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This paper applies generalised linear statistical techniques in a GIS to analyse wildlife data from a Kenyan wildlife reserve and its surrounding areas. Attention focuses on the spatial distribution of elephant during nine successive surveys, analysing their temporal and spatial relationship to 12 environmental covariates. A principal component analysis identifies five major determining factors, thereby reducing dimensionality in the data, while a simple spatial analysis procedure, suitable for wildlife data obtained from airborne surveys, quantfies clustering for different animal species. The number of explanatory variables appearing in abundance models is found to be subject to large variations during successive surveys with a minimum and maximum of four and eight variables, respectively. Species from highly clustered populations are found to have over 20 times more observations within short distances compared to the rest. The study concludes that a combination of generalised linear modelling and GIS gives deeper insight into the dynamics of wildlife species in and around well-defined nature reserves.  相似文献   

基于2018年海上船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System, AIS)数据,借助GIS空间分析方法,对渤海海上船舶位置及密度、船舶速度等空间分布特征以及船舶流量日、月和季节变化的时间特征进行分析,得到以下结论:① 渔业船舶多活动于近岸海域,呈团聚状分布;商业船舶多聚集在公共航道区,整体呈带状分布;货船数量占商业船舶总量的78.58%,主要为中型货船,客船与油轮以中小型船舶所占比重相对较大。② 渤海船舶速度以中低速为主,尤其是渔业船舶;较高速度的船舶主要是大中型货船和客船。③ 渔业船舶活动时间和季节变化特征显著,秋季休渔期结束后以及白天工作时间段渔船活动较频繁;与渔业船舶相比,渤海商业船舶活动受季节变化和昼夜交替影响较小。分析发现,渤海交通流密度高,船舶会遇频繁,发生船舶碰撞以及重大污染事故的风险较大;东西向和南北向的海上交通与渔业捕捞作业船舶之间存在较大的海域空间利用冲突,需要引起足够的重视。自然环境与资源条件、沿岸社会经济发展与港口建设、海域管制等因素影响海上船舶时空分布。  相似文献   

Characterizing spatial and temporal variability of soil salinity is tremendously important for a variety of agronomic and environmental concerns in arid irrigation areas. This paper reviews the characteristics and spatial and temporal variations of soil salinization in the Ili River Irrigation Area by applying a geostatistical approach. Results showed that:(1) the soil salinity varied widely, with maximum value of 28.10 g/kg and minimum value of 0.10 g/kg, and was distributed mainly at the surface soil layer. Anions were mainly SO_4~(2-) and Cl~-, while cations were mainly Na~+ and Ca~(2+);(2) the abundance of salinity of the root zone soil layer for different land use types was in the following order: grassland cropland forestland. The abundance of salinity of root zone soil layers for different periods was in the following order: March June September;(3) the spherical model was the most suitable variogram model to describe the salinity of the 0–3 cm and 3–20 cm soil layers in March and June, and the 3–20 cm soil layer in September, while the exponential model was the most suitable variogram model to describe the salinity of the 0–3 cm soil layer in September. Relatively strong spatial and temporal structure existed for soil salinity due to lower nugget effects; and(4) the maps of kriged soil salinity showed that higher soil salinity was distributed in the central parts of the study area and lower soil salinity was distributed in the marginal parts. Soil salinity tended to increase from the marginal parts to the central parts across the study area. Applying the kriging method is very helpful in detecting the problematic areas and is a good tool for soil resources management. Managing efforts on the appropriate use of soil and water resources in such areas is very important for sustainable agriculture, and more attention should be paid to these areas to prevent future problems.  相似文献   

汶川地震次生地质灾害数量多、分布广且类型复杂,严重威胁灾区人民的生命财产安全。为了分析次生地质灾害发育分布规律,并用于减灾防灾,急需一种有效的方法来对现场调查获取的大量地质灾害数据进行管理。以信息建模理论为指导,运用统一建模语言UML,并结合GIS空间数据模型分析,以建立面向对象的空间数据模型,及实现海量地灾信息综合管理为目的,研发了汶川地震次生地质灾害信息综合管理系统(WIMS)。利用GIS的强大空间图形管理能力、数据库技术以及网络开发等技术,以发布图形服务与数据服务的方式实现地质灾害数据共享,解决了空间数据编辑及提升地图访问速度的关键技术问题。该系统不仅能够为灾害管理部门制定防治方案提供一定的参考依据,并且能够为广大群众提供一个认识地质灾害的公共平台,提高全民防灾意识。  相似文献   

