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The extraordinarily uncompacted nature of the ordinary L chondrite fall Baszkówka gives a unique opportunity to investigate the potentially pre-compaction pore size distribution in an equilibrated ordinary chondrite. Using X-ray microtomography and helium pycnometry on two samples of Baszkówka, we have found that on average, two-thirds of the 19.0% porosity resides in inter- and intra-granular voids with volumes between 3×10−5 and 3 mm3. We show the cumulative number density of pore volumes observable by X-ray microtomography obeys a power law distribution function in this equilibrated ordinary chondrite. We foresee these data adding to our understanding of the impact processing of chondrites and their parent asteroids, where porosity and pore size play significant roles in the parameterization of impact events.  相似文献   

Abstract— NWA 2526 is a coarse‐grained, achondritic rock dominated by equigranular grains of polysynthetically twinned enstatite (?85 vol%) with frequent 120° triple junctions and ?10–15 vol% of kamacite + terrestrial weathering products. All other phases including troilite, daubreelite, schreibersite, and silica‐normative melt areas make up 相似文献   

Ar‐Ar isochron ages of EL chondrites suggest closure of the K‐Ar system at 4.49 ± 0.01 Ga for EL5 and 6 chondrites, and 4.45 ± 0.01 Ga for EL3 MAC 88136. The high‐temperature release regimes contain a mixture of radiogenic 40Ar* and trapped primordial argon (solar or Q‐type) with 40Ar/36ArTR ~ 0 , which does not affect the 40Ar budget. The low‐temperature extractions show evidence of an excess 40Ar component. The 40Ar/36Ar is 180–270; it is defined by intercept values of isochron regression. Excess 40Ar is only detectable in petrologic types >4/5. These lost most of their primordial 36Ar from low‐temperature phases during metamorphism and retrapped excess 40Ar. The origin of this excess 40Ar component is probably related to metamorphic Ar mobilization, homogenization of primordial and in situ radiogenic Ar, and trapping of Ar by distinct low‐temperature phases. Ar‐Ar ages of EH chondrites are more variable and show clear evidence of a major impact‐induced partial resetting at about 2.2 Ga ago or alternatively, prolonged metamorphic decomposition of major K carrier phases. EH impact melt LAP 02225 displayed the highest Ar‐Ar isochron age of 4.53 ± 0.01 Ga. This age sets a limit of about 25–45 Ma for the age bias between the K‐Ar and U‐Pb decay systems.  相似文献   

Abstract— Denman 002 is a new Australian carbonaceous chondrite. A single stone of 30 g was recovered in 1991 May near Fisher Station on the Trans Australian Railway, Nullarbor Plain, South Australia (30°36′S, 130°04′E). Texture, mineral and chemical composition indicate that it is a CV3 chondrite of oxidised subgroup with several similarities to Allende. It is composed of sharply defined chondrules, Ca-Al rich inclusions up to 3.5 mm across, olivine aggregates and fine-grained, nearly opaque matrix (40 vol%). Silicates are compositionally highly heterogeneous (olivine Fa: 0.2–45.6 mol%, PMD: 109.7). Denman 002 shows shock effects of stage SI and weathering of category A.  相似文献   

Abstract— A search of active deflation basins near Jal, Lea County, New Mexico resulted in the discovery of two meteorites, Lea County 001 and 002. Lea County 001 has mean olivine and low-Ca pyroxene compositions of Fa19 and Fs17, respectively. These and all other mineralogical and petrological data collected indicate a classification of H5 for this stone. Lea County 002 has mean olivine and low-Ca pyroxene compositions of Fa2 and Fs4, and is unequilibrated. Although it is mineralogically most similar to Kakangari and chondritic clasts within Cumberland Falls, the high modal amount of forsterite makes Lea County a unique type 3 chondrite. Oxygen isotope data for Lea County 002 fall on an 16O-mixing line through those of the enstatite meteorites and IAB irons, a feature shared by Kakangari.  相似文献   

