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M.J. Loeffler  R.A. Baragiola 《Icarus》2008,196(1):285-292
We present quantitative laboratory studies that simulate the effect of redeposition of impact-ejecta on mineral surfaces. We produced deposits of natural olivine (Fo90) and forsterite on olivine and forsterite powder samples by ns-pulsed laser ablation. The deposits produce changes in the optical reflectance (0.66-2.5 μm). We show that significant darkening and reddening of the surface occurs when the deposit is olivine but not if it is forsterite. This is attributed to the formation of metallic iron nanoparticles in the olivine deposits. We also characterized structural and chemical changes using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). In situ XPS measurements show that the olivine deposits are reduced, with 50% of the iron becoming metallic. Transmission electron microscope studies confirm the presence of 2-3 nm crystalline iron nanoparticles in the olivine deposits. The scanning electron microscope shows that both olivine and forsterite deposits smoothen the topography of the powder surface, which could have effects on processes such as exosphere-surface interactions and sputtering. We conclude that the effect of coatings produced by micrometeorite impacts will not be uniform on airless bodies but will depend on the composition of the terrain.  相似文献   

The results of numerical simulations of the Eltanin impact are combined with the available geological data in order to reconstruct the impact dynamics and to get some constraints on the impact parameters. Numerical simulations show that the Eltanin projectile size should be less than 2 km for a 45° oblique impact and less than 1.5 km for a vertical impact. On the other hand, we demonstrate that the projectile diameter cannot be considerably smaller than 1 km; otherwise, the impact‐induced water flow cannot transport eroded sediments across large distances. The maximum displacement approximately equals the water crater radius and rapidly decreases with increasing distances. Numerical simulations also show that ejecta deposits strongly depend on impact angle and projectile size and, therefore, cannot be used for reliable estimates of the initial projectile mass. The initial amplitudes of tsunami‐like waves are estimated. The presence of clay‐rich sediments, typical for the abyssal basins in cores PS2709 and PS2708 on the Freeden Seamounts (Bellingshausen Sea, Southern Ocean) combined with numerical data allow us to suggest a probable point of impact to the east of the seamounts. The results do not exclude the possibility that a crater in the ocean bottom may exist, but such a structure has not been found yet.  相似文献   

The SMART‐1 end‐of‐life impact with the lunar surface was simulated with impacts in a two stage light‐gas gun onto inclined basalt targets with a shallow surface layer of sand. This simulated the probable impact site, where a loose regolith will have overlaid a well consolidated basaltic layer of rock. The impact angles used were at 5° and 10° from the horizontal. The impact speed was ~2 km s?1 and the projectiles were 2.03 mm diameter aluminum spheres. The sand depth was between approximately 0.8 and 1.8 times the projectile diameter, implying a loose lunar surface regolith of similar dimensions to the SMART‐1 spacecraft. A crater in the basement rock itself was only observed in the impact at 10° incidence, and where the depth of loose surface material was less than the projectile diameter, in which case the basement rock also contained a small pit‐like crater. In all cases, the projectile ricocheted away from the impact site at a shallow angle. This implies that at the SMART‐1 impact site the crater will have a complicated structure, with exposed basement rock and some excavated rock displaced nearby, and the main spacecraft body itself will not be present at the main crater.  相似文献   

Abstract— The Vredefort Granophyre represents impact melt that was injected downward into fractures in the floor of the Vredefort impact structure, South Africa. This unit contains inclusions of country rock that were derived from different locations within the impact structure and are predominantly composed of quartzite, feldspathic quartzite, arkose, and granitic material with minor proportions of shale and epidiorite. Two of the least recrystallized inclusions contain quartz with single or multiple sets of planar deformation features. Quartz grains in other inclusions display a vermicular texture, which is reminiscent of checkerboard feldspar. Feldspars range from large, twinned crystals in some inclusions to fine‐grained aggregates that apparently are the product of decomposition of larger primary crystals. In rare inclusions, a mafic mineral, probably biotite or amphibole, has been transformed to very fine‐grained aggregates of secondary phases that include small euhedral crystals of Fe‐rich spinel. These data indicate that inclusions within the Vredefort Granophyre were exposed to shock pressures ranging from <5 to 8–30 GPa. Many of these inclusions contain small, rounded melt pockets composed of a groundmass of devitrified or metamorphosed glass containing microlites of a variety of minerals, including K‐feldspar, quartz, augite, low‐Ca pyroxene, and magnetite. The composition of this devitrified glass varies from inclusion to inclusion, but is generally consistent with a mixture of quartz and feldspar with minor proportions of mafic minerals. In the case of granitoid inclusions, melt pockets commonly occur at the boundaries between feldspar and quartz grains. In metasedimentary inclusions, some of these melt pockets contain remnants of partially melted feldspar grains. These melt pockets may have formed by eutectic melting caused by inclusion of these fragments in the hot (650 to 1610 °C) impact melt that crystallized to form the Vredefort Granophyre.  相似文献   

