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Abstract— The well‐preserved state and excellent exposure at the 39 Ma Haughton impact structure, 23 km in diameter, allows a clearer picture to be made of the nature and distribution of hydrothermal deposits within mid‐size complex impact craters. A moderate‐ to low‐temperature hydrothermal system was generated at Haughton by the interaction of groundwaters with the hot impact melt breccias that filled the interior of the crater. Four distinct settings and styles of hydrothermal mineralization are recognized at Haughton: a) vugs and veins within the impact melt breccias, with an increase in intensity of alteration towards the base; b) cementation of brecciated lithologies in the interior of the central uplift; c) intense veining around the heavily faulted and fractured outer margin of the central uplift; and d) hydrothermal pipe structures or gossans and mineralization along fault surfaces around the faulted crater rim. Each setting is associated with a different suite of hydrothermal minerals that were deposited at different stages in the development of the hydrothermal system. Minor, early quartz precipitation in the impact melt breccias was followed by the deposition of calcite and marcasite within cavities and fractures, plus minor celestite, barite, and fluorite. This occurred at temperatures of at least 200 °C and down to ?100–120 °C. Hydrothermal circulation through the faulted crater rim with the deposition of calcite, quartz, marcasite, and pyrite, occurred at similar temperatures. Quartz mineralization within breccias of the interior of the central uplift occurred in two distinct episodes (?250 down to ?90 °C, and <60 °C). With continued cooling (<90 °C), calcite and quartz were precipitated in vugs and veins within the impact melt breccias. Calcite veining around the outer margin of the central uplift occurred at temperatures of ?150 °C down to <60 °C. Mobilization of hydrocarbons from the country rocks occurred during formation of the higher temperature calcite veins (>80 °C). Appreciation of the structural features of impact craters has proven to be key to understanding the distribution of hydrothermal deposits at Haughton.  相似文献   

Abstract— Field studies and analytical scanning electron microscopy indicate that a hydrothermal system was created by the interaction of water with hot, impact‐generated rocks following formation of the 24 km diameter, 23 Ma Haughton impact structure. Hydrothermal alteration is recognized in two settings: within polymict impact breccias overlying the central portion of the structure, and within localized pipes in impact‐generated concentric fault systems. The intra‐breccia alteration comprises three varieties of cavity and fracture filling: (a) sulfide with carbonate, (b) sulfate, and (c) carbonate. These are accompanied by subordinate celestite, barite, fluorite, quartz and marcasite. Selenite is also developed, particularly in the lower levels of the impact breccia sheet. The fault‐related hydrothermal alteration occurs in 1–7 m diameter subvertical pipes that are exposed for lengths of up 20 m. The pipes are defined by a monomict quartz‐carbonate breccia showing pronounced Fe‐hydroxide alteration. Associated sulfides include marcasite, pyrite and chalcopyrite. We propose three distinct stages in the evolution of the hydrothermal system: (1) Early Stage (>200 °C), with the precipitation of quartz (vapor phase dominated); (2) Main Stage (200‐100 °C), with the development of a two‐phase (vapor plus liquid) zone, leading to calcite, celestite, barite, marcasite and fluorite precipitation; and (3) Late Stage (<100 °C), with selenite and fibroferrite development through liquid phase‐dominated precipitation. We estimate that it took several tens of thousands of years to cool below 50 °C following impact. During this time, Haughton supported a 14 km diameter crater lake and subsurface water system, providing a warmer, wetter niche relative to the surrounding terrain. The results reveal how understanding the internal structure of impact craters is necessary in order to determine their plumbing and cooling systems.  相似文献   