The origin of Mercury's anomalous core and low FeO surface mineralogy are outstanding questions in planetary science. Mercury's composition may result from cosmochemical controls on the precursor solids that accreted to form Mercury. High temperatures and enrichment in solid condensates are likely conditions near the midplane of the inner solar protoplanetary disk. Silicate liquids similar to the liquids quenched in ferromagnesian chondrules are thermodynamically stable in oxygen-rich systems that are highly enriched in dust of CI-chondrite composition. In contrast, the solids surviving into the orbit of Mercury's accretion zone were probably similar to highly unequilibrated, anhydrous, interstellar organic- and presolar grain-bearing chondritic, porous interplanetary dust particles (C-IDPs). Chemical systems enriched in an assumed C-IDP composition dust produce condensates (solid+liquid assemblages in equilibrium with vapor) with super-chondritic atomic Fe/Si ratios at high temperatures, approaching 50% of that estimated for bulk Mercury. Sulfur behaves as a refractory element, but at lower temperatures, in these chemical systems. Stable minerals are FeO-poor, and include CaS and MgS, species found in enstatite chondrites. Disk gradients in volatile compositions of planetary and asteroidal precursors can explain Mercury's anomalous composition, as well as enstatite chondrite and aubrite parent body compositions. This model predicts high sulfur content, and very low FeO content of Mercury's surface rocks.  相似文献   

Abstract— Enstatite chondrites are classified into EH and EL groups, and some of them were melted once. In this paper, we report petrography and mineral chemistry of five new Antarctic enstatite chondrites. Yamato 793225 is characterized by intermediate properties between the EH and EL groups and probably represents a new grouplet of enstatite chondrites. The three paired meteorites (Y-8404, Y-8414 and Y-86004) may have cooled rapidly near the surface of the parent body as impact EH melt rocks. Yamato 82189 is also classified as EH melt rock, but it experienced slow cooling as did Y-793225. Yamato 82189 contains the first occurrence of phlogopite in enstatite meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Metal nodules are one of the major textural components of Kaidun sample #01.3.06 EH3-4. In terms of structure, the nodules are of three types: (1) globular, (2) zoned with a massive core and globular mantle, and (3) nodules with no internal structure. The size and composition of the globules in the nodules and grains of metal of the matrix are almost identical: no greater than 20 μm and Ni, 5.95; Si, 3.33 wt%. The nodules contain small (usually <5 μm) inclusions of SiO2; albitic glass; enstatite; roedderite; and a mixture of SiO2 and Na2S2. This is the first reported occurrence of a simple sulfide of an alkaline metal in nature. The formation of the inclusions appears to be related to condensation of material onto the surfaces of metal grains. The nodules appear to have formed by aggregation of separate grains (globules) of metal, with conservation of condensates on the grain surfaces as inclusions. The inclusions probably condensed over a significant temperature range from 1400 to 600 K. The aggregation of metal grains and formation of the nodules probably occurred simultaneously with condensation.  相似文献   

Abstract— The enstatite chondrite reckling peak (rkp) a80259 contains feldspathic glass, kamacite, troilite, and unusual sets of parallel fine‐grained enstatite prisms that formed by rapid cooling of shock melts. Metallic Fe,Ni and troilite occur as spherical inclusions in feldspathic glass, reflecting the immiscible Fe‐Ni‐S and feldspathic melts generated during the impact. The Fe‐Ni‐S and feldspathic liquids were injected into fractures in coarse‐grained enstatite and cooled rapidly, resulting in thin (≤ 10 μm) semicontinuous to discontinuous veins and inclusion trails in host enstatite. Whole‐rock melt veins characteristic of heavily shocked ordinary chondrites are conspicuously absent. Raman spectroscopy shows that the feldspathic material is a glass. Elevated MgO and SiO2 contents of the glass indicate that some enstatite and silica were incorporated in the feldspathic melt. Metallic Fe,Ni globules are enclosed by sulfide and exhibit Nienrichment along their margins characteristic of rapid crystallization from a Fe‐Ni‐S liquid. Metal enclosed by sulfide is higher in Si and P than metal in feldspathic glass and enstatite, possibly indicating lower O fugacities in metal/sulfide than in silicate domains. Fine‐grained, elongate enstatite prisms in troilite or feldspathic glass crystallized from local pyroxene melts that formed along precursor grain boundaries, but most of the enstatite in the target rock remained solid during the impact and occurs as deformed, coarsegrained crystals with lower CaO, Al2O3, and FeO than the fine‐grained enstatite. Reckling Peak A80259 represents an intermediate stage of shock melting between unmelted E chondrites and whole‐rock shock melts and melt breccias documented by previous workers. The shock petrogenesis of RKPA80259 reflects the extensive impact processing of the enstatite chondrite parent bodies relative to those of other chondrite types.  相似文献   