The Tenoumer impact structure is a small, well‐preserved crater within Archean to Paleoproterozoic amphibolite, gneiss, and granite of the Reguibat Shield, north‐central Mauritania. The structure is surrounded by a thin ejecta blanket of crystalline blocks (granitic gneiss, granite, and amphibolite) and impact‐melt rocks. Evidence of shock metamorphism of quartz, most notably planar deformation features (PDFs), occurs exclusively in granitic clasts entrained within small bodies of polymict, glass‐rich breccia. Impact‐related deformation features in oligoclase and microcline grains, on the other hand, occur both within clasts in melt‐breccia deposits, where they co‐occur with quartz PDFs, and also within melt‐free crystalline ejecta, in the absence of co‐occurring quartz PDFs. Feldspar deformation features include multiple orientations of PDFs, enhanced optical relief of grain components, selective disordering of alternate twins, inclined lamellae within alternate twins, and combinations of these individual textures. The distribution of shock features in quartz and feldspar suggests that deformation textures within feldspar can record a wide range of average pressures, starting below that required for shock deformation of quartz. We suggest that experimental analysis of feldspar behavior, combined with detailed mapping of shock metamorphism of feldspar in natural systems, may provide critical data to constrain energy dissipation within impact regimes that experienced low average shock pressures.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamical effects of an interaction between an initially barred galaxy and a small spherical companion using an N -body/smoothed-particle-hydrodynamics algorithm. In the models described here the small companion passes through the disc of the larger galaxy nearly perpendicular to its plane. The impact positions and times are varied with respect to the phase of the bar and the dynamical evolution of the disc.
The interactions produce expanding ring structures, offset bars, spokes and other asymmetries in the stars and gas. These characteristic signatures of the interaction are present in the disc for about 1 Gyr. We find that in some cases it is possible to destroy the bar while keeping the disc structure. In general, the central impacts cause larger damage to the bar and the disc than the peripheral ones. The interaction tends to accelerate the transition from a strongly-barred galaxy to a weakly- or non-barred galaxy. The final disc morphology is determined more by the impact position relative to the bar rather than the impact time.  相似文献   

Collisions are a fundamental process in the creation of asteroid families and in satellite formation. For this reason, understanding the outcome of impacts is fundamental to the accurate modeling of the formation and evolution of such systems. Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics/N-body codes have become the techniques of choice to study large-scale impact outcomes, including both the fragmentation of the parent body and the gravitational interactions between fragments. It is now possible to apply this technique to targets with either monolithic or rubble-pile internal structures. In this paper we apply these numerical techniques to rubble-pile targets, extending previous investigations by Durda et al. (Durda, D.D., Bottke, W.F., Enke, B.L., Merline, W.J., Asphaug, E., Richardson, D.C., Leinhardt, Z.M. [2004]. Icarus 170, 243–257; Durda, D.D., Bottke, W.F., Nesvorný, D., Enke, B.L., Merline, W.J., Asphaug, E., Richardson, D.C. [2007]. Icarus 186, 498–516). The goals are to study asteroid–satellite formation and the morphology of the size–frequency distributions (SFDs) from 175 impact simulations covering a range of collision speeds, impact angles, and impactor sizes. Our results show that low-energy impacts into rubble-pile and monolithic targets produce different features in the resulting SFDs and that these are potentially diagnostic of the initial conditions for the impact and the internal structure of the parent bodies of asteroid families. In contrast, super-catastrophic events (i.e., high-energy impacts with large specific impact energy) result in SFDs that are similar to each other. We also find that rubble-pile targets are less efficient in producing satellites than their monolithic counterparts. However, some features, such as the secondary-to-primary diameter ratio and the relative separation of components in binary systems, are similar for these two different internal structures of parent bodies.  相似文献   

