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稿件编写的一般项目和顺序:中文文题/作者中文和汉语拼音姓名/作者单位中英文全称(含城镇名和邮编)/中文摘要和关键词/作者汉语拼音姓名和英文文题/英文摘要和关键词/正文(包括引言、论证材料、结果讨论、结论、致谢)/参考文献表。稿件由电脑隔行录排,用A4纸单面打印(本刊页面版心为23.5cm×17cm,42行×44字=1850字,按10号宋体字计)。 1.论文题目:文题是文章最重要的信息点,最易引起读者的注目,要简单明了、概括主题,一般不超过20个字。  相似文献   

1版式.文章需符合科技论文的写作格式要求,对排版格式不作限制;图、表需按照“文先图(表)后”的原则置于正文中相应位置,图题、表题需要中、英文对照;来稿需附作者简介;注明研究受何种基金(编号)资助。2摘要. 研究成果类论文摘要应是不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述论文重要内容的短文,内容应包括目的、方法、结果、结论或讨论四个部分;综述和其他类论文摘要应包括主要研究概况、最新进展、存在问题和今后工作等。摘要以200-300字为宜。  相似文献   

稿件编写的一般项目和顺序:中文文题/作者中文和汉语拼音姓名/作者单位中英文全称(含城镇名和邮编)/中文摘要和关键词/作者汉语拼音姓名和英文文题/英文摘要和关键词/  相似文献   

稿件编写的一般项目和顺序:中文文题/作者中文和汉语拼音姓名/作者单位中英文全称(含城镇名和邮编)/中文摘要和关键词/作者汉语拼音姓名和英文文题/英文摘要和关键词/正文(包括引言、  相似文献   

稿件编写的一般项目和顺序:中文文题/作者中文和汉语拼音姓名/作者单位中英文全称(含城镇名和邮编)/中文摘要和关键词/作者汉语拼音姓名和英文文题/英文摘要和关键词/正文(包括引言、论证材  相似文献   

谢文安 《湖南地质》2001,20(4):246-246
纵观国内科技期刊已刊发的中文摘要,可以说大多数写得不够规范。《湖南地质》也不例外,该刊目前刊载的论文摘要多写成了字少型的提要或提示。那么,一篇科技论文的中文摘要应该怎样撰写才规范呢?根据—《文摘编写规则》的定义:“文摘(摘要)是以提供论文内容梗概为目GB644786的,不加评论和补充解释,简明、确切地记述文献重要内容的短文”。规范的科技论文摘要,包含“目的、方法、结果、结论”四个要素。根据科技论文的类型、内容、发表方式及摘要的写作目的,科技论文的中文摘要可分为指示性摘要、报导性摘要和指示指导性摘要三类…  相似文献   

稿件编写的一般项目和顺序:中文文题/作者中文和汉语拼音姓名/作者单位中英文全称(含城镇名和邮编)/中文摘要和关键词/作者汉语拼音姓名和英文文题/英文摘要和关键词/正文(包括引言、论证材料、结果讨论、结论、致谢)/参考文献表。  相似文献   

正稿件编写的一般项目和顺序:中文文题/作者中文和汉语拼音姓名/作者单位中英文全称(含城镇名和邮编)/中文摘要和关键词/作者汉语拼音姓名和英文文题/英文摘要和关键词/正文(包括引言、论证材料、结果讨论、结论、致谢)/参考文献表。稿件由电脑隔行录排,用A4纸单面打印(本刊页面版心为23.5cm×17cm,42行×44字=1848字,按10号宋体字计)。1.论文题目:文题是文章最重要的信息点,最易引起读者  相似文献   

正稿件编写的一般项目和顺序:中文文题/作者中文和汉语拼音姓名/作者单位中英文全称(含城镇名和邮编)/中文摘要和关键词/作者汉语拼音姓名和英文文题/英文摘要和关键词/正文(包括引言、论证材料、结果讨论、结论、致谢)/参考文献表。稿件由电脑隔行录排,用A4纸单面打印(本刊页面版心为23.5cm×17cm,42行×44字=1848字,按10号宋体字计)。1.论文题目:文题是文章最重要的信息点,最易引起读者  相似文献   

<正>稿件编写的一般项目和顺序:中文文题/作者中文和汉语拼音姓名/作者单位中英文全称(含城镇名和邮编)/中文摘要和关键词/作者汉语拼音姓名和英文文题/英文摘要和关键词/正文(包括引言、论证材料、结果讨论、结论、致谢)/参考文献表。稿件由电脑隔行录排,用A4纸单面打印(本刊页面版心为23.5cm×17cm,42行×44字=1848字,按10号宋体字计)。1.论文题目:文题是文章最重要的信息点,最易引起读者  相似文献   

