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Since 1985, samples with a total weight of more than 14,000 kg, mainly from three key sections in western and northwestern Hunan, South China, have been processed for conodonts. In strata older than the late Late Cambrian paraconodonts have proved useful for stratigraphic subdivision and correlation. Thirteen conodont zones are proposed in the Middle Cambrian through lowermost Ordovician. The correlation between these zones and those of North China, western U. S.A., western Newfoundland, Canada, and Iran is discussed. In ascending order, these 13 zones are as follows: The Gapparodus bisulcatus-Westergaardodina brevidens Zone, Shandongodus priscus-Hunanognathus tricuspidatus Zone, Westergaardodina quadrata Zone, Westergaardodina matsushitai-W. grandidens Zone, Westergaardodina lui-W. am Zone, Westergaardodina cf. calix-Prooneotodus rotundatus Zone, Proconodontus tenuiserratus Zone, Proconodontus Zone, Eoconodontus Zone, Cordylodus proavus Zone, Cordylodus intermedius Zone, Cordylodus lindstromi Zone, and  相似文献   

With abundant deep-water upper Permian sediments,Guizhou is an ideal place for the re-search of radiolarian biostratigraphy of Upper Permian.The sections of Sidazhai and Lekang in southern Guizhou Province are studied.Lithology and biostratigraphy of the siliceous rock sequence of uppermost Permian in the two sections are introduced.Radiolarian assemblage zones,Neoalbaillella optima assem-blage zone and Klaengspongus spinosus assemblage zone in ascending order are established for the top-most Permian of southern Guizhou.The Klaengspongus spinosus zone has been the topmost radiolarian assemblage zone of Permian,which is also correlated with former ones in a considerable depth.  相似文献   

Permian radiolarian biostratigraphy was reexamined in the bedded chert section in Qinzhou area of southeast Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, South China. On the basis of the analyses of characteristic radiolarian composition, six radiolarian zones are recognized, namely, Pseudoalbaillella longtanensis Zone, Pseudoalbaillella globosa Zone, Follicucullus monacanthus Zone, Follicucullus scholasticus Zone, Follicucullus charveti Zone and Neoalbaillella ornithoformis Zone, in ascending order. Correlation of these radiolarian zones with those in Japan is presented. The Neoalbaillella ornithoformis Zone was firstly discovered in Dachongling Section, which may indicate that pelagic chert of the late Permian existed there, according to the co-occurring conodonts.  相似文献   

The demarcation of the Lower–Middle Triassic boundary is a disputed problem in global stratigraphic research. Lower–Middle Triassic strata of different types, from platform to basin facies, are well developed in Southwest China. This is favorable for the study of the Olenekian–Anisian boundary and establishing a stratotype for the Qingyan Stage. Based on research at the Ganheqiao section in Wangmo county and the Qingyan section in Guiyang city, Guizhou province, six conodont zones have been recognized, which can be correlated with those in other regions, in ascending order as follows: 1, Neospathodus cristagalli Interval-Zone; 2, Neospathodus pakistanensis Interval-Zone; 3, Neospathodus waageni Interval-Zone; 4, Neospathodus homeri-N. triangularis Assemblage-Zone; 5, Chiosella timorensis Interval-Zone; and 6, Neogongdolella regalis Range-Zone. An evolutionary series of the Early–Middle Triassic conodont genera Neospathodus-Chiosella-Neogongdolella discovered in the Ganheqiao and Qingyan sections has an intermediate type named Neospathodus qingyanensis that appears between Neospathodus homeri and Chiosella timorensis in the upper part of the Neospathodus homeri-N. triangularis Zone, showing an excellent evolutionary relationship of conodonts near the Lower–Middle Triassic boundary. The Lower–Middle Triassic boundary is located at 1.5 m below the top of the Ziyun Formation, where Chiosella timorensis Zone first appears in the Qingyan section, whereas this boundary is located 0.5 m below the top of the Ziyun Formation, where Chiosella timorensis Zone first appears in the Ganheqiao section. There exists one nearly 6-m thick vitric tuff bed at the bottom of the Xinyuan Formation in the Ganheqiao section, which is usually regarded as a lithologic symbol of the Lower–Middle Triassic boundary in South China. Based on the analysis of high-precision and high-sensitivity Secondary Ion Mass Spectrum data, the zircon age of this tuff has a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 239.0±2.9Ma (2s), which is a directly measured zircon U-Pb age of the Lower–Middle Triassic boundary. The Ganheqiao section in Wangmo county can therefore provide an excellent section through the Lower–Middle Triassic because it is continuous, the evolution of the conodonts is distinctive and the regionally stable distributed vitric tuff near the Lower–Middle Triassic boundary can be regarded as a regional key isochronal layer. This section can be regarded not only as a standard section for the establishment of the Qingyan Stage in China, but also as a reference section for the GSSP of the Lower–Middle Triassic boundary.  相似文献   