Abstract The transition from impact to post‐impact rocks in the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) core is marked by a 2 cm‐thick clay layer characterized by dissolution features. The clay overlies a 9 cm‐thick hardground, overlying a 66 cm‐thick crossbedded unit, consisting of dolomite sandstone alternating with thin micro‐conglomerate layers with litho‐ and bioclasts and the altered remains of impact glass, now smectite. The micro‐conglomerates mark erosion surfaces. Microprobe and backscatter SEM analysis of the dolomite rhombs show an early diagenetic, complex‐zoned, idiomorphic overgrowth, with Mn‐rich zones, possibly formed by hot fluids related to cooling melt sheet in the crater. The pore spaces are filled with several generations of coelestite, barite, K‐feldpar, and sparry calcite. XRF core scanning analysis detected high Mn values in the crossbedded sediments but no anomalous enrichment of the siderophile elements Cr, Co, Fe, and Ni in the clay layer. Shocked quartz occurs in the crossbedded unit but is absent in the clay layer. The basal Paleocene marls are strongly dissolved and do not contain a basal Paleocene fauna. The presence of a hardground, the lack of siderophile elements, shocked quartz, or Ni‐rich spinels in the clay layer, and the absence of basal Paleocene biozones P0 and Pa all suggest that the top of the ejecta sequence and a significant part of the lower Paleocene is missing. Due to the high energy sedimentation infill, a hiatus at the top of the impactite is not unexpected, but there is nothing in the biostratigraphy, geochemistry, and petrology of the Yax‐1 core that can be used to argue against the synchroneity of the end‐Cretaceous mass‐extinctions and the Chicxulub crater.  相似文献   

Abstract— Impact‐metamorphosed CaCO3‐bearing sandstones at the Haughton structure have been divided into 6 classes, based to a large extent on a previous classification developed for sandstones at Meteor Crater. Class 1a sandstones (<3 GPa) display crude shatter cones, but no other petrographic indications of shock. At pressures of 3 to 5.5 GPa (class 1b), porosity is destroyed and well‐developed shatter cones occur. Class 2 rocks display planar deformation features (PDFs) and are characterized by a “jigsaw” texture produced by rotation and shear at quartz grain boundaries. Calcite shows an increase in the density of mechanical twins and undergoes micro‐brecciation in class 1 and 2 sandstones. Class 3 samples display multiple sets of PDFs and widespread development of diaplectic glass, toasted quartz, and symplectic intergrowths of quartz, diaplectic glass, and coesite. Textural evidence, such as the intermingling of silicate glasses and calcite and the presence of flow textures, indicates that calcite in class 3 sandstones has undergone melting. This constrains the onset of melting of calcite in the Haughton sandstones to > 10 < 20 GPa. At higher pressures, the original texture of the sandstone is lost, which is associated with major development of vesicular SiO2 glass or lechatelierite. Class 5 rocks (>30 GPa) consist almost entirely of lechatelierite. A new class of shocked sandstones (class 6) consists of SiO2‐rich melt that recrystallized to microcrystalline quartz. Calcite within class 4 to 6 sandstones also underwent melting and is preserved as globules and euhedral crystals within SiO2 phases, demonstrating the importance of impact melting, and not decomposition, in these CaCO3‐bearing sandstones.  相似文献   

