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The use of a semantically rich registry containing a Feature Type Catalogue (FTC) to represent the semantics of geographic feature types including operations, attributes and relationships between feature types is required to realise the benefits of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). Specifically, such information provides a more complete representation of the semantics of the concepts used in the SDI, and enables advanced navigation, discovery and utilisation of discovered resources. The presented approach creates an FTC implementation in which attributes, associations and operations for a given feature type are encapsulated within the FTC, and these conceptual representations are separated from the implementation aspects of the web services that may realise the operations in the FTC. This differs from previous approaches that combine the implementation and conceptual aspects of behaviour in a web service ontology, but separate the behavioural aspects from the static aspects of the semantics of the concept or feature type. These principles are demonstrated by the implementation of such a registry using open standards. The ebXML Registry Information Model (ebRIM) was used to incorporate the FTC described in ISO 19110 by extending the Open Geospatial Consortium ebRIM Profile for the Web Catalogue Service (CSW) and adding a number of stored queries to allow the FTC component of the standards‐compliant registry to be interrogated. The registry was populated with feature types from the marine domain, incorporating objects that conform to both the object and field views of the world. The implemented registry demonstrates the benefits of inheritance of feature type operations, attributes and associations, the ability to navigate around the FTC and the advantages of separating the conceptual from the implementation aspects of the FTC. Further work is required to formalise the model and include axioms to allow enhanced semantic expressiveness and the development of reasoning capabilities.  相似文献   

A Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) facilitates and coordinates the exchange and sharing of spatial data between stakeholders in the spatial data community. With this objective in mind, countries throughout the world are developing SDIs to manage and utilize their spatial data assets more effectively. These countries are developing SDIs to assist in various kinds of decision‐making at different levels of government jurisdictions that have an important impact within their national boundaries. However, current research shows that SDI is understood and described differently by stakeholders from different disciplines and different jurisdictional levels. Therefore, in many cases, SDI initiatives remain very much an innovation, even among practitioners. There are still uncertainties regarding the benefits and identities of SDIs, particularly in connection with how they evolve over time to meet user needs. This paper reviews and assesses the development of SDIs throughout the world over the past 15 years and the leadership role of national governments in SDI creation. This assessment is based on the SDI activities of various jurisdictions including Asia‐Pacific, Australia, North America, and Europe, and research into the worldwide effects of spatial information clearing houses. This assessment includes a discussion on emerging trends in SDI development, with particular reference to the increasingly important role played by sub‐national governments and the private sector within the framework of SDI development. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications for future SDI development, including the delivery of a virtual world that has a particular focus on facilitating decision‐making at a community level within a national context.  相似文献   

The great interest in spatial data infrastructures (SDIs) has led to a wealth of SDI definitions in SDI debates. The article aims to contribute to both theory-oriented and practice-oriented SDI research by providing a critical re-examination of the SDI literature. Ashby's formal theory of regulation, which sees infrastructures as regulatory devices, is used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of several SDI definitions. This exercise shows how debates of the SDI objectives and the roles of users get caught in mantraps and also opens the door for a way out of this confusion by distinguishing between functional and adoption objectives. It also highlights the emphasis on technological components in the SDI definitions, which sidestep the importance of structural and human resource components in SDI.  相似文献   

This paper aims to qualify the behaviour of contributors to OpenStreetMap (OSM), a volunteered geographic information (VGI) project, through a multigraph approach. The main purpose is to reproduce contributor’s interactions in a more comprehensive way. First, we define a multigraph that combines existing spatial collaboration networks from the literature with new graphs that illustrate collaboration based on specific aspects of the VGI modes of contribution through semantics, geometry and topology. Indeed, the ways that contributors interact with one another through editing, completion, or even consumption may provide additional information on each user’s operation mode and therefore, on the quality of the contributed data. Social collaborations drawn from indirect criteria – for example, comparisons between contributors’ activity areas – can also be contemplated under another network. Second, the resulting multigraph is analysed using data mining approaches to characterise individuals and identify behavioural groups. The implementation of a multiplex network based on an OSM data sample and an initial analysis make it possible to identify useful behaviours for data qualification. The initial results characterise some contributors as pioneers, moderators and truthful contributors, according to their special roles in the graphs. Mapping elements that include these contributors’ participation are likely to be reliable data  相似文献   

