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Integrating heterogeneous spatial data is a crucial problem for geographical information systems (GIS) applications. Previous studies mainly focus on the matching of heterogeneous road networks or heterogeneous polygonal data sets. Few literatures attempt to approach the problem of integrating the point of interest (POI) from volunteered geographic information (VGI) and professional road networks from official mapping agencies. Hence, the article proposes an approach for integrating VGI POIs and professional road networks. The proposed method first generates a POI connectivity graph by mining the linear cluster patterns from POIs. Secondly, the matching nodes between the POI connectivity graph and the associated road network are fulfilled by probabilistic relaxation and refined by a vector median filtering (VMF). Finally, POIs are aligned to the road network by an affine transformation according to the matching nodes. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed method integrates both the POIs from VGI and the POIs from official mapping agencies with the associated road networks effectively and validly, providing a promising solution for enriching professional road networks by integrating VGI POIs.  相似文献   

A common problem in location-allocation modeling is the error associated with the representation and scale of demand. Numerous researchers have investigated aggregation errors associated with using different scaled data, and more recently, error associated with the geographic representation of model objects has also been studied. For covering problems, the validity of using polygon centroid representations of demand has been questioned by researchers, but the alternative has been to assume that demand is uniformly distributed within areal units. The spatial heterogeneity of demand within areal units thus has been modeled using one of two extremes – demand is completely concentrated at one location or demand is uniformly distributed. This article proposes using intelligent areal interpolation and geographic information systems to model the spatial heterogeneity of demand within spatial units when solving the maximal covering location problem. The results are compared against representations that assume demand is either concentrated at centroids or uniformly distributed. Using measures of scale and representation error, preliminary results from the test study indicate that for smaller scale data, representation has a substantial impact on model error whereas at larger scales, model error is not that different for the alternative representations of the distribution of demand within areal units.  相似文献   

Lane-based road network information, such as lane geometry, destination, lane changing, and turning information, is important in vehicle navigation, driving assistance system, and autonomous driving. Such information, when available, is mainly input manually. However, manual methods for creating and updating data are not only costly but also time-consuming, labor-intensive, and prone to long delays. This paper proposes a hierarchical polygonization method for automatic generation and updating of lane-level road network data for navigation from a road marking database that is managed by government transport department created by digitizing or extraction from aerial images. The proposed method extends the hierarchy of a road structure from ‘road–carriageway–lane’ to ‘road–carriageway–lane–basic lane’. Basic lane polygons are constructed from longitudinal road markings, and their associated navigational attributes, such as turning information and speed limit, are obtained from transverse road markings by a feature-in-polygon overlay approach. A hierarchical road network model and detailed algorithms are also illustrated in this paper. The proposed method can accelerate the process of generating and updating lane-level navigation information and can be an important component of a road marking information system for road management.  相似文献   

宁夏回族自治区作为我国唯一的省级回族集聚地区,是一个很独特的地理-人口-交通单元,也是连接华北和西北的重要节点.以宁夏的交通路网数据为基础,通过设置阻抗改进网络分析法,并结合成本距离算法和GIS空间分析计算2011、2017年和2023年的县(区)可达性,研究全区路网的空间结构特征,并提出路网发展的决策建议.研究表明:...  相似文献   

Matching road networks is an essential step for data enrichment and data quality assessment, among other processes. Conventionally, road networks from two datasets are matched using a line-based approach that checks for the similarity of properties of line segments. In this article, a polygon-based approach is proposed to match the OpenStreetMap road network with authority data. The algorithm first extracts urban blocks that are central elements of urban planning and are represented by polygons surrounded by their surrounding streets, and it then assigns road lines to edges of urban blocks by checking their topologies. In the matching process, polygons of urban blocks are matched in the first step by checking for overlapping areas. In the second step, edges of a matched urban block pair are further matched with each other. Road lines that are assigned to the same matched pair of urban block edges are then matched with each other. The computational cost is substantially reduced because the proposed approach matches polygons instead of road lines, and thus, the process of matching is accelerated. Experiments on Heidelberg and Shanghai datasets show that the proposed approach achieves good and robust matching results, with a precision higher than 96% and a F1-score better than 90%.  相似文献   

In integration of road maps modeled as road vector data, the main task is matching pairs of objects that represent, in different maps, the same segment of a real-world road. In an ad hoc integration, the matching is done for a specific need and, thus, is performed in real time, where only a limited preprocessing is possible. Usually, ad hoc integration is performed as part of some interaction with a user and, hence, the matching algorithm is required to complete its task in time that is short enough for human users to provide feedback to the application, that is, in no more than a few seconds. Such interaction is typical of services on the World Wide Web and to applications in car-navigation systems or in handheld devices.