Abstract Petrographic, electron microprobe, and Raman spectrometric analyses of Yaxcopoil‐1 core samples from the Chicxulub crater indicate that the impact generated a hydrothermal system. Relative textural and vein crosscutting relations and systematic distribution of alteration products reveal a progression of the hydrothermal event in space and time and provide constraints on the nature of the fluids. The earliest calcite, halite, and gaylussite suggest that the impactite sequence was initially permeated by a low temperature saline brine. Subsequent development of a higher temperature hydrothermal regime is indicated by thermal metamorphic diopside‐hedenbergite (Aeg3Fs18‐33En32‐11Wo47‐53) after primary augite and widespread Na‐K for Ca metasomatic alkali exchange in plagioclase. Hydrothermal sphene, apatite, magnetite + (bornite), as well as early calcite (combined 3 to 8 vol%) were introduced with metasomatic feldspar. A lower temperature regime characterized by smectite after probable primary glass, secondary chlorite, and other pre‐existing mafic minerals, as well as very abundant calcite veins and open‐space fillings, extensively overprinted the early hydrothermal stage. The composition of early and late hydrothermal minerals show that the solution was chlorine‐rich (Cl/F >10) and that its Fe/Mg ratio and oxidation state increased substantially (4 to 5 logfO2 units) as temperature decreased through time. The most altered zone in the impactite sequence occurs 30 m above the impact melt. The lack of mineralogical zoning about the impact melt and convective modeling constraints suggest that this unit was too thin at Yaxcopoil‐1 to provide the necessary heat to drive fluids and implies that the hydrothermal system resulted from the combined effects of a pre‐existing saline brine and heat that traveled to the Yaxcopoil‐1 site from adjacent areas where the melt sheet was thicker. Limonite after iron oxides is more common toward the top of the sequence and suggests that the impactite section was subjected to weathering before deposition of the Tertiary marine cover. In addition, scarce latest anatase stringers, chalcopyrite, and barite in vugs, francolite after apatite, and recrystallized halite are the likely products of limited post‐hydrothermal ambient‐temperature diagenesis, or ocean and/or meteoric water circulation.  相似文献   

Abstract— The impact‐induced hydrothermal system in the well‐preserved, 4 km‐diameter Kärdla impact crater on Hiiumaa Island, western Estonia, was investigated by means of mineralogical, chemical, and stable C and O isotope studies. The mineralization paragenetic sequence, with gradually decreasing temperature, reveals at least three evolutionary stages in the development of the post‐impact hydrothermal system: 1) an early vapor‐dominated stage (>300 °C) with precipitation of submicroscopic adularia type K‐feldspar; 2) the main stage (300 to 150/100 °C) with the development of a two‐phase (vapor to liquid) zone leading to precipitation of chlorite/corrensite, (idiomorphic) euhedral K‐feldspar, and quartz; and 3) a late liquid‐dominated stage (<100 °C) with calcite I, dolomite, quartz, calcite II, chalcopyrite/pyrite, Fe‐oxyhydrate, and calcite III precipitation.  相似文献   

Abstract— Zag and Monahans (1998) are H‐chondrite regolith breccias comprised mainly of light‐colored metamorphosed clasts, dark clasts that exhibit extensive silicate darkening, and a halite‐bearing clastic matrix. These meteorites reflect a complex set of modification processes that occurred on the H‐chondrite parent body. The light‐colored clasts are thermally metamorphosed H5 and H6 rocks that were fragmented and deposited in the regolith. The dark clasts formed from light‐colored clasts during shock events that melted and mobilized a significant fraction of their metallic Fe‐Ni and troilite grains. The clastic matrices of these meteorites are rich in solar‐wind gases. Parent‐body water was required to cause leaching of chondritic minerals and chondrule glass; the fluids became enriched in Na, K, Cl, Br, Al, Ca, Mg and Fe. Evaporation of the fluids caused them to become brines as halides and alkalies became supersaturated; grains of halite (and, in the case of Monahans (1998), halite with sylvite inclusions) precipitated at low temperatures (≤100 °C) in the porous regolith. In both meteorites fluid inclusions were trapped inside the halite crystals. Primary fluid inclusions were trapped in the growing crystals; secondary inclusions formed subsequently from fluid trapped within healed fractures.  相似文献   