Spatial data infrastructure (SDI) is a complex system for which huge investments are being made worldwide. These large-scale investments in the development of SDIs incontrovertibly require reliable design and planning that guarantee a successful outcome. One approach to deal with such an expectation is to model the development process of the SDI system over time. If the model can be translated into the computer-based environment to be used as a virtual world, then the real situation can also be simulated. Such a simulation will enable the SDI coordinators/managers to gain knowledge about the behavior of the system under different decisions and situations and eventually help them to better develop the SDI through the informed decision making. However, a limited number of tools and techniques are currently available in the SDI modeling history in terms of the modeling and simulation of such a complex system. The system dynamics technique based on systems theory is a method for modeling and managing the feedback systems that are complex, dynamic and nonlinear over time. This article addresses the applicability of the system dynamics technique for modeling and simulating the development process of SDIs. It is argued that the system dynamics technique is capable of modeling the interactions among the factors affecting the SDI, the feedback loops and the delays. It is also highlighted that an SDI model based on the system dynamics technique enables the SDI coordinators/managers to simulate the effect of different factors or decisions on various aspects of SDI and evaluate alternative decisions and/or policies prior to making any commitment.  相似文献   

Web 2.0 has yielded a wealth of publicly available data, largely through the popularization of social media and the proliferation of user-generated content (UGC). Thus, the data void in social science research is diminishing as these new data sources are exploited. The discipline of geography, in particular, stands to benefit considerably from geotagged UGC or volunteered geographic information (VGI). In this article, we utilize a form of UGC—restaurant reviews—to evaluate the geography of Web 2.0 in Franklin County, Ohio. We find that restaurant reviews are largely concentrated in relatively few areas of the city, indicating that the impacts of Web 2.0 have not touched down evenly within the central county of the Columbus metropolitan statistical area. We argue that an intraurban digital divide is still apparent and might even be exacerbated by Web 2.0.  相似文献   

Designing and implementation of the retrieval tools for shared spatial data as part of National Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) is among the top priorities of the preparatory stage of the long-term program envisaging the creation of the Russian SDI according to the concept of its creation and further development. This analytical overview of international experience defines the place and role of information resources accumulated in the Russian Academy of Sciences’ institutions during the last 15-year period of active development of geoinformation technologies in the context of spatial data acquisition and processing for geoscience applications. Based on some specific examples, it is shown that it is the Academy's science, even with its dramatic progression during this period, is the most prepared for the embodiment of the idea of integrating information and data using the SDI tools, and of ensuring broad, equitable and free access to them.  相似文献   

作为科学基础设施, 科学数据共享平台建设可促进科技原始性创新, 提高国家科技竞争 能力。本文回顾我国近年推动科学数据共享方面的工作, 指出科学数据共享实施过程中所遇到的 主要问题; 针对这些问题, 在共享理念、数据资源整合和平台建设三个方面探索科学数据共享今 后发展的重点和工作方法。具体结合地球系统科学数据共享网建设实践, 提出搭建科学数据交换 平台, 构建科学数据共享联盟; 将科学数据共享与科研项目相结合, 实行主动服务; 建立强大的科 学数据搜索引擎; 重视文档、信息服务等。  相似文献   

WebGIS (also known as web‐based GIS and Internet GIS) denotes a type of Geographic Information System (GIS), whose client is implemented in a Web browser. WebGISs have been developed and used extensively in real‐world applications. However, when such a complex web‐based system involves the dissemination of large volumes of data and/or massive user interactions, its performance can become an issue. In this paper, we first identify several major potential performance problems with WebGIS. Then, we discuss several possible techniques to improve the performance. These techniques include the use of pyramids and hash indices on the server side to handle large images. To resolve server‐side conflicts originating from concurrent massive access and user interactions, we suggest clustering and multithreading techniques. Multithreading is also used to break down the long sequential, layer‐based data access to concurrent data access on the client side. Caching is suggested as a means to enhance concurrent data access for the same datasets on both the server and the client sides. The technique of client‐side dynamic data requests is used to improve data transmission. Compressed binary representation is implemented on both sides to reduce transmission volume. We also compare the performance of a prototype WebGIS with and without these techniques.  相似文献   

The integration of multisource heterogeneous spatial data is one of the major challenges for many spatial data users. To facilitate multisource spatial data integration, many initiatives including federated databases, feature manipulation engines (FMEs), ontology-driven data integration and spatial mediators have been proposed. The major aim of these initiatives is to harmonize data sets and establish interoperability between different data sources.