为进一步精确限定黔西南中三叠统坡段组的地质时代,论文选择贵州册亨中三叠统坡段组典型剖面开展了石珊瑚及牙形石生物地层研究,在中三叠统坡段组(中上部)识别出石珊瑚3属3种,它们包括Pentasmilia zaitingnaensis,Pinacophyllum spizzensis,Gillastraea delicate;识别出牙形石Neogondolella constricta带。该带除含有带分子外,还含有Neogondolella bulgarica,Neogondoela navicula,Neogondolella acuta,Neogondolella alpina alpina,Cratognathodus kochi,Ozarkodina tortilis,Prioniodinasp.,Lonchodinasp.等重要牙形石。通过对牙形石特征的分析和国内外同名带的对比,认为坡段组Neogondolella constricta带大体可与贵州省盘县地区羊圈-楚皮凹剖面中三叠统关岭组上段、贵州罗甸关刀(2)剖面关刀岩楔、和云南开远马者哨法郎组的同名化石带对比,进而确定贵州册亨地区坡段组含牙形石Neogondolella constricta带的地层时代为安尼期的Illyrian亚期。  相似文献   

The demarcation of the Lower-Middle Triassic boundary is a disputed problem in global stratigraphic research.Lower-Middle Triassic strata of different types,from platform to basin facies, are well developed in Southwest China.This is favorable for the study of the Olenekian-Anisian boundary and establishing a stratotype for the Qingyan Stage.Based on research at the Ganheqiao section in Wangmo county and the Qingyan section in Guiyang city,Guizhou province,six conodont zones have been recognized,which ca...  相似文献   

广西六景泥盆纪吉维阶-弗拉斯阶界线层牙形石生物地层   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
广西六景泥盆系剖面是我国泥盆系标准剖面之一 ,通过对其吉维阶 -弗拉斯阶界线上下地层进行详细的牙形石生物地层研究 ,自上而下识别出 12个牙形石带 :Palmatolepis jamieae带、Palmatolepis hassi带、Palmatolepispunctata带、Palmatolepistransitans带、上 Mesotaxisfalsiovalis带、下 Mesotaxisfalsiovalis带、Klapperina dispar-ilis带、上 Schmidtognathus hermanni- Polygnathus cristatus带、下 Schmidtognathus hermanni- Polygnathus cristatus带、上 Polygnathus varcus带、中 Polygnathus varcus带、下 Polygnathus varcus带。吉维阶 -弗拉斯阶界线 (即中 -上泥盆统界线 )由 Ancyrodella binodosa→ Ancyrodella rotundiloba early form→ Ancyrodella rotundiloba late form这一演化线系中的 Ancyrodella rotundiloba early form的首次出现确定 ,处于下 Mesotaxis falsiovalis带下部 ,在谷闭组底界之上 1.80 m处。  相似文献   

Leping coal (including barkinite-rich coal) is a unique kind of coal,which is widely distrbuted in the Late Permian Longan Formation,South China,In this paper,ROck-Eval,Py-GC and simulation experiment via an open-system were used to study the hydrocarbon-generating potential,hydrocarbon composition.and hydrocarbon-generating model of barkiniterich coals from the shuicheng coal field of Guizhou Province,Southwest China.The results show that barkinite-rich coals have high hydrocarbon-generating potential,with S1 S2 being 211-311mg/g,and can produce large amounts of hydrocorbon at the high-maturity stage,mostly within the temperature range of 420-450℃(corresponding to VR0 1.1-1.5%);barkinite-rich coal is one of the better oil sources and light hydrocarbon and wet gas are the major hydrocarbon components,which account for 45% and 33% of the total hydrocarbons.respectively.These characteristics are of importance for exploring oil and gas resources in the Late permian Longtan Formation coals,southwest China.  相似文献   

