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When different spatial databases are combined, an important issue is the identification of inconsistencies between data. Quite often, representations of the same geographical entities in databases are different and reflect different points of view. In order to fully take advantage of these differences when object instances are associated, a key issue is to determine whether the differences are normal, i.e. explained by the database specifications, or if they are due to erroneous or outdated data in one database. In this paper, we propose a knowledge‐based approach to partially automate the consistency assessment between multiple representations of data. The inconsistency detection is viewed as a knowledge‐acquisition problem, the source of knowledge being the data. The consistency assessment is carried out by applying a proposed method called MECO. This method is itself parameterized by some domain knowledge obtained from a second method called MACO. MACO supports two approaches (direct or indirect) to perform the knowledge acquisition using data‐mining techniques. In particular, a supervised learning approach is defined to automate the knowledge acquisition so as to drastically reduce the human‐domain expert's work. Thanks to this approach, the knowledge‐acquisition process is sped up and less expert‐dependent. Training examples are obtained automatically upon completion of the spatial data matching. Knowledge extraction from data following this bottom‐up approach is particularly useful, since the database specifications are generally complex, difficult to analyse, and manually encoded. Such a data‐driven process also sheds some light on the gap between textual specifications and those actually used to produce the data. The methodology is illustrated and experimentally validated by comparing geometrical representations and attribute values of different vector spatial databases. The advantages and limits of such partially automatic approaches are discussed, and some future works are suggested.  相似文献   

The degree of uncertainty of many geographical objects has long been known to be in intimate relation with the scale of its observation and representation. Yet, the explicit consideration of scaling operations when modeling uncertainty is rarely found. In this study, a neural network‐based data model was investigated for representing geographical objects with scale‐induced indeterminate boundaries. Two types of neural units, combined with two types of activation function, comprise the processing core of the model, where the activation function can model either hard or soft transition zones. The construction of complex fuzzy regions, as well as lines and points, is discussed and illustrated with examples. It is shown how the level of detail that is apparent in the boundary at a given scale can be controlled through the degree of smoothness of each activation function. Several issues about the practical implementation of the model are discussed and indications on how to perform complex overlay operations of fuzzy maps provided. The model was illustrated through an example of representing multi‐resolution, sub‐pixel maps that are typically derived from remote sensing techniques.  相似文献   

Despite a long history of synergy, current techniques for integrating Geographic Information System (GIS) software with hydrologic simulation models do not fully utilize the potential of GIS for modeling hydrologic systems. Part of the reason for this is a lack of GIS data models appropriate for representing fluid flow in space and time. Here we address this challenge by proposing a spatiotemporal data model designed specifically for large‐scale river basin systems. The data model builds from core concepts in geographic information science and extends these concepts to accommodate mathematical representations of fluid flow at a regional scale. Space–time is abstracted into three basic objects relevant to hydrologic systems: a control volume, a flux and a flux coupler. A control volume is capable of storing mass, energy or momentum through time, a flux represents the movement of these quantities within space–time and a flux coupler insures conservation of the quantities within an overall system. To demonstrate the data model, a simple case study is presented to show how the data model could be applied to digitally represent a river basin system.  相似文献   

The monitoring of the environment's status at continental scale involves the integration of information derived by the analysis of multiple, complex, multidisciplinary, and large‐scale phenomena. Thus, there is a need to define synthetic Environmental Indicators (EIs) that concisely represent these phenomena in a manner suitable for decision‐making. This research proposes a flexible system to define EIs based on a soft fusion of contributing environmental factors derived from multi‐source spatial data (mainly Earth Observation data). The flexibility is twofold: the EI can be customized based on the available data, and the system is able to cope with a lack of expert knowledge. The proposal allows a soft quantifier‐guided fusion strategy to be defined, as specified by the user through a linguistic quantifier such as ‘most of’. The linguistic quantifiers are implemented as Ordered Weighted Averaging operators. The proposed approach is applied in a case study to demonstrate the periodical computation of anomaly indicators of the environmental status of Africa, based on a 7‐year time series of dekadal Earth Observation datasets. Different experiments have been carried out on the same data to demonstrate the flexibility and robustness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new compact topological 3D data structure. The proposed method models the real world as a complete decomposition of space and this subdivision is represented by a constrained tetrahedral network (TEN). Operators and definitions from the mathematical field of simplicial homology are used to define and handle this TEN structure. Only tetrahedrons need to be stored explicitly in a (single column) database table, while all simplexes of lower dimensions, constraints and topological relationships can be derived in views. As a result the data structure is relatively compact and easy to update, while it still offers favourable characteristics from a computational point of view as well as presence of topological relationships.  相似文献   

Hypolimnetic oxygen depletion has been accelerated in many lakes due to cultural eutrophication. However, the extent and magnitude of environmental change is difficult to ascertain due to the lack of historical records. Larval Chironomidae (Diptera) are useful proxy indicators of oxygen, as they show a wide range of tolerances to oxygen conditions and their chitinous head capsules preserve well in lake sediments. Using paleolimnological techniques, chironomid assemblages from the surface sediments of 42 southeastern Ontario lakes were related to environmental conditions. Hypolimnetic oxygen conditions, measured as the average endofsummer hypolimnetic dissolved oxygen (AvgDO(Summ)), explained the most variation in the chironomid assemblages, whereas dissolved inorganic carbon, the Anoxic Factor, max. depth and total phosphorus concentrations were also correlated with assemblage composition. Based on the relative abundances of 45 chironomid taxa, a robust, partial least squares (PLS) regression transfer function for AvgDO(Summ) was constructed (r2 = 0.74, r2 (jack) = 0.58, n = 40). This new transfer function should allow paleolimnologists to directly track past trends in hypolimnetic oxygen levels.  相似文献   


Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) is an important approach to analyse spatial distribution of point features and linear features over 2-D planar space. Some network-based KDE methods have been developed in recent years, which focus on estimating density distribution of point events over 1-D network space. However, the existing KDE methods are not appropriate for analysing the distribution characteristics of certain kind of features or events, such as traffic jams, queue at intersections and taxi carrying passenger events. These events occur and distribute in 1-D road network space, and present a continuous linear distribution along network. This paper presents a novel Network Kernel Density Estimation method for Linear features (NKDE-L) to analyse the space–time distribution characteristics of linear features over 1-D network space. We first analyse the density distribution of each linear feature along networks, then estimate the density distribution for the whole network space in terms of the network distance and network topology. In the case study, we apply the NKDE-L to analyse the space–time dynamics of taxis’ pick-up events, with real road network and taxi trace data in Wuhan. Taxis’ pick-up events are defined and extracted as linear events (LE) in this paper. We first conduct a space–time statistics of pick-up LE in different temporal granularities. Then we analyse the space–time density distribution of the pick-up events in the road network using the NKDE-L, and uncover some dynamic patterns of people’s activities and traffic condition. In addition, we compare the NKDE-L with quadrat method and planar KDE. The comparison results prove the advantages of the NKDE-L in analysing spatial distribution patterns of linear features in network space.  相似文献   

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