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Solar radiation not only sustains the lives on the Earth, but also creates spatial and temporal variations of hydrological ingredients, such as vegetation, soil moisture, and snow. Precise quantification of spatial solar radiation incident on the Earth's surface which accounts for the topographic modulation, especially in complex terrain, underpins the study of many catchment hydro-meteorological and hydro-ecological processes. Topography is a key parameter that affects the spatial solar radiation pattern across different scales. This article addresses the issue of modelling spatial variability of actual solar radiation caused by topography from the hydrological perspective. Models with different algorithms and different complexities, from the simple empirical equations to process-based physical approach, have been developed to parameterize and calculate the potential radiation (under clear-sky condition) and the actual radiation (under overcast cloudy condition). Based on a review of the general steps of solar radiation modelling and the corresponding models for each step, two models with easily or globally available data for spatial solar radiation modelling in complex terrain, namely, the physically parameterized, remote-sensing-oriented Heliosat-2 model and the sunshine duration-based Angström–Prescott regression model are selected and implemented in a GIS framework. The capability of both models for simulation of cloudy-sky radiation on horizontal surfaces has been verified against observed station data showing an R 2 greater than 0.9. The validity of the models for modelling inclined surface is tested by comparing against each other, which has shown a satisfactory agreement and demonstrated that the simple Angström–Prescott method performed reasonably well compared with the more elaborate Heliosat-2 method. Scale sensitivity of the models and the shading effect are examined with different digital elevation model (DEM) resolutions from 30 to 500 m and reveal the existence of a threshold grid size to resolve the topography-induced spatial solar radiation variability. Spatial mapping of potential solar radiation and actual solar radiation has been demonstrated in a small catchment in Southern Germany, with a spatial difference up to 30% in winter and 5% in summer. This may lead to a significant difference for the energy-limited hydrological processes, such as snowmelt, and evapotranspiration.  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization has resulted in the loss of coastal and marine habitats in cities worldwide. The effective conservation of urban coastal ecosystems requires detailed knowledge of their spatial distribution, necessitating high-resolution mapping. Our study produces a high-resolution coastal and marine habitat map and shoreline map for the tropical city-state of Singapore created through pixel-based supervised classification of satellite imagery, bathymetry data and expert ground knowledge. These maps can be used as a base reference for multiple applications including ecological research, conservation and urban planning. They also help identifiy trends in the extent of key coastal habitats, providing insight into their differing levels of vulnerability to loss and potential for restoration to ensure long-term resilience. The method used for mapping shoreline typologies and resulting insights gained, can guide other rapidly urbanizing coastal cities on strategies to assemble useful spatial knowledge for effective conservation of their urban coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

海岸带地区SPOT卫星影像大气校正方法比较及精度验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩晓庆  苏艺  李静  张芸  刘佳  高伟明 《地理研究》2012,31(11):2007-2016
为获得反演海岸带地区地表真实反射率的最佳大气校正方法,分别利用DOS、6S及FLAASH三种模型对SPOT卫星影像进行大气校正,对比分析校正前后影像的典型地物光谱曲线及NDVI指数的变化情况,并对结果进行精度验证。研究表明:三种大气校正模型均能有效去除大气对遥感影像的影响,获取较为准确的地表反射率信息;对比河流、水库、海水、植被、城镇、裸地等六种典型地物校正前后的光谱曲线,与DOS及6S模型相比,FLAASH模型校正结果中各地物反射率差别较大、特征明显,能较好的还原地表真实情况;NDVI指数检验显示,FLAASH模型对地物NDVI响应更强烈,在地物光谱响应特征分析等方面具有更强的优势,是三种模型中最适宜海岸带地区SPOT影像的大气反演方法。研究方法及结论可为同类研究提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

