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Independent methods of geological and molecular-biological chronologies have made it possible to define generally corresponding stages in the geological and biological evolution of the environments and communities of Lake Baikal since the Late Cretaceous, i.e., during the last 70 myr. All the abiotic elements drastically changed during geological evolution, with destruction of existing and formation of new natural complexes. Nevertheless, some specific zones retained relicts of former settings. The resulting present-day natural complex includes elements of different ages and geneses. Similar to different natural zones of the present-day Earth, which are populated by different biocoenoses, stages in the development of abiotic elements are also characterized by different faunal and floral assemblages. Some taxa were replaced by others, and the resulting aqueous biota of Lake Baikal includes different-age and ecologically different elements. The oldest groups of Baikal organisms appeared approximately 70 Ma ago, although the largest proportion of the lake biota started forming 4–3 Ma ago in response to the most drastic changes in the abiotic elements of the environment. The youngest taxa appeared 1.8 to 0.15 Ma ago, i.e., during the period when superdeep lake environments and mountainous glaciations were developing. The chronological coincidence of main stages in development of abiotic and biotic elements of the nature indicates their relationships. Particular transformations of abiotic elements and the probable mechanism of their influence on the evolution of living communities are also considered.  相似文献   

青海地区盐渍土分布规律及其盐胀溶陷机制探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
针对青海一些地区盐渍土当硫酸钠含量小于1%时也会产生盐胀,而超氯盐渍土却不会产生溶陷的事实,进行了较为深入细致的论证和研究。得出如下结论:建(构)筑物由于盐胀问题引起破坏,往往由其所处地质环境因素起决定性作用,而并非完全符合相关规范所给出的硫酸钠含量超过1%才应考虑盐胀性。柴达木盆地腹地超氯盐渍土却由于难溶盐及中溶盐含量偏高,导致其反常态不产生溶陷。这些认识及观点与现行理论、规范有较大出入。  相似文献   

Petroleum hydrocarbons are formed by breakdown of kerogen preserved in source rocks throughout the process of catagenesis. This process is accompanied by free radical generation in kerogen. The availability of measuring free radicals in kerogen using ESR to deduce a maturation estimation of potential source rocks has been hindered due to the presence of the solvent-extractable organic molecules (SEOM) trapped within the kerogen matrix. Spin concentration (Ns) of the kerogen treated with pyridine (KPy) represents the paramagnetic centers of the kerogen matrix itself and provides a potential parameter to evaluate kerogen maturation.  相似文献   

Studied samples include eight Gondwanan species of the Dicroidium flora: seed ferns (3), conifer (1), cycad-related (1), unknown affinity gymnosperms (2), and one undetermined axis from two Middle to Upper Triassic localities (Cacheuta, Mendoza, central western Argentina). Based on differing preservation states and sample treatments, four sample forms are established: (1) compressions, (2) cuticles, (3) cuticle-free coalified layers, and (4) associated coal samples. The purpose of the study is firstly to analyze the sample forms using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometry, contributing to filling an existing gap of chemical information for Gondwanan pant fossil remains. Secondly, semi-quantitative chemical parameters, calculated by area integration of infrared spectra, are treated using principal component analysis to infer statistical groupings as a function of chemical structures (functional groups). From the initial two-component solution, based on the 8 × 41 data matrix, a subset matrix (4 × 29) could be isolated which also yielded a two-component solution (in each case, cumulative explained variance is at least 89%). Results include the distinction between the coaly forms (1) compressions and (3) cuticle-free coalified layers mainly based on the carbonyl contents and branching and length of the hydrocarbon side chains. The highly aliphatic nature of cuticles, which is indicative of biomacromolecules (cutin), is noted. Similarities in functional groups are recorded with types of kerogen and coal macerals. The result enables us to postulate that the functional groups characterizing the different modes of preservation of our fossil remains are likely related to the propensity to generate oil and gas/condensate from the kerogen. Our data have the potential for future studies with implications for chemotaxonomy, molecular taphonomy, and paleoclimatology.  相似文献   