Several algorithms were proposed in the past for matching road vector data; however, these algorithms are not efficient enough for ad hoc integration. This article presents algorithms for ad hoc integration of maps in which roads are represented as polylines. The main novelty of these algorithms is in using only the locations of the endpoints of the polylines rather than trying to match whole lines. The efficiency of the algorithms is shown both analytically and experimentally. In particular, these algorithms do not require the existence of a spatial index, and they are more efficient than an alternative approach based on using a grid index. Extensive experiments using various maps of three different cities show that our approach to matching road networks is efficient and accurate (i.e., it provides high recall and precision).

General Terms:Algorithms, Experimentation  相似文献   

中国道路网络的通达性评价与演化机理   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
王成金  王伟  张梦天  程佳佳 《地理学报》2014,69(10):1496-1509
现代交通方式产生之前,传统道路设施及道路运输是主要交通方式,成为各历史时期社会经济联系的主要途径,本文力图探究道路设施网络的长期演化规律。为此,本文以具有国家意义的“国道”为研究对象,以商周以来3500年为时间尺度,设计了道路网发育指标和可达性—最短距离模型;刻画了中国道路网的拓展和演化过程,总结各时期的发展特征、空间格局及模式,揭示演变规律;评价了道路网的结构特征、成熟水平与连通性,分析各时期的可达性格局及演变,识别可达性优势与劣势区域;考察了道路网演变与中国社会—经济系统的关系机制。研究发现,中国道路网遵循了“内陆扩张”模式尤其从内陆向边疆拓展,可达性形成明显的“核心—边缘”中心圈层格局,并同国防建设和国家集权、邮驿系统、贸易运输有紧密关系。  相似文献   

The spatial patterns of road networks reflect the morphological and structural characteristics of cities. Previous studies have focused mainly on seeking universal laws in road networks rather than explaining their differences. A new approach for road network pattern analysis is proposed that has been inspired by landscape metric analysis. The utility of this approach is illustrated through (but is not limited to) the extraction of the main factors in network landscapes, or network-scapes for short. Twenty-four metrics were calculated for network-scapes of 100 cities worldwide, before an exploratory analysis is performed to detect the main factors. Four main factors were revealed and may be regarded as the characteristic indicators of road networks, which were identified to be evenness, richness-density, shape irregularity, and size and shape variation. The meanings of these factors are explained, and their spatial distributions are illustrated. Compared to existing road network analytics, these factors depict better the characteristic differences of road networks. The proposed approach provides a new framework for road network pattern analysis from a cellular perspective.  相似文献   

Selection of roads is an intractable generalization operation due to the difficulty in retaining the density difference and connectivity of a road network. This paper proposes a novel approach of selective omission for roads based on mesh density. The density of a road network and its local variations are calculated using meshes as units. Since maps at different scales usually reveal different densities, different density thresholds for road networks are determined on the basis of theoretical analysis and empirical study of mesh densities on maps at different scales. The selection process starts with the identification of the meshes that have a density beyond the threshold. The mesh with the largest density is first treated. Its bounding road segments are ordered according to their relative importance. The least important segment is eliminated. The remaining segments are then merged with the adjacent mesh, thus forming a new mesh. The selection procedure is repeated until none of the meshes has a density beyond the threshold. Such a process of eliminating road segments and merging meshes can ensure the road network connectivity. In this study, the meshes are classified depending on the types of road segment. For the different mesh types, their density thresholds are set to be different, which can be used as an indicator for the preservation of the density difference. This proposed approach considers topological, geometric and semantic properties of the road network. It was applied to two sets of road networks, and the results of selection are convincing. This methodology has now been adopted for the updating of 1:50,000 maps of China.  相似文献   