Laurel E. Senft 《Icarus》2011,214(1):67-81
Impact craters on icy satellites display a wide range of morphologies, some of which have no counterpart on rocky bodies. Numerical simulation studies have struggled to reproduce the diversity of features, such as central pits and transitions in crater depth with increasing diameter, observed on the icy Galilean satellites. The transitions in crater depth (at diameters of about 26 and 150 km on Ganymede and Callisto) have been interpreted as reflecting subsurface structure. Using the CTH shock physics code, we model the formation of craters with diameters between 400 m and about 200 km on Ganymede using different subsurface temperature profiles. Our calculations include recent improvements in the model equation of state for H2O and quasi-static strength parameters for ice. We find that the shock-induced formation of dense high-pressure polymorphs (ices VI and VII) creates a gap in the crater excavation flow, which we call discontinuous excavation. For craters larger than about 20 km, discontinuous excavation concentrates a hot plug of material (>270 K and mostly on the melting curve) in the center of the crater floor. The size and occurrence of the hot plug are in good agreement with the observed characteristics of central pit craters, and we propose that a genetic link exists between them. We also derive depth versus diameter curves for different internal temperature profiles. In a 120 K isothermal crust, calculated craters larger than about 30 km diameter are deeper than observed and do not reproduce the transition at about 26 km diameter. Calculated crater depths are shallower and in good agreement with observations between about 30 and 150 km diameter using a warm thermal gradient representing a convective interior. Hence, the depth-to-diameter transition at about 26 km reflects thermal weakening of ice. Finally, simulation results generally support the hypothesis that the anomalous interior morphologies for craters larger than 100 km are related to the presence of a subsurface ocean.  相似文献   

We do a preliminary modelling of the photosynthetic rates of phytoplankton at the very beginning of the Paleogene, just after the impact of the Chicxulub asteroid, which decisively contributed to the last known mass extinction of the Phanerozoic eon. We assume the worst possible scenario from the photobiological point of view: an already clear atmosphere with no ozone, as the timescale for soot and dust settling (years) is smaller than that of the full ozone regeneration (decades). Even in these conditions we show that most phytoplankton species would have had reasonable potential for photosynthesis in all the three main optical ocean water types. This modelling could help explain why the recovery of phytoplankton was relatively rapid after the huge environmental stress of that asteroid impact. In a more general scope, it also reminds us of the great resilience of the unicellular biosphere against huge environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

LOPES was a digital antenna array detecting the radio emission of cosmic-ray air showers. The calibration of the absolute amplitude scale of the measurements was done using an external, commercial reference source, which emits a frequency comb with defined amplitudes. Recently, we obtained improved reference values by the manufacturer of the reference source, which significantly changed the absolute calibration of LOPES. We reanalyzed previously published LOPES measurements, studying the impact of the changed calibration. The main effect is an overall decrease of the LOPES amplitude scale by a factor of 2.6 ± 0.2, affecting all previously published values for measurements of the electric-field strength. This results in a major change in the conclusion of the paper ‘Comparing LOPES measurements of air-shower radio emission with REAS 3.11 and CoREAS simulations’ published by Apel et al. (2013) : With the revised calibration, LOPES measurements now are compatible with CoREAS simulations, but in tension with REAS 3.11 simulations. Since CoREAS is the latest version of the simulation code incorporating the current state of knowledge on the radio emission of air showers, this new result indicates that the absolute amplitude prediction of current simulations now is in agreement with experimental data.  相似文献   