云南临沧地区帮卖盆地含铀煤中锗矿的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
帮卖盆地是一个不对称山间向斜盆地,其基底为海西·燕山期(γ~3_4-γ~2_5)花岗岩体。盖层为新第三纪的含煤碎屑岩。锗矿体大部分存在于N_1~2煤层中。含铀煤主要为变质程度低的褐煤,属于半暗-半亮煤、暗亮煤及亮暗煤。锗在煤中的存在形式:1.主要为腐植酸锗络合物及锗的有机化合物;2.一部分呈吸附状态;3.极少数呈类质同象。  相似文献   

对煤和干酪根结构的认识得益于技术和方法的不断创新。基于各种方法,先后建立了多个煤和干酪根的结构模型,但至今没有得到普遍认可。原子力显微镜(AFM)可以实时、实空间、原位成像,可以观察单个原子层的局部表面结构,直接观察表面缺陷、表面重构、表面吸附体的形态和位置以及表面扩散等动态过程。在对图像的分析中,AFM超越了传统仪器单纯平面成像的功能,可提供样品表面动态三维图像和用于分析的定量化信息。通过纳米技术,实现了原子级的分辨率的观察,揭示了煤和干酪根聚集态分子和纳米级孔隙的形态、大小、结构及相互间的空间排列特征,显示出在煤和干酪根结构研究中的巨大潜力。纳米技术为煤和干酪根结构的基础研究工作拓展了新的途径,也为非常规油气的勘探开发和煤炭的二次转化研究提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Los Pijiguaos bauxite deposit is located in Southern Venezuela, in a tropical rain forest environment. Among the various impurities during the bauxite processing (Bayer process), organic matter compounds present in Bayer liquor can slow the rate of alumina precipitation, and reduce product yield and quality. Soil samples were taken from a 37-m-deep core and the distribution of organic carbon (OC) was investigated as well as its relationship with major oxides Al2O3, Fe2O3, SiO2 and with the mineral phases gibbsite, hematite, kaolinite and quartz. Each sample was subjected to an adsorption process of humic acids by interaction with solutions of known concentrations. Maximum adsorption capacity was also studied in each mineral separately, which allowed calculation of the theoretical adsorption capacity of each soil sample. Even if concentrations of OC were higher in the first 5 m of the profile (0.2–0.5%), samples exhibited a low adsorption capacity (0.02%), while at depth between 10 and 37 m, samples showed lower OC concentrations (0.03–0.05%), and a larger OC adsorption capacity (0.08%). The model for the adsorption capacity only works between 10 and 30 m of depth, since in the first 10 m the bauxitic profile seems to be saturated in OC, because the concentration of OC is higher than the maximum predicted by adsorption experiments.  相似文献   

森林沼泽景观区腐殖酸与砂金矿床的成因关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔玉军 《矿产与地质》1999,13(3):161-165
土壤和地表水中有大量的腐殖酸,而腐殖酸对金有较强的溶解能力和吸附作用。在表生地球化学环境中,腐殖酸严重影响着金的迁移与富集。因此在森林沼泽景观条件下,腐殖酸对砂金矿床的形成起着重要作用。  相似文献   

川北陆相砂岩型铀矿主岩中有机质是铀的主要富集剂。铀在其中存在形式有:1.矿物铀;2.吸附铀;3.腐植酸合铀酰络合物。含铀有机质相当煤化程度较低的褐煤,铀矿化主要富集在结构镜质体之中。有机质对铀的富集作用表现在成煤作用的各个阶段。  相似文献   

张守本  谈成龙 《铀矿地质》1996,12(3):165-170
腐殖酸抽提法是利用元素存在形式含量,或称相含量进行找矿的一种新方法。文中对与腐殖酸相结合的铀等金属元素同深部铀矿化之间的联系进行了阐述,并进一步分析了腐殖酸吸附重金属元素的机理,提出了试验技术方法并对隐伏铀矿床勘查实例作了详细介绍。  相似文献   