If you are involved in organizing a meeting, conference or symposium on any aspect of the Earth Sciences, contact the TERRA Abstracts editorial office in Oxford at the earliest stage of your planning. TERRA Abstracts will organize the preparation of high quality supplements containing all the abstracts of your meeting. The headings (titles and authors' names) for the abstracts will be typeset in a standard format and the whole supplement will be bound into a cover designed according to your requirements. These will be delivered to the Conference in good time for distribution to all delegates.
The abstracts presented in each volume of Terra Abstracts are a supplement to Terra Nova and are therefore supplied automatically to all full-price subscribers to Terra Nova and all EUG members to elect to receive the abstracts service. These abstract supplements replace what was previously known as the journal Terra Abstracts .  相似文献   

TERRA abstracts     
If you are involved in organizing a meeting, conference or symposium on any aspect of the Earth Sciences, contact the TERRA Abstracts editorial office in Oxford at the earliest stage of your planning. TERRA Abstracts will organize the preparation of high quality supplements containing all the abstracts of your meeting. The headings (titles and authors' names) for the abstracts will be typeset in a standard format and the whole supplement will be bound into a cover designed according to your requirements.
Included in the supplement and at no extra charge, will be two indexes—one for all the authors, the second for keywords.  相似文献   

If you are involved in organizing a meeting, conference or symposium on any aspect of the Earth Sciences, contact the TERRA Abstracts editorial office in Oxford at the earliest stage of your planning. TERRA Abstracts will organize the preparation of high quality supplements containing all the abstracts of your meeting. The headings (titles and authors' names) for the abstracts will be typeset in a standard format and the whole supplement will be bound into a cover designed according to your requirements. These will be delivered to the Conference in good time for distribution to all delegates.
Included in the supplement and at no extra charge, will be two indexes—one for all the authors, the second for keywords.  相似文献   

If you are involved in organiting a meeting, conference or symposium on any aspect of the Earth Sciences, contact the TERRA Abstracts editorial office in Oxford at the earliest stage of your planning. TERRA Abstracts will organize the preparation of high quality supplements containing all the abstracts of your meeting, The headings (titles and authors' names) for the abstracts will be typeset in a standard format and the whole supplement will be bound into a cover designed according to your requirements. These will be delivered to the Conference in good time for distribution to all delegates.
Included in the supplement and at no extra charge, will be two indexes—one for all the authors, the second for keywords.  相似文献   

Earth Science Frontiers is a bi-monthly publication in Chinese with English abstracts for most papers; a few articles are published entirely in English. It is a medium for the publication of original and forefront research and high quality reviews covering recent advances in all fields of Earth Sciences. Each issue is devoted to a single topic and edited by an authority in that field.  相似文献   

Earth Science Frontiers is a bi-monthly publication in Chinese with English abstracts for most papers; a few articles are published entirely in English. It is a medium for the publication of original and forefront research and high quality reviews covering recent advances in all fields of Earth Sciences. Each issue is devoted to a single topic and edited by an authority in that field.  相似文献   

郭静芸  关静 《工程地质学报》2018,26(5):1397-1407
近年来全球地质工程学科的发展取得了一系列的进步,文献计量分析可以定量化地分析地质工程领域的科研产出和发展趋势,为中国未来地质工程的研究提供参考。本文利用Web of Science(WoS)数据库中的核心合集,在2018年5月7日检索近10 a来(2008~2017)有关地质工程的期刊研究论文,并采用VOSviewer软件对获取的27 025篇文献信息进行分析。结果表明:(1)过去10 a间期刊论文数量迅速增长,中国是地质工程研究最活跃的国家,且与其他国家的合作相对更多。(2)标题和摘要中的高频术语显示近10 a来地质工程总体的研究范围保持不变,且在逐步拓宽研究领域。(3)地质工程研究发文量前10的机构中,来自中国的研究机构有5个,且与全球其他机构合作最多。在13位高发文作者中,一共有7位研究者来自中国。中国的Ng C W W和加拿大的Rowe R K发文量位居第一,但是中国科研机构和中国研究者的h-index相对较低。(4)期刊Engineering Geology的总发文量最多,为1860篇;截止统计日期,影响因子最高的期刊为Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering,影响因子为2.905。本文首次采用文献计量手段分析地质工程的研究进展以及科学交流情况,以期为中国未来地质工程学科的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1028-1032
The purpose of this paper is to provide a guide to research results and published literature on stable-isotope geochemistry of UHP rocks for the period from 1993 to 1998. Although some articles on blueschist- and lower-eclogite-facies rocks are included, the predominant focus is on coesite-and diamond-bearing rocks of the eclogite facies. Attention is called to a number of studies of fluid inclusions in UHP rocks. Even though stable-isotope geochemistry may not play a direct role in fluid-inclusion research, the link between the two methods is too strongly complementary to be ignored. A number of references are made to works in press and to abstracts presented at the 1998 International Workshop on UHP Metamorphism and Exhumation, Stanford University. These informal references to abstracted research are made in order to alert the reader to ongoing projects that are likely to be published in the near future.  相似文献   

