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The New EC Framework Water Directive: Assessment of the Chemical and Ecological Status of Surface Waters The main objective of the draft EC Framework Water Directive is the good quality of all surface waters. The directive provides for an assessment of the chemical status of surface waters (EU‐wide valid environmental quality standards for approximately 30 priority substances) and a five‐stage ecological classification of waters, comprising the stages high, good, moderate, poor, and bad. The starting point for the assessment are the reference conditions, which are defined as corresponding to high water quality and characterising a water status with no significant anthropogenic impact. The reference sites in the various water body types are to be selected using hydromorphological and physico‐chemical parameters and subsequently characterised by means of biological parameters. For surface waters, three groups of characteristics are provided for, namely: 1. with priority the biology – in the case of surface waters – with the four elements phytoplankton, macrophytes/phytobenthos, benthic invertebrate fauna, and fish fauna; 2. supporting the hydromorphology, e.g. flowing waters with the three elements hydrological regime, river continuity, and morphological conditions and 3. supporting the physico‐chemical conditions with the three elements general conditions, specific synthetic pollutants, and specific non synthetic pollutants (other than the priority substances of the chemical status).  相似文献   

Quality Requirements for Fresh Waters: Water Quality Targets, Water Quality Objectives, and Chemical Water Quality Classification In the Federal Republic of Germany, water quality requirements for the protection of inland surface waters against hazardous substances are formulated on the basis of a quality targets derivation concept developed jointly by the Federal Government and the Federal States. The quality requirements were termed “water quality targets” in order to make it clear that the values derived are orientational values rather than legally binding limit values. The international comparison of quality requirements for surface waters shows that, on the whole, the national quality targets ensure a high level of protection. According to present scientific knowledge, impairments of uses, such as supply of drinking water, or risks to aquatic communities need not to be expected if the quality targets are complied with. A comparison of water quality data with the water quality targets makes it possible, on the one hand, to identify those substances whose inputs must be further reduced; on the other hand, it also shows that, for a number of substances, there is no need at present for concern over their adversely water quality. A further differentiation of the aquatic hazard potential of pollutants allows a water quality classification system to be developed on the basis of the quality targets derivation concept. The basic elements of this water quality classification system are presented, and its application is explained by way of examples.  相似文献   

This study presents the 26 major surface water types established in Austria in accordance with the draft of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). These types are made up of so‐called aquatic landscape units and large rivers. The 17 aquatic landscape units were defined using a database in which all Austrian running waters with a catchment area greater than 10 km[2] were described according to the following typological features: size of catchment area, altitude of catchment area and confluences, stream order, geology, zoogeographical regions (ecoregions), and subregions. At running waters with gauges, a classification according to flow regimes was carried out. Large rivers were defined as running waters with a stream order ⩾7 and/or a catchment area > 2500 km2 and/or with an average flow >50 m3/s. These major types represent, inter alia, the basis for the establishment of a surveillance monitoring network as required by the WFD.  相似文献   

With the Water Framework Directive (WFD) the European Commission (EC) is requested to define environmental quality standards for pollutants to protect aquatic life in surface waters. Quality standards have to be derived by a scientific risk assessment and should not be exceeded. The recommended quality standards are mainly based on long term toxicological tests with algae, crustaceans and fish. The lowest effect concentration is divided by an assessment factor between 10 and 1000, which considers the data quality and quantity. In this work funded by the German Länder Working Party on Water (Länderarbeitsgemeinschaft Wasser – LAWA) environmental quality standards for 40 considered relevant substances were derived for aquatic ecosystems. The data sheets cover the identification of the compounds, their behaviour in the environment (physical‐chemical properties, biotic and abiotic degradation, sorption, bioaccumulation), information about mode of action, uses, analytical determination and available quality criteria. Ecotoxicological effect concentrations for bacteria, algae, protozoa, aquatic plants, crustaceans, fish, amphibians, insects and molluscs are listed. For 17 of the 40 hazardous substances investigated, quality objectives above 1 μg/L were derived. For 12 substances the values were between 0.1 μg/L and 1 μg/L and for 5 substances lower than 0.1 μg/L. Incomplete ecotoxicological data sets of the remaining compounds do not allow the derivation of quality standards. Especially for drugs further ecotoxicological test results are needed.  相似文献   