以流动人口集中的京津冀、长三角和珠三角三大经济区35个城市2012年流动人口动态监测数据为基础,采用均方差权值法,综合经济、社会、心理、制度和公共服务5个维度构建衡量流动人口社会融入的指标体系,在此基础上计算和比较了三大经济区及其35个城市流动人口各维度社会融入指标和社会融入综合水平得分及其地区差异。研究结论显示,社会融入综合水平得分由高到低依次是京津冀、长三角、珠三角。同一地区流动人口的融入状况在各个维度不均衡,京津冀地区流动人口社会维度的融入程度最高,制度维度融入程度最低;长三角地区流动人口的心理维度融入居前列,但社会维度融入位列最后;珠三角地区流动人口的社会维度融入程度最高,公共服务维度融入不足。此外,就整体而言,三大地区流动人口的工作强度大、交往对象固化于流动人口、在流入地长期居住意愿多数仍处于举棋不定的状态;三大地区都存在落实居住证/暂住证制度和流动人口享有城镇医保等方面较为薄弱等诸多问题并共同制约着流动人口真正融入流入城市。为此,需要在政策制定中予以关注。  相似文献   

探索性空间分析及其与GIS集成模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
探索性空间分析基于让数据说话的理念,可以避免野值或非典型观测值的误导。在对探索性空间分析的基本原理和概念界定的基础上,探讨交互式和动态空间数据分析、地学可视化及可视化空间分布、确认性空间分析、空间数据挖掘等探索性空间分析的主要技术。由于统计分析软件和GIS的数据格式差异很大,直接将二者简单集成存在一定困难,因此切实可行的集成方式是采用对象连接和嵌入(OLE)技术,分别调用统计分析软件的探索性分析功能(或者函数)以及GIS的地图显示和空间分析功能,并进行必要开发,实现二者的集成。最后对探索性空间分析的发展方向进行展望。  相似文献   

刘迪  陈海  荔童  张行  耿雨 《地理科学进展》2022,41(4):670-681
探究村域生态系统服务簇对于厘清黄土丘陵沟壑区农业生态系统复杂特征、从多重服务供给角度提高服务的福祉贡献具有重要意义。论文以黄土丘陵沟壑区米脂县为例,基于高斯混合模型识别2009年和2019年村域生态系统服务簇并分析其时空分布,同时,结合地形分布指数探究服务簇在地形梯度上的分布模式。结果如下: ① 各类服务空间分异明显,且服务之间空间分布差异较大;近10 a间各类服务水平均有不同程度提高,其中调节服务有较大改善,而食物供给与文化服务增幅较小;各类服务空间变化格局存在较大差异,这与土地利用的空间演变关系密切。② 利用高斯混合模型识别4类服务簇,包括农业生产簇、农业美学簇、生态保育簇与城镇休闲簇;各类服务簇空间分异明显,且研究期间存在明显数量和空间转移变化;农业美学簇与生态保育簇是当地主导服务簇,且主导性增强,而农业生产簇与城镇休闲簇比重下降。③ 地形起伏度与服务簇的空间关联密切。随起伏度上升,农业生产簇与农业美学簇呈倒U型,生态保育簇优势分布增加,城镇休闲簇优势分布减弱;研究期间农业生产簇与城镇休闲簇向低起伏度的转移趋势明显,而农业美学簇与生态保育簇趋向于向高起伏度转移。  相似文献   

东海海岸带作为中国经济发展的战略重心,更是发展海洋经济的前沿阵地,分析其经济与环境的协调问题有利于揭示区域经济与生态间的矛盾与差异,从而促进沿海城市生态文明建设、缓解人地资源矛盾.基于2005-2018年东海海岸带52个沿海县区城市的投入产出面板数据,利用传统DEA和超效率SBM模型评价了区域经济效率和生态效率,以TO...  相似文献   

John McKenna  Andrew Cooper 《Area》2006,38(4):421-431
The participative, 'bottom-up' approaches of contemporary European ICZM (integrated coastal zone management) are ineffectual and unsustainable. The approach lacks the authority and resources to deliver ICZM and should be abandoned. A new model of ICZM in a predominantly sectoral administrative framework is presented. It requires that capacity be built in existing statutory authorities and in-house ICZM groups be established. Time-limited participatory projects would be used to gain information on conflicts and issues that transcend existing sectoral boundaries, but this information would be passed to the established statutory authorities for action. A sound statutory and legislative basis is the essential prerequisite for effective coastal management – not voluntary partnerships.  相似文献   