Abstract— The well‐preserved Kärdla impact crater, on Hiiumaa Island, Estonia, is a 4 km diameter structure formed in a shallow Ordovician sea ?455 Ma ago into a target composed of thin (?150 m) unconsolidated sedimentary layer above a crystalline basement composed of migmatite granites, amphibolites and gneisses. The fractured and crushed amphibolites in the crater area are strongly altered and replaced with secondary chloritic minerals. The most intensive chloritization is found in permeable breccias and heavily shattered basement around and above the central uplift. Alteration is believed to have resulted from convective flow of hydrothermal fluids through the central areas of the crater. Chloritic mineral associations suggest formation temperatures of 100–300 °C, in agreement with the most frequent quartz fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures of 150–300 °C in allochthonous breccia. The rather low salinity of fluids in Kärdla crater (<13 wt% NaCleq) suggests that the hydrothermal system was recharged either by infiltration of meteoric waters from the crater rim walls raised above sea level after the impact, or by invasion of sea water through the disturbed sedimentary cover and fractured crystalline basement. The well‐developed hydrothermal system in Kärdla crater shows that the thermal history of the shock‐heated and uplifted rocks in the central crater area, rather than cooling of impact melt or suevite sheets, controlled the distribution and intensity of the impact‐induced hydrothermal processes.  相似文献   

Meteorite impacts on Earth and Mars can generate hydrothermal systems that alter the primary mineralogies of rocks and provide suitable environments for microbial colonization. We investigate a calcite–marcasite‐bearing vug at the ~23 km diameter Haughton impact structure, Devon Island, Nunavut, Canada, using imaging spectroscopy of the outcrop in the field (0.65–1.1 μm) and samples in the laboratory (0.4–2.5 μm), point spectroscopy (0.35–2.5 μm), major element chemistry, and X‐ray diffraction analyses. The mineral assemblages mapped at the outcrop include marcasite; marcasite with minor gypsum and jarosite; fibroferrite and copiapite with minor gypsum and melanterite; gypsum, Fe3+ oxides, and jarosite; and calcite, gypsum, clay, microcline, and quartz. Hyperspectral mapping of alteration phases shows spatial patterns that illuminate changes in alteration conditions and formation of specific mineral phases. Marcasite formed from the postimpact hydrothermal system under reducing conditions, while subsequent weathering oxidized the marcasite at low temperatures and water/rock ratios. The acidic fluids resulting from the oxidation collected on flat‐lying portions of the outcrop, precipitating fibroferrite + copiapite. That assemblage then likely dissolved, and the changing chemistry and pH resulting from interaction with the calcite‐rich host rock formed gypsum‐bearing red coatings. These results have implications for understanding water–rock interactions and habitabilities at this site and on Mars.  相似文献   

Regional geological mapping of the glaciated surface of northwestern Victoria Island in the western Canadian Arctic revealed an anomalous structure in otherwise flat‐lying Neoproterozoic and lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks, located south of Richard Collinson Inlet. The feature is roughly circular in plan view, approximately 25 km in diameter, and characterized by quaquaversal dips of approximately 45°, decreasing laterally. The core of the feature also exhibits local vertical dips, low‐angle reverse faults, and drag folds. Although brecciation was not observed, shatter cones are pervasive in all lithologies in the central area, including 723 Ma old dikes that penetrate Neoproterozoic limestones. Their abundance decreases distally, and none was observed in surrounding, horizontally bedded strata. This circular structure is interpreted as a deeply eroded meteorite impact crater of the complex type, and the dipping strata as the remnants of the central uplift. The variation in orientation and shape of shatter cones point to variably oriented stresses with the passage of the shock wave, possibly related to the presence of pore water in the target strata as well as rock type and lithological heterogeneities, especially bed thickness. Timing of impact is poorly constrained. The youngest rocks affected are Late Ordovician (approximately 450 Ma) and the impact structure is mantled by undisturbed postglacial sediments. Regional, hydrothermal dolomitization of the Ordovician limestones, possibly in the Late Devonian (approximately 360 Ma), took place before the impact, and widespread WSW–ENE‐trending normal faults of probable Early Cretaceous age (approximately 130 Ma) apparently cross‐cut the impact structure.  相似文献   

