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一种基于TIN的DEM表面插值模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前基于TIN的DEM存在的表面模型单一、表面不光滑、达不到更高的精度等问题,该文利用二元泰勒公式、顶点法向量、插值函数等,提出一种基于TIN的DEM表面插值模型,并利用数学曲面评估模型精度。结果表明,该模型具有较好的光滑效果和精度,扩展了基于TIN的DEM表达方式,为DEM的应用提供了更多的选择。  相似文献   

在三维地理信息系统的开发与研究中 ,要求三角网模型的支持 ,而高效的三角网生成算法是三角网模型的基础。该文综述各类三角网的生成算法 ,对以往被人忽视但简明高效的算法———径向扫描算法进行阐释 ,并对它的实现进行改进 ;对地形数据的简化及建立地形层次对象模型是实现高效的三维地理信息系统的关键 ,而三角网的简化是地形数据简化的基石之一 ,文中提供三种简化三角网的算法供同行讨论 ;并在微机上实现上述算法。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the integration of three-dimensional (3D) geographic information systems (GIS) and video surveillance systems using augmented reality (AR) techniques. The motivation for this integration is to overcome problems faced by conventional video surveillance systems. Explicit information concerning which camera currently monitors what area in such systems is missing; therefore, insight into the situation depends heavily on the operator’s training and experience. To ensure the complete coordination and monitoring of a situation in a system with multiple cameras, it is necessary to introduce a single reference system. GIS arises as a natural solution because it not only provides a solid ground truth but also provides semantic information that can be highly important in certain video surveillance applications. To integrate information into a GIS application, that information must be georeferenced. Based on our previous research regarding the addition of georeferencing information to surveillance video, this paper introduces models that can be applied to help integrate video and GIS. With an analogy to Milgram’s continuum between the real world and virtual reality, and analogous to the augmented reality and augmented virtuality in Milgram’s continuum, two models of integration are defined here: GIS-augmented video and video-augmented GIS. Then, we define the architecture of GIS-based video surveillance based on these proposed integration models, and finally, a prototype is implemented. The implemented prototype serves as a basis for analysing possible applications of real-world systems based on the integration of GIS and video.  相似文献   

Digital elevation models (DEMs) vary in resolution and accuracy by the production method. DEMs with different resolutions and accuracies can generate varied topographic and hydrological features, which can in turn affect predictions by soil erosion models, such as the WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) model. This study investigates the effects of DEMs on deriving topographic and hydrological attributes, and on predicting watershed erosion using WEPP v2006.5. Six DEMs at three resolutions from three sources were prepared for two small forested watersheds located in northern Idaho, USA. These DEMs were used to calculate topographic and hydrological parameters that served as inputs to WEPP. The model results of sediment yields and runoffs were compared with field observations. For both watersheds, DEMs with different resolutions and sources generated varied watershed shapes and structures, which in turn led to different extracted hill slope and channel lengths and gradients, and produced substantially different erosion predictions by WEPP.  相似文献   


Since the vision of a Digital Earth (DE) was introduced in 1998, geo-browsers seem to have nearly fulfilled this vision. Virtual reality (VR) for visualizing the DE provides an immersive user experience in a mirror world. Location-based augmented reality (AR) browsers have been introduced and provide content according to user and environmental contexts. However, the content models of traditional geo-browsers and AR browsers have very limited interoperability, because they are described in application-specific formats using their domain standards. Each application is vertically integrated from content to application. The Web is an interoperable and open platform, and hundreds of millions of users are already using it to create and share content. To envision DE browsers for cross-reality (XR) environments that concurrently support geovisualization as well as VR, AR, and mixed-reality environments, we propose a DE content model based on Web standards and architecture that provides full interoperability and openness for XR browsers as a first-class citizen of the Web. This is expected to improve the DE content development efficiency by fully using the Web content development environment.  相似文献   

张欣欣 《地理科学进展》2015,34(10):1288-1296
活动断层的位置分布及其地表变形变位特征的准确识别是研究和评价活动断层的基础,国内外学者利用数字高程模型(DEM)对断层提取进行了大量研究。本文基于DEM的活动断层位置的提取方法进行综述,总结了DEM提取断层位置的地貌形态特征分析、图像处理以及综合处理提取方法,突出介绍了高分辨率DEM在详细的断层位置分布提取中的优势,DEM在断层地表变形变位及其特征参数提取研究中的最新应用进展。随着高分辨率DEM的快速发展,DEM及其空间分析技术已成为一种常见的地学研究方法,将其与野外调查、遥感、测年等技术结合进行综合分析,能够促进对活动断层的深入研究,并成为断层定量化研究强有力的技术手段。  相似文献   