基于空间数据库技术的地籍管理系统研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
潘瑜春  钟耳顺  梁军 《地理研究》2003,22(2):237-244
随着GIS应用的深入发展,以文件管理空间数据的方式已不能满足当前GIS应用的需要,而空间数据库技术正是为解决GIS应用的企业化和社会化问题而发展起来的新技术,空间数据库技术及其应用研究是当前GIS技术研究的热点。本文分析了空间数据对象、空间数据库、空间数据库技术及其实现,研究了基于空间数据库技术的地籍管理系统在空间数据共享、海量数据管理、大范围查询检索、分布式空间数据处理与维护、地籍制图、数据安全控制等方面的应用实现,通过具体应用系统建设,提出了基于空间数据库技术的地籍管理信息系统的解决方案。  相似文献   

左伟  陈洪玲  王桥  李硕 《山地学报》2004,22(2):240-247
在对重庆市忠县区域TM遥感数据进行波谱信息特征实验分析的基础上,建立了土地覆被信息提取的波段组合方案;通过人机交互目视解译和野外数据检验工作,实现利用遥感影像数据对重要生态安全指标因子之一——土地覆被因子的数据提取,并用GIS技术对其时空变化的驱动力因子和生态环境效应进行分析,效果和效率令人非常满意。这不仅在一定程度上解决了中尺度山区县域的土地覆被数据提取与地学分析的技术和方法难题,而且揭示了忠县土地覆被的时空分异特征。这是用常规与传统的技术方法与研究手段难以实现的,也为山区县域生态环境退化评价和生态恢复研究提供了一种新的方法尝试。通过GIS空间分析,揭示了忠县土地覆被和水土流失的时空分异特征。忠县土地覆被动态变化的生态环境效应表现为耕地与林地在“制高地”上(海拔500m以上)的大互换,在平川坝地地区建设用地大量占用优质耕地、林地等土地覆被类型;水土流失发生的坡度分异不明显,主要分布在200~800m间,与坡耕旱地分布密切相关。从总体上,这种变化使区域生态环境系统的功能发生退化。分析发现,忠县土地覆被变化的驱动力主要有:(1)人口压力和经济发展落后是生态环境系统安全状态恶化的社会经济背景因素;(2)对自然资源不合理开发利用是生态环境恶化的直接人为因素;(3)脆弱的生态环境是生态环境恶化的自然环境背景因素。因此,必须采取包括生态移民、生态建设与生态保护等在内的忠县区域生态安全综合调控措施。  相似文献   

Several application domains require handling spatio‐temporal data. However, traditional Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and database models do not adequately support temporal aspects of spatial data. A crucial issue relates to the choice of the appropriate granularity. Unfortunately, while a formalisation of the concept of temporal granularity has been proposed and widely adopted, no consensus exists on the notion of spatial granularity. In this paper, we address these open problems, by proposing a formal definition of spatial granularity and by designing a spatio‐temporal framework for the management of spatial and temporal information at different granularities. We present a spatio‐temporal extension of the ODMG type system with specific types for defining multigranular spatio‐temporal properties. Granularity conversion functions are introduced to obtain attributes values at different spatial and temporal granularities.  相似文献   

A generic geographical information and modelling system (GIMS) has been developed and implemented for 6 million hectares of fire-prone rural land in eastern Australia. Viewed initially as a land management decision support system rather than as a geographical information system (GIS) per se, GIMS provides extensive capabilities for estimating and recording patterns of vegetation and fuel dynamics, analysing the behaviour of fire and its environmental effects, and reviewing strategies for fire control and related issues. The software operates on personal computers via linkage to an indexed, direct access, grid data base. The design, development, implementation, evolution and use of GIMS for land management decision support are described, and tests of the system's ability to predict real-time fire behaviour are provided. The relationship between commercial GIS packages and locally-developed dynamic modelling GIS programs is discussed.  相似文献   

GIS在南极的应用包括空间数据采集和管理、测绘和制图、科学研究、环境保护、后勤管理和决策等各个方面。 SCAR的大地测量和地理信息工作组 (WG- GGI)每两年推出一批 GIS方面的国际合作项目 ,其中南极数字数据库 (ADD)、南极地理数据集成 (AGDI)、乔治王岛 GIS(KGIS)、空间数据标准等 GIS项目已取得显著成果 ,在南极研究领域产生了广泛的影响。本文介绍了国际上在南极开展的大量 GIS应用研究 ,为我国今后在该领域开展工作提供了参考与借鉴  相似文献   

北极海冰的大量融化,加速了北极航道开发和利用,对北极水域船舶事故风险管理提出了更高的要求。本文以2008—2017年的北极水域船舶事故数据为样本,运用数据挖掘技术和方法,对北极水域船舶事故进行了时空特征分析,并对船舶属性与事故属性之间的潜在映射关系进行了关联规则挖掘。结果表明:北极水域事故数逐年呈上升的趋势,事故主要发生在巴伦支海东部的俄罗斯摩尔曼斯克港口水域和挪威北部水域;北极水域严重事故受船舶总吨、船旗国、船舶类型、事故类型、事故水域等变量的影响,船舶尺度较大的船舶更容易造成严重事故;北极水域俄罗斯籍渔船的严重事故,很多是由机损事故引发的,但很少造成环境污染。研究结论可辅助海事管理部门和航运企业开展北极水域船舶事故预防和风险管理工作。  相似文献   

