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Abstract— Laboratory dissolution experiments using the LL6 ordinary chondrite Bensour demonstrate that meteoritic minerals readily react with distilled water at low temperatures, liberating ions into solution and forming reaction products. Three experiments were performed, all for 68 days and at atmospheric fO2 but using a range of water/rock ratios and different temperatures. Experiments 1 and 2 were batch experiments and undertaken at room temperature, whereas in experiment 3, condensed boiling water was dripped onto meteorite subsamples within a Soxhlet extractor. Solutions from experiment 1 were chemically analyzed at the end of the experiment, whereas aliquots were extracted from experiments 2 and 3 for analysis at regular intervals. In all three experiments, a very significant proportion of the Na, Cl, and K within the Bensour subsamples entered solution, demonstrating that chlorapatite and feldspar were especially susceptible to dissolution. Concentrations of Mg, Al, Si, Ca, and Fe in solution were strongly affected by the precipitation of reaction products and Mg and Ca may also have been removed by sorption. Calculations predict saturation of experimental solutions with respect to Al hydroxides, Fe oxides, and Fe (oxy)hydroxides, which would have frequently been accompanied by hydrous aluminosilicates. Some reaction products were identified and include silica, a Mg‐rich silicate, Fe oxides, and Fe (oxy)hydroxides. The implications of these results are that even very short periods of subaerial exposure of ordinary chondrites will lead to dissolution of primary minerals and crystallization of weathering products that are likely to include aluminosilicates and silicates, Mg‐Ca carbonates, and sulfates in addition to the ubiquitous Fe oxides and (oxy)hydroxides.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Peekskill H6 meteorite fell on 1992 October 9. We report extensive measurements of cosmic-ray produced stable nuclides of He, Ne, and Ar, of the radionuclides 22Na, 60Co, 14C, 36Cl, 26Al, and 10Be, and of cosmic-ray track densities. After correction for shielding via the 22Ne/21Ne ratio, the concentrations of cosmic-ray produced 3He, 21Ne and 38Ar give an average exposure age of 25 Ma, which is considered to be a lower limit on the true value. The 10Be/21Ne age is 32 Ma and falls onto a peak in the H-chondrite exposure age distribution. The activities of 26Al, 14C, 36Cl, and 10Be are all close to the maximum values expected for H-chondrites. Together with cosmic-ray track densities and the 22Ne/21Ne ratio, these radionuclide data place the samples at a depth >20 cm in a meteoroid with a radius >40 cm. In contrast, the 60Co activity requires a near-surface location and/or a much smaller body. Calculations show that a flattened geometry for the Peekskill meteoroid does not explain the observations in the context of a one-stage irradiation. A two-stage model can account for the data. We estimate an upper bound of 70 cm on the radius of the earlier stage of irradiation and conclude that Peekskill's radius was <70 cm when it entered the Earth's atmosphere. This size limit is somewhat smaller than the dynamic determinations (Brown et al., 1994).  相似文献   

The origin of Mercury's anomalous core and low FeO surface mineralogy are outstanding questions in planetary science. Mercury's composition may result from cosmochemical controls on the precursor solids that accreted to form Mercury. High temperatures and enrichment in solid condensates are likely conditions near the midplane of the inner solar protoplanetary disk. Silicate liquids similar to the liquids quenched in ferromagnesian chondrules are thermodynamically stable in oxygen-rich systems that are highly enriched in dust of CI-chondrite composition. In contrast, the solids surviving into the orbit of Mercury's accretion zone were probably similar to highly unequilibrated, anhydrous, interstellar organic- and presolar grain-bearing chondritic, porous interplanetary dust particles (C-IDPs). Chemical systems enriched in an assumed C-IDP composition dust produce condensates (solid+liquid assemblages in equilibrium with vapor) with super-chondritic atomic Fe/Si ratios at high temperatures, approaching 50% of that estimated for bulk Mercury. Sulfur behaves as a refractory element, but at lower temperatures, in these chemical systems. Stable minerals are FeO-poor, and include CaS and MgS, species found in enstatite chondrites. Disk gradients in volatile compositions of planetary and asteroidal precursors can explain Mercury's anomalous composition, as well as enstatite chondrite and aubrite parent body compositions. This model predicts high sulfur content, and very low FeO content of Mercury's surface rocks.  相似文献   