中国沿海地区人海关系地域系统评价及协同演化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙才志  张坤领  邹玮  王泽宇 《地理研究》2015,34(10):1824-1838
借鉴信息熵、协同学相关理论,在分析人海关系地域系统协同演化机制基础上,构建综合评价指标体系,利用AHP-PP模型测算沿海地区1996-2012年11个省份人类社会与海洋资源环境子系统综合评价值;通过信息熵模型对人海关系地域系统信息熵值及有序度进行测算,发现沿海地区各省份人海关系地域系统信息熵呈逐年下降,有序度呈逐年上升趋势,但区域差异显著。进一步构建人海关系地域系统协同演化模型,并采用加速遗传算法进行模型参数估计,辨识其协同演化类型,结果显示:天津、辽宁、江苏、浙江、福建表现为冲突型,河北、广西、海南表现为掠夺型,上海、山东、广东则表现为协同型。最后对各种类型进行分析,并简要提出人海关系协同发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   

海岸带的空间功能分区与管制方法——以宁波市为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
孙伟  陈诚 《地理研究》2013,32(10):1878-1889
海岸带空间资源的合理开发和利用关系到海洋经济发展质量和优质资源利用效率,成为影响沿海城市区域可持续发展的重要内容。根据区域自然、经济、社会特征,运用相关分区方法,划分海岸线和海岸带开发与保护的适宜性空间,获取较高的空间资源配置效率,成为地理学研究关注的热点。大部分学者从经济和生态两个方面要素构建指标体系,并对分区方法进行了有益探索和尝试,但是由于海岸带具有自然地理的特殊性,所以在指标选择上有较大不同。以宁波海岸带为例,讨论海岸线及海岸带的空间区划指标体系选择和方法应用问题。在借鉴已有区划方法的基础上,重点讨论评价单元划分、评价指标选择与处理等技术方法,在评价海岸线开发适宜基础上,做进一步的海岸带空间功能分区,将宁波市海岸带空间划分为生态空间、生产空间和生活空间,并结合宁波市空间开发现状,提出不同类型区域空间布局调整引导方向和管制要求。  相似文献   

Reduced-complexity models have considerable potential as tools for elucidating river behaviour over periods of 100–104 years and, consequently, for addressing fundamental questions concerning the scale-dependent nature of explanation in geomorphology. This paper proposes a simple subdivision of reduced-complexity models of river behaviour into two categories that mirror methodological developments in fluvial geomorphology over the past 50 years. First, high-resolution cellular approaches that are implemented within a framework that resolves process-form feedbacks at small time and space scales. Second, models that incorporate section-averaged representations of channel geometry and processes, and that are typically underpinned by regime theory and equilibrium concepts. Examples of both model types are presented here, in the form of a cellular representation of stream braiding and a combined lattice-network model of alluvial fan evolution. Simulations conducted using these models demonstrate how small-scale process-form interactions determine the emergence of larger-scale channel and fan morphology and, in so doing, regulate system response to external forcing. In this sense, both models demonstrate that internal feedbacks play a critical role in controlling river responses to environmental change over historic and Holocene timescales. However, both classes of model are characterised by uncertainty in their parameterisation of geomorphic processes, such that internal feedbacks and thresholds for channel response to external forcing may vary substantially between competing models. Methods of refining both approaches are considered, and hybrid models based on lattice-network structures and mechanistic representations of channel process-form interactions are identified as a means of addressing the shortcomings of existing strategies.  相似文献   

Marine flooding, particularly that associated with North Sea storm surges, has posed a recurrent threat to human use of the Thames Estuary and its shorelines. During the later Middle Ages a growing frequency of surges placed increasing burdens upon the resources of coastal communities. This is reflected in expenditure upon sea-walls and related defences and in the frequent issuing of commissions of sewers, the mechanism by which the Crown intervened in matters of flood prevention and drainage. In the era of labour shortages initiated by the Black Death of 1349, the defence of some reclaimed marshlands around the Estuary and tidal river was abandoned in a precursor of managed retreat or realignment.  相似文献   