为实现大规模地形的多分辨率显示与实时绘制,基于LOD技术给出了多尺度TIN的管理和表达算法。探讨该算法相关的数据组织、LOD层次表达、实时刷新等关键问题。该算法使用分级策略,在不影响视觉效果前提下对TIN进行分级表达;使用分区策略,在可视化过程中对TIN进行局部更新。采取不同分辨率TIN模型间逐步过渡策略,基本上消除了视图变换时的跳跃感。实验结果表明,这种紧凑有效的TIN表示方法实现简单,内存开销较少,CPU耗费小,大大缩短了视图刷新切换时间,能够在普通机器上实现大规模地形的实时漫游。  相似文献   

遥感影像可以极大地增强DEM的表达效果,然而由于各种因素的影响,通常需对其进行预处理,传统方法是通过同名控制点进行校正。该文提出一种新的自动匹配算法,即提取DEM和遥感影像对应的特征线,利用Douglas-Peucker算法提取对应的特征点,以DEM特征点为离散点进行Delaunay三角剖分,并基于TIN完成纹理映射。实验结果表明,该算法显示效果较好,可有效改善畸变图像引起的错误显示。  相似文献   

在ArcGIS支持下,基于数字高程模型(DEM),采用聚焦分析和相关分析方法,对1997-2006年黑龙江省旬平均气温与地面高程的相关性进行定量分析.结果表明,旬平均气温与高程有较高的相关性,与高程值value及50 km左右邻域内高程均值mean的函数相关系数较大,但各旬内的相关程度不同.作物生长期各旬平均气温与地面高程的相关系数较大,最大相关系数在-0.4889~-0.8209,平均为-0.6905.这对农业气候资源研究中旬平均气温精确插值具有重要意义.  相似文献   

The geometry of impounded surfaces is a key tool to reservoir storage management and projection. Yet topographic data and bathymetric surveys of average-aged reservoirs may be absent for many regions worldwide. This paper examines the potential of contour line interpolation (TOPO) and Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry to reconstruct the topography of existing reservoirs prior to dam closure. The study centres on the Paso de las Piedras reservoir, Argentina, and assesses the accuracy and reliability of TOPO- and SfM- derived digital elevation models (DEMs) using different grid resolutions. All DEMs were of acceptable quality. However, different interpolation techniques produced different types of error, which increased (or decreased) with increasing (or decreasing) grid resolution as a function of their nature, and relative to the terrain complexity. In terms of DEM reliability to reproduce area–elevation relationships, processing-related disagreements between DEMs were markedly influenced by topography. Even though they produce intrinsic errors, it is concluded that both TOPO and SfM techniques hold great potential to reconstruct the bathymetry of existing reservoirs. For areas exhibiting similar terrain complexity, the implementation of one or another technique will depend ultimately on the need for preserving accurate elevation (TOPO) or topographic detail (SfM).  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the large-scale geomorphological characteristics of the Swiss Alps based on numerical analysis of a digital elevation model and compare these to an erodibility map constructed from a geotechnical map of Switzerland and regional geomorphological studies. Comparing the erodibility map with the large-scale morphometry shows an intimate relationship between mountain-scale erodibility and topography. On average, higher mean elevations and steeper mean slopes correlate with regions where rocks of low erodibility prevail. Areas with high peaks as well as the main water divides are controlled by the presence of bedrock with low to very low detachability. The drainage network of the Swiss Alps shows a close relationship to the lithological differences as well. Major longitudinal valleys follow easily erodible units. In the eastern and western part of the Swiss Alps, the highest values of local relief are located to the south of the main water divide, whereas in the central part, local relief is higher to the north of the main water divide. The large-scale geomorphic characteristics regarded in the framework of the geological history of uplift and denudation suggest that low and very low erodibilities lead to the development of areas of high elevations which are likely to persist over periods of 10–15 Ma. As the analysis of the Lepontine area shows, 20 Ma after cessation of exhumation, such high elevations are likely to be worn down and to manifest themselves as high relief only.  相似文献   

