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《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2007,69(15):1833-1841
Results of fractal analysis of ultra-low-frequency (ULF) emissions registered at a low-latitude observatory, Guam (geomagnetic coordinates Φm=9°N, Λm=225°), and at a high-latitude drifting station, North Pole-30 (Φm=75°N, Λm=172°), are presented. The first set of data covers a long period of observations (20 months) including the strong (Ms=8) Guam earthquake of 8 August 1993. The second set of data covers a short period of observations (21 days) in April 1989 during the preparation phase of the big magnetic storm of 25 April 1989. Definite peculiarities in the behavior of ULF emission scaling (fractal) characteristics have been found, which are discussed on the basis of the self-organized criticality concept. The principal common peculiarity for magnetosphere–ionosphere and lithosphere systems is detection of flicker noise (β∼1, D0∼2) in a certain frequency range on the preparation phase of strong magnetospheric and seismic events. 相似文献
鲜水河断裂GPS连续站监测网由七美、瓦日、牦牛、塔工4个站组成,于2006年2月建成并开始运行。本文利用该监测网2006年2月至8月期间的观测资料,计算出6条基线长变化的时间序列,在此基础上,分析了鲜水河断裂的运动特征。结果表明,在测区范围内,鲜水河断裂以12.3±1.2 mm/a的速率左旋滑动,测区北端有明显张性,而南端则没有明显的张性或压性特征。最后,通过与以前对鲜水河断裂运动状态进行观测的各种手段和结果的比较,本文认为GPS连续运行参考站监测网在活动断裂的监测方面具有明显优势。 相似文献
Mean annual sea level (MASL) data for 25 Greek stations were analyzed for the time period 1969–1982. The data from 4 of these were unacceptably poor, and the record of 3 stations showed unexplained step functions that were interpreted as errors. Relative MASL between stations showed crustal stability at 10 of the 18 useful stations. The standard deviation from the long-term average of these stations was ±1.8 cm. We conclude that if station records are carefully kept in this area crustal movements in excess of 5 cm can be detected by relative MASL. A comparison of MASL data with gravity changes measured in the Peloponnese and Central Greece suggests that vertical movements occurred along a gradient equal to or larger than the free air gradient. We conclude that the gravity network should be reoccupied frequently such that the non-tectonic effects to be determined from the probable observed gravity changes, and the tectonic vertical movements may be better understood. A co-seismic subsidence of about 5 cm is inferred to have taken place near Korinth during the 1981,M s =6.8, earthquake, which occurred 20 km N of this tide gauge (Posidonia). During 2.5 years before the 1968 Thessaloniki,M s =6.6, earthquake, sea level was lower than average suggesting possible crustal elevation of 3.6 cm at about 28 km epicentral distance. Because of the small amplitude of this change we are not certain that it represents crustal uplift. At station Myrina (on Limnos) a strong and consistent trend of subsidence accumulated a 15 cm change between 1975 and 1980. Chios showed a trend of emergence (total accumulation about +5 cm), while Volos showed a trend of subsidence (approximately ?5 cm total). Kefalinia appears to have subsided about 10 cm during the data period. The six stations along the Hellenic arc plate boundary showed nearly constant MASL, suggesting that crustal stability existed there during the last 14 years. We conclude that MASL data in Greece can be useful for understanding tectonic processes, especially if these data are gathered carefully and at numerous locations, and are cross-correlated to high precision repeat gravity measurements, and geodetic releveling. Also, MASL data on active volcanic islands have excellent potential for detecting uplift before future eruptions. 相似文献
Reporter H. Miller Alpine Explosion Seismology Group 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1976,114(6):1109-1130