大数据时代的空间交互分析方法和应用再论   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
空间交互是理解地表人文过程的重要基础,与空间依赖一起共同体现了地理空间的独特性、关联性以及对嵌入该空间的地理分布格局的影响,具有鲜明的时空属性,因此对于地理学研究具有重要意义。大数据为空间交互研究带来了新的机遇,能够使我们在不同时空尺度感知和观察空间交互模式并对其动态演化特征进行模拟和预测,从而为揭示人类活动规律及区域空间结构提供有力支持。本文在探讨空间交互与地理空间模式关系的基础上,描述了利用地理大数据感知空间交互的方式和定量模型,介绍了空间交互分析方法的研究进展及其在空间规划与交通、公共卫生、旅游等领域的应用情况,并就一些基本问题进行了讨论,以期为大数据支持下空间交互相关研究提供指导。  相似文献   

在西北荒漠-绿洲生态系统中,山区水循环对下游水资源管理具有重要作用。为了准确地理解高寒山区水文过程,以降水、温度和潜在蒸散发的遥感数据为模型输入,建立叶尔羌河流域的MIKE SHE模型。根据模型输出,从径流、积雪和蒸散发三方面探讨了流域的水文过程。结果表明:经校正后的遥感产品在叶尔羌河流域的水文模拟中取得了良好的应用效果,出山口卡群站日径流的效率系数达0.71,相关系数达0.85。河道的年平均径流深为146.66 mm,其中稳定的基流补给占21.3%。流域的年平均降雪231 mm,占总降水的74%左右;73.9%的融雪发生在7-9月,积雪主要分布于5000 m以上区域。蒸散发以7-9月中低山区植被覆盖良好的针叶林和草地为主。选用合适的方法对遥感数据进行验证和率定,有助于提高对资料缺失的高寒山区流域水文过程的认识。对不同水文要素进行分析验证,可更准确地理解水资源的转化、储存方式及其时空分布,以便为下游水资源管理提供依据。  相似文献   

The issue of whether heavy metal concentration profiles in lake sediments are vulnerable to redox mediated post-burial alteration stubbornly refuses to go away. Such behaviour is well-known in iron and manganese, due to great contrasts in the solubility of the reduced and oxidized chemical forms. A numbers of trace elements that also exhibit more than one oxidation state in lake sediments have also been shown to undergo diffusive migration in response to redox gradients (e.g., As, Co, Cr, V). What remains unclear is whether elements like Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, that have only one stable oxidation state in sediments, are also subject to alteration. This paper reviews existing evidence and presents a model, based on current knowledge, to constrain the likely effects. It is concluded that some migration is likely, but that this is only significant at extremely low sediment mass accumulation rates. The formulation of the model highlights the need for further information about the physical form of iron and manganese oxyhydroxides in lake sediments.  相似文献   

近年来,全球再分析气象数据已经越来越多地被运用到世界各地的水文建模中,但是其模拟的效果有很大差异。为探讨CFSR再分析数据在流域水文模拟中的适用性问题,本文以灞河流域为研究区,使用两种气象数据(传统气象数据和CFSR气象数据)构建SWAT水文模型,并从年和月尺度分别进行灞河流域2001-2012年的径流模拟,利用回归分析、纳什效率系数NSE和百分比偏差PBIAS等评价方法对两种数据的模拟效果进行对比。最后,提出了CFSR气象数据订正的方法。结果表明:① CFSR气象数据在灞河流域水文模拟中有一定的适用性,模拟结果的拟合优度R2>0.50,NSE>0.33,|PBIAS|<14.8,纳什效率系数NSE偏低。尽管CFSR气象数据质量存在一定问题,但是经过降雨数据订正后能够取得比较满意的模拟效果。② CFSR气象数据模拟流量比实测流量偏高,这主要是由于CFSR逐日降水数据估算的降雨天数较多、雨强较大,一般会导致该数据在水量平衡方面能够模拟出较高的基流和洪峰流量(个别年份除外)。③ 灞河流域CFSR降水数据(x)与实测降水数据(y)之间的关系大致可用幂指数方程表达:y = 1.4789x0.8875R2 = 0.98,P<0.001),每个CFSR站点的拟合方程略微不同,此方程为CFSR降水数据的订正提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