Most impacts occur at an angle with respect to the horizontal plane. This is primarily reflected in the ejecta distribution, but at very low angle structural asymmetries such as elongation of the crater and nonradial development of the central peak become apparent. Unfortunately, impact craters with pristine ejecta layers are rare on Earth and also in areas with strong past or ongoing surface erosion on other planetary bodies, and the structural analysis of central peaks requires good exposures or even on‐site access to outcrop. However, target properties are known to greatly influence the shape of the crater, especially the relatively common target configuration of a weaker layer covering a more rigid basement. One such effect is the formation of concentric craters, i.e., a nested, deeper, inner crater surrounded by a shallow, outer crater. Here, we show that with decreasing impact angle there is a downrange shift of the outer crater with respect to the nested crater. We use a combination of (1) field observation and published 3‐D numerical simulation of one of the best examples of a terrestrial, concentric impact crater formed in a layered target with preserved ejecta layer: the Lockne crater, Sweden; (2) remote sensing data for three pristine, concentric impact craters on Mars with preserved ejecta layers further constraining the direction of impact; as well as (3) laboratory impact experiments, to develop the offset in crater concentricity into a complementary method to determine the direction of impact for layered‐target craters with poorly preserved ejecta layers.  相似文献   

A total of 184 confirmed impact structures are known on Earth to date, as registered by the Earth Impact Database . The discovery of new impact structures has progressed in recent years at a rather low rate of about two structures per year. Here, we introduce the discovery of the approximately 10 km diameter Santa Marta impact structure in Piauí State in northeastern Brazil. Santa Marta is a moderately sized complex crater structure, with a raised rim and an off‐center, approximately 3.2 km wide central elevated area interpreted to coincide with the central uplift of the impact structure. The Santa Marta structure was first recognized in remote sensing imagery and, later, by distinct gravity and magnetic anomalies. Here, we provide results obtained during the first detailed ground survey. The Bouguer anomaly map shows a transition from a positive to a negative anomaly within the structure along a NE–SW trend, which may be associated with the basement signature and in parts with the signature developed after the crater was formed. Macroscopic evidence for impact in the form of shatter cones has been found in situ at the base around the central elevated plateau, and also in the interior of fractured conglomerate boulders occurring on the floor of the surrounding annular basin. Planar deformation features (PDFs) are abundant in sandstones of the central elevated plateau and at scattered locations in the inner part of the ring syncline. Together, shatter cones and PDFs provide definitive shock evidence that confirms the impact origin of Santa Marta. Crystallographic orientations of PDFs occurring in multiple sets in quartz grains are indicative of peak shock pressures of 20–25 GPa in the rocks exposed at present in the interior of the crater. In contrast to recent studies that have used additional, and sometimes highly controversial, alleged shock recognition features, Santa Marta was identified based on well‐understood, traditional shock evidence.  相似文献   

Disrupted terrains that form as a consequence of giant impacts may help constrain the internal structures of planets, asteroids, comets and satellites. As shock waves and powerful seismic stress waves propagate through a body, they interact with the internal structure in ways that may leave a characteristic impression upon the surface. Variations in peak surface velocity and tensile stress, related to landform degradation and surface rupture, may be controlled by variations in core size, shape and density. Caloris Basin on Mercury and Imbrium Basin on the Moon have disturbed terrain at their antipodes, where focusing is most intense for an approximately symmetric spheroid. Although, the icy saturnian satellites Tethys, Mimas, and Rhea possess giant impact structures, it is not clear whether these structures have correlated disrupted terrains, antipodal or elsewhere. In anticipation of high-resolution imagery from Cassini, we investigate antipodal focusing during giant impacts using a 3D SPH impact model. We first investigate giant impacts into a fiducial 1000 km diameter icy satellite with a variety of core radii and compositions. We find that antipodal disruption depends more on core radius than on core density, suggesting that core geometry may express a surface signature in global impacts on partially differentiated targets. We model Tethys, Mimas, and Rhea according to their image-derived shapes (triaxial for Tethys and Mimas and spherical for Rhea), varying core radii and densities to give the proper bulk densities. Tethys shows greater antipodal values of peak surface velocity and peak surface tensile stress, indicating more surface damage, than either Mimas or Rhea. Results for antipodal and global fragmentation and terrain rupture are inconclusive, with the hydrocode itself producing global disruption at the limits of model resolution but with peak fracture stresses never exceeding the strength of laboratory ice.  相似文献   