一种快速地形纹理生成和虚拟漫游方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
复杂场景的大范围、高分辨率纹理的快速漫游是虚拟现实、GIS、仿真等领域的关键技术与难点。DEM是对地形地貌的数字描述和模拟,利用DEM数据生成可视化地形,可以更好的描述特定区域的地形特征,通过对特定区域中模型的纹理生成和映射,配合光照、大气等区域内自然场景的建模技术,可生成较为逼真的真实场景。基于OpenGL编程进行DEM地形可视化是实现地形实时漫游的方法之一,利用层次细节模型降低场景复杂度以提高漫游帧速率是该类系统中的常用方法,由于场景复杂度问题,不同的系统在具体算法实现中采用的方法也不尽相同。本文以一个虚拟校园为例,针对DEM数据转换和LOD模型面临的问题,给出了特定场景的LOD模型数据处理思想和纹理快速纹理生成、匹配、映射算法。同时给出虚拟实时漫游中第一人称漫游和飞行漫游的一般方法,讨论了在Windows环境下使用OpenGL进行虚拟漫游的基本步骤。提出了一种新的根据场景特点快速生成和映射纹理途径。结果表明,该方法在保证真实感条件情况下达到了满意的实时漫游效果。  相似文献   

Digital elevation model (DEM) elevation accuracy and spatial resolution are typically considered before a given DEM is used for the assessment of coastal flooding, sea-level rise or erosion risk. However, limitations of DEMs arising from their original data source can often be overlooked during DEM selection. Global elevation error statistics provided by DEM data suppliers can provide a useful indicator of actual DEM error, but these statistics can understate elevation errors occurring outside of idealised ground reference areas. The characteristic limitations of a range of DEM sources that may be used for the assessment of coastal inundation and erosion risk are tested using high-resolution photogrammetric, low- and medium-resolution global positioning system (GPS)-derived and very high-resolution terrestrial laser scanning point data sets. Errors detected in a high-resolution photogrammetric DEM are found to be substantially beyond quoted error, demonstrating the degree to which quoted DEM accuracy can understate local DEM error and highlighting the extent to which spatial resolution can fail to provide a reliable indicator of DEM accuracy. Superior accuracies and inundation prediction results are achieved based on much lower-resolution GPS points confirming conclusions drawn in the case of the photogrammetric DEM data. This suggests a scope for the use of GPS-derived DEMs in preference to the photogrammetric DEM data in large-scale risk-mapping studies. DEM accuracies and superior representation of micro-topography achieved using high-resolution terrestrial laser scan data confirm its advantages for the prediction of subtle inundation and erosion risk. However, the requirement for data fusion of GPS to remove ground-vegetation error highlighted limitations for the use of side-scan laser scan data in densely vegetated areas.  相似文献   

This paper is focused on the method for extracting glacier area based on ENVISAT ASAR Wide Swath Modes (WSM) data and digital elevation model (DEM) data, using support vector machines (SVM) classification method. The digitized result of the glacier coverage area in the western Qilian Mountains was extracted based on Enhanced LandSat Thematic Mapper (ETM+) imagery, which was used to validate the precision of glacier extraction result. Because of similar backscattering of glacier, shadow and water, precision of the glacier coverage area extracted from single-polarization WSM data using SVM was only 35.4%. Then, texture features were extracted by the grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM), with extracted glacier coverage area based on WSM data and texture feature information. Compared with the result extracted from WSM data, the precision improved 13.2%. However, the glacier was still seriously confused with shadow and water. Finally, DEM data was introduced to extract the glacier coverage area. Water and glacier can be differentiated because their distribution area has different elevations; shadow can be removed from the classification result based on simulated shadow imagery created by DEM data and SAR imaging parameters; finally, the glacier coverage area was extracted and the precision reached to 90.2%. Thus, it can be demonstrated that the glacier can be accurately semi-automatically extracted from SAR with this method. The method is suitable not only for ENVISAT ASAR WSM imagery, but also for other satellite SAR imagery, especially for SAR imagery covering mountainous areas.  相似文献   