On the contrary, spatial data integration and interoperability is not a pure technical exercise, and there are other nontechnical issues including institutional, policy, legal and social issues involved. Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) framework aims to better address the technical and nontechnical issues and facilitate data integration. The SDIs aim to provide a holistic platform for users to interact with spatial data through technical and nontechnical tools.

This article aims to discuss the complexity of the challenges associated with data integration and propose a tool that facilitates data harmonization through the assessment of multisource spatial data sets against many measures. The measures represent harmonization criteria and are defined based on the requirement of the respective jurisdiction. Information on technical and nontechnical characteristics of spatial data sets is extracted to form metadata and actual data. Then the tool evaluates the characteristics against measures and identifies the items of inconsistency. The tool also proposes available manipulation tools or guidelines to overcome inconsistencies among data sets. The tool can assist practitioners and organizations to avoid the time-consuming and costly process of validating data sets for effective data integration.  相似文献   

In a Web service‐based distributed environment, individual services must be chained together dynamically to solve a complex real world problem. The Semantic Web Service has shown promise for automatic chaining of Web services. This paper addresses semi‐automatic geospatial service chaining through Semantic Web Services‐based process planning. Process planning includes three phases: process modeling, process model instantiation and workflow execution. Ontologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) planning methods are employed in process planning to help a user dynamically create an executable workflow for earth science applications. In particular, the approach was implemented in a common data and service environment enabled by interoperable standards from OGC and W3C. A case study of the chaining process for wildfire prediction illustrates the applicability of this approach.  相似文献   

This paper presents a typology of local‐government data sharing arrangements in the US at a time when spatial data infrastructures (SDI) are moving into a second generation. In the first generation, the US National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) theoretically involved a pyramid of data integration resting on local‐government data sharing. Availability of local‐government data is the foundation for all SDI‐related data sharing in this model. However, first‐generation SDI data‐sharing activities and principles have gained only a tenuous hold in local governments. Some formalized data sharing occurs, but only infrequently in response to SDI programmes and policies. Previous research suggests that local‐government data sharing aligns with immediate organizational and practical concerns rather than state or national policies and programmes. We present research findings echoing extending these findings to show that local‐government data sharing is largely informal in nature and is undertaken to support existing governmental activities. NSDI principles remain simply irrelevant for the majority of surveyed local governments. The typology we present distinguishes four distinct types of local‐government data sharing arrangements that reflect institutional, political, and economic factors. The effectiveness of second generation, client‐service‐based SDI will be seriously constrained if the problems of local government take‐up fail to be addressed.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of Xerox PARC Map Viewer, there is a high growth in the number of Web GIS (Geographical Information System) applications for public use in different contexts. These applications instruct, advise and provide the tools for spatial analysis to their users, and the people who use them depend or rely on these systems. Many of these users are non-experts who have no GIS expertise and a limited understanding of spatial data handling. These inherent characteristics of non-expert interaction establish risk and uncertainty, which are further increased due to the complexity of Web GIS interfaces. These issues of uncertainty, risk perception and dependence are all trust-related aspects. Online trust has been repeatedly identified as a major concept for online information systems and its value recognised as it influences the intentions to use and the acceptance of online systems and the overall user experience. However, there is a very limited understanding as to exactly how trust is constructed when people, especially non-experts, interact with Web GIS. To improve knowledge in this domain, this article explores the theoretical foundations on how trust can be investigated in this context. Trust studies (mainly from the e-commerce domain) suggest that a trust-oriented interface design may improve the trustworthiness of online systems, and such attention can be given to Web GIS interfaces. Such studies are reviewed and their applicability is considered in the Web GIS context, taking into consideration their special characteristics. A case study is used to discuss how some features may potentially influence the trustworthiness of Web GIS applications. This article concludes by suggesting future research directions for the implementation of a holistic approach, which is necessary to investigate trust in this context.  相似文献   

The continuous development of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) provides a favourable context for environmental management and planning. However, it appears that the actual contribution of SDIs should also depend on the correlation between users’ expectations and the services delivered to them. Several studies have addressed some organizational, methodological and technological aspects of the development of SDIs. However, only a few studies have, to the best of our knowledge, studied SDI use at large. This article introduces a methodological approach oriented towards the study of the relationship between SDIs and the users interacting with them as part of their professional practices. Our study is applied to coastal zone management and planning in France. This approach combines structural and data flow modelling. The former is based on Social Network Analysis (SNA) and the latter on Data Flow Diagrams (DFD). This modelling approach has been applied to an online questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. The results identify the SDIs, geographical data flows and institutional levels implied in French coastal zone management and planning.  相似文献   