The present work aims to study the main chemical and physical water parameters in the upper and middle Volturno river catchment (southern Italy), between the Capo Volturno springs and the confluence with the Calore river. This study makes use of morphology, geolithology, tectonic, land use, and physico‐chemical (pH, electrical conductivity, redox potential, temperature, major ions, and 222Rn) data for the identification of the main sources of surface and groundwaters in the Volturno catchment and of their evolution and mixing both in base flow and peak flow conditions. The study was also performed to assess whether the alteration due to potential anthropogenic contamination may hamper the identification of natural “primitive” sources of surface waters, especially in the populated and farmed plains far from the river headwaters. Our data suggest that water chemistry of this stretch of the Volturno river is dominated mainly by lithology and, only marginally, by the intense exogenous activities and that this trend is appreciable in both base flow and peak flow conditions. The proposed simple geochemical approach based on easy‐to‐sample matrices and on cost‐effective standard methods is a valuable tool to address catchment functionality especially in upland areas, where complex geologic and structural settings, heterogeneous groundwater flow, and logistical issues are the rule rather than the exception. Because the upper and middle Volturno catchment is comparable with numerous valleys of the Mediterranean area, this study could be a reference for analogous applications.  相似文献   

Does the Structural Quality of Running Waters Affect the Occurrence of Macrophytes? The morphological structure plays, besides e.g. nutrient concentration, an important role for the integrated assessment of running waters. This paper focuses on the relationship between structural quality and macrophyte vegetation. During summer 2000 structural quality according to LAWA, macrophyte vegetation, and selected habitat parameters were recorded in 135 mapping sections in running waters in Southern Germany. In streams of high structural diversity, generally higher species richness is expected than in rivers of low diversity of habitats. However, no significant differences in macrophyte species richness were detected between different classes of structural quality. In contrast, bryophytes alone showed a significant decrease in species richness with degradation of structural quality. The number of species of other macrophytes increased, respectively. The relationship between occurrence of macrophytes, structural quality, and other environmental variables was analysed using canonical correspondence analysis. Rivers of high structural quality mostly showed high flowing velocities and were heavily shaded. These environmental conditions, which characterize river types of mountainous regions, were predominantly tolerated by bryophytes. Vascular plants and charophytes generally prefer slowly flowing and unshaded habitats. River types exhibiting these environmental conditions often are more influenced by human activities and are more structurally degraded, respectively. With respect to these fundamental differences between river types, species richness of macrophytes and class of structural quality are not correlated when all types of rivers are taken into account. Type‐specific ecomorphological parameters, which conceal the differences in species richness caused by structural quality, are discussed. Structural degraded rivers can provide good environmental conditions for vascular plants and charophytes. To predict macrophyte species richness from structural quality, a differentiation of river types is essential.  相似文献   

The assessment of water quality of the River Yamuna in the Delhi stretch was carried out by determining changes in the concentration levels of 19 physico‐chemical parameters. It was observed that vegetation plays an important role in acting as a biological sink for mineral nutrients, thereby restoring the water quality. It is proposed that restoration of the inundation pattern of floodplains would greatly help in re‐aeration of the overlying water and re‐absorption of pollutants through mud/water exchanges.  相似文献   