Abstract— Using detailed geological, petrographic, geochemical, and geographical constraints we have performed numerical modeling studies that relate the Steinheim crater (apparent diameter Da = 3.8 km), the Ries crater (Da = 24 km) in southern Germany, and the moldavite (tektite) strewn field in Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Republic), Lusatia (East Germany), and Lower Austria. The moldavite strewn field extends from ~200 to 450 km from the center of the Ries to the east‐northeast forming a fan with an angle of ~57°. An oblique impact of a binary asteroid from a west‐southwest direction appears to explain the locations of the craters and the formation and distribution of the moldavites. The impactor must have been a binary asteroid with two widely separated components (some 1.5 and 0.15 km in diameter, respectively). We carried out a series of three‐dimensional hydrocode simulations of a Ries‐type impact. The results confirm previous results suggesting that impacts around 30–50° (from the horizontal) are the most favorable angles for near‐surface melting, and, consequently for the formation of tektites. Finally, modeling of the motion of impact‐produced tektite particles through the atmosphere produces, in the downrange direction, a narrow‐angle distribution of the moldavites tektites in a fan like field with an angle of ~75°. An additional result of modeling the motion of melt inside and outside the crater is the preferred flow of melt from the main melt zone of the crystalline basement downrange towards the east‐northeast rim. This explains perfectly the occurrence of coherent impact melt bodies (some tens of meters in size) in a restricted zone of the downrange rim of the Ries crater. The origin of these melt bodies, which represent chemically a mixture of crystalline basement rocks similar to the main melt mass contained (as melt particles <0.5 m in size) in the suevite, do not occur at any other portion of the Ries crater rim and remained enigmatic until now. Although the calculated distribution of moldavites still deviates to some degree from the known distribution, our results represent an important step toward a better understanding of the origin and distribution of the high‐velocity surface melts and the low‐velocity, deep‐seated melt resulting from an oblique impact on a stratified target.  相似文献   

It is logically possible that early two-body relaxation in simulations of cosmological clustering influences the final structure of massive clusters. Convergence studies in which mass and spatial resolution are simultaneously increased cannot eliminate this possibility. We test the importance of two-body relaxation in cosmological simulations with simulations in which there are two species of particles. The cases of two mass ratios, √2:1 and 4:1, are investigated. Simulations are run with both a spatially fixed softening length and adaptive softening using the publicly available codes gadget and mlapm , respectively.
The effects of two-body relaxation are detected in both the density profiles of haloes and the mass function of haloes. The effects are more pronounced with a fixed softening length, but even in this case they are not so large as to suggest that results obtained with one mass species are significantly affected by two-body relaxation.
The simulations that use adaptive softening are less affected by two-body relaxation and produce slightly higher central densities in the largest haloes. They run about three times faster than the simulations that use a fixed softening length.  相似文献   

We model a one-dimensional shock-tube using smoothed particle hydrodynamics and investigate the consequences of having finite shock-width in numerical simulations caused by finite resolution of the codes. We investigate the cooling of gas during passage through the shock for three different cooling regimes.
For a theoretical shock temperature of 105 K, the maximum temperature of the gas is much reduced. When the ratio of the cooling time to shock-crossing time was 8, we found a reduction of 25 per cent in the maximum temperature reached by the gas. When the ratio was reduced to 1.2, the maximum temperature reached dropped to 50 per cent of the theoretical value. In both cases the cooling time was reduced by a factor of 2.
At lower temperatures, we are especially interested in the production of molecular hydrogen, and so we follow the ionization level and H2 abundance across the shock. The effect of in-shock cooling is substantial: the maximum temperature the gas reaches compared with the theoretical temperature is found to vary between 0.15 and 0.81, depending upon the shock strength and mass resolution. The downstream ionization level is reduced from the theoretical level by a factor of between 2.4 and 12.5, and the resulting H2 abundance by a factor of 1.35 to 2.22.
At temperatures above 105 K, radiative shocks are unstable and will oscillate. We find that the shock jump temperature varies by a factor of 20 because of these oscillations.
We conclude that extreme caution must be exercised when interpreting the results of simulations of galaxy formation.  相似文献   

The global signature of granulation, meso- and supergranulation is calculated using values for intensities and lifetimes from spatially resolved observations. These simulations are compared with observations from ACRIM, IPHIR and the SOVA-1 photometers. The results indicate that the overall shape of the background signal in the simulations reproduce the observations at low frequency. However when the granulation lifetimes are about 500 seconds the simulated data do not correspond to the observations between 1 and 2 mHz.  相似文献   

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