The concentration of trace elements and their distribution in the late Permian coal in the Heshan coal field, Guangxi Autonomous Region, were analysed in this paper. The late Permian coal of the Heshan mining district was developed in a low energy and shallow, confined carbonate platform. Heshan coal is a low volatile bituminous coal characterized by a high sulphur content, ranging between 2.0% and 8.2%. Compared with the worldwide average content of the trace elements in coal, the content of some trace element in the study coal is markedly high (Bi, Ce, Cr, Cs, Cu, Ga, Hf, Sr, Ta, Th, U, V, W, Y, Zr, La, Mo, Nb and Sc).The trace element associations were investigated by means of intracorrelation analysis. Some elements, such as Cl, F and Sr are found in coal in association with the carbonate minerals. V, Cr, Zn, Mo, Ni and As contents in coal vary significantly amongst the coal samples. They are mainly concentrated in the lower part of the coal #4 upper of Suhe and Lilan mines and the coal #4 lower of Dong mine, and these possibly occurring in minerals such as arsenide and sulphide. The content of U in Heshan coal is high and is mainly concentrated at the upper and the lower parts of the coal seam and it is associated with mineral assemblages with Ba, Mo, V, Ni, Zn, Rb and Cr. Furthermore, La and Ce are highly correlated with those found in phosphate minerals and Pb, Sc, Ga, Th, Y and Sn to those in aluminosilicate minerals. The enrichment of some elements such as V, Cr, Zn, Mo, Ni, Rb as well as total sulphur and iron in the lower part of most coal seams might be associated with the formation of soil horizon before the accumulation of peat in the basin. Some other elements such as Cl, F, Sr and Ca are locally concentrated in the top of specific coal seams as a result of the leaching from overlying carbonates.  相似文献   

Devonian faunas including conodonts, radiolari-ans, tentaculitids and other important fossils have re-cently been found at several localities in the Indochina Terrane. These faunas are biostratigraphically and tectonically important.  相似文献   

On the basis of establishment of radiolarian biostratigraphy and conodont biostratigraphy,a radiolarian Albaillella fauna in the transitional environment from Guadalupian to Lopingian Series in Permian was found at a pelagic chert section in southeast Guangxi, South China. Radiolarian Albaillella is one of the most sensitive biology to the transitional environment. The Albaillella fauna shows an ecological evolutionary process from Guadalupian to Lopingian: declined stage-recovery stage-flourishing stage. The study of characteristics of the Albaillella fauna in the transitional environment may provide more information, not only for the subdivision and correlation of a high-resolution biostratigraphy, but also for influence of radiolarian Albaillella fauna on the pre-Lopingian mass extinction.  相似文献   

On the basis of existing conodont data, the authors have studied the Late Permian-Early Triassic conodonts of different forms and biofacies in detail. Five conodont biofacies are recognized, from shallow to deep waters 1. Hindeodus conodont biofacies, 2. Pachycladina-Parachi rognathus conodont biofacies, 3. Gondolella -Hindeodus conodont biofacies, 4. Gondolella-Neospathodus conodont biofacies, and 5. Xaniognathus conodont biofacies. Considering the temporal and spatial changes of these conodont biofacies, 3 conodont bloprovinces have been divided. In light of the biofacies changes of each bioprovince, the authors also discuss, in this paper, the regularity of transgression-regression cycles of eastern Tethys and their possible relation to the mass biotic alternation.  相似文献   