Drill core UNAM‐7, obtained 126 km from the center of the Chicxulub impact structure, outside the crater rim, contains a sequence of 126.2 m suevitic, silicate melt‐rich breccia on top of a silicate melt‐poor breccia with anhydrite megablocks. Total reflection X‐ray fluorescence analysis of altered silicate melt particles of the suevitic breccia shows high concentrations of Br, Sr, Cl, and Cu, which may indicate hydrothermal reaction with sea water. Scanning electron microscopy and energy‐dispersive spectrometry reveal recrystallization of silicate components during annealing by superheated impact melt. At anhydrite clasts, recrystallization is represented by a sequence of comparatively large columnar, euhedral to subhedral anhydrite grains and smaller, polygonal to interlobate grains that progressively annealed deformation features. The presence of voids in anhydrite grains indicates SOx gas release during anhydrite decomposition. The silicate melt‐poor breccia contains carbonate and sulfate particles cemented in a microcrystalline matrix. The matrix is dominated by anhydrite, dolomite, and calcite, with minor celestine and feldspars. Calcite‐dominated inclusions in silicate melt with flow textures between recrystallized anhydrite and silicate melt suggest a former liquid state of these components. Vesicular and spherulitic calcite particles may indicate quenching of carbonate melts in the atmosphere at high cooling rates, and partial decomposition during decompression at postshock conditions. Dolomite particles with a recrystallization sequence of interlobate, polygonal, subhedral to euhedral microstructures may have been formed at a low cooling rate. We conclude that UNAM‐7 provides evidence for solid‐state recrystallization or melting and dissociation of sulfates during the Chicxulub impact event. The lack of anhydrite in the K‐Pg ejecta deposits and rare presence of anhydrite in crater suevites may indicate that sulfates were completely dissociated at high temperature (T > 1465 °C)—whereas ejecta deposited near the outer crater rim experienced postshock conditions that were less effective at dissociation.  相似文献   

Abstract— A number of martian meteorite samples contain secondary alteration minerals such as Ca‐Mg‐Fe carbonates, Fe oxides, and clay minerals. These mineral assemblages hint at hydrothermal processes occurring in the martian crust, but the alteration conditions are poorly constrained. This study presents the results of experiments that examined the alteration of a high‐Fe basalt by CO2‐saturated aqueous fluids at 23 and 75 °C and by mixed H2O‐CO2 vapors at 200 and 400 °C and water‐rock ratios of 1:1 and 1:10. Results indicate that observable alteration of the basalt takes place after runs of only seven days. This alteration includes mobilization of silica into phases such as opal‐CT and quartz, as well as the formation of carbonates, oxides, and at some conditions, zeolites and hydrous silicates. The degree of alteration increases with run temperature and, in high‐temperature vapor experiments, with increasing water content of the vapor. The degree of alteration and the mineralogy observed in the martian meteorites suggests that none of these samples were exposed to aqueous fluids for long periods of time. Nakhla and Lafayette probably interacted with water for relatively brief periods of time; if so, silica may have been leached from the parent rocks by the altering fluids. Allan Hills 84001 shows possible evidence for very limited interaction with an aqueous fluid, but the overall slight degree of alteration described for this meteorite strongly suggests that it never interacted extensively or at high temperature with any water‐bearing fluid. Elephant Moraine A79001 may not have been altered by aqueous fluids at all. The results of this study best support models wherein the meteorite parent rocks were wetted intermittently or for brief periods of time rather than models that invoke long‐term reaction with large volumes of water. Our experiments studied alteration of a high‐Fe basalt by dilute, CO2‐saturated, aqueous solutions at 23 and 75 °C and by mixed H2O‐CO2 vapors at 200 and 400 °C. The results suggest that alteration of the parent rock takes place even after very short reaction times of seven days. All experiments produced carbonate minerals, including calcite, and in some cases, magnesite, siderite, and ankerite. A free silica phase, either opal, quartz, or hydrated silica, formed in most experiments. More altered experiments also contained minerals such as zeolites and hydrous phyllosilicates. Clay minerals were not observed to form in any experiments. In aqueous fluids, higher temperature corresponded with a higher degree of alteration, whereas changing fluid composition had no observable effect. In high‐temperature vapors, the degree of alteration was controlled by temperature and the proportion of H2O to CO2, with water‐rock ratio also playing a role in transport of silica. Application of these results to martian meteorites that contain secondary alteration minerals suggests that none of the martian rocks underwent extensive interaction with aqueous fluids. Nakhla and Lafayette contain clay minerals, which suggests that they interacted with water to some extent, possibly at elevated temperatures. Although ALH84001 shows possible evidence of very limited interaction with aqueous fluids, EETA79001 does not. These results support models for the alteration of these meteorites that do not invoke long‐term interaction with water or reaction with large volumes of water. Except for some models for alteration of ALH84001, this conclusion agrees with most of the literature on alteration of martian meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— Lake El'gygytgyn, Chukotka, Russia, lies in a ~18 km crater of presumably impact origin. The crater is sited in Cretaceous volcanic rocks of the Okhotsk‐Chukotka volcanic belt. Laser 40Ar/39Ar dating of impact‐melted volcanic rocks from the rim of Lake El'gygytgyn yields a 10‐sample weighted plateau age of 3.58 ± 0.04 Ma. The Ar step‐heating method was critical in this study in identifying inherited Ar in the samples due to incomplete degassing of the Cretaceous volcanic rocks during impact melting. This age is consistent with, but more precise than, previous K‐Ar and fission‐track ages and indicates an “instantaneous” formation of the crater. This tight age control, in conjunction with the presence of impactites, shocked quartz, and other features, is consistent with an impact origin for the structure and seems to discount internal (volcanogenic) origin models.  相似文献   

