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A recent paper in this journal proposed a form of geographically weighted regression (GWR) that is termed parameter-specific distance metric geographically weighted regression (PSDM GWR). The central focus of the PSDM generalization of the GWR framework is that it allows the kernel function that weights nearby data to be specified with a distinct distance metric. As with the recent paper on Multiscale GWR (MGWR), the PSDM framework presents a form of GWR that also allows for parameter-specific bandwidths to be computed. As a result, a secondary focus of the PSDM GWR framework is to reduce the computational overhead associated with searching a massive parameter space to find a set of optimal parameter-specific bandwidths and parameter-specific distance metrics. In this comment, we discuss several concerns with the PSDM GWR framework in terms of model interpretability, complexity, and computational efficiency. We also recommend some best practices when using these models, suggest how to more holistically assess model variations, and set out an agenda to constructively focus future research endeavors.  相似文献   

Information on how populations are spatially concentrated by different characteristics is a key means of guiding government policies in a variety of contexts, in addition to being of substantial academic interest. In particular, to reduce inequalities between groups, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of these groups in terms of their composition and their geographical structure. This article explores the degree to which the population of Northern Ireland is spatially concentrated by a range of characteristics. There is a long history of interest in residential segregation by religion in Northern Ireland; this article assesses population concentration not only by community background (‘religion or religion brought up in’) but also by housing tenure, employment and other socioeconomic and demographic characteristics. The spatial structure of geographical variables can be captured by a range of spatial statistics including Moran's I. Such approaches utilise information on connections between observations or the distances between them. While such approaches are conceptually an improvement on standard aspatial statistics, a logical further step is to compute statistics on a local basis on the grounds that most real-world properties are not spatially homogenous and, therefore, global measures may mask much variation. In population geography, which provides the substantive focus for this article, there are still relatively few studies that assess in depth the application of geographically weighted statistics for exploring population characteristics individually and for exploring relations between variables. This article demonstrates the value of such approaches by using a variety of geographically weighted statistical measures to explore outputs from the 2001 Census of Population of Northern Ireland. A key objective is to assess the degree to which the population is spatially divided, as judged by the selected variables. In other words, do people cluster more strongly with others who share their community background or others who have a similar socioeconomic status in some respect? The analysis demonstrates how geographically weighted statistics can be used to explore the degree to which single socioeconomic and demographic variables and relations between such variables differ at different spatial scales and at different geographical locations. For example, the results show that there are regions comprising neighbouring areas with large proportions of people from the same community background, but with variable unemployment levels, while in other areas the first case holds true but unemployment levels are consistently low. The analysis supports the contention that geographical variations in population characteristics are the norm, and these cannot be captured without using local methods. An additional methodological contribution relates to the treatment of counts expressed as percentages.  相似文献   

Visual data mining of spatial data is a challenging task. As exploratory analysis is fundamental, it is beneficial to explore the data using different potential visualisations. In this article, we propose and analyse network graphs as a useful visualisation tool to mine spatial data. Due to their ability to represent complex systems of relationships in a visually insightful and intuitive way, network graphs offer a rich structure that has been recognised in many fields as a powerful visual representation. However, they have not been sufficiently exploited in spatial data mining, where they have principally been used on data that come with an explicit pre-specified network graph structure. This research presents a methodology with which to infer relationship network graphs for large collections of boolean spatial features. The methodology consists of four principal stages: (1) define a co-location model, (2) select the type of co-association of interest, (3) compute statistical diagnostics for these co-associations and (4) construct and visualise a network graph of the statistic from step (3). We illustrate the potential usefulness of the methodology using an example taken from an ecological setting. Specifically, we use network graphs to understand and analyse the potential interactions between potential vector and reservoir species that enable the propagation of leishmaniasis, a disease transmitted by the bite of sandflies.  相似文献   



We examined whether and to what extent the relationship between township disadvantages and obesity varied across geographical areas.