晚二叠世是地质历史中重要的成煤时期,在中国南方多个省区都形成了可采煤层。受海平面变化的影响,华南地区晚二叠世发育一套完整的陆相—海陆过渡相—海相含煤岩系。通过对野外露头及钻孔剖面资料分析,识别出了区域不整合面、下切谷底部冲刷面、河道间古土壤层和沉积相转换面等关键层序地层界面,以及依据海相石灰岩标志层横向分布规律反映的区域最大海泛面,同时结合前人关于华南地区地层对比及煤层对比方面的成果,将华南上二叠统划分为3个三级层序及9个体系域。利用单因素分析多因素综合作图法恢复了各层序中岩相古地理及煤层分布规律,结果表明:层序Ⅰ中煤层主要形成于潮控下三角洲平原以及潟湖潮坪环境,厚煤层的展布受这些沉积相带控制;层序Ⅱ中三角洲平原环境中煤层最厚,开阔台地煤层最薄,平面上煤层厚度表现为西部厚、中部次之、东部无煤的阶梯式递变;层序Ⅲ中煤层主要形成于三角洲平原环境,此时聚煤作用主要发生于华南西部的康滇古陆东侧,在华南中部及东部大部地区发育的浅海台地和深水盆地均不利于聚煤作用发生。  相似文献   

Abstract On the basis of existing conodont data, the authors have studied the Late Permian-Early Triassic cohodonts of different farms and biofacies in detail Five conodont biofacies are recognised, from shallow to deep water: 1. Hindeodus conodont biofacies 2. Pachycladina-Parachi rognathus conodont biofacies, 3. Gondolella-Hindeodus Conodont biofacies, 4. Gondolella - Neospathodus conodont biofacies, and 5. Xaniognathus cohodont biofacies. Considering the temporal and spatial changes of these conodont biofacies, 3 conodont bioprovinces have been divided. In light of the biofacies changes of each bioprovince, the authors also discuss, in this paper, the regularity of transgression-regression cycles of eastern Tethys and their possible relation to the mass biotic alternation.  相似文献   

川西北中二叠统栖霞组发育厚层白云岩储层,成为近年来四川盆地油气勘探开发的重点领域,但栖霞组有利相带分布和储层发育的主控因素并不明朗,制约了该地区油气勘探进展。根据野外露头、岩心、薄片、测井和地震资料,结合区域地质演化,对川西北栖霞组沉积特征、沉积格局以及古地貌进行研究发现:川西北栖霞组主要为碳酸盐岩台地沉积,自西北向东南方向依次发育盆地—斜坡相、台地边缘相和开阔台地相,并发育台缘滩或台内滩等若干亚相类型。其中栖一期沉积水体较深,为弱镶边碳酸盐岩台地形成期,台缘滩厚度薄,展布范围有限;栖二期为栖霞组主要成滩期,滩体厚度大,展布范围广,具典型镶边碳酸盐岩台地特征。栖霞组白云岩主要为台地边缘高能滩相沉积背景,栖霞组沉积期,研究区具西北高、东南低,西南高、东北低的古地貌格局,其不仅控制着台地边缘高能滩相的沉积分布,并进一步为该区白云岩储层发育奠定了基础,白云岩具有西北向东南、西南向东北逐渐减薄的特点。结合沉积演化和古地貌分析结果,认为古地貌为栖霞组白云岩发育的主要控制因素,西北及西南方向等古地貌高地为研究区栖霞组白云岩储层发育的有利沉积相带。  相似文献   

郝少波  陈龑  黄攀  陈寒超  江海水 《地球科学》2021,46(11):4057-4071
大隆组是华南地区乐平世一种重要的较深水沉积.为进一步探讨大隆组沉积的时空分布,选择对鄂东伍家冲剖面吴家坪组和大隆组重点进行了牙形石生物地层研究,此次研究共鉴定出牙形石1属5种,均为Clarkina,并由老到新识别出4个牙形石带:C.guangyuanensis带、C.transcaucasica带、C.orientalis带及C.wangi带.根据牙形石C.wangi的首现,将伍家冲剖面的吴家坪阶-长兴阶界线(Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian boundary,简称WCB)置于第18层底部.根据菊石Ophiceras的首现将伍家冲剖面的二叠系-三叠系界线(Permian-Triassic boundary,简称PTB)置于第20层顶部,仅高于WCB界线0.72 m.牙形石生物地层指示伍家冲剖面大隆组的主体为吴家坪期沉积产物.数个长兴期牙形石带的缺失和极短的长兴阶表明,该剖面长兴阶中上部可能因沉积间断存在缺失.   相似文献   