Selective omission in a road network is a necessary operation for road network generalization. Most existing selective omission approaches involve one or two geometric parameters at a specific scale to determine which roads should be retained or eliminated. This study proposes an approach for determining the empirical threshold for such a parameter. The idea of the proposed approach is to first subdivide a large road network, and then to use appropriate threshold(s) obtained from one or several subdivisions to infer an appropriate threshold for the large one. A series of experiments was carried out to validate the proposed approach. Specifically, the road network data for New Zealand and Hong Kong at different scales (ranging from 1:50,000 to 1:250,000) were used as the experimental data, and subdivided according to different modes (i.e. administrative boundary data, a regular grid of different sizes, different update years, and different road network patterns). Not only geometric parameters, but also structural and hybrid parameters of existing selective omission approaches were involved in the testing. The experimental results show that although the most appropriate thresholds obtained from different subdivisions are not always the same, in most cases, the appropriate threshold ranges often overlap, especially for geometric parameters, and they also overlap with those obtained from the large road network data. This finding is consistent with the use of different subdivision modes, which verifies the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Several issues involving the use of the proposed approach are also addressed.  相似文献   

提出一种基于FCD数据的城市有效路网密度的评价方法,主要是从城市路网的静态布局结构和动态交通流量两个方面对城市路网数据以及FCD数据进行核密度估计分析,得到城市有效路网密度等级的分布特征,继而通过理论与实际道路网密度等级差异对比分析,发现路网中差异区域,为城市路网规划提供可靠的依据。以广州市中心城区越秀、荔湾内的主要路网数据以及2010年五一期间中心城区内出租车的FCD数据为例,利用上述评价方法进行分析得出以下结论:区域内人民中路、人民南路、白云路、中山六路和中山七路路段的理论与实际密度等级差异性明显,表现为路段上密度核的数量与核影响范围差异大,其中尤为突出的是人民中路和人民南路,从理论有效路网密度的分析角度,两个路段都是高密度区域,与实际交通流量存在较大的密度分异。  相似文献   

Before the emergence of modern modes of transport, the traditional road infrastructure was the major historical means of carrying out nationwide socio-economic exchange. However, the history of transport infrastructure has received little attention from researchers. Given this background, the work reported here examined the long-term development of transport networks in China. The national road network was selected for study and the 3500 years from 1600 BC to 1900 AD was chosen as the study period. Indicators were designed for the maturity level of road networks and an accessibility model was developed for the paths of the shortest distance. The evolution of the road network in China since the Shang Dynasty (1600 BC) was described and its major features were summarized to reveal long-term regularities. The maturity level of the road network and its accessibility was assessed and regions with good and poor networks were identified. The relationship between China’s natural, social, and economic systems and the road network were discussed. Our analysis shows that the road network in China has a number of long-term regularities. The continuously expanding road network follows a path of inland expansion especially towards the border areas. However, its coverage and accessibility are characterized by a core-peripheral configuration, which has close relationships with, not only the natural conditions, but also national defense and warfare. The centralization of national power, national land governance, postal transport, the transport of specialized cargos, and international trade are also related to the development of the road network. This research draws attention to the evolving regularities of transport networks.  相似文献   


Point cloud classification, which provides meaningful semantic labels to the points in a point cloud, is essential for generating three-dimensional (3D) models. Its automation, however, remains challenging due to varying point densities and irregular point distributions. Adapting existing deep-learning approaches for two-dimensional (2D) image classification to point cloud classification is inefficient and results in the loss of information valuable for point cloud classification. In this article, a new approach that classifies point cloud directly in 3D is proposed. The approach uses multi-scale features generated by deep learning. It comprises three steps: (1) extract single-scale deep features using 3D convolutional neural network (CNN); (2) subsample the input point cloud at multiple scales, with the point cloud at each scale being an input to the 3D CNN, and combine deep features at multiple scales to form multi-scale and hierarchical features; and (3) retrieve the probabilities that each point belongs to the intended semantic category using a softmax regression classifier. The proposed approach was tested against two publicly available point cloud datasets to demonstrate its performance and compared to the results produced by other existing approaches. The experiment results achieved 96.89% overall accuracy on the Oakland dataset and 91.89% overall accuracy on the Europe dataset, which are the highest among the considered methods.  相似文献   

王丽  曾辉 《地理研究》2012,31(5):853-862
本文以我国典型快速城市化地区深圳市为例,综合使用GIS技术、道路网络结构特征分析、景观格局分析和相关分析方法研究其道路网络结构特征的成因及其景观生态效应。在确定了24个独立的空间研究单元的基础上,重点分析了深圳市道路网络结构特征的相关关系、城市化水平差异对道路网络结构特征的影响和道路格局特征的景观整体及重要组分的格局效应。结果表明:城市建设用地密度的增加导致交通用地密度、节点和廊道储量增加,道路网络结构复杂程度、格局指数降低;资源条件、环境和生态保护约束是导致道路网络复杂性增加、结构发育水平下降、网络格局指数不断降低的主要原因;深圳市的道路网络格局特征对全市景观整体格局没有表现显著的约束性影响,对建设用地显示出环境保护约束和空间吸引两个方面的综合效应,对于林地则表现出生态保护约束、空间排斥和物理分割三个方面的综合效应。  相似文献   