A cross-sectional analysis of a population-based sample of Taiwanese adults (N = 25,985) from the 2005 Social Development Trend Survey on Health and Safety was performed. Multilevel models integrated with geographically weighted regressions were employed to analyze the spatially varying association between area disadvantages and obesity. The dependent variable was body mass index calculated from respondents’ self-reported weight and height. The key explanatory variable was a township disadvantage index made of poverty level, minority composition, and social disorder. Other individual socio-demographic characteristics were included to account for the compositional effect.


The association between township disadvantages and elevated obesity risk in Taiwan was found to be area-specific. In contrast to results from the commonly used global regression, geographically weighted regression model showed that township disadvantages elevated obesity level only in certain areas.


We found heterogeneity of place-level determinants of obesity across geographical areas. Adoption of population approach to curb obesity would require area-specific strategies for most needed areas.  相似文献   

武鹏  李同昇  李卫民 《地理研究》2018,37(3):593-606
以国家扶贫开发重点县山阳县为研究区,通过空间自相关分析和分组分析方法探究山阳县农村贫困化的空间格局和类型;利用逐步回归、地理加权回归和地理探测器模型对山阳县农村贫困化影响因素进行分析,讨论影响因素效应水平的空间异质性及其交互作用。研究表明:① 山阳县农村贫困发生率具有较强的空间集聚性,形成6个热点集聚区和4个冷点集聚区;综合考虑农村贫困程度和空间连接性,将山阳县划分为低度贫困区、中度贫困区和高度贫困区。② 水网密度、到最近公路的距离、危房比例、农民人均可支配收入、外出务工人数比例、农户入社比例6个因素是山阳县农村贫困化的主要影响因素,各因素的影响效应具有空间异质性。③ 两因素交互作用要比单因素作用于贫困发生率时影响力更显著,各主要影响因素的交互作用类型有双因子增强型和非线性增强型两种。  相似文献   

韩广  张桂芳  杨文斌 《地理学报》2004,14(2):177-186
以呼伦贝尔沙地砂物质的粒度分析资料为基础,利用两组间的逐步判别分析(SDA) 来筛选决定不同沉积物间差异的主导因子,根据主导因子的个数、Mahalanobis距离D2、通过统计学检验的信度琢等3个因素,来定量地确定两个总体间的相似性大小。分析结果表明:呼伦贝尔沙地的风成沙丘砂主要来源于海拉尔组砂(Q3),但河流冲积砂和古土壤也有不可忽视的作用;在嵯岗镇附近及其以西的海拉尔河下游宽阔河谷中,自然条件下河流冲积砂也可以成为风成沙丘砂的主要沙源。  相似文献   

The extent of glacier terminus displacement is instrumental in investigations of natural or artificial geographic changes. Its importance to earth science and engineering is reflected in the considerable efforts that have been devoted to the development of several boundary displacement analysis methods. Among the methods, the buffering-based approach compares favorably with other approaches in objectivity and robustness. However, it does not consider the relative positions of boundaries, because its buffering operation cannot determine features' relative directions. This limitation incurs inaccurate calculation results – underestimation of mean shifts and overestimation of shape variations, especially when the two compared boundaries intersect. Discrete displacement analysis (DDA), an alternative method that considers given geographic objects as a set of a finite number of points, is proposed here. In a series of tests carried out, including Jakobshavn glacier's calving front, DDA was found to correctly calculate mean shift and shape variation even in cases where the conventional buffering-based method failed. Moreover, this approach is independent of the dimension of space in which it is implemented, and thus is expected to be utilized for analysis of 3D geographic object displacement.  相似文献   

This article uses rough set theory to explore spatial decision rules in neural-tube birth defects and searches for novel spatial factors related to the disease. The whole rule induction process includes data transformation, searching for attribute reducts, rule generation, prediction or classification, and accuracy assessment. We use Heshun as an example, where neural-tube birth defects are prevalent, to validate the approach. About 50% of the villages in Heshun are used as the sample data, from which all of the rules are extracted. Meanwhile, the other villages are used as reference data. The rules extracted from the training data are then applied to the reference data. The result shows that the rules' generalization is reasonably good. Moreover, a novel relationship between the spatial attributes and the neural-tube birth defects was discovered. That is, the villages that lie in Watershed 9 of this district and that are also associated with a gradient of between 16° and 25° are vulnerable to neural-tube birth defects. This result paves the road for predicting where high rates of neural-tube birth defects will occur and can be used as a preliminary step in finding a direct cause for the disease.  相似文献   