Summary From 8 to 20 September 1975 refraction seismic measurements were carried out in close European cooperation on a long range profile along the strike of the Alps between France and Hungary. The execution and first results of the Alpine Longitudinal Profile 1975 are presented in this paper, which is the first of a series. 20 shots from 9 different shotpoints were recorded by 193 mobile stations along a main line of a length of 850 km as well as on a number of fans and additional shorter profiles. The recordings were subsequently digitized and a number of computer generated record sections are presented to illustrate the quality of the data. First results are given in the form of a simple crustal cross section along the main profile and of two velocity depth functions, which indicate a substantial difference in type between the westernmost part and the eastern part of the profile.G. Angenheister, J. Ansorge, K. Aric, D. Bamford, R. Cassinis, H. Gebrande, I. Guerra, R. Gutdeutsch, W. Kaminski, R. King, H. Miller, C. Morelli, St. Mueller, R. Nicolich, G. perrier, K. Posgay, C. Prodehl, S. Scarascia, E. Schmedes, P. Steinhauser, F. Thouvenot. 相似文献
Multivariate analysis methods have been applied to studying variations in the concentrations of Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Br, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cs, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, S, Sb, Si, Sn, Sr, Th, Tl, U, V, Zn, Cl?, NO 3 ? , SO 4 2? as components of precipitation at 11 rural stations under project “Ecogeochemistry of Barents Region”. Hierarchic factor analysis revealed the structure and space-time distribution of seven first-order factors and two second-order factors. The combinations of ingredients that determine the composition of first-order factors characterize the sources of precipitation composition, which have been found to be specific and volatile products of fuel oil and coal combustion, marine and earth aerosols, and biogenic processes. Second-order factors showed two independent sets of components, which are typical of the chemistry of precipitation at the examined stations in winter and summer. Step-by-step discriminant and cluster analysis made it possible to classify the observational stations by precipitation chemistry and demonstrate the extent of difference between them. 相似文献
利用2006—2010年的CloudSat热带气旋过境数据集资料,定量分析了大西洋地区飓风的云、降水和热力结构在不同演变阶段内的分布特征,结果表明:雷达反射率的发生概率以5 km高度为"拐点"呈现不同的分布特点,且成熟阶段的回波强度明显大于发展和消亡阶段.各径向环内深对流云发生概率始终最大,积云和雨层云始终最小.冰水含量的最大值位于内核区且沿径向不断减小,有效粒子半径和分布宽度参数随高度减小而粒子数浓度却增大.温度距平在距离中心200 km以内随飓风演变不断增大,而200 km以外始终较小.各阶段8 km以下存在湿心区,而其上方正好对应暖心区.内核区发展阶段存在近饱和区而成熟和消亡阶段存在向外倾斜的未饱和区.各阶段不同径向环内4 km以上主要为稳定层结而4 km以下的层结特性各异,且假相当位温沿径向逐渐减小. 相似文献
本文基于电磁波频谱理论研究方法,对2008年四川汶川MS8.0地震前后金河、剑阁及郑州二砂三个电磁波台站的观测资料进行FFT和小波变换分析,研究了电磁辐射数据快速傅里叶频谱变化特征和在不同尺度下小波变化的分解,发现在汶川地震前确实有异常信息存在.结果表明:(1) FFT动态谱图像说明,地震前电磁波频谱变化特征较明显,在时间、频段上均显示了阶段性进程特征,且随着震中距的增大,辐射能量越小,异常出现的时间越晚;(2) 小波分解显示了地震前电磁波异常信号低频部分出现的时间较早;距震中较近的台站,异常信息在高频部分相对明显;距震中稍远的台站,异常信息在低频部分相对明显. 相似文献
Magnetotelluric soundings are frequently carried out on a single profile or on profiles remote from each other. Interpretation
of the obtained data is difficult in the presence of spatially heterogeneous geoelectric structures. We evaluate its capabilities
on the basis of the synthetic data, that correspond to a geoelectric model, which consists of a three-layered section in the
background and three rectangular prisms, differently arranged relative to the profile. Using the simple methods of analysis
of magnetotelluric data, we succeeded in allocating all three heterogeneities over the area that surrounds the profile of
observations. As a result of the fast smoothed-structure 1D and 2D inversion of different components of data, taking into
account their specific features, the depths of the occurrence of anomalies and the order of the values of their electrical
resistivity were evaluated, and the background section was also reconstructed. On this basis, and, also, with the use of a
priori geological-geophysical information, the construction of a 3D model in a more or less broad band around the profile
and its correction with the aid of 3D data inversion are possible. 相似文献