Abstract Petrographical and chemical analysis of melt particles and alteration minerals of the about 100 m‐thick suevitic sequence at the Chicxulub Yax‐1 drill core was performed. The aim of this study is to determine the composition of the impact melt, the variation between different types of melt particles, and the effects of post‐impact hydrothermal alteration. We demonstrate that the compositional variation between melt particles of the suevitic rocks is the result of both incomplete homogenization of the target lithologies during impact and subsequent post‐impact hydrothermal alteration. Most melt particles are andesitic in composition. Clinopyroxene‐rich melt particles possess lower SiO2 and higher CaO contents. These are interpreted by mixing of melts from the silicate basement with overlying carbonate rocks. Multi‐stage post‐impact hydrothermal alteration involved significant mass transfer of most major elements and caused further compositional heterogeneity between melt particles. Following backwash of seawater into the crater, palagonitization of glassy melt particles likely caused depletion of SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, Na2O, and enrichment of K2O and FeOtot during an early alteration stage. Since glass is very susceptible to fluid‐rock interaction, the state of primary crystallization of the melt particles had a significant influence on the intensity of the post‐impact hydrothermal mass transfer and was more pronounced in glassy melt particles than in well‐crystallized particles. In contrast to other occurrences of Chicxulub impactites, the Yax‐1 suevitic rocks show strong potassium metasomatism with hydrothermal K‐feldspar formation and whole rock K20 enrichment, especially in the lower unit of the suevitic sequence. A late stage of hydrothermal alteration is characterized by precipitation of silica, analcime, and Na‐bearing Mg‐rich smectite, among other minerals. This indicates a general evolution from a silica‐undersaturated fluid at relatively high potassium activities at an early stage toward a silica‐oversaturated fluid at relatively high sodium activities at later stages in the course of fluid rock interaction.  相似文献   

