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Agricultural development at Quitovac, a Sonoran Desert oasis that is an ancestral home of the Tohono O’odham people, was first interpreted in the literature as a typical example of an indigenous community succumbing to the economic pressures of industrial society. However, a humanistic analysis of the cultural and historical context and the results of ethnographic fieldwork leads to a radically different interpretation of recent community actions. Community‐initiated institutional and economic changes can be understood as creative and resilient adaptations, and perhaps a resolution, to a complex social and religious challenge to the community's identity. Notwithstanding the economic failure of part of the development efforts, the overall effects are interpreted as strengthening the residents’ sense of their home place and ensuring the continuation of religious rites associated with this sacred place.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the driving forces behind indigenous participation in the market is essential for practitioners intending to integrate conservation and development policies in indigenous territories. Nevertheless, empirical research on the determinants of market integration among indigenous peoples is still scarce. This article uses household survey data and multivariate techniques to examine the drivers of market integration among indigenous groups in the Ecuadorian Amazon. We use multiple measures of market integration, including the sale of crops, timber, and wildlife; the use of credit; and participation in wage labor. The results show that the way in which indigenous peoples integrate into the market depends on their endowments of human, financial, and physical capital. More educated households are able to engage in commercial agriculture and nonagricultural wage work, whereas uneducated poor households in communities in conflict with outsiders are pushed to engage in poorly paid agricultural wage work and (often illegal) timber operations.  相似文献   

Water Flows Toward Power: Socioecological Degradation of Lake Urmia,Iran   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water is an invaluable resource, and equitable access to it is a fundamental human right. Disenfranchised groups often lose access to water resources because their interests are not well represented by decision makers. Excluding these groups from resource management policy often results in myopic decisions that contribute to further ecosystem damage. We describe the ecological degradation of Lake Urmia in Iran, which has recently experienced increased salinity and declining water quantity. The lake is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and Ramsar site, and supports unique biodiversity in the region. The lake's decline is driven by the destruction of Zagros forests and the government's water policies, which diverted water to more politically connected agricultural land users, increasing social inequity and prompting more deforestation. The most straightforward restoration solution is to discontinue the diversions and allow critical inflows to recharge Lake Urmia, preserving the lake and wetlands for migratory birds, tourists, and local communities.  相似文献   


How can indigenous communities in illiberal regimes benefit from oil production? This paper compares the experience of two indigenous peoples in the Russian Arctic, the Nenets and the Komi-Izhemtsi, in their quest for environmental protection and the development of benefit-sharing arrangements with Lukoil, a Russian oil company. The Nenets people, recognized by the Russian state as indigenous, are marginalized political actors who identified a route to receiving compensation for loss of land and damage to the environment as well as economic benefits under the auspices of Russian law and Lukoil’s corporate policies. In contrast, the Komi-Izhemtsi, despite indigenous status in global institutions including the United Nations and the Arctic Council, are unrecognized as indigenous domestically and initially received no compensation. Their path to benefit sharing was more challenging as they partnered with local nongovernmental organizations and global environmentalists to pressure Lukoil to sign a benefit-sharing agreement. Ultimately, the comparison illustrates how transnational partnerships can empower indigenous people to gain benefits from natural resource exploitation even in illiberal political systems.  相似文献   

Agricultural development at Quitovac, a Sonoran Desert oasis that is an ancestral home of the Tohono O’odham people, was first interpreted in the literature as a typical example of an indigenous community succumbing to the economic pressures of industrial society. However, a humanistic analysis of the cultural and historical context and the results of ethnographic fieldwork leads to a radically different interpretation of recent community actions. Community-initiated institutional and economic changes can be understood as creative and resilient adaptations, and perhaps a resolution, to a complex social and religious challenge to the community’s identity. Notwithstanding the economic failure of part of the development efforts, the overall effects are interpreted as strengthening the residents’ sense of their home place and ensuring the continuation of religious rites associated with this sacred place.  相似文献   

从自发组建的非政府组织到北极事务中颇具影响力的权力组织,原住民组织已经成长为北极事务中不可忽视的利益攸关方。在获取北极事务参与权及实施行动决策中,北极原住民组织展现了独特的思考和实践。基于批判地缘政治学的理论视角观察因纽特环北极理事会为代表的原住民组织的发展历程,发现:(1)北极原住民组织强调基于文本生产的知识权力获取方式;(2)制度性参与是原住民组织的主要行动路径。北极事务参与权的获取及针对性行动策略的实施帮助原住民组织成功影响和重塑了北极的治理理念、身份认同与地理空间,推动北极地区向着善治和良治发展。通过对因纽特环北极理事会案例的解析,可以为中国拓展自身在北极地区的合作空间提供参考。  相似文献   

