (Vgd); 冠层内的沉积速度(Vg) 表现出明显的日变化,冠层内物质的生物吸收作用与太阳总辐射量有直接联系;冠层的Vg与速度尺度V*和平均风成正变关系;森林的Vg比麦地小;新的Vg理论公式能更好地预测重庆森林和麦地的结果。  相似文献   

This paper presents dry deposition flux and deposition velocity of atmospheric particles on white marble and red stone at Dayalbagh, a suburban site of semi arid region, which is 10 km away from the industrial sector of the Agra city where due to agricultural practices vegetation predominates. The wind speed at Agra is mostly in the range of 1–2 m s–1. The atmospheric calm conditions at Agra in summer, monsoon, and winter seasons are 47%, 35%, and 76%, respectively. Industrial areas of the city are away from Dayalbagh and are located in the NE, E, SE, and SW sectors. The main industrial activities, which are in operation in Agra city and its outskirts, are foundry and forging industry. The other industrial activities in Agra are rubber processing, lime oxidation and pulverization, chemicals, engineering and brick refractory kilns. Dry deposition samples were collected on dry days on white marble and red stone (0.224 m × 0.224 m × 0.02 m) using surface washing method. Both slabs were fixed to an iron stand (1.5 m height) at an angle of about 80 from the horizontal and exposed for 24 h on the roof of the faculty building. The order of deposition flux on white marble is NH4+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > Na+ > Cl > K+ > NO3 > SO42– > F and that on red stone is NH4+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > SO42– > Na+ > NO3 > K+ > F > Cl. Average dry deposition flux of major ions varies from 3.4 to 128.5 M m–2 d–1. The sum of major cations on white marble and red stone are 516.4 and 450.4 eq m–2 d–1, respectively while sum of major anions are 425.3 and 400.4 eq m–2 d–1 on white marble and red stone, respectively. Higher deposition of all ions was observed when wind blows from NE as most of the Agra Iron foundries and Ferozabad glass industries lie in this direction. The mean values of dry deposition velocity of ions vary between 0.22 cm s–1 to 1.49 cm s–1. Deposition velocity for all ions is higher on white marble than red stone inspite of rougher surface of red stone as compared to white marble. This could be due to the chemical nature of white marble, which is made of dolomite and hence adds significant amount of ions by dissolution during washing. Seasonally the deposition velocity was highest in winter.  相似文献   

Ozone(O_3) fluxes were measured over a maize field using the eddy covariance(EC) technique and gradient methods.The main objective was to evaluate the performance of the gradient methods for measuring the O_3 flux by comparing them with the EC O_3 flux.In this study,turbulent exchange coefficients(K) calculated with three methods were compared.These methods were the aerodynamic gradient(AG) method(in which K is calculated by using wind speed and temperature gradients),the aerodynamic gradient combined with EC(AGEC) method,in which the friction velocity and other variables are based on EC measurements,and the modified Bowen ratio using the EC sensible heat flux and temperature gradient(MBR) method.Meanwhile,the effects of the measurement and calculation methods of the O_3 concentration gradient were analyzed.The results showed that:(1) on average,the transfer coefficient computed by the MBR method was 40% lower,and the coefficient determined with the AG method was 25% higher,than that determined with the AGEC method.(2) The gradient method's O_3 fluxes with the MBR,AGEC,and AG methods were 30.4% lower,11.7% higher,and 45.6% higher than the EC O_3 flux,respectively.(3) The effect of asynchronous O_3 concentration measurements on the O_3 gradient must be eliminated when using one analyzer to cyclically measure two-level O_3 concentrations.The accuracy of gradient methods for O_3 flux is related to the exchange coefficient calculation method,and its precision mainly depends on the quality of the O_3 gradient.  相似文献   

The total dust column and the dry deposition flux were calculated based on the optical properties that were measured by a shipboard sun photometer POM-01 MKⅡ in a cloud-free and nonfrontal dust condition on 24 April 2006. The total dust column was calculated by using an integration method of the particle size distribution; the mean value was 1.42±0.30 g m-2. A linear correlation between the total dust column and the aerosol optical depth (AOD) with a linear factor of 2.7 g m-2 over the Sahara was applied to calculate the total dust column in this study; the results were lower than these calculated by the integration method. A reasonable factor of 3.2 g m-2 was achieved by minimizing the standard deviation (SD) of the two methods. The two layers model, which includes the deposition processes of turbulent transfer, Brownian diffusion, impaction and gravitational settling over the sea’s surface, was used to calculate the dry deposition flux; the mean value was 5.05±2.49 μg m-2 s-1. A correlation among the total dust column, dry deposition flux, AOD, and effective radius was discussed. The correlation between the total dust column and the AOD was better than that between the total dust column and the effective radius; however, the correlation between the dry deposition flux and the effective radius was better than that between the dry deposition flux and the AOD.  相似文献   


A hypothesis has been formulated on the basis of experimental data presented in this article. According to the hypothesis, occurrence of the spring surface ozone maximum at mid-latitudes results from a delay in snow-cover melt. The data were collected at ozone stations in Minsk (Belarus) and Preila (Lithuania). Because the measurements of surface ozone concentration are quite different, despite the close proximity of the stations, a conclusion can be drawn about the significant influence of meteorological parameters on measurements. In addition to a rather subjective and poorly defined parameter—time of snow melt—the difference between the average March temperature and a climatological mean may be treated as a criterion for the presence or absence of the spring ozone maximum.  相似文献   

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