For the first time, ordinary chondrite material—the most common type among the present-day fall meteorite—has been found in the unique Kaidun breccia. The discovered object is a large unequilibrated olivine-pyroxene porphyritic chondrule, with peripheral and central zones of different structures, suggesting different crystallization regimes. In chemical composition, the chondrule corresponds to unequilibrated ordinary chondrites of petrological type 3; it is enriched in lithophile elements and depleted in siderophiles, indicating formation by melting of the parent material, which preceded or was accompanied by metal-silicate fractionating. The chondrule material was subjected to aqueous alteration that formed smectite and calcite in the cavities and veins of its central part. The anomalous oxygen isotopic compositions of the chondrule are evidence of an oxygen reservoir different from known types of meteorites, including the ordinary-chondrite chondrules. Thus, the unique breccia Kaidun contains ordinary chondrite material along with carbonaceous and enstatite chondrite material, products of early nebular processes, and highly differentiated planetary-type material.__________Translated from Astronomicheskii Vestnik, Vol. 39, No. 2, 2005, pp. 169–176.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Ivanova, Kononkova, Ivanov.  相似文献   

Abstract— A fragment of an L6 chondrite (Allan Hills [ALH] 85017,13) with an initial mass (M0) of 464.1 g was the target in a series of experimental impacts in which the largest remaining fragment (MR) after each shot was impacted by a 3.18 mm ceramic sphere at a nominal speed of 2 km s?1. This continued until the mass of the largest remaining piece was less than half the mass of the target presented to that shot (MS). Two chunks of Bushveldt gabbro with similar initial masses were also impacted under the same conditions until MR was less than half M0. The two gabbro targets required a total of 1.51 × 107 and 1.75 × 107 erg g?1 to attain 0.27 and 0.33 MR/M0, respectively; the chondrite, however, was considerably tougher, reaching 0.40 and 0.21 MR/M0 only after receiving 2.37 × 107 and 3.10 × 107 erg g?1, respectively. The combined ejecta and spallation products from the gabbro impacts were coarser than those from the chondrite and in sufficient quantities that the new surface areas exceeded those from the meteorite until the fifth shot in the chondrite series, which was the number of impacts required to disrupt each gabbro target (i.e., MR/M0 ≤ 0.5). Unlike the behavior shown in previous regolith‐evolution series, neither gabbro target produced an enhancement in the size fraction reflecting the mean size of the crystals composing the rock (about 3 mm), an effect possibly related to the width of the shock pulse. The original chondrite was so fine‐grained and fractured, and the variance in its grain‐size distribution so large, that effects related to grain size were relegated to the<63 μm fraction. Impacts into ALH 85017 produced abundant, fine‐grained debris, but otherwise the slopes of its size distributions were comparable to those from other experiments involving natural and fabricated terrestrial targets. The characteristic slopes of the chondrite's size distributions, however, were notably more constant over the entire nine‐impact series than those from any of the terrestrial targets, a testament to the control over comminution apparently exerted by pre‐existing fractures and other, microscopic damage in the meteorite. The enhancement in the finer fraction of debris from ALH 85017 indicates that ordinary chondrites in solar orbit would be very efficient contributors to the cosmic‐dust complex. At the same time, the greater resistance to disruption displayed by ordinary chondrites relative to that exhibited by igneous rocks indicates that a selection effect could be operative between the annealed, ordinary‐chondritic breccias and relatively weaker, differentiated meteorites. Preferential survival from their time in the regoliths of their parent bodies through their transit to Earth and passage through the atmosphere suggests that meteorite collections could be biased in favor of the ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