Vulnerability refers to the degree of an individual subject to the damage arising from a catastrophic disaster. It is affected by multiple indicators that include hazard intensity, environment, and individual characteristics. The traditional area aggregate approach does not differentiate the individuals exposed to the disaster. In this article, we propose a new solution of modeling vulnerability. Our strategy is to use spatial analysis and Bayesian network (BN) to model vulnerability and make insurance pricing in a spatially explicit manner. Spatial analysis is employed to preprocess the data, for example kernel density analysis (KDA) is employed to quantify the influence of geo-features on catastrophic risk and relate such influence to spatial distance. BN provides a consistent platform to integrate a variety of indicators including those extracted by spatial analysis techniques to model uncertainty of vulnerability. Our approach can differentiate attributes of different individuals at a finer scale, integrate quantitative indicators from multiple-sources, and evaluate the vulnerability even with missing data. In the pilot study case of seismic risk, our approach obtains a spatially located result of vulnerability and makes an insurance price at a finer scale for the insured buildings. The result obtained with our method is informative for decision-makers to make a spatially located planning of buildings and allocation of resources before, during, and after the disasters.  相似文献   

Nowadays, spatial simulation on land use patterns is one of the key contents of LUCC. Modeling is an important tool for simulating land use patterns due to its ability to integrate measurements of changes in land cover and the associated drivers. The conventional regression model can only analyze the correlation between land use types and driving factors, but cannot depict the spatial autocorrelation characteristics. Land uses in Yongding County, which is located in the typical karst mountain areas in northwestern Hunan province, were investigated by means of modeling the spatial autocorrelation of land use types with the purpose of deriving better spatial land use patterns on the basis of terrain characteristics and infrastructural conditions. Through incorporating components describing the spatial autocorrelation into a conventional logistic model, we constructed a regression model (Autologistic model), and used this model to simulate and analyze the spatial land use patterns in Yongding County. According to the comparison with the conventional logistic model without considering the spatial autocorrelation, this model showed better goodness and higher accuracy of fitting. The distribution of arable land, wood land, built-up land and unused land yielded areas under the ROC curves (AUC) was improved to 0.893, 0.940, 0.907 and 0.863 respectively with the autologistic model. It is argued that the improved model based on autologistic method was reasonable to a certain extent. Meanwhile, these analysis results could provide valuable information for modeling future land use change scenarios with actual conditions of local and regional land use, and the probability maps of land use types obtained from this study could also support government decision-making on land use management for Yongding County and other similar areas.  相似文献   

The segregation of cities can be traced to a time when the compartmentalization of space and people was based on factors other than race. In segregation research, one of the limiting factors has always been the geographic scale of the data, and the limited knowledge that exists of segregation patterns when the household is the unit of analysis. Historical census data provides the opportunity to analyze the disaggregated information, and this paper does so with San Antonio during 1910. A spatial analysis of residential segregation based on race, ethnicity, and occupations is carried out with the colocation quotient to map and measure the attraction of residents. Results reveal the presence of residential segregation patterns on different sectors of the city based on households’ ethno-racial and occupational attributes; therefore, providing evidence of the existence of residential segregation prior to the commonly cited determinants of segregation of the 20th century.  相似文献   