Abstract— Hadley Rille is a millimeter-size EH chondrite containing euhedral and acicular enstatite grains, kamacite globules and preferentially aligned silicate aggregates separated by elongated kamacite-rich patches. The Hadley Rille chondrite was significantly impact melted when it accreted to the lunar regolith at relative velocities of ~>3 km s?1; ~65–75% of the chondrules present initially were melted. During the impact, portions of the local regolith were melted and an agglutinate-like rim formed around the chondritic projectile; the rim consists of flow-banded vesicular glass, blebs of troilite and low-Ni metallic Fe, rock fragments, glass(?) shards, and mineral grains. The mineral grains include enstatite (which is otherwise absent from the Moon and must have been derived from the projectile) and poorly characterized, micrometer-size phases enriched in light rare-earth-elements (LREE), which probably formed during the impact. Several of the rock fragments contain <33 mg/g Cl, which was probably derived through impact-induced volatilization of Cl from chondrule mesostases in the EH projectile.  相似文献   

Al Haggounia 001 and paired specimens (including Northwest Africa [NWA] 2828 and 7401) are part of a vesicular, incompletely melted, EL chondrite impact melt rock with a mass of ~3 metric tons. The meteorite exhibits numerous shock effects including (1) development of undulose to weak mosaic extinction in low‐Ca pyroxene; (2) dispersion of metal‐sulfide blebs within silicates causing “darkening”; (3) incomplete impact melting wherein some relict chondrules survived; (4) vaporization of troilite, resulting in S2 bubbles that infused the melt; (5) formation of immiscible silicate and metal‐sulfide melts; (6) shock‐induced transportation of the metal‐sulfide melt to distances >10 cm; (7) partial resorption of relict chondrules and coarse silicate grains by the surrounding silicate melt; (8) crystallization of enstatite in the matrix and as overgrowths on relict silicate grains and relict chondrules; (9) crystallization of plagioclase from the melt; and (10) quenching of the vesicular silicate melt. The vesicular samples lost almost all of their metal during the shock event and were less susceptible to terrestrial weathering; in contrast, the samples in which the metal melt accumulated became severely weathered. Literature data indicate the meteorite fell ~23,000 yr ago; numerous secondary phases formed during weathering. Both impact melting and weathering altered the meteorite's bulk chemical composition: e.g., impact melting and loss of a metal‐sulfide melt from NWA 2828 is responsible for bulk depletions in common siderophile elements and in Mn (from alabandite); weathering of oldhamite caused depletions in many rare earth elements; the growth of secondary phases caused enrichments in alkalis, Ga, As, Se, and Au.  相似文献   

Abstract– The insoluble organic matter (IOM) of an unequilibrated enstatite chondrite Sahara (SAH) 97096 has been investigated using a battery of analytical techniques. As the enstatite chondrites are thought to have formed in a reduced environment at higher temperatures than carbonaceous chondrites, they constitute an interesting comparative material to test the heterogeneities of the IOM in the solar system and to constrain the processes that could affect IOM during solar system evolution. The SAH 97096 IOM is found in situ: as submicrometer grains in the network of fine‐grained matrix occurring mostly around chondrules and as inclusions in metallic nodules, where the carbonaceous matter appears to be more graphitized. IOM in these two settings has very similar δ15N and δ13C; this supports the idea that graphitized inclusions in metal could be formed by metal catalytic graphitization of matrix IOM. A detailed comparison between the IOM extracted from a fresh part and a terrestrially weathered part of SAH 97096 shows the similarity between both IOM samples in spite of the high degree of mineral alteration in the latter. The isolated IOM exhibits a heterogeneous polyaromatic macromolecular structure, sometimes highly graphitized, without any detectable free radicals and deuterium‐heterogeneity and having mean H‐ and N‐isotopic compositions in the range of values observed for carbonaceous chondrites. It contains some submicrometer‐sized areas highly enriched in 15N (δ15N up to 1600‰). These observations reinforce the idea that the IOM found in carbonaceous chondrites is a common component widespread in the solar system. Most of the features of SAH 97096 IOM could be explained by the thermal modification of this main component.  相似文献   