Photometric and polarimetric laboratory measurements were made as a function of phase angle in the U(0.36 μm), G(0.54 μm) and R(0.67 μm) bands for 0°, 30° and 60° incident illumination on four particle size ranges of Bruderheim, an L6 olivine-hypersthene chondritic meteorite. The four particle size ranges were: 0.25–4.76 mm, 0.25–4.76 mm coated with <74 μm powder, 74–250 μm, and <37 μm. In addition, normal reflectance measurements were made in the spectral range from 0.31 to 1.1 μm. Comparison with astronomical data reveals that none of the asteroids in the main belt for which adequate observations exist can be matched with Bruderheim, which is representative of the most common meteoritic material encountered by the Earth. However, it appears from the polarization and photometry data that the surface of the Apollo asteroid Icarus is consistent with an ordinary chondrite composition. This suggests the possibility that this material, although common in Earth-crossing orbits, is rare as a surface constituent in the main asteroid belt.  相似文献   

J.C. Lorin  P. Pellas 《Icarus》1979,40(3):502-509
Djermaia is a unique case among gas-rich chondrites. Twelve light xenoliths studied so far in the two available stones show unequivocal evidences of large preirradiation effects, which stand out most clearly when both cosmic-ray track and spallogenic rare-gas data are considered and compared to data from chondrites with a simple radiation history. Each of the two stones studied displays a specific xenolith population with distinct morphological and preirradiation characteristics. The first population consists of rounded and more- or less-shocked xenoliths which show evidences of short solar-flare irradiation (<1 my) and a longer residence under heavier shielding (~50 g/cm2). The second population shows neither clear indication of surface erosion nor evidence of solar-flare effects, and its preirradiation occured in deep-seated locations (~150 g/cm2).The size distribution of xenoliths is also different for the two populations, indicative of more active reworking processes in the top ~20 cm of the Djermaia regolith than at a depth of ~50 cm. The amount of 21Nesp accumulated during the preirradiation stage is substantial (25–60% of total 21Nesp), corresponding to a formal preexposure time of ~15 my for both stones, assuming static irradiation conditions. These results give an insight into the dynamics of the upper levels of the H-asteroid regolith, which appears to be in good agreement with the model of Housen, Wilkening, Chapman, and Greenberg (Icarus, 1979, 39, 317–351).  相似文献   

The Paris meteorite is one of the most primitive carbonaceous chondrites. It is reported to be the least aqueously altered CM chondrite, and to have experienced only weak thermal metamorphism. We have analyzed for the first time the amino acid and hydrocarbon contents of this pristine meteorite by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS). When plotting the relative amino acids abundances of several CM chondrites according to the increasing hydrothermal scale (petrologic subtypes), from the CM2.7/2.8 Paris to the CM2.0 MET 01070, Paris has the lowest relative abundance of β‐alanine/glycine (0.15), which fits with the relative abundances of β‐alanine/glycine increasing with increasing aqueous alteration for CM chondrites. These results confirm the influence of aqueous alteration on the amino acid abundances and distribution. The amino acid analysis shows that the isovaline detected in this meteorite is racemic (d /l  = 0.99 ± 0.08; l ‐enantiomer excess = 0.35 ± 0.5%; corrected d /l  = 1.03; corrected l ‐enantiomer excess = ?1.4 ± 2.6%). The identified hydrocarbons show that Paris has n‐alkanes ranging from C16 to C25 and 3‐ to 5‐ring nonalkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The lack of alkylated PAHs in Paris seems to be also related to this low degree of aqueous alteration on its parent body. The extraterrestrial hydrocarbon content, suggested by the absence of any biomarker, may well have a presolar origin. The chemistry of the Paris meteorite may thus be closely related to the early stages of the solar nebula with a contribution from interstellar (molecular cloud) precursors.  相似文献   

Abstract— We report here a chance find of a meteorite in the sand dunes of Ararki village of Hanumangarh district in the Rajasthan desert of northwest India. Chemical and petrological evidence in conjunction with isotopic composition of oxygen indicate that it is an L5 chondrite. The fayalite content of olivines is 26.3 mol%. The meteorite has some serpentinized olivines and 0.3% carbon having a terrestrial isotopic composition, indicating that it is moderately weathered. The absence of 22Na indicate that the meteorite fell to Earth more than a decade ago. The cosmic‐ray exposure age based on cosmogenic 21Ne is 7.2 Ma. Low density of cosmic‐ray heavy nuclei tracks, low 26A1 activity, the shielding parameter [(22Ne/21Ne)C = 1.094] and absence of neutron capture effects indicate cosmic‐ray shielding in a meteoroid having radius of about 16 cm, implying a meteoroid mass of about 60 kg and ablation of about 93%. The gas retention ages, based on U/Th‐4He and K‐40Ar are 1.1 and 0.58 Ga, respectively, suggesting a heating and degassing event late in the history of this meteorite.  相似文献   