The technique for determining the spatial location of the polar cap, auroral oval, and subauroral zone of the high-latitude space, based on the geomagnetic data from the Greenland chain of magnetic stations, is proposed. The belonging of a specific station to one of the zones is determined based on the results of operation of a self-learning classification artificial neural network of a Kohonen-layer type. The amplitude-frequency spectra and the matrices of wavelet coefficients for analyzing data from the magnetic observation network are the input calculation parameters. 相似文献
野外观测和室内试验表明,地震孕育和发生过程中可能产生电磁信号。地震电磁现象在防震减灾中具有潜在的应用价值,已成为21世纪国内外地学研究热点之一。由于地震电磁信号较弱,通常混杂于空间场源信号及人文噪音中,不易在观测数据中提取出来。以2003年1月日本茨城县5.1级地震为例,探讨远场参考在超低频(ULF)地震地磁数据处理中的应用,进而检测震前局部磁场异常。在此基础上,讨论远场参考法的优势及可能存在的不足。分析结果表明,2003年1月日本茨城县5.1级地震发生前存在局部磁场异常,验证了远场参考方法的有效性,相关成果可为地震地磁数据处理提供有益参考。 相似文献
Heinrich Wörner 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1964,57(1):193-205
Summary The observational material of 138 stations, which had during the July 1957 to December 1958 IGY period made obervations of global radiation along the longitude 10°E (±10°) between the latitudes 47°S and 70°N, had been evaluated to obtain mean monthly and annual totals of global radiation for 12 different latitudes along thea/n-meridian. The sums are compared with theoretical results obtained byBudyko, Black, andBernhardt andPhilipps. These theoretically computed values are drawn graphically or numerically from charts or tables of thea/n-authors for the coordinates corresponding to the means of the relevant IGY stations. In hardly a case the measured annual totals deviate by more than 10% from theoretical values. In hardly a case the measured annual totals deviate by more than 10% from theoretical values. TheBudyko data are the nearest approximation to the measured ones;Black's computation shows the greatest deviation. In the 0 to 47° S zone theoretical values are actually exceeded by to 20%.The annual variation is marked by the following deviations as compared to the theoretical results: In the region north to 50° latitude in October, November and January only 80% of the theoretically computed amount of radiation was observed, while in the remaining months the monthly totals are within a ±10% boundary of the theoretical values; in March about 20% above normal global radiation was observed. Between 30° and 50°N the measured data in autumn, winter and spring 10 to 20% below the theoretical values, in the remaining time of the year the deviation is less than ±10%. A comparison with cloud conditions (relative sunshine duration) suggests that deviations cannot be interpreted merely by deviating cloud conditions of this zone. Between 0° and 30°N only January and February are 10% below theoretical values, while in August to October the totals were 10 to 15% above. South of the equator from October to May (southern summer) the radiation totals were too high by up to 25%, while in the remaining time of the year the data were about 10% below theoretical values; it should be noted that deviation increases with increasing southern latitude. For comparison theAshbel IGY global radiation charts were used which indicate similar deviations from theoretical values; there are also some differences to microcard values.There is reason to suggest that there is a complex relation between the observed deviations and variation of the large-scale circulation during IGY. The results of the small number of available turbidity measurements (Central European area only) can be interpreted in the same way. To what extent the observed deviations from theoretical values are due to weather conditions deviating during the IGY period from normal or originate from inconsistencies in the theoretical consideration cannot definition be said until inspection of the complete IGY cloud and turbidity data and the availability of the climatological material which served for the theoretical work. The latter was only the case in theBernhardt andPhilipps paper.