Geographers have assessed the success and failure of the U.S. Civil Rights Movement in terms of the African American struggle for justice, social identity, and economic survival. Conspicuously absent from the geographic literature are pedagogically oriented studies of the historical geography of the Civil Rights era. The Movement's popular image has congealed into a celebratory collection of names and dates, the sum of which is a vague, nearly mythic retelling that students might recognize but not necessarily care about. As a result, the Movement is at once contemptuously familiar yet bewilderingly strange for our students. This article offers a sympathetic critique of conventional Movement narratives, introducing the notion of empathetic pedagogy and presenting a case study of the Montgomery bus boycott. Our pedagogical approach stresses the role of empathy, both as a factor in shaping the actual sociospatial development of the Movement, as well as a strategy for encouraging students to appreciate the everyday courage and sacrifice that animated so many of its participants. Our study brings together two burgeoning literatures that have the potential to cultivate empathy among students: the critical reevaluation of mobility and explorations of subjectivity from a psychoanalytic perspective. Here mobility is understood in both its literal and figurative sense: in the case of the bus boycott, the intricate network established to literally move African Americans around the city, as well as the figurative movement of sympathy and solidarity that “moved” people to support their efforts and now informs popular, selective understandings of the protest.  相似文献   

主题公园的虚拟表述不仅要追求与实际景观的视觉接近,更要描述景观结构、演变以及人地关系等景观的地理与生态内涵,但后一层次因缺少理论框架而少有研究.基于景观语义特征的虚拟地理环境思想可以很好的整合两种层次的建模需求.本文以水土保持科技示范园为例,提出了示范园区的虚拟表达对象体系,构建了依据景观特征语义的园区多细节层次模型(...  相似文献   

Over three decades, environmental justice scholarship has examined justice movements through diverse perspectives shaped by their research traditions and disciplinary boundaries. This article distills three themes of justice from these research traditions in order to propose a four-dimensional environmental justice model. The proposed model includes four justice-seeking strategies—cultural justice, material justice, processual justice, and political justice—that movement groups adopt to mobilize their claims. I apply this model to the study of an environmental movement in Land Between the Rivers, Kentucky. Research findings from the case study concludes that movement strategies are plural and changeable and that justice is best conceived as a repertoire of justice-seeking strategies that are influenced by political alliances, economic preconditions, and cultural contexts.  相似文献   

论文通过建立基于LDA(Latent Dirichlet Allocation)模型和包含两级特征维度的旅游地意象感知研究框架,将LDA主题模型用于旅游微博文本分析,以特征维度半定量刻画旅游地意象感知特征,减少LDA主题凝练的主观性,帮助研究者在特定维度框架约束下准确、客观地提取旅游地意象特征。丽江古城案例证明,一级特征维度可以完整勾勒出丽江古城意象感知的基本框架,包括以聚落形态、音乐意境、标志人物、休闲空间和纳西美食为核心的5组空间与景观元素,深度旅游者、城市居民、年轻人、女孩子4类人群的特殊感知体验,及旅游者与环境要素的不同互动特征;二级特征维度进一步精细解读丽江古城的意象感知特征,表现为丽江古城慢活性、夜生活和浪漫之都的文化意象、旅游者对地方文化与现代风情融合的凝视与体验等。结合特征维度的LDA模型,准确构建了意象基本框架,成功刻画了丽江古城的形象及精细特征,并能进一步解析意象的形成机制,为旅游地意象感知研究提供了新视角,有助于深度解读意象形成的地方意义,厘清认知、情感和行为意象间的关系。  相似文献   

Berlin is being remade as capital of a unified German nation state, just at the time when the role of nation states is being called into question by the claims of globalization, and the associated rise of global cities. The experience of Berlin suggests that it may be unhelpful to accept the world-city agenda as a universal template. Instead, it is necessary to explore the ways in which different agencies, companies and authorities negotiate the world around them, seeking to insert the city into pre-existing ideas and realities, as well as to influence and shape them, in what is best understood as a wider process of 'worlding'.  相似文献   

The ‘digital divide’ is generally considered to be the gap between people who have access to information and communication technologies (ICT) and those who do not, and an issue of significant social justice. This paper presents findings from research that explored the digital divide within the regional city of Albury. The study focused on assessing whether there was a digital divide; identifying strategies to address any divide; and developing a methodology that could be used to explore the digital divide in other contexts. Data were gathered using semi-structured interviews, focus groups, and a telephone survey of city residents. Findings demonstrated that a digital divide existed in that there were differences in computer access in relation to income and different locations within the city, and for access to the Internet by age, education and income levels. Overall, the patterns indicated that those with lower education and income and the elderly reported lower levels of access to ICT. Drawing on the research findings we suggest some practical ways of addressing the digital divide that could be applied to other similar locations where a digital divide exists, such as providing technical support and training, improved access to and awareness of ICT services, and facilitating access to ICT services such as the provision of appropriate hardware and software for disadvantaged groups. Our view is that the mixed-method approach we employed provided helpful, reliable information at reasonable cost and could be considered by other researchers and local governments.  相似文献   