Abstract— Dendrites in the metal-troilite spherules in both shock-induced melt veins and a melt pocket of the Yanzhuang chondrite show zoning in their microstructures. This feature is indicative of nonequilibrium solidification of the metal phases. Dendrites in the melt pocket have a typical crust-core structure consisting of martensitic interiors (7.5–8.1 wt% Ni) and Ni-rich rims (12.5–23.3 wt% Ni). In comparison, the dendrites in melt veins have three microstructural areas: (1) core (6.4–7.3 wt% Ni); (2) martensite between the core and rim (7.4–8.5 wt.% Ni); (3) Ni-rich rim (12.8–21.4 wt% Ni). It is suggested that the difference in cooling rates following shock-induced high temperature melting might be an important factor in producing the different dendritic microstructures in melt veins and melt pocket. Cooling rates deduced from measurements of secondary dendritic arm spacings are 100–400 °C/s in the melt veins and 6–30 °C/s in the melt pocket, respectively, and lie in the temperature interval 950 to 1400 °C.  相似文献   

The Vicência meteorite, a stone of 1.547 kg, fell on September 21, 2013, at the village Borracha, near the city of Vicência, Pernambuco, Brazil. It was recovered immediately after the fall, and our consortium study showed it to be an unshocked (S1) LL3.2 ordinary chondrite. The LL group classification is based on the bulk density (3.13 g cm?3); the chondrule mean apparent diameter (0.9 mm); the bulk oxygen isotopic composition (δ17O = 3.768 ± 0.042‰, δ18O = 5.359 ± 0.042‰, Δ17O = 0.981 ± 0.020‰); the content of metallic Fe,Ni (1.8 vol%); the Co content of kamacite (1.73 wt%); the bulk contents of the siderophile elements Ir and Co versus Au; and the ratios of metallic Fe0/total iron (0.105) versus total Fe/Mg (1.164), and of Ni/Mg (0.057) versus total Fe/Mg. The petrologic type 3.2 classification is indicated by the beautifully developed chondritic texture, the standard deviation (~0.09) versus mean Cr2O3 content (~0.14 wt%) of ferroan olivine, the TL sensitivity and the peak temperature and peak width at half maximum, the cathodoluminescence properties of chondrules, the content of trapped 132Xetr (0.317 × 10?8cm3STP g?1), and the Raman spectra for organic material in the matrix. The cosmic ray exposure age is ~72 Ma, which is at the upper end of the age distribution of LL group chondrites. The meteorite is unusual in that it contains relatively large, up to nearly 100 μm in size, secondary fayalite grains, defined as olivine with Fa>75, large enough to allow in situ measurement of oxygen and Mn‐Cr isotope systematics with SIMS. Its oxygen isotopes plot along a mass‐dependent fractionation line with a slope of ~0.5 and Δ17O of 4.0 ± 0.3‰, and are similar to those of secondary fayalite and magnetite in the unequilibrated chondrites EET 90161, MET 96503, and Ngawi. These data suggest that secondary fayalite in Vicência was in equilibrium with a fluid with a Δ17O of ~4‰, consistent with the composition of the fluid in equilibrium with secondary magnetite and fayalite in other unequilibrated ordinary chondrites. Secondary fayalite and the chondrule olivine phenocrysts in Vicência are not in isotopic equilibrium, consistent with low‐temperature formation of fayalite during aqueous alteration on the LL parent body. That alteration, as dated by the 53Mn‐53Cr chronology age of secondary fayalite, took place 4.0 ? 1.1 + 1.4 Ma after formation of CV CAIs when anchored to the quenched angrite D'Orbigny.  相似文献   