The dominance of ‘old’ pre‐event water in headwater storm runoff has been recorded in numerous upland catchment studies; however, the mechanisms by which this pre‐event water enters the stream channel are poorly understood. Understanding these processes is fundamental to determining the controls on surface water quality and associated impacts on stream ecology. Previous studies in the upland forested catchment of the Afon Hafren (River Severn) at Plynlimon, mid‐Wales, identified an active bedrock groundwater system that was discharging into the stream channel during storm response. Detailed analysis showed that these discharges were small and could not account for the majority of pre‐event storm water response identified at this site; pre‐event storm runoff had to be sourced predominantly from further upstream. An intensive stream survey was used to determine the spatial nature of groundwater–surface water (GW–SW) interactions in the Hafren Catchment. Detailed physico‐chemical in‐stream profiling identified a marked change in water quality indicating a significant discrete point of bedrock groundwater discharge upstream of the Hafren Transect study site. The in‐stream profiling showed the importance of high spatial resolution sampling as a key to understanding processes of GW–SW interaction and how quick and cost‐effective measurements of specific electrical conductance of stream waters could be used to highlight in‐stream heterogeneity. This approach is recommended for use in headwater catchments for initial characterisation of the stream channel in order to better locate instrumentation and to determine more effective targeted sampling protocols in upland catchment research. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The link between spatiotemporal patterns of stream water chemistry and catchment characteristics for the mesoscale Dill catchment (692 km2) in Germany is explored to assess the catchment scale controls on water quality and to characterize water sources. In order to record the spatiotemporal pattern, ‘snapshot sampling’ was applied during low, mean and high flow, including 73 nested sites throughout the catchment. Water samples were analysed for the elements Li, B, Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ba, Pb and U using inductively‐coupled‐plasma mass spectrometry, and for electric conductivity and pH. Principle component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to find typical element associations and to group water samples according to their hydrochemical fingerprints. This revealed regional hydrochemical patterns of water quality which were subsequently related to catchment attributes to draw conclusions about the controls on stream chemistry. It was found that various lithologic signals and anthropogenic point source inputs controlled the base flow hydrochemistry. During increased flows, stream waters were diluted causing additional hydrochemical variability in response to heterogeneous precipitation inputs and differences in aquifer storage capacities. The hydrochemical patterns further displayed in‐stream mixing of waters. This implied, that stream waters could be apportioned to the identified water sources throughout the catchment. The basin‐wide hydrochemical variability has the potential to outrange the tracer signatures typically inferred in studies at the hillslope scale and is able to strongly influence the complexity of the catchment output. Both have to be considered for further catchment scale tracer and modelling work. Despite the likelihood of non‐conservative behaviour, the minor and trace elements enhanced the rather qualitative discrimination of the various groundwater types, as the major cations were strongly masked by point source inputs. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In military out of area missions of the Bundeswehr, it can be necessary to produce drinking water even from highly polluted surface waters containing a variety of organic, inorganic, and microbiological contaminants. Thus, mobile drinking water purification systems must be able to remove such contaminants as far as possible to meet the requirements of the German and European drinking water regulation/directive. Presently, two novel drinking water purification units applying membrane filtration undergo intensive long‐term trials carried out by the Bundeswehr. If these trials positively proof the functionality of these units and their ability to remove all possible contaminants they shall substitute so far available devices which use large amounts of chemicals and charcoal filtration for water purification.In the course of a research project, the functionality of the new devices and their efficacy to remove high amounts of algae, microbes, and organic and inorganic pollutants are additionally tested in “worst‐case” field studies. In September 2000, the first mobile drinking water purification unit was tested at the Teltowkanal in Berlin, Germany.This canal was chosen because it carries high burdens of municipal sewage effluents. The results from the fatigue test confirmed the ability of the water purification unit to reduce the concentrations of all contaminants meeting the maximum tolerance levels set by the German/European drinking water regulation.The pre‐filtration device was very effective in removing algae and solid particles to protect the membranes from clogging and to enable an almost maintenance‐free operation. Residues of pharmaceuticals and some other organic contaminants have almost totally been removed from the surface water where they were detected at individual concentrations up to the μg/L‐level.  相似文献   

