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采用一种海面高度异常(Sea Level Anomaly,SLA)对热带气旋响应的合成分析方法,即根据热带气旋的路径位置和运动方向对海面高度异常进行插值、旋转和平均,得到不同热带气旋强度下,以热带气旋最佳路径点为原点的海面高度异常场.利用该方法,基于Aviso卫星高度计数据和中国气象局热带气旋最佳路径数据,得到了199...  相似文献   

太平洋年代际变化研究进展浅析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
综述了近几年太平洋年代际变化形成机制或起因的7种代表性观点,对已有观点作了初步评述,并提出未来太平洋年代际变化研究应关注以下方面:太平洋年代际变化的多重模态及相应的多重机制,不同时空尺度海洋现象间的相互作用,南太平洋年代际变化及在全太平洋年代际变化中的作用,ENSO与PDO的预测,海洋环流的年代际变化及其对气候变化的作用,海洋热能、机械能的收支及转换等关键问题.  相似文献   

众所周知,ENSO(El Nino/ Southern Oscillation)是发生在热带太平洋的年际时间尺度上最强的气候信号,与 El Nino (La Nina)相应的正(负)海温距平(SSTA)主要分布于赤道中东太平洋地区(Rasmusson et al.,1982)。相对于热带太平洋的年际ENSO现象,人们注意到北太平洋海平面气压(SLP)存在更长周期的年代际变化(Trenberth et al.,1994),有人认为这与北太平洋的表层温度(SST)变化有关(Latif et al.,1994),也有人认为与热带SST的异常关系更为密切(Jacobs et al.,1994)。20世纪80年代后的ENSO事件和20世纪60,70年代有明显的差别(Wang,1995),20世纪90年后El Nino发生频数增加,并且在1997和1998年出现了20世纪最强的一次Nino事件(McPhaden,1999)。 因此,不论是作为大气年代际变化可能的一个驱动因子,还是作为年际ENSO的背景场,从整体上了解太平洋SST的年代际时间尺度上的时、空变化特征都是十分重要的。  相似文献   

太平洋是海表温度年际变化和年代际变化发生的主要区域,但对太平洋海洋热含量变化的研究相对较少。为此, 本文分析了1980—2020年太平洋上层(0~300 m)热含量的时空变化特征。基于IAP数据,本文首先利用集合经验模态分解法(EEMD)提取不同时间尺度的海洋热含量信号,并利用正交经验分解法(EOF)对不同时间尺度的海洋热含量进行时空特征分析,得到了太平洋0~300 m海洋热含量的年际变化、年代际变化以及长期变暖的时空特征。结果表明,除了年际变化之外,热带西北太平洋上层热含量还存在明显的年代际变化和长期变暖趋势。在东太平洋和高纬度西太平洋,热含量的年代际变化特征并不突出。热带西北太平洋热含量的年代际变化在1980—1988年和1999—2013年较高,而在1989—1998年和2014—2020年期间较低。此外,针对热带西北太平洋热含量的经向、纬向和垂向特征分析,发现这种年代际变化主要发生在5°N—20°N,120°E—180°E,次表层50~200 m范围内。热带西北太平洋热含量的年代际变化对全球海表温度的年代际变化有着重要作用。  相似文献   

本文选取ECMWF ORAS4再分析数据对1959-2015年热带太平洋海平面的低频变化进行了分析。热带太平洋海平面年际变化第一模态反映了ENSO爆发阶段的海平面变化,热带东、西太平洋变化反相,其时间序列与Niño3.4指数高度相关。海平面第二模态则体现了El Niño爆发前后热带太平洋暖水的输运过程。El Niño爆发前热带西太平洋暖水聚集的位置,以及爆发后暖水向赤道外输运的位置在两类El Niño事件中均有所不同。此外,ENSO的周期在近半个世纪发生了显著的年代际变化,这一变化与热带太平洋的年代际变化有关。热带太平洋的年代际变化对海平面趋势变化也有着显著的影响。卫星高度计观测到的近20年海平面的快速上升(下降)正是由20世纪90年代后热带太平洋频繁的位相转换引起的。  相似文献   