为分析铁在含水层介质中的沉积行为,以石英砂为实验材料,研究了铁在石英砂表面的吸附规律,并对接触时间、铁浓度、腐植酸、钙离子等对沉积过程的影响进行了探讨。结果表明:铁在石英砂上的沉积是单分子层沉积,且沉积过程符合准一级动力学模型。低浓度腐殖酸会促进铁在石英砂上的沉积,但受络合作用影响,增加腐植酸浓度会减少铁在石英砂上的沉积。当水中存在阳离子Ca2+和阴离子SO42-时,会促进铁的沉积,NO3-离子的影响较小,而高浓度F-离子会阻碍铁的沉积。  相似文献   

田桂英  沈珠琴 《铀矿地质》1996,12(6):364-368
本文介绍了从土壤样品中快速提取腐植酸的方法及测定腐植酸中碳及其相中铀、金等主要相关元素的相分析方法,应用相分析技术寻找隐伏铀矿床取得了较好的地质效果。  相似文献   

在很多砂岩型铀矿床中 ,可以发现铀与有机质之间有着密切关系 ,这种关系可以是数理统计意义上的、空间上的或化学的。本文以吐哈盆地十红滩地区砂岩型铀矿为研究对象 ,对有机质在后生砂岩型铀矿成矿中的作用进行了探索。研究区砂岩型铀矿含矿岩系中的有机质属腐殖型 ,其原始母质为陆生高等植物 ,有机质成熟度很低 ,处于热演化作用的褐煤阶段。铀与有机碳的相关性分析和分离实验表明铀成矿富集与有机质关系密切 ,在铀矿石中铀与有机质主要以腐殖酸吸附或腐殖酸盐形式存在。笔者认为 ,在氧化带有机质被氧化破坏 ,形成可溶性的铀腐殖酸络合物淋滤进入地下水 ,在过渡带以腐殖酸盐的形式沉淀下来 ,并造成过渡带矿石中有机碳含量的增高  相似文献   

正白垩系Mishrif组生物碎屑灰岩是伊拉克H油田的重要产层,生物碎屑主要是有壳类碎屑(田泽普等,2016;王昱翔等,2017)。由于缺乏各类生物碎屑成分及成岩过程中的差异性分析,对生物碎屑灰岩储层物性的控制机理研究不够深入,限制了对该类储层的认识及高效开发。本文基于岩心观察、铸体薄片及常规物性等资料,开展伊拉克H油田Mishrif组的生物碎屑类型、成岩特征及储层物  相似文献   

The Soviet geographical literature of the last decade has adopted four principal, alternative premises about the place of social geography within the overall system of geography. These are that social geography: (1) does not exist as a separate branch of the subject; (2) belongs to a lower hierarchical order of geography, usually as a sub-division of population geography; (3) belongs to a medium level within the hierarchy of geography, broadly equivalent in status to economic geography; or (4) belongs to the highest hierarchical level of the subject, being synonymous with the geography of human society (sodetal geography). The author stresses the difference between the wider definition of social geography, which takes it to be the geography of society, studying the arrangement of sodetal objects in their geographical interrelations, and the narrow view, which defines ‘social’ as sociological. In this case, social geography is synonymous with sociological geography; it studies sociological objects in their geographical setting. The paper also discusses the process of the sociologization of geography.  相似文献   

Because orthopyroxenes do not occur in nephelinites, the widely used methods of calculating f(O2) based on the olivine + orthopyroxene + spinel paragenesis are not applicable in this case. The authors present new methods of calculation, three of which are based on published data detailing exchange reactions between two pyroxenes and the melt. The activities of MgSiO2 and FeSiO2 are calculated from the composition of the groundmass of effusives in equilibrium with clinopyroxenes, making it possible (considering the activities of olivine and titanomagnetite components of the rocks) to normalize f(O2) with regard to the quartz-fayalite-magnetite (QFM) buffer. In another version, the activities of enstatite are calculated considering the calcium content in rock olivines, using experimental data on the equilibrium of olivine with the two pyroxenes on which the well-known olivine geobarometer is based (Koehler and Brey, 1990). Still another method involves calculation of aFe.0 using the composition of the groundmass of nephelinites on the basis of equilibria of silicate melts with metallic iron (Ariskin et al., 1992), which then, in conjunction with magnetite, yields f (O2).