Distribution of Natural and Synthetic Estrogenic Steroid Hormones in Water Samples from Southern and Middle Germany Natural and synthetic hormones can reach surface waters via domestic sewage effluents. For drinking water production, bank filtration of river waters is a common procedure and hormone contaminations can potentially reach groundwater levels and drinking water sources. In order to analyse steroid hormones in the different aquatic compartments (raw sewage and effluent, surface water, groundwater, raw and drinking water) of South and Middle Germany, a sensitive analytical method was developed and employed to detect the natural steroid hormones estradiol (E2) and estrone and the synthetic estrogen ethinylestradiol (EE2). Samples which were taken in two subsequent series were subjected to clean‐up and enrichment procedure and subsequently analysed by HPLC‐MS. The limit of quantitation for the method was determined to be 0.05 to 0.5 ng/L, depending on the matrix. By treating the samples with glucuronidases/arylsulfatases, conjugates were amenable to analysis and the sum of conjugates and unconjugated steroids was calculated. In raw sewage, the median of the concentrations of the unconjugated steroids was 7 ng/L for EE2, 1.5 ng/L for E2, and 5.5 ng/L for estrone. After cleavage of conjugates, the medians of total steroids were 9.5 ng/L (EE2), 3 ng/L (E2), and 13 ng/l (estrone). Conjugates therefore contributed up to 50 % of the total steroid concentration in raw sewage. In treated effluents, the concentrations of steroids were much lower than in the raw sewage. The medians of free steroids were determined to be 0.3 ng/L for EE2, 0.2 ng/L for E2, and 2.5 ng/L for estrone. Overall the medians in the effluent were thus less than 10% of those in the influent. Conjugates still contributed significantly (40% and more) to the steroid concentrations (medians: EE2: 0.5 ng/L, E2: 0.8 ng/L, and estrone: 8 ng/L).  相似文献   

Quality Targets for Pesticides and Other Pollutants in Surface Waters Surface waters are not only adversely affected by industrial and municipal wastewaters but also by diffuse sources. For the control of the ecological water quality, so‐called quality targets are set. The quality targets are threshold concentrations for hazardous substances related to the protected goods like water ecosystems, drinking water supply, sediments, or fishing. In this paper, quality targets for the protection of aquatic life in surface waters were derived on the basis of a concept developed by the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (Internationale Kommission zum Schutze des Rheins – IKSR). The quality targets for the selected hazardous substances, which mainly belong to the chemical class of pesticides, were calculated using ecotoxicological results for species of bacteria, algae, fish, and small crustaceans, as the four trophic standards of the water ecosystem. In cooperation with the Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt – UBA) the effect data were taken from ecotoxicological data bases. According to the concept of the IKSR, the lowest test result for the most sensitive species was multiplied by an assessment factor. This proceeding concerns the difficulty in describing the complex interactions in water ecosystems with toxicity data of single laboratory experiments for a few organisms. For seven pesticides quality targets below 0.1 μg/L were proposed. These results show that the ecotoxicologically based quality targets might be even lower than the limit values for pesticides in drinking water of 0.1 μg/L. But for most of the substances the determined values are significantly higher. The great concentration range of quality targets demonstrates distinctly that one standard concentration for all pesticides could not be given with regard to the different effects on aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) was established for the protection of surface waters (rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal waters) and ground waters in the European Union. The main environmental objective is to achieve and maintain a good status for all waters by the target date of 2015. Models which are able to address the majority of environmental objectives are proposed within the WFD to inform the management changes required to meet current water policy goals. The use of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) catchment model is widespread throughout the world, especially to support river basin management as required by the WFD. This paper provides a critical evaluation of the use of the model by placing model performance in the Axe catchment, UK, in the context of international performance of the model. Within the constraints of the available data, SWAT represents hydrology, sediment and ortho‐phosphorus concentration well for this heterogeneous catchment, but the representation of daily nitrogen concentration dynamics is poor. Temporal aggregation of model outputs from daily to monthly improved the performance metrics for all the river outputs, including nitrate. Wider review of SWAT studies showed widespread reporting of monthly performance metrics within the SWAT studies, despite the model operating at a daily time step. Poor performance for nitrate identified in this current study may be a significant factor in the choice to not report daily results. This demonstrates the importance of ascertaining the reasons for the use of temporal aggregation in modelling studies.  相似文献   