本文介绍作者自行开发的GIS软件系统———基于空间数据库的多媒体图形查询信息系统的内容、结构和功能 ,以及在环境规划管理方面的应用。阐明了系统可满足决策管理层和公共信息发布层等不同层次的应用需求 ,对环境工程项目的规划管理可作为示范和借鉴。说明本系统除具有一般GIS系统所具有的功能外 ,还把现代多媒体技术和GIS空间数据库技术结合起来 ,实现了在空间数据基础上的多媒体信息查询 ,丰富了GIS中属性数据查询的内容 ,提高了地图的可视性。详细介绍了一种地理信息系统的空间分析方法———包含分析的算法和在本系统中的具体应用———按多边形区域进行空间相关性关系查询。  相似文献   

China has experienced and is experiencing expeditious urban expansion in the recent decades, especially in the coastal areas and big cities. Rapid urban expansion and dramatic changes of landscape have caused great economic, environmental and social impacts consequently. It is crucial to understand urban temporal, spatial expansion patterns and their related effects. In this paper, urban expansion of Guangzhou, a rapid growing city in south‐east China, from 1979 to 2003 is studied temporally and spatially. Four time ranges including 1979–1990, 1990–1995, 1995–2000 and 2000–2003 are designed and the urban expansion area, expansion rate and the spatial expansion pattern are discussed by using remote sensing data and Geographical Information System (GIS) tool. Two transects are designed along two axes of Guangzhou expansion and the structural of urban expansion patches at different orientations are compared in order to quantitively understand the urban expansion of Guangzhou during the past 24 years. The gradient analysis integrating multi‐temporal data is performed in order to analyze and compare the spatial and temporal dynamics of urban expansion. Two indices of compactness and fractal dimensional index are used to describe the urban developing pattern in the study time durations. And the influence of different types of traffic roads to urban expansion is evaluated using the buffer analysis of GIS. The results show that: (1) temporally, urban area of Guangzhou increase 296.54 km2 from 141.15 km2 in 1979 to 437.70 km2 in 2003 and the increasing rate is up to 210.08%; (2) spatially, Guangzhou has different urban expanding directions in different stages and the general expanding directions are towards northeast, north, southeast and north in four studied time ranges; (3) transportation lines play a very important role in urban expansion of Guangzhou, but different types of road have different impacts. National roads and highways exhibit stronger control to urban expansion than provincial roads; and (4) expansion of Guangzhou has gradually changed from a compact pattern to leapfrogging and disordering patterns.  相似文献   

修文群 《地理研究》2006,25(5):939-948
当前急剧增长的网络犯罪行为与有限警力、人工监控之间的结构性矛盾日益突出,针对网络犯罪的广泛性、隐蔽性、超时空性等特点,迫切需要开发应用先进技术手段,建立“网络犯罪空间管理系统”,使打击网络犯罪从突发事件、被动应对走向重点监控、主动预防。从当前公安网监部门实际需求出发,以地理信息系统为核心,结合网络搜索、IP追踪技术,建立“网络犯罪空间数据库”,进行相关空间数据挖掘,探索网络犯罪要素的空间结构、空间行为及其与环境间互动关系,以制定打击防范的对策方案。  相似文献   

中国极地冰冻圈网络数据库建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
秦翔  秦大河  丁永建 《极地研究》2003,15(4):267-273
中国极地冰冻圈数据库是“中国极地科学数据库”的子数据库之一 ,它是我国极地科学研究的一项基础性工作。已建成的中国极地冰冻圈网络数据库主要包括冰川物理特性、冰川化学数据、海冰、气象、遥感和地理信息系统等 6个数据子库 ,其中遥感数据由于数据量大 ( 30G) ,在线仅提供数据目录 ,其余 5个数据子库在线数据量达 1 .5G左右。该数据库系统利用MicrosoftWindows 2 0 0 0Server作为Web服务器 ,选择MicrosoftSQLServer 7.0作为数据库管理软件 ,利用InternetInformationServer 5 .0和SybasePowerDynamo配置因特网服务器 ,功能上可以实现WWW服务和FTP服务。整个系统采用了因特网 (Internet)与客户机 /服务器 (Client/Server)相结合的技术 ,用户在权限范围内可以通过WWW服务网址方便地实现对网上资源的检索、浏览、打印、下载等功能  相似文献   