Many researchers throughout the world have been struggling to better understand and describe spatial data infrastructures (SDIs). Our knowledge of the real forces and mechanisms behind SDIs is still very limited. The reason for this difficulty might lie in the complex, dynamic and multifaceted nature of SDIs. To evaluate the functioning and effects of SDIs we must have a proper theory and understanding of their nature. This article describes a new approach to understanding SDIs by looking at them through the lens of complex adaptive systems (CASs). CASs are frequently described by the following features and behaviours: complexity, components, self-organization, openness, unpredictability, nonlinearity and adaptability, scale-independence, existence of feedback loop mechanism and sensitivity to initial conditions. In this article both CAS and SDI features are presented, examined and compared using three National SDI case studies from the Netherlands, Australia and Poland. These three National SDIs were carefully analysed to identify CAS features and behaviours. In addition, an Internet survey of SDI experts was carried out to gauge the degree to which they consider SDIs and CASs to be similar. This explorative study provides evidence that to a certain extent SDIs can be viewed as CASs because they have many features in common and behave in a similar way. Studying SDIs as CASs has significant implications for our understanding of SDIs. It will help us to identify and better understand the key factors and conditions for SDI functioning. Assuming that SDIs behave much like CASs, this also has implications for their assessment: assessment techniques typical for linear and predictable systems may not be valid for complex and adaptive systems. This implies that future studies on the development of an SDI assessment framework must consider the complex and adaptive nature of SDIs.  相似文献   

It is challenging to find relevant data for research and development purposes in the geospatial big data era. One long-standing problem in data discovery is locating, assimilating and utilizing the semantic context for a given query. Most research in the geospatial domain has approached this problem in one of two ways: building a domain-specific ontology manually or discovering automatically, semantic relationships using metadata and machine learning techniques. The former relies on rich expert knowledge but is static, costly and labor intensive, whereas the second is automatic and prone to noise. An emerging trend in information science takes advantage of large-scale user search histories, which are dynamic but subject to user- and crawler-generated noise. Leveraging the benefits of these three approaches and avoiding their weaknesses, a novel methodology is proposed to (1) discover vocabulary-based semantic relationships from user search histories and clickstreams, (2) refine the similarity calculation methods from existing ontologies and (3) integrate the results of ontology, metadata, user search history and clickstream analysis to better determine their semantic relationships. An accuracy assessment by domain experts for the similarity values indicates an 83% overall accuracy for the top 10 related terms over randomly selected sample queries. This research functions as an example for building vocabulary-based semantic relationships for different geographical domains to improve various aspects of data discovery, including the accuracy of the vocabulary relationships of commonly used search terms.  相似文献   

国外旅游研究领域Web点击流分析研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Web点击流数据记录了在线旅游者使用互联网实际发生的电子记录,为旅游研究提供了新机会。该文介绍了Web点击流数据的特性及Web点击流数据分析在旅游研究中的价值,回顾了国外Web点击流分析在旅游研究领域的相关进展,包括旅游网站(目的地网站和酒店网站)访问者行为、旅游者在线信息搜索以及旅游目的地建议系统等,并对其发展前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

渐进传输被认为是解决目前海量空间数据传输与实时用户体验之间矛盾的有效方法。栅格数据渐进传输的相关研究比较成熟,但矢量数据的渐进传输理论和技术还存在问题。为了推进矢量数据渐进传输的相关研究,该文对与矢量数据渐进传输密切相关的二维矢量数据、三维表面模型两种数据的多分辨率表达和渐进传输的研究现状进行归纳与总结,指出相关研究的发展方向,为海量空间数据适用于分布式网络传输提供参考依据。  相似文献   

荒漠绿洲PRED系统特征与可持续发展定量研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
荒漠绿洲PRED系统是一个相当脆弱的系统,自然灾害频繁、水分失衡导致的生态风险大。在分析其特征的基础上,建立了衡量可持续发展的指标体系并运用层次分析法得出了这些因子对绿洲PRED系统可持续发展的权值,影响最大的前三位因子是:人均水资源量、绿洲化面积、人口素质、其权值分别为0.124、0.077、0.062。计算了河西走廊20个县(市、区)的SDI,排在最前面的依次是:萧北蒙古族自治县、嘉峪关市和玉门市、金川区,其SDI分别为0.437、0.406、0.405,排在最后面的依次是:古浪县、民勤县、天祝藏族自治县,其SDI分别为0.150、0.213、0.217。分析了这种格局产生的原因并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

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