Groundwater from boreholes and shallow wells is a major source of drinking water in most rural areas of Zimbabwe. The quality of groundwater has been taken for granted and the status and the potential threats to groundwater quality have not been investigated on a large scale in Zimbabwe. A borehole and shallow well water quality survey was undertaken between January, 2009 and February, 2010 to determine the chemical and microbial aspects of drinking water in three catchment areas. Groundwater quality physico-chemical indicators used in this study were nitrates, chloride, water hardness, conductivity, alkalinity, total dissolved solids, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium, fluoride, sulphates, sodium and pH. The microbiological indicators were total coliforms, faecal coliforms and heterotrophs. Principal component analysis (PCA) showed that most of the variation in ground water quality in all catchment areas is accounted for by Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), electrical conductivity (EC), sodium, bicarbonate and magnesium. The principal dissolved constituents in ground water are in the form of electrically charged ions. Nitrate is a significant problem as the World Health Organization recommended levels were exceeded in 36%, 37% and 22% of the boreholes in the Manyame, Mazowe and Gwayi catchment areas respectively. The nitrate levels were particularly high in commercial farming areas. Iron and manganese also exceeded the recommended levels. The probable source of high iron levels is the underlying geology of the area which is dominated by dolerites. Dolerites weather to give soils rich in iron and other mafic minerals. The high level of manganese is probably due to the lithology of the rock as well as mining activity in some areas. Water hardness is a problem in all catchment areas, particularly in the Gwayi catchment area where a value of 2550 mg/l was recorded in one borehole. The problems with hard water use are discussed. Chloride levels exceeded the recommended levels in a few areas under irrigation. Most of the chloride is probably from agricultural activity particularly the application of potassium chloride. Fluoride levels were particularly elevated in the Gwayi catchment area and this is because of the geology of the area. There was no evidence of microbial contamination in all the boreholes sampled as the total coliform, faecal coliforms, heterotrophs count was nil. However, severe microbial contamination was found in the wells especially those in clay areas.  相似文献   

The article evaluates the water quality in rural areas in the Czech part of Labe River catchment using the example of Slapanka River catchment. This river drains a typical landscape of Ceskomoravska Highland. Water quality in rural areas is still very low and the attention is paid to organic substances and nutrients. Increased amount of them in streams is caused mainly by agriculture and production of municipal wastewater resulting in increased eutrophication. A significant part of the article consists in the evaluation of point and non-point sources of water pollution. Identifying the type of the pollution source is helped by regression analysis using data from the public monitoring network. Eleven sampling sites were selected for evaluating the water quality. Physical and chemical analyses were made 12 times during the field monitoring in the years 2001–2003.In long-term development water quality has improved in all monitored parameters during the last 15 years. Least significant improvement has been found with the concentration of nitrate nitrogen. The water quality within the whole catchment area still remains low.To reduce the influence of pollution sources, we recommend the sanitation of diffuse sources of pollution from small settlements with less than 2000 inhabitants, and a successive change from agricultural management and intensive mass production to extensive ways, especially in mountain and sub-mountain areas.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Ecology of Species of Aquatic Oomycetes in the Aue Lake and the River Fulda in Kassel (Hessen) In this study, we record diversity and ecology of aquatic Oomycetes in the Aue Lake and the river Fulda in Kassel (Hesse, Germany). We monthly collected water samples of both water bodies from July 2003 to June 2004. The baiting method was used to gain an insight into the occurrence of aquatic Oomycetes. A total of 14 species of aquatic Oomycetes belonging to the orders Saprolegniales, Leptomitales and Olpidiopsidales could be isolated of both water bodies. Numerous saprophytic isolates of Rhizophydium Schenk (Chytridiomycetes), Rhizophydium carpophilum (Zopf) Fischer, parasitic on Oomycetes, and additionally one species of Plasmodiophoromycetes, Woronina polycystis Cornu could be isolated. Many isolates of Saprolegniales attributable to the genera Achlya Nees, Dictyuchus Leitgeb, Saprolegnia Nees and Pythium Pringsheim (Pythiales), which could only be identified on generic level, could be isolated as well. The species were examined and discussed with respect to their occurrence in the stagnant water Aue Lake and/or in the running water of the river Fulda. Half of the isolated species only occurred in one of the water bodies. In this study the occurrence of Achlya proliferoides Coker could be documented for Germany for the first time. The trophic status of the Aue Lake and of the classification of water quality of the river Fulda were determined by limnological‐chemical parameters obtained by simultaneous investigations of both water bodies.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the performance of two low cost and high performance adsorption materials, i.e., activated carbon produced from two natural waste products: Bamboo and coconut shell, in the removal of three pesticides from drinking water sources. Due to the fact that bamboo and coconut shell are abundant and inexpensive materials in many parts of the world, they respond to the “low‐cost” aspect. The adsorption capacities of two local adsorbents have been compared with commercial activated carbon to explore their potential to respond to the “high quality” aspect. Two pesticides were selected, namely dieldrin and chlorpyrifos, because they are commonly used in agriculture activities, and may remain in high concentrations in surface water used as drinking water sources. The results indicate that the adsorption of pesticides on activated carbons is influenced by physico‐chemical properties of the activated carbon and the pesticides such as the presence of an aromatic ring, and their molar mass. The activated carbon produced from bamboo can be employed as low‐cost and high performance adsorbent, alternative to commercial activated carbon for the removal of pesticides during drinking water production. The performance of activated carbon from bamboo was better due to its relatively large macroporosity and planar surface. The effect of adsorbent and pesticide characteristics on the performance was derived from batch experiments in which the adsorption behavior was studied on the basis of Freundlich isotherms.  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive requires the development of new and accurate methodologies, addressing the assessment of the physico-chemical status of transitional and coastal waters; these are considered by the Directive as the supporting elements for the final evaluation of the Ecological Quality Status.