用InSAR技术从雷达图像获取DEM的质量控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文阐述利用InSAR技术生成DEM的过程,比较使用不同参数处理ERS数据所获得的不同试验结果,分析了产生差异的因素,为提高处理结果精度进行了有益的尝试,最后总结出干涉处理过程中影响结果精度的三个主要因素和关键点。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the self-affinity dimensions of landscape surfaces at a short-range scale and the link to morphotectonic features of the young orogenic belts of Taiwan. The variogram method is adopted to estimate such parameters as the fractal dimension (D), the ordinate-intercept (γ) and the range (R) from data subsets of the digital elevation model (DEM) in a moving-window operation. The fractal morphology expressed by D and γ is found to be useful in defining geomorphic provinces that are related to tectonic features. The mountainous terrain is characterized by high gamma values and low fractal dimensions in contrast to the coastal plains where low gamma values and high fractal dimensions are found. A zone, defined by the fractal parameters (2.4<D<2.6 and 0<γ<2.4), is found to coincide with the most tectonically active zone of Taiwan. Active faults often occur at the boundary between landscapes with contrasting fractal patterns. In the flat lowlands along the western coast, the fractal morphology displays a west-facing amphitheatric pattern, which may be related to the indentation of the pre-Miocene Peikang Basement High. The fractal morphology may reflect some subtle changes in surface textures of a landscape sculpted by surface processes, which in turn are influenced by tectonic activities. The surface roughening and diffusive smoothing may concur to shape the landscape surface at the short ranges we discuss in this study.  相似文献   

基于强约束Delaunay-TIN的三维地学模拟与可视化   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
该文以煤层为例,在分析地层底板空间信息特征的基础上,以地层底板等高线为数据源,基于强约束Delau-nay三角形研究含量断层约束的三维地学模拟的数据组织方法,设计地层底板要素的数据结构,并讨论底板各要素的拓扑关系。进而以Delphi和OPGL编程,在CeoMo^3D系统中开发插件,实现了地层底板的3D可视化和基于Voronoi图的地层体积与矿层的储量计算。  相似文献   

蒙古高原地形与植被指数的特征尺度及多尺度耦合关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡云锋  徐芝英 《地理科学》2014,(12):1511-1517
基于GTOP30 DEM数据及MODIS NDVI数据,应用小波变换和小波多尺度相关分析方法对蒙古高原地形因子、NDVI因子的尺度特征及两因子间的多尺度相关关系进行研究。结果表明:1 DEM在北部地区的变异程度较南部强烈,在西部地区的变异程度较东部强烈。DEM的空间分布呈现出一个约为20 km的特征尺度。2NDVI空间分布格局的态势与DEM态势基本相同,且呈现出2个特征尺度,较小的特征尺度出现在2~4km左右,较大的特征尺度出现在20 km左右。3 DEM与NDVI在20 km尺度上存在耦合关系,即随着地形地貌在20 km尺度上发生较大变化,植被生长状况的空间分布也随之发生变化。地形因子趋向于在宏观尺度上制约NDVI的空间分布。论文最后总结了小波分析方法在地学空间数据中具有特征尺度识别和多尺度耦合相关分析的能力,同时也指出了该方法在连续尺度分析、特点位置多尺度相关分析以及二维小波分析方面的不足。  相似文献   

坡谱提取与应用的基本地域条件   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述坡谱提取原理,借鉴地理空间数据不确定性处理中的"ε-带"模型概念,构建坡谱稳定的判定模型,最后以陕北黄土高原和秦岭山区的典型地貌类型区为实验区,以1:10000 DEM为信息源,分析研究不同地貌类型区坡谱的变异特征,揭示坡谱提取与应用的基本条件:地貌形态的相似性与渐变性、研究尺度的合理性以及地貌类型的完整性。该研究为坡谱的进一步深入研究与应用奠定良好的理论基础,也为地理学研究中如何确定基本地域单元等重要的理论问题提供了借鉴思路。  相似文献   

基于DEM的准噶尔盆地及其西北山区地势起伏度研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
DEM(digital elevation model)数字高程模型,是地貌解译有力的辅助工具,同时也是对地形地貌分析研究进行量化表达的一个重要手段。在对比前人研究方法的基础上通过研究区1:25万的DEM数据和1990年的TM影像,用GIS(地理信息系统)方法和统计方法进行了地势起伏度研究,选取了代表新疆基本地貌特征戈壁、沙漠、丘陵、高山的克拉玛依幅含阿勒泰幅影像进行了试验。将网格单元从3×3、4×4、……一直扩大到60×60,对比不同网格单元内起伏度值的变化情况。最后得出了利用1:25万DEM来计算新疆克拉玛依地区地势起伏度时,20×20的网格大小(4 km~2)可作为曲线变化的拐点,即为曲线由陡变缓的阈值。从而得出了20×20的网格大小(4 km~2)为准噶尔盆地及其西北山区地势起伏度计算的最佳统计单元。  相似文献   

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