Development planners in arid areas face many difficulties in preparing appropriate strategies. Their task is made harder by the dearth of reliable demographic information. This paper presents population projections for the arid area of eastern Jordan covered by the Badia Research and Development Project and evaluates the economic and social implications of these projections over the next 20 years. The paper argues that conventional demographic forecasting methods are extremely problematic when applied to a population such as this. Furthermore, the pastoral economy, which has in the past been the main source of livelihood, cannot hope to sustain the region's future population. High fertility rates will continue to place great stress on the educational and health infrastructure. If appropriate planning responses are not achieved, the demographic regime of the Badia project area and the quality of life of the population may continue to diverge from the patterns found in other parts of Jordan.  相似文献   

The study employs slope,aspect,relief degree of land surface,land use,vegetation index,hydrology and climate,as evaluation indexes to set up the Human Settlements Environmental Index(HEI) model to evaluate the environmental suitability for human settlements in the Shiyang River Basin.By using GIS spatial analysis technology,such as spatial overlay analysis,buffer analysis and density analysis,the environmental suitability of the human settlement spatial situation and spatial pattern are established to analyze their spatial distribution.The results show that the index of suitability for human settlements in the Shiyang River Basin is between 17.13 and 84.32.In general,suitability for human settlements decreases from the southwest to the northeast.Seen from an area pattern,the suitable region is mainly distributed in the Minqin oasis,Wuwei oasis and Changning basin,which are about 1080.01 km 2 and account for 2.59% of the total area.Rather and comparatively suitable region is mainly distributed around the counties of Gulang,Yongchang and north of Tianzhu,which is about 1100.30 km 2.The common suitable region is mainly distributed outside the counties of Yongchang,Jinchuan and most parts of Minqin County,which are about 23328.04 km 2,accounting for 56.08% of the total area.The unsuitable region is mainly distributed upstream and to the north of the river,which is about 9937.60 km 2,accounting for 23.89% of the total area.Meanwhile,the least suitable region is distributed around the Qilian Mountains,which are covered by snow and cold desert and lie in the intersecting area between the Tengger Desert and Badain Jaran Desert.The total area is about 6154.05 km 2,accounting for 14.79% of the total area.Suitable regions for human habitation are mainly distributed around rivers in the form of ribbons and batches,while others are scattered.The distribution pattern is identical to the residential spatial pattern.In addition,the relationships between HEI and other factors have been analyzed.There is a clear logarithmic correlation between the residential environment and population,that is,the correlation coefficient between the evaluation value and population density reaches 0.851.There is also a positive correlation between the residential environment and economy,which reaches an evaluation value of 0.845 between the residential environment and GDP.Results also show that the environment is out of bearing with the existing population in Shiyang River Basin.Spatial distribution of population is profoundly affected by severe environmental problems,such as the expanded deserts,the hilly terrain and the changing climate.Surface water shortage and slow economic growth are bottlenecks for suitable human settlement in the Shiyang River Basin.Combining these problems with planning for construction of new country and the exploitation of local land,some residential areas should be relocated to improve the residential environment.  相似文献   

在旅游城镇化背景下,古镇用地的城镇化尤其是用地格局的演变特征与驱动机制问题,是古镇旅游研究的重要科学问题。综合运用高分辨率遥感影像、GIS空间分析和田野调查等技术与方法,对周庄旅游古镇2002-2012年用地格局演变及其驱动机制进行分析,结果表明:1十年间土地转移量明显增多,城镇化的快速发展以及旅游业的转型升级推动了农林地转化成旅游与公管服务等建设用地的进程;2除农林地与水域外,其余土地利用类型动态度均为正,旅游用地、公管与公服用地和工业用地的动态度较大;3旅游引导下的古镇用地类型在空间上呈现出以古镇景区为核心,不断向周边外围拓展的演变态势,用地结构表现为"同心圆+扇形"模式;4在自然地理环境约束、政府行为与政策引导、经济发展与产业转型、社会生产方式转变等内外双重驱动下共同导致了用地格局的空间转换。加强古镇用地格局的演变及其驱动机制研究,有助于处理好古镇保护与旅游发展的关系,节约与集约利用土地资源,引导古镇旅游城镇化的健康发展。  相似文献   