This contribution develops new approaches in the determination of the physico-chemical status, solving some problems detected in previous contributions, i.e.: (a) fitting the classification of water bodies and typologies, by means of the stretching of the typologies, according to the natural salinity gradient of types; (b) defining reference conditions, based upon the new approach to typologies, (c) proposing accurate multivariate methodologies, in determining the physico-chemical status of the transitional and coastal waters, based upon the defined typologies and references; and (d) discussion of the results obtained by reference to methodological aspects and water quality evolution in the Basque Country, Spain (as a case-study), during the last decade.  相似文献   

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection and improvement of estuarine (transitional) and coastal waters, attempting to achieve good water status by 2015; this includes, within the assessment, biological and chemical elements. The European Commission has proposed a list of priority dangerous substances (including metals such as Cd, Hg, Ni and Pb), with the corresponding list of environmental quality standards (EQS), to assess chemical status, but only for waters. In this contribution, a long-term (1995–2007) dataset of transitional and coastal water and sediment trace elements concentrations, from the Basque Country (northern Spain), has been used to investigate the response of these systems to water treatment programmes. Moreover, the approach proposed in the WFD, for assessing water chemical status (the ‘one out, all out’ approach), is compared with the integration of water and sediment data, into a unique assessment. For this exercise, background levels are used as reference conditions, identifying the boundary between high and good chemical status. EQS are used as the boundary between good and moderate chemical status. This contribution reveals that the first approach can lead to misclassification, with the second approach representing the pattern shown by the long-term data trends. Finally, the management implications, using each approach are discussed.  相似文献   

The processes of stormflow generation were studied in a hill pasture catchment near Hamilton, New Zealand. Although rainfall was relatively evenly distributed throughout the year, stormflow was highly seasonal and over 65 per cent occurred during the winter. Three main processes contributing to stormflow were identified which could be related to soil type and physiographic position. On gleyed soils derived from rhyolitic colluvium, saturation overland flow was the dominant process. Hydrographs from ‘Whipkey’ throughflow troughs also indicated that there was a subsurface response (saturated wedge) from this soil type. On steeper convex slopes, more permeable soils were derived from weathered greywacke. The presence of ephemeral springs on the hillslopes and direct observation during storm events indicated that storm runoff was generated as return flow from this soil. It was noted that nitrate concentrations from subsurface sources were 5–10 times higher than surface runoff. This difference in concentration was utilized in a chemical mixing equation which partitioned stormflow sources. This was compared with the stormflow predicted from rain falling on to saturated areas. There was good agreement between the two models for winter-spring events with respect to the volumes of surface runoff predicted, however the saturated areas model underestimated total stormflow. The results of the study are briefly discussed in terms of the potential for water quality management.  相似文献   

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