本文使用循环平稳经验正交函数(CSEOF)方法分析了南海海面高度(SCS-SSH)的时空变化模态,并对它们与太平洋海盆尺度振荡的关系进行了探讨分析。结果表明,SCS-SSH的第一个CSEOF模态是季节变化模态,其变化强度受到一个与厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)有关的低频信号的调制,即在厄尔尼诺期间季节变化的幅度减弱(最大可降低30%,1997/98)而在拉尼娜期间季节变化增强。SCS-SSH的第二个CSEOF模态是年际-年代际尺度的低频变化模态,其空间模态的月与月之间的差异微弱,而时间模态和太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)指数高度相关。然后,我们使用独立成分分析(ICA)方法提取了太平洋中的五个主要振荡成分,并检验了它们对SCS-SSH变化的各自影响。分析表明,纯粹的ENSO模态(类似于太平洋东部型ENSO)对SCS-SSH的低频变化的影响比较微弱,而ENSO的红化模态(类似于太平洋中部型ENSO)对SCS-SSH的低频变化具有明显影响。由于ENSO的红化模态是PDO信号的一个主要成分,这一结果解释了为什么在影响SCS-SSH的低频变化上PDO比ENSO更重要。径向鞍型振荡模态、黑潮延伸体处的增温模态、以及赤道的降温模态也由ICA方法提取出来,但它们对SCS-SSH低频变异的影响微弱。进一步的分析表明,太平洋的涛动信号可能以不同的方式来影响南海海面高度变化和海表温度变化。  相似文献   

吴培木  李立  廖康明 《台湾海峡》2001,20(4):431-440
本文分析了1996-1998年逐月太平洋海面距平资料及热带太平洋海面赤道槽、脊及上层海水体积变化资料,清楚地看到20世纪最强的一次EL97/98事件,不仅基本特征明显,而且太平洋海面变化与其有密切的响应关系,受此启发,作者依据1975-2000年间赤道槽、脊、逆流槽及热带太平洋上层海水体积变化的历史资料,经年周期滑动平均数据处理和采用基于均生函数的正交化筛选建模方法,建立了各单预测因子周期外延的ENSO预测模式。结果表明,本预测模式除把单预测因子序列的历史变化趋势反映和预测出来,还揭示了历史上的El Nino事件发生了经滑动平均后的赤道脊或热带太平洋上层海水体积的峰值附近,结束于谷底附近,La Nina则出现在滑动平均后的赤道脊谷底上升至均值期间的一般规律性。根据各单预测因子周期外延曲线的峰、谷变化,预测下一次El Nino事件将于2001年下半年至2002年上半年期间形成。  相似文献   

热带太平洋海面风的年际变化对海平面变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海平面变化研究的意义在于掌握其变化规律,预测其未来变化及其可能对人类生存生活环境产生的影响。本文使用随机动态和相关分析方法分析卫星高度计资料,结果发现,除了显著的季节信号外,全球海平面存在显著的2~7a的年际周期,相关分析结果显示,这一年际周期跟ENSO密切相关。在太平洋不同纬度海平面对ENSO事件的响应整体上呈现出高纬衰减的变化特征。ENSO期间海平面变化剧烈,在热带太平洋区域,海平面变化受纬向风应力的调制,具有区域特征,海平面的年际变化与赤道流相关达0.6以上,揭示了风主要是通过Ekman作用影响海平面变化。  相似文献   

太平洋海气界面净热通量的季节、年际和年代际变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据 COADS资料 ,使用经验正交分解 (EOF)等分析方法 ,研究了北太平洋海气热通量的季节、年际和年代际变化特征。分析结果表明 :北太平洋海洋夏季净得热 ,冬季净失热 ,且黑潮及其延伸体区失热最大。净热通量年际变化较明显 ,北太平洋西部模态水形成区冬季净热通量和副热带失热区春季净热通量的年际变化都主要依赖于潜热和感热通量的年际变化。夏季净热通量的低频变化中心在热带 ,冬季低频变化中心在黑潮及其延伸体区。冬季赤道东、西太平洋净热通量异常的年际变化相反 ;在热带北太平洋中部年际变化达到最大。夏季热带太平洋是净热通量异常的年际变化最大的海域 ,沿赤道两侧在 16 5°E处呈偶极子型分布。  相似文献   

本文利用中国气象局热带气旋资料中心最佳路径数据集、美国国家环境预报中心/美国国家大气研究中心大气再分析数据集和国家海洋信息中心的海洋再分析数据集,研究了路经南海热带气旋迅速加强(Rapid Intensification, RI)的年代际变化。在1951–2017年期间,路经南海的热带气旋主要发生在6–12月,其中发生RI的热带气旋集中在7–12月,且RI呈现年代际变化,这种变化和太平洋年代际振荡(Pacific Decadal Oscillation, PDO)显著相关。在正PDO年,RI频数较少且主要分布在菲律宾群岛东部和南海北部;而在负PDO年,RI频数较多且分布在菲律宾群岛东部的大范围区域。路经南海热带气旋RI的年代际变化与PDO对大尺度海洋大气变量的调制有关。回归分析显示热带气旋潜热对路经南海热带气旋RI频数的年代际变化影响最大,而相对湿度的影响相对较小,垂直风切变的影响很小。  相似文献   