Abstract— A large impact event 500 Ma ago shocked and melted portions of the L‐chondrite parent body. Chico is an impact melt breccia produced by this event. Sawn surfaces of this 105 kg meteorite reveal a dike of fine‐grained, clast‐poor impact melt cutting shocked host chondrite. Coarse (1–2 cm diameter) globules of FeNi metal + sulfide are concentrated along the axis of the dike from metal‐poor regions toward the margins. Refractory lithophile element abundance patterns in the melt rock are parallel to average L chondrites, demonstrating near‐total fusion of the L‐chondrite target by the impact and negligible crystal‐liquid fractionation during emplacement and cooling of the dike. Significant geochemical effects of the impact melting event include fractionation of siderophile and chalcophile elements with increasing metal‐silicate heterogeneity, and mobilization of moderately to highly volatile elements. Siderophile and chalcophile elements ratios such as Ni/Co, Cu/Ga, and Ir/Au vary systematically with decreasing metal content of the melt. Surprisingly small (?102) effective metal/silicate‐melt distribution coefficients for highly siderophile elements probably reflect inefficient segregation of metal despite the large degrees of melting. Moderately volatile lithophile elements such K and Rb were mobilized and heterogeneously distributed in the L‐chondrite impact breccias whereas highly volatile elements such as Cs and Pb were profoundly depleted in the region of the parent body sampled by Chico. Volatile element variations in Chico and other L chondrites are more consistent with a mechanism related to impact heating rather than condensation from a solar nebula. Impact processing can significantly alter the primary distributions of siderophile and volatile elements in chondritic planetesimals.  相似文献   

By dissolving 30–400 kg of marine limestone in HCl and HF acid, our group has previously recovered common relict chromite grains (approximately 63–250 μm) from ordinary chondritic micrometeorites that fell on ancient sea floors, up to 500 Myr old. Here, we evaluate if CM group carbonaceous chondritic material, which makes up an important fraction of the micrometeorite flux today, contains analogous grains that can be searched for in acid residues. We dissolved 8 g of CM2 meteorite Acfer 331 in HF, which yielded a characteristic assemblage of both transparent Mg‐Al‐ and opaque Cr‐spinels >28 μm. We find on average 4.6 and 130 Mg‐Al‐spinel grains per gram in the 63–250 and 28–63 μm size fractions, respectively. These grains are mostly pink or colorless, and often characterized by heterogeneous Cr‐content. Black, opaque Cr‐spinel grains are absent from the >63 μm fraction, but in the 28–63 μm fraction we find approximately 65 such grains per gram meteorite. The individual grains have a characteristic composition, with heterogeneous major element compositions (e.g., 44.4–61.7 wt% Cr2O3), but narrow ranges for maximum TiO2 (0.6–1.6 wt%) and V2O3 (0.5–1.0 wt%) concentrations. The content of spinel grains in the 28–63 μm fraction of CM meteorites appears comparable at the order of magnitude level with the content of >63 μm sized chromite grains in fossil L‐chondrites from Ordovician limestone. Our approach of recovering meteoritic spinel from sediment may thus be extended to include CM meteorites, but the smaller size fraction of the acid residues should be searched.  相似文献   