Geografisk Tidsskrift—Danish Journal of Geography 109(2):147–159, 2009

The increasingly global reach of industrial agricultural production has progressively distanced consumers and producers. Not surprisingly, opposition to the global food system commonly seeks to re-localize agriculture by cutting the distance between agricultural production and consumption. Analysis of potential foodsheds can provide an important basis upon which to recover local systems of production and consumption. Here, we examine the potential for municipal and micro-level foodsheds in the greater Tokyo mega-region. Similar to other large cities in Asia, the urban fringe of Tokyo has extensive areas of mixed urban and agricultural land-uses which are often seen as problematic, but which may have many merits from the standpoint of sustainable foodsheds. Indeed, our results indicate that many areas on the urban fringe of the Tokyo mega-region bear potential to meet demand for both rice and vegetables within their borders. Moreover, many people could meet their food needs within a short distance of their residence. These results demonstrate the need to examine the potential for micro-level foodsheds on the urban fringe.  相似文献   

以皮里青河流域为研究区,运用小时降水、土地利用类型、数字高程(DEM)、实测淹没深度等数据,基于FloodArea模型对研究区2010年5月2日、2012年6月3日、2016年5月9日、2016年6月17日洪水过程进行再现模拟,通过精度验证并建立了降水-淹没深度的关系,在此基础上确定了4个淹没等级对应的致灾临界雨量。相关分析得出喀拉亚尕奇乡累计8 h降雨量与模拟洪水淹没深度的相关性最好,达到了0.96,潘津乡降雨累计5 h的相关性最好,为0.99;通过实测数据对模拟淹没深度进行精度检验得出,喀拉亚尕奇乡和潘津乡两个考察点相对误差分别为0.47 m和0.1 m,误差率分别为31.33%和7.69%,FloodArea模型对研究区洪水过程模拟的效果较好,可以反映出该区域的洪水淹没情况,能为无水文资料的山区流域的山洪过程进行较为精准的模拟;按照山洪灾害等级划分标准和降水-淹没深度的关系得出,预警点累计5 h降水得到对应4个等级的致灾临界雨量阈值分别为:四级17.84 mm、三级32.39 mm、二级54.21 mm、一级76.04 mm。  相似文献   

马晨    王宏卫    谈波    周璟    代芯妍    王晓琴   《地理学报》2022,77(4):852-868
随着乡村振兴战略的提出及实施,城乡关系也进入融合发展新时期,厘清典型地域城乡聚落规模体系的演变过程及现状特征并探明其空间重构与优化路径对实现农业农村现代化具有重要的现实意义。本文以新疆塔里木盆地北缘渭干河—库车河三角洲绿洲(简称“渭库绿洲”)为例,利用2009—2018年土地利用数据,采用GIS空间分析及位序—规模法则等方法,刻画了渭库绿洲城乡聚落规模体系特征;依据乡村振兴多级目标的理论内涵,探讨了渭库绿洲城乡聚落体系空间重构模式及优化路径。结果表明:① 渭库绿洲城镇村体系建设过程中城镇主导作用较弱,城乡聚落规模总体扩张较快,城乡人口与聚落增长反差较大,乡村人地关系失调特征明显;② 渭库绿洲城乡聚落规模分布整体服从位序—规模法则,零星聚落“摆尾”现象加剧且空间无序扩张特征显著,城乡聚落空间分布特征具有明显的县城、中心乡镇、干渠及道路指向性,但向中心乡镇空间集聚趋势不明显;③ 渭库绿洲城乡聚落规模体系空间重构的首要举措是整治零星斑块,对典型样区设定了3个优化目标并对空间重构路径进行了逻辑解析,提出了5种整治方向。基于乡村振兴多级目标,构建以土地要素流动为关键的空间重构方案,对促进渭库绿洲城乡聚落规模体系结构优化与功能协调、实现乡村振兴具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is the production and visualization of an emotional map to reveal the unique emotions inherent to the areas surrounding the Yeongsan River, which is often referred to as ‘the cradle of civilization’ in Korea. The sites selected for this study are the 11 cities and districts (5667.6 km2) that cut across the vast granary in the southeastern region of Korea, near the Yeongsan River. The emotional map was produced by extracting features of historical and cultural heritage distributed throughout this region and by using a geographic information systems program and its functions for spatial analysis. A database was constructed through interviews with locals and Global Positioning System to index 4318 pieces of cultural heritage to achieve the visualization of emotions. Among the 558 historical relics considered for representing the regional culture, 100 with the largest emotional impact were selected. It was determined that loyalty (), justice (), courtesy (), resentment (), and anger () should be the major emotional elements. Methodologically, a set of regional, periodic, historical, and emotional classification codes were first systematized. After subjecting this data to inverse distance weight interpolation and vertical exaggeration coefficients, the three-dimensional emotional map could be visualized.  相似文献   

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