The extent of impact‐generated hydrothermal activity in the 24 km sized Ries impact structure has been controversially discussed. To date, mineralogical and isotopic investigations point to a restriction of hydrothermal activity to the impact‐melt bearing breccias, specifically the crater‐fill suevite. Here, we present new petrographic, geochemical, and isotopic data of postimpact carbonate deposits, which indicate a hydrothermal activity more extended than previously assumed. Specifically, carbonates of the Erbisberg, a spring mound located upon the inner crystalline ring of the crater, show travertine facies types not seen in any of the previously investigated sublacustrine soda lake spring mounds of the Ries basin. In particular, the streamer carbonates, which result from the encrustation of microbial filaments in subaerial spring effluents between 60 and 70 °C, are characteristic of a hydrothermal origin. While much of the primary geochemical and isotopic signatures in the mound carbonates have been obliterated by diagenesis, a postimpact calcite vein from brecciated gneiss of the subsurface crater floor revealed a flat rare earth element pattern with a clear positive Eu anomaly, indicating a hydrothermal fluid convection in the crater basement. Finally, the strontium isotope stratigraphic correlation of the travertine mound with the crater basin succession suggests a hydrothermal activity for about 250,000 yr after the impact, which would be much longer than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Abstract– The 3.8 km Steinheim Basin in SW Germany is a complex impact crater with central uplift hosted by a sequence of Triassic to Jurassic sedimentary rocks. It exhibits a well‐preserved crater morphology, intensely brecciated limestone blocks that form the crater rim, as well as distinct shatter cones in limestones. In addition, an impact breccia mainly composed of Middle to Upper Jurassic limestones, marls, mudstones, and sandstones is known from drilling into the impact crater. No impact melt lithologies, however, have so far been reported from the Steinheim Basin. In samples of the breccia that were taken from the B‐26 drill core, we discovered small particles (up to millimeters in size) that are rich in SiO2 (~50 wt%) and Al2O3 (~28 wt%), and contain particles of Fe‐Ni‐Co sulfides, as well as target rock clasts (shocked and unshocked quartz, feldspar, limestone) and droplet‐shaped particles of calcite. The particles exhibit distinct flow structures and relicts of schlieren and vesicles. From the geochemical composition and the textural properties, we interpret these particles as mixed silicate melt fragments widely recrystallized, altered, and/or transformed into hydrous phyllosilicates. Furthermore, we detected schlieren of lechatelierite and recrystallized carbonate melt. On the basis of impactite nomenclature, the melt‐bearing impact breccia in the Steinheim Basin can be denominated as Steinheim suevite. The geochemical character of the mixed melt particles points to Middle Jurassic sandstones (“Eisensandstein” Formation) that crop out at the center of the central uplift as the source for the melt fragments.  相似文献   

Abstract— Previous X‐ray powder diffraction (XRD) studies revealed that shock deformed carbonates and quartz have broader XRD patterns than those of unshocked samples. Entire XRD patterns, single peak profiles and Rietveld refined parameters of carbonate samples from the Sierra Madera impact crater, west Texas, unshocked equivalent samples from 95 miles north of the crater and the Mission Canyon Formation of southwest Montana and western Wyoming were used to evaluate the use of X‐ray powder diffraction as a potential tool for distinguishing impact deformed rocks from unshocked and tectonically deformed rocks. At Sierra Madera dolostone and limestone samples were collected from the crater rim (lower shock intensity) and the central uplift (higher shock intensity). Unshocked equivalent dolostone samples were collected from well cores drilled outside of the impact crater. Carbonate rocks of the Mission Canyon Formation were sampled along a transect across the tectonic front of the Sevier and Laramide orogenic belts. Whereas calcite subjected to significant shock intensities at the Sierra Madera impact crater can be differentiated from tectonically deformed calcite from the Mission Canyon Formation using Rietveld refined peak profiles, weakly shocked calcite from the crater rim appears to be indistinguishable from the tectonically deformed calcite. In contrast, Rietveld analysis readily distinguishes shocked Sierra Madera dolomite from unshocked equivalent dolostone samples from outside the crater and tectonically deformed Mission Canyon Formation dolomite.  相似文献   