The annual variabilities of the sea surface height in the Pacific Ocean were investigated by analyzing the TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite data and by solving a reduced gravity model. We discuss how adequately the simple model can capture the variabilities of the sea surface height, and what the cause of the variabilities is. Three large amplitude peaks in the satellite data are found along the 12°N longitude line. Two elongated zones with a large amplitude are also found: one extends east-west along 6°N and the other extends northwestward from South America around 25°S. These features are adequately reproduced in the numerical simulation of the reduced gravity model. The propagation of the Rossby wave is analyzed by the use of the extended Eliassen-Palm flux to investigate the mechanism of these annual variabilities. The two east peaks around 12°N can be explained in terms of the interference between the local Ekman pumping and the free wave emitted near the western coast of North America, and the most western peak is affected by the Rossby wave formed by the local wind stress. The elongated zonal area around 6°N is mainly due to the local Ekman pumping. Another area around 25°S results from the convergence of the free Rossby wave emitted from the eastern boundary and the area with the strong wind stress curl off South America. A discrepancy between the satellite data and the model results suggests that the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean is relatively calm in the model but not in the satellite data. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

热带太平洋海平面高度季节内振荡的空间分布特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据三年卫星高度计(TOPEX/POSEIDON)资料和涡分辨率的海洋环流(POP)模式模拟计算的海平面高度资料,利用功率谱和最大熵谱的方法,揭示了热带太平洋海平面高度季节内振荡的空间分布特征。研究表明:准30d 周期的振荡集中出现在东太平洋(160°W 以东)赤道两侧,分别以5°S和5°N 为中心的纬向带状域中;准90d 振荡出现在分别以20°S和20°N为中心的南北二个纬向带状域中,北太平洋西部振荡最明显;准60d 振荡集中出现在分别以10°N和10°S为中心的带状海域中,北太平洋比南太平洋更明显,但比准90d 振荡信号弱;从TOPEX资料分析还发现在赤道中太平洋(5°N~5°S,170°W~120°W),准60d 振荡也较明显  相似文献   

Sea Surface Height (SSH) variability in the Indian Ocean during 1993-1995 is studied using TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimetry data. Strong interannual variability is seen in the surface circulation of the western Arabian Sea, especially in the Somali eddy structure. During the Southwest (SW) monsoon, a weak monsoon year is characterized by a single eddy system off Somalia, a strong or normal monsoon year by several energetic eddies. The Laccadive High (LH) and Laccadive Low (LL) systems off southwest India are observed in the altimetric SSH record. The variability of the East India Coastal Current (EICC), the western boundary current in the Bay of Bengal, is also detected. Evidence is found for the propagation of Kelvin and Rossby waves across the northern Indian Ocean; these are examined in the context of energy transfer to the western boundary currents, and associated eddies. A simple wind-driven isopycnal model having three active layers is implemented to simulate the seasonal changes of surface and subsurface circulation in the North Indian Ocean and to examine the response to different wind forcing. The wind forcing is derived from the ERS-1 scatterometer wind stress for the same period as the T/P altimeter data, enabling the model response in different (active/weak) monsoon conditions to be tested. The model output is derived in 10-day snapshots to match the time period of the T/P altimeter cycles. Complex Principal Component Analysis (CPCA) is applied to both altimetric and model SSH data. This confirms that long Rossby waves are excited by the remotely forced Kelvin waves off the southwest coast of India and contribute substantially to the variability of the seasonal circulation in the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

Sea Surface Height (SSH) variability in the Indian Ocean during 1993-1995 is studied using TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) altimetry data. Strong interannual variability is seen in the surface circulation of the western Arabian Sea, especially in the Somali eddy structure. During the Southwest (SW) monsoon, a weak monsoon year is characterized by a single eddy system off Somalia, a strong or normal monsoon year by several energetic eddies. The Laccadive High (LH) and Laccadive Low (LL) systems off southwest India are observed in the altimetric SSH record. The variability of the East India Coastal Current (EICC), the western boundary current in the Bay of Bengal, is also detected. Evidence is found for the propagation of Kelvin and Rossby waves across the northern Indian Ocean; these are examined in the context of energy transfer to the western boundary currents, and associated eddies. A simple wind-driven isopycnal model having three active layers is implemented to simulate the seasonal changes of surface and subsurface circulation in the North Indian Ocean and to examine the response to different wind forcing. The wind forcing is derived from the ERS-1 scatterometer wind stress for the same period as the T/P altimeter data, enabling the model response in different (active/weak) monsoon conditions to be tested. The model output is derived in 10-day snapshots to match the time period of the T/P altimeter cycles. Complex Principal Component Analysis (CPCA) is applied to both altimetric and model SSH data. This confirms that long Rossby waves are excited by the remotely forced Kelvin waves off the southwest coast of India and contribute substantially to the variability of the seasonal circulation in the Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