巢湖西湖岸新石器-商周遗址空间分布规律及其成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将地理信息系统空间分析方法引入巢湖西湖岸新石器-商周遗址考古工作,通过点密度分析、空间距离分析、三维分析、缓冲区分析等方法研究遗址空间分布规律及其影响因素。研究表明自新石器至商周时期研究区内遗址时空分布呈现:随时间推移由湖岸边逐渐向西北部扩展,后迁移至南部,再均匀扩散的遗址迁移轨迹;先民多选择靠近水源、地势平坦、土壤肥沃的自然岗地、河谷阶地、山麓面居住,导致古遗址空间上大致呈线状、团聚状、分散状等分布特征,具有明显的河谷谷地指向性、阶地岗地指向性、土壤指向性等规律。提出遗址分布在早期可能主要受到气候水文、地貌、植被土壤等自然因素影响,后期生产力发展水平、经济生活方式等人文因素影响加重。本研究为GIS支持下区域考古研究提供了合适的研究实例,同时GIS方法得到一些推论假设仍需要田野考古调查与发掘等进一步佐证。  相似文献   

Improving household accessibility to basic community services can help reduce poverty in upland areas. In this study, spatial analysis with GIS was used to measure the accessibility of different household income groups to community services in the landlocked upland municipality Claveria in Northern Mindanao, the Philippines. Important community services were identified through villagers' participation in a matrix‐scoring activity. Travel information was derived from key informant interviews while the geographical coordinates of sample households and important services were collected using GPS receivers. The Flowmap GIS software (version 7.2) was used to compute accessibility to services along the road network by habal‐habal (two‐wheel motorcycle). Outcomes from the participatory data gathering activities revealed that agricultural, educational and health facilities, as well as government services are important to the community to achieve sustainable livelihoods. Because local people perceive accessibility in terms of monetary costs, rather than distance, road distance measurements were converted into fare costs. Results of the accessibility analysis show that higher‐income household groups generally incur lower mean one‐way travel costs to reach important community services than poorer households. However, almost all households spend more than the daily per capita poverty threshold for the province to reach basic community services. A scenario to improve accessibility to services in the study area was investigated to emphasize the potential of GIS‐based accessibility analysis in rural service planning.  相似文献   

Finding potential sites for resilient prawn production in the tropical environment that also prevents wastage of natural resources is not an easy task. The purpose of this study is to evaluate water quality suitability for prawn farming in Negeri Sembilan of Peninsular Malaysia based on Geographic Information System (GIS). To achieve this goal, numerous criteria including sources of water, water temperature, water pH, sources of pollution, salinity, soil texture and availability of phytoplankton criteria were considered for the modelling process. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique was performed to standardize the criteria and the weighting process. The weighted overlay of indicators and results were accomplished by applying the Multi‐Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) method in GIS. It was indicated that the Negeri Sembilan area has potential for prawn farming. The results showed that about 25 per cent (163 056.93 ha) of the area was most suitable for prawn farming, about 58 per cent (384 656.88 ha) was considered moderately suitable, while 18 per cent (117 633.49 ha) was regarded as least suitable. The study concluded that the multi‐criteria decision analysis of water quality for prawn farming is vital for regional economic planning in the Negeri Sembilan area and also significant when establishing a model for aquaculture development.  相似文献   

How snow cover changes in response to climate change at different elevations within a mountainous basin is a less investigated question. In this study we focused on the vertical distribution of snow cover and its relation to elevation and temperature within different elevation zones of distinct climatology, taking the mountainous Manasi River Basin of Xinjiang, Northwest China as a case study. Data sources include MODIS 8-day snow product, MODIS land surface temperature (LST) data from 2001 to 2014, and in situ temperature data observed at three hydrological stations from 2001 to 2012. The results show that: (1) the vertical distribution of snow areal extent (SAE) is sensitive to elevation in low (<2100 m) and high altitude (>3200 m) regions and shows four different seasonal patterns, each pattern is well correspondent to the variation of temperature. (2) The correlation between vertical changes of the SAE and temperature is significant in all seasons except for winter. (3) The correlation between annual changes of the SAE and temperature decreases with increasing elevation, the negative correlation is significant in area below 4000 m. (4) The snow cover days (SCDs) and its long-term change show visible differences in different altitude range. (5) The long-term increasing trend of SCDs and decreasing trend of winter temperature have a strong vertical relation with elevation below 3600 m. The decreasing trend of SCDs is attributed to the increasing trend of summer temperature in the area above 3600 m.  相似文献   

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