Potassic‐chloro‐hastingsite has been found in melt inclusions in MIL 03346, its paired stones, and NWA 5790. It is some of the most chlorine‐rich amphibole ever analyzed. In this article, we evaluate what crystal chemistry, terrestrial analogs, and experiments have shown about how chlorine‐dominant amphibole (chloro‐amphibole) forms and apply these insights to the nakhlites. Chloro‐amphibole is rare, with about a dozen identified localities on Earth. It is always rich in potassium and iron and poor in titanium. In terrestrial settings, its presence has been interpreted to result from medium to high‐grade alteration (>400 °C) of a protolith by an alkali and/or iron chloride‐rich aqueous fluid. Ferrous chloride fluids exsolved from mafic magmas can cause such alteration, as can crustal fluids that have reacted with rock and lost H2O in preference to chloride, resulting in concentrated alkali chloride fluids. In the case of the nakhlites, an aqueous alkali‐ferrous chloride fluid was exsolved from the parental melt as it crystallized. This aqueous chloride fluid itself likely unmixed into chloride‐dominant and water‐dominant fluids. Chloride‐dominant fluid was trapped in some melt inclusions and reacted with the silicate contents of the inclusion to form potassic‐chloro‐hastingsite.  相似文献   

Coesite is one of the most common and abundant high‐pressure phases occurring in impactites. The mechanism of formation of coesite and its postshock evolution is revisited in this paper based on Raman microspectroscopy, and scanning and transmission electron microscopy of a coesite‐bearing suevite from the Ries impact structure. Our data indicate that coesite forms through a single process, i.e., by crystallization from high‐pressure silica melt, and that its formation is related to fluid inclusions in precursor quartz. During the postshock phase, coesite aggregates are partially modified by annealing and interactions with fluids. In an early stage of the postshock evolution, coesite is back‐transformed to quartz and the surrounding diaplectic glass devitrifies into β‐cristobalite, which transforms into α‐cristobalite and then into microcrystalline quartz during subsequent stages of the postshock evolution. Altogether these postshock modifications result in a significant volume loss and extensional fracturing. During a late postshock stage, the fractures are filled with clay minerals due to circulation of hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   

Abstract As part of the ICDP Chicxulub Scientific Drilling Project, the Yaxcopoil‐1 (Yax‐1) bore hole was drilled 60 km south‐southwest of the center of the 180 km‐diameter Chicxulub impact structure down to a depth of 1511 m. A sequence of 615 m of deformed Cretaceous carbonates and sulfates was recovered below a 100 m‐thick unit of suevitic breccias and 795 m of post‐impact Tertiary rocks. The Cretaceous rocks are investigated with respect to deformation features and shock metamorphism to better constrain the deformational overprint and the kinematics of the cratering process. The sequence displays variable degrees of impact‐induced brittle damage and post‐impact brittle deformation. The degree of tilting and faulting of the Cretaceous sequence was analyzed using 360°‐core scans and dip‐meter log data. In accordance with lithological information, these data suggest that the sedimentary sequence represents a number of structural units that are tilted and moved with respect to each other. Three main units and nine sub‐units were discriminated. Brittle deformation is most intense at the top of the sequence and at 1300–1400 m. Within these zones, suevitic dikes, polymict clastic dikes, and impact melt rock dikes occur and may locally act as decoupling horizons. The degree of brittle deformation depends on lithology; massive dolomites are affected by penetrative faulting, while stratified calcarenites and bituminous limestones display localized faulting. The deformation pattern is consistent with a collapse scenario of the Chicxulub transient crater cavity. It is believed that the Cretaceous sequence was originally located outside the transient crater cavity and eventually moved downward and toward the center to its present position between the peak ring and the crater rim, thereby separating into blocks. Whether or not the stack of deformed Cretaceous blocks was already displaced during the excavation process remains an open question. The analysis of the deformation microstructure indicates that a shock metamorphic overprint is restricted to dike injections with an exception of the so called “paraconglomerate.” Abundant organic matter in the Yax‐1 core was present before the impact and was mobilized by impact‐induced heating and suggests that >12 km3 of organic material was excavated during the cratering process.  相似文献   

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