In ordinary chondrites (OCs), phosphates and feldspar are secondary minerals known to be the products of parent‐body metamorphism. Both minerals provide evidence that metasomatic fluids played a role during metamorphism. We studied the petrology and chemistry of phosphates and feldspar in petrologic type 4–6 L chondrites, to examine the role of metasomatic fluids, and to compare metamorphic conditions across all three OC groups. Apatite in L chondrites is Cl‐rich, similar to H chondrites, whereas apatite in LL chondrites has lower Cl/F ratios. Merrillite has similar compositions among the three chondrite groups. Feldspar in L chondrites shows a similar equilibration trend to LL chondrites, from a wide range of plagioclase compositions in petrologic type 4 to a homogeneous albitic composition in type 6. This contrasts with H chondrites which have homogeneous albitic plagioclase in petrologic types 4–6. Alkali‐ and halogen‐rich and likely hydrous metasomatic fluids acted during prograde metamorphism on OC parent bodies, resulting in albitization reactions and development of phosphate minerals. Fluid compositions transitioned to a more anhydrous, Cl‐rich composition after the asteroid began to cool. Differences in secondary minerals between H and L, LL chondrites can be explained by differences in fluid abundance, duration, or timing of fluid release. Phosphate minerals in the regolith breccia, Kendleton, show lithology‐dependent apatite compositions. Bulk Cl/F ratios for OCs inferred from apatite compositions are higher than measured bulk chondrite values, suggesting that bulk F abundances are overestimated and that bulk Cl/F ratios in OCs are similar to CI.  相似文献   

Abstract— The iodine‐xenon system has been analyzed in samples of 7 chondrules from the CB chondrites Gujba and Hammadah al Hamra (HaH) 237. One sample from Gujba defined a high temperature iodine‐xenon isochron corresponding to closure 1.87 ± 0.4 Ma before closure of Shallowater enstatite. Motivated by this result, we employ outlier rejection to re‐evaluate the Shallowater age, leading to a modified value of 4562.3 ± 0.4 Ma (1s?). In this process, the datum obtained by combining our I‐Xe age for Gujba with the literature Pb‐Pb age is rejected as an outlier, indicating that in this sample the I‐Xe system closed earlier than the accepted Pb‐Pb age of chondrules from CB chondrites. The need for a formation environment distinct from that of chondrules from other meteorites is thus reduced.  相似文献   

Abstract– Perryite [(Fe,Ni)x(Si,P)y], schreibersite [(Fe,Ni)3P], and kamacite (αFeNi) are constituent minerals of the metal‐sulfide nodules in the Sahara 97072 (EH3) enstatite chondrite meteorite. We have measured concentrations of Ni, Cu, Ga, Au, Ir, Ru, and Pd in these minerals with laser ablation, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS). We also measured their Fe, Ni, P, Si, and Co concentrations with electron microprobe. In kamacite, ratios of Ru/Ir, Pd/Ir, and Pd/Ru cluster around their respective CI values and all elements analyzed plot near the intersection of the equilibrium condensation trajectory versus Ni and the respective CI ratios. In schreibersite, the Pd/Ru ratio is near the CI value and perryite contains significant Cu, Ga, and Pd. We propose that schreibersite and perryite formed separately near the condensation temperatures of P and Si in a reduced gas and were incorporated into Fe‐Ni alloy. Upon further cooling, sulfidation of Fe in kamacite resulted in the formation of additional perryite at the sulfide interface. Still later, transient heating re‐melted this perryite near the Fe‐FeS eutectic temperature during partial melting of the metal‐sulfide nodules. The metal‐sulfide nodules are pre‐accretionary objects that retain CI ratios of most siderophile elements, although they have experienced transient heating events.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report the mineralogy and oxygen isotopic compositions of FeO‐rich silicates in the Sahara 97159 EH3 chondrite. This component is referred to as FeO‐rich because it contains substantially more FeO than the characteristic FeO‐poor silicates in the highly reduced enstatite meteorites. These FeO‐rich silicates are mostly low‐Ca pyroxene (Fs5–35) and their compositions suggest an origin under more oxidizing conditions, like those for the ordinary chondrites. However, the mafic silicates in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites are dominantly olivine, and the FeO‐rich silicates in the E chondrites are less commonly olivine. The oxygen isotopic compositions of the FeO‐rich silicates are indistinguishable from those of FeO‐poor silicates in Sahara 97159. These observations suggest that both the FeO‐rich silicates and the FeO‐poor silicates in EH chondrites formed from the same oxygen reservoir where redox conditions varied widely.  相似文献   