期刊评价形式很多,包括“核心期刊”评选、影响力排名等。正确把握各期刊评价体系的初衷和发展,了解其功能、指标及其测算方法的特定内涵,对于优化办刊理念、提高期刊质量具有重要意义。文章简要介绍了中文核心期刊和中国科技核心期刊评价体系及最新版评价采用的指标,分析了《水文地质工程地质》在前者中排位比较靠后、在后者中“红点指标”偏低的现状及其原因,认为决定期刊影响力的主要因子除了文章质量,还有文章体例的规范性及与被引量相关的各项指标。继而统计分析《水文地质工程地质》1年和10年刊文数据,获得该刊学科分布、文章影响力、摘要、关键词等方面的特点,认为存在学科比较分散、高影响力论文不多、摘要信息量不足和关键词不规范等问题。据此,提出了提升期刊影响力的措施:(1)办刊要坚持一定的学科方向和特色,合理控制学科分;(2)要规范要求文章体例,提高文章质量,吸纳高影响力论文,吸引高质量稿源;(3)加强摘要特别是英文摘要,扩充信息量,以促进文章的传播及期刊的国际化;(4)规范摘录关键词,提高文章被检索引用概率。并建议编辑要系统研究同一学科内期刊的特点,及时发现学科热点,更好地提升期刊的专业影响力。  相似文献   

Matjaž Mikoš 《Landslides》2018,15(8):1459-1482
Dissemination of research results is an important part of basic as well as applied research if not the most important one. A large part of research results is published in scientific literature, and since there are many forms of it, the question arises which form is the most visible and attractive to the world scientific community. The International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), based in Kyoto, Japan, is one of the leading institutions in the field of landslide research and landslide risk reduction. On behalf of ICL, Springer Nature has published the journal Landslides: Journal of the International Consortium on Landslides since 2004. It is a very successful scientific journal with regard to its scientometric parameters. Since January 2018, it has been a monthly journal published in full color in electronic as well as printed form. Another form of dissemination of the ICL scientific and professional activities are published books in the form of monographs and proceedings from triennial World Landslide Forums. This paper discusses the impact of 52 books with 3426 chapters taken from the field of landslide science and published by Springer Nature from 2005 to 2018 in the earth sciences category, using different scientometric parameters, such as Bookmetrix downloads and citations, Scopus citations, Scopus h-index, Google citations, and Google h-index. The analysis was performed on the book chapter level (using mainly citations as the main scientometric parameter) as well as on the book level (using book h-index and percentage of cited chapters). Out of the selected 52 titles, 22 were published on behalf of the ICL, with 1419 chapters. The differences among landslide-related books can be quite large; only a few chapters from analyzed book titles were found to be cited frequently compared to highly cited scientific journal articles. On average, the analyzed 3426 book chapters from 52 landslide-related books have been downloaded since publication over 53,000 times each; 1092 chapters (32%) received 2932 citations (2.68 citations per cited chapter and 0.86 citations per published chapter). The analysis shows that the books published on behalf of the ICL are, together with other landslide-related book titles, on the forefront in the Springer eBook collection Earth and Environmental Science (EES). The selected 52 landslide-related book titles are above the average metrics for the whole EES with regard to the total number of downloads per book, the total number of citations per book, and the total number of readers per book. The ICL-related books are getting more downloads but less readers and citations (so far) as the selected non-ICL-related books. A way in raising the visibility and impact of the ICL books on landslide research community would be to support their open access publication in the form of e-Books as much as possible, and inclusion of ICL books into Web of Science.  相似文献   

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