Abstract— Micrometeorites have been significantly altered or melted by heating, which has been mainly ascribed to aerodynamic drag during atmospheric entry. However, if a major fraction of micrometeorites are produced by impacts on porous asteroids, they may have experienced shock heating before contact with the Earth's atmosphere (Tomeoka et al. 2003). A transmission electron microscope (TEM) study of the matrix of Murchison CM chondrite experimentally shocked at pressures of 10–49 GPa shows that its mineralogy and texture change dramatically, mainly due to shock heating, with the progressive shock pressures. Tochilinite is completely decomposed to an amorphous material at 10 GPa. Fe‐Mg serpentine is partially decomposed and decreases in amount with increasing pressure from 10 to 30 GPa and is completely decomposed at 36 GPa. At 49 GPa, the matrix is extensively melted and consists mostly of aggregates of equigranular grains of Fe‐rich olivine and less abundant low‐Ca pyroxene embedded in Si‐rich glass. The mineralogy and texture of the shocked samples are similar to those of some types of micrometeorites. In particular, the samples shocked at 10 and 21 GPa are similar to the phyllosilicate (serpentine)‐rich micrometeorites, and the sample shocked at 49 GPa is similar to the olivine‐rich micrometeorites. The shock heating effects also resemble the effects of pulse‐heating experiments on the CI and CM chondrite matrices that were conducted to simulate atmospheric entry heating. We suggest that micrometeorites derived from porous asteroids are likely to go through both shock and atmospheric‐entry heating processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Devgaon meteorite fell in India on February 12, 2001 and was immediately collected. It is an ordinary chondrite having a number of SiO2‐rich objects and some Ca, Al‐rich inclusions. Olivines (Fa17–19) are fairly equilibrated, while pyroxenes (Fs4–20) are unequilibrated. Occasionally, shock veins are visible, but the bulk rock sample is very weakly shocked (S2). Chondrules and chondrule fragments are abundant. Based on chemical and petrological features, Devgaon is classified as an H3.8 group chondrite. Several cosmogenic radionuclides ranging in half‐lives from 5.6 d (52Mn) to 7.3 times 105 yr (26Al), noble gases (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe), and particle track density have been measured. The track density in olivines from five spot samples varies between (4.6 to 9) × 106 cm?2 showing a small gradient within the meteorite. The light noble gases are dominated by cosmogenic and radiogenic components. Large amounts of trapped gases (Ar, Kr, and Xe) are present. In addition, (n, γ) products from Br and I are found in Kr and Xe, respectively. The average cosmic ray exposure age of 101 ± 8 Ma is derived based on cosmogenic 38Ar, 83Kr, and 126Xe. The track production rates correspond to shielding depths of about 4.9 to 7.8 cm, indicating that the stone suffered type IV ablation. Low 60Co, high (22Ne/21Ne)c, and large neutron produced excesses at 80Kr, 82Kr, and 128Xe indicate a complex exposure history of the meteoroid. In the first stage, a meter‐sized body was exposed for nearly 108 yr in the interplanetary space that broke up in ?50 cm‐sized fragments about a million years ago (stage 2), before it was captured by the Earth.  相似文献   

Measurements of the bulk density, grain density, porosity, and magnetic susceptibility of 19 Gao-Guenie H5 chondrite meteorite samples are presented. We find average values of bulk density 〈ρbulk〉=3.46±0.07 g/cm3, grain density 〈ρgrain〉=3.53±0.08 g/cm3, porosity 〈P(%)〉=2.46±1.39, and bulk mass magnetic susceptibility 〈log χ〉=5.23±0.11. Measurements of the specific heat capacity for a 3.01-g Gao-Guenie sample, a 61.37-g Gao-Guenie sample, a 62.35-g Jilin H5 chondrite meteorite sample, and a 51.37-g Sikhote-Alin IIAB Iron meteorite sample are also presented. Temperature interpolation formula are further provided for the specific heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and thermal diffusivity of the 3.01-g Gao-Guenie sample in the temperature range 300<T (K)<800. We briefly review the possible effects of the newly deduced specific heat and thermal conductivity values on the ablation of meteoroids within the Earth's atmosphere, the modeling of asteroid interiors and the orbital evolution of meteoroids through the Yarkovsky-O’Keefe-Radzievskii-Paddack (YORP) effect.  相似文献   

We describe the geological, morphological, and climatic settings of two new meteorite collections from Atacama (Chile). The “El Médano collection” was recovered by systematic on‐foot search in El Médano and Caleta el Cobre dense collection areas and is composed of 213 meteorites before pairing, 142 after pairing. The “private collection” has been recovered by car by three private hunters and consists of 213 meteorites. Similar to other hot desert finds, and contrary to the falls and Antarctica finds, both collections show an overabundance of H chondrites. A recovery density can be calculated only for the El Médano collection and gives 251 and 168 meteorites larger than 10 g km?2, before and after pairing, respectively. It is by far the densest collection area described in hot deserts. The Atacama Desert is known to have been hyperarid for a long period of time and, based on cosmic‐ray exposure ages on the order of 1–10 Ma, to have been stable over a period of time of several million years. Such a high meteorite concentration might be explained invoking either a yet unclear concentration mechanism (possibly related to downslope creeping) or a previously underestimated meteorite flux in previous studies or an average terrestrial age over 2 Myr. This last hypothesis is supported by the high weathering grade of meteorites and by the common terrestrial fragmentation (with fragments scattered over a few meters) of recovered meteorites.  相似文献   