Road density (i.e., km/km2) is a useful broad index of the road network in a landscape and has been linked to several ecological effects of roads. However, previous studies have shown that road density, estimated by grid computing, has weak correlation with landscape fragmentation. In this article, we propose a new measure of road density, namely, kernel density estimation function (KDE) and quantify the relation between road density and landscape fragmentation. The results show that road density estimated by KDE (km/km2) elucidates the spatial pattern of the road network in the region. Areas with higher road density are dominated by a larger proportion of built-up landscape and less possession of forest and vice versa. Road networks segregated the landscape into smaller pieces and a greater number of patches. Furthermore, Spearman rank correlation model indicates that road density (km/km2) is positively related to landscape fragmentation. Our results suggest that road density, estimated by KDE, may be a better correlate with effects of the road on landscape fragmentation. Through KDE, the regional spatial pattern of road density and the prediction of the impact of the road on landscape fragmentation could be effectively acquired.  相似文献   

Yang  Liangjie  Wang  Jing  Yang  Yongchun 《地理学报(英文版)》2022,32(3):517-536
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Globalization and informatization promote the evolution of urban spatial organization from a hierarchical structure mode to a network structure mode, forming a...  相似文献   


Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are becoming basic tools for a wide variety of earth science and land-use applications. This article presents linear programming (LP) as a promising tool for spatial modelling within a GIS. Although LP is not properly a spatial technique, it may be used to optimize spatial distributions or to guide the integration of variables. An example of the use of LP in land-use planning is described, with minimizing rural unemployment as the main goal. Technical, financial and ecological constraints are established to show the influence of several limitations on achieving the optimal solution. LP makes it possible to achieve optimal land-use, where the objective is maximized and the constraints respected. LP can also be used to simulate different planning scenarios, by modifying both the objective function coefficients and the constraints. The integration of LP and GIS is presented in two phases: (i) acquisition of attribute data for the LP model, and (ii) modelling and mapping the results.  相似文献   

Terrain rendering is a crucial part of many real-time applications. The easiest way to process and visualize terrain data in real time is to constrain the terrain model in several ways. This decreases the amount of data to be processed and the amount of processing power needed, but at the cost of expressivity and the ability to create complex terrains. The most popular terrain representation is a regular 2D grid, where the vertices are displaced in a third dimension by a displacement map, called a heightmap. This is the simplest way to represent terrain, and although it allows fast processing, it cannot model terrains with volumetric features. Volumetric approaches sample the 3D space by subdividing it into a 3D grid and represent the terrain as occupied voxels. They can represent volumetric features but they require computationally intensive algorithms for rendering, and their memory requirements are high. We propose a novel representation that combines the voxel and heightmap approaches, and is expressive enough to allow creating terrains with caves, overhangs, cliffs, and arches, and efficient enough to allow terrain editing, deformations, and rendering in real time.  相似文献   

区域可持续与高质量发展需定期监测并科学评估。综合指数评价是应用最为广泛、信息传输效率最高的评估方法。该方法将表征区域发展质量不同侧面的系列指标加权聚合为单个指数,其核心是采用或客观或主观的方式确权。客观确权基于指标的数值统计特性实现,故权重值随指标值而改变,实非“客观”;主观确权能反映决策者智慧,但指标过多时难以实现。学界新提出的基于耦合排序权和熵权法的综合指标法允许决策者确权时仅给出权重排序,但仅支持低维情况(限制为3个指标)。本文在其基础上,借助对偶线性规划推导,使其适用性不再受限于指标数(即实现高维排序权)。同时,对指标的聚合方式进行修改,扩大了算法的适用范围;对熵权法的使用进行修正,增强了算法结果的可解译性。基于推导结果,本文进一步发展出单排序、复排序、全排序3种不同模式下的综合指数计算方法,以满足决策者主观性强、弱、无等不同情况。最后,将算法用于全球可持续发展格局的时空评价分析。本文新发展的算法同时适用于高低不同维度的指数聚合、可兼顾决策者不同层次的主观参与度,具有较强的普适性。  相似文献   

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