新型城镇化背景下,城市宜居性成为当前学术界研究的热点之一。本文基于资源、环境、经济、社会、生活、安全6个方面构建了宜居城市评价指标体系,运用熵值法、ArcGIS空间分析法和面板数据模型分析法,对2007-2014年东北地区37个城市的宜居性及影响因素进行探究。结果表明:①城市宜居水平整体偏低,提高速度较慢,但城市间的差异在缩小。②城市宜居水平在空间上形成以沈阳、大连为核心的“双核”分布模式,以及以长春、哈尔滨和大庆为核心“扇叶”分布格局。③各城市间宜居水平存在较弱的空间相关性,但这种相关性逐年增强。④各单项指标的地域分异与综合水平的地域分异存在差异,不同城市在不同指标下有其优势与不足。⑤在研究社会经济的影响时,通过建立面板数据模型,发现居民储蓄存款余额、市政设施建设投资、人均住宅房地产开发投资、社区服务设施、人口密度与城市宜居性呈正相关,而SO2排放量则呈负相关。  相似文献   

While the business intelligence sector, involving data warehouses and online analytical processing (OLAP) technologies, is experiencing strong growth in the IT marketplace, relatively little attention has been devoted to the problem of utilizing such tools in conjunction with GIS. This study contributes to the development of this research area by examining the issues involved in the design and implementation of an integrated data warehouse and GIS system that delivers analytical OLAP and mapping results in real‐time across the Web. The case study chosen utilizes individual records from the US 1880 population census, which have recently been made available by the North Atlantic Population Project. Although historical datasets of this kind present a number of challenges for data warehousing, the results indicate that the integrated approach adopted offers a much more flexible and powerful analytical methodology for this kind of large social science dataset than has hitherto been available.  相似文献   

Decentralization of governance and natural resource management is an ongoing process in many parts of Africa and Asia. Natural resource management requires spatial land resource data for planning. However, currently the financial and human capacity for natural resource mapping, monitoring and modelling remains low in local governments. In this context, this paper explores how new opportunities provided by the increasing availability of free satellite imagery, digital elevation data and open source spatial analysis software, can be applied by local government and NGOs to conduct sophisticated natural resource mapping and modelling in ways that meet their needs and incorporates local knowledge. Reported are cases of a local government using free geospatial data and GIS software to improve evidence‐based natural resource management in the developing world with a focus on raster data applications for satellite image analysis and terrain modelling. It is argued that, through removing barriers to uptake, such applications provide a means of decentralizing landscape analysis skills to improve local natural resource management. This hypothesis is supported through examples of a local government applying these tools in eastern Indonesia, and within this context barriers to wider adoption are explored.  相似文献   


We argue that the use of American Community Survey (ACS) data in spatial autocorrelation statistics without considering error margins is critically problematic. Public health and geographical research has been slow to recognize high data uncertainty of ACS estimates, even though ACS data are widely accepted data sources in neighborhood health studies and health policies. Detecting spatial autocorrelation patterns of health indicators on ACS data can be distorted to the point that scholars may have difficulty in perceiving the true pattern. We examine the statistical properties of spatial autocorrelation statistics of areal incidence rates based on ACS data. In a case study of teen birth rates in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, in 2010, Global and Local Moran’s I statistics estimated on 5-year ACS estimates (2006–2010) are compared to ground truth rate estimates on actual counts of births certificate records and decennial-census data (2010). Detected spatial autocorrelation patterns are found to be significantly different between the two data sources so that actual spatial structures are misrepresented. We warn of the possibility of misjudgment of the reality and of policy failure and argue for new spatially explicit methods that mitigate the biasedness of statistical estimations imposed by the uncertainty of ACS data.  相似文献   

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