本文利用“中美热带西太平洋海气相互作用研究”第1-8航次海面气象观测资料,计算分析了热带太平洋感热潜热通量的时空特征.分析结果表明在赤道海域,潜热通量远远大于感热通量.潜热和感热通量是从海面向大气输送的,且具有明显的年际变化和季节变化,日变化变幅甚小.  相似文献   

近年来,广西海草大面积衰减,为加强广西海草的保护与管理,设计研发了广西海草资源GIS信息管理平台来管理纷杂的海草相关数据,该系统提高了海草管理的科技水平与工作效率。该平台包含基础信息维护、数据编辑、空间分析、空间查询、数据输出、系统管理6个子系统,具有较好的集成性、实用性与应用前景。本文对系统的结构、功能、实现方法等进行了重点介绍。  相似文献   

广东省土地管理信息系统的设计与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用遥感(GIS)与地理信息系统(GIS)相结合的方法研制的土地管理信息系统能为广东省土地管理部门提供科学,快捷,有效的管理手段,文中重点讨论了广东省土地管理信息系统的设计目标,结构与功能,并介绍了土地管理信息系统的应用实例,指出建立规范化,标准化的土地管理系统的重要性以及统一的规范数据统计单元的必要性。  相似文献   

近年来,有学者通过古DNA方法成功地重建了海洋沉积记录中古微生物群落变化,并借此反演了当地古环境—气候变化。然而,此种方法对于陆地湖泊沉积记录是否适用仍然有待研究。采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR,Polymerase Chain Reaction)、变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE,Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis)与实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(Q-PCR,Quantitative PCR)相结合的综合分析技术手段,系统研究青海湖5.8 m(时间跨度为~18 500 a)沉积柱中的甲藻(Dinoflagellate)多样性和丰度变化。研究结果显示,青海湖Dinoflagellate藻18S rRNA基因序列主要与海洋型藻类Woloszynskiahalophila和Scrippsiellahangoei相近(~98%序列相似性)。定量Q-PCR结果显示,每克沉积物含有dinoflagellate藻类18S rRNA基因丰度范围为2.27×10~3~8.55×10~6拷贝。另外,Dinoflagellate藻类18S rRNA基因丰度与总有机碳含量成显著正相关(R=0.408,p=0.0001)。对比分析揭示,较高的藻类丰度对应高总有机碳含量和较低的可溶解性盐电导率;反之,较低的藻类丰度对应较高的可溶解性盐电导率和较低的总有机碳含量。在青海湖区,总有机碳指示着季风降雨变化,并间接地指示着外源输入和湖泊营养状况变化,然而可溶性盐电导率则指示着湖泊盐度变化。综上所述,青海湖沉积柱Dinoflagellate藻类丰度可能反应了历史时期湖泊营养状况和盐度波动情况。  相似文献   

李建春  高玉婷  曲衍波  关梅  张勇  王森 《地理科学》2022,42(7):1155-1165
充分识别陆海空间冲突并制定科学规划是实现陆海统筹的关键。基于陆海空间利用现状与规划,构建陆海空间冲突的理论分析框架,采用冲突识别矩阵、邻域冲突测度模型和社会网络分析等方法,以山东省莱州市为案例区,1 km格网为研究单元,分别从陆地对海洋、海洋对陆地2个方向定量识别陆海空间的现状冲突和规划冲突,并结合四象限模型对冲突进行分区。主要研究结果如下:① 从冲突范围与强度来看,莱州市陆地利用与规划越过海岸线的范围更大,陆海交互冲突范围将持续增加,陆海统筹应重视空间复合利用与跨系统交互影响。② 从冲突的类型来看,现状冲突中陆地的水域与湿地以及海洋的渔业用海等利用方式对海陆系统产生的影响较大;而在规划冲突中,陆地的一般农地区和其他用地区,海洋的农渔业区和港口航运区4类功能分区跨系统产生的影响较大。③ 现状与规划的耦合分区结果显示,相对独立的陆海空间规划对于控制和缓解空间冲突具有一定效果,然而陆海空间统筹利用与管理迫在眉睫,应结合系统观点根据不同分区特点进行优化。  相似文献   

We investigated the ways in which cormorants (Phalacrocorax spp.) acquire behavioural cues from unpredictable habitats in arid Australia, using 10 years of temporal data on abundance at one wetland, fine-grained habitat and microhabitat use at two wetlands, and broad-scale spatial data from aerial surveys across north-west New South Wales. Abundances were highly variable and cormorants were aggregated at every temporal and spatial scale of observation. Cormorants were associated with short-term patches of food, and apparently travel frequently in a quest for newly formed patches. Movements and abundance of cormorants are linked to boom periods of their prey, and, like many Australian waterbirds, cormorants would benefit from improved water management practices.  相似文献   

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