Abstract— The petrographic and chemical characteristics of a fresh Indian meteorite fall at Sabrum are described. Its mean mineral composition is defined by olivine (Fa31.4), orthopyroxene (Fs25.1,Wo2.0), clinopyroxene (Wo45En45.6Fs9.4) and plagioclase (An10.6Ab83.6Or5.8). The meteorite shows moderate shock features, which indicate that it belongs to the S4 category. Based on mineralogical and chemical criteria the meteorite is classified as an LL6 brecciated veined chondrite. Several cosmogenic radioisotopes (46Sc, 7Be, 54Mn, 22Na and 26Al), noble gas (He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe), nitrogen isotopes, and particle tracks density have been measured. Concentrations of cosmogenic 21Ne and 38Ar indicate that its cosmic‐ray exposure age is 24.8 Ma. Small amounts of trapped Kr and Xe, consistent with petrologic class 5/6, are present. The track density in olivines is found to be (1.3 ± 0.3) × 106/cm2. Activities of most of the short‐lived isotopes are lower than those expected from solar cycle variation. 22Na/26Al (1.12 ± 0.02) is found to be significantly anomalous, being ?25% lower than expected from the Climax neutron monitor data. These results indicate that the cosmic‐ray flux during the terminal segment of the meteoroid orbit was low. The activities of 26Al and 60Co and the track density indicate small meteoroid size with a radius ?15 cm.  相似文献   

Abstract— In 1794, Ernst F. F. Chladni published a 63-page book Über den Ursprung der von Pallas gefundenen und anderer ihr änlicher Eisenmassen und über einige damit in Verbindung stehende Naturerscheinungen in which he proposed that meteor-stones and iron masses enter the atmosphere from cosmic space and form fireballs as they plunge to Earth. These ideas violated two strongly held contemporary beliefs: (1) fragments of rock and metal do not fall from the sky, and (2) no small bodies exist in space beyond the Moon. From the beginning, Chladni was severely criticised for basing his hypotheses on historical eyewitness reports of falls which others regarded as folk tales and for taking gross liberties with the laws of physics. Eight years later, the study of fallen stones and irons was established as a valid field of investigation. Today, some scholars credit Chladni with founding meteoritics as a science; others regard his contributions as scarcely worthy of mention. Writings by his contemporaries suggest that Chladni's book alone would not have led to changes of prevailing theories; thus, he narrowly escaped the fate of those scientists who propose valid hypotheses prematurely. However between 1794 and 1798, four falls of stones were witnessed and widely publicized. There followed a series of epoch-making analyses of fallen stones and “native irons” by the chemist Edward C. Howard and the mineralogist Jacques-Louis de Bournon. They showed that all the stones were much alike in texture and composition but significantly different from the Earth's known crustal rocks. Of primary importance was Howard's discovery of nickel in the irons and the metal grains of the stones. This linked the two as belonging to the same natural phenomenon. The chemical results, published in 1802 February, persuaded leading scientists in England, France, and Germany that bodies fall from the sky. Within a few months, chemists in France reported similar results and a new field of study was inaugurated internationally—although opposition lingered on until 1803 April, when nearly 3,000 stones fell at L'Aigle in Normandy and transformed the last skeptics into believers. Chladni immediately received full credit for his hypothesis of falls, but decades passed before his linking of falling bodies with fireballs received general acceptance. His hypothesis of their origin met with strong resistance from those who argued that stones formed within the Earth's atmosphere or were ejected by lunar volcanoes. After 1860, when both of these hypotheses were abandoned, there followed a century of debate between proponents of an interstellar vs. a planetary origin. Not until the 1950s did conclusive evidence of their elliptical orbits establish meteorite parent bodies as members of the solar system. Thus, nearly 200 years passed before the questions of origin that Chladni raised finally were resolved.  相似文献   

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