塔里木盆地西北缘乌什县东南亚科瑞克剖面奥陶系发育,并且该剖面也是塔里木盆地上奥陶统沉积最为齐全的露头剖面之一,尤其是上奥陶统的中—上部发育了许多重要的牙形石属种。本文通过对剖面上灰岩层样品的系统采集和牙形石分析鉴定,将该剖面的奥陶系分为4个牙形石组合和2个牙形石带。自下而上依次为:Serratognathus diversus - Bergstroemognathus extensus 组合 , Protopanderodus calceatus - Periodon aculeatus 组合 ,A phelognathus sp. - Tasmanognathus sp. 组合, Belodina confluens- Phragmodus undatus 组合 , Yaoxianog-nathus neimengguensis 带和 A phelognathus pyramidalis带。其中,上奥陶统上部牙形石的重要属种A. pyramida-lis、A. politus、Y. yaoxianensis 和 A. neimengguensis以及上奥陶统上部的A.pyramidalis带与Y.neimengguensis带是首次在柯坪地层分区发现。这些发现初步解决了塔里木盆地覆盖区与露头区上奥陶统不能进行精细生物地层对比的问题。  相似文献   

广西来宾铁桥剖面中上二叠统沉积微相   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邱振  王清晨 《沉积学报》2010,28(5):1020-1036
对广西来宾铁桥剖面中二叠统茅口组和上二叠统吴家坪组进行了详细的沉积相研究,共识别出4个沉积相和10个微相,分别为:盆地相(含层状硅质岩微相、含透镜状灰岩的层状硅质岩微相)、下斜坡相(含与灰岩互层的层状硅质岩微相、夹层状硅质岩的灰岩微相、浊流沉积的灰岩微相)、上斜坡相(含夹硅质条带或薄层的灰岩微相、夹硅质团块或条带灰岩微相、灰岩微相、碎屑流等重力流沉积的灰岩微相)和台地边缘相(钙质海绵礁灰岩微相)。野外观测表明,茅口组和吴家坪组各为一个向上变浅的沉积旋回,但两个旋回的演化具有明显的差异,茅口组整体上是由盆地相向斜坡相演化的过程,以发育浊流、碎屑流等重力流沉积为特征,而吴家坪组是由盆地相到斜坡相至台地边缘相,再到斜坡相的演化过程,沉积微相变化频繁。该剖面的沉积微相交替记录了海平面变化过程,表现为茅口期持续下降,吴家坪早期快速上升,中期逐步下降,晚期又升高的特征。  相似文献   

四川盆地南部中二叠统茅口组二段沉积微相研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
四川盆地南部钻揭茅口组的井数众多,但时间跨度大、资料品质差,可用的取芯资料少,难以满足沉积微相研究的需要。论文以四川盆地南部中二叠统茅口组二段为例,通过仅有的10口井的岩芯观察和薄片分析发现,茅二段A、B、C亚段均存在一套层位稳定的薄层至块状的浅灰-灰色亮晶生屑灰岩构成的生屑滩,并具有多个向上变浅和变粗序列的薄滩体垂向上频繁叠置、单滩体厚度一般较小(小于3 m)、少见同生期暴露等典型特征;伽马测井响应上,该套多旋回叠置的薄滩体呈现总体高背景下的低值的综合响应,因而难以利用测录井资料准确识别和统计颗粒滩的厚度。进一步分析发现,碳酸盐岩台地内部的非暴露浅滩发育时期,颗粒滩发育于微地貌高地、并具有相对更大的沉积速率,因而颗粒滩发育期形成的等时地质体厚度可近似反演沉积期微地貌的相对高低,并在分析等时地质体厚度或沉积微地貌与风化壳岩溶储层发育关系的基础上,指出了区内高能生屑滩主要在泸州-江津、自贡-大足以及青神-资中一线呈带状分布,受控于泸州古隆起雏形和乐山-龙女寺继承性古隆起。结果表明沉积期微地貌恢复对于钻探程度高、资料品质差的盆地老区的沉积微相研究具有重要意义,并对储层预测和深化老层的开发潜力研究具有重要参考意义。  相似文献   

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