Abstract— It is proposed that the chondrules in enstatite chondrites formed near the Sun from rain‐like supercooled liquid silicate droplets and condensed Fe‐Ni alloys in thermodynamic equilibrium with a slowly cooling nebula. FeO formed and dissolved in the droplets in an initial stage when the nucleation of iron was blocked, and was later mostly reduced to unalloyed Fe. At high temperatures, the silicate droplets contained high concentrations of the less volatile components CaO and Al2O3. At somewhat lower temperatures the equilibrium MgO content of the droplets was relatively high. As cooling progressed, some droplets gravitated toward the Sun, and moved in other directions, depleting the region in CaO, Al2O3, and MgO and accounting for the relatively low observed CaO/SiO2, Al2O3/SiO2, and MgO/SiO2 ratios in enstatite chondrites. At approximately 1400 K, the remaining supercooled silicate droplets crystallized to form MgSiO3 (enstatite) with small amounts of olivine and a high‐SiO2 liquid phase which became the mesostases. The high enstatite content is the result of the supercooled chondrules crystallizing at a relatively low temperature and relatively high total pressure. Finally, FeS formed at temperatures below 680 K by reaction of the condensed Fe with H2S. All calculations were performed with the evaluated optimized thermodynamic databases of the FactSage thermodynamic computer system. The thermodynamic properties of compounds and solutions in these databases were optimized completely independently of any meteoritic data. Agreement of the model with observed bulk and phase compositions of enstatite chondrules is very good and is generally within experimental error limits for all components and phases.  相似文献   

Abstract— Five small, weathered meteorites recovered from Roosevelt County, New Mexico, USA, are called Roosevelt County 066–070. Based on optical microscopy and electron microprobe analysis of mafic minerals, RC 066–070 are classified as L5a chondrites. RC 068 and 069 are tentatively paired. RC 066 and RC 067 are not paired with RC 068 and RC 069. RC 066, 067 and 070 do not appear to be paired with each other or with RC 001–031.  相似文献   

Abstract— A large (≥4.5 × 7 × 4 mm), igneous-textured clast in the Bovedy (L3) chondrite is notable for its high bulk SiO2 content (57.5 wt%). The clast consists of normally zoned orthopyroxene (83.8 vol%), tridymite (6.2 %), an intergrowth of feldspar (5.8 %) and sodic glass (3.1 %), pigeonite (1.0 %), and small amounts of chromite (0.2 %), augite, and Fe, Ni-metal; it is best described as a silica-rich orthopyroxenite. The oxygen-isotopic composition of the clast is similar, but not identical, to Bovedy and other ordinary chondrites. The clast has a superchondritic Si/Mg ratio, but has Mg/(Mg + Fe) and Fe/Mn ratios that are similar to ordinary chondrite silicate. The closest chemical analogues to the clast are radial-pyroxene chondrules, diogenites, pyroxene-silica objects in ordinary chondrites, and silicates in the IIE iron meteorite Weekeroo Station. The clast crystallized from a siliceous melt that cooled fast enough to prevent complete attainment of equilibrium but slow enough to allow nearly complete crystallization. The texture, form, size and composition of the clast suggest that it is an igneous differentiate from an asteroid or planetesimal that formed in the vicinity of ordinary chondrites. The melt probably cooled in the near-surface region of the parent object. It appears that in the source region of the clast, metallic and silicate partial melt were largely-to-completely lost during a relatively low degree of melting, and that during a higher degree of melting, olivine and low-Ca pyroxene separated from the remaining liquid, which ultimately solidified to form the clast. While these fractionation steps could not have all occurred at the same temperature, they could have been accomplished in a single melting episode, possibly as a result of heating by radionuclides or by electromagnetic induction. Fractionated magmas can also account for other Si-rich objects in chondrites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Machinga, southern Malawi, Africa, L6 chondrite (observed fall, 22 January 1981) contains accessory phases of metal, troilite, chromite, and native Cu (which is associated with limonite and found in zones of aqueous alteration). Rare accessory phases are apatite and pentlandite, which are uncommon in L6 chondrites. Major mineral constituents (olivine, orthopyroxene, and plagioclase) indicate shock effects at a level of about 15–20 GPa shock pressure. The meteorite is thus classified to be of L6d type. Melt pockets of widely variable composition are abundant.  相似文献   

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