Ocean Science Journal - The upper-layer circulation in the Tropical Northwest Pacific Ocean (TNWP) is characterized by the alternating zonal currents, such as North Equatorial Current (NEC) and...  相似文献   

Decadal variability of subsurface temperature in the North Pacific has been investigated. Two dominant regions were found; the central subarctic region (CSa) and the north-eastern subtropical region (NESt). In CSa, cooling (warming) of wintertime subsurface temperature corresponds to the large (small) temperature gradient and southward (northward) shift of subsurface temperature front, associated with the increase (decrease) of positive wind stress curl and the southward (northward) shift of curl τ zero line with 2 years delay. It is suggested that the relocation of subtropical-subarctic boundary plays an important role. In NESt, importance of heat flux through the sea surface and heat divergence in the Ekman layer is also discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The effect of sea surface height (SSH) variability is one of the primary factors that limit the accuracy and resolution of altimeter-derived gravity values. We propose a method to estimate the influence of variation of the sea surface height on the accuracy of satellite-derived gravity by simulation technique, with a case study around Indonesian waters. Wederived an Indonesian marine gravity map using the Geosat-geodetic mission (GM). Since most of the area studied is located around coastal and shallow areas, the measurement of SSH of this area is less accurate. To obtain a distribution of SSH variability over the study area, Topex/Poseidon (T/P) data were first processed and assessed. Processing 52 cycles of the Topex/Poseidon data, the root mean square (RMS) of SSH variability for each cycle was found to vary from 1 to 179 cm. Further, for the purpose of estimating the accuracy of altimeter-derived gravity, we derived several levels of Gaussian noise, computed simulation data by adding the Gaussian noise to Geosat data, and determined simulated gravity maps. Based on the distribution of RMS values from T/P data and standard deviation (STD) differences between the simulated and the original gravity maps, we estimated the accuracy of the gravity map. Around Indonesian waters, the accuracy of the gravity map influenced by SSH variation was estimated to be within the range 0.8~93 mgal.  相似文献   

The effect of sea surface height (SSH) variability is one of the primary factors that limit the accuracy and resolution of altimeter-derived gravity values. We propose a method to estimate the influence of variation of the sea surface height on the accuracy of satellite-derived gravity by simulation technique, with a case study around Indonesian waters. Wederived an Indonesian marine gravity map using the Geosat-geodetic mission (GM). Since most of the area studied is located around coastal and shallow areas, the measurement of SSH of this area is less accurate. To obtain a distribution of SSH variability over the study area, Topex/Poseidon (T/P) data were first processed and assessed. Processing 52 cycles of the Topex/Poseidon data, the root mean square (RMS) of SSH variability for each cycle was found to vary from 1 to 179 cm. Further, for the purpose of estimating the accuracy of altimeter-derived gravity, we derived several levels of Gaussian noise, computed simulation data by adding the Gaussian noise to Geosat data, and determined simulated gravity maps. Based on the distribution of RMS values from T/P data and standard deviation (STD) differences between the simulated and the original gravity maps, we estimated the accuracy of the gravity map. Around Indonesian waters, the accuracy of the gravity map influenced by SSH variation was estimated to be within the range 0.8~93 mgal.  相似文献   

ENSO事件中热带太平洋上层海洋热含量变化分析   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
利用1955-2001年海洋上400m层的热含量资料,分析了20世纪60年代以来全部El Nino/La Nina事件期间上层海洋热含量异常的空间分布规律和传播特性,发现如下3个重要观测事实:(1)在ENSO循环期间存在着关于赤道对称的南北2个热含量异常信号的闭合传播路径;(2)北半球的信号闭合回路非常清晰,而南半球回路较为混乱;(3)这种闭合回路在El Nino/La Nina年份表现得非常明显,但在其它年份可能由于海洋或大气的条件不匹配而中途夭折。上述观测事实对于ENSO研究具有重要价值,其物理机制值得进一步探讨。  相似文献   

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