Zusammenfassung Aus 138 Stationen auf dem Meridian 10°E (±10°) zwischen –47° und +70° Breite, die während der IGJ-Periode die Globalstrahlung beobachtet haben, wurden mittlere Monats-und Jahressummen der Globalstrahlung für 12 verschiedene Breiten auf diesem Meridian berechnet. Diese Summen wurden mit den theoretischen Werten vonBudyko, Black, undBernhardt undPhilipps verglichen. Die gemessenen Summen weichen meist um höchstens 10% von den theoretischen Werten ab. Die Werte vonBudyko kommen den gemessenen am nächsten, die vonBlack zeigen die grössten Abweichungen. Für die Zone zwischen 0° und 47° südlicher Breite liegen die gemessenen Werte jedoch durchwegs um 8 bis 20% über den theoretischen. Im jahreszeitlichen Verlauf traten folgende bemerkenswerte Abweichungen gegen die theoretischen Werte auf: Nördlich 50° Breite erhielten die Monate Oktober, November und Januar nur etwa 80% der theoretischen Strahlungssummen, in den anderen Monaten stimmten die Summen innerhalb 10% mit den theoretischen Werten überein, der März erhielt etwa 20% übernormale Globalstrahlung. Zwischen 30° und 50° nördlicher Breite lagen die gemessenen Werte besonders im Herbst, Winter und Frühling 10 bis 20% unter den theoretischen. Die Abweichungen können nicht allein der Bewölkung in dieser Zone zugeschrieben werden. Südlich des Äquators wiesen die Monate Oktober bis Mai (Südsommer!) bis zu 25% zu hohe Strahlungssummen auf. Die zum Vergleich herangezogenen Karten vonAshbel ergeben ähnliche Abweichungen gegen die theoretischen Werte, wenn auch einige Unterschiede gegen die hier veröffentlichten Summen auftreten.Ein komplexer Zusammenhang zwischen diesen Abweichungen und der grossräumigen Zirkulation im IGJ scheint zu bestehen. Auch die wenigen Trübungsmessungen (nur mitteleuropäische Stationen) können im gleichen Sinne gedeutet werden. Inwieweit die beobachteten Abweichungen der Strahlung von den theoretischen Werten auf den im Mittel abweichenden Witterungsverhältnissen der IGJ-Periode beruhen oder auf Unstimmigkeiten der theoretischen Werte, lässt sich aus dem vorliegenden Material noch nicht definitiv entscheiden.相似文献
通过江西省数字地震台网UPS远程管理的应用实践,探索出一套基于ULTRA-NMS统一网管平台的UPS远程监控方法和实现步骤,介绍了该技术在江西地震台网运行维护管理方面的实际应用情况. 相似文献
M. Yu. Ortikov V. A. Shemelov I. V. Shishigin B. V. Troitsky 《Journal of Atmospheric and Solar》2003,65(16-18):1425-1430
The method for estimating an ionospheric index of solar-activity (IISA) based on the processing of spacecraft radio signals is suggested. The IISA values have been obtained by comparison between the measured and calculated variations of radio-signal characteristics. To calculate the variations of radio-signal characteristics, the straight rays approximation and the solar-activity index (Wolf numbers W and/or values of F10.7 solar flux) as a control parameter of the ionospheric model have been used. The suggested method was tested using spacecraft radio signals from the radio-navigation system “CIKADA”. The reduced differences of phases (ΔΦ) for frequencies 150 and 400 MHz were measured and the same characteristics were calculated by integration along the ray of radio-wave propagation between the receiver and the satellite. The IRI-95 has been used as a background ionospheric model. The satellite co-ordinates were determined using the orbit parameters recorded in the navigation messages. Minimization of the difference measured and calculated ΔΦ using arbitrary time steps, or during whole time intervals of observation, gives the IISA corresponding the satellite pass. Daily IISA values were obtained by averaging over all communication contacts during a day (20–30 passes). Testing this approach based on the measurements during March/April 1997, 1998, shows that on magnetically quiet days differences between IISA and the primary solar activity indices are about 5%. 相似文献
This is a tentative study in order to characterize and identify the Serghaya fault in Syria through an analysis of its instrumentally observed earthquake activity for the period of 1995–2009. Different approaches are used to evaluate a- and b-values of the Gutenberg-Richter relation. It has been found that the computed b-values (around 1.5) are bigger than usually expected, which could be related either to incompleteness of earthquake catalogue or to invalidity of the Gutenberg-Richter model in the case of Serghaya fault. Based on several explanations of high b-values, existing in the literature, it can be inferred that the events recorded on the Serghaya fault occurred at small depths in the heterogeneous milieus under low stresses. A relative seismic quiescence from 1900 up to now is observed, whereas the biggest earthquake recorded during the study period does not exceed magnitude 3.9. Such quiescence does not reflect accurately an earthquake potential of the Serghaya fault and can probably indicate a large-magnitude earthquake occurrence in near future. The established earthquake catalogue must be necessarily completed in order to deeper characterize the real behavior of the Serghaya fault. Such a characterization, accompanied with seismic activity evaluation, could be used in the assessment of seismic hazard. 相似文献