The five methods of estimating f (O2) by use of different sets of experimental data and thermodynamic constants for various solid phases yield a maximum spread that does not exceed 0.8 logarithmic units. The average value of log10 f(O2) for phenocryst and microphenocryst associations of nephelinites, obtained using all five methods, ranged from +1.6 to +1.8 above the level of the QFM buffer. These estimates support the conclusion that the mantle is in a relatively oxidized state in regions of intra-plate oceanic islands (Amundsen and Neumann, 1992). Coexisting microlites of titanomagnetite and ilmenite from the nephelinite groundmass point to an appreciably lower relative f(O2) (below the QFM), which evidently is explained by a drop in the redox potential under the conditions of a relatively closed system, with intensive deposition of titanomagnetite.

The phenocryst associations of phonolites yield f(O2) values normalized with respect to the QFM buffer that are close to analogous values for the phenocrysts and microphenocrysts of nephelinites (on average, 1.5 logarithmic units above the QFM on the basis of constants of the reaction between the components of titanomagnetite, clinopyroxene, nepheline, K-feldspar, and sphene). In all probability, differentiation in the magma chamber that led to the appearance of phonolite magmas in late stages occurred in a system that was open (with regard to oxygen). In this case, more intensive removal of magnetite resulted in silica activities in the residual magmas that were higher than in a closed system (phenocrysts of sphene are present in phonolites, but perovskite is observed in some cases in the groundmass of nephelinites, with sphene being absent).  相似文献   

Information about the chemical electron accepting capacity (EAC) of dissolved organic matter (DOM) is scarce owing to a lack of applicable methods. We quantified the electron transfer from metallic Zn to natural DOM in batch experiments at DOC concentrations of 10–100 mg-C L− 1 and related it to spectroscopic information obtained from UV-, synchronous fluorescence, and FTIR- spectroscopy. The electron donating capacity of DOM and pre-reduced DOM was investigated using Fe(CN)63 as electron acceptor. Presence of DOM resulted in release of dissolved Zn, consumption of protons, and slower release of hydrogen compared to reaction of metallic Zn with water at pH 6.5. Comparison with reaction stoichiometry confirmed that DOM accepted electrons from metallic Zn. The release of dissolved Zn was dependent on pH, DOC concentration, ionic strength, and organic matter properties. The reaction appeared to be completed within about 24 h and was characterized by pseudo first order kinetics with rate constants of 0.5 to 0.8 h− 1. EAC per mass unit of carbon ranged from 0.22 mmol g− 1 C to 12.6 mmol g− 1 C. Depending on the DOM, a calculated 28–127% of the electrons transferred from metallic Zn to DOM could be subsequently donated to Fe(CN)63. EAC decreased with DOC concentration, and increased with aromaticity, carboxyl, and phenolic content of the DOM. The results indicate that an operationally defined EAC of natural DOM can be quantified by reaction with metallic Zn and that DOM properties control the electron transfer. Shortcomings of the method are the coagulation and precipitation of DOM during the experiment and the production of hydrogen and dissolved Zn by reaction of metallic Zn with water, which may influence the determined EAC.  相似文献   

This work presents geochemical characterization of isolated kerogen out of clay fraction using petrography studies, infrared absorption and solid state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, with N‐alkane distributions of saturated hydrocarbon. Mineralogical study of clay mineral associations was carried out using X‐ray diffraction (XRD), on Ypresian phosphatic series from Gafsa‐Metlaoui basin, Tunisia. The XRD data indicate that smectite, palygorskite and sepiolite are the prevalent clay minerals in the selected samples. In this clay mineral association, the N‐alkane (m/z = 57) distribution indicates that the marine organic matter is plankton and bacterial in origin. The kerogens observed on transmitted light microscopy, however, appear to be totally amorphous organic matter, without any appearance of biological form. The orange gel‐like amorphous organic matter with distinct edges and homogenous texture is consistent with a high degree of aliphaticity. This material has relatively intense CH2 and CH3 infrared bands in 13C NMR peaks. This aliphatic character is related to bacterial origin. Brown amorphous organic matter with diffuse edges has a lower aliphatic character than the previous kerogen, deduced from relatively low CH2 and CH3 infrared and 13C NMR band intensities.  相似文献   

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