JudgementandinterpretationofSwavedataontheBeijingFengzhenDSSprofileSONGYANSONG(宋松岩)XUESONGZHOU(周雪松)XIANKANGZHANG(张先康)SH... 相似文献
František Jiříček Pavel Tříska V. E. Jurov E. E. Titova Reviewer S. Fischer 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》1981,25(1):81-86
auuau uu muna a f>1,5 , aumua ¶rt; a nmua uu m u a ¶rt; a mau. mu a aum nm uu, umu a mauu aa (L=2,1) n¶rt; nm uu (L=5). m mmmum mu umua uu, umu a mu mau. au uu a nm m, m a um nmam a 2000–3000 u anu u a L=2,2–5,9. au mmmu nma aamumu a u nmu uu a¶rt;am u amu aua uu a L 3,5. aa, m a mauu aa u ¶rt;a a¶rt; nuu uu a , umum uuu n¶rt; a¶rt;a a nmu. au a n¶rt;num, m am a L 3,5,¶rt; aam au uu u au mmu nma aamumu a u nmu uu, aa ¶rt;amua anau a nana. m u m amu mm au anum u ¶rt; ¶rt;a ua n¶rt;u anmau u ¶rt; — ua. 相似文献
利用GPS大地测量数据,借助最小二乘配置方法构建位移与应变间的偏导关系,探讨了鄂尔多斯地块西南缘地震空区近10年尺度地壳运动速度场、应变场的动态演化特征,分析了研究区域较少发生地震的成因.结果表明:地壳物质流在阿拉善地块、鄂尔多斯地块与西秦岭构造区的复杂地质构造交汇处,地壳内部物质流加速东移,板块间应力积累特征不显著;... 相似文献
利用GPS大地测量数据,借助最小二乘配置方法构建位移与应变间的偏导关系,探讨了鄂尔多斯地块西南缘地震空区近10年尺度地壳运动速度场、应变场的动态演化特征,分析了研究区域较少发生地震的成因。结果表明:地壳物质流在阿拉善地块、鄂尔多斯地块与西秦岭构造区的复杂地质构造交汇处,地壳内部物质流加速东移,板块间应力积累特征不显著;六盘山断裂、陇县—宝鸡断裂带以西,显示了EW向或NE向的压应变,而沿断裂走向则以拉应变为主,表明西侧地壳物质沿鄂尔多斯地块西南缘东迁顺时针旋转的运动状态;在岐山至扶风一带,出现了面膨胀的特征,释放了地壳内部的压应力,但构造内部运动并无闭锁现象出现,这可能降低了研究区域地震孕育与发生的风险。 相似文献
Aeromagnetic anomalies measured over the three relict andesite volcanoes (Paritutu, Kaitake and Pouakai) in Taranaki are largely dominated by topographic effects. Three-dimensional magnetic modelling, well constrained by both contrasting levels of exposure and previous gravity models, shows that the bulk magnetization of the andesite edifice and edifice core of both Kaitake and Pouakai is 2.5–3.5 A m-1 in a direction close to that of the present earth's field. However, the large andesite dyke/stock complexes below all three edifices and a localized area of the Kaitake edifice directly above the centre of the subedifice complex have anomalously low bulk magnetizations of 0.3–1.0 A m-1 in the same direction. These subsurface complexes represent dyke injection from magma chambers situated in the basement, probably below 6 km depth. Here, we deduce that heat from these magma chambers drove hydrothermal convection systems causing widespread demagnetization, especially in the subedifice complexes, but also locally within the edifices themselves. A lesser degree of demagnetization at Pouakai, the youngest of the three volcanoes, may indicate a shorter and consequently more intense period of activity at this centre. 相似文献
Contamination characteristics of heavy metals in wetland soils along a tidal ditch of the Yellow River Estuary, China 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Junhong Bai Laibin Huang Denghua Yan Qinggai Wang Haifeng Gao Rong Xiao Chen Huang 《Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)》2011,25(5):671-676
Surface soils (0–20 cm) were collected from along a tidal ditch of the Yellow River Estuary in August of 2007. Samples were
subjected to a total digestion technique before they were analyzed for total concentrations of As, Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn,
P and S in order to investigate heavy metal contamination levels in wetland soils nearby the tidal ditches and their main
sources. Results showed that the mean concentrations of these heavy metals except for As and Cd were lower than the Class
I criteria. Nearly all sampling sites showed lower contamination levels for As and Cd, while no contamination levels for other
heavy metals. Cr, Cu, and Ni mainly originated from parent rocks, and Pb and As might originate from tidal seawater and oil
field pollution, respectively; while Cd and Zn mainly originated from parent rocks and tidal seawater. Most of heavy metals
showed significant correlations with total concentrations of P and S, however, no significant correlations were observed between
them and soil pH, slat and soil organic matter. 相似文献